| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <!-- Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project |
| |
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| --> |
| <xs:schema version="2.0" |
| elementFormDefault="qualified" |
| attributeFormDefault="unqualified" |
| xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> |
| <!-- List the dynamic config versions supported by tuner testing. --> |
| <xs:simpleType name="version"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="1.0"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| |
| <xs:simpleType name="frontendId"> |
| <!-- Frontend id must be either FE_DEFAULT or FE_TYPE_NUM |
| <frontend id="FE_DVBS_0"/> |
| --> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:pattern value="FE_DEFAULT|FE_[A-Z]+_[0-9]+"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| |
| <xs:simpleType name="frontendTypeEnum"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="UNDEFINED" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="ANALOG" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="ATSC" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="ATSC3"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="DVBC"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="DVBS"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="DVBT"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="ISDBS"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="ISDBS3"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="ISDBT"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="DTMB"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:simpleType name="dvbsScanType"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="UNDEFINED" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="DIRECT" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="DISEQC" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="UNICABLE"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="JESS"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| |
| <xs:complexType name="dvbtFrontendSettings"> |
| <xs:attribute name="bandwidth" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="constellation" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="guardInterval" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="hierarchy" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="hpCoderate" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="lpCoderate" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="isHighPriority" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="isMiso" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="plpGroupId" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="plpId" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="plpMode" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="standard" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="transmissionMode" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:complexType name="dvbsFrontendSettings"> |
| <xs:attribute name="inputStreamId" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="symbolRate" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="scanType" type="dvbsScanType" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="isDiseqcRxMessage" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="inversion" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="modulation" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="pilot" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="standard" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="vcmMode" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="rolloff" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:complexType name="atscFrontendSettings"> |
| <xs:attribute name="inversion" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="modulation" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:complexType name="isdbsFrontendSettings"> |
| <xs:attribute name="streamId" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="symbolRate" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="streamIdType" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="modulation" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="coderate" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="rolloff" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:complexType name="isdbtFrontendSettings"> |
| <xs:attribute name="serviceAreaId" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="inversion" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="bandwidth" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="mode" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="guardInterval" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="partialReceptionFlag" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:element name="FrontendIsdbtLayerSettings" type="FrontendIsdbtLayerSettings"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:complexType name="FrontendIsdbtLayerSettings"> |
| <xs:attribute name="modulation" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="coderate" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="timeInterleave" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="numOfSegment" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| |
| <xs:complexType name="frontend"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation> |
| Each frontend element contain the following attributes: |
| "id": unique id of the frontend that could be used to connect to the test the |
| "dataFlowConfiguration" |
| "type": the frontend type. The enums are defined in the xsd. |
| "isSoftwareFrontend": if the test environment is using hardware or software |
| frontend. If using software, a ts input file path needs to be configured. |
| "softwareFeInputPath": used as the source of the software frontend. |
| "connectToCicamId": if the device supports frontend connecting to cicam, the |
| target cicam id needs to be configured here. Supported in Tuner 1.1 or |
| higher. |
| "removeOutputPid": the unnecessary PID will be filtered out from frontend |
| output. Supported in Tuner 2.0 or higher. |
| "frequency": the frequency used to configure tune and scan. |
| "endFrequency": the end frequency of scan. Supported in Tuner 1.1 or higher. |
| |
| Each frontend element also contains at most one type-related "frontendSettings". |
| - The settings type should match the frontend "type" attribute. |
| - For example, when frontend type="DVBT", dvbtFrontendSettings can be |
| configured. |
| - This is optional and skipping the settings would pass a setting with frequency |
| config only to the hal. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <!-- TODO: b/182519645 finish all the frontend settings structures. --> |
| <!--xs:element name="analog" type="analogSettings"/--> |
| <xs:element name="atscFrontendSettings" type="atscFrontendSettings"/> |
| <!--xs:element name="atsc3" type="atsc3Settings"/> |
| <xs:element name="dvbc" type="dvbcSettings"/--> |
| <xs:element name="dvbsFrontendSettings" type="dvbsFrontendSettings"/> |
| <xs:element name="dvbtFrontendSettings" type="dvbtFrontendSettings"/> |
