| base_opcode 2048 |
| encoder_headers <string.h> "glUtils.h" "GL2EncoderUtils.h" |
| |
| #void glBindAttribLocation(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLchar *name) |
| glBindAttribLocation |
| flag custom_decoder |
| len name (strlen(name) + 1) |
| |
| #void glBufferData(GLenum target, GLsizeiptr size, GLvoid *data, GLenum usage) |
| glBufferData |
| len data size |
| var_flag data nullAllowed isLarge |
| |
| #void glBufferSubData(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, GLvoid *data) |
| glBufferSubData |
| len data size |
| var_flag data nullAllowed isLarge |
| |
| #void glCompressedTexImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, GLvoid *data) |
| glCompressedTexImage2D |
| len data imageSize |
| param_check imageSize if(imageSize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| var_flag data nullAllowed isLarge |
| param_check imageSize if(imageSize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| #void glCompressedTexSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, GLvoid *data) |
| glCompressedTexSubImage2D |
| len data imageSize |
| param_check imageSize if(imageSize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| var_flag data nullAllowed isLarge |
| param_check imageSize if(imageSize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| glDeleteShader |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glDeleteProgram |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| #void glDeleteBuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint *buffers) |
| glDeleteBuffers |
| flag custom_decoder |
| len buffers (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| #void glDeleteFramebuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint *framebuffers) |
| glDeleteFramebuffers |
| flag custom_decoder |
| len framebuffers (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| #void glDeleteRenderbuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint *renderbuffers) |
| glDeleteRenderbuffers |
| flag custom_decoder |
| len renderbuffers (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| #void glDeleteTextures(GLsizei n, GLuint *textures) |
| glDeleteTextures |
| flag custom_decoder |
| len textures (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| #void glDrawElements(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, GLvoid *indices) |
| glDrawElements |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glCreateShader |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glCompileShader |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glAttachShader |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glDetachShader |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glIsShader |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glLinkProgram |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glCreateProgram |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| #void glGenBuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint *buffers) |
| glGenBuffers |
| flag custom_decoder |
| len buffers (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| dir buffers out |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| #void glGenFramebuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint *framebuffers) |
| glGenFramebuffers |
| flag custom_decoder |
| len framebuffers (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| dir framebuffers out |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| #void glGenRenderbuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint *renderbuffers) |
| glGenRenderbuffers |
| flag custom_decoder |
| len renderbuffers (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| dir renderbuffers out |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| #void glGenTextures(GLsizei n, GLuint *textures) |
| glGenTextures |
| flag custom_decoder |
| len textures (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| dir textures out |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| #void glGetActiveAttrib(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei *length, GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLchar *name) |
| glGetActiveAttrib |
| param_check bufsize if(bufsize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| len name bufsize |
| dir name out |
| var_flag name nullAllowed |
| dir length out |
| len length (sizeof(GLsizei)) |
| var_flag length nullAllowed |
| dir size out |
| len size (sizeof(GLint)) |
| var_flag size nullAllowed |
| dir type out |
| len type (sizeof(GLenum)) |
| var_flag type nullAllowed |
| |
| #void glGetActiveUniform(GLuint program, GLuint index, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei *length, GLint *size, GLenum *type, GLchar *name) |
| glGetActiveUniform |
| param_check bufsize if(bufsize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| len name bufsize |
| dir name out |
| var_flag name nullAllowed |
| dir length out |
| len length (sizeof(GLsizei)) |
| var_flag length nullAllowed |
| dir size out |
| len size (sizeof(GLint)) |
| var_flag size nullAllowed |
| dir type out |
| len type (sizeof(GLenum)) |
| var_flag type nullAllowed |
| |
| |
| #void glGetAttachedShaders(GLuint program, GLsizei maxcount, GLsizei *count, GLuint *shaders) |
| glGetAttachedShaders |
| len shaders (maxcount*sizeof(GLuint)) |
| dir shaders out |
| dir count out |
| var_flag count nullAllowed |
| len count (sizeof(GLsizei)) |
| |
| #int glGetAttribLocation(GLuint program, GLchar *name) |
| glGetAttribLocation |
| len name (strlen(name) + 1) |
| |
| #void glGetBooleanv(GLenum pname, GLboolean *params) |
| glGetBooleanv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLboolean)) |
| |
