blob: f57a6682f94db6e9b78fcadabd0b5e96928bb06c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "KeymasterHidlTest.h"
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace keymaster {
namespace V4_0 {
namespace test {
* HmacKeySharingTest extends KeymasterHidlTest with some utilities that make writing HMAC sharing
* tests easier.
class HmacKeySharingTest : public KeymasterHidlTest {
const std::vector<sp<IKeymasterDevice>>& allKeymasters() {
if (all_keymasters_.empty()) {
auto names = android::hardware::getAllHalInstanceNames(IKeymasterDevice::descriptor);
for (const auto& name : names) {
return all_keymasters_;
struct GetParamsResult {
ErrorCode error;
HmacSharingParameters params;
auto tie() { return std::tie(error, params); }
struct ComputeHmacResult {
ErrorCode error;
HidlBuf sharing_check;
auto tie() { return std::tie(error, sharing_check); }
using KeymasterVec = std::vector<sp<IKeymasterDevice>>;
using ByteString = std::basic_string<uint8_t>;
// using NonceVec = std::vector<HidlBuf>;
GetParamsResult getHmacSharingParameters(IKeymasterDevice& keymaster) {
GetParamsResult result;
.getHmacSharingParameters([&](auto error, auto params) {
result.tie() = std::tie(error, params);
return result;
hidl_vec<HmacSharingParameters> getHmacSharingParameters(const KeymasterVec& keymasters) {
std::vector<HmacSharingParameters> paramsVec;
for (auto& keymaster : keymasters) {
auto result = getHmacSharingParameters(*keymaster);
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::OK, result.error);
if (result.error == ErrorCode::OK) paramsVec.push_back(std::move(result.params));
return paramsVec;
ComputeHmacResult computeSharedHmac(IKeymasterDevice& keymaster,
const hidl_vec<HmacSharingParameters>& params) {
ComputeHmacResult result;
[&](auto error, auto params) {
result.tie() = std::tie(error, params);
return result;
std::vector<ComputeHmacResult> computeSharedHmac(
const KeymasterVec& keymasters, const hidl_vec<HmacSharingParameters>& paramsVec) {
std::vector<ComputeHmacResult> resultVec;
for (auto& keymaster : keymasters) {
resultVec.push_back(computeSharedHmac(*keymaster, paramsVec));
return resultVec;
std::vector<ByteString> copyNonces(const hidl_vec<HmacSharingParameters>& paramsVec) {
std::vector<ByteString> nonces;
for (auto& param : paramsVec) {
nonces.emplace_back(, param.nonce.size());
return nonces;
void verifyResponses(const HidlBuf& expected, const std::vector<ComputeHmacResult>& responses) {
for (auto& response : responses) {
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::OK, response.error);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, response.sharing_check) << "Sharing check values should match.";
static std::vector<sp<IKeymasterDevice>> all_keymasters_;
std::vector<sp<IKeymasterDevice>> HmacKeySharingTest::all_keymasters_;
TEST_P(HmacKeySharingTest, GetParameters) {
auto result1 = getHmacSharingParameters(keymaster());
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::OK, result1.error);
auto result2 = getHmacSharingParameters(keymaster());
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::OK, result2.error);
ASSERT_EQ(result1.params.seed, result2.params.seed)
<< "A given keymaster should always return the same seed.";
ASSERT_EQ(result1.params.nonce, result2.params.nonce)
<< "A given keymaster should always return the same nonce until restart.";
TEST_P(HmacKeySharingTest, ComputeSharedHmac) {
auto params = getHmacSharingParameters(allKeymasters());
ASSERT_EQ(allKeymasters().size(), params.size())
<< "One or more keymasters failed to provide parameters.";
auto nonces = copyNonces(params);
EXPECT_EQ(allKeymasters().size(), nonces.size());
std::sort(nonces.begin(), nonces.end());
std::unique(nonces.begin(), nonces.end());
EXPECT_EQ(allKeymasters().size(), nonces.size());
auto responses = computeSharedHmac(allKeymasters(), params);
ASSERT_GT(responses.size(), 0U);
verifyResponses(responses[0].sharing_check, responses);
// Do it a second time. Should get the same answers.
