blob: a1166b5db8dbc69d2e84f4e6308dcf4f92308478 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include "virtgpu_gfxstream_protocol.h"
enum VirtGpuParamId : uint32_t {
kParam3D = 0,
kParamCapsetFix = 1,
kParamResourceBlob = 2,
kParamHostVisible = 3,
kParamCrossDevice = 4,
kParamContextInit = 5,
kParamSupportedCapsetIds = 6,
kParamCreateGuestHandle = 7,
kParamMax = 8,
enum VirtGpuExecBufferFlags : uint32_t {
kFenceIn = 0x0001,
kFenceOut = 0x0002,
kRingIdx = 0x0004,
enum VirtGpuCapset {
kCapsetNone = 0,
kCapsetVirgl = 1,
kCapsetVirgl2 = 2,
kCapsetGfxStreamVulkan = 3,
kCapsetVenus = 4,
kCapsetCrossDomain = 5,
kCapsetDrm = 6,
kCapsetGfxStreamMagma = 7,
kCapsetGfxStreamGles = 8,
kCapsetGfxStreamComposer = 9,
// Try to keep aligned with vulkan-cereal / rutabaga.
enum VirtGpuHandleType {
kMemHandleOpaqueFd = 0x0001,
kMemHandleDmabuf = 0x0002,
kMemHandleOpaqueWin32 = 0x0003,
kMemHandleShm = 0x0004,
kMemHandleZircon = 0x0008,
kFenceHandleOpaqueFd = 0x0010,
kFenceHandleSyncFd = 0x0020,
kFenceHandleOpaqueWin32 = 0x0040,
kFenceHandleZircon = 0x0080,
enum VirtGpuBlobFlags : uint32_t {
kBlobFlagMappable = 0x0001,
kBlobFlagShareable = 0x0002,
kBlobFlagCrossDevice = 0x0004,
kBlobFlagCreateGuestHandle = 0x0008,
enum VirtGpuBlobMem {
kBlobMemGuest = 0x0001,
kBlobMemHost3d = 0x0002,
kBlobMemHost3dGuest = 0x0003,
struct VirtGpuExternalHandle {
int64_t osHandle;
enum VirtGpuHandleType type;
struct VirtGpuExecBuffer {
void* command;
uint32_t command_size;
uint32_t ring_idx;
enum VirtGpuExecBufferFlags flags;
struct VirtGpuExternalHandle handle;
struct VirtGpuParam {
uint64_t param;
const char* name;
uint64_t value;
struct VirtGpuCreateBlob {
uint64_t size;
enum VirtGpuBlobFlags flags;
enum VirtGpuBlobMem blobMem;
uint64_t blobId;
struct VirtGpuCaps {
uint64_t params[kParamMax];
struct gfxstreamCapset gfxstreamCapset;
class VirtGpuBlobMapping;
class VirtGpuBlob;
using VirtGpuBlobPtr = std::shared_ptr<VirtGpuBlob>;
using VirtGpuBlobMappingPtr = std::shared_ptr<VirtGpuBlobMapping>;
class VirtGpuBlob {
virtual ~VirtGpuBlob() {}
virtual uint32_t getResourceHandle(void) = 0;
virtual uint32_t getBlobHandle(void) = 0;
virtual int wait(void) = 0;
virtual VirtGpuBlobMappingPtr createMapping(void) = 0;
virtual int exportBlob(struct VirtGpuExternalHandle& handle) = 0;
class VirtGpuBlobMapping {
virtual ~VirtGpuBlobMapping(void) {}
virtual uint8_t* asRawPtr(void) = 0;
class VirtGpuDevice {
static VirtGpuDevice* getInstance(enum VirtGpuCapset capset = kCapsetNone);
static void setInstanceForTesting(VirtGpuDevice* device);
virtual ~VirtGpuDevice() {}
virtual int64_t getDeviceHandle(void) = 0;
virtual struct VirtGpuCaps getCaps(void) = 0;
virtual VirtGpuBlobPtr createBlob(const struct VirtGpuCreateBlob& blobCreate) = 0;
virtual VirtGpuBlobPtr createPipeBlob(uint32_t size) = 0;
virtual VirtGpuBlobPtr importBlob(const struct VirtGpuExternalHandle& handle) = 0;
virtual int execBuffer(struct VirtGpuExecBuffer& execbuffer, VirtGpuBlobPtr blob) = 0;
namespace platform_internal {
VirtGpuDevice* getPlatformVirtGpuDeviceInstance(enum VirtGpuCapset capset = kCapsetNone);
} // namespace platform_internal
// HACK: We can use gfxstream::guest::EnumFlags, but we'll have to do more guest
// refactorings to figure out our end goal. We can either depend more on base or
// try to transition to something else (b:202552093) [atleast for guests].
constexpr enum VirtGpuBlobFlags operator |(const enum VirtGpuBlobFlags self,
const enum VirtGpuBlobFlags other) {
return (enum VirtGpuBlobFlags)(uint32_t(self) | uint32_t(other));
constexpr enum VirtGpuExecBufferFlags operator |(const enum VirtGpuExecBufferFlags self,
const enum VirtGpuExecBufferFlags other) {
return (enum VirtGpuExecBufferFlags)(uint32_t(self) | uint32_t(other));