| {{define "Copyright"}} |
| /* |
| •* Copyright 2016 The Android Open Source Project |
| •* |
| •* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| •* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| •* You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| •* |
| •* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| •* |
| •* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| •* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| •* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| •* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| •* limitations under the License. |
| •*/ |
| ¶{{end}} |
| |
| {{Include "../api/templates/vulkan_common.tmpl"}} |
| {{Global "clang-format" (Strings "clang-format" "-style=file")}} |
| {{Macro "DefineGlobals" $}} |
| {{$ | Macro "api_gen.h" | Format (Global "clang-format") | Write "api_gen.h" }} |
| {{$ | Macro "api_gen.cpp" | Format (Global "clang-format") | Write "api_gen.cpp"}} |
| {{$ | Macro "driver_gen.h" | Format (Global "clang-format") | Write "driver_gen.h"}} |
| {{$ | Macro "driver_gen.cpp" | Format (Global "clang-format") | Write "driver_gen.cpp"}} |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| api_gen.h |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */}} |
| {{define "api_gen.h"}} |
| {{Macro "Copyright"}} |
| ¶ |
| // WARNING: This file is generated. See ../README.md for instructions. |
| ¶ |
| ¶ |
| #include <bitset> |
| #include <vulkan/vulkan.h> |
| #include "driver_gen.h" |
| ¶ |
| namespace vulkan {« |
| namespace api {« |
| ¶ |
| struct InstanceDispatchTable { |
| // clang-format off |
| {{range $f := AllCommands $}} |
| {{if (Macro "api.IsInstanceDispatchTableEntry" $f)}} |
| {{Macro "C++.DeclareTableEntry" $f}}; |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| ¶ |
| struct DeviceDispatchTable { |
| // clang-format off |
| {{range $f := AllCommands $}} |
| {{if (Macro "api.IsDeviceDispatchTableEntry" $f)}} |
| {{Macro "C++.DeclareTableEntry" $f}}; |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| ¶ |
| bool InitDispatchTable( |
| VkInstance instance, |
| PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr get_proc, |
| const std::bitset<driver::ProcHook::EXTENSION_COUNT> &extensions); |
| bool InitDispatchTable( |
| VkDevice dev, |
| PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr get_proc, |
| const std::bitset<driver::ProcHook::EXTENSION_COUNT> &extensions); |
| ¶ |
| »} // namespace api |
| »} // namespace vulkan |
| ¶ |
| #endif // LIBVULKAN_API_GEN_H |
| ¶{{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| api_gen.cpp |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */}} |
| {{define "api_gen.cpp"}} |
| {{Macro "Copyright"}} |
| ¶ |
| // WARNING: This file is generated. See ../README.md for instructions. |
| ¶ |
| #include <string.h> |
| ¶ |
| #include <algorithm> |
| ¶ |
| #include <log/log.h> |
| ¶ |
| // to catch mismatches between vulkan.h and this file |
| #include "api.h" |
| ¶ |
| namespace vulkan {« |
| namespace api {« |
| ¶ |
| {{Macro "C++.DefineInitProcMacro" "dispatch"}} |
| ¶ |
| {{Macro "api.C++.DefineInitProcExtMacro"}} |
| ¶ |
| namespace {« |
| ¶ |
| // clang-format off |
| ¶ |
| {{range $f := AllCommands $}} |
| {{Macro "api.C++.DefineExtensionStub" $f}} |
| {{end}} |
| // clang-format on |
| ¶ |
| »} // anonymous |
| ¶ |
| bool InitDispatchTable( |
| VkInstance instance, |
| PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr get_proc, |
| const std::bitset<driver::ProcHook::EXTENSION_COUNT> &extensions) { |
| auto& data = GetData(instance); |
| bool success = true; |
| ¶ |
| // clang-format off |
| {{range $f := AllCommands $}} |
| {{if (Macro "api.IsInstanceDispatchTableEntry" $f)}} |
| {{Macro "C++.InitProc" $f}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| // clang-format on |
| ¶ |
| return success; |
| } |
| ¶ |
| bool InitDispatchTable( |
| VkDevice dev, |
| PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr get_proc, |
| const std::bitset<driver::ProcHook::EXTENSION_COUNT> &extensions) { |
| auto& data = GetData(dev); |
| bool success = true; |
| ¶ |
| // clang-format off |
| {{range $f := AllCommands $}} |
| {{if (Macro "api.IsDeviceDispatchTableEntry" $f)}} |
| {{Macro "C++.InitProc" $f}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| // clang-format on |
| ¶ |
| return success; |
| } |
| ¶ |
