| #!/usr/bin/env python3 |
| # |
| # Copyright 2020-2021 The Khronos Group Inc. |
| # |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| # Build a spec with requested extension sets and options. |
| # |
| # Usage: makeSpec script-options make-options |
| # Script options are parsed by this script before invoking 'make': |
| # -genpath path - directory for generated files and outputs |
| # -spec core - make a spec with no extensions (default) |
| # -spec khr - make a spec with all KHR extensions |
| # -spec all - make a spec with all registered extensions |
| # -version {1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2} - make a spec with this core version |
| # -ext name - add specified extension and its dependencies |
| # -clean - clean generated files before building |
| # -v - verbose, print actions before executing them |
| # -n - dry-run, print actions instead of executing them |
| # make-options - all other options are passed to 'make', including |
| # requested build targets |
| |
| import argparse, copy, io, os, re, string, subprocess, sys |
| |
| def execute(args, results): |
| if results.verbose or results.dryrun: |
| print("'" + "' '".join(args) + "'") |
| if not results.dryrun: |
| subprocess.check_call(args) |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() |
| |
| parser.add_argument('-clean', action='store_true', |
| help='Clean generated files before building') |
| parser.add_argument('-extension', action='append', |
| default=[], |
| help='Specify a required extension or extensions to add to targets') |
| parser.add_argument('-genpath', action='store', |
| default='gen', |
| help='Path to directory containing generated files') |
| parser.add_argument('-spec', action='store', |
| choices=[ 'core', 'khr', 'all' ], |
| default='core', |
| help='Type of spec to generate') |
| parser.add_argument('-version', action='store', |
| choices=[ '1.0', '1.1', '1.2' ], |
| default='1.2', |
| help='Type of spec to generate') |
| parser.add_argument('-n', action='store_true', dest='dryrun', |
| help='Only prints actions, do not execute them') |
| parser.add_argument('-v', action='store_true', dest='verbose', |
| help='Print actions before executing them') |
| |
| (results, options) = parser.parse_known_args() |
| |
| # Ensure genpath is an absolute path, not relative |
| if results.genpath[0] != '/': |
| results.genpath = os.getcwd() + '/' + results.genpath |
| |
| # Ensure extDependency.py exists and is up to date before importing it |
| try: |
| execute(['make', 'GENERATED=' + results.genpath, 'extDependency'], results) |
| |
| # Look for extDependency.py in the specified directory and import it |
| sys.path.insert(0, results.genpath) |
| from extDependency import extensions, allExts, khrExts |
| except: |
| print('Cannot execute "make extDependency" or determine correct extension list', file=sys.stderr) |
| |
| # List of versions to build with from the requested -version |
| versionDict = { |
| '1.0' : [ 'VK_VERSION_1_0' ], |
| '1.1' : [ 'VK_VERSION_1_0', 'VK_VERSION_1_1' ], |
| '1.2' : [ 'VK_VERSION_1_0', 'VK_VERSION_1_1', 'VK_VERSION_1_2' ], |
| } |
| versions = 'VERSIONS={}'.format(' '.join(versionDict[results.version])) |
| |
| # List of extensions to build with from the requested -spec |
| # Also construct a spec title |
| if results.spec == 'core': |
| title = '' |
| exts = set() |
| if results.spec == 'khr': |
| title = 'with all KHR extensions' |
| exts = set(khrExts) |
| elif results.spec == 'all': |
| title = 'with all registered extensions' |
| exts = set(allExts) |
| |
| # List of explicitly requested extension and all its dependencies |
| extraexts = set() |
| for name in results.extension: |
| if name in extensions: |
| extraexts.add(name) |
| extraexts.update(extensions[name]) |
| else: |
| print('ERROR: unknown extension', name, file=sys.stderr) |
| sys.exit(1) |
| |
| # See if any explicitly requested extensions aren't implicitly requested |
| # Add any such extensions to the spec title |
| extraexts -= exts |
| if len(extraexts) > 0: |
| exts.update(extraexts) |
| if title != '': |
| title += ' and ' + ', '.join(sorted(extraexts)) |
| else: |
| title += 'with ' + ', '.join(sorted(extraexts)) |
| |
| if title != '': |
| title = '(' + title + ')' |
| |
| # Finally, actually invoke make as needed for the targets |
| args = [ 'make', 'GENERATED=' + results.genpath ] |
| |
| if results.clean: |
| execute(args + ['clean'], results) |
| |
| args.append(versions) |
| |
| # The actual target |
| if len(exts) > 0: |
| args.append('EXTENSIONS={}'.format(' '.join(sorted(exts)))) |
| args.append('APITITLE={}'.format(title)) |
| args += options |
| |
| try: |
| execute(args, results) |
| except: |
| sys.exit(1) |