| <xs:element name="isdbsFrontendSettings" type="isdbsFrontendSettings"/> |
| <!--xs:element name="isdbs3" type="isdbs3Settings"/--> |
| <xs:element name="isdbtFrontendSettings" type="isdbtFrontendSettings"/> |
| <!--xs:element name="dtmb" type="dtmbSettings"/--> |
| </xs:choice> |
| <xs:attribute name="id" type="frontendId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="type" type="frontendTypeEnum" use="required"/> |
| <!-- A dvr connection is required in the data flow config section when |
| "isSoftwareFrontend" is true. --> |
| <xs:attribute name="isSoftwareFrontend" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="frequency" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="connectToCicamId" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="removeOutputPid" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="endFrequency" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="supportBlindScan" type="xs:boolean" use="optional"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| |
| <!-- FILTER SESSION --> |
| <xs:simpleType name="filterId"> |
| <!-- Filter id must be either FILTER_AUDIO_DEFAULT or FILTER_VIDEO_DEFAULT |
| <filter id="FILTER_TS_AUDIO_0"/> |
| --> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:pattern value="FILTER_AUDIO_DEFAULT|FILTER_VIDEO_DEFAULT|FILTER_[A-Z]+_[A-Z]+_[0-9]+"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <!-- A list of filter ids that could be used in the data flow configurations to connect |
| filters under testing. --> |
| <xs:simpleType name="filterConnections"> |
| <xs:list itemType="filterId" /> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <!-- DemuxFilterRecordSettings::tsIndexMask --> |
| <xs:simpleType name="tsIndexMask"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:integer"> |
| <xs:minInclusive value="0"/> |
| <xs:maxInclusive value="8191"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <!-- DemuxFilterRecordSettings::scIndexType --> |
| <xs:simpleType name="scIndexTypeEnum"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="NONE" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="SC" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="SC_HEVC"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:simpleType name="monitoEvents"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:integer"> |
| <xs:minInclusive value="0"/> |
| <xs:maxInclusive value="3"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| |
| <xs:simpleType name="filterMainTypeEnum"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="TS" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="MMTP" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="IP"/> |
| <!-- TODO: b/182519645 Support TLV/ALP filter config |
| <xs:enumeration value="TLV"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="ALP"/--> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:simpleType name="filterSubTypeEnum"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="UNDEFINED" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="SECTION" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="PES" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="TS"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="VIDEO"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="PCR"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="RECORD"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="TEMI"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="MMTP"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="DOWNLOAD"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="IP"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="NTP"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="IP_PAYLOAD"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="PAYLOAD_THROUGH"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| |
| <xs:simpleType name="ip"> |
| <xs:list itemType="xs:unsignedByte"/> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:complexType name="ipAddress"> |
| <xs:attribute name="isIpV4" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="ip" type="ip" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:complexType name="ipFilterConfig"> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="srcIpAddress" type="ipAddress" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> |
| <xs:element name="destIpAddress" type="ipAddress" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| <xs:attribute name="srcPort" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="destPort" type="xs:unsignedInt" use="optional"/> |
| <!-- True if the ip filter data goes to the next filter directly --> |
| <xs:attribute name="dataPassthrough" type="xs:boolean" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="ipCid" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| |
| <xs:complexType name="avFilterSettings"> |
| <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:element name="audioStreamType" type="xs:unsignedByte"/> |
| <xs:element name="videoStreamType" type="xs:unsignedByte"/> |
| </xs:choice> |
| <xs:attribute name="isPassthrough" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="isSecureMemory" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:complexType name="sectionFilterSettings"> |
| <xs:attribute name="isCheckCrc" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="isRepeat" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="isRaw" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="bitWidthOfLengthField" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:complexType name="recordFilterSettings"> |
| <xs:attribute name="tsIndexMask" type="tsIndexMask" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="scIndexType" type="scIndexTypeEnum" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| |
| <xs:complexType name="filter"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation> |
| Each filter element contain the following attributes: |
| "id": unique id of the filter that could be used to connect to the test the |
| "dataFlowConfiguration" |
| "mainType": the main filter type. The enums are defined in the xsd. |
| "subType": the sub filter type. The enums are defined in the xsd. |
| "bufferSize": the buffer size of the filter in hex. |
| "pid": the pid that would be used to configure the filter. |
| "useFMQ": if the filter uses FMQ. |
| "timeDelayInMs": the filter's time delay hint. 0 by default. Must not be |
| longer than 30 seconds. |
| "dataDelayInBytes": the filter's data delay hint. 0 by default. Configured data |
| size must be received within 30 seconds. |
| |
| Each filter element also contains at most one type-related "filterSettings". |
| - The settings type should match the filter "subType" attribute. |
| - For example, when filter subType is audio or video, the avFilterSettings |
| can be configured. |
| - This is optional and skipping the settings would pass a setting with tpid |
| config only to the hal. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <!-- Main filter type related config --> |
| <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:element name="ipFilterConfig" type="ipFilterConfig"/> |
| </xs:choice> |
