blob: a11bcac95ee986c54764596f2fe045d936c38628 [file] [log] [blame]
// Compute shader to convert ASTC textures to BC3 (ie: BC1 for color + BC4 for alpha).
// A bit of history
// ----------------
// The algorithm used here for BC1 compression has a long history. It was originally published by
// Simon Brown for the Squish encoder:
// It was then rewritten and improved upon by Fabian "ryg" Giesen for the stb_dxt encoder:
// That version then made it to many places, including ANGLE, first as a C++ version:
// and then as a compute shader version upon which this shader is based:
// http://cs/android/external/angle/src/libANGLE/renderer/vulkan/shaders/src/EtcToBc.comp;rcl=81e45c881c54a7737f6fce95097f6df2f94cd76f
// Useful links to understand BC1 compression
// ------------------------------------------
// Optimization ideas
// ------------------
// - Do the color refinement step from stb_dxt. This is probably the top priority. Currently, we
// only do the PCA step and we use the min and max colors as the endpoints. We should instead see
// if picking other endpoints on the PCA line would lead to better results.
// - Use dithering to improve quality. Betsy and FasTC encoders (links above) have examples.
// - Add a fast path for when all pixels are the same color (speed improvement)
// - Use BC1 instead of BC3 if the image doesn't contain semi-transparent pixels. We will need to
// add a pre-processing step to determine if there are such pixels. Alternatively, it could be
// done fairly efficiently as a post-processing step where we discard the BC4 data if all pixels
// are opaque, however in that case it would only work for fully opaque image (ie: we wouldn't be
// able to take advantage of BC1's punch-through alpha.
// To-do list
// ---------------
// - TODO(gregschlom): Check that the GPU has gl_SubgroupSize >= 16 before using this shader,
// otherwise it will give wrong results.
// - TODO(gregschlom): Check if the results are correct for image sizes that aren't multiples of 4
#version 450 core
#include "AstcDecompressor.glsl"
#include "Common.comp"
// TODO(gregschlom): Check how widespread is support for these extensions.
#extension GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_clustered : enable
#extension GL_KHR_shader_subgroup_shuffle : enable
// To maximize GPU utilization, we use a local workgroup size of 64 which is a multiple of the
// subgroup size of both AMD and NVIDIA cards.
layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in;
// Using 2DArray textures for compatibility with the old ASTC decoder.
// TODO(gregschlom): Once we have texture metrics, check if we want to keep supporting array text.
layout(binding = 0, rgba32ui) readonly uniform WITH_TYPE(uimage) srcImage;
layout(binding = 1, rgba32ui) writeonly uniform WITH_TYPE(uimage) dstImage;
layout(push_constant) uniform imagInfo {
uvec2 blockSize;
uint baseLayer;
uint smallBlock; // TODO(gregschlom) Remove this once we remove the old decoder.
// Decodes an ASTC-encoded pixel at `texelPos` to RGBA
uvec4 decodeRGBA(uvec2 texelPos, uint layer) {
uvec2 blockPos = texelPos / u_pushConstant.blockSize;
uvec2 posInBlock = texelPos % u_pushConstant.blockSize;
astcBlock = imageLoad(srcImage, WITH_TYPE(getPos)(ivec3(blockPos, layer))).wzyx;
astcDecoderInitialize(astcBlock, u_pushConstant.blockSize);
return astcDecodeTexel(posInBlock);
// Returns the 2-bit index of the BC1 color that's the closest to the input color.
// color: the color that we want to approximate
// maxEndpoint / minEndpoint: the BC1 endpoint values we've chosen
uint getColorIndex(vec3 color, vec3 minEndpoint, vec3 maxEndpoint) {
// Project `color` on the line that goes between `minEndpoint` and `maxEndpoint`.