| // clang-format off |
| ¶ |
| namespace {« |
| ¶ |
| // forward declarations needed by GetInstanceProcAddr and GetDeviceProcAddr |
| {{range $f := AllCommands $}} |
| {{if and (Macro "IsFunctionExported" $f) (not (Macro "api.IsIntercepted" $f))}} |
| VKAPI_ATTR {{Node "Type" $f.Return}} {{Macro "BaseName" $f}}({{Macro "Parameters" $f}}); |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| ¶ |
| {{range $f := AllCommands $}} |
| {{if and (Macro "IsFunctionExported" $f) (not (Macro "api.IsIntercepted" $f))}} |
| VKAPI_ATTR {{Node "Type" $f.Return}} {{Macro "BaseName" $f}}({{Macro "Parameters" $f}}) { |
| {{ if eq $f.Name "vkGetInstanceProcAddr"}} |
| {{Macro "api.C++.InterceptInstanceProcAddr" $}} |
| {{else if eq $f.Name "vkGetDeviceProcAddr"}} |
| {{Macro "api.C++.InterceptDeviceProcAddr" $}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| {{Macro "api.C++.Dispatch" $f}} |
| } |
| ¶ |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| ¶ |
| »} // anonymous namespace |
| ¶ |
| // clang-format on |
| ¶ |
| »} // namespace api |
| »} // namespace vulkan |
| ¶ |
| // clang-format off |
| ¶ |
| {{range $f := AllCommands $}} |
| {{if (Macro "IsFunctionExported" $f)}} |
| __attribute__((visibility("default"))) |
| VKAPI_ATTR {{Node "Type" $f.Return}} {{$f.Name}}({{Macro "Parameters" $f}}) { |
| {{if not (IsVoid $f.Return.Type)}}return §{{end}} |
| vulkan::api::{{Macro "BaseName" $f}}({{Macro "Arguments" $f}}); |
| } |
| ¶ |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| ¶ |
| // clang-format on |
| ¶{{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| driver_gen.h |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */}} |
| {{define "driver_gen.h"}} |
| {{Macro "Copyright"}} |
| ¶ |
| // WARNING: This file is generated. See ../README.md for instructions. |
| ¶ |
| ¶ |
| #include <bitset> |
| #include <vulkan/vulkan.h> |
| #include <vulkan/vk_android_native_buffer.h> |
| ¶ |
| namespace vulkan {« |
| namespace driver {« |
| ¶ |
| {{Macro "driver.C++.DefineProcHookType"}} |
| ¶ |
| struct InstanceDriverTable { |
| // clang-format off |
| {{range $f := AllCommands $}} |
| {{if (Macro "driver.IsInstanceDriverTableEntry" $f)}} |
| {{Macro "C++.DeclareTableEntry" $f}}; |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| ¶ |
| struct DeviceDriverTable { |
| // clang-format off |
| {{range $f := AllCommands $}} |
| {{if (Macro "driver.IsDeviceDriverTableEntry" $f)}} |
| {{Macro "C++.DeclareTableEntry" $f}}; |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| ¶ |
| const ProcHook* GetProcHook(const char* name); |
| ProcHook::Extension GetProcHookExtension(const char* name); |
| ¶ |
| bool InitDriverTable(VkInstance instance, PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr get_proc, |
| const std::bitset<ProcHook::EXTENSION_COUNT> &extensions); |
| bool InitDriverTable(VkDevice dev, PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr get_proc, |
| const std::bitset<ProcHook::EXTENSION_COUNT> &extensions); |
| ¶ |
| »} // namespace driver |
| »} // namespace vulkan |
| ¶ |
| ¶{{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| driver_gen.cpp |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */}} |
| {{define "driver_gen.cpp"}} |
| {{Macro "Copyright"}} |
| ¶ |
| // WARNING: This file is generated. See ../README.md for instructions. |
| ¶ |
| #include <string.h> |
| ¶ |
| #include <algorithm> |
| ¶ |
| #include <log/log.h> |
| ¶ |
| #include "driver.h" |
| ¶ |
| namespace vulkan {« |
| namespace driver {« |
| ¶ |
| namespace {« |
| ¶ |
| // clang-format off |
| ¶ |
| {{range $f := AllCommands $}} |
| {{Macro "driver.C++.DefineProcHookStub" $f}} |
| {{end}} |
| // clang-format on |
| ¶ |
| const ProcHook g_proc_hooks[] = { |
| // clang-format off |
| {{range $f := SortBy (AllCommands $) "FunctionName"}} |
| {{if (Macro "driver.IsIntercepted" $f)}} |
| {{ if (Macro "IsGloballyDispatched" $f)}} |
| {{Macro "driver.C++.DefineGlobalProcHook" $f}} |
| {{else if (Macro "IsInstanceDispatched" $f)}} |
| {{Macro "driver.C++.DefineInstanceProcHook" $f}} |
| {{else if (Macro "IsDeviceDispatched" $f)}} |
| {{Macro "driver.C++.DefineDeviceProcHook" $f}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| // clang-format on |
| }; |
| ¶ |
| »} // anonymous |
| ¶ |
| const ProcHook* GetProcHook(const char* name) { |
| const auto& begin = g_proc_hooks; |