| #void glGetBufferParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) |
| glGetBufferParameteriv |
| len params (sizeof(GLint)) |
| dir params out |
| |
| #void glGetFloatv(GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) |
| glGetFloatv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| #void glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint *params) |
| glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv |
| dir params out |
| len params (sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| #void glGetIntegerv(GLenum pname, GLint *params) |
| glGetIntegerv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| #void glGetProgramiv(GLuint program, GLenum pname, GLint *params) |
| glGetProgramiv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| #void glGetProgramInfoLog(GLuint program, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *infolog) |
| glGetProgramInfoLog |
| flag custom_decoder |
| dir infolog out |
| len infolog bufsize |
| param_check bufsize if(bufsize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| dir length out |
| len length sizeof(GLsizei) |
| var_flag length nullAllowed |
| |
| #void glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) |
| glGetRenderbufferParameteriv |
| dir params out |
| len params sizeof(GLint) |
| # XXX - might change if pname with value larger then one is added |
| |
| #void glGetShaderiv(GLuint shader, GLenum pname, GLint *params) |
| glGetShaderiv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| dir params out |
| len params sizeof(GLint) |
| # XXX - might change if pname with value larger then one is added |
| |
| #void glGetShaderInfoLog(GLuint shader, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *infolog) |
| glGetShaderInfoLog |
| flag custom_decoder |
| dir length out |
| len length (sizeof(GLsizei)) |
| var_flag length nullAllowed |
| dir infolog out |
| len infolog bufsize |
| param_check bufsize if(bufsize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| #void glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(GLenum shadertype, GLenum precisiontype, GLint *range, GLint *precision) |
| glGetShaderPrecisionFormat |
| dir range out |
| len range (2 * sizeof(GLint)) |
| dir precision out |
| len precision (sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| #void glGetShaderSource(GLuint shader, GLsizei bufsize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *source) |
| glGetShaderSource |
| flag custom_decoder |
| dir length out |
| len length (sizeof(GLsizei)) |
| var_flag length nullAllowed |
| dir source out |
| len source bufsize |
| param_check bufsize if(bufsize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| #GLubyte* glGetString(GLenum name) |
| glGetString |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glGetTexParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) |
| glGetTexParameterfv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| #void glGetTexParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) |
| glGetTexParameteriv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| #void glGetUniformfv(GLuint program, GLint location, GLfloat *params) |
| glGetUniformfv |
| dir params out |
| len params glSizeof(glesv2_enc::uniformType(self, program, location)) |
| |
| #void glGetUniformiv(GLuint program, GLint location, GLint *params) |
| glGetUniformiv |
| dir params out |
| len params glSizeof(glesv2_enc::uniformType(self, program, location)) |
| |
| #int glGetUniformLocation(GLuint program, GLchar *name) |
| glGetUniformLocation |
| len name (strlen(name) + 1) |
| |
| # client-state shall be handled locally by the encoder in most cases. |
| # however, GL_CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB and potential others are handled by the server side, |
| # thus we still need to implement it. |
| #void glGetVertexAttribfv(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) |
| glGetVertexAttribfv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| #see glGetVertexAttribfv for comments |
| #void glGetVertexAttribiv(GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLint *params) |
| glGetVertexAttribiv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| #void glReadPixels(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels) |
| glReadPixels |
| dir pixels out |
| len pixels glesv2_enc::pixelDataSize(self, width, height, format, type, 1) |
| custom_guest_unpack pixels stream->readbackPixels(self, width, height, format, type, pixels) |
| |
| glReadPixelsOffsetAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| #void glShaderBinary(GLsizei n, GLuint *shaders, GLenum binaryformat, GLvoid *binary, GLsizei length) |
| glShaderBinary |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glTexImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels) |
| glTexImage2D |
| dir pixels in |
| len pixels glesv2_enc::pixelDataSize(self, width, height, format, type, 0) |
| custom_guest_pack pixels stream->uploadPixels(self, width, height, 1, format, type, pixels) |
| var_flag pixels nullAllowed isLarge |
| |
| #void glTexParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) |
| glTexParameterfv |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| #void glTexParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint *params) |
| glTexParameteriv |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| #void glTexSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels) |
| glTexSubImage2D |
| len pixels glesv2_enc::pixelDataSize(self, width, height, format, type, 0) |
| custom_guest_pack pixels stream->uploadPixels(self, width, height, 1, format, type, pixels) |
| var_flag pixels nullAllowed isLarge |
| |
