blob: b91c747b86db51528a4af5cced68c959aef179f0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
extern "C" {
#include "gfxstream/virtio-gpu-gfxstream-renderer-unstable.h"
#include "gfxstream/virtio-gpu-gfxstream-renderer.h"
#include "host-common/goldfish_pipe.h"
} // extern "C"
#include "VirtioGpu.h"
#include "VirtioGpuContext.h"
#include "VirtioGpuFormatUtils.h"
#include "VirtioGpuFrontendSnapshot.pb.h"
#include "VirtioGpuResource.h"
#include "VirtioGpuTimelines.h"
#include "gfxstream/host/Features.h"
#include "host-common/address_space_device.h"
namespace gfxstream {
namespace host {
class CleanupThread;
class VirtioGpuFrontend {
int init(void* cookie, gfxstream::host::FeatureSet features,
stream_renderer_fence_callback fence_callback);
void teardown();
int createContext(VirtioGpuContextId ctx_id, uint32_t nlen, const char* name,
uint32_t context_init);
int destroyContext(VirtioGpuContextId handle);
int addressSpaceProcessCmd(VirtioGpuContextId ctxId, uint32_t* dwords);
int submitCmd(struct stream_renderer_command* cmd);
int createFence(uint64_t fence_id, const VirtioGpuRing& ring);
int acquireContextFence(uint32_t ctx_id, uint64_t fenceId);
void poll();
int createResource(struct stream_renderer_resource_create_args* args, struct iovec* iov,
uint32_t num_iovs);
int importResource(uint32_t res_handle, const struct stream_renderer_handle* import_handle,
const struct stream_renderer_import_data* import_data);
void unrefResource(uint32_t toUnrefId);
int attachIov(int resId, iovec* iov, int num_iovs);
void detachIov(int resId);
int transferReadIov(int resId, uint64_t offset, stream_renderer_box* box, struct iovec* iov,
int iovec_cnt);
int transferWriteIov(int resId, uint64_t offset, stream_renderer_box* box, struct iovec* iov,
int iovec_cnt);
void getCapset(uint32_t set, uint32_t* max_size);
void fillCaps(uint32_t set, void* caps);
void attachResource(uint32_t ctxId, uint32_t resId);
void detachResource(uint32_t ctxId, uint32_t toUnrefId);
int getResourceInfo(uint32_t resId, struct stream_renderer_resource_info* info);
void flushResource(uint32_t res_handle);
int createRingBlob(VirtioGpuResource& entry, uint32_t res_handle,
const struct stream_renderer_create_blob* create_blob,
const struct stream_renderer_handle* handle);
int createBlob(uint32_t ctx_id, uint32_t res_handle,
const struct stream_renderer_create_blob* create_blob,
const struct stream_renderer_handle* handle);
int resourceMap(uint32_t resourceId, void** hvaOut, uint64_t* sizeOut);
int resourceUnmap(uint32_t res_handle);
void* platformCreateSharedEglContext();
int platformDestroySharedEglContext(void* context);
int waitSyncResource(uint32_t res_handle);
int resourceMapInfo(uint32_t resourceId, uint32_t* map_info);
int exportBlob(uint32_t resourceId, struct stream_renderer_handle* handle);
int exportFence(uint64_t fenceId, struct stream_renderer_handle* handle);
int vulkanInfo(uint32_t res_handle, struct stream_renderer_vulkan_info* vulkan_info);
int snapshot(const char* directory);
int restore(const char* directory);
void setServiceOps(const GoldfishPipeServiceOps* ops);
#endif // CONFIG_AEMU
VirtioGpuTimelines::FenceCompletionCallback getFenceCompletionCallback();
int destroyVirtioGpuObjects();
int snapshotRenderer(const char* directory);
int snapshotFrontend(const char* directory);
int snapshotAsg(const char* directory);
int restoreRenderer(const char* directory);
int restoreFrontend(const char* directory);
int restoreAsg(const char* directory);
int resetPipe(VirtioGpuContextId contextId, GoldfishHostPipe* hostPipe);
const GoldfishPipeServiceOps* ensureAndGetServiceOps();
void* mCookie = nullptr;
gfxstream::host::FeatureSet mFeatures;
stream_renderer_fence_callback mFenceCallback;
uint32_t mPageSize = 4096;
struct ::address_space_device_control_ops* mAddressSpaceDeviceControlOps = nullptr;
const GoldfishPipeServiceOps* mServiceOps = nullptr;
// State that is preserved across snapshots:
// LINT.IfChange(virtio_gpu_frontend)
std::unordered_map<VirtioGpuContextId, VirtioGpuContext> mContexts;
std::unordered_map<VirtioGpuResourceId, VirtioGpuResource> mResources;
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, std::shared_ptr<SyncDescriptorInfo>> mSyncMap;
// When we wait for gpu or wait for gpu vulkan, the next (and subsequent)
// fences created for that context should not be signaled immediately.
// Rather, they should get in line.
std::unique_ptr<VirtioGpuTimelines> mVirtioGpuTimelines = nullptr;
// LINT.ThenChange(VirtioGpuFrontend.h:virtio_gpu_frontend)
std::unique_ptr<CleanupThread> mCleanupThread;
} // namespace host
} // namespace gfxstream