| const auto& end = g_proc_hooks + |
| sizeof(g_proc_hooks) / sizeof(g_proc_hooks[0]); |
| const auto hook = std::lower_bound(begin, end, name, |
| [](const ProcHook& e, const char* n) { return strcmp(e.name, n) < 0; }); |
| return (hook < end && strcmp(hook->name, name) == 0) ? hook : nullptr; |
| } |
| ¶ |
| ProcHook::Extension GetProcHookExtension(const char* name) { |
| {{$exts := Strings (Macro "driver.KnownExtensions") | SplitOn "\n"}} |
| // clang-format off |
| {{range $e := $exts}} |
| if (strcmp(name, "{{$e}}") == 0) return ProcHook::{{TrimPrefix "VK_" $e}}; |
| {{end}} |
| // clang-format on |
| return ProcHook::EXTENSION_UNKNOWN; |
| } |
| ¶ |
| {{Macro "C++.DefineInitProcMacro" "driver"}} |
| ¶ |
| {{Macro "driver.C++.DefineInitProcExtMacro"}} |
| ¶ |
| bool InitDriverTable(VkInstance instance, PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr get_proc, |
| const std::bitset<ProcHook::EXTENSION_COUNT> &extensions) |
| { |
| auto& data = GetData(instance); |
| bool success = true; |
| ¶ |
| // clang-format off |
| {{range $f := AllCommands $}} |
| {{if (Macro "driver.IsInstanceDriverTableEntry" $f)}} |
| {{Macro "C++.InitProc" $f}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| // clang-format on |
| ¶ |
| return success; |
| } |
| ¶ |
| bool InitDriverTable(VkDevice dev, PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr get_proc, |
| const std::bitset<ProcHook::EXTENSION_COUNT> &extensions) |
| { |
| auto& data = GetData(dev); |
| bool success = true; |
| ¶ |
| // clang-format off |
| {{range $f := AllCommands $}} |
| {{if (Macro "driver.IsDeviceDriverTableEntry" $f)}} |
| {{Macro "C++.InitProc" $f}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| // clang-format on |
| ¶ |
| return success; |
| } |
| ¶ |
| »} // namespace driver |
| »} // namespace vulkan |
| ¶ |
| // clang-format on |
| ¶{{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emits a declaration of a dispatch/driver table entry. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "C++.DeclareTableEntry"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| |
| {{Macro "FunctionPtrName" $}} {{Macro "BaseName" $}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Emits INIT_PROC macro. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */}} |
| {{define "C++.DefineInitProcMacro"}} |
| #define UNLIKELY(expr) __builtin_expect((expr), 0) |
| ¶ |
| #define INIT_PROC(required, obj, proc) do { \ |
| data.{{$}}.proc = reinterpret_cast<PFN_vk ## proc>( \ |
| get_proc(obj, "vk" # proc)); \ |
| if (UNLIKELY(required && !data.{{$}}.proc)) { \ |
| ALOGE("missing " # obj " proc: vk" # proc); \ |
| success = false; \ |
| } \ |
| } while(0) |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Emits code to invoke INIT_PROC or INIT_PROC_EXT. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */}} |
| {{define "C++.InitProc"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| |
| {{$ext := GetAnnotation $ "extension"}} |
| {{if $ext}} |
| INIT_PROC_EXT({{Macro "BaseName" $ext}}, § |
| {{else}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| {{if GetAnnotation $ "optional"}}false{{else if GetAnnotation $ "vulkan1_1"}}false{{else}}true{{end}}, § |
| |
| {{if (Macro "IsInstanceDispatched" $)}} |
| instance, § |
| {{else}} |
| dev, § |
| {{end}} |
| |
| {{Macro "BaseName" $}}); |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emits true if a function is exported and instance-dispatched. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "api.IsInstanceDispatchTableEntry"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| |
| {{if and (Macro "IsFunctionExported" $) (Macro "IsInstanceDispatched" $)}} |
| {{/* deprecated and unused internally */}} |
| {{if not (eq $.Name "vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties")}} |
| true |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emits true if a function is exported and device-dispatched. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "api.IsDeviceDispatchTableEntry"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| |
| {{if and (Macro "IsFunctionExported" $) (Macro "IsDeviceDispatched" $)}} |
| true |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emits true if a function is intercepted by vulkan::api. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "api.IsIntercepted"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| |