// TODO(gregschlom): this doesn't account for the fact that the color palette is actually
// quantisized as RGB565 instead of RGB8. A slower but potentially slightly higher quality
// approach would be to compute all 4 RGB565 colors in the palette, then find the closest one.
vec3 colorLine = maxEndpoint - minEndpoint;
float x = dot(color - minEndpoint, colorLine) / dot(colorLine, colorLine);
// x is now a float in [0, 1] indicating where `color` lies when projected on the line between
// the min and max endpoint. Remap x as an integer between 0 and 3.
int index = int(round(clamp(x * 3, 0, 3)));
// Finally, we need to convert to the somewhat unintuitive BC1 indexing scheme, where:
// 0 is maxEndpoint, 1 is minEndpoint, 2 is (1/3)*minEndpoint + (2/3)*maxEndpoint and 3 is
// (2/3)*minEndpoint + (1/3)*maxEndpoint. The lookup table for this is [1, 3, 2, 0], which we
// bit-pack into 8 bits.
// Alternatively, we could use this formula:
// `index = -index & 3; return index ^ uint(index < 2);` but the lookup table method is faster.
return bitfieldExtract(45u, index * 2, 2);
// Same as above, but for alpha values, using BC4's encoding scheme.
uint getAlphaIndex(uint alpha, uint minAlpha, uint maxAlpha) {
float x = float(alpha - minAlpha) / float(maxAlpha - minAlpha);
int index = int(round(clamp(x * 7, 0, 7)));
// Like for getColorIndex, we need to remap the index according to BC4's indexing scheme, where
// 0 is maxAlpha, 1 is minAlpha, 2 is (1/7)*minAlpha + (6/7)*maxAlpha, etc...
// The lookup table for this is [1, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 0], which we bit-pack into 32 bits using
// 4 bits for each value.
// Alternatively, we could use this formula:
// `index = -index & 7; return index ^ uint(index < 2);` but the lookup table method is faster.
return bitfieldExtract(36984433u, index * 4, 3);
// Computes the color endpoints using Principal Component Analysis to find the best fit line
// through the colors in the 4x4 block.
void computeEndpoints(uvec3 rgbColor, out uvec3 minEndpoint, out uvec3 maxEndpoint) {
// See the comment at the top of this file for more details on this algorithm.
uvec3 avgColor = subgroupClusteredAdd(rgbColor, 16) + 8 >> 4; // +8 to round to nearest.
uvec3 minColor = subgroupClusteredMin(rgbColor, 16);
uvec3 maxColor = subgroupClusteredMax(rgbColor, 16);
// Special case when all pixels are the same color
if (minColor == maxColor) {
minEndpoint = minColor;
maxEndpoint = minColor;
// Compute the covariance matrix of the r, g and b channels. This is a 3x3 symmetric matrix.
// First compute the 6 unique covariance values:
ivec3 dx = ivec3(rgbColor) - ivec3(avgColor);
vec3 cov1 = subgroupClusteredAdd(dx.r * dx, 16); // cov(r,r), cov(r,g), cov(r,b)
vec3 cov2 = subgroupClusteredAdd(dx.ggb * dx.gbb, 16); // cov(g,g), cov(g,b), cov(b,b)
// Then build the matrix:
mat3 covMat = mat3(cov1, // rr, rg, rb
vec3(cov1.y, cov2.xy), // rg, gg, gb
vec3(cov1.z, cov2.yz)); // rb, gb, bb
// Find the principal axis via power iteration. (
// 3 to 8 iterations are sufficient for a good approximation.
// Note: in theory, we're supposed to normalize the vector on each iteration, however we get
// significantly higher quality (and obviously faster performance) when not doing it.
// TODO(gregschlom): Investigate why that is the case.
vec3 principalAxis = covMat * (covMat * (covMat * (covMat * (maxColor - minColor))));
// Ensure all components are in the [-1,1] range.
// TODO(gregschlom): Investigate if we really need this. It doesn't make a lot of sense.
float magn = max(max(abs(principalAxis.r), abs(principalAxis.g)), abs(principalAxis.b));
principalAxis = (magn < 4.0) // If the magnitude is too small, default to luminance
? vec3(0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f) // Coefficients to convert RGB to luminance
: principalAxis / magn;
// Project the colors on the principal axis and pick the 2 colors at the extreme points as the
// endpoints.
float distance = dot(rgbColor, principalAxis);
float minDistance = subgroupClusteredMin(distance, 16);
float maxDistance = subgroupClusteredMax(distance, 16);
uvec2 indices = uvec2(distance == minDistance ? gl_SubgroupInvocationID : 0,
distance == maxDistance ? gl_SubgroupInvocationID : 0);
uvec2 minMaxIndex = subgroupClusteredMax(indices, 16);
// TODO(gregschlom): we're returning the original pixel colors instead of the projected colors.
