| // Copyright 2015-2023 The Khronos Group Inc. |
| // |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 |
| |
| // This text fragment is used many times in the Devices and Queues, and |
| // Limits chapters for different behavior, property, and limit queries. |
| ifdef::hidden[] |
| // tag::limits_desc[] |
| If the sname:{refpage} structure is included in the pname:pNext chain of the |
| slink:VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 structure passed to |
| flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2, it is filled in with each |
| corresponding implementation-dependent property. |
| // end::limits_desc[] |
| endif::hidden[] |
| |
| |
| [[limits]] |
| = Limits |
| |
| _Limits_ are implementation-dependent minimums, maximums, and other device |
| characteristics that an application may: need to be aware of. |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_1,VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2[] |
| [NOTE] |
| .Note |
| ==== |
| Limits are reported via the basic slink:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits structure as |
| well as the extensible structure sname:VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2, which |
| was added in `apiext:VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2` and included in |
| Vulkan 1.1. |
| When limits are added in future Vulkan versions or extensions, each |
| extension should: introduce one new limit structure, if needed. |
| This structure can: be added to the pname:pNext chain of the |
| sname:VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 structure. |
| ==== |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_1,VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2[] |
| |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceLimits',desc='Structure reporting implementation-dependent physical device limits',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceLimits.adoc[] |
| |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits are properties of the physical device. |
| These are available in the pname:limits member of the |
| slink:VkPhysicalDeviceProperties structure which is returned from |
| flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties. |
| |
| * [[limits-maxImageDimension1D]] pname:maxImageDimension1D is the largest |
| dimension (pname:width) that is guaranteed to be supported for all |
| images created with an pname:imageType of ename:VK_IMAGE_TYPE_1D. |
| Some combinations of image parameters (format, usage, etc.) may: allow |
| support for larger dimensions, which can: be queried using |
| flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties. |
| * [[limits-maxImageDimension2D]] pname:maxImageDimension2D is the largest |
| dimension (pname:width or pname:height) that is guaranteed to be |
| supported for all images created with an pname:imageType of |
| ename:VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D and without |
| ename:VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CUBE_COMPATIBLE_BIT set in pname:flags. |
| Some combinations of image parameters (format, usage, etc.) may: allow |
| support for larger dimensions, which can: be queried using |
| flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties. |
| * [[limits-maxImageDimension3D]] pname:maxImageDimension3D is the largest |
| dimension (pname:width, pname:height, or pname:depth) that is guaranteed |
| to be supported for all images created with an pname:imageType of |
| ename:VK_IMAGE_TYPE_3D. |
| Some combinations of image parameters (format, usage, etc.) may: allow |
| support for larger dimensions, which can: be queried using |
| flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties. |
| * [[limits-maxImageDimensionCube]] pname:maxImageDimensionCube is the |
| largest dimension (pname:width or pname:height) that is guaranteed to be |
| supported for all images created with an pname:imageType of |
| ename:VK_IMAGE_TYPE_2D and with |
| ename:VK_IMAGE_CREATE_CUBE_COMPATIBLE_BIT set in pname:flags. |
| Some combinations of image parameters (format, usage, etc.) may: allow |
| support for larger dimensions, which can: be queried using |
| flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties. |
| * [[limits-maxImageArrayLayers]] pname:maxImageArrayLayers is the maximum |
| number of layers (pname:arrayLayers) for an image. |
| * [[limits-maxTexelBufferElements]] pname:maxTexelBufferElements is the |
| maximum number of addressable texels for a buffer view created on a |
| buffer which was created with the |
| ename:VK_BUFFER_USAGE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER_BIT set in the pname:usage |
| member of the slink:VkBufferCreateInfo structure. |
| * [[limits-maxUniformBufferRange]] pname:maxUniformBufferRange is the |
| maximum value that can: be specified in the pname:range member of a |
| slink:VkDescriptorBufferInfo structure passed to |
| flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets for descriptors of type |
| * [[limits-maxStorageBufferRange]] pname:maxStorageBufferRange is the |
| maximum value that can: be specified in the pname:range member of a |
| slink:VkDescriptorBufferInfo structure passed to |
| flink:vkUpdateDescriptorSets for descriptors of type |
| * [[limits-maxPushConstantsSize]] pname:maxPushConstantsSize is the |
| maximum size, in bytes, of the pool of push constant memory. |
| For each of the push constant ranges indicated by the |
| pname:pPushConstantRanges member of the slink:VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo |
| structure, [eq]#(pname:offset {plus} pname:size)# must: be less than or |
| equal to this limit. |
| * [[limits-maxMemoryAllocationCount]] pname:maxMemoryAllocationCount is |
| the maximum number of device memory allocations, as created by |
| flink:vkAllocateMemory, which can: simultaneously exist. |
| * [[limits-maxSamplerAllocationCount]] pname:maxSamplerAllocationCount is |
| the maximum number of sampler objects, as created by |
| flink:vkCreateSampler, which can: simultaneously exist on a device. |
| * [[limits-bufferImageGranularity]] pname:bufferImageGranularity is the |
| granularity, in bytes, at which buffer or linear image resources, and |
| optimal image resources can: be bound to adjacent offsets in the same |
| sname:VkDeviceMemory object without aliasing. |
| See <<resources-bufferimagegranularity,Buffer-Image Granularity>> for |
| more details. |
| * [[limits-sparseAddressSpaceSize]] pname:sparseAddressSpaceSize is the |
| total amount of address space available, in bytes, for sparse memory |
| resources. |
| This is an upper bound on the sum of the sizes of all sparse resources, |
| regardless of whether any memory is bound to them. |
| ifdef::VK_NV_extended_sparse_address_space[] |
| If the <<features-extendedSparseAddressSpace, |
| pname:extendedSparseAddressSpace>> feature is enabled, then the |
| difference between <<limits-extendedSparseAddressSpaceSize, |
| pname:extendedSparseAddressSpaceSize>> and pname:sparseAddressSpaceSize |
| can also be used, by sname:VkImage created with the pname:usage member |
| of slink:VkImageCreateInfo only containing bits in |
| <<limits-extendedSparseImageUsageFlags, |
| pname:extendedSparseImageUsageFlags>> and sname:VkBuffer created with |
| the pname:usage member of slink:VkBufferCreateInfo only containing bits |
| in <<limits-extendedSparseBufferUsageFlags, |
| pname:extendedSparseBufferUsageFlags>>. |
| endif::VK_NV_extended_sparse_address_space[] |
| * [[limits-maxBoundDescriptorSets]] pname:maxBoundDescriptorSets is the |
| maximum number of descriptor sets that can: be simultaneously used by a |
| pipeline. |
| All code:DescriptorSet decorations in shader modules must: have a value |
| less than pname:maxBoundDescriptorSets. |
| See <<descriptorsets-sets>>. |
| * [[limits-maxPerStageDescriptorSamplers]] |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorSamplers is the maximum number of samplers |
| that can: be accessible to a single shader stage in a pipeline layout. |
| Descriptors with a type of ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLER or |
| limit. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| Only descriptors in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| A descriptor is accessible to a shader stage when the pname:stageFlags |
| member of the sname:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding structure has the bit |
| for that shader stage set. |
| See <<descriptorsets-sampler>> and |
| <<descriptorsets-combinedimagesampler>>. |
| * [[limits-maxPerStageDescriptorUniformBuffers]] |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUniformBuffers is the maximum number of |
| uniform buffers that can: be accessible to a single shader stage in a |
| pipeline layout. |
| Descriptors with a type of ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER or |
| limit. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| Only descriptors in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| A descriptor is accessible to a shader stage when the pname:stageFlags |
| member of the sname:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding structure has the bit |
| for that shader stage set. |
| See <<descriptorsets-uniformbuffer>> and |
| <<descriptorsets-uniformbufferdynamic>>. |
| * [[limits-maxPerStageDescriptorStorageBuffers]] |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorStorageBuffers is the maximum number of |
| storage buffers that can: be accessible to a single shader stage in a |
| pipeline layout. |
| Descriptors with a type of ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER or |
| limit. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| Only descriptors in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| A descriptor is accessible to a pipeline shader stage when the |
| pname:stageFlags member of the sname:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding |
| structure has the bit for that shader stage set. |
| See <<descriptorsets-storagebuffer>> and |
| <<descriptorsets-storagebufferdynamic>>. |
| * [[limits-maxPerStageDescriptorSampledImages]] |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorSampledImages is the maximum number of |
| sampled images that can: be accessible to a single shader stage in a |
| pipeline layout. |
| Descriptors with a type of |
| ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER count against this limit. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| Only descriptors in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| A descriptor is accessible to a pipeline shader stage when the |
| pname:stageFlags member of the sname:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding |
| structure has the bit for that shader stage set. |
| See <<descriptorsets-combinedimagesampler>>, |
| <<descriptorsets-sampledimage>>, and |
| <<descriptorsets-uniformtexelbuffer>>. |
| * [[limits-maxPerStageDescriptorStorageImages]] |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorStorageImages is the maximum number of |
| storage images that can: be accessible to a single shader stage in a |
| pipeline layout. |
| Descriptors with a type of ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE, or |
| ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER count against this limit. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| Only descriptors in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| A descriptor is accessible to a pipeline shader stage when the |
| pname:stageFlags member of the sname:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding |
| structure has the bit for that shader stage set. |
| See <<descriptorsets-storageimage>>, and |
| <<descriptorsets-storagetexelbuffer>>. |
| * [[limits-maxPerStageDescriptorInputAttachments]] |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorInputAttachments is the maximum number of |
| input attachments that can: be accessible to a single shader stage in a |
| pipeline layout. |
| Descriptors with a type of ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT |
| count against this limit. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| Only descriptors in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| A descriptor is accessible to a pipeline shader stage when the |
| pname:stageFlags member of the sname:VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding |
| structure has the bit for that shader stage set. |
| These are only supported for the fragment stage. |
| See <<descriptorsets-inputattachment>>. |
| * [[limits-maxPerStageResources]] pname:maxPerStageResources is the |
| maximum number of resources that can: be accessible to a single shader |
| stage in a pipeline layout. |
| Descriptors with a type of |
| ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT count against this limit. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| Only descriptors in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| For the fragment shader stage the framebuffer color attachments also |
| count against this limit. |
| * [[limits-maxDescriptorSetSamplers]] pname:maxDescriptorSetSamplers is |
| the maximum number of samplers that can: be included in a pipeline |
| layout. |
| Descriptors with a type of ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLER or |
| limit. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| Only descriptors in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| See <<descriptorsets-sampler>> and |
| <<descriptorsets-combinedimagesampler>>. |
| * [[limits-maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffers]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffers is the maximum number of uniform |
| buffers that can: be included in a pipeline layout. |
| Descriptors with a type of ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER or |
| limit. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| Only descriptors in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| See <<descriptorsets-uniformbuffer>> and |
| <<descriptorsets-uniformbufferdynamic>>. |
| * [[limits-maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffersDynamic]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffersDynamic is the maximum number of |
| dynamic uniform buffers that can: be included in a pipeline layout. |
| Descriptors with a type of |
| limit. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| Only descriptors in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| See <<descriptorsets-uniformbufferdynamic>>. |
| * [[limits-maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffers]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffers is the maximum number of storage |
| buffers that can: be included in a pipeline layout. |
| Descriptors with a type of ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER or |
| limit. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| Only descriptors in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| See <<descriptorsets-storagebuffer>> and |
| <<descriptorsets-storagebufferdynamic>>. |
| * [[limits-maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffersDynamic]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffersDynamic is the maximum number of |
| dynamic storage buffers that can: be included in a pipeline layout. |
| Descriptors with a type of |
| limit. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| Only descriptors in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| See <<descriptorsets-storagebufferdynamic>>. |
| * [[limits-maxDescriptorSetSampledImages]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetSampledImages is the maximum number of sampled |
| images that can: be included in a pipeline layout. |
| Descriptors with a type of |
| ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER count against this limit. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| Only descriptors in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| See <<descriptorsets-combinedimagesampler>>, |
| <<descriptorsets-sampledimage>>, and |
| <<descriptorsets-uniformtexelbuffer>>. |
| * [[limits-maxDescriptorSetStorageImages]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetStorageImages is the maximum number of storage |
| images that can: be included in a pipeline layout. |
| Descriptors with a type of ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE, or |
| ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER count against this limit. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| Only descriptors in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| See <<descriptorsets-storageimage>>, and |
| <<descriptorsets-storagetexelbuffer>>. |
| * [[limits-maxDescriptorSetInputAttachments]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetInputAttachments is the maximum number of input |
| attachments that can: be included in a pipeline layout. |
| Descriptors with a type of ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INPUT_ATTACHMENT |
| count against this limit. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| Only descriptors in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| See <<descriptorsets-inputattachment>>. |
| * [[limits-maxVertexInputAttributes]] pname:maxVertexInputAttributes is |
| the maximum number of vertex input attributes that can: be specified for |
| a graphics pipeline. |
| These are described in the array of |
| sname:VkVertexInputAttributeDescription structures that are provided at |
| graphics pipeline creation time via the |
| pname:pVertexAttributeDescriptions member of the |
| slink:VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo structure. |
| See <<fxvertex-attrib>> and <<fxvertex-input>>. |
| * [[limits-maxVertexInputBindings]] pname:maxVertexInputBindings is the |
| maximum number of vertex buffers that can: be specified for providing |
| vertex attributes to a graphics pipeline. |
| These are described in the array of |
| sname:VkVertexInputBindingDescription structures that are provided at |
| graphics pipeline creation time via the pname:pVertexBindingDescriptions |
| member of the slink:VkPipelineVertexInputStateCreateInfo structure. |
| The pname:binding member of sname:VkVertexInputBindingDescription must: |
| be less than this limit. |
| See <<fxvertex-input>>. |
| * [[limits-maxVertexInputAttributeOffset]] |
| pname:maxVertexInputAttributeOffset is the maximum vertex input |
| attribute offset that can: be added to the vertex input binding stride. |
| The pname:offset member of the sname:VkVertexInputAttributeDescription |
| structure must: be less than or equal to this limit. |
| See <<fxvertex-input>>. |
| * [[limits-maxVertexInputBindingStride]] pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride |
| is the maximum vertex input binding stride that can: be specified in a |
| vertex input binding. |
| The pname:stride member of the sname:VkVertexInputBindingDescription |
| structure must: be less than or equal to this limit. |
| See <<fxvertex-input>>. |
| * [[limits-maxVertexOutputComponents]] pname:maxVertexOutputComponents is |
| the maximum number of components of output variables which can: be |
| output by a vertex shader. |
| See <<shaders-vertex>>. |
| * [[limits-maxTessellationGenerationLevel]] |
| pname:maxTessellationGenerationLevel is the maximum tessellation |
| generation level supported by the fixed-function tessellation primitive |
| generator. |
| See <<tessellation>>. |
| * [[limits-maxTessellationPatchSize]] pname:maxTessellationPatchSize is |
| the maximum patch size, in vertices, of patches that can: be processed |
| by the tessellation control shader and tessellation primitive generator. |
| The pname:patchControlPoints member of the |
| slink:VkPipelineTessellationStateCreateInfo structure specified at |
| pipeline creation time and the value provided in the code:OutputVertices |
| execution mode of shader modules must: be less than or equal to this |
| limit. |
| See <<tessellation>>. |
| * [[limits-maxTessellationControlPerVertexInputComponents]] |
| pname:maxTessellationControlPerVertexInputComponents is the maximum |
| number of components of input variables which can: be provided as |
| per-vertex inputs to the tessellation control shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxTessellationControlPerVertexOutputComponents]] |
| pname:maxTessellationControlPerVertexOutputComponents is the maximum |
| number of components of per-vertex output variables which can: be output |
| from the tessellation control shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxTessellationControlPerPatchOutputComponents]] |
| pname:maxTessellationControlPerPatchOutputComponents is the maximum |
| number of components of per-patch output variables which can: be output |
| from the tessellation control shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxTessellationControlTotalOutputComponents]] |
| pname:maxTessellationControlTotalOutputComponents is the maximum total |
| number of components of per-vertex and per-patch output variables which |
| can: be output from the tessellation control shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxTessellationEvaluationInputComponents]] |
| pname:maxTessellationEvaluationInputComponents is the maximum number of |
| components of input variables which can: be provided as per-vertex |
| inputs to the tessellation evaluation shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxTessellationEvaluationOutputComponents]] |
| pname:maxTessellationEvaluationOutputComponents is the maximum number of |
| components of per-vertex output variables which can: be output from the |
| tessellation evaluation shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxGeometryShaderInvocations]] |
| pname:maxGeometryShaderInvocations is the maximum invocation count |
| supported for instanced geometry shaders. |
| The value provided in the code:Invocations execution mode of shader |
| modules must: be less than or equal to this limit. |
| See <<geometry>>. |
| * [[limits-maxGeometryInputComponents]] pname:maxGeometryInputComponents |
| is the maximum number of components of input variables which can: be |
| provided as inputs to the geometry shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxGeometryOutputComponents]] pname:maxGeometryOutputComponents |
| is the maximum number of components of output variables which can: be |
| output from the geometry shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxGeometryOutputVertices]] pname:maxGeometryOutputVertices is |
| the maximum number of vertices which can: be emitted by any geometry |
| shader. |
| * [[limits-maxGeometryTotalOutputComponents]] |
| pname:maxGeometryTotalOutputComponents is the maximum total number of |
| components of output variables, across all emitted vertices, which can: |
| be output from the geometry shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxFragmentInputComponents]] pname:maxFragmentInputComponents |
| is the maximum number of components of input variables which can: be |
| provided as inputs to the fragment shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxFragmentOutputAttachments]] |
| pname:maxFragmentOutputAttachments is the maximum number of output |
| attachments which can: be written to by the fragment shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxFragmentDualSrcAttachments]] |
| pname:maxFragmentDualSrcAttachments is the maximum number of output |
| attachments which can: be written to by the fragment shader stage when |
| blending is enabled and one of the dual source blend modes is in use. |
| See <<framebuffer-dsb>> and <<features-dualSrcBlend, |
| pname:dualSrcBlend>>. |
| * [[limits-maxFragmentCombinedOutputResources]] |
| pname:maxFragmentCombinedOutputResources is the total number of storage |
| buffers, storage images, and output code:Location decorated color |
| attachments (described in <<interfaces-fragmentoutput, Fragment Output |
| Interface>>) which can: be used in the fragment shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxComputeSharedMemorySize]] pname:maxComputeSharedMemorySize |
| is the maximum total storage size, in bytes, available for variables |
| declared with the code:Workgroup storage class in shader modules (or |
| with the code:shared storage qualifier in GLSL) in the compute shader |
| stage. |
| * [[limits-maxComputeWorkGroupCount]] pname:maxComputeWorkGroupCount[3] is |
| the maximum number of local workgroups that can: be dispatched by a |
| single dispatching command. |
| These three values represent the maximum number of local workgroups for |
| the X, Y, and Z dimensions, respectively. |
| The workgroup count parameters to the dispatching commands must: be less |
| than or equal to the corresponding limit. |
| See <<dispatch>>. |
| * [[limits-maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations]] |
| pname:maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations is the maximum total number of |
| compute shader invocations in a single local workgroup. |
| The product of the X, Y, and Z sizes, as specified by the code:LocalSize |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_maintenance4[or code:LocalSizeId] |
| execution mode in shader modules or by the object decorated by the |
| code:WorkgroupSize decoration, must: be less than or equal to this |
| limit. |
| * [[limits-maxComputeWorkGroupSize]] pname:maxComputeWorkGroupSize[3] is |
| the maximum size of a local compute workgroup, per dimension. |
| These three values represent the maximum local workgroup size in the X, |
| Y, and Z dimensions, respectively. |
| The pname:x, pname:y, and pname:z sizes, as specified by the |
| code:LocalSize |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_maintenance4[or code:LocalSizeId] |
| execution mode or by the object decorated by the code:WorkgroupSize |
| decoration in shader modules, must: be less than or equal to the |
| corresponding limit. |
| * [[limits-subPixelPrecisionBits]] pname:subPixelPrecisionBits is the |
| number of bits of subpixel precision in framebuffer coordinates |
| [eq]#x~f~# and [eq]#y~f~#. |
| See <<primsrast>>. |
| * [[limits-subTexelPrecisionBits]] pname:subTexelPrecisionBits is the |
| number of bits of precision in the division along an axis of an image |
| used for minification and magnification filters. |
| [eq]#2^pname:subTexelPrecisionBits^# is the actual number of divisions |
| along each axis of the image represented. |
| Sub-texel values calculated during image sampling will snap to these |
| locations when generating the filtered results. |
| * [[limits-mipmapPrecisionBits]] pname:mipmapPrecisionBits is the number |
| of bits of division that the LOD calculation for mipmap fetching get |
| snapped to when determining the contribution from each mip level to the |
| mip filtered results. |
| [eq]#2^pname:mipmapPrecisionBits^# is the actual number of divisions. |
| * [[limits-maxDrawIndexedIndexValue]] pname:maxDrawIndexedIndexValue is |
| the maximum index value that can: be used for indexed draw calls when |
| using 32-bit indices. |
| This excludes the primitive restart index value of 0xFFFFFFFF. |
| See <<features-fullDrawIndexUint32, pname:fullDrawIndexUint32>>. |
| * [[limits-maxDrawIndirectCount]] pname:maxDrawIndirectCount is the |
| maximum draw count that is supported for indirect drawing calls. |
| See <<features-multiDrawIndirect, pname:multiDrawIndirect>>. |
| * [[limits-maxSamplerLodBias]] pname:maxSamplerLodBias is the maximum |
| absolute sampler LOD bias. |
| The sum of the pname:mipLodBias member of the slink:VkSamplerCreateInfo |
| structure and the code:Bias operand of image sampling operations in |
| shader modules (or 0 if no code:Bias operand is provided to an image |
| sampling operation) are clamped to the range |
| [eq]#[-pname:maxSamplerLodBias,+pname:maxSamplerLodBias]#. |
| See <<samplers-mipLodBias>>. |
| * [[limits-maxSamplerAnisotropy]] pname:maxSamplerAnisotropy is the |
| maximum degree of sampler anisotropy. |
| The maximum degree of anisotropic filtering used for an image sampling |
| operation is the minimum of the pname:maxAnisotropy member of the |
| slink:VkSamplerCreateInfo structure and this limit. |
| See <<samplers-maxAnisotropy>>. |
| * [[limits-maxViewports]] pname:maxViewports is the maximum number of |
| active viewports. |
| The pname:viewportCount member of the |
| slink:VkPipelineViewportStateCreateInfo structure that is provided at |
| pipeline creation must: be less than or equal to this limit. |
| * [[limits-maxViewportDimensions]] pname:maxViewportDimensions[2] are the |
| maximum viewport dimensions in the X (width) and Y (height) dimensions, |
| respectively. |
| The maximum viewport dimensions must: be greater than or equal to the |
| largest image which can: be created and used as a framebuffer |
| attachment. |
| See <<vertexpostproc-viewport,Controlling the Viewport>>. |
| * [[limits-viewportboundsrange]] pname:viewportBoundsRange[2] is the |
| [eq]#[minimum, maximum]# range that the corners of a viewport must: be |
| contained in. |
| This range must: be at least [eq]#[-2 {times} pname:size, 2 {times} |
| pname:size - 1]#, where [eq]#pname:size = |
| max(pname:maxViewportDimensions[0], pname:maxViewportDimensions[1])#. |
| See <<vertexpostproc-viewport,Controlling the Viewport>>. |
| + |
| [NOTE] |
| .Note |
| ==== |
| The intent of the pname:viewportBoundsRange limit is to allow a maximum |
| sized viewport to be arbitrarily shifted relative to the output target as |
| long as at least some portion intersects. |
| This would give a bounds limit of [eq]#[-pname:size {plus} 1, 2 {times} |
| pname:size - 1]# which would allow all possible non-empty-set intersections |
| of the output target and the viewport. |
| Since these numbers are typically powers of two, picking the signed number |
| range using the smallest possible number of bits ends up with the specified |
| range. |
| ==== |
| * [[limits-viewportSubPixelBits]] pname:viewportSubPixelBits is the number |
| of bits of subpixel precision for viewport bounds. |
| The subpixel precision that floating-point viewport bounds are |
| interpreted at is given by this limit. |
| * [[limits-minMemoryMapAlignment]] pname:minMemoryMapAlignment is the |
| minimum required: alignment, in bytes, of host visible memory |
| allocations within the host address space. |
| When mapping a memory allocation with flink:vkMapMemory, subtracting |
| pname:offset bytes from the returned pointer will always produce an |
| integer multiple of this limit. |
| See <<memory-device-hostaccess>>. |
| The value must: be a power of two. |
| * [[limits-minTexelBufferOffsetAlignment]] |
| pname:minTexelBufferOffsetAlignment is the minimum required: alignment, |
| in bytes, for the pname:offset member of the |
| slink:VkBufferViewCreateInfo structure for texel buffers. |
| The value must: be a power of two. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_EXT_texel_buffer_alignment[] |
| If <<features-texelBufferAlignment, pname:texelBufferAlignment>> is |
| enabled, this limit is equivalent to the maximum of the |
| <<limits-uniformTexelBufferOffsetAlignmentBytes, |
| pname:uniformTexelBufferOffsetAlignmentBytes>> and |
| <<limits-storageTexelBufferOffsetAlignmentBytes, |
| pname:storageTexelBufferOffsetAlignmentBytes>> members of |
| slink:VkPhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentProperties, but smaller |
| alignment is optionally: allowed by |
| <<limits-storageTexelBufferOffsetSingleTexelAlignment, |
| pname:storageTexelBufferOffsetSingleTexelAlignment>> and |
| <<limits-uniformTexelBufferOffsetSingleTexelAlignment, |
| pname:uniformTexelBufferOffsetSingleTexelAlignment>>. |
| If <<features-texelBufferAlignment, pname:texelBufferAlignment>> is not |
| enabled, |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_EXT_texel_buffer_alignment[] |
| slink:VkBufferViewCreateInfo::pname:offset must: be a multiple of this |
| value. |
| * [[limits-minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment]] |
| pname:minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment is the minimum required: |
| alignment, in bytes, for the pname:offset member of the |
| sname:VkDescriptorBufferInfo structure for uniform buffers. |
| When a descriptor of type ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER or |
| pname:offset must: be an integer multiple of this limit. |
| Similarly, dynamic offsets for uniform buffers must: be multiples of |
| this limit. |
| The value must: be a power of two. |
| * [[limits-minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment]] |
| pname:minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment is the minimum required: |
| alignment, in bytes, for the pname:offset member of the |
| sname:VkDescriptorBufferInfo structure for storage buffers. |
| When a descriptor of type ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER or |
| pname:offset must: be an integer multiple of this limit. |
| Similarly, dynamic offsets for storage buffers must: be multiples of |
| this limit. |
| The value must: be a power of two. |
| * [[limits-minTexelOffset]] pname:minTexelOffset is the minimum offset |
| value for the code:ConstOffset image operand of any of the |
| code:OpImageSample* or code:OpImageFetch* image instructions. |
| * [[limits-maxTexelOffset]] pname:maxTexelOffset is the maximum offset |
| value for the code:ConstOffset image operand of any of the |
| code:OpImageSample* or code:OpImageFetch* image instructions. |
| * [[limits-minTexelGatherOffset]] pname:minTexelGatherOffset is the |
| minimum offset value for the code:Offset, code:ConstOffset, or |
| code:ConstOffsets image operands of any of the code:OpImage*Gather image |
| instructions. |
| * [[limits-maxTexelGatherOffset]] pname:maxTexelGatherOffset is the |
| maximum offset value for the code:Offset, code:ConstOffset, or |
| code:ConstOffsets image operands of any of the code:OpImage*Gather image |
| instructions. |
| * [[limits-minInterpolationOffset]] pname:minInterpolationOffset is the |
| base minimum (inclusive) negative offset value for the code:Offset |
| operand of the code:InterpolateAtOffset extended instruction. |
| * [[limits-maxInterpolationOffset]] pname:maxInterpolationOffset is the |
| base maximum (inclusive) positive offset value for the code:Offset |
| operand of the code:InterpolateAtOffset extended instruction. |
| * [[limits-subPixelInterpolationOffsetBits]] |
| pname:subPixelInterpolationOffsetBits is the number of fractional bits |
| that the code:x and code:y offsets to the code:InterpolateAtOffset |
| extended instruction may: be rounded to as fixed-point values. |
| * [[limits-maxFramebufferWidth]] pname:maxFramebufferWidth is the maximum |
| width for a framebuffer. |
| The pname:width member of the slink:VkFramebufferCreateInfo structure |
| must: be less than or equal to this limit. |
| * [[limits-maxFramebufferHeight]] pname:maxFramebufferHeight is the |
| maximum height for a framebuffer. |
| The pname:height member of the slink:VkFramebufferCreateInfo structure |
| must: be less than or equal to this limit. |
| * [[limits-maxFramebufferLayers]] pname:maxFramebufferLayers is the |
| maximum layer count for a layered framebuffer. |
| The pname:layers member of the slink:VkFramebufferCreateInfo structure |
| must: be less than or equal to this limit. |
| ifdef::VKSC_VERSION_1_0[] |
| ifdef::hidden[] |
| // tag::scdeviation[] |
| * slink:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::pname:maxFramebufferLayers may: be 1 if |
| neither pname:geometryShader or pname:shaderOutputLayer are supported |
| <<SCID-8>>. |
| // end::scdeviation[] |
| endif::hidden[] |
| endif::VKSC_VERSION_1_0[] |
| * [[limits-framebufferColorSampleCounts]] |
| pname:framebufferColorSampleCounts is a bitmask^1^ of |
| elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits indicating the color sample counts that are |
| supported for all framebuffer color attachments with floating- or |
| fixed-point formats. |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_2[] |
| There is no limit specifying the color sample counts that are supported |
| for all color attachments with integer formats. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[] |
| For color attachments with integer formats, see |
| <<limits-framebufferIntegerColorSampleCounts, |
| pname:framebufferIntegerColorSampleCounts>>. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2[] |
| * [[limits-framebufferDepthSampleCounts]] |
| pname:framebufferDepthSampleCounts is a bitmask^1^ of |
| elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits indicating the supported depth sample counts |
| for all framebuffer depth/stencil attachments, when the format includes |
| a depth component. |
| * [[limits-framebufferStencilSampleCounts]] |
| pname:framebufferStencilSampleCounts is a bitmask^1^ of |
| elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits indicating the supported stencil sample |
| counts for all framebuffer depth/stencil attachments, when the format |
| includes a stencil component. |
| * [[limits-framebufferNoAttachmentsSampleCounts]] |
| pname:framebufferNoAttachmentsSampleCounts is a bitmask^1^ of |
| elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits indicating the supported sample counts for a |
| <<renderpass-noattachments, subpass which uses no attachments>>. |
| * [[limits-maxColorAttachments]] pname:maxColorAttachments is the maximum |
| number of color attachments that can: be used by a subpass in a render |
| pass. |
| The pname:colorAttachmentCount member of the sname:VkSubpassDescription |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_KHR_create_renderpass2[] |
| or sname:VkSubpassDescription2 |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_KHR_create_renderpass2[] |
| structure must: be less than or equal to this limit. |
| * [[limits-sampledImageColorSampleCounts]] |
| pname:sampledImageColorSampleCounts is a bitmask^1^ of |
| elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits indicating the sample counts supported for |
| all 2D images created with ename:VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL, pname:usage |
| containing ename:VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT, and a non-integer color |
| format. |
| * [[limits-sampledImageIntegerSampleCounts]] |
| pname:sampledImageIntegerSampleCounts is a bitmask^1^ of |
| elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits indicating the sample counts supported for |
| all 2D images created with ename:VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL, pname:usage |
| containing ename:VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT, and an integer color |
| format. |
| * [[limits-sampledImageDepthSampleCounts]] |
| pname:sampledImageDepthSampleCounts is a bitmask^1^ of |
| elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits indicating the sample counts supported for |
| all 2D images created with ename:VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL, pname:usage |
| containing ename:VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT, and a depth format. |
| * [[limits-sampledImageStencilSampleCounts]] |
| pname:sampledImageStencilSampleCounts is a bitmask^1^ of |
| elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits indicating the sample counts supported for |
| all 2D images created with ename:VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL, pname:usage |
| containing ename:VK_IMAGE_USAGE_SAMPLED_BIT, and a stencil format. |
| * [[limits-storageImageSampleCounts]] pname:storageImageSampleCounts is a |
| bitmask^1^ of elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits indicating the sample counts |
| supported for all 2D images created with ename:VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL, |
| and pname:usage containing ename:VK_IMAGE_USAGE_STORAGE_BIT. |
| * [[limits-maxSampleMaskWords]] pname:maxSampleMaskWords is the maximum |
| number of array elements of a variable decorated with the |
| code:SampleMask built-in decoration. |
| * [[limits-timestampComputeAndGraphics]] pname:timestampComputeAndGraphics |
| specifies support for timestamps on all graphics and compute queues. |
| If this limit is set to ename:VK_TRUE, all queues that advertise the |
| sname:VkQueueFamilyProperties::pname:queueFlags support |
| sname:VkQueueFamilyProperties::pname:timestampValidBits of at least 36. |
| See <<queries-timestamps, Timestamp Queries>>. |
| * [[limits-timestampPeriod]] pname:timestampPeriod is the number of |
| nanoseconds required: for a timestamp query to be incremented by 1. |
| See <<queries-timestamps, Timestamp Queries>>. |
| * [[limits-maxClipDistances]] pname:maxClipDistances is the maximum number |
| of clip distances that can: be used in a single shader stage. |
| The size of any array declared with the code:ClipDistance built-in |
| decoration in a shader module must: be less than or equal to this limit. |
| * [[limits-maxCullDistances]] pname:maxCullDistances is the maximum number |
| of cull distances that can: be used in a single shader stage. |
| The size of any array declared with the code:CullDistance built-in |
| decoration in a shader module must: be less than or equal to this limit. |
| * [[limits-maxCombinedClipAndCullDistances]] |
| pname:maxCombinedClipAndCullDistances is the maximum combined number of |
| clip and cull distances that can: be used in a single shader stage. |
| The sum of the sizes of any pair of arrays declared with the |
| code:ClipDistance and code:CullDistance built-in decoration used by a |
| single shader stage in a shader module must: be less than or equal to |
| this limit. |
| * [[limits-discreteQueuePriorities]] pname:discreteQueuePriorities is the |
| number of discrete priorities that can: be assigned to a queue based on |
| the value of each member of |
| slink:VkDeviceQueueCreateInfo::pname:pQueuePriorities. |
| This must: be at least 2, and levels must: be spread evenly over the |
| range, with at least one level at 1.0, and another at 0.0. |
| See <<devsandqueues-priority>>. |
| * [[limits-pointSizeRange]] pname:pointSizeRange[2] is the range |
| [eq]#[pname:minimum,pname:maximum]# of supported sizes for points. |
| Values written to variables decorated with the code:PointSize built-in |
| decoration are clamped to this range. |
| * [[limits-lineWidthRange]] pname:lineWidthRange[2] is the range |
| [eq]#[pname:minimum,pname:maximum]# of supported widths for lines. |
| Values specified by the pname:lineWidth member of the |
| slink:VkPipelineRasterizationStateCreateInfo or the pname:lineWidth |
| parameter to fname:vkCmdSetLineWidth are clamped to this range. |
| * [[limits-pointSizeGranularity]] pname:pointSizeGranularity is the |
| granularity of supported point sizes. |
| Not all point sizes in the range defined by pname:pointSizeRange are |
| supported. |
| This limit specifies the granularity (or increment) between successive |
| supported point sizes. |
| * [[limits-lineWidthGranularity]] pname:lineWidthGranularity is the |
| granularity of supported line widths. |
| Not all line widths in the range defined by pname:lineWidthRange are |
| supported. |
| This limit specifies the granularity (or increment) between successive |
| supported line widths. |
| * [[limits-strictLines]] pname:strictLines specifies whether lines are |
| rasterized according to the preferred method of rasterization. |
| If set to ename:VK_FALSE, lines may: be rasterized under a relaxed set |
| of rules. |
| If set to ename:VK_TRUE, lines are rasterized as per the strict |
| definition. |
| See <<primsrast-lines-basic,Basic Line Segment Rasterization>>. |
| * [[limits-standardSampleLocations]] pname:standardSampleLocations |
| specifies whether rasterization uses the standard sample locations as |
| documented in <<primsrast-multisampling,Multisampling>>. |
| If set to ename:VK_TRUE, the implementation uses the documented sample |
| locations. |
| If set to ename:VK_FALSE, the implementation may: use different sample |
| locations. |
| * [[limits-optimalBufferCopyOffsetAlignment]] |
| pname:optimalBufferCopyOffsetAlignment is the optimal buffer offset |
| alignment in bytes for |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_copy_commands2[] |
| flink:vkCmdCopyBufferToImage and flink:vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_copy_commands2[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_copy_commands2[] |
| flink:vkCmdCopyBufferToImage2, flink:vkCmdCopyBufferToImage, |
| flink:vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer2, and flink:vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_copy_commands2[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_host_image_copy[] |
| This value is also the optimal host memory offset alignment in bytes for |
| flink:vkCopyMemoryToImageEXT and flink:vkCopyImageToMemoryEXT. |
| endif::VK_EXT_host_image_copy[] |
| The per texel alignment requirements are enforced, but applications |
| should: use the optimal alignment for optimal performance and power use. |
| The value must: be a power of two. |
| * [[limits-optimalBufferCopyRowPitchAlignment]] |
| pname:optimalBufferCopyRowPitchAlignment is the optimal buffer row pitch |
| alignment in bytes for |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_copy_commands2[] |
| flink:vkCmdCopyBufferToImage and flink:vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_copy_commands2[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_copy_commands2[] |
| flink:vkCmdCopyBufferToImage2, flink:vkCmdCopyBufferToImage, |
| flink:vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer2, and flink:vkCmdCopyImageToBuffer. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_copy_commands2[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_host_image_copy[] |
| This value is also the optimal host memory row pitch alignment in bytes |
| for flink:vkCopyMemoryToImageEXT and flink:vkCopyImageToMemoryEXT. |
| endif::VK_EXT_host_image_copy[] |
| Row pitch is the number of bytes between texels with the same X |
| coordinate in adjacent rows (Y coordinates differ by one). |
| The per texel alignment requirements are enforced, but applications |
| should: use the optimal alignment for optimal performance and power use. |
| The value must: be a power of two. |
| * [[limits-nonCoherentAtomSize]] pname:nonCoherentAtomSize is the size and |
| alignment in bytes that bounds concurrent access to |
| <<memory-device-hostaccess, host-mapped device memory>>. |
| The value must: be a power of two. |
| |
| 1:: |
| For all bitmasks of elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits, the sample count limits |
| defined above represent the minimum supported sample counts for each |
| image type. |
| Individual images may: support additional sample counts, which are |
| queried using flink:vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties as |
| described in <<features-supported-sample-counts, Supported Sample |
| Counts>>. |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceLimits.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| |
| [open,refpage='VkSampleCountFlagBits',desc='Bitmask specifying sample counts supported for an image used for storage operations',type='enums'] |
| -- |
| Bits which may: be set in the sample count limits returned by |
| slink:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits, as well as in other queries and structures |
| representing image sample counts, are: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/enums/VkSampleCountFlagBits.adoc[] |
| |
| * ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT specifies an image with one sample per |
| pixel. |
| * ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_2_BIT specifies an image with 2 samples per pixel. |
| * ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_4_BIT specifies an image with 4 samples per pixel. |
| * ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_8_BIT specifies an image with 8 samples per pixel. |
| * ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_16_BIT specifies an image with 16 samples per |
| pixel. |
| * ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_32_BIT specifies an image with 32 samples per |
| pixel. |
| * ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_64_BIT specifies an image with 64 samples per |
| pixel. |
| -- |
| |
| [open,refpage='VkSampleCountFlags',desc='Bitmask of VkSampleCountFlagBits',type='flags'] |
| -- |
| include::{generated}/api/flags/VkSampleCountFlags.adoc[] |
| |
| tname:VkSampleCountFlags is a bitmask type for setting a mask of zero or |
| more elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits. |
| -- |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_push_descriptor[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDevicePushDescriptorPropertiesKHR',desc='Structure describing push descriptor limits that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDevicePushDescriptorPropertiesKHR structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDevicePushDescriptorPropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-maxPushDescriptors]] pname:maxPushDescriptors is the maximum |
| number of descriptors that can: be used in a descriptor set layout |
| created with |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDevicePushDescriptorPropertiesKHR |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDevicePushDescriptorPropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_KHR_push_descriptor[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_1,VK_KHR_multiview[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewProperties',desc='Structure describing multiview limits that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewProperties structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewProperties.adoc[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_multiview[] |
| or the equivalent |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewPropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| endif::VK_KHR_multiview[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| |
| // Must have preceding whitespace |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix: extension-] |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix:] |
| // tag::VK_KHR_multiview-properties[] |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxMultiviewViewCount]] |
| pname:maxMultiviewViewCount is one greater than the maximum view index |
| that can: be used in a subpass. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxMultiviewInstanceIndex]] |
| pname:maxMultiviewInstanceIndex is the maximum valid value of instance |
| index allowed to be generated by a drawing command recorded within a |
| subpass of a multiview render pass instance. |
| // end::VK_KHR_multiview-properties[] |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewProperties |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewProperties.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_1,VK_KHR_multiview[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_KHR_shader_float_controls[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties',desc='Structure describing properties supported by VK_KHR_shader_float_controls',type='structs',alias='VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsPropertiesKHR'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties.adoc[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_shader_float_controls[] |
| or the equivalent |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsPropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| endif::VK_KHR_shader_float_controls[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| |
| // Must have preceding whitespace |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix: extension-] |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix:] |
| // tag::VK_KHR_shader_float_controls-properties[] |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}features-denormBehaviorIndependence]] |
| pname:denormBehaviorIndependence is a |
| elink:VkShaderFloatControlsIndependence value indicating whether, and |
| how, denorm behavior can be set independently for different bit widths. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}features-roundingModeIndependence]] |
| pname:roundingModeIndependence is a |
| elink:VkShaderFloatControlsIndependence value indicating whether, and |
| how, rounding modes can be set independently for different bit widths. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat16]] |
| pname:shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat16 is a boolean value |
| indicating whether sign of a zero, [eq]##Nan##s and |
| latexmath:[\pm\infty] can: be preserved in 16-bit floating-point |
| computations. |
| It also indicates whether the code:SignedZeroInfNanPreserve execution |
| mode can: be used for 16-bit floating-point types. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat32]] |
| pname:shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat32 is a boolean value |
| indicating whether sign of a zero, [eq]##Nan##s and |
| latexmath:[\pm\infty] can: be preserved in 32-bit floating-point |
| computations. |
| It also indicates whether the code:SignedZeroInfNanPreserve execution |
| mode can: be used for 32-bit floating-point types. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat64]] |
| pname:shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat64 is a boolean value |
| indicating whether sign of a zero, [eq]##Nan##s and |
| latexmath:[\pm\infty] can: be preserved in 64-bit floating-point |
| computations. |
| It also indicates whether the code:SignedZeroInfNanPreserve execution |
| mode can: be used for 64-bit floating-point types. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderDenormPreserveFloat16]] |
| pname:shaderDenormPreserveFloat16 is a boolean value indicating whether |
| denormals can: be preserved in 16-bit floating-point computations. |
| It also indicates whether the code:DenormPreserve execution mode can: be |
| used for 16-bit floating-point types. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderDenormPreserveFloat32]] |
| pname:shaderDenormPreserveFloat32 is a boolean value indicating whether |
| denormals can: be preserved in 32-bit floating-point computations. |
| It also indicates whether the code:DenormPreserve execution mode can: be |
| used for 32-bit floating-point types. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderDenormPreserveFloat64]] |
| pname:shaderDenormPreserveFloat64 is a boolean value indicating whether |
| denormals can: be preserved in 64-bit floating-point computations. |
| It also indicates whether the code:DenormPreserve execution mode can: be |
| used for 64-bit floating-point types. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat16]] |
| pname:shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat16 is a boolean value indicating |
| whether denormals can: be flushed to zero in 16-bit floating-point |
| computations. |
| It also indicates whether the code:DenormFlushToZero execution mode can: |
| be used for 16-bit floating-point types. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat32]] |
| pname:shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat32 is a boolean value indicating |
| whether denormals can: be flushed to zero in 32-bit floating-point |
| computations. |
| It also indicates whether the code:DenormFlushToZero execution mode can: |
| be used for 32-bit floating-point types. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat64]] |
| pname:shaderDenormFlushToZeroFloat64 is a boolean value indicating |
| whether denormals can: be flushed to zero in 64-bit floating-point |
| computations. |
| It also indicates whether the code:DenormFlushToZero execution mode can: |
| be used for 64-bit floating-point types. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat16]] |
| pname:shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat16 is a boolean value indicating whether |
| an implementation supports the round-to-nearest-even rounding mode for |
| 16-bit floating-point arithmetic and conversion instructions. |
| It also indicates whether the code:RoundingModeRTE execution mode can: |
| be used for 16-bit floating-point types. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat32]] |
| pname:shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat32 is a boolean value indicating whether |
| an implementation supports the round-to-nearest-even rounding mode for |
| 32-bit floating-point arithmetic and conversion instructions. |
| It also indicates whether the code:RoundingModeRTE execution mode can: |
| be used for 32-bit floating-point types. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat64]] |
| pname:shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat64 is a boolean value indicating whether |
| an implementation supports the round-to-nearest-even rounding mode for |
| 64-bit floating-point arithmetic and conversion instructions. |
| It also indicates whether the code:RoundingModeRTE execution mode can: |
| be used for 64-bit floating-point types. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat16]] |
| pname:shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat16 is a boolean value indicating whether |
| an implementation supports the round-towards-zero rounding mode for |
| 16-bit floating-point arithmetic and conversion instructions. |
| It also indicates whether the code:RoundingModeRTZ execution mode can: |
| be used for 16-bit floating-point types. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat32]] |
| pname:shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat32 is a boolean value indicating whether |
| an implementation supports the round-towards-zero rounding mode for |
| 32-bit floating-point arithmetic and conversion instructions. |
| It also indicates whether the code:RoundingModeRTZ execution mode can: |
| be used for 32-bit floating-point types. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat64]] |
| pname:shaderRoundingModeRTZFloat64 is a boolean value indicating whether |
| an implementation supports the round-towards-zero rounding mode for |
| 64-bit floating-point arithmetic and conversion instructions. |
| It also indicates whether the code:RoundingModeRTZ execution mode can: |
| be used for 64-bit floating-point types. |
| // end::VK_KHR_shader_float_controls-properties[] |
| |
| ifdef::editing-notes[] |
| [NOTE] |
| .editing-note |
| ==== |
| Implementations may not be able to control behavior of denorms for |
| floating-point atomics. |
| This needs to be taken into account when such atomics will be added to |
| Vulkan. |
| ==== |
| endif::editing-notes[] |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| [open,refpage='VkShaderFloatControlsIndependence',desc='Bitmask specifying whether, and how, shader float controls can be set separately',type='enums',alias='VkShaderFloatControlsIndependenceKHR'] |
| -- |
| Values which may: be returned in the pname:denormBehaviorIndependence and |
| pname:roundingModeIndependence fields of |
| sname:VkPhysicalDeviceFloatControlsProperties are: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/enums/VkShaderFloatControlsIndependence.adoc[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_shader_float_controls[] |
| or the equivalent |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/enums/VkShaderFloatControlsIndependenceKHR.adoc[] |
| endif::VK_KHR_shader_float_controls[] |
| |
| shader float controls for 32-bit floating point can: be set |
| independently; other bit widths must: be set identically to each other. |
| * ename:VK_SHADER_FLOAT_CONTROLS_INDEPENDENCE_ALL specifies that shader |
| float controls for all bit widths can: be set independently. |
| * ename:VK_SHADER_FLOAT_CONTROLS_INDEPENDENCE_NONE specifies that shader |
| float controls for all bit widths must: be set identically. |
| -- |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_KHR_shader_float_controls[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_discard_rectangles[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceDiscardRectanglePropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing discard rectangle limits that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceDiscardRectanglePropertiesEXT structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceDiscardRectanglePropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-maxDiscardRectangles]] pname:maxDiscardRectangles is the |
| maximum number of active discard rectangles that can: be specified. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceDiscardRectanglePropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceDiscardRectanglePropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_EXT_discard_rectangles[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_sample_locations[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceSampleLocationsPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing sample location limits that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceSampleLocationsPropertiesEXT structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceSampleLocationsPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-sampleLocationSampleCounts]] pname:sampleLocationSampleCounts |
| is a bitmask of elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits indicating the sample counts |
| supporting custom sample locations. |
| * [[limits-maxSampleLocationGridSize]] pname:maxSampleLocationGridSize is |
| the maximum size of the pixel grid in which sample locations can: vary |
| that is supported for all sample counts in |
| pname:sampleLocationSampleCounts. |
| * [[limits-sampleLocationCoordinateRange]] |
| pname:sampleLocationCoordinateRange[2] is the range of supported sample |
| location coordinates. |
| * [[limits-sampleLocationSubPixelBits]] pname:sampleLocationSubPixelBits |
| is the number of bits of subpixel precision for sample locations. |
| * [[limits-variableSampleLocations]] pname:variableSampleLocations |
| specifies whether the sample locations used by all pipelines that will |
| be bound to a command buffer during a subpass must: match. |
| If set to ename:VK_TRUE, the implementation supports variable sample |
| locations in a subpass. |
| If set to ename:VK_FALSE, then the sample locations must: stay constant |
| in each subpass. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceSampleLocationsPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceSampleLocationsPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_EXT_sample_locations[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_external_memory_host[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceExternalMemoryHostPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing external memory host pointer limits that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceExternalMemoryHostPropertiesEXT structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceExternalMemoryHostPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-minImportedHostPointerAlignment]] |
| pname:minImportedHostPointerAlignment is the minimum required: |
| alignment, in bytes, for the base address and size of host pointers that |
| can: be imported to a Vulkan memory object. |
| The value must: be a power of two. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceExternalMemoryHostPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceExternalMemoryHostPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_EXT_external_memory_host[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewPerViewAttributesPropertiesNVX',desc='Structure describing multiview limits that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewPerViewAttributesPropertiesNVX structure |
| is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewPerViewAttributesPropertiesNVX.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-perViewPositionAllComponents]] |
| pname:perViewPositionAllComponents is ename:VK_TRUE if the |
| implementation supports per-view position values that differ in |
| components other than the X component. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewPerViewAttributesPropertiesNVX |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMultiviewPerViewAttributesPropertiesNVX.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_1,VK_KHR_maintenance2[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDevicePointClippingProperties',desc='Structure describing the point clipping behavior supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDevicePointClippingProperties structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDevicePointClippingProperties.adoc[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_maintenance2[] |
| or the equivalent |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDevicePointClippingPropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| endif::VK_KHR_maintenance2[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| |
| // Must have preceding whitespace |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix: extension-] |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix:] |
| // tag::VK_KHR_maintenance2-properties[] |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-pointClipping]] pname:pointClippingBehavior is a |
| elink:VkPointClippingBehavior value specifying the point clipping |
| behavior supported by the implementation. |
| // end::VK_KHR_maintenance2-properties[] |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDevicePointClippingProperties |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDevicePointClippingProperties.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_1,VK_KHR_maintenance2[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_1[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties',desc='Structure describing subgroup support for an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| |
| // Must have preceding whitespace |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix: extension-] |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix:] |
| // tag::VK_KHR_subgroup-properties[] |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-subgroup-size]] pname:subgroupSize is the |
| default number of invocations in each subgroup. |
| pname:subgroupSize is at least 1 if any of the physical device's queues |
| support ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT or ename:VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT. |
| pname:subgroupSize is a power-of-two. |
| * [[limits-subgroup-supportedStages]] pname:supportedStages is a bitfield |
| of elink:VkShaderStageFlagBits describing the shader stages that |
| <<shaders-group-operations, group operations>> with |
| <<shaders-scope-subgroup, subgroup scope>> are supported in. |
| pname:supportedStages will have the ename:VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT |
| bit set if any of the physical device's queues support |
| * [[limits-subgroupSupportedOperations]] pname:supportedOperations is a |
| bitmask of elink:VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits specifying the sets of |
| <<shaders-group-operations, group operations>> with |
| <<shaders-scope-subgroup, subgroup scope>> supported on this device. |
| pname:supportedOperations will have the |
| ename:VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_BASIC_BIT bit set if any of the physical |
| device's queues support ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT or |
| * [[limits-subgroup-quadOperationsInAllStages]] |
| pname:quadOperationsInAllStages is a boolean specifying whether |
| <<shaders-quad-operations,quad group operations>> are available in all |
| stages, or are restricted to fragment and compute stages. |
| // end::VK_KHR_subgroup-properties[] |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| If pname:supportedOperations includes <<features-subgroup-quad, |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow[] |
| or <<features-shaderSubgroupUniformControlFlow, |
| pname:shaderSubgroupUniformControlFlow>> is enabled, |
| endif::VK_KHR_shader_subgroup_uniform_control_flow[] |
| pname:subgroupSize must: be greater than or equal to 4. |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| [open,refpage='VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits',desc='Bitmask describing what group operations are supported with subgroup scope',type='enums'] |
| -- |
| Bits which can: be set in |
| slink:VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties::pname:supportedOperations |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[] |
| and |
| slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Properties::pname:subgroupSupportedOperations |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2[] |
| to specify supported <<shaders-group-operations, group operations>> with |
| <<shaders-scope-subgroup, subgroup scope>> are: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/enums/VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits.adoc[] |
| |
| * [[features-subgroup-basic]] ename:VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_BASIC_BIT |
| specifies the device will accept SPIR-V shader modules containing the |
| code:GroupNonUniform capability. |
| * [[features-subgroup-vote]] ename:VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_VOTE_BIT specifies |
| the device will accept SPIR-V shader modules containing the |
| code:GroupNonUniformVote capability. |
| * [[features-subgroup-arithmetic]] |
| ename:VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_ARITHMETIC_BIT specifies the device will |
| accept SPIR-V shader modules containing the |
| code:GroupNonUniformArithmetic capability. |
| * [[features-subgroup-ballot]] ename:VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_BALLOT_BIT |
| specifies the device will accept SPIR-V shader modules containing the |
| code:GroupNonUniformBallot capability. |
| * [[features-subgroup-shuffle]] ename:VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_SHUFFLE_BIT |
| specifies the device will accept SPIR-V shader modules containing the |
| code:GroupNonUniformShuffle capability. |
| * [[features-subgroup-shuffle-relative]] |
| ename:VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_SHUFFLE_RELATIVE_BIT specifies the device will |
| accept SPIR-V shader modules containing the |
| code:GroupNonUniformShuffleRelative capability. |
| * [[features-subgroup-clustered]] ename:VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_CLUSTERED_BIT |
| specifies the device will accept SPIR-V shader modules containing the |
| code:GroupNonUniformClustered capability. |
| * [[features-subgroup-quad]] ename:VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_QUAD_BIT specifies |
| the device will accept SPIR-V shader modules containing the |
| code:GroupNonUniformQuad capability. |
| ifdef::VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned[] |
| * [[features-subgroup-partitioned]] |
| ename:VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_PARTITIONED_BIT_NV specifies the device will |
| accept SPIR-V shader modules containing the |
| code:GroupNonUniformPartitionedNV capability. |
| endif::VK_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned[] |
| -- |
| |
| [open,refpage='VkSubgroupFeatureFlags',desc='Bitmask of VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits',type='flags'] |
| -- |
| include::{generated}/api/flags/VkSubgroupFeatureFlags.adoc[] |
| |
| tname:VkSubgroupFeatureFlags is a bitmask type for setting a mask of zero or |
| more elink:VkSubgroupFeatureFlagBits. |
| -- |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlProperties',desc='Structure describing the control subgroup size properties of an implementation',type='structs',alias='VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlPropertiesEXT'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlProperties structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlProperties.adoc[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control[] |
| or the equivalent |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| endif::VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| |
| // Must have preceding whitespace |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3[:anchor-prefix: extension-] |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_3[:anchor-prefix:] |
| // tag::VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control-properties[] |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-minSubgroupSize]] pname:minSubgroupSize is the |
| minimum subgroup size supported by this device. |
| pname:minSubgroupSize is at least one if any of the physical device's |
| queues support ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT or |
| pname:minSubgroupSize is a power-of-two. |
| pname:minSubgroupSize is less than or equal to pname:maxSubgroupSize. |
| pname:minSubgroupSize is less than or equal to <<limits-subgroup-size, |
| pname:subgroupSize>>. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxSubgroupSize]] pname:maxSubgroupSize is the |
| maximum subgroup size supported by this device. |
| pname:maxSubgroupSize is at least one if any of the physical device's |
| queues support ename:VK_QUEUE_GRAPHICS_BIT or |
| pname:maxSubgroupSize is a power-of-two. |
| pname:maxSubgroupSize is greater than or equal to pname:minSubgroupSize. |
| pname:maxSubgroupSize is greater than or equal to |
| <<limits-subgroup-size, pname:subgroupSize>>. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxComputeWorkgroupSubgroups]] |
| pname:maxComputeWorkgroupSubgroups is the maximum number of subgroups |
| supported by the implementation within a workgroup. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-requiredSubgroupSizeStages]] |