| #void glUniform1fv(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLfloat *v) |
| glUniform1fv |
| len v (count * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| #void glUniform1iv(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLint *v) |
| glUniform1iv |
| len v (count * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| #void glUniform2fv(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLfloat *v) |
| glUniform2fv |
| len v (count * 2 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| #void glUniform2iv(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLint *v) |
| glUniform2iv |
| len v (count * 2 * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| #void glUniform3fv(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLfloat *v) |
| glUniform3fv |
| len v (count * 3 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| #void glUniform3iv(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLint *v) |
| glUniform3iv |
| len v (3 * count * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| #void glUniform4fv(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLfloat *v) |
| glUniform4fv |
| len v (4 * count * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| #void glUniform4iv(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLint *v) |
| glUniform4iv |
| len v (4 * count * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| #void glUniformMatrix2fv(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, GLfloat *value) |
| glUniformMatrix2fv |
| len value (count * 4 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| #void glUniformMatrix3fv(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, GLfloat *value) |
| glUniformMatrix3fv |
| len value (count * 9 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| #void glUniformMatrix4fv(GLint location, GLsizei count, GLboolean transpose, GLfloat *value) |
| glUniformMatrix4fv |
| len value (count * 16 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| #void glVertexAttrib1fv(GLuint indx, GLfloat *values) |
| glVertexAttrib1fv |
| len values (sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| #void glVertexAttrib2fv(GLuint indx, GLfloat *values) |
| glVertexAttrib2fv |
| len values (2 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| #void glVertexAttrib3fv(GLuint indx, GLfloat *values) |
| glVertexAttrib3fv |
| len values (3 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| #void glVertexAttrib4fv(GLuint indx, GLfloat *values) |
| glVertexAttrib4fv |
| len values (4 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| #void glVertexAttribPointer(GLuint indx, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, GLvoid *ptr) |
| glVertexAttribPointer |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glGetProgramBinaryOES(GLuint program, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLenum *binaryFormat, GLvoid *binary) |
| glGetProgramBinaryOES |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glProgramBinaryOES(GLuint program, GLenum binaryFormat, GLvoid *binary, GLint length) |
| glProgramBinaryOES |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void* glMapBufferOES(GLenum target, GLenum access) |
| glMapBufferOES |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glTexImage3DOES(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels) |
| glTexImage3DOES |
| len pixels glesv2_enc::pixelDataSize3D(self, width, height, depth, format, type, 0) |
| var_flag pixels nullAllowed isLarge |
| |
| #void glTexSubImage3DOES(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *pixels) |
| glTexSubImage3DOES |
| len pixels glesv2_enc::pixelDataSize3D(self, width, height, depth, format, type, 0) |
| var_flag pixels nullAllowed isLarge |
| |
| #void glCompressedTexImage3DOES(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, GLvoid *data) |
| glCompressedTexImage3DOES |
| len data imageSize |
| param_check imageSize if(imageSize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| var_flag data nullAllowed isLarge |
| |
| #void glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, GLvoid *data) |
| glCompressedTexSubImage3DOES |
| len data imageSize |
| param_check imageSize if(imageSize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| var_flag data nullAllowed isLarge |
| |
| #void glDeleteVertexArraysOES(GLsizei n, GLuint *arrays) |
| glDeleteVertexArraysOES |
| flag custom_decoder |
| len arrays (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| #void glGenVertexArraysOES(GLsizei n, GLuint *arrays) |
| glGenVertexArraysOES |
| flag custom_decoder |
| len arrays (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| dir arrays out |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| |
| #void glDiscardFramebufferEXT(GLenum target, GLsizei numAttachments, GLenum *attachments) |
| glDiscardFramebufferEXT |
| len attachments (numAttachments * sizeof(GLenum)) |
| |
| #void glMultiDrawArraysEXT(GLenum mode, const GLint *first, const GLsizei *count, GLsizei primcount) |
| glMultiDrawArraysEXT |
| flag unsupported |
| #void glMultiDrawElementsEXT(GLenum mode, GLsizei *count, GLenum type, const GLvoid* const *indices, GLsizei primcount) |
| glMultiDrawElementsEXT |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| |
| # handled by encoder |
| #void glShaderSource(GLuint shader, GLsizei count, GLstr *string, const GLint *length) |
| glShaderSource |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| |
| #void glGetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD(GLint *numGroups, GLsizei groupsSize, GLuint *groups) |
| glGetPerfMonitorGroupsAMD |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glGetPerfMonitorCountersAMD(GLuint group, GLint *numCounters, GLint *maxActiveCounters, GLsizei counterSize, GLuint *counters) |
