blob: 953ec6b3d9157c27ea494238b27814c56e0c8dd4 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# - create API ref pages from spec source files
# Usage: files
import argparse
import io
import os
import re
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from reflib import (findRefs, fixupRefs, loadFile, logDiag, logWarn, logErr,
printPageInfo, setLogFile)
from reg import Registry
from generator import GeneratorOptions
from parse_dependency import dependencyNames
from apiconventions import APIConventions
# refpage 'type' attributes which are API entities and contain structured
# content such as API includes, valid usage blocks, etc.
refpage_api_types = (
# Other refpage types - SPIR-V builtins, API feature blocks, etc. - which do
# not have structured content.
refpage_other_types = (
def makeExtensionInclude(name):
"""Return an include command for a generated extension interface.
- name - extension name"""
return 'include::{}/meta/refpage.{}{}[]'.format(
def makeAPIInclude(type, name):
"""Return an include command for a generated API interface
- type - type of the API, e.g. 'flags', 'handles', etc
- name - name of the API"""
return 'include::{}/api/{}/{}{}\n'.format(
type, name, conventions.file_suffix)
def isextension(name):
"""Return True if name is an API extension name (ends with an upper-case
author ID).
This assumes that author IDs are at least two characters."""
return name[-2:].isalpha() and name[-2:].isupper()
def printCopyrightSourceComments(fp):
"""Print Khronos CC-BY copyright notice on open file fp.
Writes an asciidoc comment block, which copyrights the source
print('// Copyright 2014-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.', file=fp)
print('//', file=fp)
# This works around constraints of the 'reuse' tool
print('// SPDX' + '-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0', file=fp)
print('', file=fp)
def printFooter(fp, leveloffset=0):
"""Print footer material at the end of each refpage on open file fp.
If generating separate refpages, adds the copyright.
If generating the single combined refpage, just add a separator.
- leveloffset - number of levels to bias section titles up or down."""
# Generate the section header.
# Default depth is 2.
depth = max(0, leveloffset + 2)
prefix = '=' * depth
f'{prefix} Copyright',
'include::{config}/copyright-ccby' + conventions.file_suffix + '[]',
sep='\n', file=fp)
def macroPrefix(name):
"""Add a spec asciidoc macro prefix to an API name, depending on its type
(protos, structs, enums, etc.).
If the name is not recognized, use the generic link macro 'reflink:'."""
if name in api.basetypes:
return 'basetype:' + name
if name in api.defines:
return 'dlink:' + name
if name in api.enums:
return 'elink:' + name
if name in api.flags:
return 'tlink:' + name
if name in api.funcpointers:
return 'tlink:' + name
if name in api.handles:
return 'slink:' + name
if name in api.protos:
return 'flink:' + name
if name in api.structs:
return 'slink:' + name
if name == 'TBD':
return 'No cross-references are available'
return 'reflink:' + name
def seeAlsoList(apiName, explicitRefs=None, apiAliases=[]):
"""Return an asciidoc string with a list of 'See Also' references for the
API entity 'apiName', based on the relationship mapping in the api module.
'explicitRefs' is a list of additional cross-references.
If apiAliases is not None, it is a list of aliases of apiName whose
cross-references will also be included.
If no relationships are available, return None."""
refs = set(())
# apiName and its aliases are treated equally
allApis = apiAliases.copy()
# Add all the implicit references to refs
for name in allApis:
if name in api.mapDict:
# Add all the explicit references
if explicitRefs is not None:
if isinstance(explicitRefs, str):
explicitRefs = explicitRefs.split()
refs.update(name for name in explicitRefs)
# Add extensions / core versions based on dependencies
for name in allApis:
if name in api.requiredBy:
for (base,dependency) in api.requiredBy[name]:
if dependency is not None:
# 'dependency' may be a boolean expression of extension
# names.
# Extract them for use in cross-references.
for extname in dependencyNames(dependency):
if len(refs) == 0:
return None
return ', '.join(macroPrefix(name) for name in sorted(refs)) + '\n'
def remapIncludes(lines, baseDir, specDir):
"""Remap include directives in a list of lines so they can be extracted to a
different directory.
Returns remapped lines.