| pname:requiredSubgroupSizeStages is a bitfield of what shader stages |
| support having a required subgroup size specified. |
| // end::VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control-properties[] |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlProperties |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| If slink:VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupProperties::pname:supportedOperations |
| includes <<features-subgroup-quad, ename:VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_QUAD_BIT>>, |
| pname:minSubgroupSize must: be greater than or equal to 4. |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceSubgroupSizeControlProperties.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_EXT_subgroup_size_control[] |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_1[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_blend_operation_advanced[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing advanced blending limits that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedPropertiesEXT structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-advancedBlendMaxColorAttachments]] |
| pname:advancedBlendMaxColorAttachments is one greater than the highest |
| color attachment index that can: be used in a subpass, for a pipeline |
| that uses an <<framebuffer-blend-advanced,advanced blend operation>>. |
| * [[limits-advancedBlendIndependentBlend]] |
| pname:advancedBlendIndependentBlend specifies whether advanced blend |
| operations can: vary per-attachment. |
| * [[limits-advancedBlendNonPremultipliedSrcColor]] |
| pname:advancedBlendNonPremultipliedSrcColor specifies whether the source |
| color can: be treated as non-premultiplied. |
| If this is ename:VK_FALSE, then |
| slink:VkPipelineColorBlendAdvancedStateCreateInfoEXT::pname:srcPremultiplied |
| must: be ename:VK_TRUE. |
| * [[limits-advancedBlendNonPremultipliedDstColor]] |
| pname:advancedBlendNonPremultipliedDstColor specifies whether the |
| destination color can: be treated as non-premultiplied. |
| If this is ename:VK_FALSE, then |
| slink:VkPipelineColorBlendAdvancedStateCreateInfoEXT::pname:dstPremultiplied |
| must: be ename:VK_TRUE. |
| * [[limits-advancedBlendCorrelatedOverlap]] |
| pname:advancedBlendCorrelatedOverlap specifies whether the overlap mode |
| can: be treated as correlated. |
| If this is ename:VK_FALSE, then |
| slink:VkPipelineColorBlendAdvancedStateCreateInfoEXT::pname:blendOverlap |
| * [[limits-advancedBlendAllOperations]] pname:advancedBlendAllOperations |
| specifies whether all advanced blend operation enums are supported. |
| See the valid usage of slink:VkPipelineColorBlendAttachmentState. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceBlendOperationAdvancedPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_EXT_blend_operation_advanced[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing max value of vertex attribute divisor that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorPropertiesEXT structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-maxVertexAttribDivisor]] pname:maxVertexAttribDivisor is the |
| maximum value of the number of instances that will repeat the value of |
| vertex attribute data when instanced rendering is enabled. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceVertexAttributeDivisorPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerFilterMinmaxProperties',desc='Structure describing sampler filter minmax limits that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs',alias='VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerFilterMinmaxPropertiesEXT'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerFilterMinmaxProperties structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerFilterMinmaxProperties.adoc[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax[] |
| or the equivalent |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerFilterMinmaxPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| endif::VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| |
| // Must have preceding whitespace |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix: extension-] |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix:] |
| // tag::VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax-properties[] |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-filterMinmaxSingleComponentFormats]] |
| pname:filterMinmaxSingleComponentFormats is a boolean value indicating |
| whether a minimum set of required formats support min/max filtering. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-filterMinmaxImageComponentMapping]] |
| pname:filterMinmaxImageComponentMapping is a boolean value indicating |
| whether the implementation supports non-identity component mapping of |
| the image when doing min/max filtering. |
| // end::VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax-properties[] |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerFilterMinmaxProperties |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| [[limits-filterMinmaxSingleComponentFormats-minimum-requirements]] |
| If pname:filterMinmaxSingleComponentFormats is ename:VK_TRUE, the following |
| formats must: support the |
| ename:VK_IMAGE_TILING_OPTIMAL, if they support |
| |
| * ename:VK_FORMAT_R8_UNORM |
| * ename:VK_FORMAT_R8_SNORM |
| * ename:VK_FORMAT_R16_UNORM |
| * ename:VK_FORMAT_R16_SNORM |
| * ename:VK_FORMAT_R16_SFLOAT |
| * ename:VK_FORMAT_R32_SFLOAT |
| * ename:VK_FORMAT_D16_UNORM |
| * ename:VK_FORMAT_X8_D24_UNORM_PACK32 |
| * ename:VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT |
| * ename:VK_FORMAT_D16_UNORM_S8_UINT |
| * ename:VK_FORMAT_D24_UNORM_S8_UINT |
| * ename:VK_FORMAT_D32_SFLOAT_S8_UINT |
| |
| If the format is a depth/stencil format, this bit only specifies that the |
| depth aspect (not the stencil aspect) of an image of this format supports |
| min/max filtering, and that min/max filtering of the depth aspect is |
| supported when depth compare is disabled in the sampler. |
| |
| If pname:filterMinmaxImageComponentMapping is ename:VK_FALSE the component |
| mapping of the image view used with min/max filtering must: have been |
| created with the pname:r component set to the |
| <<resources-image-views-identity-mappings,identity swizzle>>. |
| Only the pname:r component of the sampled image value is defined and the |
| other component values are undefined:. |
| If pname:filterMinmaxImageComponentMapping is ename:VK_TRUE this restriction |
| does not apply and image component mapping works as normal. |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceSamplerFilterMinmaxProperties.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_1[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryProperties',desc='Structure describing protected memory properties that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryProperties structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryProperties.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| |
| // Must have preceding whitespace |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix: extension-] |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix:] |
| // tag::VK_KHR_protected_memory-properties[] |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-protectedNoFault]] pname:protectedNoFault |
| specifies how an implementation behaves when an application attempts to |
| write to unprotected memory in a protected queue operation, read from |
| protected memory in an unprotected queue operation, or perform a query |
| in a protected queue operation. |
| If this limit is ename:VK_TRUE, such writes will be discarded or have |
| undefined: values written, reads and queries will return undefined: |
| values. |
| If this limit is ename:VK_FALSE, applications must: not perform these |
| operations. |
| See <<memory-protected-access-rules>> for more information. |
| // end::VK_KHR_protected_memory-properties[] |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryProperties |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceProtectedMemoryProperties.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_1[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_1,VK_KHR_maintenance3[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance3Properties',desc='Structure describing descriptor set properties',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance3Properties structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance3Properties.adoc[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_maintenance3[] |
| or the equivalent |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance3PropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| endif::VK_KHR_maintenance3[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| |
| // Must have preceding whitespace |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix: extension-] |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix:] |
| // tag::VK_KHR_maintenance3-properties[] |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxPerSetDescriptors]] |
| pname:maxPerSetDescriptors is a maximum number of descriptors (summed |
| over all descriptor types) in a single descriptor set that is guaranteed |
| to satisfy any implementation-dependent constraints on the size of a |
| descriptor set itself. |
| Applications can: query whether a descriptor set that goes beyond this |
| limit is supported using flink:vkGetDescriptorSetLayoutSupport. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxMemoryAllocationSize]] |
| pname:maxMemoryAllocationSize is the maximum size of a memory allocation |
| that can: be created, even if there is more space available in the heap. |
| // end::VK_KHR_maintenance3-properties[] |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance3Properties |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance3Properties.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_1,VK_KHR_maintenance3[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_maintenance4[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance4Properties',desc='Structure describing various implementation-defined properties introduced with VK_KHR_maintenance4',type='structs',alias='VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance4PropertiesKHR'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance4Properties structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance4Properties.adoc[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_maintenance4[] |
| or the equivalent |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance4PropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| endif::VK_KHR_maintenance4[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| |
| // Must have preceding whitespace |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3[:anchor-prefix: extension-] |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_3[:anchor-prefix:] |
| // tag::VK_KHR_maintenance4-properties[] |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxBufferSize]] pname:maxBufferSize is the |
| maximum size sname:VkBuffer that can: be created. |
| // end::VK_KHR_maintenance4-properties[] |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance4Properties |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance4Properties.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_maintenance4[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_maintenance5[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance5PropertiesKHR',desc='Structure describing various implementation-defined properties introduced with VK_KHR_maintenance5',type='structs',alias='VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance5PropertiesKHR'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance5PropertiesKHR structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance5PropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * pname:earlyFragmentMultisampleCoverageAfterSampleCounting is a boolean |
| value indicating whether the <<fragops-shader,fragment shading>> and |
| <<fragops-covg, multisample coverage>> operations are performed after |
| <<fragops-samplecount, sample counting>> for <<fragops-shader, fragment |
| shaders>> with code:EarlyFragmentTests execution mode. |
| * pname:earlyFragmentSampleMaskTestBeforeSampleCounting is a boolean value |
| indicating whether the <<fragops-samplemask,sample mask test>> operation |
| is performed before <<fragops-samplecount, sample counting>> for |
| <<fragops-shader, fragment shaders>> using the code:EarlyFragmentTests |
| execution mode. |
| * pname:depthStencilSwizzleOneSupport is a boolean indicating that |
| depth/stencil texturing operations with ename:VK_COMPONENT_SWIZZLE_ONE |
| have defined behavior. |
| * pname:polygonModePointSize is a boolean value indicating whether the |
| point size of the final rasterization of polygons with |
| ename:VK_POLYGON_MODE_POINT is controlled by code:PointSize. |
| * pname:nonStrictSinglePixelWideLinesUseParallelogram is a boolean value |
| indicating whether non-strict lines with a width of 1.0 are rasterized |
| as parallelograms or using Bresenham's algorithm. |
| * pname:nonStrictWideLinesUseParallelogram is a boolean value indicating |
| whether non-strict lines with a width greater than 1.0 are rasterized as |
| parallelograms or using Bresenham's algorithm. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance5PropertiesKHR |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMaintenance5PropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_KHR_maintenance5[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_NV_mesh_shader[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV',desc='Structure describing mesh shading properties',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * pname:maxDrawMeshTasksCount is the maximum number of local workgroups |
| that can: be launched by a single draw mesh tasks command. |
| See <<drawing-mesh-shading>>. |
| * pname:maxTaskWorkGroupInvocations is the maximum total number of task |
| shader invocations in a single local workgroup. |
| The product of the X, Y, and Z sizes, as specified by the code:LocalSize |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_maintenance4[or code:LocalSizeId] |
| execution mode in shader modules or by the object decorated by the |
| code:WorkgroupSize decoration, must: be less than or equal to this |
| limit. |
| * pname:maxTaskWorkGroupSize[3] is the maximum size of a local task |
| workgroup. |
| These three values represent the maximum local workgroup size in the X, |
| Y, and Z dimensions, respectively. |
| The pname:x, pname:y, and pname:z sizes, as specified by the |
| code:LocalSize |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_maintenance4[or code:LocalSizeId] |
| execution mode or by the object decorated by the code:WorkgroupSize |
| decoration in shader modules, must: be less than or equal to the |
| corresponding limit. |
| * pname:maxTaskTotalMemorySize is the maximum number of bytes that the |
| task shader can use in total for shared and output memory combined. |
| * pname:maxTaskOutputCount is the maximum number of output tasks a single |
| task shader workgroup can emit. |
| * pname:maxMeshWorkGroupInvocations is the maximum total number of mesh |
| shader invocations in a single local workgroup. |
| The product of the X, Y, and Z sizes, as specified by the code:LocalSize |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_maintenance4[or code:LocalSizeId] |
| execution mode in shader modules or by the object decorated by the |
| code:WorkgroupSize decoration, must: be less than or equal to this |
| limit. |
| * pname:maxMeshWorkGroupSize[3] is the maximum size of a local mesh |
| workgroup. |
| These three values represent the maximum local workgroup size in the X, |
| Y, and Z dimensions, respectively. |
| The pname:x, pname:y, and pname:z sizes, as specified by the |
| code:LocalSize |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_maintenance4[or code:LocalSizeId] |
| execution mode or by the object decorated by the code:WorkgroupSize |
| decoration in shader modules, must: be less than or equal to the |
| corresponding limit. |
| * pname:maxMeshTotalMemorySize is the maximum number of bytes that the |
| mesh shader can use in total for shared and output memory combined. |
| * pname:maxMeshOutputVertices is the maximum number of vertices a mesh |
| shader output can store. |
| * pname:maxMeshOutputPrimitives is the maximum number of primitives a mesh |
| shader output can store. |
| * pname:maxMeshMultiviewViewCount is the maximum number of multiview views |
| a mesh shader can use. |
| * pname:meshOutputPerVertexGranularity is the granularity with which mesh |
| vertex outputs are allocated. |
| The value can be used to compute the memory size used by the mesh |
| shader, which must be less than or equal to |
| pname:maxMeshTotalMemorySize. |
| * pname:meshOutputPerPrimitiveGranularity is the granularity with which |
| mesh outputs qualified as per-primitive are allocated. |
| The value can be used to compute the memory size used by the mesh |
| shader, which must be less than or equal to |
| pname:maxMeshTotalMemorySize. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_NV_mesh_shader[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_mesh_shader[] |
| |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing mesh shading properties',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| The members of the sname:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT structure |
| describe the following implementation-dependent limits: |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-maxTaskWorkGroupTotalCount]] pname:maxTaskWorkGroupTotalCount |
| is the maximum number of total local workgroups that can: be launched by |
| a single mesh tasks drawing command. |
| See <<drawing-mesh-shading>>. |
| * [[limits-maxTaskWorkGroupCount]] pname:maxTaskWorkGroupCount[3] is the |
| maximum number of local workgroups that can: be launched by a single |
| mesh tasks drawing command. |
| These three values represent the maximum number of local workgroups for |
| the X, Y, and Z dimensions, respectively. |
| The workgroup count parameters to the drawing commands must: be less |
| than or equal to the corresponding limit. |
| The product of these dimensions must: be less than or equal to |
| pname:maxTaskWorkGroupTotalCount. |
| * [[limits-maxTaskWorkGroupInvocations]] pname:maxTaskWorkGroupInvocations |
| is the maximum total number of task shader invocations in a single local |
| workgroup. |
| The product of the X, Y, and Z sizes, as specified by the code:LocalSize |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_maintenance4[or code:LocalSizeId] |
| execution mode in shader modules or by the object decorated by the |
| code:WorkgroupSize decoration, must: be less than or equal to this |
| limit. |
| * [[limits-maxTaskWorkGroupSize]] pname:maxTaskWorkGroupSize[3] is the |
| maximum size of a local task workgroup, per dimension. |
| These three values represent the maximum local workgroup size in the X, |
| Y, and Z dimensions, respectively. |
| The pname:x, pname:y, and pname:z sizes, as specified by the |
| code:LocalSize |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_maintenance4[or code:LocalSizeId] |
| execution mode or by the object decorated by the code:WorkgroupSize |
| decoration in shader modules, must: be less than or equal to the |
| corresponding limit. |
| * [[limits-maxTaskPayloadSize]] pname:maxTaskPayloadSize is the maximum |
| total storage size, in bytes, available for variables declared with the |
| code:TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT storage class in shader modules in the task |
| shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxTaskSharedMemorySize]] pname:maxTaskSharedMemorySize is the |
| maximum total storage size, in bytes, available for variables declared |
| with the code:Workgroup storage class in shader modules in the task |
| shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxTaskPayloadAndSharedMemorySize]] |
| pname:maxTaskPayloadAndSharedMemorySize is the maximum total storage |
| size, in bytes, available for variables that are declared with the |
| code:TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT or code:Workgroup storage class, in shader |
| modules in the task shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxMeshWorkGroupTotalCount]] pname:maxMeshWorkGroupTotalCount |
| is the maximum number of local output tasks a single task shader |
| workgroup can emit. |
| * [[limits-maxMeshWorkGroupCount]] pname:maxMeshWorkGroupCount[3] is the |
| maximum number of local output tasks a single task shader workgroup can |
| emit, per dimension. |
| These three values represent the maximum number of local output tasks |
| for the X, Y, and Z dimensions, respectively. |
| The workgroup count parameters to the code:OpEmitMeshTasksEXT must: be |
| less than or equal to the corresponding limit. |
| The product of these dimensions must: be less than or equal to |
| pname:maxMeshWorkGroupTotalCount. |
| * [[limits-maxMeshWorkGroupInvocations]] pname:maxMeshWorkGroupInvocations |
| is the maximum total number of mesh shader invocations in a single local |
| workgroup. |
| The product of the X, Y, and Z sizes, as specified by the code:LocalSize |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_maintenance4[or code:LocalSizeId] |
| execution mode in shader modules or by the object decorated by the |
| code:WorkgroupSize decoration, must: be less than or equal to this |
| limit. |
| * [[limits-maxMeshWorkGroupSize]] pname:maxMeshWorkGroupSize[3] is the |
| maximum size of a local mesh workgroup, per dimension. |
| These three values represent the maximum local workgroup size in the X, |
| Y, and Z dimensions, respectively. |
| The pname:x, pname:y, and pname:z sizes, as specified by the |
| code:LocalSize |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_maintenance4[or code:LocalSizeId] |
| execution mode or by the object decorated by the code:WorkgroupSize |
| decoration in shader modules, must: be less than or equal to the |
| corresponding limit. |
| * [[limits-maxMeshSharedMemorySize]] pname:maxMeshSharedMemorySize is the |
| maximum total storage size, in bytes, available for variables declared |
| with the code:Workgroup storage class in shader modules in the mesh |
| shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxMeshPayloadAndSharedMemorySize]] |
| pname:maxMeshPayloadAndSharedMemorySize is the maximum total storage |
| size, in bytes, available for variables that are declared with the |
| code:TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT or code:Workgroup storage class in shader |
| modules in the mesh shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxMeshOutputMemorySize]] pname:maxMeshOutputMemorySize is the |
| maximum total storage size, in bytes, available for output variables in |
| shader modules in the mesh shader stage, according to the formula in |
| <<mesh-output, Mesh Shader Output>>. |
| * [[limits-maxMeshPayloadAndOutputMemorySize]] |
| pname:maxMeshPayloadAndOutputMemorySize is the maximum total storage |
| size, in bytes, available for variables that are declared with the |
| code:TaskPayloadWorkgroupEXT storage class, or output variables in |
| shader modules in the mesh shader stage, according to the formula in |
| <<mesh-output, Mesh Shader Output>>. |
| * [[limits-maxMeshOutputComponents]] pname:maxMeshOutputComponents is the |
| maximum number of components of output variables which can: be output |
| from the mesh shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxMeshOutputVertices]] pname:maxMeshOutputVertices is the |
| maximum number of vertices which can: be emitted by a single mesh shader |
| workgroup. |
| * [[limits-maxMeshOutputPrimitives]] pname:maxMeshOutputPrimitives is the |
| maximum number of primitives which can: be emitted by a single mesh |
| shader workgroup. |
| * [[limits-maxMeshOutputLayers]] pname:maxMeshOutputLayers is one greater |
| than the maximum layer index that can: be output from the mesh shader |
| stage. |
| * [[limits-maxMeshMultiviewViewCount]] pname:maxMeshMultiviewViewCount is |
| one greater than the maximum view index that can: be used by any mesh |
| shader. |
| * [[limits-meshOutputPerVertexGranularity]] |
| pname:meshOutputPerVertexGranularity is the granularity of vertex |
| allocation. |
| The number of output vertices allocated for the mesh shader stage is |
| padded to a multiple of this number. |
| The value can be used to calculate the required storage size for output |
| variables in shader modules in the mesh shader stage, which must: be |
| less than or equal to pname:maxMeshOutputMemorySize. |
| * [[limits-meshOutputPerPrimitiveGranularity]] |
| pname:meshOutputPerPrimitiveGranularity is the granularity of primitive |
| allocation. |
| The number of output primitives allocated for the mesh shader stage is |
| padded to a multiple of this number. |
| The value can be used to calculate the required storage size for output |
| variables in shader modules in the mesh shader stage, which must: be |
| less than or equal to pname:maxMeshOutputMemorySize. |
| * [[limits-maxPreferredTaskWorkGroupInvocations]] |
| pname:maxPreferredTaskWorkGroupInvocations is the maximum number of task |
| shader invocations in a single workgroup that is preferred by the |
| implementation for optimal performance. |
| The value is guaranteed to be a multiple of a supported subgroup size |
| for the task shader stage. |
| * [[limits-maxPreferredMeshWorkGroupInvocations]] |
| pname:maxPreferredMeshWorkGroupInvocations is the maximum number of mesh |
| shader invocations in a single workgroup that is preferred by the |
| implementation for optimal performance. |
| The value is guaranteed to be a multiple of a supported subgroup size |
| for the mesh shader stage. |
| * [[limits-prefersLocalInvocationVertexOutput]] |
| pname:prefersLocalInvocationVertexOutput specifies whether writes to the |
| vertex output array in a mesh shader yield best performance when the |
| array index matches code:LocalInvocationIndex. |
| * [[limits-prefersLocalInvocationPrimitiveOutput]] |
| pname:prefersLocalInvocationPrimitiveOutput specifies whether writes to |
| the primitive output array in a mesh shader yield best performance when |
| the array index matches code:LocalInvocationIndex. |
| * [[limits-prefersCompactVertexOutput]] pname:prefersCompactVertexOutput |
| specifies whether output vertices should be compacted after custom |
| culling in the mesh shader for best performance, otherwise keeping the |
| vertices at their original location may be better. |
| * [[limits-prefersCompactPrimitiveOutput]] |
| pname:prefersCompactPrimitiveOutput specifies whether output primitives |
| should be compacted after custom culling in the mesh shader for best |
| performance, otherwise the use of code:CullPrimitiveEXT may be better. |
| |
| If the sname:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT structure is included |
| in the pname:pNext chain of slink:VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2, it is filled |
| with the implementation-dependent limits. |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| endif::VK_EXT_mesh_shader[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingProperties',desc='Structure describing descriptor indexing properties that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs',alias='VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingPropertiesEXT'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingProperties structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingProperties.adoc[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| or the equivalent |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| endif::VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| |
| // Must have preceding whitespace |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix: extension-] |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix:] |
| // tag::VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing-properties[] |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxUpdateAfterBindDescriptorsInAllPools]] |
| pname:maxUpdateAfterBindDescriptorsInAllPools is the maximum number of |
| descriptors (summed over all descriptor types) that can: be created |
| across all pools that are created with the |
| Pool creation may: fail when this limit is exceeded, or when the space |
| this limit represents is unable to satisfy a pool creation due to |
| fragmentation. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative]] |
| pname:shaderUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative is a boolean |
| value indicating whether uniform buffer descriptors natively support |
| nonuniform indexing. |
| If this is ename:VK_FALSE, then a single dynamic instance of an |
| instruction that nonuniformly indexes an array of uniform buffers may: |
| execute multiple times in order to access all the descriptors. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderSampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative]] |
| pname:shaderSampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative is a boolean value |
| indicating whether sampler and image descriptors natively support |
| nonuniform indexing. |
| If this is ename:VK_FALSE, then a single dynamic instance of an |
| instruction that nonuniformly indexes an array of samplers or images |
| may: execute multiple times in order to access all the descriptors. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative]] |
| pname:shaderStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative is a boolean |
| value indicating whether storage buffer descriptors natively support |
| nonuniform indexing. |
| If this is ename:VK_FALSE, then a single dynamic instance of an |
| instruction that nonuniformly indexes an array of storage buffers may: |
| execute multiple times in order to access all the descriptors. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative]] |
| pname:shaderStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative is a boolean value |
| indicating whether storage image descriptors natively support nonuniform |
| indexing. |
| If this is ename:VK_FALSE, then a single dynamic instance of an |
| instruction that nonuniformly indexes an array of storage images may: |
| execute multiple times in order to access all the descriptors. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-shaderInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexingNative]] |
| pname:shaderInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexingNative is a boolean |
| value indicating whether input attachment descriptors natively support |
| nonuniform indexing. |
| If this is ename:VK_FALSE, then a single dynamic instance of an |
| instruction that nonuniformly indexes an array of input attachments may: |
| execute multiple times in order to access all the descriptors. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-robustBufferAccessUpdateAfterBind]] |
| pname:robustBufferAccessUpdateAfterBind is a boolean value indicating |
| whether <<features-robustBufferAccess, pname:robustBufferAccess>> can: |
| be enabled on a device simultaneously with |
| pname:descriptorBindingUniformBufferUpdateAfterBind, |
| pname:descriptorBindingStorageBufferUpdateAfterBind, |
| pname:descriptorBindingUniformTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind, and/or |
| pname:descriptorBindingStorageTexelBufferUpdateAfterBind. |
| If this is ename:VK_FALSE, then either pname:robustBufferAccess must: be |
| disabled or all of these update-after-bind features must: be disabled. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-quadDivergentImplicitLod]] |
| pname:quadDivergentImplicitLod is a boolean value indicating whether |
| implicit LOD calculations for image operations have well-defined results |
| when the image and/or sampler objects used for the instruction are not |
| uniform within a quad. |
| See <<textures-derivative-image-operations,Derivative Image |
| Operations>>. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSamplers]] |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSamplers is similar to |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorSamplers but counts descriptors from |
| descriptor sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers]] |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers is similar to |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUniformBuffers but counts descriptors from |
| descriptor sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers]] |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers is similar to |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorStorageBuffers but counts descriptors from |
| descriptor sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSampledImages]] |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSampledImages is similar to |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorSampledImages but counts descriptors from |
| descriptor sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageImages]] |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageImages is similar to |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorStorageImages but counts descriptors from |
| descriptor sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments]] |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments is similar to |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorInputAttachments but counts descriptors from |
| descriptor sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxPerStageUpdateAfterBindResources]] |
| pname:maxPerStageUpdateAfterBindResources is similar to |
| pname:maxPerStageResources but counts descriptors from descriptor sets |
| created with or without the |
| set. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSamplers]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSamplers is similar to |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetSamplers but counts descriptors from descriptor |
| sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers is similar to |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffers but counts descriptors from |
| descriptor sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffersDynamic]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffersDynamic is similar to |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffersDynamic but counts descriptors from |
| descriptor sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| While an application can: allocate dynamic uniform buffer descriptors |
| from a pool created with the |
| bindings for these descriptors must: not be present in any descriptor |
| set layout that includes bindings created with |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers is similar to |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffers but counts descriptors from |
| descriptor sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffersDynamic]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffersDynamic is similar to |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffersDynamic but counts descriptors from |
| descriptor sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| While an application can: allocate dynamic storage buffer descriptors |
| from a pool created with the |
| bindings for these descriptors must: not be present in any descriptor |
| set layout that includes bindings created with |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSampledImages]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSampledImages is similar to |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetSampledImages but counts descriptors from |
| descriptor sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageImages]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageImages is similar to |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetStorageImages but counts descriptors from |
| descriptor sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments is similar to |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetInputAttachments but counts descriptors from |
| descriptor sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| // end::VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing-properties[] |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingProperties |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingProperties.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockProperties',desc='Structure describing inline uniform block properties that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs',alias='VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockPropertiesEXT'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockProperties structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockProperties.adoc[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block[] |
