| # Copyright 2023 Android Open Source Project |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT |
| |
| #===============# |
| # Configuration # |
| #===============# |
| gfxstream_host_args = [ |
| '-Wno-unused-parameter', |
| '-Wno-unused-function', |
| '-Wno-unused-variable', |
| '-Wno-ignored-qualifiers', |
| '-Wno-mismatched-tags', |
| '-Wno-missing-field-initializers', |
| '-Wno-implicit-fallthrough', |
| ] |
| |
| if host_machine.system() == 'qnx' |
| gfxstream_host_args += '-D_QNX_SOURCE' |
| qnx_target = get_option('qnx_target') |
| if qnx_target == '' |
| error('option qnx_target is not set') |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| #===============# |
| # Dependencies # |
| #===============# |
| if host_machine.system() == 'qnx' |
| ## have not yet got pkgconfig to work with cross-compile, |
| ## finding libraries manually in the meantime. |
| |
| ## ERROR: Dependency "screen" not found, tried pkgconfig |
| # qnx_screen_dep = dependency('screen') |
| |
| rel_path_prefix = meson.get_external_property('qnx_path_prefix') |
| abs_path_prefix = meson.current_source_dir() + '/' + rel_path_prefix |
| |
| aemu_libs_path = abs_path_prefix + '/aemu/install/lib' |
| |
| incl_aemu_headers = include_directories([ |
| rel_path_prefix + '/aemu/install/include', |
| rel_path_prefix + '/aemu/install/include/aemu/host-common', |
| rel_path_prefix + '/aemu/install/include/aemu/snapshot', |
| ]) |
| |
| aemu_base_lib = cc.find_library('aemu-base', dirs: aemu_libs_path) |
| aemu_base_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories : incl_aemu_headers, dependencies : [aemu_base_lib]) |
| |
| aemu_common_lib = cc.find_library('aemu-host-common', dirs: aemu_libs_path) |
| aemu_common_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories : incl_aemu_headers, dependencies : [aemu_common_lib]) |
| |
| aemu_logging_lib = cc.find_library('aemu-logging', dirs: aemu_libs_path) |
| aemu_logging_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories : incl_aemu_headers, dependencies : [aemu_logging_lib]) |
| |
| aemu_snapshot_lib = cc.find_library('aemu-snapshot', dirs: aemu_libs_path) |
| aemu_snapshot_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories : incl_aemu_headers, dependencies : [aemu_snapshot_lib]) |
| |
| inc_qnx_headers = include_directories(join_paths(qnx_target, 'usr/include')) |
| qnx_screen_lib = cc.find_library('screen', required : true) |
| qnx_screen_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories: inc_qnx_headers, dependencies: [qnx_screen_lib]) |
| |
| qnx_egl_lib = cc.find_library('EGL', required : true) |
| qnx_egl_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories: inc_qnx_headers, dependencies: [qnx_egl_lib]) |
| |
| qnx_gles2_lib = cc.find_library('GLESv2', required : true) |
| qnx_gles2_dep = declare_dependency(include_directories: inc_qnx_headers, dependencies: [qnx_gles2_lib]) |
| |
| else |
| aemu_base_dep = dependency('aemu_base') |
| aemu_common_dep = dependency('aemu_host_common') |
| aemu_logging_dep = dependency('aemu_logging') |
| aemu_snapshot_dep = dependency('aemu_snapshot') |
| dl_dep = dependency('dl') |
| thread_dep = dependency('threads') |
| endif |
| |
| if log_level == 'error' |
| gfxstream_host_args += '-DSTREAM_RENDERER_LOG_LEVEL=1' |
| elif log_level == 'warn' |
| gfxstream_host_args += '-DSTREAM_RENDERER_LOG_LEVEL=2' |
| elif log_level == 'info' |
| gfxstream_host_args += '-DSTREAM_RENDERER_LOG_LEVEL=3' |
| endif |
| |
| if use_auto and (use_gles or use_vulkan or use_magma) |
| error('Can not specify auto and custom options are same time') |
| endif |
| |
| if use_auto |
| use_gles = true |
| use_vulkan = true |
| use_composer = true |
| use_magma = host_machine.system() == 'linux' |
| endif |
| |
| gfxstream_host_args += '-DGFXSTREAM_ENABLE_HOST_GLES=@0@'.format(use_gles ? '1' : '0') |
| if use_magma |
| gfxstream_host_args += '-DUSE_MAGMA=1' |
| drm_dep = dependency('libdrm') |
| else |
| gfxstream_host_args += '-DUSE_MAGMA=0' |
| endif |
| |
| if use_magma |
| gfxstream_host_args += '-DGFXSTREAM_ENABLE_HOST_GLES=1' |
| drm_dep = dependency('libdrm') |
| else |
| gfxstream_host_args += '-DGFXSTREAM_ENABLE_HOST_GLES=0' |
| endif |
| |
| #===============# |
| # Includes # |
| #===============# |
| |
| gfxstream_headers = files( |
| 'include/gfxstream/virtio-gpu-gfxstream-renderer.h', |
| 'include/gfxstream/virtio-gpu-gfxstream-renderer-unstable.h') |
| |
| inc_root = include_directories('../') |
| inc_gfxstream_include = include_directories('../include') |
| inc_include = include_directories('../guest/mesa/include') |
| inc_utils = include_directories('../utils/include') |
| |
| if use_vulkan |