| <!-- Sub filter type related config --> |
| <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <!-- TODO: b/182519645 finish all the filter settings structures. --> |
| <xs:element name="sectionFilterSettings" type="sectionFilterSettings"/> |
| <xs:element name="avFilterSettings" type="avFilterSettings"/> |
| <xs:element name="recordFilterSettings" type="recordFilterSettings"/> |
| <!--xs:element name="pes" type="pesFilterSettings"/> |
| <xs:element name="download" type="downloadFilterSettings"/--> |
| </xs:choice> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| <xs:attribute name="id" type="filterId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="mainType" type="filterMainTypeEnum" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="subType" type="filterSubTypeEnum" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="bufferSize" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="pid" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="useFMQ" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="monitorEventTypes" type="monitoEvents" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="timeDelayInMs" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="dataDelayInBytes" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="optional"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| |
| <!-- DVR SESSION --> |
| <xs:simpleType name="dvrId"> |
| <!-- Dvr id must be DVR_TYPE_NUM. <dvr id="DVR_PLAYBACK_0"/> --> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:pattern value="DVR_RECORD_[0-9]+|DVR_PLAYBACK_[0-9]+"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:simpleType name="dvrStatusMask"> |
| <!-- Dvr status mask must masking the <dvrStatusEnum> --> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:integer"> |
| <xs:minInclusive value="0"/> |
| <xs:maxInclusive value="15"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| |
| <xs:simpleType name="dvrStatusEnum"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="DATA_READY" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="LOW_WATER" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="HIGH_WATER" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="OVERFLOW" /> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:simpleType name="dvrTypeEnum"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="PLAYBACK" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="RECORD" /> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:simpleType name="dvrDataFormatEnum"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="TS" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="PES" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="ES" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="SHV_TLV" /> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| |
| <xs:complexType name="dvr"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation> |
| Each dvr element contain the following attributes: |
| "id": unique id of the dvr that could be used to connect to the test the |
| "dataFlowConfiguration" |
| "type": the dvr type. |
| "bufferSize": the dvr buffer size. |
| "statusMask": register callbacks of specific status. |
| "lowThreshold": the dvr status low threshold. |
| "highThreshold": the dvr status high threshold. |
| "dataFormat": the dvr data format. |
| "packetSize": the dvr packet size. |
| "inputFilePath": the dvr playback input file path. Only required in playback |
| dvr. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:attribute name="id" type="dvrId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="type" type="dvrTypeEnum" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="bufferSize" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="statusMask" type="dvrStatusMask" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="lowThreshold" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="highThreshold" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="dataFormat" type="dvrDataFormatEnum" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="packetSize" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="inputFilePath" type="xs:anyURI" use="optional"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| |
| <!-- LNB SESSION --> |
| <xs:simpleType name="lnbId"> |
| <!-- Lnb id must be LNB_NUM: <lnb id="LNB_10"/> --> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:pattern value="LNB_[0-9]+"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| |
| <xs:simpleType name="lnbVoltageEnum"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="NONE" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="VOLTAGE_5V" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="VOLTAGE_11V" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="VOLTAGE_12V"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="VOLTAGE_13V"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="VOLTAGE_14V"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="VOLTAGE_15V"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="VOLTAGE_18V"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="VOLTAGE_19V"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:simpleType name="lnbToneEnum"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="NONE" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="CONTINUOUS" /> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:simpleType name="lnbPositionEnum"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="UNDEFINED" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="POSITION_A" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="POSITION_B" /> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| |
| <!-- Diseqc Messages that would be used to send to the lnb under test. --> |
| <xs:simpleType name="diseqcMsgName"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:pattern value="[A-Z_]+"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:simpleType name="diseqcMsgBody"> |
| <xs:list itemType="xs:unsignedByte"/> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:complexType name="diseqcMessage"> |
| <xs:attribute name="msgName" type="diseqcMsgName"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="msgBody" type="diseqcMsgBody"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:simpleType name="diseqcMsgSender"> |
| <xs:list itemType="diseqcMsgName"/> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| |
| <xs:complexType name="lnb"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation> |
| Each lnb element contain the following attributes: |
| "id": unique id of the lnb that could be used to connect to the test the |
| "dataFlowConfiguration" |
| "name": the external lnb device name. |
| "voltage": the voltage used to config the lnb. |
| "tone": the voltage used to config the lnb. |
| "position": the voltage used to config the lnb. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:attribute name="id" type="lnbId" use="required"/> |
| <!-- Only required on external lnb with no device id. --> |
| <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="voltage" type="lnbVoltageEnum" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="tone" type="lnbToneEnum" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="position" type="lnbPositionEnum" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| |