| or the equivalent |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| endif::VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| |
| // Must have preceding whitespace |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3[:anchor-prefix: extension-] |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_3[:anchor-prefix:] |
| // tag::VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block-properties[] |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxInlineUniformBlockSize]] |
| pname:maxInlineUniformBlockSize is the maximum size in bytes of an |
| <<descriptorsets-inlineuniformblock, inline uniform block>> binding. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxPerStageDescriptorInlineUniformBlocks]] |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorInlineUniformBlocks is the maximum number of |
| inline uniform block bindings that can: be accessible to a single shader |
| stage in a pipeline layout. |
| Descriptor bindings with a descriptor type of |
| ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INLINE_UNIFORM_BLOCK count against this limit. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| Only descriptor bindings in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInlineUniformBlocks]] |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInlineUniformBlocks |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| equals pname:maxPerStageDescriptorInlineUniformBlocks and is reserved |
| for future use. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| is similar to pname:maxPerStageDescriptorInlineUniformBlocks but counts |
| descriptor bindings from descriptor sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlocks]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlocks is the maximum number of |
| inline uniform block bindings that can: be included in descriptor |
| bindings in a pipeline layout across all pipeline shader stages and |
| descriptor set numbers. |
| Descriptor bindings with a descriptor type of |
| ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INLINE_UNIFORM_BLOCK count against this limit. |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| Only descriptor bindings in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindInlineUniformBlocks]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindInlineUniformBlocks |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| equals pname:maxDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlocks and is reserved for |
| future use. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| is similar to pname:maxDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlocks but counts |
| descriptor bindings from descriptor sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| // end::VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block-properties[] |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockProperties |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceInlineUniformBlockProperties.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceConservativeRasterizationPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing conservative raster properties that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceConservativeRasterizationPropertiesEXT structure |
| is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceConservativeRasterizationPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-primitiveOverestimationSize]] pname:primitiveOverestimationSize |
| is the size in pixels the generating primitive is increased at each of |
| its edges during conservative rasterization overestimation mode. |
| Even with a size of 0.0, conservative rasterization overestimation rules |
| still apply and if any part of the pixel rectangle is covered by the |
| generating primitive, fragments are generated for the entire pixel. |
| However implementations may: make the pixel coverage area even more |
| conservative by increasing the size of the generating primitive. |
| * [[limits-maxExtraPrimitiveOverestimationSize]] |
| pname:maxExtraPrimitiveOverestimationSize is the maximum size in pixels |
| of extra overestimation the implementation supports in the pipeline |
| state. |
| A value of 0.0 means the implementation does not support any additional |
| overestimation of the generating primitive during conservative |
| rasterization. |
| A value above 0.0 allows the application to further increase the size of |
| the generating primitive during conservative rasterization |
| overestimation. |
| * [[limits-extraPrimitiveOverestimationSizeGranularity]] |
| pname:extraPrimitiveOverestimationSizeGranularity is the granularity of |
| extra overestimation that can be specified in the pipeline state between |
| 0.0 and pname:maxExtraPrimitiveOverestimationSize inclusive. |
| A value of 0.0 means the implementation can use the smallest |
| representable non-zero value in the screen space pixel fixed-point grid. |
| * [[limits-primitiveUnderestimation]] pname:primitiveUnderestimation is |
| ename:VK_TRUE if the implementation supports the |
| rasterization mode in addition to |
| Otherwise the implementation only supports |
| * [[limits-conservativePointAndLineRasterization]] |
| pname:conservativePointAndLineRasterization is ename:VK_TRUE if the |
| implementation supports conservative rasterization of point and line |
| primitives as well as triangle primitives. |
| Otherwise the implementation only supports triangle primitives. |
| * [[limits-degenerateTrianglesRasterized]] |
| pname:degenerateTrianglesRasterized is ename:VK_FALSE if the |
| implementation culls primitives generated from triangles that become |
| zero area after they are quantized to the fixed-point rasterization |
| pixel grid. |
| pname:degenerateTrianglesRasterized is ename:VK_TRUE if these primitives |
| are not culled and the provoking vertex attributes and depth value are |
| used for the fragments. |
| The primitive area calculation is done on the primitive generated from |
| the clipped triangle if applicable. |
| Zero area primitives are backfacing and the application can: enable |
| backface culling if desired. |
| * [[limits-degenerateLinesRasterized]] pname:degenerateLinesRasterized is |
| ename:VK_FALSE if the implementation culls lines that become zero length |
| after they are quantized to the fixed-point rasterization pixel grid. |
| pname:degenerateLinesRasterized is ename:VK_TRUE if zero length lines |
| are not culled and the provoking vertex attributes and depth value are |
| used for the fragments. |
| * [[limits-fullyCoveredFragmentShaderInputVariable]] |
| pname:fullyCoveredFragmentShaderInputVariable is ename:VK_TRUE if the |
| implementation supports the SPIR-V builtin fragment shader input |
| variable code:FullyCoveredEXT specifying that conservative rasterization |
| is enabled and the fragment area is fully covered by the generating |
| primitive. |
| * [[limits-conservativeRasterizationPostDepthCoverage]] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_post_depth_coverage[] |
| pname:conservativeRasterizationPostDepthCoverage is ename:VK_TRUE if the |
| implementation supports conservative rasterization with the |
| code:PostDepthCoverage execution mode enabled. |
| Otherwise the code:PostDepthCoverage execution mode must: not be used |
| when conservative rasterization is enabled. |
| endif::VK_EXT_post_depth_coverage[] |
| ifndef::VK_EXT_post_depth_coverage[] |
| pname:conservativeRasterizationPostDepthCoverage must: be |
| ename:VK_FALSE. |
| endif::VK_EXT_post_depth_coverage[] |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceConservativeRasterizationPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceConservativeRasterizationPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing fragment density map properties that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapPropertiesEXT structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-minFragmentDensityTexelSize]] pname:minFragmentDensityTexelSize |
| is the minimum <<glossary-fragment-density-texel-size,fragment density |
| texel size>>. |
| * [[limits-maxFragmentDensityTexelSize]] pname:maxFragmentDensityTexelSize |
| is the maximum fragment density texel size. |
| * [[limits-fragmentDensityInvocations]] pname:fragmentDensityInvocations |
| specifies whether the implementation may: invoke additional fragment |
| shader invocations for each covered sample. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map2[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMap2PropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing additional fragment density map properties that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMap2PropertiesEXT structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMap2PropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-subsampledLoads]] pname:subsampledLoads specifies if performing |
| image data read with load operations on subsampled attachments will be |
| resampled to the fragment density of the render pass |
| * [[limits-subsampledCoarseReconstructionEarlyAccess]] |
| pname:subsampledCoarseReconstructionEarlyAccess specifies if performing |
| image data read with samplers created with pname:flags containing |
| fragment shader will trigger additional reads during |
| * [[limits-maxSubsampledArrayLayers]] pname:maxSubsampledArrayLayers is |
| the maximum number of slink:VkImageView array layers for usages |
| supporting subsampled samplers |
| * [[limits-maxDescriptorSetSubsampledSamplers]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetSubsampledSamplers is the maximum number of |
| subsampled samplers that can: be included in a slink:VkPipelineLayout |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMap2PropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMap2PropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map2[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_QCOM_fragment_density_map_offset[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapOffsetPropertiesQCOM',desc='Structure describing fragment density map offset properties that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapOffsetPropertiesQCOM structure |
| is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapOffsetPropertiesQCOM.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-fragmentdensityoffsetgranularity]] |
| pname:fragmentDensityOffsetGranularity is the granularity for |
| <<renderpass-fragmentdensitymapoffsets,fragment density offsets>>. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapOffsetPropertiesQCOM |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentDensityMapOffsetPropertiesQCOM.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_QCOM_fragment_density_map_offset[] |
| endif::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_AMD_shader_core_properties[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCorePropertiesAMD',desc='Structure describing shader core properties that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCorePropertiesAMD structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCorePropertiesAMD.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-shaderEngineCount]] pname:shaderEngineCount is an unsigned |
| integer value indicating the number of shader engines found inside the |
| shader core of the physical device. |
| * [[limits-shaderArraysPerEngineCount]] pname:shaderArraysPerEngineCount |
| is an unsigned integer value indicating the number of shader arrays |
| inside a shader engine. |
| Each shader array has its own scan converter, set of compute units, and |
| a render back end (color and depth attachments). |
| Shader arrays within a shader engine share shader processor input (wave |
| launcher) and shader export (export buffer) units. |
| Currently, a shader engine can have one or two shader arrays. |
| * [[limits-computeUnitsPerShaderArray]] pname:computeUnitsPerShaderArray |
| is an unsigned integer value indicating the physical number of compute |
| units within a shader array. |
| The active number of compute units in a shader array may: be lower. |
| A compute unit houses a set of SIMDs along with a sequencer module and a |
| local data store. |
| * [[limits-simdPerComputeUnit]] pname:simdPerComputeUnit is an unsigned |
| integer value indicating the number of SIMDs inside a compute unit. |
| Each SIMD processes a single instruction at a time. |
| * [[limits-wavefrontSize]] pname:wavefrontSize is an unsigned integer |
| value indicating the maximum size of a subgroup. |
| * [[limits-sgprsPerSimd]] pname:sgprsPerSimd is an unsigned integer value |
| indicating the number of physical Scalar General-Purpose Registers |
| (SGPRs) per SIMD. |
| * [[limits-minSgprAllocation]] pname:minSgprAllocation is an unsigned |
| integer value indicating the minimum number of SGPRs allocated for a |
| wave. |
| * [[limits-maxSgprAllocation]] pname:maxSgprAllocation is an unsigned |
| integer value indicating the maximum number of SGPRs allocated for a |
| wave. |
| * [[limits-sgprAllocationGranularity]] pname:sgprAllocationGranularity is |
| an unsigned integer value indicating the granularity of SGPR allocation |
| for a wave. |
| * [[limits-vgprsPerSimd]] pname:vgprsPerSimd is an unsigned integer value |
| indicating the number of physical Vector General-Purpose Registers |
| (VGPRs) per SIMD. |
| * [[limits-minVgprAllocation]] pname:minVgprAllocation is an unsigned |
| integer value indicating the minimum number of VGPRs allocated for a |
| wave. |
| * [[limits-maxVgprAllocation]] pname:maxVgprAllocation is an unsigned |
| integer value indicating the maximum number of VGPRs allocated for a |
| wave. |
| * [[limits-vgprAllocationGranularity]] pname:vgprAllocationGranularity is |
| an unsigned integer value indicating the granularity of VGPR allocation |
| for a wave. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCorePropertiesAMD |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCorePropertiesAMD.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_AMD_shader_core_properties[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_AMD_shader_core_properties2[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCoreProperties2AMD',desc='Structure describing shader core properties that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCoreProperties2AMD structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCoreProperties2AMD.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[features-shaderCoreFeatures]] pname:shaderCoreFeatures is a bitmask of |
| elink:VkShaderCorePropertiesFlagBitsAMD indicating the set of features |
| supported by the shader core. |
| * [[limits-activeComputeUnitCount]] pname:activeComputeUnitCount is an |
| unsigned integer value indicating the number of compute units that have |
| been enabled. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCoreProperties2AMD |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCoreProperties2AMD.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| [open,refpage='VkShaderCorePropertiesFlagBitsAMD',desc='Bitmask specifying shader core properties',type='enums',xrefs='VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCoreProperties2AMD VkShaderCorePropertiesFlagsAMD'] |
| -- |
| Bits for this type may: be defined by future extensions, or new versions of |
| the `apiext:VK_AMD_shader_core_properties2` extension. |
| Possible values of the pname:flags member of |
| tlink:VkShaderCorePropertiesFlagsAMD are: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/enums/VkShaderCorePropertiesFlagBitsAMD.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| [open,refpage='VkShaderCorePropertiesFlagsAMD',desc='Bitmask of VkShaderCorePropertiesFlagBitsAMD',type='flags',xrefs='VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCoreProperties2AMD VkShaderCorePropertiesFlagBitsAMD'] |
| -- |
| include::{generated}/api/flags/VkShaderCorePropertiesFlagsAMD.adoc[] |
| |
| tname:VkShaderCorePropertiesFlagsAMD is a bitmask type for providing zero or |
| more elink:VkShaderCorePropertiesFlagBitsAMD. |
| -- |
| endif::VK_AMD_shader_core_properties2[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceDepthStencilResolveProperties',desc='Structure describing depth/stencil resolve properties that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs',alias='VkPhysicalDeviceDepthStencilResolvePropertiesKHR'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceDepthStencilResolveProperties structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceDepthStencilResolveProperties.adoc[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve[] |
| or the equivalent |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceDepthStencilResolvePropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| endif::VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| |
| // Must have preceding whitespace |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix: extension-] |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix:] |
| // tag::VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve-properties[] |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}features-depthResolveModes]] |
| pname:supportedDepthResolveModes is a bitmask of |
| elink:VkResolveModeFlagBits indicating the set of supported depth |
| resolve modes. |
| ifdef::VKSC_VERSION_1_0[] |
| A value of ename:VK_RESOLVE_MODE_NONE indicates that depth resolve |
| operations are disallowed <<SCID-8>>. |
| If any bits are set then |
| ifdef::hidden[] |
| // tag::scdeviation[] |
| * slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Properties::pname:supportedDepthResolveModes |
| may: be only ename:VK_RESOLVE_MODE_NONE <<SCID-8>>. |
| // end::scdeviation[] |
| endif::hidden[] |
| endif::VKSC_VERSION_1_0[] |
| ename:VK_RESOLVE_MODE_SAMPLE_ZERO_BIT must: be included in the set but |
| implementations may: support additional modes. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}features-stencilResolveModes]] |
| pname:supportedStencilResolveModes is a bitmask of |
| elink:VkResolveModeFlagBits indicating the set of supported stencil |
| resolve modes. |
| ifdef::VKSC_VERSION_1_0[] |
| A value of ename:VK_RESOLVE_MODE_NONE indicates that stencil resolve |
| operations are disallowed <<SCID-8>>. |
| If any bits are set then |
| ifdef::hidden[] |
| // tag::scdeviation[] |
| * slink:VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Properties::pname:supportedStencilResolveModes |
| may: be only ename:VK_RESOLVE_MODE_NONE <<SCID-8>>. |
| // end::scdeviation[] |
| endif::hidden[] |
| endif::VKSC_VERSION_1_0[] |
| ename:VK_RESOLVE_MODE_SAMPLE_ZERO_BIT must: be included in the set but |
| implementations may: support additional modes. |
| ename:VK_RESOLVE_MODE_AVERAGE_BIT must: not be included in the set. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}features-independentResolveNone]] |
| pname:independentResolveNone is ename:VK_TRUE if the implementation |
| supports setting the depth and stencil resolve modes to different values |
| when one of those modes is ename:VK_RESOLVE_MODE_NONE. |
| Otherwise the implementation only supports setting both modes to the |
| same value. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}features-independentResolve]] pname:independentResolve |
| is ename:VK_TRUE if the implementation supports all combinations of the |
| supported depth and stencil resolve modes, including setting either |
| depth or stencil resolve mode to ename:VK_RESOLVE_MODE_NONE. |
| An implementation that supports pname:independentResolve must: also |
| support pname:independentResolveNone. |
| // end::VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve-properties[] |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceDepthStencilResolveProperties |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceDepthStencilResolveProperties.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_KHR_depth_stencil_resolve[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_performance_query[] |
| include::{chapters}/VK_KHR_performance_query/props.adoc[] |
| endif::VK_KHR_performance_query[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_NV_shading_rate_image[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV',desc='Structure describing shading rate image limits that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-shadingRateTexelSize]] pname:shadingRateTexelSize indicates the |
| width and height of the portion of the framebuffer corresponding to each |
| texel in the shading rate image. |
| * [[limits-shadingRatePaletteSize]] pname:shadingRatePaletteSize indicates |
| the maximum number of palette entries supported for the shading rate |
| image. |
| * [[limits-shadingRateMaxCoarseSamples]] pname:shadingRateMaxCoarseSamples |
| specifies the maximum number of coverage samples supported in a single |
| fragment. |
| If the product of the fragment size derived from the base shading rate |
| and the number of coverage samples per pixel exceeds this limit, the |
| final shading rate will be adjusted so that its product does not exceed |
| the limit. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| These properties are related to the <<primsrast-shading-rate-image, shading |
| rate image>> feature. |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShadingRateImagePropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_NV_shading_rate_image[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_NV_memory_decompression[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryDecompressionPropertiesNV',desc='Structure describing supported memory decompression methods by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryDecompressionPropertiesNV structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryDecompressionPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * pname:decompressionMethods is a bitmask of |
| elink:VkMemoryDecompressionMethodFlagBitsNV specifying memory |
| decompression methods supported by the implementation. |
| * pname:maxDecompressionIndirectCount specifies the maximum supported |
| count value in the pname:countBuffer of |
| flink:vkCmdDecompressMemoryIndirectCountNV |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryDecompressionPropertiesNV |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMemoryDecompressionPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_NV_memory_decompression[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_transform_feedback[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing transform feedback properties that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackPropertiesEXT structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-maxTransformFeedbackStreams]] pname:maxTransformFeedbackStreams |
| is the maximum number of vertex streams that can be output from geometry |
| shaders declared with the code:GeometryStreams capability. |
| If the implementation does not support |
| sname:VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackFeaturesEXT::pname:geometryStreams |
| then pname:maxTransformFeedbackStreams must: be set to `1`. |
| * [[limits-maxTransformFeedbackBuffers]] pname:maxTransformFeedbackBuffers |
| is the maximum number of transform feedback buffers that can be bound |
| for capturing shader outputs from the last |
| <<pipelines-graphics-subsets-pre-rasterization,pre-rasterization shader |
| stage>>. |
| * [[limits-maxTransformFeedbackBufferSize]] |
| pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferSize is the maximum size that can be |
| specified when binding a buffer for transform feedback in |
| flink:vkCmdBindTransformFeedbackBuffersEXT. |
| * [[limits-maxTransformFeedbackStreamDataSize]] |
| pname:maxTransformFeedbackStreamDataSize is the maximum amount of data |
| in bytes for each vertex that captured to one or more transform feedback |
| buffers associated with a specific vertex stream. |
| * [[limits-maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataSize]] |
| pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataSize is the maximum amount of data |
| in bytes for each vertex that can be captured to a specific transform |
| feedback buffer. |
| * [[limits-maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride]] |
| pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride is the maximum stride between |
| each capture of vertex data to the buffer. |
| * [[limits-transformFeedbackQueries]] pname:transformFeedbackQueries is |
| ename:VK_TRUE if the implementation supports the |
| pname:transformFeedbackQueries is ename:VK_FALSE if queries of this type |
| cannot: be created. |
| * [[limits-transformFeedbackStreamsLinesTriangles]] |
| pname:transformFeedbackStreamsLinesTriangles is ename:VK_TRUE if the |
| implementation supports the geometry shader code:OpExecutionMode of |
| code:OutputLineStrip and code:OutputTriangleStrip in addition to |
| code:OutputPoints when more than one vertex stream is output. |
| If pname:transformFeedbackStreamsLinesTriangles is ename:VK_FALSE the |
| implementation only supports an code:OpExecutionMode of |
| code:OutputPoints when more than one vertex stream is output from the |
| geometry shader. |
| * [[limits-transformFeedbackRasterizationStreamSelect]] |
| pname:transformFeedbackRasterizationStreamSelect is ename:VK_TRUE if the |
| implementation supports the code:GeometryStreams SPIR-V capability and |
| the application can use |
| slink:VkPipelineRasterizationStateStreamCreateInfoEXT to modify which |
| vertex stream output is used for rasterization. |
| Otherwise vertex stream `0` must: always be used for rasterization. |
| * [[limits-transformFeedbackDraw]] pname:transformFeedbackDraw is |
| ename:VK_TRUE if the implementation supports the |
| flink:vkCmdDrawIndirectByteCountEXT function otherwise the function |
| must: not be called. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceTransformFeedbackPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_EXT_transform_feedback[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_NV_copy_memory_indirect[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceCopyMemoryIndirectPropertiesNV',desc='Structure describing supported queues for indirect copy',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceCopyMemoryIndirectPropertiesNV structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceCopyMemoryIndirectPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * pname:supportedQueues is a bitmask of elink:VkQueueFlagBits indicating |
| the queues on which <<indirect-copies, indirect copy commands>> are |
| supported. |
| |
| If the <<features-indirectCopy, pname:indirectCopy>> feature is supported, |
| pname:supportedQueues must: return at least one supported queue. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceCopyMemoryIndirectPropertiesNV |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceCopyMemoryIndirectPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_NV_copy_memory_indirect[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_NV_ray_tracing[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesNV',desc='Properties of the physical device for ray tracing',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesNV structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * pname:shaderGroupHandleSize is the size in bytes of the shader header. |
| * [[limits-maxRecursionDepth]] pname:maxRecursionDepth is the maximum |
| number of levels of recursion allowed in a trace command. |
| * pname:maxShaderGroupStride is the maximum stride in bytes allowed |
| between shader groups in the shader binding table. |
| * pname:shaderGroupBaseAlignment is the required: alignment in bytes for |
| the base of the shader binding table. |
| * pname:maxGeometryCount is the maximum number of geometries in the bottom |
| level acceleration structure. |
| * pname:maxInstanceCount is the maximum number of instances in the top |
| level acceleration structure. |
| * pname:maxTriangleCount is the maximum number of triangles in all |
| geometries in the bottom level acceleration structure. |
| * pname:maxDescriptorSetAccelerationStructures is the maximum number of |
| acceleration structure descriptors that are allowed in a descriptor set. |
| |
| Due to the fact that the geometry, instance, and triangle counts are |
| specified at acceleration structure creation as 32-bit values, |
| pname:maxGeometryCount, pname:maxInstanceCount, and pname:maxTriangleCount |
| must: not exceed [eq]#2^32^-1#. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesNV |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline[] |
| Limits specified by this structure must: match those specified with the same |
| name in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructurePropertiesKHR and |
| slink:VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPipelinePropertiesKHR. |
| endif::VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline[] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_NV_ray_tracing[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_acceleration_structure[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructurePropertiesKHR',desc='Properties of the physical device for acceleration structure',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructurePropertiesKHR structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructurePropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-maxGeometryCount]] pname:maxGeometryCount is the maximum number |
| of geometries in the bottom level acceleration structure. |
| * [[limits-maxInstanceCount]] pname:maxInstanceCount is the maximum number |
| of instances in the top level acceleration structure. |
| * [[limits-maxPrimitiveCount]] pname:maxPrimitiveCount is the maximum |
| number of triangles or AABBs in all geometries in the bottom level |
| acceleration structure. |
| * [[limits-maxPerStageDescriptorAccelerationStructures]] |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorAccelerationStructures is the maximum number |
| of acceleration structure bindings that can: be accessible to a single |
| shader stage in a pipeline layout. |
| Descriptor bindings with a descriptor type of |
| limit. |
| Only descriptor bindings in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| * [[limits-maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindAccelerationStructures]] |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindAccelerationStructures is |
| similar to pname:maxPerStageDescriptorAccelerationStructures but counts |
| descriptor bindings from descriptor sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| * [[limits-maxDescriptorSetAccelerationStructures]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetAccelerationStructures is the maximum number of |
| acceleration structure descriptors that can: be included in descriptor |
| bindings in a pipeline layout across all pipeline shader stages and |
| descriptor set numbers. |
| Descriptor bindings with a descriptor type of |
| limit. |
| Only descriptor bindings in descriptor set layouts created without the |
| count against this limit. |
| * [[limits-maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindAccelerationStructures]] |
| pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindAccelerationStructures is similar |
| to pname:maxDescriptorSetAccelerationStructures but counts descriptor |
| bindings from descriptor sets created with or without the |
| set. |
| * [[limits-minAccelerationStructureScratchOffsetAlignment]] |
| pname:minAccelerationStructureScratchOffsetAlignment is the minimum |
| required: alignment, in bytes, for scratch data passed in to an |
| acceleration structure build command. |
| The value must: be a power of two. |
| |
| Due to the fact that the geometry, instance, and primitive counts are |
| specified at acceleration structure creation as 32-bit values, |
| <<limits-maxGeometryCount, pname:maxGeometryCount>>, |
| <<limits-maxInstanceCount, pname:maxInstanceCount>>, and |
| <<limits-maxPrimitiveCount, pname:maxPrimitiveCount>> must: not exceed |
| [eq]#2^32^-1#. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructurePropertiesKHR |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_NV_ray_tracing[] |
| Limits specified by this structure must: match those specified with the same |
| name in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesNV. |
| endif::VK_NV_ray_tracing[] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceAccelerationStructurePropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_KHR_acceleration_structure[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPipelinePropertiesKHR',desc='Properties of the physical device for ray tracing',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPipelinePropertiesKHR structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPipelinePropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * pname:shaderGroupHandleSize is the size in bytes of the shader header. |
| * [[limits-maxRayRecursionDepth]] pname:maxRayRecursionDepth is the |
| maximum number of levels of ray recursion allowed in a trace command. |
| * pname:maxShaderGroupStride is the maximum stride in bytes allowed |
| between shader groups in the shader binding table. |
| * pname:shaderGroupBaseAlignment is the required: alignment in bytes for |
| the base of the shader binding table. |
| * pname:shaderGroupHandleCaptureReplaySize is the number of bytes for the |
| information required to do capture and replay for shader group handles. |
| * pname:maxRayDispatchInvocationCount is the maximum number of ray |
| generation shader invocations which may: be produced by a single |
| flink:vkCmdTraceRaysIndirectKHR or flink:vkCmdTraceRaysKHR command. |
| * pname:shaderGroupHandleAlignment is the required: alignment in bytes for |
| each shader binding table entry. |
| The value must: be a power of two. |
| * pname:maxRayHitAttributeSize is the maximum size in bytes for a ray |
| attribute structure |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPipelinePropertiesKHR |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_NV_ray_tracing[] |
| Limits specified by this structure must: match those specified with the same |
| name in slink:VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesNV. |
| endif::VK_NV_ray_tracing[] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPipelinePropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_NV_cooperative_matrix[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV',desc='Structure describing cooperative matrix properties supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages-NV]] |
| pname:cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages is a bitfield of |
| elink:VkShaderStageFlagBits describing the shader stages that |
| cooperative matrix instructions are supported in. |
| pname:cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages will have the |
| ename:VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT bit set if any of the physical |
| device's queues support ename:VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_NV_cooperative_matrix[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_cooperative_matrix[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesKHR',desc='Structure describing cooperative matrix properties supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesKHR structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages]] |
| pname:cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages is a bitfield of |
| elink:VkShaderStageFlagBits describing the shader stages that |
| cooperative matrix instructions are supported in. |
| pname:cooperativeMatrixSupportedStages will have the |
| ename:VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT bit set if any of the physical |
| device's queues support ename:VK_QUEUE_COMPUTE_BIT. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesKHR |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceCooperativeMatrixPropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_KHR_cooperative_matrix[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_NV_shader_sm_builtins[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSMBuiltinsPropertiesNV',desc='Structure describing shader SM Builtins properties supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSMBuiltinsPropertiesNV structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSMBuiltinsPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-shaderSMCount]] pname:shaderSMCount is the number of SMs on the |
| device. |
| * [[limits-shaderWarpsPerSM]] pname:shaderWarpsPerSM is the maximum number |