- lines - text to remap
- baseDir - target directory
- specDir - source directory"""
# This should be compiled only once
includePat = re.compile(r'^include::(?P<path>.*)\[\]')
newLines = []
for line in lines:
matches =
if matches is not None:
path ='path')
if path[0] != '{':
# Relative path to include file from here
incPath = specDir + '/' + path
# Remap to be relative to baseDir
newPath = os.path.relpath(incPath, baseDir)
newLine = 'include::' + newPath + '[]\n'
logDiag('remapIncludes: remapping', line, '->', newLine)
# An asciidoctor variable starts the path.
# This must be an absolute path, not needing to be rewritten.
return newLines
def refPageShell(pageName, pageDesc, fp, head_content = None, sections=None, tail_content=None, man_section=3):
"""Generate body of a reference page.
- pageName - string name of the page
- pageDesc - string short description of the page
- fp - file to write to
- head_content - text to include before the sections
- sections - iterable returning (title,body) for each section.
- tail_content - text to include after the sections
- man_section - Unix man page section"""
':icons: font',
':attribute-missing: warn',
sep='\n', file=fp)
s = '{}({})'.format(pageName, man_section)
print('= ' + s,
sep='\n', file=fp)
if pageDesc.strip() == '':
logWarn('refPageHead: no short description provided for', pageName)
print('== Name',
'{} - {}'.format(pageName, pageDesc),
sep='\n', file=fp)
if head_content is not None:
sep='\n', file=fp)
if sections is not None:
for title, content in sections.items():
print('== {}'.format(title),
sep='\n', file=fp)
if tail_content is not None:
sep='\n', file=fp)
def refPageHead(pageName, pageDesc, specText, fieldName, fieldText, descText, fp):
"""Generate header of a reference page.
- pageName - string name of the page
- pageDesc - string short description of the page
- specType - string containing 'spec' field from refpage open block, or None.
Used to determine containing spec name and URL.
- specText - string that goes in the "C Specification" section
- fieldName - string heading an additional section following specText, if not None
- fieldText - string that goes in the additional section
- descText - string that goes in the "Description" section
- fp - file to write to"""
sections = OrderedDict()
if specText is not None:
sections['C Specification'] = specText
if fieldName is not None:
sections[fieldName] = fieldText
if descText is None or descText.strip() == '':
logWarn('refPageHead: no description provided for', pageName)
if descText is not None:
sections['Description'] = descText
refPageShell(pageName, pageDesc, fp, head_content=None, sections=sections)
def refPageTail(pageName,
"""Generate end boilerplate of a reference page.
- pageName - name of the page
- specType - None or the 'spec' attribute from the refpage block,
identifying the specification name and URL this refpage links to.
- specAnchor - None or the 'anchor' attribute from the refpage block,
identifying the anchor in the specification this refpage links to. If
None, the pageName is assumed to be a valid anchor.
- seeAlso - text of the "See Also" section
- fp - file to write the page to
- auto - True if this is an entirely generated refpage, False if it is
handwritten content from the spec.
- leveloffset - number of levels to bias section titles up or down."""
specName = conventions.api_name(specType)
specURL = conventions.specURL(specType)
if specAnchor is None:
specAnchor = pageName
if seeAlso is None:
seeAlso = 'No cross-references are available\n'
notes = [
'For more information, see the {}#{}[{} Specification^]'.format(
specURL, specAnchor, specName),
if auto:
'This page is a generated document.',
'Fixes and changes should be made to the generator scripts, '
'not directly.',
'This page is extracted from the ' + specName + ' Specification. ',
'Fixes and changes should be made to the Specification, '
'not directly.',
# Generate the section header.
# Default depth is 2.
depth = max(0, leveloffset + 2)
prefix = '=' * depth
print(f'{prefix} See Also',
sep='\n', file=fp)
print(f'{prefix} Document Notes',
sep='\n', file=fp)
printFooter(fp, leveloffset)
def xrefRewriteInitialize():
"""Initialize substitution patterns for asciidoctor xrefs."""