| {{if (Macro "IsFunctionSupported" $)}} |
| {{/* Global functions cannot be dispatched at all */}} |
| {{ if (Macro "IsGloballyDispatched" $)}}true |
| |
| {{/* VkPhysicalDevice functions that manage device layers */}} |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkCreateDevice"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties"}}true |
| |
| {{/* Destroy functions of dispatchable objects */}} |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkDestroyInstance"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkDestroyDevice"}}true |
| |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Emits INIT_PROC_EXT macro for vulkan::api. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */}} |
| {{define "api.C++.DefineInitProcExtMacro"}} |
| // Exported extension functions may be invoked even when their extensions |
| // are disabled. Dispatch to stubs when that happens. |
| #define INIT_PROC_EXT(ext, required, obj, proc) do { \ |
| if (extensions[driver::ProcHook::ext]) \ |
| INIT_PROC(required, obj, proc); \ |
| else \ |
| data.dispatch.proc = disabled ## proc; \ |
| } while(0) |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Emits a stub for an exported extension function. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */}} |
| {{define "api.C++.DefineExtensionStub"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| |
| {{$ext := GetAnnotation $ "extension"}} |
| {{if and $ext (Macro "IsFunctionExported" $)}} |
| {{$ext_name := index $ext.Arguments 0}} |
| |
| {{$base := (Macro "BaseName" $)}} |
| |
| {{$p0 := (index $.CallParameters 0)}} |
| {{$ptail := (Tail 1 $.CallParameters)}} |
| |
| {{$first_type := (Macro "Parameter" $p0)}} |
| {{$tail_types := (ForEach $ptail "ParameterType" | JoinWith ", ")}} |
| |
| VKAPI_ATTR {{Node "Type" $.Return}} disabled{{$base}}({{$first_type}}, {{$tail_types}}) { |
| driver::Logger({{$p0.Name}}).Err({{$p0.Name}}, § |
| "{{$ext_name}} not enabled. Exported {{$.Name}} not executed."); |
| {{if not (IsVoid $.Return.Type)}}return VK_SUCCESS;{{end}} |
| } |
| ¶ |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emits code for vkGetInstanceProcAddr for function interception. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "api.C++.InterceptInstanceProcAddr"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "API"}} |
| |
| // global functions |
| if (instance == VK_NULL_HANDLE) { |
| {{range $f := AllCommands $}} |
| {{if (Macro "IsGloballyDispatched" $f)}} |
| if (strcmp(pName, "{{$f.Name}}") == 0) return § |
| reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkVoidFunction>({{Macro "BaseName" $f}}); |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| ¶ |
| ALOGE("invalid vkGetInstanceProcAddr(VK_NULL_HANDLE, \"%s\") call", pName); |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| ¶ |
| static const struct Hook { |
| const char* name; |
| PFN_vkVoidFunction proc; |
| } hooks[] = { |
| {{range $f := SortBy (AllCommands $) "FunctionName"}} |
| {{if (Macro "IsFunctionExported" $f)}} |
| {{/* hide global functions */}} |
| {{if (Macro "IsGloballyDispatched" $f)}} |
| { "{{$f.Name}}", nullptr }, |
| |
| {{/* redirect intercepted functions */}} |
| {{else if (Macro "api.IsIntercepted" $f)}} |
| { "{{$f.Name}}", reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkVoidFunction>(§ |
| {{Macro "BaseName" $f}}) }, |
| |
| {{/* redirect vkGetInstanceProcAddr to itself */}} |
| {{else if eq $f.Name "vkGetInstanceProcAddr"}} |
| { "{{$f.Name}}", reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkVoidFunction>({{Macro "BaseName" $f}}) }, |
| |
| {{/* redirect device functions to themselves as a workaround for |
| layers that do not intercept in their vkGetInstanceProcAddr */}} |
| {{else if (Macro "IsDeviceDispatched" $f)}} |
| { "{{$f.Name}}", reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkVoidFunction>({{Macro "BaseName" $f}}) }, |
| |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| }; |
| // clang-format on |
| constexpr size_t count = sizeof(hooks) / sizeof(hooks[0]); |
| auto hook = std::lower_bound( |
| hooks, hooks + count, pName, |
| [](const Hook& h, const char* n) { return strcmp(h.name, n) < 0; }); |
| if (hook < hooks + count && strcmp(hook->name, pName) == 0) { |
| if (!hook->proc) { |
| vulkan::driver::Logger(instance).Err( |
| instance, "invalid vkGetInstanceProcAddr(%p, \"%s\") call", |
