blob: ccee40d9a506583063a55c9bb8bb1f583152139e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <GLES2/gl2.h>
#include <GLES2/gl2ext.h>
#include <functional>
#include <future>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include "aemu/base/synchronization/ConditionVariable.h"
#include "aemu/base/HealthMonitor.h"
#include "aemu/base/synchronization/Lock.h"
#include "aemu/base/synchronization/MessageChannel.h"
#include "aemu/base/Optional.h"
#include "aemu/base/threads/Thread.h"
#include "aemu/base/threads/ThreadPool.h"
#include "gl/EmulatedEglFenceSync.h"
#include "render-utils/virtio_gpu_ops.h"
#include "vulkan/VkDecoderGlobalState.h"
using emugl::HealthMonitor;
using emugl::HealthWatchdog;
// SyncThread///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// The purpose of SyncThread is to track sync device timelines and give out +
// signal FD's that correspond to the completion of host-side GL fence commands.
struct RenderThreadInfo;
class SyncThread : public android::base::Thread {
// - constructor: start up the sync worker threads for a given context.
// The initialization of the sync threads is nonblocking.
// - Triggers a |SyncThreadCmd| with op code |SYNC_THREAD_EGL_INIT|
SyncThread(bool hasGl, HealthMonitor<>* healthMonitor);
// |triggerWait|: async wait with a given EmulatedEglFenceSync object.
// We use the wait() method to do a eglClientWaitSyncKHR.
// After wait is over, the timeline will be incremented,
// which should signal the guest-side fence FD.
// This method is how the goldfish sync virtual device
// knows when to increment timelines / signal native fence FD's.
void triggerWait(gfxstream::EmulatedEglFenceSync* fenceSync, uint64_t timeline);
// |triggerWaitVk|: async wait with a given VkFence object.
// The |vkFence| argument is a *boxed* host Vulkan handle of the fence.
// We call vkWaitForFences() on host Vulkan device to wait for the fence.
// After wait is over, the timeline will be incremented,
// which should signal the guest-side fence FD / Zircon eventpair.
// This method is how the goldfish sync virtual device
// knows when to increment timelines / signal native fence FD's.
void triggerWaitVk(VkFence vkFence, uint64_t timeline);
// for use with the virtio-gpu path; is meant to have a current context
// while waiting.
void triggerBlockedWaitNoTimeline(gfxstream::EmulatedEglFenceSync* fenceSync);
// For use with virtio-gpu and async fence completion callback. This is async like triggerWait,
// but takes a fence completion callback instead of incrementing some timeline directly.
void triggerWaitWithCompletionCallback(gfxstream::EmulatedEglFenceSync* fenceSync,
void triggerWaitVkWithCompletionCallback(VkFence fenceHandle, FenceCompletionCallback);
void triggerWaitVkQsriWithCompletionCallback(VkImage image, FenceCompletionCallback);
void triggerGeneral(FenceCompletionCallback, std::string description);
// |cleanup|: for use with destructors and other cleanup functions.
// it destroys the sync context and exits the sync thread.
// This is blocking; after this function returns, we're sure
// the sync thread is gone.
// - Triggers a |SyncThreadCmd| with op code |SYNC_THREAD_EXIT|
void cleanup();
// Initialize the global sync thread.
static void initialize(bool hasGl, HealthMonitor<>* healthMonitor);
// Obtains the global sync thread.
static SyncThread* get();
// Destroys and cleanup the global sync thread.
static void destroy();
using WorkerId = android::base::ThreadPoolWorkerId;
struct Command {
std::packaged_task<int(WorkerId)> mTask;
std::string mDescription;
using ThreadPool = android::base::ThreadPool<Command>;
// |initSyncContext| creates an EGL context expressly for calling
// eglClientWaitSyncKHR in the processing caused by |triggerWait|.
// This is used by the constructor only. It is non-blocking.
// - Triggers a |SyncThreadCmd| with op code |SYNC_THREAD_EGL_INIT|
void initSyncEGLContext();
// Thread function.
// It keeps the workers runner until |mExiting| is set.
virtual intptr_t main() override final;
// These two functions are used to communicate with the sync thread from another thread:
// - |sendAndWaitForResult| issues |job| to the sync thread, and blocks until it receives the
// result of the job.
// - |sendAsync| issues |job| to the sync thread and does not wait for the result, returning
// immediately after.
int sendAndWaitForResult(std::function<int(WorkerId)> job, std::string description);
void sendAsync(std::function<void(WorkerId)> job, std::string description);
// |doSyncThreadCmd| execute the actual task. These run on the sync thread.
void doSyncThreadCmd(Command&& command, ThreadPool::WorkerId);
void doSyncWait(gfxstream::EmulatedEglFenceSync* fenceSync,
std::function<void()> onComplete);
static int doSyncWaitVk(VkFence, std::function<void()> onComplete);
// EGL objects / object handles specific to
// a sync thread.
static const uint32_t kNumWorkerThreads = 4u;
EGLDisplay mDisplay = EGL_NO_DISPLAY;
EGLSurface mSurface[kNumWorkerThreads];
EGLContext mContext[kNumWorkerThreads];
bool mExiting = false;
android::base::Lock mLock;
android::base::ConditionVariable mCv;
ThreadPool mWorkerThreadPool;
bool mHasGl;
HealthMonitor<>* mHealthMonitor;