global refLinkPattern, refLinkSubstitute
global refLinkTextPattern, refLinkTextSubstitute
global specLinkPattern, specLinkSubstitute
# These are xrefs to API entities, rewritten to link to refpages
# The refLink variants are for xrefs with only an anchor and no text.
# The refLinkText variants are for xrefs with both anchor and text
refLinkPattern = re.compile(r'<<([Vv][Kk][A-Za-z0-9_]+)>>')
refLinkSubstitute = r'link:\1.html[\1^]'
refLinkTextPattern = re.compile(r'<<([Vv][Kk][A-Za-z0-9_]+)[,]?[ \t\n]*([^>,]*)>>')
refLinkTextSubstitute = r'link:\1.html[\2^]'
# These are xrefs to other anchors, rewritten to link to the spec
specLinkPattern = re.compile(r'<<([-A-Za-z0-9_.(){}:]+)[,]?[ \t\n]*([^>,]*)>>')
# Unfortunately, specLinkSubstitute depends on the link target,
# so cannot be constructed in advance.
specLinkSubstitute = None
def xrefRewrite(text, specURL):
"""Rewrite asciidoctor xrefs in text to resolve properly in refpages.
Xrefs which are to refpages are rewritten to link to those
refpages. The remainder are rewritten to generate external links into
the supplied specification document URL.
- text - string to rewrite, or None
- specURL - URL to target
Returns rewritten text, or None, respectively"""
global refLinkPattern, refLinkSubstitute
global refLinkTextPattern, refLinkTextSubstitute
global specLinkPattern, specLinkSubstitute
specLinkSubstitute = r'link:{}#\1[\2^]'.format(specURL)
if text is not None:
text, _ = refLinkPattern.subn(refLinkSubstitute, text)
text, _ = refLinkTextPattern.subn(refLinkTextSubstitute, text)
text, _ = specLinkPattern.subn(specLinkSubstitute, text)
return text
def emitPage(baseDir, specDir, pi, file):
"""Extract a single reference page into baseDir.
- baseDir - base directory to emit page into
- specDir - directory extracted page source came from
- pi - pageInfo for this page relative to file
- file - list of strings making up the file, indexed by pi"""
pageName = f'{baseDir}/{}{conventions.file_suffix}'
# Add a dictionary entry for this page
global genDict
genDict[] = None
logDiag('emitPage:', pageName)
# Short description
if pi.desc is None:
pi.desc = '(no short description available)'
# Member/parameter section label and text, if there is one
field = None
fieldText = None
# Only do structural checks on API pages
if pi.type in refpage_api_types:
if pi.include is None:
logWarn('emitPage:', pageName, 'INCLUDE is None, no page generated')
# Specification text
lines = remapIncludes(file[pi.begin:pi.include + 1], baseDir, specDir)
specText = ''.join(lines)
if pi.param is not None:
if pi.type == 'structs':
field = 'Members'
elif pi.type in ['protos', 'funcpointers']:
field = 'Parameters'
logWarn('emitPage: unknown field type:', pi.type,
lines = remapIncludes(file[pi.param:pi.body], baseDir, specDir)
fieldText = ''.join(lines)
# Description text
if pi.body != pi.include:
lines = remapIncludes(file[pi.body:pi.end + 1], baseDir, specDir)
descText = ''.join(lines)
descText = None
logWarn('emitPage: INCLUDE == BODY, so description will be empty for',
if pi.begin != pi.include:
logWarn('emitPage: Note: BEGIN != INCLUDE, so the description might be incorrectly located before the API include!')
elif pi.type in refpage_other_types:
specText = None
descText = ''.join(file[pi.begin:pi.end + 1])
# This should be caught in the spec markup checking tests
logErr(f"emitPage: refpage type='{pi.type}' is unrecognized")
# Rewrite asciidoctor xrefs to resolve properly in refpages
specURL = conventions.specURL(pi.spec)
specText = xrefRewrite(specText, specURL)
fieldText = xrefRewrite(fieldText, specURL)
descText = xrefRewrite(descText, specURL)
fp = open(pageName, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
field, fieldText,
seeAlso=seeAlsoList(, pi.refs, pi.alias.split()),
def autoGenEnumsPage(baseDir, pi, file):
"""Autogenerate a single reference page in baseDir.