| of simultaneously executing warps on an SM. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSMBuiltinsPropertiesNV |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShaderSMBuiltinsPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_NV_shader_sm_builtins[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_EXT_texel_buffer_alignment[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentProperties',desc='Structure describing the texel buffer alignment requirements supported by an implementation',type='structs',alias='VkPhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentPropertiesEXT'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentProperties structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentProperties.adoc[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_texel_buffer_alignment[] |
| or the equivalent |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| endif::VK_EXT_texel_buffer_alignment[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| |
| // Must have preceding whitespace |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3[:anchor-prefix: extension-] |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_3[:anchor-prefix:] |
| // tag::VK_EXT_texel_buffer_alignment-properties[] |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-storageTexelBufferOffsetAlignmentBytes]] |
| pname:storageTexelBufferOffsetAlignmentBytes is a byte alignment that is |
| sufficient for a storage texel buffer of any format. |
| The value must: be a power of two. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-storageTexelBufferOffsetSingleTexelAlignment]] |
| pname:storageTexelBufferOffsetSingleTexelAlignment indicates whether |
| single texel alignment is sufficient for a storage texel buffer of any |
| format. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-uniformTexelBufferOffsetAlignmentBytes]] |
| pname:uniformTexelBufferOffsetAlignmentBytes is a byte alignment that is |
| sufficient for a uniform texel buffer of any format. |
| The value must: be a power of two. |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-uniformTexelBufferOffsetSingleTexelAlignment]] |
| pname:uniformTexelBufferOffsetSingleTexelAlignment indicates whether |
| single texel alignment is sufficient for a uniform texel buffer of any |
| format. |
| // end::VK_EXT_texel_buffer_alignment-properties[] |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentProperties |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| If the single texel alignment property is ename:VK_FALSE, then the buffer |
| view's offset must: be aligned to the corresponding byte alignment value. |
| If the single texel alignment property is ename:VK_TRUE, then the buffer |
| view's offset must: be aligned to the lesser of the corresponding byte |
| alignment value or the size of a single texel, based on |
| slink:VkBufferViewCreateInfo::pname:format. |
| If the size of a single texel is a multiple of three bytes, then the size of |
| a single component of the format is used instead. |
| |
| These limits must: not advertise a larger alignment than the |
| <<limits-required, required>> maximum minimum value of |
| slink:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::pname:minTexelBufferOffsetAlignment, for any |
| format that supports use as a texel buffer. |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceTexelBufferAlignmentProperties.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_EXT_texel_buffer_alignment[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreProperties',desc='Structure describing timeline semaphore properties that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs',alias='VkPhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphorePropertiesKHR'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreProperties structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreProperties.adoc[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore[] |
| or the equivalent |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphorePropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| endif::VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| |
| // Must have preceding whitespace |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix: extension-] |
| ifndef::VK_VERSION_1_2[:anchor-prefix:] |
| // tag::VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore-properties[] |
| * [[{anchor-prefix}limits-maxTimelineSemaphoreValueDifference]] |
| pname:maxTimelineSemaphoreValueDifference indicates the maximum |
| difference allowed by the implementation between the current value of a |
| timeline semaphore and any pending signal or wait operations. |
| // end::VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore-properties[] |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreProperties |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceTimelineSemaphoreProperties.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_line_rasterization[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing line rasterization properties supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-lineSubPixelPrecisionBits]] pname:lineSubPixelPrecisionBits is |
| the number of bits of subpixel precision in framebuffer coordinates |
| [eq]#x~f~# and [eq]#y~f~# when rasterizing <<primsrast-lines,line |
| segments>>. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceLineRasterizationPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_EXT_line_rasterization[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_robustness2[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2PropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing robust buffer access properties supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2PropertiesEXT structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2PropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-robustStorageBufferAccessSizeAlignment]] |
| pname:robustStorageBufferAccessSizeAlignment is the number of bytes that |
| the range of a storage buffer descriptor is rounded up to when used for |
| bounds-checking when the <<features-robustBufferAccess2, |
| pname:robustBufferAccess2>> feature is enabled. |
| This value must: be either 1 or 4. |
| * [[limits-robustUniformBufferAccessSizeAlignment]] |
| pname:robustUniformBufferAccessSizeAlignment is the number of bytes that |
| the range of a uniform buffer descriptor is rounded up to when used for |
| bounds-checking when the <<features-robustBufferAccess2, |
| pname:robustBufferAccess2>> feature is enabled. |
| This value must: be a power of two in the range [1, 256]. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2PropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceRobustness2PropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_EXT_robustness2[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_NV_device_generated_commands[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesNV',desc='Structure describing push descriptor limits that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesNV structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * pname:maxGraphicsShaderGroupCount is the maximum number of shader groups |
| in slink:VkGraphicsPipelineShaderGroupsCreateInfoNV. |
| * pname:maxIndirectSequenceCount is the maximum number of sequences in |
| slink:VkGeneratedCommandsInfoNV and in |
| slink:VkGeneratedCommandsMemoryRequirementsInfoNV. |
| * pname:maxIndirectCommandsTokenCount is the maximum number of tokens in |
| slink:VkIndirectCommandsLayoutCreateInfoNV. |
| * pname:maxIndirectCommandsStreamCount is the maximum number of streams in |
| slink:VkIndirectCommandsLayoutCreateInfoNV. |
| * pname:maxIndirectCommandsTokenOffset is the maximum offset in |
| slink:VkIndirectCommandsLayoutTokenNV. |
| * pname:maxIndirectCommandsStreamStride is the maximum stream stride in |
| slink:VkIndirectCommandsLayoutCreateInfoNV. |
| * pname:minSequencesCountBufferOffsetAlignment is the minimum alignment |
| for memory addresses which can: be used in |
| slink:VkGeneratedCommandsInfoNV. |
| * pname:minSequencesIndexBufferOffsetAlignment is the minimum alignment |
| for memory addresses which can: be used in |
| slink:VkGeneratedCommandsInfoNV. |
| * pname:minIndirectCommandsBufferOffsetAlignment is the minimum alignment |
| for memory addresses used in slink:VkIndirectCommandsStreamNV, and as |
| preprocess buffer in slink:VkGeneratedCommandsInfoNV. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesNV |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceDeviceGeneratedCommandsPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| endif::VK_NV_device_generated_commands[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_portability_subset[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDevicePortabilitySubsetPropertiesKHR',desc='Structure describing additional properties supported by a portable implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDevicePortabilitySubsetPropertiesKHR structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDevicePortabilitySubsetPropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-minVertexInputBindingStrideAlignment]] |
| pname:minVertexInputBindingStrideAlignment indicates the minimum |
| alignment for vertex input strides. |
| slink:VkVertexInputBindingDescription::pname:stride must: be a multiple |
| of, and at least as large as, this value. |
| The value must: be a power of two. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDevicePortabilitySubsetPropertiesKHR |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDevicePortabilitySubsetPropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_KHR_portability_subset[] |
| |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRatePropertiesKHR',desc='Structure describing variable fragment shading rate limits that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRatePropertiesKHR structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRatePropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-minFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSize]] |
| pname:minFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSize indicates minimum |
| supported width and height of the portion of the framebuffer |
| corresponding to each texel in a fragment shading rate attachment. |
| Each value must: be less than or equal to the values in |
| pname:maxFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSize. |
| Each value must: be a power-of-two. |
| It must: be [eq]#(0,0)# if the <<features-attachmentFragmentShadingRate, |
| pname:attachmentFragmentShadingRate>> feature is not supported. |
| * [[limits-maxFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSize]] |
| pname:maxFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSize indicates maximum |
| supported width and height of the portion of the framebuffer |
| corresponding to each texel in a fragment shading rate attachment. |
| Each value must: be greater than or equal to the values in |
| pname:minFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSize. |
| Each value must: be a power-of-two. |
| It must: be [eq]#(0,0)# if the <<features-attachmentFragmentShadingRate, |
| pname:attachmentFragmentShadingRate>> feature is not supported. |
| * [[limits-maxFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSizeAspectRatio]] |
| pname:maxFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSizeAspectRatio indicates the |
| maximum ratio between the width and height of the portion of the |
| framebuffer corresponding to each texel in a fragment shading rate |
| attachment. |
| pname:maxFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSizeAspectRatio must: be a |
| power-of-two value, and must: be less than or equal to |
| [eq]#max(pname:maxFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSize.width / |
| pname:minFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSize.height, |
| pname:maxFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSize.height / |
| pname:minFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSize.width)#. |
| It must: be 0 if the <<features-attachmentFragmentShadingRate, |
| pname:attachmentFragmentShadingRate>> feature is not supported. |
| * [[limits-primitiveFragmentShadingRateWithMultipleViewports]] |
| pname:primitiveFragmentShadingRateWithMultipleViewports specifies |
| whether the <<primsrast-fragment-shading-rate-primitive,primitive |
| fragment shading rate>> can: be used when multiple viewports are used. |
| If this value is ename:VK_FALSE, only a single viewport must: be used, |
| and applications must: not write to the |
| ifdef::VK_NV_viewport_array2[] |
| code:ViewportMaskNV or |
| endif::VK_NV_viewport_array2[] |
| code:ViewportIndex built-in when setting code:PrimitiveShadingRateKHR. |
| It must: be ename:VK_FALSE if |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[] |
| the <<features-shaderOutputViewportIndex, |
| pname:shaderOutputViewportIndex>> feature, |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer[] |
| the `apiext:VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer` extension, |
| endif::VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer[or] |
| the <<features-geometryShader, pname:geometryShader>> feature is not |
| supported, or if the <<features-primitiveFragmentShadingRate, |
| pname:primitiveFragmentShadingRate>> feature is not supported. |
| * [[limits-layeredShadingRateAttachments]] |
| pname:layeredShadingRateAttachments specifies whether a shading rate |
| attachment image view can: be created with multiple layers. |
| If this value is ename:VK_FALSE, when creating an image view with a |
| pname:usage that includes |
| pname:layerCount must: be `1`. |
| It must: be ename:VK_FALSE if |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_1,VK_KHR_multiview[] |
| the <<features-multiview, pname:multiview>> feature, |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_1,VK_KHR_multiview[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[] |
| the <<features-shaderOutputViewportIndex, |
| pname:shaderOutputViewportIndex>> feature, |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer[] |
| the `apiext:VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer` extension, |
| endif::VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_1,VK_KHR_multiview,VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_layer[or] |
| the <<features-geometryShader, pname:geometryShader>> feature is not |
| supported, or if the <<features-attachmentFragmentShadingRate, |
| pname:attachmentFragmentShadingRate>> feature is not supported. |
| * [[limits-fragmentShadingRateNonTrivialCombinerOps]] |
| pname:fragmentShadingRateNonTrivialCombinerOps specifies whether |
| elink:VkFragmentShadingRateCombinerOpKHR enums other than |
| It must: be ename:VK_FALSE unless either the |
| <<features-primitiveFragmentShadingRate, |
| pname:primitiveFragmentShadingRate>> or |
| <<features-attachmentFragmentShadingRate, |
| pname:attachmentFragmentShadingRate>> feature is supported. |
| * [[limits-maxFragmentSize]] pname:maxFragmentSize indicates the maximum |
| supported width and height of a fragment. |
| Its pname:width and pname:height members must: both be power-of-two |
| values. |
| This limit is purely informational, and is not validated. |
| * [[limits-maxFragmentSizeAspectRatio]] pname:maxFragmentSizeAspectRatio |
| indicates the maximum ratio between the width and height of a fragment. |
| pname:maxFragmentSizeAspectRatio must: be a power-of-two value, and |
| must: be less than or equal to the maximum of the pname:width and |
| pname:height members of pname:maxFragmentSize. |
| This limit is purely informational, and is not validated. |
| * [[limits-maxFragmentShadingRateCoverageSamples]] |
| pname:maxFragmentShadingRateCoverageSamples specifies the maximum number |
| of coverage samples supported in a single fragment. |
| pname:maxFragmentShadingRateCoverageSamples must: be less than or equal |
| to the product of the pname:width and pname:height members of |
| pname:maxFragmentSize, and the sample count reported by |
| pname:maxFragmentShadingRateRasterizationSamples. |
| pname:maxFragmentShadingRateCoverageSamples must: be less than or equal |
| to [eq]#pname:maxSampleMaskWords {times} 32# if |
| pname:fragmentShadingRateWithShaderSampleMask is supported. |
| This limit is purely informational, and is not validated. |
| * [[limits-maxFragmentShadingRateRasterizationSamples]] |
| pname:maxFragmentShadingRateRasterizationSamples is a |
| elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits value specifying the maximum sample rate |
| supported when a fragment covers multiple pixels. |
| This limit is purely informational, and is not validated. |
| * [[limits-fragmentShadingRateWithShaderDepthStencilWrites]] |
| pname:fragmentShadingRateWithShaderDepthStencilWrites specifies whether |
| the implementation supports writing code:FragDepth |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export[] |
| or code:FragStencilRefEXT |
| endif::VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export[] |
| from a fragment shader for multi-pixel fragments. |
| If this value is ename:VK_FALSE, writing to those built-ins will clamp |
| the fragment shading rate to [eq]#(1,1)#. |
| * [[limits-fragmentShadingRateWithSampleMask]] |
| pname:fragmentShadingRateWithSampleMask specifies whether the |
| implementation supports setting valid bits of |
| slink:VkPipelineMultisampleStateCreateInfo::pname:pSampleMask to `0` for |
| multi-pixel fragments. |
| If this value is ename:VK_FALSE, zeroing valid bits in the sample mask |
| will clamp the fragment shading rate to [eq]#(1,1)#. |
| * [[limits-fragmentShadingRateWithShaderSampleMask]] |
| pname:fragmentShadingRateWithShaderSampleMask specifies whether the |
| implementation supports reading or writing code:SampleMask for |
| multi-pixel fragments. |
| If this value is ename:VK_FALSE, using that built-in will clamp the |
| fragment shading rate to [eq]#(1,1)#. |
| * [[limits-fragmentShadingRateWithConservativeRasterization]] |
| pname:fragmentShadingRateWithConservativeRasterization |
| ifndef::VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization[] |
| is reserved for future use. |
| endif::VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization[] |
| specifies whether <<primsrast-conservativeraster, conservative |
| rasterization>> is supported for multi-pixel fragments. |
| It must: be ename:VK_FALSE if `apiext:VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization` |
| is not supported. |
| If this value is ename:VK_FALSE, using <<primsrast-conservativeraster, |
| conservative rasterization>> will clamp the fragment shading rate to |
| [eq]#(1,1)#. |
| endif::VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization[] |
| * [[limits-fragmentShadingRateWithFragmentShaderInterlock]] |
| pname:fragmentShadingRateWithFragmentShaderInterlock |
| ifndef::VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock[] |
| is reserved for future use. |
| endif::VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock[] |
| specifies whether <<fragops-shader-interlock, fragment shader |
| interlock>> is supported for multi-pixel fragments. |
| It must: be ename:VK_FALSE if `apiext:VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock` |
| is not supported. |
| If this value is ename:VK_FALSE, using <<fragops-shader-interlock, |
| fragment shader interlock>> will clamp the fragment shading rate to |
| [eq]#(1,1)#. |
| endif::VK_EXT_fragment_shader_interlock[] |
| * [[limits-fragmentShadingRateWithCustomSampleLocations]] |
| pname:fragmentShadingRateWithCustomSampleLocations |
| ifndef::VK_EXT_sample_locations[] |
| is reserved for future use. |
| endif::VK_EXT_sample_locations[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_sample_locations[] |
| specifies whether <<primsrast-samplelocations, custom sample locations>> |
| are supported for multi-pixel fragments. |
| It must: be ename:VK_FALSE if `apiext:VK_EXT_sample_locations` is not |
| supported. |
| If this value is ename:VK_FALSE, using <<primsrast-samplelocations, |
| custom sample locations>> will clamp the fragment shading rate to |
| [eq]#(1,1)#. |
| endif::VK_EXT_sample_locations[] |
| * [[limits-fragmentShadingRateStrictMultiplyCombiner]] |
| pname:fragmentShadingRateStrictMultiplyCombiner specifies whether |
| ename:VK_FRAGMENT_SHADING_RATE_COMBINER_OP_MUL_KHR accurately performs a |
| multiplication or not. |
| Implementations where this value is ename:VK_FALSE will instead combine |
| rates with an addition. |
| If pname:fragmentShadingRateNonTrivialCombinerOps is ename:VK_FALSE, |
| implementations must: report this as ename:VK_FALSE. |
| If pname:fragmentShadingRateNonTrivialCombinerOps is ename:VK_TRUE, |
| implementations should: report this as ename:VK_TRUE. |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| .Note |
| ==== |
| Multiplication of the combiner rates using the fragment width/height in |
| linear space is equivalent to an addition of those values in log2 space. |
| Some implementations inadvertently implemented an addition in linear space |
| due to unclear requirements originating outside of this specification. |
| This resulted in <<limits-fragmentShadingRateStrictMultiplyCombiner, |
| pname:fragmentShadingRateStrictMultiplyCombiner>> being added. |
| Fortunately, this only affects situations where a rate of 1 in either |
| dimension is combined with another rate of 1. |
| All other combinations result in the exact same result as if multiplication |
| was performed in linear space due to the clamping logic, and the fact that |
| both the sum and product of 2 and 2 are equal. |
| In many cases, this limit will not affect the correct operation of |
| applications. |
| ==== |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRatePropertiesKHR |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| These properties are related to <<primsrast-fragment-shading-rate, fragment |
| shading rates>>. |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRatePropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_NV_fragment_shading_rate_enums[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRateEnumsPropertiesNV',desc='Structure describing fragment shading rate limits that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRateEnumsPropertiesNV structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRateEnumsPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-maxFragmentShadingRateInvocationCount]] |
| pname:maxFragmentShadingRateInvocationCount is a |
| elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits value indicating the maximum number of |
| fragment shader invocations per fragment supported in pipeline, |
| primitive, and attachment fragment shading rates. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRateEnumsPropertiesNV |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| These properties are related to <<primsrast-fragment-shading-rate, fragment |
| shading rates>>. |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShadingRateEnumsPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_NV_fragment_shading_rate_enums[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_custom_border_color[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceCustomBorderColorPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing whether custom border colors can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceCustomBorderColorPropertiesEXT structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceCustomBorderColorPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * [[limits-maxCustomBorderColorSamplers]] |
| pname:maxCustomBorderColorSamplers indicates the maximum number of |
| samplers with custom border colors which can: simultaneously exist on a |
| device. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceCustomBorderColorPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceCustomBorderColorPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_EXT_custom_border_color[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_provoking_vertex[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceProvokingVertexPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing provoking vertex properties supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceProvokingVertexPropertiesEXT structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceProvokingVertexPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-provokingVertexModePerPipeline]] |
| pname:provokingVertexModePerPipeline indicates whether the |
| implementation supports graphics pipelines with different provoking |
| vertex modes within the same render pass instance. |
| * [[limits-transformFeedbackPreservesTriangleFanProvokingVertex]] |
| pname:transformFeedbackPreservesTriangleFanProvokingVertex indicates |
| whether the implementation can preserve the provoking vertex order when |
| writing triangle fan vertices to transform feedback. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceProvokingVertexPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceProvokingVertexPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_EXT_provoking_vertex[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorBufferPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing descriptor buffer properties supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorBufferPropertiesEXT structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorBufferPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-combinedImageSamplerDescriptorSingleArray]] |
| pname:combinedImageSamplerDescriptorSingleArray indicates that the |
| implementation does not require an array of |
| `VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER` descriptors to be written |
| into a descriptor buffer as an array of image descriptors, immediately |
| followed by an array of sampler descriptors. |
| * [[limits-bufferlessPushDescriptors]] pname:bufferlessPushDescriptors |
| indicates that the implementation does not require a buffer created with |
| when using push descriptors. |
| * [[limits-allowSamplerImageViewPostSubmitCreation]] |
| pname:allowSamplerImageViewPostSubmitCreation indicates that the |
| implementation does not restrict when the slink:VkSampler or |
| slink:VkImageView objects used to retrieve descriptor data can: be |
| created in relation to command buffer submission. |
| If this value is ename:VK_FALSE, then the application must: create any |
| slink:VkSampler or slink:VkImageView objects whose descriptor data is |
| accessed during the execution of a command buffer, before the |
| flink:vkQueueSubmit |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_synchronization2[] |
| , or flink:vkQueueSubmit2, |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_synchronization2[] |
| call that submits that command buffer. |
| * [[limits-descriptorBufferOffsetAlignment]] |
| pname:descriptorBufferOffsetAlignment indicates the required: alignment |
| in bytes when setting offsets into the descriptor buffer. |
| * [[limits-maxDescriptorBufferBindings]] pname:maxDescriptorBufferBindings |
| indicates the maximum sum total number of descriptor buffers and |
| embedded immutable sampler sets that can: be bound. |
| * [[limits-maxResourceDescriptorBufferBindings]] |
| pname:maxResourceDescriptorBufferBindings indicates the maximum number |
| of resource descriptor buffers that can: be bound. |
| * [[limits-maxSamplerDescriptorBufferBindings]] |
| pname:maxSamplerDescriptorBufferBindings indicates the maximum number of |
| sampler descriptor buffers that can: be bound. |
| * [[limits-maxEmbeddedImmutableSamplerBindings]] |
| pname:maxEmbeddedImmutableSamplerBindings indicates the maximum number |
| of embedded immutable sampler sets that can: be bound. |
| * [[limits-maxEmbeddedImmutableSamplers]] |
| pname:maxEmbeddedImmutableSamplers indicates the maximum number of |
| unique immutable samplers in descriptor set layouts created with |
| and pipeline layouts created from them, which can: simultaneously exist |
| on a device. |
| * [[limits-bufferCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize]] |
| pname:bufferCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize indicates the maximum size |
| in bytes of the opaque data used for capture and replay with buffers. |
| * [[limits-imageCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize]] |
| pname:imageCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize indicates the maximum size in |
| bytes of the opaque data used for capture and replay with images. |
| * [[limits-imageViewCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize]] |
| pname:imageViewCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize indicates the maximum |
| size in bytes of the opaque data used for capture and replay with image |
| views. |
| * [[limits-samplerCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize]] |
| pname:samplerCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize indicates the maximum size |
| in bytes of the opaque data used for capture and replay with samplers. |
| * [[limits-accelerationStructureCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize]] |
| pname:accelerationStructureCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize indicates the |
| maximum size in bytes of the opaque data used for capture and replay |
| with acceleration structures. |
| * [[limits-samplerDescriptorSize]] pname:samplerDescriptorSize indicates |
| the size in bytes of a ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLER descriptor. |
| * [[limits-combinedImageSamplerDescriptorSize]] |
| pname:combinedImageSamplerDescriptorSize indicates the size in bytes of |
| * [[limits-sampledImageDescriptorSize]] pname:sampledImageDescriptorSize |
| indicates the size in bytes of a ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLED_IMAGE |
| descriptor. |
| * [[limits-storageImageDescriptorSize]] pname:storageImageDescriptorSize |
| indicates the size in bytes of a ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE |
| descriptor. |
| * [[limits-uniformTexelBufferDescriptorSize]] |
| pname:uniformTexelBufferDescriptorSize indicates the size in bytes of a |
| <<features-robustBufferAccess, pname:robustBufferAccess>> feature is not |
| enabled. |
| * [[limits-robustUniformTexelBufferDescriptorSize]] |
| pname:robustUniformTexelBufferDescriptorSize indicates the size in bytes |
| of a ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER descriptor if the |
| <<features-robustBufferAccess, pname:robustBufferAccess>> feature is |
| enabled. |
| * [[limits-storageTexelBufferDescriptorSize]] |
| pname:storageTexelBufferDescriptorSize indicates the size in bytes of a |
| <<features-robustBufferAccess, pname:robustBufferAccess>> feature is not |
| enabled. |
| * [[limits-robustStorageTexelBufferDescriptorSize]] |
| pname:robustStorageTexelBufferDescriptorSize indicates the size in bytes |
| of a ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER descriptor if the |
| <<features-robustBufferAccess, pname:robustBufferAccess>> feature is |
| enabled. |
| * [[limits-uniformBufferDescriptorSize]] pname:uniformBufferDescriptorSize |
| indicates the size in bytes of a ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER |
| descriptor. |
| * [[limits-robustUniformBufferDescriptorSize]] |
| pname:robustUniformBufferDescriptorSize indicates the size in bytes of a |
| ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_BUFFER descriptor if the |
| <<features-robustBufferAccess, pname:robustBufferAccess>> feature is |
| enabled. |
| * [[limits-storageBufferDescriptorSize]] pname:storageBufferDescriptorSize |
| indicates the size in bytes of a ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER |
| descriptor. |
| * [[limits-robustStorageBufferDescriptorSize]] |
| pname:robustStorageBufferDescriptorSize indicates the size in bytes of a |
| ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER descriptor if the |
| <<features-robustBufferAccess, pname:robustBufferAccess>> feature is |
| enabled. |
| * [[limits-inputAttachmentDescriptorSize]] |
| pname:inputAttachmentDescriptorSize indicates the size in bytes of a |
| * [[limits-accelerationStructureDescriptorSize]] |
| pname:accelerationStructureDescriptorSize indicates the size in bytes of |
| * [[limits-maxSamplerDescriptorBufferRange]] |
| pname:maxSamplerDescriptorBufferRange indicates the maximum range in |
| bytes from the address of a sampler descriptor buffer binding that is |
| accessible to a shader. |
| * [[limits-maxResourceDescriptorBufferRange]] |
| pname:maxResourceDescriptorBufferRange indicates the maximum range in |
| bytes from the address of a resource descriptor buffer binding that is |
| accessible to a shader. |
| * [[limits-samplerDescriptorBufferAddressSpaceSize]] |
| pname:samplerDescriptorBufferAddressSpaceSize indicates the total size |
| in bytes of the address space available for descriptor buffers created |
| * [[limits-resourceDescriptorBufferAddressSpaceSize]] |
| pname:resourceDescriptorBufferAddressSpaceSize indicates the total size |
| in bytes of the address space available for descriptor buffers created |
| * [[limits-descriptorBufferAddressSpaceSize]] |
| pname:descriptorBufferAddressSpaceSize indicates the total size in bytes |
| of the address space available for descriptor buffers created with both |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VALVE_mutable_descriptor_type[] |
| A descriptor binding with type ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_MUTABLE_VALVE has a |
| descriptor size which is implied by the descriptor types included in the |
| slink:VkMutableDescriptorTypeCreateInfoVALVE::pname:pDescriptorTypes list. |
| The descriptor size is equal to the maximum size of any descriptor type |
| included in the pname:pDescriptorTypes list. |
| endif::VK_VALVE_mutable_descriptor_type[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_pipeline_robustness[] |
| As there is no way to request robust and non-robust descriptors separately, |
| or specify robust/non-robust descriptors in the set layout, if |
| <<features-robustBufferAccess, pname:robustBufferAccess>> is enabled then |
| robust descriptors are always used. |
| endif::VK_EXT_pipeline_robustness[] |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorBufferPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorBufferPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorBufferDensityMapPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing descriptor buffer density map properties supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorBufferDensityMapPropertiesEXT structure |
| is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorBufferDensityMapPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-combinedImageSamplerDensityMapDescriptorSize]] |
| pname:combinedImageSamplerDensityMapDescriptorSize indicates the size in |
| bytes of a ename:VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER descriptor |
| when creating the descriptor with |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorBufferDensityMapPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorBufferDensityMapPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map[] |
| |
| endif::VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_host_image_copy[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceHostImageCopyPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure enumerating image layouts supported by an implementation for host memory copies',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceHostImageCopyPropertiesEXT structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceHostImageCopyPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * pname:copySrcLayoutCount is an integer related to the number of image |
| layouts for host copies from images available or queried, as described |
| below. |
| * pname:pCopySrcLayouts is a pointer to an array of elink:VkImageLayout in |
| which supported image layouts for use with host copy operations from |
| images are returned. |
| * pname:copyDstLayoutCount is an integer related to the number of image |
| layouts for host copies to images available or queried, as described |
| below. |
| * pname:pCopyDstLayouts is a pointer to an array of elink:VkImageLayout in |
| which supported image layouts for use with host copy operations to |
| images are returned. |
| * pname:optimalTilingLayoutUUID is an array of ename:VK_UUID_SIZE |
| code:uint8_t values representing a universally unique identifier for the |
| implementation's swizzling layout of images created with |
| * pname:identicalMemoryTypeRequirements indicates that specifying the |
| slink:VkImageCreateInfo::pname:usage does not affect the memory type |
| requirements of the image. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceHostImageCopyPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| If pname:pCopyDstLayouts is `NULL`, then the number of image layouts that |
| are supported in slink:VkCopyMemoryToImageInfoEXT::pname:dstImageLayout and |