| glGetPerfMonitorCountersAMD |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glGetPerfMonitorGroupStringAMD(GLuint group, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *groupString) |
| glGetPerfMonitorGroupStringAMD |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glGetPerfMonitorCounterStringAMD(GLuint group, GLuint counter, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *counterString) |
| glGetPerfMonitorCounterStringAMD |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glGetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD(GLuint group, GLuint counter, GLenum pname, GLvoid *data) |
| glGetPerfMonitorCounterInfoAMD |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glGenPerfMonitorsAMD(GLsizei n, GLuint *monitors) |
| glGenPerfMonitorsAMD |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glDeletePerfMonitorsAMD(GLsizei n, GLuint *monitors) |
| glDeletePerfMonitorsAMD |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glSelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD(GLuint monitor, GLboolean enable, GLuint group, GLint numCounters, GLuint *countersList) |
| glSelectPerfMonitorCountersAMD |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glBeginPerfMonitorAMD(GLuint monitor) |
| glBeginPerfMonitorAMD |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glEndPerfMonitorAMD(GLuint monitor) |
| glEndPerfMonitorAMD |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glGetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD(GLuint monitor, GLenum pname, GLsizei dataSize, GLuint *data, GLint *bytesWritten) |
| glGetPerfMonitorCounterDataAMD |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG(GLenum target, GLsizei samples, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) |
| glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level, GLsizei samples) |
| glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glDeleteFencesNV(GLsizei n, GLuint *fences) |
| glDeleteFencesNV |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glGenFencesNV(GLsizei n, GLuint *fences) |
| glGenFencesNV |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #GLboolean glIsFenceNV(GLuint fence) |
| glIsFenceNV |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #GLboolean glTestFenceNV(GLuint fence) |
| glTestFenceNV |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glGetFenceivNV(GLuint fence, GLenum pname, GLint *params) |
| glGetFenceivNV |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glFinishFenceNV(GLuint fence) |
| glFinishFenceNV |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glSetFenceNV(GLuint fence, GLenum condition) |
| glSetFenceNV |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glCoverageMaskNV(GLboolean mask) |
| glCoverageMaskNV |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glCoverageOperationNV(GLenum operation) |
| glCoverageOperationNV |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glGetDriverControlsQCOM(GLint *num, GLsizei size, GLuint *driverControls) |
| glGetDriverControlsQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glGetDriverControlStringQCOM(GLuint driverControl, GLsizei bufSize, GLsizei *length, GLchar *driverControlString) |
| glGetDriverControlStringQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glEnableDriverControlQCOM(GLuint driverControl) |
| glEnableDriverControlQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glDisableDriverControlQCOM(GLuint driverControl) |
| glDisableDriverControlQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glExtGetTexturesQCOM(GLuint *textures, GLint maxTextures, GLint *numTextures) |
| glExtGetTexturesQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glExtGetBuffersQCOM(GLuint *buffers, GLint maxBuffers, GLint *numBuffers) |
| glExtGetBuffersQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glExtGetRenderbuffersQCOM(GLuint *renderbuffers, GLint maxRenderbuffers, GLint *numRenderbuffers) |
| glExtGetRenderbuffersQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM(GLuint *framebuffers, GLint maxFramebuffers, GLint *numFramebuffers) |
| glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM(GLuint texture, GLenum face, GLint level, GLenum pname, GLint *params) |
| glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) |
| glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint zoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid *texels) |
| glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM(GLenum target, GLvoidptr *params) |
| glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glExtGetShadersQCOM(GLuint *shaders, GLint maxShaders, GLint *numShaders) |
| glExtGetShadersQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glExtGetProgramsQCOM(GLuint *programs, GLint maxPrograms, GLint *numPrograms) |
| glExtGetProgramsQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #GLboolean glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM(GLuint program) |
| glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM(GLuint program, GLenum shadertype, GLchar *source, GLint *length) |
| glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glStartTilingQCOM(GLuint x, GLuint y, GLuint width, GLuint height, GLbitfield preserveMask) |
| glStartTilingQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| #void glEndTilingQCOM(GLbitfield preserveMask) |
| glEndTilingQCOM |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| |
| #void glVertexAttribPointerData(GLuint indx, GLint size, GLenum type, GLboolean normalized, GLsizei stride, void * data, GLuint datalen) |
| glVertexAttribPointerData |
| len data datalen |