Script only knows how to do this for /enums/ pages, at present.
- baseDir - base directory to emit page into
- pi - pageInfo for this page relative to file
- file - list of strings making up the file, indexed by pi"""
pageName = f'{baseDir}/{}{conventions.file_suffix}'
fp = open(pageName, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
# Add a dictionary entry for this page
global genDict
genDict[] = None
logDiag('autoGenEnumsPage:', pageName)
# Short description
if pi.desc is None:
pi.desc = '(no short description available)'
# Description text. Allow for the case where an enum definition
# is not embedded.
if not pi.embed:
embedRef = ''
embedRef = ''.join((
' * The reference page for ',
', where this interface is defined.\n'))
txt = ''.join((
'For more information, see:\n\n',
' * The See Also section for other reference pages using this type.\n',
' * The ' + apiName + ' Specification.\n'))
''.join(file[pi.begin:pi.include + 1]),
None, None,
seeAlso=seeAlsoList(, pi.refs, pi.alias.split()),
# Pattern to break apart an API *Flags{authorID} name, used in
# autoGenFlagsPage.
flagNamePat = re.compile(r'(?P<name>\w+)Flags(?P<author>[A-Z]*)')
def autoGenFlagsPage(baseDir, flagName):
"""Autogenerate a single reference page in baseDir for an API *Flags type.
- baseDir - base directory to emit page into
- flagName - API *Flags name"""
pageName = f'{baseDir}/{flagName}{conventions.file_suffix}'
fp = open(pageName, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
# Add a dictionary entry for this page
global genDict
genDict[flagName] = None
logDiag('autoGenFlagsPage:', pageName)
# Short description
matches =
if matches is not None:
name ='name')
author ='author')
logDiag('autoGenFlagsPage: split name into', name, 'Flags', author)
flagBits = name + 'FlagBits' + author
desc = 'Bitmask of ' + flagBits
logWarn('autoGenFlagsPage:', pageName, 'does not end in "Flags{author ID}". Cannot infer FlagBits type.')
flagBits = None
desc = 'Unknown ' + apiName + ' flags type'
# Description text
if flagBits is not None:
txt = ''.join((
'etext:' + flagName,
' is a mask of zero or more elink:' + flagBits + '.\n',
'It is used as a member and/or parameter of the structures and commands\n',
'in the See Also section below.\n'))
txt = ''.join((
'etext:' + flagName,
' is an unknown ' + apiName + ' type, assumed to be a bitmask.\n'))
makeAPIInclude('flags', flagName),
None, None,
seeAlso=seeAlsoList(flagName, None),
def autoGenHandlePage(baseDir, handleName):
"""Autogenerate a single handle page in baseDir for an API handle type.
- baseDir - base directory to emit page into
- handleName - API handle name"""
# @@ Need to determine creation function & add handles/ include for the
# @@ interface in
pageName = f'{baseDir}/{handleName}{conventions.file_suffix}'
fp = open(pageName, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
# Add a dictionary entry for this page
global genDict
genDict[handleName] = None
logDiag('autoGenHandlePage:', pageName)
# Short description
desc = apiName + ' object handle'
descText = ''.join((
'sname:' + handleName,
' is an object handle type, referring to an object used\n',
'by the ' + apiName + ' implementation. These handles are created or allocated\n',
'by the @@ TBD @@ function, and used by other ' + apiName + ' structures\n',
'and commands in the See Also section below.\n'))
makeAPIInclude('handles', handleName),
None, None,
seeAlso=seeAlsoList(handleName, None),
def genRef(specFile, baseDir):
"""Extract reference pages from a spec asciidoc source file.