params = getHmacSharingParameters(allKeymasters());
ASSERT_EQ(allKeymasters().size(), params.size())
<< "One or more keymasters failed to provide parameters.";
responses = computeSharedHmac(allKeymasters(), params);
ASSERT_GT(responses.size(), 0U);
ASSERT_EQ(32U, responses[0].sharing_check.size());
verifyResponses(responses[0].sharing_check, responses);
template <class F>
class final_action {
explicit final_action(F f) : f_(std::move(f)) {}
~final_action() { f_(); }
F f_;
template <class F>
inline final_action<F> finally(const F& f) {
return final_action<F>(f);
TEST_P(HmacKeySharingTest, ComputeSharedHmacCorruptNonce) {
// Important: The execution of this test gets the keymaster implementations on the device out of
// sync with respect to the HMAC key. Granted that VTS tests aren't run on in-use production
// devices, this still has the potential to cause confusion. To mitigate that, we always
// (barring crashes :-/) re-run the unmodified agreement process on our way out.
auto fixup_hmac = finally([&]() {
computeSharedHmac(allKeymasters(), getHmacSharingParameters(allKeymasters()));
auto params = getHmacSharingParameters(allKeymasters());
ASSERT_EQ(allKeymasters().size(), params.size())
<< "One or more keymasters failed to provide parameters.";
// All should be well in the normal case
auto responses = computeSharedHmac(allKeymasters(), params);
ASSERT_GT(responses.size(), 0U);
HidlBuf correct_response = responses[0].sharing_check;
verifyResponses(correct_response, responses);
// Pick a random param, a random byte within the param's nonce, and a random bit within
// the byte. Flip that bit.
size_t param_to_tweak = rand() % params.size();
uint8_t byte_to_tweak = rand() % sizeof(params[param_to_tweak].nonce);
uint8_t bit_to_tweak = rand() % 8;
params[param_to_tweak].nonce[byte_to_tweak] ^= (1 << bit_to_tweak);
responses = computeSharedHmac(allKeymasters(), params);
for (size_t i = 0; i < responses.size(); ++i) {
if (i == param_to_tweak) {
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT, responses[i].error)
<< "Keymaster that provided tweaked param should fail to compute HMAC key";
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::OK, responses[i].error) << "Others should succeed";
EXPECT_NE(correct_response, responses[i].sharing_check)
<< "Others should calculate a different HMAC key, due to the tweaked nonce.";
TEST_P(HmacKeySharingTest, ComputeSharedHmacCorruptSeed) {
// Important: The execution of this test gets the keymaster implementations on the device out of
// sync with respect to the HMAC key. Granted that VTS tests aren't run on in-use production
// devices, this still has the potential to cause confusion. To mitigate that, we always
// (barring crashes :-/) re-run the unmodified agreement process on our way out.
auto fixup_hmac = finally([&]() {
computeSharedHmac(allKeymasters(), getHmacSharingParameters(allKeymasters()));
auto params = getHmacSharingParameters(allKeymasters());
ASSERT_EQ(allKeymasters().size(), params.size())
<< "One or more keymasters failed to provide parameters.";
// All should be well in the normal case
auto responses = computeSharedHmac(allKeymasters(), params);
ASSERT_GT(responses.size(), 0U);
HidlBuf correct_response = responses[0].sharing_check;
verifyResponses(correct_response, responses);
// Pick a random param and modify the seed. We just increase the seed length by 1. It doesn't
// matter what value is in the additional byte; it changes the seed regardless.
auto param_to_tweak = rand() % params.size();
auto& to_tweak = params[param_to_tweak].seed;
ASSERT_TRUE(to_tweak.size() == 32 || to_tweak.size() == 0);
if (!to_tweak.size()) {
to_tweak.resize(32); // Contents don't matter; a little randomization is nice.
responses = computeSharedHmac(allKeymasters(), params);
for (size_t i = 0; i < responses.size(); ++i) {
if (i == param_to_tweak) {
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT, responses[i].error)
<< "Keymaster that provided tweaked param should fail to compute HMAC key ";
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(ErrorCode::OK, responses[i].error) << "Others should succeed";
EXPECT_NE(correct_response, responses[i].sharing_check)
<< "Others should calculate a different HMAC key, due to the tweaked nonce.";
} // namespace test
} // namespace V4_0
} // namespace keymaster
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android