| // Copyright 2021-2023 The Khronos Group Inc. |
| // |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 |
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| = Proposal Template |
| :toc: left |
| :refpage: https://registry.khronos.org/vulkan/specs/1.3-extensions/man/html/ |
| :sectnums: |
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| .How to use this document |
| [NOTE] |
| ==== |
| This document outlines the expected flow of a proposal - text in the following sections is there as guidance for how to fill out each section. |
| When creating a new proposal, text inside these sections (including this note!) should be removed and replaced with actual proposal text. |
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| Proposal documents are standalone and do not use the attributes and extensions associated with the specification - they should be independently buildable with Asciidoctor, which allows them to be previewed live on GitHub/GitLab. |
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| When calling out existing API constructs or extensions, the `refpage` attribute should be used to link to the relevant Khronos reference page. |
| For example - "...used to extend link:{refpage}VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo.html[VkGraphicsPipelineCreateInfo]..." |
| ==== |
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| A short summary of this proposal should be written here. |
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| == Problem Statement |
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| This section should detail the problem that is being addressed as succinctly as possible. |
| Usually this comes in three parts: |
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| . Setting the scene |
| . Bulleted list of problems |
| . (Optional) Describe peripheral issues |
| a. I.e. things this may enable solutions for, but does not directly address. |
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| Writing this section is a good opportunity to make sure you are not overreaching by trying to address too many problems at once. |
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| == Solution Space |
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| This section should briefly describe the options that have been considered (this is a good time to reconsider those options too!). |
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| Start with a bulleted list of the options, usually no more than a paragraph on each option and what the pros/cons of each are, then some sort of brief reason for picking the proposal you are about to make in section 3. |
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| == Proposal |
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| This section should be the most detailed – it should go into enough detail on specific points of the proposal that readers can understand it, but without being overly verbose. |
| Typically, this section will be split into subsections describing different areas of the proposal. |
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| This should only describe the minimum viable proposal; all those extra things that you could put on top that do not necessarily fix the initial problem should move to section 5 (further functionality). |
| They may make it into the final proposal, but it is important to give others the opportunity to evaluate these independently. |
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| == Examples |
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| Where relevant, add one or more examples of how this proposal will be used in practice. |
| Some proposals that have limited external surface area (e.g. add a flag in a function call) may not require this but try to write motivating examples down where possible. |
| This section is relatively freeform but should remain concise and to the point. |
| Extraneous details in examples should be omitted (e.g. code examples do not need to compile). |
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| == Issues |
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| This section describes issues with the existing proposal – including both open issues that you have not addressed, and closed issues that are not self-evident from the proposal description. |
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| === RESOLVED: How are issues written? |
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| Each issue should be a separate subsection starting with a question, an indication of the status (UNRESOLVED/PROPOSED/RESOLVED), discussion expanding on the question, and a proposal for resolving it if there is one. |
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| == Further Functionality |
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| This section is for anything that could be beneficial in the final solution, but may not be necessary to address the core problem. |
| Subsections here will be like those in section 3 (Proposal) but offer additional background as to what peripheral problem they address, or benefit they provide. |
| Writing this section is a good chance to re-evaluate if anything can or should be moved from section 3 to here, or just outright removed. |