- specFile - filename to extract from
- baseDir - output directory to generate page in"""
# We do not care the newline format used here.
file, _ = loadFile(specFile)
if file is None:
# Save the path to this file for later use in rewriting relative includes
specDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(specFile))
pageMap = findRefs(file, specFile)
logDiag(specFile + ': found', len(pageMap.keys()), 'potential pages')
# Fix up references in pageMap
fixupRefs(pageMap, specFile, file)
# Create each page, if possible
pages = {}
for name in sorted(pageMap):
pi = pageMap[name]
# Only generate the page if it is in the requested build
# 'freeform' pages are always generated
# 'feature' pages (core versions & extensions) are generated if they are in
# the requested feature list
# All other pages (APIs) are generated if they are in the API map for
# the build.
if pi.type in refpage_api_types:
if name not in api.typeCategory:
# Also check aliases of name - api.nonexistent is the same
# mapping used to rewrite *link: macros in this build.
if name not in api.nonexistent:
logWarn(f'genRef: NOT generating feature page {name} - API not in this build')
logWarn(f'genRef: generating feature page {name} because its alias {api.nonexistent[name]} exists')
elif pi.type in refpage_other_types:
# The only non-API type which can be checked is a feature refpage
if pi.type == 'feature':
if name not in api.features:
logWarn(f'genRef: NOT generating feature page {name} - feature not in this build')
printPageInfo(pi, file)
if pi.Warning:
logDiag('genRef:', + ':', pi.Warning)
if pi.extractPage:
emitPage(baseDir, specDir, pi, file)
elif pi.type == 'enums':
autoGenEnumsPage(baseDir, pi, file)
elif pi.type == 'flags':
# Do not extract this page
logWarn('genRef: Cannot extract or autogenerate:',
pages[] = pi
for alias in pi.alias.split():
pages[alias] = pi
return pages
def genSinglePageRef(baseDir):
"""Generate the single-page version of the ref pages.
This assumes there is a page for everything in the api module dictionaries.
Extensions (KHR, EXT, etc.) are currently skipped"""
# Accumulate head of page
head = io.StringIO()
print('= ' + apiName + ' API Reference Pages',
':icons: font',
':doctype: book',
':max-width: 200',
':toclevels: 2',
':attribute-missing: warn',
sep='\n', file=head)
print('== Copyright', file=head)
print('', file=head)
print('include::{config}/copyright-ccby' + conventions.file_suffix + '[]', file=head)
print('', file=head)
# Inject the table of contents. Asciidoc really ought to be generating
# this for us.
sections = [
[api.protos, 'protos', apiName + ' Commands'],
[api.handles, 'handles', 'Object Handles'],
[api.structs, 'structs', 'Structures'],
[api.enums, 'enums', 'Enumerations'],
[api.flags, 'flags', 'Flags'],
[api.funcpointers, 'funcpointers', 'Function Pointer Types'],
[api.basetypes, 'basetypes', apiName + ' Scalar types'],
[api.defines, 'defines', 'C Macro Definitions'],
[extensions, 'extensions', apiName + ' Extensions']
# Accumulate body of page
body = io.StringIO()
for (apiDict, label, title) in sections:
# Add section title/anchor header to body
anchor = '[[' + label + ',' + title + ']]'
'== ' + title,
':leveloffset: 2',
sep='\n', file=body)
if label == 'extensions':
# preserve order of extensions since we already sorted the way we want.
keys = apiDict.keys()
keys = sorted(apiDict.keys())
for refPage in keys:
# Do not generate links for aliases, which are included with the
# aliased page
if refPage not in api.alias:
# Add page to body
if 'FlagBits' in refPage and conventions.unified_flag_refpages:
# OpenXR does not create separate ref pages for FlagBits:
# the FlagBits includes go in the Flags refpage.
# Previously the Vulkan script would only emit non-empty
# Vk*Flags pages, via the logic
# if refPage not in api.flags or api.flags[refPage] is not None
# emit page
# Now, all are emitted.
print(f'include::{refPage}{conventions.file_suffix}[]', file=body)
# Alternatively, we could (probably should) link to the
# aliased refpage
logWarn('(Benign) Not including', refPage,
'in single-page reference',
'because it is an alias of', api.alias[refPage])
print('\n' + ':leveloffset: 0' + '\n', file=body)
# Write head and body to the output file
pageName = f'{baseDir}/apispec{conventions.file_suffix}'
fp = open(pageName, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
print(head.getvalue(), file=fp, end='')
print(body.getvalue(), file=fp, end='')
def genExtension(baseDir, extpath, name, info):
"""Generate refpage, and add dictionary entry for an extension
- baseDir - output directory to generate page in
- extpath - None, or path to per-extension specification sources if
those are to be included in extension refpages
- name - extension name
- info - <extension> Element from XML"""
# Add a dictionary entry for this page
global genDict
genDict[name] = None
declares = []
