| #%define moduledir %(pkg-config xorg-server --variable=moduledir) |
| %define libversion 1.0.11 |
| |
| Name: libva |
| Version: %{libversion} |
| Release: 0.0 |
| License: MIT |
| Source: %{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2 |
| NoSource: 0 |
| Group: Development/Libraries |
| Summary: Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux |
| URL: http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/vaapi |
| BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build |
| |
| Requires: xorg-x11-server-Xorg |
| |
| Requires: /sbin/ldconfig |
| BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xv) |
| BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xrandr) |
| BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xorg-server) |
| BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libdrm) |
| BuildRequires: pkgconfig(x11) |
| BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xext) |
| BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xdamage) |
| BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xfixes) |
| BuildRequires: pkgconfig(dri2proto) |
| BuildRequires: pkgconfig(damageproto) |
| BuildRequires: pkgconfig(kbproto) |
| BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xextproto) |
| BuildRequires: pkgconfig(fixesproto) |
| BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xproto) |
| BuildRequires: pkgconfig(gl) |
| BuildRequires: libtool |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| %description |
| The libva library implements the Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux. |
| The library loads a hardware dependendent driver. |
| |
| %package devel |
| Summary: Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux -- development files |
| Group: Development/Libraries |
| Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} |
| Requires: pkgconfig |
| |
| %description devel |
| The libva library implements the Video Acceleration (VA) API for Linux. |
| The library loads a hardware dependendent driver. |
| |
| This package provides the development environment for libva. |
| |
| %prep |
| %setup -q |
| |
| %build |
| unset LD_AS_NEEDED |
| %autogen |
| make |
| |
| %install |
| %make_install |
| |
| %clean |
| rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT |
| |
| %post -p /sbin/ldconfig |
| %postun -p /sbin/ldconfig |
| |
| %files |
| %defattr(-,root,root,-) |
| %{_libdir}/libva.so.1 |
| %{_libdir}/libva.so.%{libversion} |
| %{_libdir}/libva-tpi.so.1 |
| %{_libdir}/libva-tpi.so.%{libversion} |
| %{_libdir}/libva-x11.so.1 |
| %{_libdir}/libva-x11.so.%{libversion} |
| %{_libdir}/libva-glx.so.1 |
| %{_libdir}/libva-glx.so.%{libversion} |
| %{_libdir}/libva-egl.so.1 |
| %{_libdir}/libva-egl.so.%{libversion} |
| %{_bindir}/vainfo |
| %{_bindir}/test_* |
| %{_bindir}/h264encode |
| %{_bindir}/mpeg2vldemo |
| %{_bindir}/putsurface |
| |
| %{_libdir}/dri/dummy_drv_video.so |
| |
| %files devel |
| %defattr(-,root,root,-) |
| %dir %{_includedir}/va |
| %{_includedir}/va/* |
| %{_libdir}/libva.so |
| %{_libdir}/libva-tpi.so |
| %{_libdir}/libva-x11.so |
| %{_libdir}/libva-glx.so |
| %{_libdir}/libva-egl.so |
| %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libva.pc |
| %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libva-tpi.pc |
| %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libva-x11.pc |
| %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libva-glx.pc |
| %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/libva-egl.pc |
| |
| %changelog |
| * Tue Jan 25 2011 Austin Yuan <[email protected]> 1.0.1 |
| - Updated libva source to 1.0.8 |
| * Wed Dec 23 2009 Prajwal Mohan <[email protected]> 1.0.1 |
| - Updated libva source to IMG Alpha7 |
| * Fri Dec 18 2009 Prajwal Mohan <[email protected]> 0.31.0 |
| - Updated libva source to IMG Alpha6 |
| * Tue Nov 24 2009 Prajwal Mohan <[email protected]> 0.31.0 |
| - Updated libva source |
| * Mon Nov 9 2009 Prajwal Mohan <[email protected]> 0.31.0 |
| - Update to version 0.31.0 |
| * Tue Jul 7 2009 Prajwal Mohan <[email protected]> 0.30.4 |
| - Update to version 0.30.4 |
| * Wed Jun 24 2009 Prajwal Mohan <[email protected]> 0.30.20090618 |
| - Update to version 0.30.20090618_Alpha2.3 |
| * Thu Jun 11 2009 Priya Vijayan <[email protected]> 0.30.20090608 |
| - Update to version 0.30.20090608 |
| * Tue Jun 2 2009 Anas Nashif <[email protected]> - 0.30~20090514 |
| - unset LD_AS_NEEDED |
| * Fri May 15 2009 Anas Nashif <[email protected]> 0.30~20090514 |
| - Update to latest snapshot 20090514 |
| * Wed Apr 29 2009 Anas Nashif <[email protected]> 0.30~20090428 |
| - Update to 20090428 snpashot |
| * Sun Apr 26 2009 Anas Nashif <[email protected]> 0.30~20090423 |
| - Update libva.pc with new includedir |
| * Sun Apr 26 2009 Anas Nashif <[email protected]> 0.30~20090423 |
| - Update to latest snapshot 20090423 |
| * Sun Apr 26 2009 Anas Nashif <[email protected]> 0.30~20090423 |
| - Update to latest snapshot: 20090423 |
| * Mon Mar 23 2009 Anas Nashif <[email protected]> 0.30~20090323 |
| - Update to 0.30~20090323 |
| * Fri Jan 16 2009 Priya Vijayan <[email protected]> 0.31 |
| - Fixing vainfo.c |
| * Fri Jan 16 2009 Priya Vijayan <[email protected]> 0.31 |
| - fixing va_backend.h |
| * Fri Jan 16 2009 Priya Vijayan <[email protected]> 0.31 |
| - Updating source |
| * Tue Jan 6 2009 Priya Vijayan <[email protected]> 0.30 |
| - Update to 0.28-working combination with X Server |
| * Fri Dec 19 2008 Priya Vijayan <[email protected]> 0.30.0 |
| - Added definition of FOURCC IYUV |
| * Dec 16 2008 Priya Vijayan <[email protected]> |
| - Initial Import to MRST |
| * Mon Oct 13 2008 [email protected] |
| - packaged mrst-video-decode-src version 0.0.1 using the buildservice spec file wizard |