| instance, pName); |
| } |
| return hook->proc; |
| } |
| // clang-format off |
| ¶ |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emits code for vkGetDeviceProcAddr for function interception. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "api.C++.InterceptDeviceProcAddr"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "API"}} |
| |
| if (device == VK_NULL_HANDLE) { |
| ALOGE("invalid vkGetDeviceProcAddr(VK_NULL_HANDLE, ...) call"); |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| ¶ |
| static const char* const known_non_device_names[] = { |
| {{range $f := SortBy (AllCommands $) "FunctionName"}} |
| {{if (Macro "IsFunctionSupported" $f)}} |
| {{if not (Macro "IsDeviceDispatched" $f)}} |
| "{{$f.Name}}", |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| }; |
| // clang-format on |
| constexpr size_t count = sizeof(known_non_device_names) / |
| sizeof(known_non_device_names[0]); |
| if (!pName || |
| std::binary_search( |
| known_non_device_names, known_non_device_names + count, pName, |
| [](const char* a, const char* b) { return (strcmp(a, b) < 0); })) { |
| vulkan::driver::Logger(device).Err(§ |
| device, "invalid vkGetDeviceProcAddr(%p, \"%s\") call", device,§ |
| (pName) ? pName : "(null)"); |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| // clang-format off |
| ¶ |
| {{range $f := AllCommands $}} |
| {{if (Macro "IsDeviceDispatched" $f)}} |
| {{ if (Macro "api.IsIntercepted" $f)}} |
| if (strcmp(pName, "{{$f.Name}}") == 0) return § |
| reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkVoidFunction>(§ |
| {{Macro "BaseName" $f}}); |
| {{else if eq $f.Name "vkGetDeviceProcAddr"}} |
| if (strcmp(pName, "{{$f.Name}}") == 0) return § |
| reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkVoidFunction>(§ |
| {{Macro "BaseName" $f}}); |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| ¶ |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emits code to dispatch a function. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "api.C++.Dispatch"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| {{if (Macro "api.IsIntercepted" $)}} |
| {{Error "$.Name should not be generated"}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| {{if not (IsVoid $.Return.Type)}}return §{{end}} |
| |
| {{$p0 := index $.CallParameters 0}} |
| GetData({{$p0.Name}}).dispatch.§ |
| {{Macro "BaseName" $}}({{Macro "Arguments" $}}); |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emits a list of extensions intercepted by vulkan::driver. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "driver.InterceptedExtensions"}} |
| VK_ANDROID_native_buffer |
| VK_EXT_debug_report |
| VK_EXT_hdr_metadata |
| VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace |
| VK_GOOGLE_display_timing |
| VK_KHR_android_surface |
| VK_KHR_incremental_present |
| VK_KHR_shared_presentable_image |
| VK_KHR_surface |
| VK_KHR_swapchain |
| VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2 |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emits a list of extensions known to vulkan::driver. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "driver.KnownExtensions"}} |
| {{Macro "driver.InterceptedExtensions"}} |
| VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 |
| VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emits true if an extension is intercepted by vulkan::driver. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "driver.IsExtensionIntercepted"}} |
| {{$ext_name := index $.Arguments 0}} |
| {{$filters := Strings (Macro "driver.InterceptedExtensions") | SplitOn "\n"}} |
| |
| {{range $f := $filters}} |
| {{if eq $ext_name $f}}true{{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emits true if a function is intercepted by vulkan::driver. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "driver.IsIntercepted"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| |
| {{if (Macro "IsFunctionSupported" $)}} |
| {{/* Create functions of dispatchable objects */}} |
| {{ if eq $.Name "vkCreateInstance"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkCreateDevice"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroups"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkGetDeviceQueue"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkGetDeviceQueue2"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkAllocateCommandBuffers"}}true |