// Investigate if we could increase quality by returning the projected colors.
minEndpoint = subgroupShuffle(rgbColor, minMaxIndex.x);
maxEndpoint = subgroupShuffle(rgbColor, minMaxIndex.y);
uvec2 encodeAlpha(uint value, uint texelId) {
uint minValue = subgroupClusteredMin(value, 16);
uint maxValue = subgroupClusteredMax(value, 16);
// Determine the alpha index (between 0 and 7)
uint index = (minValue != maxValue) ? getAlphaIndex(value, minValue, maxValue) : 0;
// Pack everything together into 64 bits. The first 3-bit index goes at bit 16, the next
// one at bit 19 and so on until the last one which goes at bit 61. The bottom 16 bits will
// contain the max and min value.
// Note: shifting a uint by more than 31 is UB, which is why we need the ternary operator here.
uvec2 mask = uvec2(texelId < 5 ? 0 : (index << 29) >> (-3 * texelId + 45),
texelId > 5 ? 0 : index << (3 * texelId + 16));
uvec2 packed = subgroupClusteredOr(mask, 16);
return uvec2((maxValue & 0xff) | ((minValue & 0xff) << 8) | packed[1], packed[0]);
uint packColorToRGB565(uvec3 color) {
uvec3 quant = uvec3(round(vec3(color) * vec3(31.0, 63.0, 31.0) / vec3(255.0)));
return (quant.r << 11) | (quant.g << 5) | quant.b;
void main() {
// We can't use gl_LocalInvocationID here because the spec doesn't make any guarantees as to how
// it will be mapped to gl_SubgroupInvocationID (See:
// And since we use subgroupClusteredXXX commands, we must ensure that any 16 consecutive
// subgroup invocation ids [16n, 16n+1..16n+15] map to the same 4x4 block in the input image.
// So instead of using gl_LocalInvocationID, we construct it from the subgroup ids.
// This is a number in the range [0, 63] since local group size is 64
uint localId = gl_SubgroupID * gl_SubgroupSize + gl_SubgroupInvocationID;
uint blockId = localId / 16; // [0-3] Id of the 4x4 block we're working on
uint texelId = localId % 16; // [0-15] Id of the texel within the 4x4 block
// Absolute coordinates in the input image
uvec2 texelCoord = 8 * gl_WorkGroupID.xy + uvec2(4 * (blockId & 0x1) + (texelId % 4),
2 * (blockId & 0x2) + (texelId / 4));
// Layer, for array textures.
uint layer = u_pushConstant.baseLayer + gl_WorkGroupID.z;
uvec4 currentTexel = decodeRGBA(texelCoord, layer);
// Compute the color endpoints
uvec3 minEndpoint, maxEndpoint;
computeEndpoints(currentTexel.rgb, minEndpoint, maxEndpoint);
uvec2 endpoints = uvec2(packColorToRGB565(minEndpoint), packColorToRGB565(maxEndpoint));
// Find which of the 4 colors best matches the color of the current texel
uint index = 0;
if (endpoints.x != endpoints.y) {
index = getColorIndex(vec3(currentTexel.rgb), vec3(minEndpoint), vec3(maxEndpoint));
if (endpoints.x > endpoints.y) {
index ^= 1;
endpoints = endpoints.yx;
// Pack everything together.
uvec4 result;
result.rg = encodeAlpha(currentTexel.a, texelId);
result.b = endpoints.y | (endpoints.x << 16);
result.a = subgroupClusteredOr(index << (2 * texelId), 16);
if (texelId == 0) {
imageStore(dstImage, WITH_TYPE(getPos)(ivec3(texelCoord / 4, layer)), result);