blob: 88224494403af5f2ec1dcf77d87dde014c3b6730 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
"""This script builds a full release package including XHTML and PDF
versions of the specification, including an optional list of
extensions. Other files in the release directory are removed,
including man pages, XHTML chunked, HTML, validity output, etc.
The current branch must be fully committed and up to date when the
script is run, with no outstanding un-added / un-committed files.
After completing the build, suggestions for creating tags are made."""
import time
from datetime import date, timedelta
def releaseNum():
"""Return the Vulkan release number, used for tags."""
return '$REVISION'
def buildOnFriday():
"""Return a date for the current, or upcoming if not already, Friday,
which is when releases happen."""
today =
friday = today + timedelta((4 - today.weekday()) % 7)
return friday
def buildRelease(label,
xmlDir, xmlTargets,
specDir, specTargets,
miscSrc=None, miscDst=None, needRefSources=False):
"""Build a release.
- `label` = textual label to use for target being generated
- `versions` = list of core API versions to include
- `extensions` = list of extension names to include
- `ratified` = True if this is a ratified spec (one built without non-KHR extensions)
- `outdir` = directory to generate specs in
- `apititle` = extra title to apply to the specification
- `xmlDir` = directory containing registry XML
- `xmlTargets` = targets to build in xml/
- `specDir` = directory containing spec source & Makefile
- `specTargets` = targets to build
- `miscSrc` = path to copy misc files from, if non-None
- `miscDst` = path to copy misc files to, if non-None
- `needRefSources` = True if ref pages must be extracted from the spec sources"""
print('echo Info: Generating target=' + label,
'outdir=' + outdir)
outarg = 'OUTDIR=' + outdir
if versions != None and len(versions) > 0:
versarg = 'VERSIONS="' + ' '.join(versions) + '"'
versarg = ''
if extensions != None and len(extensions) > 0:
extarg = 'EXTENSIONS="' + ' '.join(extensions) + '"'
extarg = ''
if ratified:
ratifiedarg = 'EXTRAATTRIBS="-a ratified_core_spec"'
ratifiedarg = ''
if apititle != None:
titlearg = 'APITITLE="' + apititle + '"'
titlearg = ''
# print('echo Info: Creating directory and cleaning spec in', outdir)
print('mkdir -p', outdir)
print('(cd ', outdir, '&& rm -rf',
'html chunked pdf',
'man config checks',
'vkspec.html styleguide.html apispec.html apispec.pdf registry.html',
if xmlTargets != '':
# print('echo Info: Generating headers and spec include files')
print('cd', xmlDir)
print('make', outarg, xmlTargets)
# print('echo Info: Generating ref pages sources and spec targets')
print('cd', specDir)
print('make', outarg, 'clean')
# This is a temporary workaround for a dependency bug - if any of the
# specTargets require ref page sources, and they are not already present
# at the time the make is invoked, that target will not be built.
if needRefSources:
print('make', outarg, versarg, extarg, 'refpages')
# Now make the actual targets.
print('make -O -k -j 8',
outarg, versarg, extarg, ratifiedarg, titlearg,
'NOTEOPTS="-a implementation-guide"',
if miscSrc != None and miscDst != None:
print('mkdir -p', miscDst)
print('cp', miscSrc + '/*.adoc', miscDst + '/')
def buildBranch(targetDir = '',
versions = '',
extensions = '',
ratified = False,
apititle = '(NO TITLE SPECIFIED)',
xmlTargets = '',
specTargets = '',
repoDir = '',
outDir = '',
"""Build all target documents.
- `repoDir` = path to the Vulkan git repo containing the specs
- `outDir` = path to the output base directory in which targets are generated"""
# Directory with vk.xml and generation tools
xmlDir = repoDir + '/xml'
# Directory with spec sources
specDir = repoDir
# Directory containing misc. files to copy to registry.
# At present there are none, since GLSL extensions have moved to the
# GLSL repository and are redirected from the Vulkan registry website.
# These should be relative to repoDir and outDir, respectively
miscSrc = None
miscDst = None
outDir + '/' + targetDir,
xmlDir, xmlTargets,
specDir, specTargets,
miscSrc, miscDst,
def createTags(releaseNum, tagdate):
"""Print commands to tag the git branches.
- `releaseNum` = release number of this spec update, to tag the tree with
- `tagdate` = date (used to be used to tag the tree with)"""
# Tag date in YYYYMMDD format
now = tagdate.strftime('%Y%m%d')
print('echo To tag the spec branch for this release, execute the command:')
print('echo git tag -a -m \\"Tag Vulkan API specification for 1.3.' +
releaseNum, 'release\\"', 'v1.3.' + releaseNum)