| custom_pack data glUtilsPackPointerData((unsigned char *)ptr, (unsigned char *)data, size, type, stride, datalen) |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glVertexAttribPointerOffset |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| #client-state, handled by the encoder |
| #GL_ENTRY(void, glGetVertexAttribPointerv, GLuint index, GLenum pname, GLvoid** pointer) |
| glGetVertexAttribPointerv |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glDrawElementsData |
| len data datalen |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glDrawElementsOffset |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| #GL_ENTRY(void, glGetCompressedTextureFormats, int count, GLint *formats) |
| glGetCompressedTextureFormats |
| dir formats out |
| len formats (count * sizeof(GLint)) |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| #GL_ENTRY(void, glShaderString, GLuint shader, GLchar *string, GLsizei len) |
| glShaderString |
| len string len |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glFinishRoundTrip |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| # GLES 3.0 |
| |
| glGenVertexArrays |
| flag custom_decoder |
| len arrays (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| dir arrays out |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| glDeleteVertexArrays |
| flag custom_decoder |
| len arrays (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| glMapBufferRange |
| flag unsupported |
| glUnmapBuffer |
| flag unsupported |
| glFlushMappedBufferRange |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glMapBufferRangeAEMU |
| dir mapped out |
| len mapped length |
| var_flag mapped nullAllowed |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glUnmapBufferAEMU |
| dir guest_buffer in |
| len guest_buffer length |
| var_flag guest_buffer nullAllowed |
| dir out_res out |
| len out_res (sizeof(GLboolean)) |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glFlushMappedBufferRangeAEMU |
| dir guest_buffer in |
| len guest_buffer length |
| var_flag guest_buffer nullAllowed |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glReadPixelsOffsetAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glCompressedTexImage2DOffsetAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glCompressedTexSubImage2DOffsetAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glTexImage2DOffsetAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glTexSubImage2DOffsetAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glCopyBufferSubData |
| flag flushOnEncode |
| |
| glClearBufferiv |
| dir value in |
| len value (sizeof(GLint) * glesv2_enc::clearBufferNumElts(self, buffer)) |
| |
| glClearBufferuiv |
| dir value in |
| len value (sizeof(GLuint) * glesv2_enc::clearBufferNumElts(self, buffer)) |
| |
| glClearBufferfv |
| dir value in |
| len value (sizeof(GLfloat) * glesv2_enc::clearBufferNumElts(self, buffer)) |
| |
| glGetBufferParameteri64v |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glGetBufferPointerv |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glGetUniformBlockIndex |
| len uniformBlockName (strlen(uniformBlockName) + 1) |
| |
| glGetUniformIndices |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glGetUniformIndicesAEMU |
| dir packedUniformNames in |
| len packedUniformNames packedLen |
| dir uniformIndices out |
| len uniformIndices (uniformCount * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glGetActiveUniformBlockiv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glesv2_enc::glActiveUniformBlockivParamSize(self, program, uniformBlockIndex, pname) * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| glGetActiveUniformBlockName |
| dir uniformBlockName out |
| len uniformBlockName bufSize |
| param_check bufSize if(bufSize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| var_flag uniformBlockName nullAllowed |
| dir length out |
| len length (sizeof(GLsizei)) |
| var_flag length nullAllowed |
| |
| glUniform1uiv |
| len value (count * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| |
| glUniform2uiv |
| len value (count * 2 * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| |
| glUniform3uiv |
| len value (count * 3 * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| |
| glUniform4uiv |
| len value (count * 4 * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| |
| glUniformMatrix2x3fv |
| len value (count * 6 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glUniformMatrix3x2fv |
| len value (count * 6 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glUniformMatrix2x4fv |
| len value (count * 8 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glUniformMatrix4x2fv |
| len value (count * 8 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glUniformMatrix3x4fv |
| len value (count * 12 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glUniformMatrix4x3fv |
| len value (count * 12 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glGetUniformuiv |
| dir params out |
| len params glSizeof(glesv2_enc::uniformType(self, program, location)) |
| |
| glGetActiveUniformsiv |
| len uniformIndices (uniformCount * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| dir params out |
| len params (uniformCount * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| glVertexAttribI4iv |
| len v (4 * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| glVertexAttribI4uiv |
| len v (4 * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| |
| glVertexAttribIPointer |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glVertexAttribIPointerOffsetAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glVertexAttribIPointerDataAEMU |
| len data datalen |