| |
| {{/* Destroy functions of dispatchable objects */}} |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkDestroyInstance"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkDestroyDevice"}}true |
| |
| {{/* Enumeration of extensions */}} |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties"}}true |
| |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkGetInstanceProcAddr"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkGetDeviceProcAddr"}}true |
| |
| {{end}} |
| |
| {{$ext := GetAnnotation $ "extension"}} |
| {{if $ext}} |
| {{Macro "driver.IsExtensionIntercepted" $ext}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emits true if a function needs a ProcHook stub. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "driver.NeedProcHookStub"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| |
| {{if and (Macro "driver.IsIntercepted" $) (Macro "IsDeviceDispatched" $)}} |
| {{$ext := GetAnnotation $ "extension"}} |
| {{if $ext}} |
| {{if not (Macro "IsExtensionInternal" $ext)}}true{{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Emits definition of struct ProcHook. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */}} |
| {{define "driver.C++.DefineProcHookType"}} |
| struct ProcHook { |
| enum Type { |
| }; |
| |
| enum Extension { |
| {{$exts := Strings (Macro "driver.KnownExtensions") | SplitOn "\n"}} |
| {{range $e := $exts}} |
| {{TrimPrefix "VK_" $e}}, |
| {{end}} |
| ¶ |
| EXTENSION_CORE, // valid bit |
| }; |
| ¶ |
| const char* name; |
| Type type; |
| Extension extension; |
| ¶ |
| PFN_vkVoidFunction proc; |
| PFN_vkVoidFunction checked_proc; // always nullptr for non-device hooks |
| }; |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Emits INIT_PROC_EXT macro for vulkan::driver. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */}} |
| {{define "driver.C++.DefineInitProcExtMacro"}} |
| #define INIT_PROC_EXT(ext, required, obj, proc) do { \ |
| if (extensions[ProcHook::ext]) \ |
| INIT_PROC(required, obj, proc); \ |
| } while(0) |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Emits a stub for ProcHook::checked_proc. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */}} |
| {{define "driver.C++.DefineProcHookStub"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| |
| {{if (Macro "driver.NeedProcHookStub" $)}} |
| {{$ext := GetAnnotation $ "extension"}} |
| {{$ext_name := index $ext.Arguments 0}} |
| |
| {{$base := (Macro "BaseName" $)}} |
| |
| VKAPI_ATTR {{Node "Type" $.Return}} checked{{$base}}({{Macro "Parameters" $}}) { |
| {{$p0 := index $.CallParameters 0}} |
| {{$ext_hook := Strings ("ProcHook::") (Macro "BaseName" $ext)}} |
| |
| if (GetData({{$p0.Name}}).hook_extensions[{{$ext_hook}}]) { |
| {{if not (IsVoid $.Return.Type)}}return §{{end}} |
| {{$base}}({{Macro "Arguments" $}}); |
| } else { |
| Logger({{$p0.Name}}).Err({{$p0.Name}}, "{{$ext_name}} not enabled. {{$.Name}} not executed."); |
| {{if not (IsVoid $.Return.Type)}}return VK_SUCCESS;{{end}} |
| } |
| } |
| ¶ |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Emits definition of a global ProcHook. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */}} |
| {{define "driver.C++.DefineGlobalProcHook"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| |
| {{$base := (Macro "BaseName" $)}} |
| |
| {{$ext := GetAnnotation $ "extension"}} |
| {{if $ext}} |
| {{Error "invalid global extension"}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| { |
| "{{$.Name}}", |
| ProcHook::GLOBAL, |
| reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkVoidFunction>({{$base}}), |
| nullptr, |
| }, |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Emits definition of an instance ProcHook. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */}} |
| {{define "driver.C++.DefineInstanceProcHook"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| |
| {{$base := (Macro "BaseName" $)}} |
| |
| { |
| "{{$.Name}}", |
| ProcHook::INSTANCE, |
| |
| {{$ext := GetAnnotation $ "extension"}} |
| {{if $ext}} |
| ProcHook::{{Macro "BaseName" $ext}}, |
| |
| {{if (Macro "IsExtensionInternal" $ext)}} |
| nullptr, |
| nullptr, |
| {{else}} |
| reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkVoidFunction>({{$base}}), |
| nullptr, |
| {{end}} |
| {{else}} |
| reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkVoidFunction>({{$base}}), |
