blob: 87264efce3733b6423f38eca5eee23c27773a86a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#include <vector>
#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <EGL/eglext.h>
#include <GLES/gl.h>
#include "OpenGLESDispatch/GLESv2Dispatch.h"
namespace gfxstream {
namespace gl {
// A class used to model an EGL config that is exposed to the guest.
// This really wraps a host EGLConfig handle, and provides a few cached
// attributes that can be retrieved through direct accessors, like
// getDepthSize().
// Each EmulatedEglConfig is identified by a unique id which is its index in
// an EmulatedEglConfigList instance (as declared below). It is not related to
// the host EGLConfig value or its EGL_CONFIG_ID.
// One doesn't create an EmulatedEglConfig instance. Instead, create and initialize
// an EmulatedEglConfigList from the host EGLDisplay, and use its size() and get()
// methods to access it.
class EmulatedEglConfig {
EmulatedEglConfig(EmulatedEglConfig&&) = default;
EmulatedEglConfig& operator=(EmulatedEglConfig&&) = default;
// Retrieve host EGLConfig.
EGLConfig getHostEglConfig() const { return mHostConfig; }
EGLint getGuestEglConfig() const { return mGuestConfig; }
// Get depth size in bits.
GLuint getDepthSize() const { return mAttribValues[0]; }
// Get stencil size in bits.
GLuint getStencilSize() const { return mAttribValues[1]; }
// Get renderable type mask.
GLuint getRenderableType() const { return mAttribValues[2]; }
// Get surface type mask.
GLuint getSurfaceType() const { return mAttribValues[3]; }
// Get the EGL_CONFIG_ID value. This is the same as the one of the
// underlying host EGLConfig handle.
GLint getConfigId() const { return (GLint)mAttribValues[4]; }
friend class EmulatedEglConfigList;
explicit EmulatedEglConfig(EGLint guestConfig,
EGLConfig hostConfig,
EGLDisplay hostDisplay);
EGLint mGuestConfig;
EGLConfig mHostConfig;
std::vector<GLint> mAttribValues;
// A class to model the list of EmulatedEglConfig for a given EGLDisplay, this is
// built from the list of host EGLConfig handles, filtered to only accept
// configs that are useful by the rendering library (e.g. they must support
// PBuffers and RGB pixel values).
// Usage is the following:
// 1) Create new instance by passing host EGLDisplay value.
// 2) Call empty() to check that the list is not empty, which would indicate
// an error during creation.
// 3) EmulatedEglConfig instances are identified by numbers in 0..(N-1) range, where
// N is the result of the size() method.
// 4) Convert an EmulatedEglConfig id into an EmulatedEglConfig instance with get().
// 5) Use getPackInfo() and packConfigs() to retrieve information about
// available configs to the guest.
class EmulatedEglConfigList {
// Create a new list of EmulatedEglConfig instance, by querying all compatible
// host configs from |display|. A compatible config is one that supports
// Pbuffers and RGB pixel values.
// After construction, call empty() to check if there are items.
// An empty list means there was an error during construction.
explicit EmulatedEglConfigList(EGLDisplay display,
GLESDispatchMaxVersion dispatchMaxVersion);
// Return true iff the list is empty. true means there was an error
// during construction.
bool empty() const { return mConfigs.empty(); }
// Return the number of EmulatedEglConfig instances in the list.
// Each instance is identified by a number from 0 to N-1,
// where N is the result of this function.
size_t size() const { return mConfigs.size(); }
// Retrieve the EmulatedEglConfig instance associated with |guestId|,
// which must be an integer between 0 and |size() - 1|. Returns
// NULL in case of failure.
const EmulatedEglConfig* get(int guestId) const {
if (guestId >= 0 && guestId < mConfigs.size()) {
return &mConfigs[guestId];
} else {
return NULL;
std::vector<EmulatedEglConfig>::const_iterator begin() const { return mConfigs.begin(); }
std::vector<EmulatedEglConfig>::const_iterator end() const { return mConfigs.end(); }
// Use |attribs| a list of EGL attribute name/values terminated by
// EGL_NONE, to select a set of matching EmulatedEglConfig instances.
// On success, returns the number of matching instances.
// If |configs| is not NULL, it will be populated with the guest IDs
// of the matched EmulatedEglConfig instances.
// |configsSize| is the number of entries in the |configs| array. The
// function will never write more than |configsSize| entries into
// |configsSize|.
EGLint chooseConfig(const EGLint* attribs,
EGLint* configs,
EGLint configsSize) const;
// Retrieve information that can be sent to the guest before packed
// config list information. If |numConfigs| is NULL, then |*numConfigs|
// will be set on return to the number of config instances.
// If |numAttribs| is not NULL, then |*numAttribs| will be set on return
// to the number of attribute values cached by each EmulatedEglConfig instance.
void getPackInfo(EGLint* mumConfigs, EGLint* numAttribs) const;
// Write the full list information into an array of EGLuint items.
// |buffer| is the output buffer that will receive the data.
// |bufferByteSize| is the buffer size in bytes.
// On success, this returns
EGLint packConfigs(GLuint bufferByteSize, GLuint* buffer) const;
EmulatedEglConfigList(const EmulatedEglConfigList& other) = delete;
std::vector<EmulatedEglConfig> mConfigs;
EGLDisplay mDisplay = 0;
GLESDispatchMaxVersion mGlesDispatchMaxVersion;
} // namespace gl
} // namespace gfxstream