blob: 243753b11cfd6baa64754a90b79c6461bb0a380b [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
// Outputs a log line using Google's standard prefix. (http://go/logging#prefix)
// Do not use this function directly. Instead, use one of the logging macros below.
// stream: file handle to output to.
// severity: single character to indicate severity: 'V', 'D', 'I', 'W', 'E', or 'F'.
// file: name of the file where the message comes from (typically __FILE__)
// line: line number where the message comes from (typically __LINE__)
// timestamp_us: for testing only - timestamp of the log in microseconds since the Unix epoch.
// Pass 0 to use the current time.
// format: printf-style format specifier
void OutputLog(FILE* stream, char severity, const char* file, unsigned int line,
int64_t timestamp_us, const char* format, ...);
#define GFXSTREAM_LOG(file, severity, fmt, ...) \
OutputLog(file, severity, __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
//#define ENABLE_GL_LOG 1
#if defined(ENABLE_GL_LOG)
#define GL_LOG(fmt, ...) GFXSTREAM_LOG(stderr, 'I', fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define GL_LOG(...) ((void)0)
#define DECODER_DEBUG_LOG(fmt, ...) GFXSTREAM_LOG(stderr, 'I', fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define DECODER_DEBUG_LOG(...) ((void)0)
#define DISPATCH_DEBUG_LOG(fmt, ...) GFXSTREAM_LOG(stderr, 'I', fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define DISPATCH_DEBUG_LOG(...) ((void)0)
#define ERR(fmt, ...) \
do { \
GFXSTREAM_LOG(stderr, 'E', fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)
#define INFO(fmt, ...) \
do { \
GFXSTREAM_LOG(stdout, 'I', fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
} while (0)