elem = info.elem
# Type of extension (instance, device, etc.)
ext_type = elem.get('type')
# Autogenerate interfaces from <extension> entry
for required in elem.find('require'):
req_name = required.get('name')
if not req_name:
# This is not what we are looking for
if req_name.endswith('_SPEC_VERSION') or req_name.endswith('_EXTENSION_NAME'):
# Do not link to spec version or extension name - those ref pages are not created.
if required.get('extends'):
# These are either extensions of enumerated types, or const enum
# values: neither of which get a ref page - although we could
# include the enumerated types in the See Also list.
if req_name not in genDict:
if req_name in api.alias:
logWarn(f'WARN: {req_name} (in extension {name}) is an alias, so does not have a ref page')
logWarn(f'ERROR: {req_name} (in extension {name}) does not have a ref page.')
appbody = None
tail_content = None
if extpath is not None:
appPath = extpath + '/' + conventions.extension_file_path(name)
appfp = open(appPath, 'r', encoding='utf-8')
appbody =
# Transform internal links to crosslinks
specURL = conventions.specURL()
appbody = xrefRewrite(appbody, specURL)
except FileNotFoundError:
print('Cannot find extension appendix for', name)
logWarn('Cannot find extension appendix for', name)
# Fall through to autogenerated page
extpath = None
appbody = None
appbody = f'Cannot find extension appendix {appPath} for {name}\n'
tail_content = makeExtensionInclude(name)
# Write the extension refpage
pageName = f'{baseDir}/{name}{conventions.file_suffix}'
logDiag('genExtension:', pageName)
fp = open(pageName, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
# There are no generated titled sections
sections = None
"{} extension".format(ext_type),
# Restore leveloffset for boilerplate in refPageTail
if conventions.include_extension_appendix_in_refpage:
# The generated metadata include (refpage.extensionname.adoc) moved
# the leveloffset attribute by -1 to account for the relative
# structuring of the spec extension appendix section structure vs.
# the refpages.
# This restores leveloffset for the boilerplate in refPageTail.
leveloffset = 1
leveloffset = 0
seeAlso=seeAlsoList(name, declares),
if __name__ == '__main__':
global genDict, extensions, conventions, apiName
genDict = {}
extensions = OrderedDict()
conventions = APIConventions()
apiName = conventions.api_name('api')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-diag', action='store', dest='diagFile',
help='Set the diagnostic file')
parser.add_argument('-warn', action='store', dest='warnFile',
help='Set the warning file')
parser.add_argument('-log', action='store', dest='logFile',
help='Set the log file for both diagnostics and warnings')
parser.add_argument('-genpath', action='store',
help='Path to directory containing generated files')
parser.add_argument('-basedir', action='store', dest='baseDir',
help='Set the base directory in which pages are generated')
parser.add_argument('-noauto', action='store_true',
help='Don\'t generate inferred ref pages automatically')
parser.add_argument('files', metavar='filename', nargs='*',
help='a filename to extract ref pages from')
parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 1.0')
parser.add_argument('-extension', action='append',
help='Specify an extension or extensions to add to targets')
parser.add_argument('-rewrite', action='store',
help='Name of output file to write Apache mod_rewrite directives to')
parser.add_argument('-toc', action='store',
help='Name of output file to write an alphabetical TOC to')
parser.add_argument('-registry', action='store',
help='Use specified registry file instead of default')
parser.add_argument('-extpath', action='store',
help='Use extension descriptions from this directory instead of autogenerating extension refpages')
results = parser.parse_args()
# Load the generated apimap module
sys.path.insert(0, results.genpath)
import apimap as api
setLogFile(True, True, results.logFile)
setLogFile(True, False, results.diagFile)
setLogFile(False, True, results.warnFile)
# Initialize static rewrite patterns for spec xrefs
if results.baseDir is None:
baseDir = results.genpath + '/ref'
baseDir = results.baseDir
# Dictionary of pages & aliases
pages = {}
for file in results.files:
d = genRef(file, baseDir)