| <xs:simpleType name="timeFilterId"> |
| <!-- Time Filter id must be TIME_FILTER_NUM: <timeFilter id="TIME_FILTER_1"/> --> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:pattern value="TIME_FILTER_[0-9]+"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| |
| <xs:complexType name="timeFilter"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation> |
| Each timeFilter element contain the following attributes: |
| "id": unique id of the time filter that could be used to connect to the test the |
| "dataFlowConfiguration" |
| "timeStamp": the time stamp used to config the time filter. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:attribute name="id" type="timeFilterId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="timeStamp" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| |
| <xs:simpleType name="descramblerId"> |
| <!-- Descrambler id must be DESCRAMBLER_NUM: <descrambler id="DESCRAMBLER_2"/> --> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:pattern value="DESCRAMBLER_[0-9]+"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:simpleType name="sessionPrivateData"> |
| <xs:list itemType="xs:unsignedByte"/> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| |
| <xs:complexType name="descrambler"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation> |
| Each descrambler element contain the following attributes: |
| "id": unique id of the descrambler that could be used to connect to the test the |
| "dataFlowConfiguration" |
| "casSystemId": the cas system id to connect to the descrambler. |
| "provisionStr": the provision string to use with the cas plugin. |
| "sesstionPrivatData": the session private data used to open the cas session. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:attribute name="id" type="descramblerId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="casSystemId" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="provisionStr" type="xs:string" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="sesstionPrivatData" type="sessionPrivateData" use="optional"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| |
| <xs:complexType name="hardwareConfiguration"> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="frontends" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation xml:lang="en"> |
| This section contains configurations of all the frontends that would be |
| used in the tests. |
| - This section is optional and can be skipped to use the default |
| fe settings. |
| - The default settings can be found in the |
| sample_tuner_vts_configurations.xml. |
| - The users can also override the default frontend settings using |
| id="FE_DEFAULT". |
| - The users can configure 1 or more frontend elements in the |
| frontends sections. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="frontend" type="frontend" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="filters" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation xml:lang="en"> |
| This section contains configurations of all the filters that would be |
| used in the tests. |
| - This section is optional and can be skipped to use the default |
| filter settings. |
| - The default settings can be found in the |
| sample_tuner_vts_configurations.xml. |
| - The users can also override the default filter settings using |
| - The users can configure 1 or more filter elements in the filters |
| sections. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="filter" type="filter" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="dvrs" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation xml:lang="en"> |
| This section contains configurations of all the dvrs that would be used |
| in the tests. |
| - This section is optional and can be skipped if the device does |
| not support dvr. |
| - The users can configure 1 or more dvr elements in the dvrs |
| sections. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="dvr" type="dvr" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="diseqcMessages" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation xml:lang="en"> |
| This section contains configurations of all the diseqc messages that |
| would be used in the lnb tests. |
| - This section is optional and can be skipped if lnb is not suppoted |
| - The users can configure 1 or more message elements in the |
| diseqcMessages sections. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="diseqcMessage" type="diseqcMessage" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="lnbs" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation xml:lang="en"> |
| This section contains configurations of all the lnbs that would be used |
| in the tests. |
| - This section is optional and can be skipped if lnb is not suppoted |
| - The users can configure 1 or more lnb elements in the lnbs |
| sections. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="lnb" type="lnb" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="timeFilters" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation xml:lang="en"> |
| This section contains configurations of all the time filters that would |
| be used in the tests. |
| - This section is optional and can be skipped if time filter is |
| not supported. |
| - The users can configure 1 or more time filter elements in the |
| time filters sections. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="timeFilter" type="timeFilter" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="descramblers" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation xml:lang="en"> |
| This section contains configurations of all the descramblers that would |
| be used in the tests. |
| - This section is optional and can be skipped if descrambling is not |
| supported. |
| - The users can configure 1 or more descrambler elements in the |
| descramblers sections. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="descrambler" type="descrambler" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| |
| <xs:complexType name="dataFlowConfiguration"> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <!-- clearLiveBroadcast is only optional when there is no physical frontend. In this |
| case, the dvrPlayback config is required. --> |
| <xs:element name="clearLiveBroadcast" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:attribute name="frontendConnection" type="frontendId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="audioFilterConnection" type="filterId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="videoFilterConnection" type="filterId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="pcrFilterConnection" type="filterId" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="sectionFilterConnection" type="filterId" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="ipFilterConnection" type="filterId" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:element name="optionalFilters" type="filterConnections" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> |