| slink:VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT::pname:dstImageLayout is returned in |
| pname:copyDstLayoutCount. |
| Otherwise, pname:copyDstLayoutCount must: be set by the user to the number |
| of elements in the pname:pCopyDstLayouts array, and on return the variable |
| is overwritten with the number of values actually written to |
| pname:pCopyDstLayouts. |
| If the value of pname:copyDstLayoutCount is less than the number of image |
| layouts that are supported, at most pname:copyDstLayoutCount values will be |
| written to pname:pCopyDstLayouts. |
| The implementation must: include the ename:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL image |
| layout in pname:pCopyDstLayouts. |
| |
| If pname:pCopySrcLayouts is `NULL`, then the number of image layouts that |
| are supported in slink:VkCopyImageToMemoryInfoEXT::pname:srcImageLayout and |
| slink:VkCopyImageToImageInfoEXT::pname:srcImageLayout is returned in |
| pname:copySrcLayoutCount. |
| Otherwise, pname:copySrcLayoutCount must: be set by the user to the number |
| of elements in the pname:pCopySrcLayouts array, and on return the variable |
| is overwritten with the number of values actually written to |
| pname:pCopySrcLayouts. |
| If the value of pname:copySrcLayoutCount is less than the number of image |
| layouts that are supported, at most pname:copySrcLayoutCount values will be |
| written to pname:pCopySrcLayouts. |
| The implementation must: include the ename:VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_GENERAL image |
| layout in pname:pCopySrcLayouts. |
| |
| The pname:optimalTilingLayoutUUID value can be used to ensure compatible |
| data layouts when using the ename:VK_HOST_IMAGE_COPY_MEMCPY_EXT flag in |
| flink:vkCopyMemoryToImageEXT and flink:vkCopyImageToMemoryEXT. |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceHostImageCopyPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_EXT_host_image_copy[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_HUAWEI_subpass_shading[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceSubpassShadingPropertiesHUAWEI',desc='Structure describing subpass shading properties supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceSubpassShadingPropertiesHUAWEI structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceSubpassShadingPropertiesHUAWEI.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-maxSubpassShadingWorkgroupSizeAspectRatio]] |
| pname:maxSubpassShadingWorkgroupSizeAspectRatio indicates the maximum |
| ratio between the width and height of the portion of the subpass shading |
| shader workgroup size. |
| pname:maxSubpassShadingWorkgroupSizeAspectRatio must: be a power-of-two |
| value, and must: be less than or equal to max(code:WorkgroupSize.x / |
| code:WorkgroupSize.y, code:WorkgroupSize.y / code:WorkgroupSize.x). |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceSubpassShadingPropertiesHUAWEI |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceSubpassShadingPropertiesHUAWEI.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_HUAWEI_subpass_shading[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_multi_draw[] |
| |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceMultiDrawPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing multidraw limits of an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceMultiDrawPropertiesEXT structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMultiDrawPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| The members of the sname:VkPhysicalDeviceMultiDrawPropertiesEXT structure |
| describe the following features: |
| |
| * [[limits-maxMultiDrawCount]] pname:maxMultiDrawCount indicates the |
| maximum number of draw calls which can: be batched into a single |
| multidraw. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceMultiDrawPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceMultiDrawPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| endif::VK_EXT_multi_draw[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_nested_command_buffer[] |
| |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceNestedCommandBufferPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing the nested command buffer limits of an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceNestedCommandBufferPropertiesEXT structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceNestedCommandBufferPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| The members of the sname:VkPhysicalDeviceNestedCommandBufferPropertiesEXT |
| structure describe the following features: |
| |
| * [[limits-maxCommandBufferNestingLevel]] |
| pname:maxCommandBufferNestingLevel indicates the maximum nesting level |
| of calls to flink:vkCmdExecuteCommands from <<glossary, Secondary |
| Command Buffers>>. |
| A pname:maxCommandBufferNestingLevel of code:UINT32_MAX means there is |
| no limit to the nesting level. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceNestedCommandBufferPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceNestedCommandBufferPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| endif::VK_EXT_nested_command_buffer[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceGraphicsPipelineLibraryPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing additional properties of graphics pipeline libraries',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceGraphicsPipelineLibraryPropertiesEXT structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceGraphicsPipelineLibraryPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * [[limits-graphicsPipelineLibraryFastLinking]] |
| pname:graphicsPipelineLibraryFastLinking indicates whether fast linking |
| of graphics pipelines is supported. |
| If it is ename:VK_TRUE, creating a graphics pipeline entirely from |
| pipeline libraries without |
| cost to recording a command in a command buffer. |
| * [[limits-graphicsPipelineLibraryIndependentInterpolationDecoration]] |
| pname:graphicsPipelineLibraryIndependentInterpolationDecoration |
| indicates whether code:NoPerspective and code:Flat interpolation |
| decorations in the last vertex processing stage and the fragment shader |
| are required to match when using graphics pipeline libraries. |
| If it is ename:VK_TRUE, the interpolation decorations do not need to |
| match. |
| If it is ename:VK_FALSE, these decorations must: either be present in |
| both stages or neither stage in order for a given interface variable to |
| match. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceGraphicsPipelineLibraryPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceGraphicsPipelineLibraryPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| endif::VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library[] |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_fragment_shader_barycentric[] |
| |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricPropertiesKHR',desc='Structure describing fragment shader barycentric limits of an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricPropertiesKHR structure |
| is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricPropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| |
| * [[limits-triStripVertexOrderIndependentOfProvokingVertex]] When the |
| <<vertexpostproc-flatshading,provoking vertex mode>> is |
| ename:VK_PROVOKING_VERTEX_MODE_LAST_VERTEX_EXT, and the primitive order |
| is odd in a triangle strip, the ordering of vertices is defined in |
| <<primsrast-barycentric-order-table-last-vertex, last vertex table>>. |
| pname:triStripVertexOrderIndependentOfProvokingVertex equal to |
| ename:VK_TRUE indicates that the implementation ignores this and uses |
| the vertex order defined by |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricPropertiesKHR |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceFragmentShaderBarycentricPropertiesKHR.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| endif::VK_KHR_fragment_shader_barycentric[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_shader_module_identifier[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceShaderModuleIdentifierPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing shader module identifier properties of an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderModuleIdentifierPropertiesEXT structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShaderModuleIdentifierPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| The members of the sname:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderModuleIdentifierPropertiesEXT |
| structure describe the following: |
| |
| * [[limits-shaderModuleIdentifierAlgorithmUUID]] |
| pname:shaderModuleIdentifierAlgorithmUUID is an array of |
| ename:VK_UUID_SIZE code:uint8_t values which uniquely represents the |
| algorithm used to compute an identifier in |
| flink:vkGetShaderModuleIdentifierEXT and |
| flink:vkGetShaderModuleCreateInfoIdentifierEXT. |
| Implementations should: not change this value in different driver |
| versions if the algorithm used to compute an identifier is the same. |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| .Note |
| ==== |
| The algorithm UUID may be the same in different ICDs if the algorithms are |
| guaranteed to produce the same results. |
| This may happen in driver stacks which support different kinds of hardware |
| with shared code. |
| |
| Khronos' conformance testing can not guarantee that |
| pname:shaderModuleIdentifierAlgorithmUUID values are actually unique, so |
| implementors should make their own best efforts to ensure that their UUID is |
| unlikely to conflict with other implementations which may use a different |
| algorithm. |
| In particular, hard-coded values which easily conflict, such as all-`0` |
| bits, should: never be used. |
| Hard-coded values are acceptable if best effort is ensured that the value |
| will not accidentally conflict. |
| ==== |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceShaderModuleIdentifierPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShaderModuleIdentifierPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| endif::VK_EXT_shader_module_identifier[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_pipeline_robustness[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDevicePipelineRobustnessPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing the default robustness behavior of a physical device',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDevicePipelineRobustnessPropertiesEXT structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDevicePipelineRobustnessPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * pname:defaultRobustnessStorageBuffers describes the behaviour of out of |
| bounds accesses made to storage buffers when no robustness features are |
| enabled |
| * pname:defaultRobustnessUniformBuffers describes the behaviour of out of |
| bounds accesses made to uniform buffers when no robustness features are |
| enabled |
| * pname:defaultRobustnessVertexInputs describes the behaviour of out of |
| bounds accesses made to vertex input attributes when no robustness |
| features are enabled |
| * pname:defaultRobustnessImages describes the behaviour of out of bounds |
| accesses made to images when no robustness features are enabled |
| |
| Some implementations of Vulkan may be able to guarantee that certain types |
| of accesses are always performed with robustness even when the Vulkan API's |
| robustness features are not explicitly enabled. |
| |
| Even when an implementation reports that accesses to a given resource type |
| are robust by default, it remains invalid to make an out of bounds access |
| without requesting the appropriate robustness feature. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDevicePipelineRobustnessPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDevicePipelineRobustnessPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_EXT_pipeline_robustness[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3[] |
| |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicState3PropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing capabilities of extended dynamic state',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicState3PropertiesEXT structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicState3PropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * [[limits-dynamicPrimitiveTopologyUnrestricted]] |
| pname:dynamicPrimitiveTopologyUnrestricted indicates that the |
| implementation allows fname:vkCmdSetPrimitiveTopology to use a different |
| <<drawing-primitive-topology-class, primitive topology class>> to the |
| one specified in the active graphics pipeline. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicState3PropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedDynamicState3PropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| endif::VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_NV_optical_flow[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceOpticalFlowPropertiesNV',desc='Structure describing properties supported by VK_NV_optical_flow',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceOpticalFlowPropertiesNV structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceOpticalFlowPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-supportedOutputGridSizes]] pname:supportedOutputGridSizes are |
| the supported tlink:VkOpticalFlowGridSizeFlagsNV which can be specified |
| in sname:VkOpticalFlowSessionCreateInfoNV::pname:outputGridSize. |
| * [[limits-supportedHintGridSizes]] pname:supportedHintGridSizes are the |
| supported tlink:VkOpticalFlowGridSizeFlagsNV which can be specified in |
| sname:VkOpticalFlowSessionCreateInfoNV::pname:hintGridSize. |
| * [[limits-hintSupported]] pname:hintSupported is a boolean describing |
| whether using hint flow vector map is supported in an optical flow |
| session. |
| * [[limits-costSupported]] pname:costSupported is a boolean describing |
| whether cost map generation is supported in an optical flow session. |
| * [[limits-bidirectionalFlowSupported]] pname:bidirectionalFlowSupported |
| is a boolean describing whether bi-directional flow generation is |
| supported in an optical flow session. |
| * [[limits-globalFlowSupported]] pname:globalFlowSupported is a boolean |
| describing whether global flow vector map generation is supported in an |
| optical flow session. |
| * [[limits-minWidth]] pname:minWidth is the minimum width in pixels for |
| images used in an optical flow session. |
| * [[limits-minHeight]] pname:minHeight is the minimum height in pixels for |
| images used in an optical flow session. |
| * [[limits-maxWidth]] pname:maxWidth is the maximum width in pixels for |
| images used in an optical flow session. |
| * [[limits-maxHeight]] pname:maxHeight is the maximum height in pixels for |
| images used in an optical flow session. |
| * [[limits-maxNumRegionsOfInterest]] pname:maxNumRegionsOfInterest is the |
| maximum number of regions of interest which can be used in an optical |
| flow session. |
| If this pname:maxNumRegionsOfInterest is 0, regions of interest are not |
| supported in an optical flow session. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceOpticalFlowPropertiesNV |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceOpticalFlowPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_NV_optical_flow[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_opacity_micromap[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceOpacityMicromapPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing the opacity micromap properties of a physical device',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceOpacityMicromapPropertiesEXT structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceOpacityMicromapPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * pname:maxOpacity2StateSubdivisionLevel is the maximum allowed |
| pname:subdivisionLevel when pname:format is |
| * pname:maxOpacity4StateSubdivisionLevel is the maximum allowed |
| pname:subdivisionLevel when pname:format is |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceOpacityMicromapPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceOpacityMicromapPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_EXT_opacity_micromap[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_NV_displacement_micromap[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceDisplacementMicromapPropertiesNV',desc='Structure describing the displacement micromap properties of a physical device',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceDisplacementMicromapPropertiesNV structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceDisplacementMicromapPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * pname:maxDisplacementMicromapSubdivisionLevel is the maximum allowed |
| pname:subdivisionLevel for displacement micromaps. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceDisplacementMicromapPropertiesNV |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceDisplacementMicromapPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_NV_displacement_micromap[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_ARM_shader_core_builtins[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCoreBuiltinsPropertiesARM',desc='Structure describing shader core builtins properties supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCoreBuiltinsPropertiesARM structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCoreBuiltinsPropertiesARM.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-shaderCoreMask]] pname:shaderCoreMask is a bitfield where each |
| bit set represents the presence of a shader core whose ID is the bit |
| position. |
| The highest ID for any shader core on the device is the position of the |
| most significant bit set. |
| * [[limits-shaderCoreCount]] pname:shaderCoreCount is the number of shader |
| cores on the device. |
| * [[limits-shaderWarpsPerCore]] pname:shaderWarpsPerCore is the maximum |
| number of simultaneously executing warps on a shader core. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCoreBuiltinsPropertiesARM |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCoreBuiltinsPropertiesARM.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_ARM_shader_core_builtins[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_NV_ray_tracing_invocation_reorder[] |
| [open,refpage='VkRayTracingInvocationReorderModeNV',desc='Enum providing a hint on how the application may: reorder',type='enums'] |
| -- |
| Values which may: be returned in the |
| pname:rayTracingInvocationReorderReorderingHint field of |
| sname:VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingInvocationReorderPropertiesNV are: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/enums/VkRayTracingInvocationReorderModeNV.adoc[] |
| |
| implementation is likely to not reorder at reorder calls. |
| the implementation is likely to reorder at reorder calls. |
| -- |
| |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingInvocationReorderPropertiesNV',desc='Structure describing shader module identifier properties of an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingInvocationReorderPropertiesNV structure |
| is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingInvocationReorderPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:rayTracingInvocationReorderReorderingHint is a hint indicating if |
| the implementation will actually reorder at the reorder calls. |
| |
| [NOTE] |
| .Note |
| ==== |
| Because the extension changes how hits are managed there is a compatibility |
| reason to expose the extension even when an implementation does not have |
| sorting active. |
| ==== |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingInvocationReorderPropertiesNV |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingInvocationReorderPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_NV_ray_tracing_invocation_reorder[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_HUAWEI_cluster_culling_shader[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceClusterCullingShaderPropertiesHUAWEI',desc='Structure describing cluster culling shader properties supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceClusterCullingShaderPropertiesHUAWEI structure is |
| defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceClusterCullingShaderPropertiesHUAWEI.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * pname:maxWorkGroupCount[3] is the maximum number of local workgroups |
| that can be launched by a single command. |
| These three value represent the maximum local workgroup count in the X, |
| Y and Z dimensions, respectively. |
| In the current implementation, the values of Y and Z are both implicitly |
| set as one. |
| groupCountX of DrawCluster command must be less than or equal to |
| maxWorkGroupCount[0]. |
| * pname:maxWorkGroupSize[3] is the maximum size of a local workgroup. |
| These three value represent the maximum local workgroup size in the X, Y |
| and Z dimensions, respectively. |
| The x, y and z sizes, as specified by the code:LocalSize |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_maintenance4[or code:LocalSizeId] |
| execution mode or by the object decorated by the WorkgroupSize |
| decoration in shader modules, must be less than or equal to the |
| corresponding limit. |
| In the current implementation, the maximum workgroup size of the X |
| dimension is 32, the others are 1. |
| * pname:maxOutputClusterCount is the maximum number of output cluster a |
| single cluster culling shader workgroup can emit. |
| * pname:indirectBufferOffsetAlignment indicates the alignment for cluster |
| drawing command buffer stride. |
| flink:vkCmdDrawClusterIndirectHUAWEI::pname:offset must be a multiple of |
| this value. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceClusterCullingShaderPropertiesHUAWEI |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceClusterCullingShaderPropertiesHUAWEI.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_HUAWEI_cluster_culling_shader[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_ARM_shader_core_properties[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCorePropertiesARM',desc='Structure describing shader core properties that can be supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCorePropertiesARM structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCorePropertiesARM.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * pname:pixelRate is an unsigned integer value indicating the maximum |
| number of pixels output per clock per shader core. |
| * pname:texelRate is an unsigned integer value indicating the maximum |
| number of texels per clock per shader core. |
| * pname:fmaRate is an unsigned integer value indicating the maximum number |
| of single-precision fused multiply-add operations per clock per shader |
| core. |
| |
| If a throughput rate cannot be determined on the physical device, the value |
| `0` will be returned for that rate. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCorePropertiesARM |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShaderCorePropertiesARM.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_ARM_shader_core_properties[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_shader_object[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceShaderObjectPropertiesEXT',desc='Structure describing shader object properties supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderObjectPropertiesEXT structure is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShaderObjectPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-shaderBinaryUUID]] pname:shaderBinaryUUID is an array of |
| ename:VK_UUID_SIZE code:uint8_t values representing a universally unique |
| identifier for one or more implementations whose shader binaries are |
| guaranteed to be compatible with each other. |
| * [[limits-shaderBinaryVersion]] pname:shaderBinaryVersion is an unsigned |
| integer incremented to represent backwards compatible differences |
| between implementations with the same pname:shaderBinaryUUID. |
| |
| The purpose and usage of the values of this structure are described in |
| greater detail in <<shaders-objects-binary-compatibility, Binary Shader |
| Compatibility>>. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceShaderObjectPropertiesEXT |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShaderObjectPropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_EXT_shader_object[] |
| |
| |
| ifdef::VK_AMDX_shader_enqueue[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceShaderEnqueuePropertiesAMDX',desc='Structure describing shader enqueue limits of an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderEnqueuePropertiesAMDX structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShaderEnqueuePropertiesAMDX.adoc[] |
| |
| The members of the sname:VkPhysicalDeviceShaderEnqueuePropertiesAMDX |
| structure describe the following limits: |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-maxExecutionGraphDepth]] pname:maxExecutionGraphDepth defines |
| the maximum node chain depth in the graph. |
| The dispatched node is at depth 1 and the node enqueued by it is at |
| depth 2, and so on. |
| If a node enqueues itself, each recursive enqueue increases the depth by |
| 1 as well. |
| * [[limits-maxExecutionGraphShaderOutputNodes]] |
| pname:maxExecutionGraphShaderOutputNodes specifies the maximum number of |
| unique nodes that can be dispatched from a single shader, and must be at |
| least 256. |
| * [[limits-maxExecutionGraphShaderPayloadSize]] |
| pname:maxExecutionGraphShaderPayloadSize specifies the maximum total |
| size of payload declarations in a shader. |
| For any payload declarations that share resources, indicated by |
| code:NodeSharesPayloadLimitsWithAMDX decorations, the maximum size of |
| each set of shared payload declarations is taken. |
| The sum of each shared set's maximum size and the size of each unshared |
| payload is counted against this limit. |
| * [[limits-maxExecutionGraphShaderPayloadCount]] |
| pname:maxExecutionGraphShaderPayloadCount specifies the maximum number |
| of output payloads that can be initialized in a single workgroup. |
| * [[limits-executionGraphDispatchAddressAlignment]] |
| pname:executionGraphDispatchAddressAlignment specifies the alignment of |
| non-scratch basetype:VkDeviceAddress arguments consumed by graph |
| dispatch commands. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceShaderEnqueuePropertiesAMDX |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceShaderEnqueuePropertiesAMDX.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_AMDX_shader_enqueue[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_NV_extended_sparse_address_space[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedSparseAddressSpacePropertiesNV',desc='Structure describing sparse address space limits of an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedSparseAddressSpacePropertiesNV structure |
| is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedSparseAddressSpacePropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-extendedSparseAddressSpaceSize]] |
| pname:extendedSparseAddressSpaceSize is the total amount of address |
| space available, in bytes, for sparse memory resources of all usages if |
| the <<features-extendedSparseAddressSpace, |
| pname:extendedSparseAddressSpace>> feature is enabled. |
| This must: be greater than or equal to |
| sname:VkPhysicalDeviceLimits::pname:sparseAddressSpaceSize, and the |
| difference in space must: only be used with usages allowed below. |
| This is an upper bound on the sum of the sizes of all sparse resources, |
| regardless of whether any memory is bound to them. |
| * [[limits-extendedSparseImageUsageFlags]] |
| pname:extendedSparseImageUsageFlags is a bitmask of |
| elink:VkImageUsageFlagBits of usages which may: allow an implementation |
| to use the full pname:extendedSparseAddressSpaceSize space. |
| * [[limits-extendedSparseBufferUsageFlags]] |
| pname:extendedSparseBufferUsageFlags is a bitmask of |
| elink:VkBufferUsageFlagBits of usages which may: allow an implementation |
| to use the full pname:extendedSparseAddressSpaceSize space. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedSparseAddressSpacePropertiesNV |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceExtendedSparseAddressSpacePropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_NV_extended_sparse_address_space[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_NV_cuda_kernel_launch[] |
| |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceCudaKernelLaunchPropertiesNV',desc='Structure describing the compute capability version available',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceCudaKernelLaunchPropertiesNV structure is defined |
| as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceCudaKernelLaunchPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| |
| The members of the sname:VkPhysicalDeviceCudaKernelLaunchPropertiesNV |
| structure describe the following features: |
| |
| * [[limits-computeCapabilityMinor]] pname:computeCapabilityMinor indicates |
| the minor version number of the compute code. |
| * [[limits-computeCapabilityMajor]] pname:computeCapabilityMajor indicates |
| the minor version number of the compute code. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceCudaKernelLaunchPropertiesNV |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceCudaKernelLaunchPropertiesNV.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| endif::VK_NV_cuda_kernel_launch[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_ANDROID_external_format_resolve[] |
| [open,refpage='VkPhysicalDeviceExternalFormatResolvePropertiesANDROID',desc='Structure describing external format resolve supported by an implementation',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkPhysicalDeviceExternalFormatResolvePropertiesANDROID structure |
| is defined as: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceExternalFormatResolvePropertiesANDROID.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * [[limits-nullColorAttachmentWithExternalFormatResolve]] |
| pname:nullColorAttachmentWithExternalFormatResolve indicates that there |
| must: be no color attachment image when performing external format |
| resolves if it is ename:VK_TRUE. |
| * [[limits-externalFormatResolveChromaOffsetX]] |
| pname:externalFormatResolveChromaOffsetX indicates the |
| elink:VkChromaLocation that an implementation uses in the X axis for |
| accesses to an external format image as a resolve attachment. |
| This must: be consistent between external format resolves and load |
| operations from external format resolve attachments to color attachments |
| when pname:nullColorAttachmentWithExternalFormatResolve is |
| ename:VK_TRUE. |
| * [[limits-externalFormatResolveChromaOffsetY]] |
| pname:externalFormatResolveChromaOffsetY indicates the |
| elink:VkChromaLocation that an implementation uses in the Y axis for |
| accesses to an external format image as a resolve attachment. |
| This must: be consistent between external format resolves and load |
| operations from external format resolve attachments to color attachments |
| when pname:nullColorAttachmentWithExternalFormatResolve is |
| ename:VK_TRUE. |
| |
| :refpage: VkPhysicalDeviceExternalFormatResolvePropertiesANDROID |
| include::{chapters}/limits.adoc[tag=limits_desc] |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkPhysicalDeviceExternalFormatResolvePropertiesANDROID.adoc[] |
| -- |
| endif::VK_ANDROID_external_format_resolve[] |
| |
| |
| [[limits-minmax]] |
| == Limit Requirements |
| |
| The following table specifies the required: minimum/maximum for all Vulkan |
| graphics implementations. |
| Where a limit corresponds to a fine-grained device feature which is |
| optional:, the feature name is listed with two required: limits, one when |
| the feature is supported and one when it is not supported. |
| If an implementation supports a feature, the limits reported are the same |
| whether or not the feature is enabled. |
| |
| [[limits-types]] |
| .Required Limit Types |
| [width="100%",cols="<20%,<50%,<30%",options="header"] |
| |==== |
| | Type | Limit | Feature |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxImageDimension1D | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxImageDimension2D | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxImageDimension3D | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxImageDimensionCube | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxImageArrayLayers | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxTexelBufferElements | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxUniformBufferRange | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxStorageBufferRange | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPushConstantsSize | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxMemoryAllocationCount | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxSamplerAllocationCount | - |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:bufferImageGranularity | - |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:sparseAddressSpaceSize | pname:sparseBinding |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxBoundDescriptorSets | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorSamplers | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUniformBuffers | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorStorageBuffers | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorSampledImages | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorStorageImages | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorInputAttachments| - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageResources | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetSamplers | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffers | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffersDynamic| - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffers | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffersDynamic| - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetSampledImages | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetStorageImages | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetInputAttachments | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxVertexInputAttributes | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxVertexInputBindings | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxVertexInputAttributeOffset | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxVertexOutputComponents | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxTessellationGenerationLevel | pname:tessellationShader |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxTessellationPatchSize | pname:tessellationShader |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxTessellationControlPerVertexInputComponents | pname:tessellationShader |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxTessellationControlPerVertexOutputComponents | pname:tessellationShader |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxTessellationControlPerPatchOutputComponents | pname:tessellationShader |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxTessellationControlTotalOutputComponents | pname:tessellationShader |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxTessellationEvaluationInputComponents | pname:tessellationShader |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxTessellationEvaluationOutputComponents | pname:tessellationShader |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxGeometryShaderInvocations | pname:geometryShader |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxGeometryInputComponents | pname:geometryShader |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxGeometryOutputComponents | pname:geometryShader |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxGeometryOutputVertices | pname:geometryShader |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxGeometryTotalOutputComponents | pname:geometryShader |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxFragmentInputComponents | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxFragmentOutputAttachments | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxFragmentDualSrcAttachments | pname:dualSrcBlend |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxFragmentCombinedOutputResources | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxComputeSharedMemorySize | - |
| | 3 {times} code:uint32_t | pname:maxComputeWorkGroupCount | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations | - |
| | 3 {times} code:uint32_t | pname:maxComputeWorkGroupSize | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:subPixelPrecisionBits | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:subTexelPrecisionBits | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:mipmapPrecisionBits | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDrawIndexedIndexValue | pname:fullDrawIndexUint32 |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDrawIndirectCount | pname:multiDrawIndirect |
| | code:float | pname:maxSamplerLodBias | - |
| | code:float | pname:maxSamplerAnisotropy | pname:samplerAnisotropy |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxViewports | pname:multiViewport |
| | 2 {times} code:uint32_t | pname:maxViewportDimensions | - |
| | 2 {times} code:float | pname:viewportBoundsRange | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:viewportSubPixelBits | - |
| | code:size_t | pname:minMemoryMapAlignment | - |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:minTexelBufferOffsetAlignment | - |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment | - |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment | - |
| | code:int32_t | pname:minTexelOffset | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxTexelOffset | - |
| | code:int32_t | pname:minTexelGatherOffset | pname:shaderImageGatherExtended |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxTexelGatherOffset | pname:shaderImageGatherExtended |
| | code:float | pname:minInterpolationOffset | pname:sampleRateShading |
| | code:float | pname:maxInterpolationOffset | pname:sampleRateShading |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:subPixelInterpolationOffsetBits | pname:sampleRateShading |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxFramebufferWidth | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxFramebufferHeight | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxFramebufferLayers | |
| ifdef::VKSC_VERSION_1_0[pname:geometryShader, pname:shaderOutputLayer] |
| ifndef::VKSC_VERSION_1_0[-] |
| | tlink:VkSampleCountFlags | pname:framebufferColorSampleCounts | - |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[] |
| | tlink:VkSampleCountFlags | pname:framebufferIntegerColorSampleCounts | - |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2[] |
| | tlink:VkSampleCountFlags | pname:framebufferDepthSampleCounts | - |
| | tlink:VkSampleCountFlags | pname:framebufferStencilSampleCounts | - |
| | tlink:VkSampleCountFlags | pname:framebufferNoAttachmentsSampleCounts | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxColorAttachments | - |
| | tlink:VkSampleCountFlags | pname:sampledImageColorSampleCounts | - |
| | tlink:VkSampleCountFlags | pname:sampledImageIntegerSampleCounts | - |
| | tlink:VkSampleCountFlags | pname:sampledImageDepthSampleCounts | - |
| | tlink:VkSampleCountFlags | pname:sampledImageStencilSampleCounts | - |
| | tlink:VkSampleCountFlags | pname:storageImageSampleCounts | pname:shaderStorageImageMultisample |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxSampleMaskWords | - |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:timestampComputeAndGraphics | - |
| | code:float | pname:timestampPeriod | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxClipDistances | pname:shaderClipDistance |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxCullDistances | pname:shaderCullDistance |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxCombinedClipAndCullDistances | pname:shaderCullDistance |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:discreteQueuePriorities | - |
| | 2 {times} code:float | pname:pointSizeRange | pname:largePoints |
| | 2 {times} code:float | pname:lineWidthRange | pname:wideLines |
| | code:float | pname:pointSizeGranularity | pname:largePoints |
| | code:float | pname:lineWidthGranularity | pname:wideLines |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:strictLines | - |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:standardSampleLocations | - |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:optimalBufferCopyOffsetAlignment | - |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:optimalBufferCopyRowPitchAlignment | - |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:nonCoherentAtomSize | - |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_discard_rectangles[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDiscardRectangles | `apiext:VK_EXT_discard_rectangles` |
| endif::VK_EXT_discard_rectangles[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax[] |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:filterMinmaxSingleComponentFormats | |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[`<<features-samplerFilterMinmax, pname:samplerFilterMinmax>>` ] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax[`apiext:VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax`] |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:filterMinmaxImageComponentMapping | |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[`<<features-samplerFilterMinmax, pname:samplerFilterMinmax>>` ] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax[`apiext:VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax`] |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_maintenance4[] |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:maxBufferSize | `<<features-maintenance4, pname:maintenance4>>` |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_maintenance4[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization[] |
| | code:float | pname:primitiveOverestimationSize | `apiext:VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:maxExtraPrimitiveOverestimationSize | `apiext:VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization` |
| | code:float | pname:extraPrimitiveOverestimationSizeGranularity | `apiext:VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:degenerateTriangleRasterized | `apiext:VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization` |
| | code:float | pname:degenerateLinesRasterized | `apiext:VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:fullyCoveredFragmentShaderInputVariable | `apiext:VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:conservativeRasterizationPostDepthCoverage | `apiext:VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization` |
| endif::VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxUpdateAfterBindDescriptorsInAllPools | `<<features-descriptorIndexing, pname:descriptorIndexing>>` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:shaderUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative | - |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:shaderSampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative | - |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:shaderStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative | - |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:shaderStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative | - |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:shaderInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexingNative | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSamplers | `<<features-descriptorIndexing, pname:descriptorIndexing>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers | `<<features-descriptorIndexing, pname:descriptorIndexing>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers | `<<features-descriptorIndexing, pname:descriptorIndexing>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSampledImages | `<<features-descriptorIndexing, pname:descriptorIndexing>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageImages | `<<features-descriptorIndexing, pname:descriptorIndexing>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments| `<<features-descriptorIndexing, pname:descriptorIndexing>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageUpdateAfterBindResources | `<<features-descriptorIndexing, pname:descriptorIndexing>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSamplers | `<<features-descriptorIndexing, pname:descriptorIndexing>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers | `<<features-descriptorIndexing, pname:descriptorIndexing>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffersDynamic| `<<features-descriptorIndexing, pname:descriptorIndexing>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers | `<<features-descriptorIndexing, pname:descriptorIndexing>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffersDynamic| `<<features-descriptorIndexing, pname:descriptorIndexing>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSampledImages | `<<features-descriptorIndexing, pname:descriptorIndexing>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageImages | `<<features-descriptorIndexing, pname:descriptorIndexing>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments | `<<features-descriptorIndexing, pname:descriptorIndexing>>` |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxInlineUniformBlockSize |`<<features-inlineUniformBlock, pname:inlineUniformBlock>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorInlineUniformBlocks |`<<features-inlineUniformBlock, pname:inlineUniformBlock>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInlineUniformBlocks |`<<features-inlineUniformBlock, pname:inlineUniformBlock>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlocks |`<<features-inlineUniformBlock, pname:inlineUniformBlock>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindInlineUniformBlocks |`<<features-inlineUniformBlock, pname:inlineUniformBlock>>` |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxInlineUniformTotalSize |`<<features-inlineUniformBlock, pname:inlineUniformBlock>>` |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_3[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxVertexAttribDivisor | `apiext:VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor` |
| endif::VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor[] |
| ifdef::VK_NV_mesh_shader[] |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxDrawMeshTasksCount | `apiext:VK_NV_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxTaskWorkGroupInvocations | `apiext:VK_NV_mesh_shader` |
| | 3 {times} code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxTaskWorkGroupSize | `apiext:VK_NV_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxTaskTotalMemorySize | `apiext:VK_NV_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxTaskOutputCount | `apiext:VK_NV_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxMeshWorkGroupInvocations | `apiext:VK_NV_mesh_shader` |
| | 3 {times} code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxMeshWorkGroupSize | `apiext:VK_NV_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxMeshTotalMemorySize | `apiext:VK_NV_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxMeshOutputVertices | `apiext:VK_NV_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxMeshOutputPrimitives | `apiext:VK_NV_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxMeshMultiviewViewCount | `apiext:VK_NV_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:meshOutputPerVertexGranularity | `apiext:VK_NV_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:meshOutputPerPrimitiveGranularity | `apiext:VK_NV_mesh_shader` |
| endif::VK_NV_mesh_shader[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_mesh_shader[] |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxTaskWorkGroupTotalCount | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | 3 {times} code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxTaskWorkGroupCount | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxTaskWorkGroupInvocations | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | 3 {times} code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxTaskWorkGroupSize | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxTaskPayloadSize | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxTaskSharedMemorySize | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxTaskPayloadAndSharedMemorySize | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshWorkGroupTotalCount | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | 3 {times} code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshWorkGroupCount | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshWorkGroupInvocations | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | 3 {times} code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshWorkGroupSize | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshSharedMemorySize | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshPayloadAndSharedMemorySize | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshOutputMemorySize | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshPayloadAndOutputMemorySize | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshOutputComponents | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshOutputVertices | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshOutputPrimitives | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshOutputLayers | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshMultiviewViewCount | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:meshOutputPerVertexGranularity | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:meshOutputPerPrimitiveGranularity | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxPreferredTaskWorkGroupInvocations | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxPreferredMeshWorkGroupInvocations | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:prefersLocalInvocationVertexOutput | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:prefersLocalInvocationPrimitiveOutput | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:prefersCompactVertexOutput | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:prefersCompactPrimitiveOutput | `apiext:VK_EXT_mesh_shader` |
| endif::VK_EXT_mesh_shader[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_transform_feedback[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxTransformFeedbackStreams | `apiext:VK_EXT_transform_feedback` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxTransformFeedbackBuffers | `apiext:VK_EXT_transform_feedback` |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferSize | `apiext:VK_EXT_transform_feedback` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxTransformFeedbackStreamDataSize | `apiext:VK_EXT_transform_feedback` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataSize | `apiext:VK_EXT_transform_feedback` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride | `apiext:VK_EXT_transform_feedback` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:transformFeedbackQueries | `apiext:VK_EXT_transform_feedback` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:transformFeedbackStreamsLinesTriangles | `apiext:VK_EXT_transform_feedback` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:transformFeedbackRasterizationStreamSelect | `apiext:VK_EXT_transform_feedback` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:transformFeedbackDraw | `apiext:VK_EXT_transform_feedback` |
| endif::VK_EXT_transform_feedback[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map[] |
| | slink:VkExtent2D | pname:minFragmentDensityTexelSize | `<<features-fragmentDensityMap, pname:fragmentDensityMap>>` |
| | slink:VkExtent2D | pname:maxFragmentDensityTexelSize | `<<features-fragmentDensityMap, pname:fragmentDensityMap>>` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:fragmentDensityInvocations | `<<features-fragmentDensityMap, pname:fragmentDensityMap>>` |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map2[] |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:subsampledLoads | `apiext:VK_EXT_fragment_density_map2` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:subsampledCoarseReconstructionEarlyAccess | `apiext:VK_EXT_fragment_density_map2` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxSubsampledArrayLayers | `apiext:VK_EXT_fragment_density_map2` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetSubsampledSamplers | `apiext:VK_EXT_fragment_density_map2` |
| endif::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map2[] |
| ifdef::VK_QCOM_fragment_density_map_offset[] |
| | slink:VkExtent2D | pname:fragmentDensityOffsetGranularity | `<<features-fragmentDensityMapOffsets, pname:fragmentDensityMapOffset>>` |
| endif::VK_QCOM_fragment_density_map_offset[] |
| endif::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map[] |
| ifdef::VK_NV_ray_tracing,VK_KHR_acceleration_structure[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxGeometryCount | `apiext:VK_NV_ray_tracing`, `apiext:VK_KHR_acceleration_structure` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxInstanceCount | `apiext:VK_NV_ray_tracing`, `apiext:VK_KHR_acceleration_structure` |
| endif::VK_NV_ray_tracing,VK_KHR_acceleration_structure[] |
| ifdef::VK_NV_ray_tracing,VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:shaderGroupHandleSize | `apiext:VK_NV_ray_tracing`, `apiext:VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxShaderGroupStride | `apiext:VK_NV_ray_tracing`, `apiext:VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:shaderGroupBaseAlignment | `apiext:VK_NV_ray_tracing`, `apiext:VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline` |
| endif::VK_NV_ray_tracing,VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline[] |
| ifdef::VK_NV_ray_tracing[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxRecursionDepth | `apiext:VK_NV_ray_tracing` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxTriangleCount | `apiext:VK_NV_ray_tracing` |
| endif::VK_NV_ray_tracing[] |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_acceleration_structure[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorAccelerationStructures |
| | `apiext:VK_KHR_acceleration_structure` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindAccelerationStructures |
| | `apiext:VK_KHR_acceleration_structure` |
| endif::VK_KHR_acceleration_structure[] |
| ifdef::VK_NV_ray_tracing,VK_KHR_acceleration_structure[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetAccelerationStructures | `apiext:VK_NV_ray_tracing`, `apiext:VK_KHR_acceleration_structure` |
| endif::VK_NV_ray_tracing,VK_KHR_acceleration_structure[] |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_acceleration_structure[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindAccelerationStructures |
| | `apiext:VK_KHR_acceleration_structure` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:minAccelerationStructureScratchOffsetAlignment |
| | `apiext:VK_KHR_acceleration_structure` |
| endif::VK_KHR_acceleration_structure[] |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxRayRecursionDepth | `apiext:VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:shaderGroupHandleCaptureReplaySize | `apiext:VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxRayDispatchInvocationCount | `apiext:VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:shaderGroupHandleAlignment | `apiext:VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxRayHitAttributeSize | `apiext:VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline` |
| endif::VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore[] |
| | code:uint64_t | pname:maxTimelineSemaphoreValueDifference | `<<features-timelineSemaphore, pname:timelineSemaphore>>` |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_line_rasterization[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:lineSubPixelPrecisionBits | `apiext:VK_EXT_line_rasterization` |
| endif::VK_EXT_line_rasterization[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_custom_border_color[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxCustomBorderColorSamplers | `apiext:VK_EXT_custom_border_color` |
| endif::VK_EXT_custom_border_color[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_robustness2[] |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:robustStorageBufferAccessSizeAlignment | `apiext:VK_EXT_robustness2` |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:robustUniformBufferAccessSizeAlignment | `apiext:VK_EXT_robustness2` |
| endif::VK_EXT_robustness2[] |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate[] |
| | 2 {times} code:uint32_t | pname:minFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSize | `<<features-attachmentFragmentShadingRate, pname:attachmentFragmentShadingRate>>` |
| | 2 {times} code:uint32_t | pname:maxFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSize | `<<features-attachmentFragmentShadingRate, pname:attachmentFragmentShadingRate>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSizeAspectRatio | `<<features-attachmentFragmentShadingRate, pname:attachmentFragmentShadingRate>>` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:primitiveFragmentShadingRateWithMultipleViewports | `<<features-primitiveFragmentShadingRate, pname:primitiveFragmentShadingRate>>` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:layeredShadingRateAttachments | `<<features-attachmentFragmentShadingRate, pname:attachmentFragmentShadingRate>>` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:fragmentShadingRateNonTrivialCombinerOps | `<<features-pipelineFragmentShadingRate, pname:pipelineFragmentShadingRate>>` |
| | 2 {times} code:uint32_t | pname:maxFragmentSize | `<<features-pipelineFragmentShadingRate, pname:pipelineFragmentShadingRate>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxFragmentSizeAspectRatio | `<<features-pipelineFragmentShadingRate, pname:pipelineFragmentShadingRate>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxFragmentShadingRateCoverageSamples | `<<features-pipelineFragmentShadingRate, pname:pipelineFragmentShadingRate>>` |
| | elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits | pname:maxFragmentShadingRateRasterizationSamples | `<<features-pipelineFragmentShadingRate, pname:pipelineFragmentShadingRate>>` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:fragmentShadingRateWithShaderDepthStencilWrites | `<<features-pipelineFragmentShadingRate, pname:pipelineFragmentShadingRate>>` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:fragmentShadingRateWithSampleMask | `<<features-pipelineFragmentShadingRate, pname:pipelineFragmentShadingRate>>` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:fragmentShadingRateWithShaderSampleMask | `<<features-pipelineFragmentShadingRate, pname:pipelineFragmentShadingRate>>` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:fragmentShadingRateWithConservativeRasterization | `<<features-pipelineFragmentShadingRate, pname:pipelineFragmentShadingRate>>` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:fragmentShadingRateWithFragmentShaderInterlock | `<<features-pipelineFragmentShadingRate, pname:pipelineFragmentShadingRate>>` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:fragmentShadingRateWithCustomSampleLocations | `<<features-pipelineFragmentShadingRate, pname:pipelineFragmentShadingRate>>` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:fragmentShadingRateStrictMultiplyCombiner | `<<features-pipelineFragmentShadingRate, pname:pipelineFragmentShadingRate>>` |
| endif::VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate[] |
| ifdef::VK_NV_fragment_shading_rate_enums[] |
| | elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits | pname:maxFragmentShadingRateInvocationCount | `<<features-supersampleFragmentShadingRates, pname:supersampleFragmentShadingRates>>` |
| endif::VK_NV_fragment_shading_rate_enums[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer[] |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:combinedImageSamplerDescriptorSingleArray | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:bufferlessPushDescriptors | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:allowSamplerImageViewPostSubmitCreation | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:descriptorBufferOffsetAlignment | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorBufferBindings | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxResourceDescriptorBufferBindings | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxSamplerDescriptorBufferBindings | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxEmbeddedImmutableSamplerBindings | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxEmbeddedImmutableSamplers | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:bufferCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:imageCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:imageViewCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:samplerCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:accelerationStructureCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:samplerDescriptorSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:combinedImageSamplerDescriptorSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:sampledImageDescriptorSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:storageImageDescriptorSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:uniformTexelBufferDescriptorSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:robustUniformTexelBufferDescriptorSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:storageTexelBufferDescriptorSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:robustStorageTexelBufferDescriptorSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:uniformBufferDescriptorSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:robustUniformBufferDescriptorSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:storageBufferDescriptorSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:robustStorageBufferDescriptorSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:inputAttachmentDescriptorSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | code:size_t | pname:accelerationStructureDescriptorSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:maxSamplerDescriptorBufferRange | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:maxResourceDescriptorBufferRange | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:samplerDescriptorBufferAddressSpaceSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:resourceDescriptorBufferAddressSpaceSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:descriptorBufferAddressSpaceSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map[] |
| | code:size_t | pname:combinedImageSamplerDensityMapDescriptorSize | `<<VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer>>` |
| endif::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map[] |
| endif::VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer[] |
| ifdef::VK_HUAWEI_subpass_shading[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxSubpassShadingWorkgroupSizeAspectRatio | `<<features-subpassShading, pname:subpassShading>>` |
| endif::VK_HUAWEI_subpass_shading[] |
| ifdef::VKSC_VERSION_1_0[] |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:deviceNoDynamicHostAllocations | - |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:deviceDestroyFreesMemory | - |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:commandPoolMultipleCommandBuffersRecording | - |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:commandPoolResetCommandBuffer | - |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:commandBufferSimultaneousUse | - |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:secondaryCommandBufferNullOrImagelessFramebuffer | - |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:recycleDescriptorSetMemory | - |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:recyclePipelineMemory | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxRenderPassSubpasses | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxRenderPassDependencies | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxSubpassInputAttachments | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxSubpassPreserveAttachments | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxFramebufferAttachments | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxDescriptorSetLayoutBindings | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxQueryFaultCount | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxCallbackFaultCount | - |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxCommandPoolCommandBuffers | - |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:maxCommandBufferSize | - |
| endif::VKSC_VERSION_1_0[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library[] |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:graphicsPipelineLibraryFastLinking | `<<features-graphicsPipelineLibrary, pname:graphicsPipelineLibrary>>` |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:graphicsPipelineLibraryIndependentInterpolationDecoration | `<<features-graphicsPipelineLibrary, pname:graphicsPipelineLibrary>>` |
| endif::VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library[] |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_fragment_shader_barycentric[] |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:triStripVertexOrderIndependentOfProvokingVertex | - |
| endif::VK_KHR_fragment_shader_barycentric[] |
| ifdef::VK_QCOM_image_processing[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxWeightFilterPhases | `<<features-textureSampleWeighted, pname:textureSampleWeighted>>` |
| | 2 {times} code:uint32_t | pname:maxWeightFilterDimension | `<<features-textureSampleWeighted, pname:textureSampleWeighted>>` |
| | 2 {times} code:uint32_t | pname:maxBlockMatchRegion | `<<features-textureBlockMatch, pname:textureBlockMatch>>` |
| | 2 {times} code:uint32_t | pname:maxBoxFilterBlockSize | `<<features-textureBoxFilter, pname:textureBoxFilter>>` |
| endif::VK_QCOM_image_processing[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3[] |
| | basetype:VkBool32 | pname:dynamicPrimitiveTopologyUnrestricted | `apiext:VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3` |
| endif::VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_opacity_micromap[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxOpacity2StateSubdivisionLevel | `apiext:VK_EXT_opacity_micromap` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxOpacity4StateSubdivisionLevel | `apiext:VK_EXT_opacity_micromap` |
| endif::VK_EXT_opacity_micromap[] |
| ifdef::VK_NV_memory_decompression[] |
| | code:uint64_t | pname:maxDecompressionIndirectCount | `apiext:VK_NV_memory_decompression` |
| endif::VK_NV_memory_decompression[] |
| ifdef::VK_HUAWEI_cluster_culling_shader[] |
| | 3 {times} code:uint32_t | |
| pname:maxWorkGroupCount | `apiext:VK_HUAWEI_cluster_culling_shader` |
| | 3 {times} code:uint32_t | |
| pname:maxWorkGroupSize | `apiext:VK_HUAWEI_cluster_culling_shader` |
| | code:uint32_t | |
| pname:maxOutputClusterCount | `apiext:VK_HUAWEI_cluster_culling_shader` |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | |
| pname:indirectBufferOffsetAlignment | `apiext:VK_HUAWEI_cluster_culling_shader` |
| endif::VK_HUAWEI_cluster_culling_shader[] |
| ifdef::VK_AMDX_shader_enqueue[] |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxExecutionGraphDepth | `<<features-shaderEnqueue,pname:shaderEnqueue>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxExecutionGraphShaderOutputNodes | `<<features-shaderEnqueue,pname:shaderEnqueue>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxExecutionGraphShaderPayloadSize | `<<features-shaderEnqueue,pname:shaderEnqueue>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:maxExecutionGraphShaderPayloadCount | `<<features-shaderEnqueue,pname:shaderEnqueue>>` |
| | code:uint32_t | pname:executionGraphDispatchAddressAlignment | `<<features-shaderEnqueue,pname:shaderEnqueue>>` |
| endif::VK_AMDX_shader_enqueue[] |
| ifdef::VK_NV_extended_sparse_address_space[] |
| | basetype:VkDeviceSize | pname:extendedSparseAddressSpaceSize | pname:sparseBinding, `<<features-extendedSparseAddressSpace, pname:extendedSparseAddressSpace>>` |
| endif::VK_NV_extended_sparse_address_space[] |
| |==== |
| |
| [[limits-required]] |
| .Required Limits |
| [width="100%",cols="<35,<9,<14,<11",options="header"] |
| |==== |
| | Limit | Unsupported Limit | Supported Limit | Limit Type^1^ |
| | pname:maxImageDimension1D | - | 4096 | min |
| | pname:maxImageDimension2D | - | 4096 | min |
| | pname:maxImageDimension3D | - | 256 | min |
| | pname:maxImageDimensionCube | - | 4096 | min |
| | pname:maxImageArrayLayers | - | 256 | min |
| | pname:maxTexelBufferElements | - | 65536 | min |
| | pname:maxUniformBufferRange | - | 16384 | min |
| | pname:maxStorageBufferRange | - | 2^27^ | min |
| | pname:maxPushConstantsSize | - | 128 | min |
| | pname:maxMemoryAllocationCount | - | 4096 | min |
| | pname:maxSamplerAllocationCount | - | 4000 | min |
| | pname:bufferImageGranularity | - | 131072 | max |
| | pname:sparseAddressSpaceSize | 0 | 2^31^ | min |
| | pname:maxBoundDescriptorSets | - | 4 | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorSamplers | - | 16 | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUniformBuffers | - | 12 | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorStorageBuffers | - | 4 | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorSampledImages | - | 16 | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorStorageImages | - | 4 | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorInputAttachments| - | 4 | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageResources | - | 128 ^2^ | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetSamplers | - | 96 ^8^ | min, _n_ {times} PerStage |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffers | - | 72 ^8^ | min, _n_ {times} PerStage |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffersDynamic| - | 8 | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffers | - | 24 ^8^ | min, _n_ {times} PerStage |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffersDynamic| - | 4 | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetSampledImages | - | 96 ^8^ | min, _n_ {times} PerStage |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetStorageImages | - | 24 ^8^ | min, _n_ {times} PerStage |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetInputAttachments | - | 4 | min |
| | pname:maxVertexInputAttributes | - | 16 | min |
| ifndef::VK_KHR_portability_subset[] |
| | pname:maxVertexInputBindings | - | 16 | min |
| endif::VK_KHR_portability_subset[] |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_portability_subset[] |
| | pname:maxVertexInputBindings | - | 16 ^10^ | min |
| endif::VK_KHR_portability_subset[] |
| | pname:maxVertexInputAttributeOffset | - | 2047 | min |
| | pname:maxVertexInputBindingStride | - | 2048 | min |
| | pname:maxVertexOutputComponents | - | 64 | min |
| | pname:maxTessellationGenerationLevel | 0 | 64 | min |
| | pname:maxTessellationPatchSize | 0 | 32 | min |
| | pname:maxTessellationControlPerVertexInputComponents | 0 |64 | min |
| | pname:maxTessellationControlPerVertexOutputComponents | 0 |64 | min |
| | pname:maxTessellationControlPerPatchOutputComponents | 0 |120 | min |
| | pname:maxTessellationControlTotalOutputComponents | 0 |2048 | min |
| | pname:maxTessellationEvaluationInputComponents | 0 |64 | min |
| | pname:maxTessellationEvaluationOutputComponents | 0 |64 | min |
| | pname:maxGeometryShaderInvocations | 0 | 32 | min |
| | pname:maxGeometryInputComponents | 0 | 64 | min |
| | pname:maxGeometryOutputComponents | 0 | 64 | min |
| | pname:maxGeometryOutputVertices | 0 | 256 | min |
| | pname:maxGeometryTotalOutputComponents | 0 | 1024 | min |
| | pname:maxFragmentInputComponents | - | 64 | min |
| | pname:maxFragmentOutputAttachments | - | 4 | min |
| | pname:maxFragmentDualSrcAttachments | 0 | 1 | min |
| | pname:maxFragmentCombinedOutputResources | - | 4 | min |
| | pname:maxComputeSharedMemorySize | - | 16384 | min |
| | pname:maxComputeWorkGroupCount | - | (65535,65535,65535) | min |
| | pname:maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations | - | 128 | min |
| | pname:maxComputeWorkGroupSize | - | (128,128,64) | min |
| | pname:subPixelPrecisionBits | - | 4 | min |
| | pname:subTexelPrecisionBits | - | 4 | min |
| | pname:mipmapPrecisionBits | - | 4 | min |
| | pname:maxDrawIndexedIndexValue | 2^24^-1 | 2^32^-1 | min |
| | pname:maxDrawIndirectCount | 1 | 2^16^-1 | min |
| | pname:maxSamplerLodBias | - | 2 | min |
| | pname:maxSamplerAnisotropy | 1 | 16 | min |
| | pname:maxViewports | 1 | 16 | min |
| | pname:maxViewportDimensions | - | (4096,4096) ^3^ | min |
| | pname:viewportBoundsRange | - | (-8192,8191) ^4^ | (max,min) |
| | pname:viewportSubPixelBits | - | 0 | min |
| | pname:minMemoryMapAlignment | - | 64 | min |
| | pname:minTexelBufferOffsetAlignment | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:minUniformBufferOffsetAlignment | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:minStorageBufferOffsetAlignment | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:minTexelOffset | - | -8 | max |
| | pname:maxTexelOffset | - | 7 | min |
| | pname:minTexelGatherOffset | 0 | -8 | max |
| | pname:maxTexelGatherOffset | 0 | 7 | min |
| | pname:minInterpolationOffset |0.0| -0.5 ^5^ | max |
