blob: 52cd8b9223782ce2771eb15bcf65f8eb687c06f2 [file] [log] [blame]
cc_library_headers {
name: "mesa_common_headers_gfxstream",
export_include_dirs: [
host_supported: true,
vendor: true,
cc_defaults {
name: "mesa_common_defaults_gfxstream",
// uncomment to keep the debug symbols
// strip: { none: true, },
vendor: true,
header_libs: ["mesa_common_headers_gfxstream"],
defaults: [
cflags: [
// PACKAGE_VERSION is in mesa_version_defaults
// XXX: The following __STDC_*_MACROS defines should not be needed.
// It's likely due to a bug elsewhere, but let's temporarily add them
// here to fix the radeonsi build.
c_std: "c11",
cppflags: [
arch: {
arm: {
cflags: ["-DUSE_ARM_ASM"],
arm64: {
cflags: ["-DUSE_AARCH64_ASM"],
product_variables: {
platform_sdk_version: {
cflags: ["-DANDROID_API_LEVEL=%d"],
target: {
host: {
cflags: [
shared_libs: ["libdrm"],