| <!-- DVR is only required when the frontend is using the software input --> |
| <xs:attribute name="dvrSoftwareFeConnection" type="dvrId" use="optional"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <!-- scan is only optional when there is no physical frontend. In this case, the |
| dvrPlayback config is required. --> |
| <xs:element name="scan" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:attribute name="frontendConnection" type="frontendId" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="descrambling" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <!-- If there is a software or hardware frontend connection or not. If false, |
| dvrSourceConnection config is required when testing dvrRecord. --> |
| <xs:attribute name="hasFrontendConnection" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="frontendConnection" type="frontendId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="descramblerConnection" type="descramblerId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="audioFilterConnection" type="filterId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="videoFilterConnection" type="filterId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:element name="optionalFilters" type="filterConnections" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> |
| <!-- This DVR is only required when the frontend is using the software input --> |
| <xs:attribute name="dvrSoftwareFeConnection" type="dvrId" use="optional"/> |
| <!-- This Dvr is only required when there's no frontend(sw or hw) connection --> |
| <xs:attribute name="dvrSourceConnection" type="dvrId" use="optional"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="dvrPlayback" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:attribute name="dvrConnection" type="dvrId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="audioFilterConnection" type="filterId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="videoFilterConnection" type="filterId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="sectionFilterConnection" type="filterId" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:element name="optionalFilters" type="filterConnections" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="dvrRecord" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <!-- If there is a software or hardware frontend connection or not. If false, |
| dvrSourceConnection config is required when testing dvrRecord. --> |
| <xs:attribute name="hasFrontendConnection" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="frontendConnection" type="frontendId" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="dvrRecordConnection" type="dvrId" use="required"/> |
| <!-- This Dvr is only required when the frontend is using the software input --> |
| <xs:attribute name="dvrSoftwareFeConnection" type="dvrId" use="optional"/> |
| <!-- This Dvr is only required when there's no frontend(sw or hw) connection --> |
| <xs:attribute name="dvrSourceConnection" type="dvrId" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="recordFilterConnection" type="filterId" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="lnbLive" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:attribute name="frontendConnection" type="frontendId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="audioFilterConnection" type="filterId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="videoFilterConnection" type="filterId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="lnbConnection" type="lnbId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="diseqcMsgSender" type="diseqcMsgSender" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:element name="optionalFilters" type="filterConnections" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="lnbRecord" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:attribute name="frontendConnection" type="frontendId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="recordFilterConnection" type="filterId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="dvrRecordConnection" type="dvrId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="lnbConnection" type="lnbId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="diseqcMsgSender" type="diseqcMsgSender" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:element name="optionalFilters" type="filterConnections" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="timeFilter" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:attribute name="timeFilterConnection" type="timeFilterId" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="lnbDescrambling" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:attribute name="frontendConnection" type="frontendId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="audioFilterConnection" type="filterId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="videoFilterConnection" type="filterId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="lnbConnection" type="lnbId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="descramblerConnection" type="descramblerId" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="diseqcMsgSender" type="diseqcMsgSender" use="optional"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| |
| <!-- Full Tuner Configuration. This is the root element of the configuration xml. --> |
| <xs:element name="TunerConfiguration"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="hardwareConfiguration" type="hardwareConfiguration" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> |
| <xs:element name="dataFlowConfiguration" type="dataFlowConfiguration" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| <xs:attribute name="version" type="version"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:key name="frontendIdUniqueness"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="hardwareConfiguration/frontends/frontend"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@id"/> |
| </xs:key> |
| <xs:key name="filterIdUniqueness"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="hardwareConfiguration/filters/filter"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@id"/> |
| </xs:key> |
| <xs:key name="dvrIdUniqueness"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="hardwareConfiguration/dvrs/dvr"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@id"/> |
| </xs:key> |
| <xs:key name="lnbIdUniqueness"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="hardwareConfiguration/lnbs/lnb"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@id"/> |
| </xs:key> |
| <xs:key name="timeFilterIdUniqueness"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="hardwareConfiguration/timeFilters/timeFilter"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@id"/> |
| </xs:key> |
| <xs:key name="descramblerIdUniqueness"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="hardwareConfiguration/descramblers/descrambler"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@id"/> |
| </xs:key> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:complexType name="optionalFilter"> |
| <xs:attribute name="filterId" type="filterId" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:schema> |