| | pname:maxInterpolationOffset |0.0| 0.5 - (1 ULP) ^5^ | min |
| | pname:subPixelInterpolationOffsetBits | 0 | 4 ^5^ | min |
| | pname:maxFramebufferWidth | - | 4096 | min |
| | pname:maxFramebufferHeight | - | 4096 | min |
| | pname:maxFramebufferLayers | |
| ifdef::VKSC_VERSION_1_0[1] |
| ifndef::VKSC_VERSION_1_0[-] |
| | 256 | min |
| | pname:framebufferColorSampleCounts | - | (ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT \| ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_4_BIT) | min |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2[] |
| | pname:framebufferIntegerColorSampleCounts | - | (ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT) | min |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2[] |
| | pname:framebufferDepthSampleCounts | - | (ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT \| ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_4_BIT) | min |
| | pname:framebufferStencilSampleCounts | - | (ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT \| ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_4_BIT) | min |
| | pname:framebufferNoAttachmentsSampleCounts | - | (ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT \| ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_4_BIT) | min |
| | pname:maxColorAttachments | - | 4 | min |
| | pname:sampledImageColorSampleCounts | - | (ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT \| ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_4_BIT) | min |
| | pname:sampledImageIntegerSampleCounts | - | ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT | min |
| | pname:sampledImageDepthSampleCounts | - | (ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT \| ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_4_BIT) | min |
| | pname:sampledImageStencilSampleCounts | - | (ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT \| ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_4_BIT) | min |
| | pname:storageImageSampleCounts | ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT | (ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT \| ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_4_BIT) | min |
| | pname:maxSampleMaskWords | - | 1 | min |
| | pname:timestampComputeAndGraphics | - | - |implementation-dependent |
| | pname:timestampPeriod | - | - |duration |
| | pname:maxClipDistances | 0 | 8 | min |
| | pname:maxCullDistances | 0 | 8 | min |
| | pname:maxCombinedClipAndCullDistances | 0 | 8 | min |
| | pname:discreteQueuePriorities | - | 2 | min |
| | pname:pointSizeRange | (1.0,1.0) | (1.0,64.0 - ULP)^6^| (max,min) |
| | pname:lineWidthRange | (1.0,1.0) | (1.0,8.0 - ULP)^7^ | (max,min) |
| | pname:pointSizeGranularity | 0.0 | 1.0 ^6^ | max, fixed point increment |
| | pname:lineWidthGranularity | 0.0 | 1.0 ^7^ | max, fixed point increment |
| | pname:strictLines | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:standardSampleLocations | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:optimalBufferCopyOffsetAlignment | - | - | recommendation |
| | pname:optimalBufferCopyRowPitchAlignment | - | - | recommendation |
| | pname:nonCoherentAtomSize | - | 256 | max |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_push_descriptor[] |
| | pname:maxPushDescriptors | - | 32 | min |
| endif::VK_KHR_push_descriptor[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_1,VK_KHR_multiview[] |
| | pname:maxMultiviewViewCount | - | 6 | min |
| | pname:maxMultiviewInstanceIndex | - | 2^27^-1 | min |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_1,VK_KHR_multiview[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_discard_rectangles[] |
| | pname:maxDiscardRectangles | 0 | 4 | min |
| endif::VK_EXT_discard_rectangles[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_sample_locations[] |
| | pname:sampleLocationSampleCounts | - | ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_4_BIT | min |
| | pname:maxSampleLocationGridSize | - | (1,1) | min |
| | pname:sampleLocationCoordinateRange | - | (0.0, 0.9375) | (max,min) |
| | pname:sampleLocationSubPixelBits | - | 4 | min |
| | pname:variableSampleLocations | - |false| implementation-dependent |
| endif::VK_EXT_sample_locations[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_external_memory_host[] |
| | pname:minImportedHostPointerAlignment | - | 65536 | max |
| endif::VK_EXT_external_memory_host[] |
| ifdef::VK_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes[] |
| | pname:perViewPositionAllComponents | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| endif::VK_NVX_multiview_per_view_attributes[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax[] |
| | pname:filterMinmaxSingleComponentFormats | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:filterMinmaxImageComponentMapping | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_sampler_filter_minmax[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_blend_operation_advanced[] |
| | pname:advancedBlendMaxColorAttachments | - | 1 | min |
| | pname:advancedBlendIndependentBlend | - |false| implementation-dependent |
| | pname:advancedBlendNonPremultipliedSrcColor | - |false| implementation-dependent |
| | pname:advancedBlendNonPremultipliedDstColor | - |false| implementation-dependent |
| | pname:advancedBlendCorrelatedOverlap | - |false| implementation-dependent |
| | pname:advancedBlendAllOperations | - |false| implementation-dependent |
| endif::VK_EXT_blend_operation_advanced[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_1,VK_KHR_maintenance3[] |
| | pname:maxPerSetDescriptors | - |1024 | min |
| | pname:maxMemoryAllocationSize | - | 2^30^ | min |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_1,VK_KHR_maintenance3[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_maintenance4[] |
| | pname:maxBufferSize | - | 2^30^ | min |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_KHR_maintenance4[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization[] |
| | pname:primitiveOverestimationSize | - |0.0 | min |
| | pname:maxExtraPrimitiveOverestimationSize | - |0.0 | min |
| | pname:extraPrimitiveOverestimationSizeGranularity | - |0.0 | min |
| | pname:primitiveUnderestimation | - |false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:conservativePointAndLineRasterization | - |false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:degenerateTrianglesRasterized | - |false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:degenerateLinesRasterized | - |false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:fullyCoveredFragmentShaderInputVariable | - |false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:conservativeRasterizationPostDepthCoverage | - |false | implementation-dependent |
| endif::VK_EXT_conservative_rasterization[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| | pname:maxUpdateAfterBindDescriptorsInAllPools | 0 |500000| min |
| | pname:shaderUniformBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative | - |false| implementation-dependent |
| | pname:shaderSampledImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative | - |false| implementation-dependent |
| | pname:shaderStorageBufferArrayNonUniformIndexingNative | - |false| implementation-dependent |
| | pname:shaderStorageImageArrayNonUniformIndexingNative | - |false| implementation-dependent |
| | pname:shaderInputAttachmentArrayNonUniformIndexingNative | - |false| implementation-dependent |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSamplers | 0^9^ |500000 ^9^ | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers | 0^9^ |12 ^9^ | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers | 0^9^ |500000 ^9^ | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSampledImages | 0^9^ |500000 ^9^ | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageImages | 0^9^ |500000 ^9^ | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments| 0^9^ |4 ^9^ | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageUpdateAfterBindResources | 0^9^ |500000 ^9^ | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSamplers | 0^9^ |500000 ^9^ | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffers | 0^9^ |72 ^8^ ^9^ | min, _n_ {times} PerStage |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindUniformBuffersDynamic| 0^9^ |8 ^9^ | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers | 0^9^ |500000 ^9^ | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffersDynamic| 0^9^ |4 ^9^ | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSampledImages | 0^9^ |500000 ^9^ | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageImages | 0^9^ |500000 ^9^ | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments | 0^9^ |4 ^9^ | min |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block[] |
| | pname:maxInlineUniformBlockSize | - | 256 | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorInlineUniformBlocks | - | 4 | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInlineUniformBlocks | - | 4 | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetInlineUniformBlocks | - | 4 | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindInlineUniformBlocks | - | 4 | min |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_3,VK_EXT_inline_uniform_block[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3[] |
| | pname:maxInlineUniformTotalSize | - | 256 | min |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_3[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor[] |
| | pname:maxVertexAttribDivisor | - | 2^16^-1 | min |
| endif::VK_EXT_vertex_attribute_divisor[] |
| ifdef::VK_NV_mesh_shader[] |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxDrawMeshTasksCount | - | 2^16^-1 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxTaskWorkGroupInvocations | - | 32 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxTaskWorkGroupSize | - | (32,1,1) | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxTaskTotalMemorySize | - | 16384 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxTaskOutputCount | - | 2^16^-1 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxMeshWorkGroupInvocations | - | 32 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxMeshWorkGroupSize | - | (32,1,1) | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxMeshTotalMemorySize | - | 16384 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxMeshOutputVertices | - | 256 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxMeshOutputPrimitives | - | 256 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:maxMeshMultiviewViewCount | - | 1 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:meshOutputPerVertexGranularity | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesNV::pname:meshOutputPerPrimitiveGranularity | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| endif::VK_NV_mesh_shader[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_mesh_shader[] |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxTaskWorkGroupTotalCount | - | 2^22 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxTaskWorkGroupCount | - | (65535,65535,65535) | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxTaskWorkGroupInvocations | - | 128 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxTaskWorkGroupSize | - | (128,128,128) | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxTaskPayloadSize | - | 16384 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxTaskSharedMemorySize | - | 32768 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxTaskPayloadAndSharedMemorySize | - | 32768 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshWorkGroupTotalCount | - | 2^22 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshWorkGroupCount | - | (65535,65535,65535) | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshWorkGroupInvocations | - | 128 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshWorkGroupSize | - | (128,128,128) | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshSharedMemorySize | - | 28672 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshPayloadAndSharedMemorySize | - | 28672 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshOutputMemorySize | - | 32768 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshPayloadAndOutputMemorySize | - | 48128 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshOutputComponents | - | 128 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshOutputVertices | - | 256 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshOutputPrimitives | - | 256 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshOutputLayers | - | 8 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxMeshMultiviewViewCount | - | 1 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:meshOutputPerVertexGranularity | 0 | 32 | max |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:meshOutputPerPrimitiveGranularity | 0 | 32 | max |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxPreferredTaskWorkGroupInvocations | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:maxPreferredMeshWorkGroupInvocations | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:prefersLocalInvocationVertexOutput | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:prefersLocalInvocationPrimitiveOutput | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:prefersCompactVertexOutput | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceMeshShaderPropertiesEXT::pname:prefersCompactPrimitiveOutput | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| endif::VK_EXT_mesh_shader[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_transform_feedback[] |
| | pname:maxTransformFeedbackStreams | - | 1 | min |
| | pname:maxTransformFeedbackBuffers | - | 1 | min |
| | pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferSize | - | 2^27^ | min |
| | pname:maxTransformFeedbackStreamDataSize | - | 512 | min |
| | pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataSize | - | 512 | min |
| | pname:maxTransformFeedbackBufferDataStride | - | 512 | min |
| | pname:transformFeedbackQueries | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:transformFeedbackStreamsLinesTriangles | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:transformFeedbackRasterizationStreamSelect | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:transformFeedbackDraw | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| endif::VK_EXT_transform_feedback[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map[] |
| | pname:minFragmentDensityTexelSize | - | (1,1) | min |
| | pname:maxFragmentDensityTexelSize | - | (1,1) | min |
| | pname:fragmentDensityInvocations | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map2[] |
| | pname:subsampledLoads | true | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:subsampledCoarseReconstructionEarlyAccess | false | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:maxSubsampledArrayLayers | 2 | 2 | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetSubsampledSamplers | 1 | 1 | min |
| endif::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map2[] |
| ifdef::VK_QCOM_fragment_density_map_offset[] |
| | pname:fragmentDensityOffsetGranularity | - | (1024,1024) | max |
| endif::VK_QCOM_fragment_density_map_offset[] |
| endif::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map[] |
| ifdef::VK_NV_ray_tracing,VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline[] |
| ifdef::VK_NV_ray_tracing[] |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesNV::pname:shaderGroupHandleSize | - | 16 | min |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPropertiesNV::pname:maxRecursionDepth | - | 31 | min |
| endif::VK_NV_ray_tracing[] |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline[] |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPipelinePropertiesKHR::pname:shaderGroupHandleSize | - | 32 | exact |
| | slink:VkPhysicalDeviceRayTracingPipelinePropertiesKHR::pname:maxRayRecursionDepth | - | 1 | min |
| endif::VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline[] |
| | pname:maxShaderGroupStride | - | 4096 | min |
| | pname:shaderGroupBaseAlignment | - | 64 | max |
| | pname:maxGeometryCount | - | 2^24^-1 | min |
| | pname:maxInstanceCount | - | 2^24^-1 | min |
| ifdef::VK_NV_ray_tracing[] |
| | pname:maxTriangleCount | - | 2^29^-1 | min |
| endif::VK_NV_ray_tracing[] |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_acceleration_structure[] |
| | pname:maxPrimitiveCount | - | 2^29^-1 | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorAccelerationStructures | - | 16 | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindAccelerationStructures | - | 500000 ^9^ | min |
| endif::VK_KHR_acceleration_structure[] |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetAccelerationStructures | - | 16 | min |
| endif::VK_NV_ray_tracing,VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline[] |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_acceleration_structure[] |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindAccelerationStructures | - | 500000 ^9^ | min |
| | pname:minAccelerationStructureScratchOffsetAlignment | - | 256 | max |
| endif::VK_KHR_acceleration_structure[] |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline[] |
| | pname:shaderGroupHandleCaptureReplaySize | - | 64 | max |
| | pname:maxRayDispatchInvocationCount | - | 2^30^ | min |
| | pname:shaderGroupHandleAlignment | - | 32 | max |
| | pname:maxRayHitAttributeSize | - | 32 | min |
| endif::VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline[] |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore[] |
| | pname:maxTimelineSemaphoreValueDifference | - | 2^31^-1 | min |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_KHR_timeline_semaphore[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_line_rasterization[] |
| | pname:lineSubPixelPrecisionBits | - | 4 | min |
| endif::VK_EXT_line_rasterization[] |
| ifdef::VK_NV_device_generated_commands[] |
| | pname:maxGraphicsShaderGroupCount | - | 2^12^ | min |
| | pname:maxIndirectSequenceCount | - | 2^20^ | min |
| | pname:maxIndirectCommandsTokenCount | - | 16 | min |
| | pname:maxIndirectCommandsStreamCount | - | 16 | min |
| | pname:maxIndirectCommandsTokenOffset | - | 2047 | min |
| | pname:maxIndirectCommandsStreamStride | - | 2048 | min |
| | pname:minSequencesCountBufferOffsetAlignment | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:minSequencesIndexBufferOffsetAlignment | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:minIndirectCommandsBufferOffsetAlignment | - | 256 | max |
| endif::VK_NV_device_generated_commands[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_custom_border_color[] |
| | pname:maxCustomBorderColorSamplers | - | 32 | min |
| endif::VK_EXT_custom_border_color[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_robustness2[] |
| | pname:robustStorageBufferAccessSizeAlignment | - | 4 | max |
| | pname:robustUniformBufferAccessSizeAlignment | - | 256 | max |
| endif::VK_EXT_robustness2[] |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate[] |
| | pname:minFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSize | (0,0) | (32,32) | max |
| | pname:maxFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSize | (0,0) | (8,8) | min |
| | pname:maxFragmentShadingRateAttachmentTexelSizeAspectRatio | 0 | 1 | min |
| | pname:primitiveFragmentShadingRateWithMultipleViewports | false | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:layeredShadingRateAttachments | false | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:fragmentShadingRateNonTrivialCombinerOps | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:maxFragmentSize | - | (2,2) | min |
| | pname:maxFragmentSizeAspectRatio | - | 2 | min |
| | pname:maxFragmentShadingRateCoverageSamples | - | 16 | min |
| | pname:maxFragmentShadingRateRasterizationSamples | - | ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_4_BIT | min |
| | pname:fragmentShadingRateWithShaderDepthStencilWrites | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:fragmentShadingRateWithSampleMask | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:fragmentShadingRateWithShaderSampleMask | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:fragmentShadingRateWithConservativeRasterization | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:fragmentShadingRateWithFragmentShaderInterlock | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:fragmentShadingRateWithCustomSampleLocations | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:fragmentShadingRateStrictMultiplyCombiner | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| endif::VK_KHR_fragment_shading_rate[] |
| ifdef::VK_NV_fragment_shading_rate_enums[] |
| | pname:maxFragmentShadingRateInvocationCount | - | ename:VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_4_BIT | min |
| endif::VK_NV_fragment_shading_rate_enums[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer[] |
| | pname:combinedImageSamplerDescriptorSingleArray | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:bufferlessPushDescriptors | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:allowSamplerImageViewPostSubmitCreation | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:descriptorBufferOffsetAlignment | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:maxDescriptorBufferBindings | - | 3 | min |
| | pname:maxResourceDescriptorBufferBindings | - | 1 | min |
| | pname:maxSamplerDescriptorBufferBindings | - | 1 | min |
| | pname:maxEmbeddedImmutableSamplerBindings | - | 1 | min |
| | pname:maxEmbeddedImmutableSamplers | - | 2032 | min |
| | pname:bufferCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize | - | 64 | max |
| | pname:imageCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize | - | 64 | max |
| | pname:imageViewCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize | - | 64 | max |
| | pname:samplerCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize | - | 64 | max |
| | pname:accelerationStructureCaptureReplayDescriptorDataSize | - | 64 | max |
| | pname:samplerDescriptorSize | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:combinedImageSamplerDescriptorSize | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:sampledImageDescriptorSize | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:storageImageDescriptorSize | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:uniformTexelBufferDescriptorSize | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:robustUniformTexelBufferDescriptorSize | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:storageTexelBufferDescriptorSize | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:robustStorageTexelBufferDescriptorSize | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:uniformBufferDescriptorSize | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:robustUniformBufferDescriptorSize | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:storageBufferDescriptorSize | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:robustStorageBufferDescriptorSize | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:inputAttachmentDescriptorSize | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:accelerationStructureDescriptorSize | - | 256 | max |
| | pname:maxSamplerDescriptorBufferRange | - | [eq]#2^11^ {times} pname:samplerDescriptorSize# | min |
| | pname:maxResourceDescriptorBufferRange | - | [eq]#(2^20^ - 2^15^) {times} ptext:maxResourceDescriptorSize# ^12^ | min |
| | pname:samplerDescriptorBufferAddressSpaceSize | - | 2^27^ | min |
| | pname:resourceDescriptorBufferAddressSpaceSize | - | 2^27^ | min |
| | pname:descriptorBufferAddressSpaceSize | - | 2^27^ | min |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map[] |
| | pname:combinedImageSamplerDensityMapDescriptorSize | - | 256 | max |
| endif::VK_EXT_fragment_density_map[] |
| endif::VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer[] |
| ifdef::VK_HUAWEI_subpass_shading[] |
| | pname:maxSubpassShadingWorkgroupSizeAspectRatio | 0 | 1 | min |
| endif::VK_HUAWEI_subpass_shading[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_multi_draw[] |
| | pname:maxMultiDrawCount | - | 1024 | min |
| endif::VK_EXT_multi_draw[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_nested_command_buffer[] |
| | pname:maxCommandBufferNestingLevel | - | 1 | min |
| endif::VK_EXT_nested_command_buffer[] |
| ifdef::VKSC_VERSION_1_0[] |
| | pname:deviceNoDynamicHostAllocations | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:deviceDestroyFreesMemory | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:commandPoolMultipleCommandBuffersRecording | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:commandPoolResetCommandBuffer | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:commandBufferSimultaneousUse | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:secondaryCommandBufferNullOrImagelessFramebuffer | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:recycleDescriptorSetMemory | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:recyclePipelineMemory | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:maxRenderPassSubpasses | - | 1 | min |
| | pname:maxRenderPassDependencies | - | 18 | min |
| | pname:maxSubpassInputAttachments | - | 0 | min |
| | pname:maxSubpassPreserveAttachments | - | 0 | min |
| | pname:maxFramebufferAttachments | - | 9 ^11^ | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetLayoutBindings | - | 64 | min |
| | pname:maxQueryFaultCount | - | 16 | min |
| | pname:maxCallbackFaultCount | - | 1 | min |
| | pname:maxCommandPoolCommandBuffers | - | 256 | min |
| | pname:maxCommandBufferSize | - | 2^20^ | min |
| endif::VKSC_VERSION_1_0[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library[] |
| | pname:graphicsPipelineLibraryFastLinking | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| | pname:graphicsPipelineLibraryIndependentInterpolationDecoration | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| endif::VK_EXT_graphics_pipeline_library[] |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_fragment_shader_barycentric[] |
| | pname:triStripVertexOrderIndependentOfProvokingVertex | - | false | implementation-dependent |
| endif::VK_KHR_fragment_shader_barycentric[] |
| ifdef::VK_QCOM_image_processing[] |
| | pname:maxWeightFilterPhases | - | 1024 | min |
| | pname:maxWeightFilterDimension | - | (64,64) | min |
| | pname:maxBlockMatchRegion | - | (64,64) | min |
| | pname:maxBoxFilterBlockSize | - | (64,64) | min |
| endif::VK_QCOM_image_processing[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3[] |
| | pname:dynamicPrimitiveTopologyUnrestricted | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| endif::VK_EXT_extended_dynamic_state3[] |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_opacity_micromap[] |
| | pname:maxOpacity2StateSubdivisionLevel | - | 3 | min |
| | pname:maxOpacity4StateSubdivisionLevel | - | 3 | min |
| endif::VK_EXT_opacity_micromap[] |
| ifdef::VK_NV_memory_decompression[] |
| | pname:maxDecompressionIndirectCount | 1 | 2^16^-1 | min |
| endif::VK_NV_memory_decompression[] |
| ifdef::VK_HUAWEI_cluster_culling_shader[] |
| | pname:maxWorkGroupCount | - | (65536,1,1) | min |
| | pname:maxWorkGroupSize | - | (32,1,1) | min |
| | pname:maxOutputClusterCount | - | 1024 | min |
| | pname:indirectBufferOffsetAlignment | - | - | implementation-dependent |
| endif::VK_HUAWEI_cluster_culling_shader[] |
| ifdef::VK_AMDX_shader_enqueue[] |
| | pname:maxExecutionGraphDepth | - | 32 | min |
| | pname:maxExecutionGraphShaderOutputNodes | - | 256 | min |
| | pname:maxExecutionGraphShaderPayloadSize | - | 32768 | min |
| | pname:maxExecutionGraphShaderPayloadCount | - | 256 | min |
| | pname:executionGraphDispatchAddressAlignment | - | 4 | max |
| endif::VK_AMDX_shader_enqueue[] |
| ifdef::VK_NV_extended_sparse_address_space[] |
| | pname:extendedSparseAddressSpaceSize | 0 | pname:sparseAddressSpaceSize | min |
| endif::VK_NV_extended_sparse_address_space[] |
| |==== |
| |
| 1:: |
| The *Limit Type* column specifies the limit is either the minimum limit |
| all implementations must: support, the maximum limit all implementations |
| must: support, or the exact value all implementations must: support. |
| For bitmasks a minimum limit is the least bits all implementations must: |
| set, but they may: have additional bits set beyond this minimum. |
| |
| 2:: |
| The pname:maxPerStageResources must: be at least the smallest of the |
| following: |
| + |
| * the sum of the pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUniformBuffers, |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorStorageBuffers, |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorSampledImages, |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorStorageImages, |
| pname:maxPerStageDescriptorInputAttachments, pname:maxColorAttachments |
| limits, or |
| * 128. |
| + |
| It may: not be possible to reach this limit in every stage. |
| |
| 3:: |
| See <<limits-maxViewportDimensions, pname:maxViewportDimensions>> for |
| the required: relationship to other limits. |
| |
| 4:: |
| See <<limits-viewportboundsrange, pname:viewportBoundsRange>> for the |
| required: relationship to other limits. |
| |
| 5:: |
| The values pname:minInterpolationOffset and pname:maxInterpolationOffset |
| describe the closed interval of supported interpolation offsets: |
| [pname:minInterpolationOffset, pname:maxInterpolationOffset]. |
| The ULP is determined by pname:subPixelInterpolationOffsetBits. |
| If pname:subPixelInterpolationOffsetBits is 4, this provides increments |
| of (1/2^4^) = 0.0625, and thus the range of supported interpolation |
| offsets would be [eq]#[-0.5, 0.4375]#. |
| |
| 6:: |
| The point size ULP is determined by pname:pointSizeGranularity. |
| If the pname:pointSizeGranularity is 0.125, the range of supported point |
| sizes must: be at least [1.0, 63.875]. |
| |
| 7:: |
| The line width ULP is determined by pname:lineWidthGranularity. |
| If the pname:lineWidthGranularity is 0.0625, the range of supported line |
| widths must: be at least [1.0, 7.9375]. |
| |
| 8:: |
| The minimum ptext:maxDescriptorSet* limit is _n_ times the corresponding |
| _specification_ minimum ptext:maxPerStageDescriptor* limit, where _n_ is |
| the number of shader stages supported by the slink:VkPhysicalDevice. |
| If all shader stages are supported, _n_ = 6 (vertex, tessellation |
| control, tessellation evaluation, geometry, fragment, compute). |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| 9:: |
| The ptext:UpdateAfterBind descriptor limits must: each be greater than |
| or equal to the corresponding ptext:non-UpdateAfterBind limit. |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_2,VK_EXT_descriptor_indexing[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_KHR_portability_subset[] |
| 10:: |
| If the `apiext:VK_KHR_portability_subset` extension is enabled, the |
| required minimum value of pname:maxVertexInputBindings is code:8. |
| endif::VK_KHR_portability_subset[] |
| |
| ifdef::VKSC_VERSION_1_0[] |
| 11:: ptext:maxFramebufferAttachments must: be greater than or equal to two |
| times pname:maxColorAttachments (for color and resolve attachments) |
| plus one (for the depth/stencil attachment), or else must: be equal to |
| 2^32^-1. |
| endif::VKSC_VERSION_1_0[] |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer[] |
| 12:: |
| ptext:maxResourceDescriptorSize is defined as the maximum value of |
| pname:storageImageDescriptorSize, pname:sampledImageDescriptorSize, |
| pname:robustUniformTexelBufferDescriptorSize, |
| pname:robustStorageTexelBufferDescriptorSize, |
| pname:robustUniformBufferDescriptorSize, |
| pname:robustStorageBufferDescriptorSize, |
| pname:inputAttachmentDescriptorSize, and |
| pname:accelerationStructureDescriptorSize. |
| endif::VK_EXT_descriptor_buffer[] |
| |
| |
| ifdef::VK_EXT_sample_locations[] |
| [[limits-multisample]] |
| == Additional Multisampling Capabilities |
| |
| [open,refpage='vkGetPhysicalDeviceMultisamplePropertiesEXT',desc='Report sample count specific multisampling capabilities of a physical device',type='protos'] |
| -- |
| To query additional multisampling capabilities which may: be supported for a |
| specific sample count, beyond the minimum capabilities described for |
| <<limits, Limits>> above, call: |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/protos/vkGetPhysicalDeviceMultisamplePropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:physicalDevice is the physical device from which to query the |
| additional multisampling capabilities. |
| * pname:samples is a elink:VkSampleCountFlagBits value specifying the |
| sample count to query capabilities for. |
| * pname:pMultisampleProperties is a pointer to a |
| slink:VkMultisamplePropertiesEXT structure in which information about |
| additional multisampling capabilities specific to the sample count is |
| returned. |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/protos/vkGetPhysicalDeviceMultisamplePropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| [open,refpage='VkMultisamplePropertiesEXT',desc='Structure returning information about sample count specific additional multisampling capabilities',type='structs'] |
| -- |
| The sname:VkMultisamplePropertiesEXT structure is defined as |
| |
| include::{generated}/api/structs/VkMultisamplePropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| |
| * pname:sType is a elink:VkStructureType value identifying this structure. |
| * pname:pNext is `NULL` or a pointer to a structure extending this |
| structure. |
| * pname:maxSampleLocationGridSize is the maximum size of the pixel grid in |
| which sample locations can: vary. |
| |
| include::{generated}/validity/structs/VkMultisamplePropertiesEXT.adoc[] |
| -- |
| |
| If the sample count for which additional multisampling capabilities are |
| requested using fname:vkGetPhysicalDeviceMultisamplePropertiesEXT is set in |
| <<limits-sampleLocationSampleCounts, pname:sampleLocationSampleCounts>> the |
| pname:width and pname:height members of |
| sname:VkMultisamplePropertiesEXT::pname:maxSampleLocationGridSize must: be |
| greater than or equal to the corresponding members of |
| <<limits-maxSampleLocationGridSize, pname:maxSampleLocationGridSize>>, |
| respectively, otherwise both members must: be `0`. |
| |
| endif::VK_EXT_sample_locations[] |
| |
| // If you are adding a new features structure, it must be placed at the end |
| // of the previous section (immediately before <<limits-multisample>>). |
| |
| |
| ifdef::VK_VERSION_1_3[] |
| [[profile-limits]] |
| == Profile Limits |
| |
| |
| [[profile-limits-roadmap-2022]] |
| === Roadmap 2022 |
| |
| Implementations that claim support for the <<roadmap-2022, Roadmap 2022>> |
| profile must: satisfy the following additional limit requirements: |
| |
| [width="100%",cols="<35,<14,<11",options="header"] |
| |==== |
| | Limit | Supported Limit | Limit Type^1^ |
| | pname:maxImageDimension1D | 8192 | min |
| | pname:maxImageDimension2D | 8192 | min |
| | pname:maxImageDimensionCube | 8192 | min |
| | pname:maxImageArrayLayers | 2048 | min |
| | pname:maxUniformBufferRange | 65536 | min |
| | pname:bufferImageGranularity | 4096 | max |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorSamplers | 64 | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUniformBuffers | 15 | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorStorageBuffers | 30 | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorSampledImages | 200 | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorStorageImages | 16 | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageResources | 200 | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetSamplers | 576 | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetUniformBuffers | 90 | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetStorageBuffers | 96 | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetSampledImages | 1800 | min |
| | pname:maxDescriptorSetStorageImages | 144 | min |
| | pname:maxFragmentCombinedOutputResources | 16 | min |
| | pname:maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations | 256 | min |
| | pname:maxComputeWorkGroupSize | (256,256,64) | min |
| | pname:subTexelPrecisionBits | 8 | min |
| | pname:mipmapPrecisionBits | 6 | min |
| | pname:maxSamplerLodBias | 14 | min |
| | pname:pointSizeGranularity | 0.125 | max |
| | pname:lineWidthGranularity | 0.5 | max |
| | pname:standardSampleLocations | ename:VK_TRUE | Boolean |
| | pname:maxColorAttachments | 7 | min |
| | pname:subgroupSize | 4 | min |
| | pname:subgroupSupportedStages | ename:VK_SHADER_STAGE_COMPUTE_BIT + |
| | bitfield |
| | pname:subgroupSupportedOperations | ename:VK_SUBGROUP_FEATURE_BASIC_BIT + |
| | bitfield |
| | pname:shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat16 | ename:VK_TRUE | Boolean |
| | pname:shaderSignedZeroInfNanPreserveFloat32 | ename:VK_TRUE | Boolean |
| | pname:maxSubgroupSize | 4 | min |
| | pname:maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindInputAttachments | 7 | min |
| |==== |
| endif::VK_VERSION_1_3[] |