| nullptr, |
| {{end}} |
| }, |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Emits definition of a device ProcHook. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */}} |
| {{define "driver.C++.DefineDeviceProcHook"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| |
| {{$base := (Macro "BaseName" $)}} |
| |
| { |
| "{{$.Name}}", |
| ProcHook::DEVICE, |
| |
| {{$ext := GetAnnotation $ "extension"}} |
| {{if $ext}} |
| ProcHook::{{Macro "BaseName" $ext}}, |
| |
| {{if (Macro "IsExtensionInternal" $ext)}} |
| nullptr, |
| nullptr, |
| {{else}} |
| reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkVoidFunction>({{$base}}), |
| reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkVoidFunction>(checked{{$base}}), |
| {{end}} |
| {{else}} |
| reinterpret_cast<PFN_vkVoidFunction>({{$base}}), |
| nullptr, |
| {{end}} |
| }, |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Emits true if a function is needed by vulkan::driver. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */}} |
| {{define "driver.IsDriverTableEntry"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| |
| {{if (Macro "IsFunctionSupported" $)}} |
| {{/* Create functions of dispatchable objects */}} |
| {{ if eq $.Name "vkCreateDevice"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkGetDeviceQueue"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkGetDeviceQueue2"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkAllocateCommandBuffers"}}true |
| |
| {{/* Destroy functions of dispatchable objects */}} |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkDestroyInstance"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkDestroyDevice"}}true |
| |
| {{/* Enumeration of extensions */}} |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkEnumerateDeviceExtensionProperties"}}true |
| |
| {{/* We cache physical devices in loader.cpp */}} |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkEnumeratePhysicalDevices"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroups"}}true |
| |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkGetInstanceProcAddr"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkGetDeviceProcAddr"}}true |
| |
| {{/* VK_KHR_swapchain->VK_ANDROID_native_buffer translation */}} |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkCreateImage"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkDestroyImage"}}true |
| |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2"}}true |
| {{else if eq $.Name "vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR"}}true |
| {{end}} |
| |
| {{$ext := GetAnnotation $ "extension"}} |
| {{if $ext}} |
| {{$ext_name := index $ext.Arguments 0}} |
| {{ if eq $ext_name "VK_ANDROID_native_buffer"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext_name "VK_EXT_debug_report"}}true |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emits true if an instance-dispatched function is needed by vulkan::driver. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "driver.IsInstanceDriverTableEntry"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| |
| {{if and (Macro "driver.IsDriverTableEntry" $) (Macro "IsInstanceDispatched" $)}} |
| true |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emits true if a device-dispatched function is needed by vulkan::driver. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "driver.IsDeviceDriverTableEntry"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| |
| {{if and (Macro "driver.IsDriverTableEntry" $) (Macro "IsDeviceDispatched" $)}} |
| true |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Emits a function/extension name without the "vk"/"VK_" prefix. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */}} |
| {{define "BaseName"}} |
| {{ if IsFunction $}}{{TrimPrefix "vk" $.Name}} |
| {{else if eq $.Name "extension"}}{{TrimPrefix "VK_" (index $.Arguments 0)}} |
| {{else}}{{Error "invalid use of BaseName"}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Emits a comma-separated list of C parameter names for the given command. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */}} |
| {{define "Arguments"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| |
| {{ForEach $.CallParameters "ParameterName" | JoinWith ", "}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "IsGloballyDispatched"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| {{if and (Macro "IsFunctionSupported" $) (eq (Macro "Vtbl" $) "Global")}} |