| custom_pack data glUtilsPackPointerData((unsigned char *)ptr, (unsigned char *)data, size, type, stride, datalen) |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glGetVertexAttribIiv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| glGetVertexAttribIuiv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| |
| glDrawElementsInstanced |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glDrawElementsInstancedDataAEMU |
| len indices datalen |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glDrawElementsInstancedOffsetAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glDrawRangeElements |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glDrawRangeElementsDataAEMU |
| len indices datalen |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glDrawRangeElementsOffsetAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glFenceSync |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glClientWaitSync |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glWaitSync |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glDeleteSync |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glIsSync |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glGetSynciv |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glFenceSyncAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glClientWaitSyncAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glWaitSyncAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glDeleteSyncAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glIsSyncAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glGetSyncivAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| param_check bufSize if(bufSize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| dir length out |
| len length (sizeof(GLsizei)) |
| var_flag length nullAllowed |
| dir values out |
| len values (bufSize * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| glGetInternalformativ |
| dir params out |
| len params (sizeof(GLint) * bufSize) |
| |
| glDrawBuffers |
| len bufs (n * sizeof(GLenum)) |
| |
| glInvalidateFramebuffer |
| len attachments (numAttachments * sizeof(GLenum)) |
| |
| glInvalidateSubFramebuffer |
| len attachments (numAttachments * sizeof(GLenum)) |
| |
| glGenTransformFeedbacks |
| flag custom_decoder |
| dir ids out |
| len ids (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| glDeleteTransformFeedbacks |
| flag custom_decoder |
| len ids (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| glTransformFeedbackVaryings |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glTransformFeedbackVaryingsAEMU |
| dir packedVaryings in |
| len packedVaryings packedVaryingsLen |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glGetTransformFeedbackVarying |
| dir name out |
| len name bufSize |
| param_check bufSize if(bufSize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| var_flag name nullAllowed |
| dir length out |
| len length (sizeof(GLsizei)) |
| var_flag length nullAllowed |
| dir size out |
| len size (sizeof(GLsizei)) |
| var_flag type nullAllowed |
| dir type out |
| len type (sizeof(GLenum)) |
| var_flag type nullAllowed |
| |
| glGenSamplers |
| flag custom_decoder |
| dir samplers out |
| len samplers (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| glDeleteSamplers |
| flag custom_decoder |
| len samplers (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| glSamplerParameterfv |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glSamplerParameteriv |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| glGetSamplerParameterfv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glGetSamplerParameteriv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| glGenQueries |
| flag custom_decoder |
| dir queries out |
| len queries (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| glDeleteQueries |
| flag custom_decoder |
| len queries (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| glGetQueryiv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| glGetQueryObjectuiv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| |
| glProgramBinary |
| len binary length |
| |
| glGetProgramBinary |
| param_check bufSize if(bufSize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| dir binary out |
| len binary bufSize |
| dir binaryFormat out |
| len binaryFormat (sizeof(GLenum)) |
| var_flag length nullAllowed |
| dir length out |
| len length (sizeof(GLsizei)) |
| |
| glGetFragDataLocation |
| len name (strlen(name) + 1) |
| |
| glGetInteger64v |
| dir data out |
| len data (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLint64)) |
| |
| # No need to account for custom sizes since indexed variants |
| # are all on indxed buffers like transform feedback buffers, |
| # UBOs, or SSBOs, and querying their sizes and offsets. |
| glGetIntegeri_v |
| dir data out |
| len data (sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| glGetInteger64i_v |
| dir data out |
| len data (sizeof(GLint64)) |
| |
| glTexImage3D |
| dir data in |
| len data glesv2_enc::pixelDataSize3D(self, width, height, depth, format, type, 0) |
| custom_guest_pack data stream->uploadPixels(self, width, height, depth, format, type, data) |
| var_flag data nullAllowed isLarge |
| |
| glTexImage3DOffsetAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glTexSubImage3D |
| len data glesv2_enc::pixelDataSize3D(self, width, height, depth, format, type, 0) |
| custom_guest_pack data stream->uploadPixels(self, width, height, depth, format, type, data) |
| var_flag data nullAllowed isLarge |
| |
| glTexSubImage3DOffsetAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glCompressedTexImage3D |
| len data imageSize |
| param_check imageSize if(imageSize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| var_flag data nullAllowed isLarge |
| |