| if cc.has_header('vulkan/vulkan.h') |
| inc_vulkan_headers = include_directories() |
| else |
| inc_vulkan_headers = include_directories('../common/vulkan/include') |
| endif |
| |
| if cc.has_header('renderdoc_app.h') |
| inc_renderdoc_external = include_directories() |
| else |
| inc_renderdoc_external = include_directories('../third-party/renderdoc/include') |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| if use_magma |
| inc_magma_external = include_directories('../third-party/fuchsia/magma/include') |
| inc_magma_external_lib = include_directories('../third-party/fuchsia/magma/include/lib') |
| endif |
| |
| if cc.has_header('glm/glm.hpp') |
| inc_glm = include_directories() |
| else |
| inc_glm = include_directories('../third-party/glm/include') |
| endif |
| |
| inc_stream_servers = include_directories('.') |
| inc_host_include = include_directories('include') |
| |
| subdir('apigen-codec-common') |
| subdir('gl/gl-host-common') |
| |
| inc_gfxstream_backend = [inc_root, inc_gfxstream_include, inc_include, inc_apigen_codec, inc_utils, |
| inc_gl_host_common, inc_host_include] |
| |
| link_gfxstream_backend = [lib_gl_host_common, lib_apigen_codec] |
| |
| files_lib_gfxstream_backend = files( |
| 'Buffer.cpp', |
| 'BlobManager.cpp', |
| 'ChannelStream.cpp', |
| 'ColorBuffer.cpp', |
| 'DisplaySurface.cpp', |
| 'DisplaySurfaceUser.cpp', |
| 'Hwc2.cpp', |
| 'PostWorker.cpp', |
| 'ReadBuffer.cpp', |
| 'render_api.cpp', |
| 'RenderChannelImpl.cpp', |
| 'RenderThread.cpp', |
| 'RenderThreadInfo.cpp', |
| 'RingStream.cpp', |
| 'SyncThread.cpp', |
| 'RenderWindow.cpp', |
| 'RenderLibImpl.cpp', |
| 'RendererImpl.cpp', |
| 'FrameBuffer.cpp', |
| 'GfxStreamAgents.cpp', |
| 'virtio-gpu-gfxstream-renderer.cpp', |
| 'VirtioGpuTimelines.cpp', |
| 'VsyncThread.cpp', |
| ) |
| |
| if use_gles or use_vulkan |
| subdir('compressedTextureFormats') |
| endif |
| |
| if use_gles |
| subdir('gl') |
| |
| files_lib_gfxstream_backend += files('PostWorkerGl.cpp') |
| files_lib_gfxstream_backend += files('RenderThreadInfoGl.cpp') |
| files_lib_gfxstream_backend += files('RenderControl.cpp') |
| |
| inc_gfxstream_backend += [inc_gl_server, inc_gl_snapshot, inc_gles_translator] |
| link_gfxstream_backend += lib_gl_server |
| endif |
| |
| if use_vulkan |
| subdir('vulkan') |
| inc_gfxstream_backend += [inc_cereal, inc_cereal_common, inc_vulkan_headers, |
| inc_vulkan_server, inc_renderdoc_external] |
| link_gfxstream_backend += lib_vulkan_server |
| endif |
| |
| if use_composer |
| subdir('renderControl_dec') |
| link_gfxstream_backend += lib_composer |
| endif |
| |
| if use_magma |
| subdir('magma') |
| files_lib_gfxstream_backend += files('RenderThreadInfoMagma.cpp') |
| inc_gfxstream_backend += [inc_magma_dec, inc_magma_external] |
| link_gfxstream_backend += lib_magma_server |
| endif |
| |
| if not use_gles |
| files_lib_gfxstream_backend += files('NativeSubWindow_stub.cpp') |
| elif host_machine.system() == 'darwin' |
| files_lib_gfxstream_backend += files('NativeSubWindow_cocoa.m') |
| elif host_machine.system() == 'windows' |
| files_lib_gfxstream_backend += files('NativeSubWindow_win32.cpp') |
| elif host_machine.system() == 'linux' and use_gles |
| files_lib_gfxstream_backend += files('NativeSubWindow_x11.cpp') |
| elif host_machine.system() == 'qnx' |
| files_lib_gfxstream_backend += files( |
| 'NativeSubWindow_qnx.cpp', |
| '../qnx/host/platform_qnx.cpp', |
| ) |
| endif |
| |
| gfxstream_backend_cpp_args = [ |
| '-Wno-unused-parameter', |
| '-Wno-unused-variable', |
| '-Wno-unused-function', |
| ] |
| |
| deps_gfxstream_backend = [ |
| aemu_common_dep, |
| aemu_base_dep, |
| aemu_logging_dep, |
| aemu_snapshot_dep, |
| ] |
| |
| link_args_gfxstream_backend = '' |
| |
| if host_machine.system() == 'linux' |
| deps_gfxstream_backend += [ |
| dl_dep, |
| thread_dep, |
| ] |
| link_args_gfxstream_backend = '-Wl,-lpthread,-lrt' |
| endif |
| |
| if host_machine.system() == 'qnx' |
| deps_gfxstream_backend += [ |
| qnx_egl_dep, |
| qnx_gles2_dep, |
| qnx_screen_dep, |
| ] |
| endif |
| |
| gfxstream_backend = library( |
| 'gfxstream_backend', |
| files_lib_gfxstream_backend, |
| cpp_args: gfxstream_host_args + gfxstream_backend_cpp_args, |
| include_directories: [inc_gfxstream_backend, inc_glm], |
| gnu_symbol_visibility: 'default', |
| dependencies: deps_gfxstream_backend, |
| link_with: link_gfxstream_backend, |
| link_args : link_args_gfxstream_backend, |
| version: '0.1.2', |
| install: true, |
| ) |
| |
| install_headers(gfxstream_headers, |
| subdir: 'gfxstream') |
| |
| pkg = import('pkgconfig') |
| pkg.generate(gfxstream_backend, |
| description: 'gfxstream backend', |
| subdirs: 'gfxstream' |
| ) |