| true |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emit "true" for supported functions that undergo table dispatch. Only global |
| functions and functions handled in the loader top without calling into |
| lower layers are not dispatched. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "IsInstanceDispatched"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| {{if and (Macro "IsFunctionSupported" $) (eq (Macro "Vtbl" $) "Instance")}} |
| true |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emit "true" for supported functions that can have device-specific dispatch. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "IsDeviceDispatched"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| {{if and (Macro "IsFunctionSupported" $) (eq (Macro "Vtbl" $) "Device")}} |
| true |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emit "true" if a function is core or from a supportable extension. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "IsFunctionSupported"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| {{if not (GetAnnotation $ "pfn")}} |
| {{$ext := GetAnnotation $ "extension"}} |
| {{if not $ext}}true |
| {{else if not (Macro "IsExtensionBlacklisted" $ext)}}true |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Decides whether a function should be exported from the Android Vulkan |
| library. Functions in the core API and in loader extensions are exported. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "IsFunctionExported"}} |
| {{AssertType $ "Function"}} |
| |
| {{if (Macro "IsFunctionSupported" $)}} |
| {{$ext := GetAnnotation $ "extension"}} |
| {{if $ext}} |
| {{Macro "IsExtensionExported" $ext}} |
| {{else}} |
| true |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Emit "true" if an extension is unsupportable on Android. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "IsExtensionBlacklisted"}} |
| {{$ext := index $.Arguments 0}} |
| {{ if eq $ext "VK_KHR_display"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_display_swapchain"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_mir_surface"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_xcb_surface"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_xlib_surface"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_wayland_surface"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_win32_surface"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_external_memory_win32"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_win32_keyed_mutex"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_external_fence_win32"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_EXT_acquire_xlib_display"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_EXT_direct_mode_display"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_EXT_display_surface_counter"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_EXT_display_control"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_MVK_ios_surface"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_MVK_macos_surface"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_NN_vi_surface"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_NV_external_memory_win32"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_NV_win32_keyed_mutex"}}true |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Reports whether an extension has functions exported by the loader. |
| E.g. applications can directly link to an extension function. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "IsExtensionExported"}} |
| {{$ext := index $.Arguments 0}} |
| {{ if eq $ext "VK_KHR_surface"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_swapchain"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_KHR_android_surface"}}true |
| {{else if eq $ext "VK_ANDROID_external_memory_android_hardware_buffer"}}true |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |
| |
| |
| {{/* |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Reports whether an extension is internal to the loader and drivers, |
| so the loader should not enumerate it. |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| */}} |
| {{define "IsExtensionInternal"}} |
| {{$ext := index $.Arguments 0}} |
| {{ if eq $ext "VK_ANDROID_native_buffer"}}true |
| {{end}} |
| {{end}} |