| glCompressedTexImage3DOffsetAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glCompressedTexSubImage3D |
| param_check imageSize if(imageSize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| len data imageSize |
| var_flag data nullAllowed isLarge |
| |
| glCompressedTexSubImage3DOffsetAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glGetStringi |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| # GLES 3.1 |
| |
| glGetBooleani_v |
| dir data out |
| len data (sizeof(GLboolean)) |
| |
| glGenProgramPipelines |
| flag custom_decoder |
| dir pipelines out |
| len pipelines (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| |
| glDeleteProgramPipelines |
| flag custom_decoder |
| len pipelines (n * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| param_check n if(n<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| |
| glGetProgramPipelineiv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| glGetProgramPipelineInfoLog |
| dir infoLog out |
| len infoLog bufSize |
| param_check bufSize if(bufSize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| dir length out |
| len length sizeof(GLsizei) |
| var_flag length nullAllowed |
| |
| glCreateShaderProgramv |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glCreateShaderProgramvAEMU |
| len packedStrings packedLen |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glProgramUniform1fv |
| len value (count * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glProgramUniform2fv |
| len value (count * 2 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glProgramUniform3fv |
| len value (count * 3 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glProgramUniform4fv |
| len value (count * 4 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glProgramUniform1iv |
| len value (count * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| glProgramUniform2iv |
| len value (count * 2 * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| glProgramUniform3iv |
| len value (count * 3 * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| glProgramUniform4iv |
| len value (count * 4 * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| glProgramUniform1uiv |
| len value (count * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| |
| glProgramUniform2uiv |
| len value (count * 2 * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| |
| glProgramUniform3uiv |
| len value (count * 3 * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| |
| glProgramUniform4uiv |
| len value (count * 4 * sizeof(GLuint)) |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix2fv |
| len value (count * 4 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix3fv |
| len value (count * 9 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix4fv |
| len value (count * 16 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv |
| len value (count * 6 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv |
| len value (count * 6 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv |
| len value (count * 8 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv |
| len value (count * 8 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv |
| len value (count * 12 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv |
| len value (count * 12 * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glGetProgramInterfaceiv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| glGetProgramResourceiv |
| dir params out |
| len params (bufSize * sizeof(GLint)) |
| param_check bufSize if(bufSize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| var_flag length nullAllowed |
| dir length out |
| len length (sizeof(GLsizei)) |
| len props (propCount * sizeof(GLenum)) |
| |
| glGetProgramResourceIndex |
| len name (strlen(name) + 1) |
| |
| glGetProgramResourceLocation |
| len name (strlen(name) + 1) |
| |
| glGetProgramResourceName |
| dir name out |
| len name bufSize |
| param_check bufSize if(bufSize<0){ ctx->setError(GL_INVALID_VALUE); return; } |
| var_flag length nullAllowed |
| dir length out |
| len length (sizeof(GLsizei)) |
| |
| glDrawArraysIndirect |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glDrawArraysIndirectDataAEMU |
| len indirect datalen |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glDrawArraysIndirectOffsetAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glDrawElementsIndirect |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glDrawElementsIndirectDataAEMU |
| len indirect datalen |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glDrawElementsIndirectOffsetAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glGetMultisamplefv |
| dir val out |
| len val (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glGetFramebufferParameteriv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLint)) |
| |
| glGetTexLevelParameterfv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLfloat)) |
| |
| glGetTexLevelParameteriv |
| dir params out |
| len params (glUtilsParamSize(pname) * sizeof(GLint)) |