# Now figure out which pages were not generated from the spec.
# This relies on the dictionaries of API constructs in the api module.
if not results.noauto:
# Must have an apiname selected to avoid complaints from
# registry.loadFile, even though it is irrelevant to our uses.
genOpts = GeneratorOptions(apiname = conventions.xml_api_name)
registry = Registry(genOpts = genOpts)
if conventions.write_refpage_include:
# Only extensions with a supported="..." attribute in this set
# will be considered for extraction/generation.
ext_names = set(k for k, v in registry.extdict.items()
if conventions.xml_api_name in v.supported.split(','))
desired_extensions = ext_names.intersection(set(results.extension))
for prefix in conventions.extension_index_prefixes:
# Splits up into chunks, sorted within each chunk.
filtered_extensions = sorted(
[name for name in desired_extensions
if name.startswith(prefix) and name not in extensions])
for name in filtered_extensions:
# logWarn('NOT autogenerating extension refpage for', name)
extensions[name] = None
genExtension(baseDir, results.extpath, name, registry.extdict[name])
# autoGenFlagsPage is no longer needed because they are added to
# the spec sources now.
# for page in api.flags:
# if page not in genDict:
# autoGenFlagsPage(baseDir, page)
# autoGenHandlePage is no longer needed because they are added to
# the spec sources now.
# for page in api.structs:
# if typeCategory[page] == 'handle':
# autoGenHandlePage(baseDir, page)
sections = [
(api.flags, 'Flag Types'),
(api.enums, 'Enumerated Types'),
(api.structs, 'Structures'),
(api.protos, 'Prototypes'),
(api.funcpointers, 'Function Pointers'),
(api.basetypes, apiName + ' Scalar Types'),
(extensions, apiName + ' Extensions'),
# Summarize pages that were not generated, for good or bad reasons
for (apiDict, title) in sections:
# OpenXR was keeping a 'flagged' state which only printed out a
# warning for the first non-generated page, but was otherwise
# unused. This does not seem helpful.
for page in apiDict:
if page not in genDict:
# Page was not generated - why not?
if page in api.alias:
logDiag('(Benign, is an alias) Ref page for', title, page, 'is aliased into', api.alias[page])
elif page in api.flags and api.flags[page] is None:
logDiag('(Benign, no FlagBits defined) No ref page generated for ', title,
# Could introduce additional logic to detect
# external types and not emit them.
logWarn('No ref page generated for ', title, page)
if results.rewrite:
# Generate Apache rewrite directives for refpage aliases
fp = open(results.rewrite, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
for page in sorted(pages):
p = pages[page]
rewrite =
if page != rewrite:
print('RewriteRule ^', page, '.html$ ', rewrite, '.html',
sep='', file=fp)
if results.toc:
# Generate dynamic portion of refpage TOC
fp = open(results.toc, 'w', encoding='utf-8')
# Run through dictionary of pages generating an TOC
print(12 * ' ', '<li class="Level1">Alphabetic Contents', sep='', file=fp)
print(16 * ' ', '<ul class="Level2">', sep='', file=fp)
lastLetter = None
for page in sorted(pages, key=str.upper):
p = pages[page]
letter = page[0:1].upper()
if letter != lastLetter:
if lastLetter:
# End previous block
print(24 * ' ', '</ul>', sep='', file=fp)
print(20 * ' ', '</li>', sep='', file=fp)
# Start new block
print(20 * ' ', '<li>', letter, sep='', file=fp)
print(24 * ' ', '<ul class="Level3">', sep='', file=fp)
lastLetter = letter
# Add this page to the list
print(28 * ' ', '<li><a href="',, '.html" ',
'target="pagedisplay">', page, '</a></li>',
sep='', file=fp)
if lastLetter:
# Close the final letter block
print(24 * ' ', '</ul>', sep='', file=fp)
print(20 * ' ', '</li>', sep='', file=fp)
# Close the list
print(16 * ' ', '</ul>', sep='', file=fp)
print(12 * ' ', '</li>', sep='', file=fp)
# print('name {} -> page {}'.format(page, pages[page].name))