| glUseProgram |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glValidateProgram |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glIsProgram |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetActiveAttrib |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetActiveUniform |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetAttachedShaders |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetAttribLocation |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetUniformfv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetUniformiv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetUniformLocation |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetProgramBinaryOES |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramBinaryOES |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glUniformBlockBinding |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetUniformBlockIndex |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetActiveUniformBlockiv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetActiveUniformBlockName |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetUniformuiv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetActiveUniformsiv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glTransformFeedbackVaryings |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetTransformFeedbackVarying |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramParameteri |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramBinary |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetProgramBinary |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetFragDataLocation |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glUseProgramStages |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glActiveShaderProgram |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform1f |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform2f |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform3f |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform4f |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform1i |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform2i |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform3i |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform4i |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform1ui |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform2ui |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform3ui |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform4ui |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform1fv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform2fv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform3fv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform4fv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform1iv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform2iv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform3iv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform4iv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform1uiv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform2uiv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform3uiv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniform4uiv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix2fv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix3fv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix4fv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix2x3fv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix3x2fv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix2x4fv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix4x2fv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix3x4fv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glProgramUniformMatrix4x3fv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetProgramInterfaceiv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetProgramResourceiv |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetProgramResourceIndex |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetProgramResourceLocation |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glGetProgramResourceName |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glMapBufferRangeDMA |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glUnmapBufferDMA |
| dir out_res out |
| len out_res (sizeof(GLboolean)) |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glMapBufferRangeDirect |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glUnmapBufferDirect |
| dir out_res out |
| len out_res (sizeof(GLboolean)) |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glFlushMappedBufferRangeDirect |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glReadnPixelsEXT |
| dir data out |
| len data bufSize |
| |
| glGetnUniformfvEXT |
| dir params out |
| len params bufSize |
| |
| glGetnUniformivEXT |
| dir params out |
| len params bufSize |
| |
| glDrawElementsNullAEMU |
| flag unsupported |
| |
| glDrawElementsDataNullAEMU |
| len data datalen |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| glDrawElementsOffsetNullAEMU |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| |
| # Async UnmapBuffer |
| glUnmapBufferAsyncAEMU |
| dir guest_buffer in |
| len guest_buffer length |
| var_flag guest_buffer nullAllowed isLarge |
| dir out_res in |
| len out_res (sizeof(GLboolean)) |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| custom_host_api glUnmapBufferAEMU |
| |
| glFlushMappedBufferRangeAEMU2 |
| dir guest_buffer in |
| len guest_buffer length |
| var_flag guest_buffer nullAllowed isLarge |
| flag custom_decoder |
| flag not_api |
| custom_host_api glFlushMappedBufferRangeAEMU |
| |
| glBufferDataSyncAEMU |
| len data size |
| var_flag data nullAllowed |
| flag not_api |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glTexBufferOES |
| flag custom_decoder |
| glTexBufferRangeOES |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| glTexBufferEXT |
| flag custom_decoder |
| glTexBufferRangeEXT |
| flag custom_decoder |
| |
| # GL_EXT_draw_buffers_indexed |
| glEnableiEXT |
| flag custom_decoder |
| glDisableiEXT |
| flag custom_decoder |
| glBlendEquationiEXT |
| flag custom_decoder |
| glBlendEquationSeparateiEXT |
| flag custom_decoder |
| glBlendFunciEXT |
| flag custom_decoder |
| glBlendFuncSeparateiEXT |
| flag custom_decoder |
| glColorMaskiEXT |
| flag custom_decoder |
| glIsEnablediEXT |
| flag custom_decoder |