blob: 2b5a4a977c5569efdfb75e806ed92289eeba118b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "[email protected]"
#include "EvsDisplay.h"
#include <ui/GraphicBufferAllocator.h>
#include <ui/GraphicBufferMapper.h>
using ::android::frameworks::automotive::display::V1_0::HwDisplayConfig;
using ::android::frameworks::automotive::display::V1_0::HwDisplayState;
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace automotive {
namespace evs {
namespace V1_1 {
namespace implementation {
EvsDisplay::EvsDisplay() {
EvsDisplay(nullptr, 0);
EvsDisplay::EvsDisplay(sp<IAutomotiveDisplayProxyService> pDisplayProxy, uint64_t displayId)
: mDisplayProxy(pDisplayProxy),
mDisplayId(displayId) {
ALOGD("EvsDisplay instantiated");
// Set up our self description
// NOTE: These are arbitrary values chosen for testing
mInfo.displayId = "Mock Display";
mInfo.vendorFlags = 3870;
// Assemble the buffer description we'll use for our render target
mBuffer.width = 320;
mBuffer.height = 240;
mBuffer.format = HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_8888;
mBuffer.bufferId = 0x3870; // Arbitrary magic number for self recognition
mBuffer.pixelSize = 4;
EvsDisplay::~EvsDisplay() {
ALOGD("EvsDisplay being destroyed");
* This gets called if another caller "steals" ownership of the display
void EvsDisplay::forceShutdown()
ALOGD("EvsDisplay forceShutdown");
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mAccessLock);
// If the buffer isn't being held by a remote client, release it now as an
// optimization to release the resources more quickly than the destructor might
// get called.
if (mBuffer.memHandle) {
// Report if we're going away while a buffer is outstanding
if (mFrameBusy) {
ALOGE("EvsDisplay going down while client is holding a buffer");
// Drop the graphics buffer we've been using
GraphicBufferAllocator& alloc(GraphicBufferAllocator::get());;
mBuffer.memHandle = nullptr;
// Put this object into an unrecoverable error state since somebody else
// is going to own the display now.
mRequestedState = DisplayState::DEAD;
* Returns basic information about the EVS display provided by the system.
* See the description of the DisplayDesc structure for details.
Return<void> EvsDisplay::getDisplayInfo(getDisplayInfo_cb _hidl_cb) {
// Send back our self description
return Void();
* Clients may set the display state to express their desired state.
* The HAL implementation must gracefully accept a request for any state
* while in any other state, although the response may be to ignore the request.
* The display is defined to start in the NOT_VISIBLE state upon initialization.
* The client is then expected to request the VISIBLE_ON_NEXT_FRAME state, and
* then begin providing video. When the display is no longer required, the client
* is expected to request the NOT_VISIBLE state after passing the last video frame.
Return<EvsResult> EvsDisplay::setDisplayState(DisplayState state) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mAccessLock);
if (mRequestedState == DisplayState::DEAD) {
// This object no longer owns the display -- it's been superceeded!
return EvsResult::OWNERSHIP_LOST;
// Ensure we recognize the requested state so we don't go off the rails
if (state < DisplayState::NUM_STATES) {
// Record the requested state
mRequestedState = state;
return EvsResult::OK;
else {
// Turn off the display if asked for an unrecognized state
mRequestedState = DisplayState::NOT_VISIBLE;
return EvsResult::INVALID_ARG;
* The HAL implementation should report the actual current state, which might
* transiently differ from the most recently requested state. Note, however, that
* the logic responsible for changing display states should generally live above
* the device layer, making it undesirable for the HAL implementation to
* spontaneously change display states.
Return<DisplayState> EvsDisplay::getDisplayState() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mAccessLock);
return mRequestedState;
* This call returns a handle to a frame buffer associated with the display.
* This buffer may be locked and written to by software and/or GL. This buffer
* must be returned via a call to returnTargetBufferForDisplay() even if the
* display is no longer visible.
// TODO: We need to know if/when our client dies so we can get the buffer back! (blocked b/31632518)
Return<void> EvsDisplay::getTargetBuffer(getTargetBuffer_cb _hidl_cb) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mAccessLock);
if (mRequestedState == DisplayState::DEAD) {
ALOGE("Rejecting buffer request from object that lost ownership of the display.");
BufferDesc_1_0 nullBuff = {};
return Void();
// If we don't already have a buffer, allocate one now
if (!mBuffer.memHandle) {
// Allocate the buffer that will hold our displayable image
buffer_handle_t handle = nullptr;
GraphicBufferAllocator& alloc(GraphicBufferAllocator::get());
status_t result = alloc.allocate(
mBuffer.width, mBuffer.height, mBuffer.format, 1, mBuffer.usage,
&handle, &mBuffer.stride, 0, "EvsDisplay");
if (result != NO_ERROR) {
ALOGE("Error %d allocating %d x %d graphics buffer",
result, mBuffer.width, mBuffer.height);
BufferDesc_1_0 nullBuff = {};
return Void();
if (!handle) {
ALOGE("We didn't get a buffer handle back from the allocator");
BufferDesc_1_0 nullBuff = {};
return Void();
mBuffer.memHandle = handle;
mFrameBusy = false;
ALOGD("Allocated new buffer %p with stride %u",
mBuffer.memHandle.getNativeHandle(), mBuffer.stride);
// Do we have a frame available?
if (mFrameBusy) {
// This means either we have a 2nd client trying to compete for buffers
// (an unsupported mode of operation) or else the client hasn't returned
// a previously issued buffer yet (they're behaving badly).
// NOTE: We have to make the callback even if we have nothing to provide
ALOGE("getTargetBuffer called while no buffers available.");
BufferDesc_1_0 nullBuff = {};
return Void();
} else {
// Mark our buffer as busy
mFrameBusy = true;
// Send the buffer to the client
ALOGD("Providing display buffer handle %p as id %d",
mBuffer.memHandle.getNativeHandle(), mBuffer.bufferId);
return Void();
* This call tells the display that the buffer is ready for display.
* The buffer is no longer valid for use by the client after this call.
Return<EvsResult> EvsDisplay::returnTargetBufferForDisplayImpl(const uint32_t bufferId, const buffer_handle_t memHandle) {
ALOGD("returnTargetBufferForDisplay %p", memHandle);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mAccessLock);
// Nobody should call us with a null handle
if (!memHandle) {
ALOGE ("returnTargetBufferForDisplay called without a valid buffer handle.\n");
return EvsResult::INVALID_ARG;
if (bufferId != mBuffer.bufferId) {
ALOGE ("Got an unrecognized frame returned.\n");
return EvsResult::INVALID_ARG;
if (!mFrameBusy) {
ALOGE ("A frame was returned with no outstanding frames.\n");
mFrameBusy = false;
// If we've been displaced by another owner of the display, then we can't do anything else
if (mRequestedState == DisplayState::DEAD) {
return EvsResult::OWNERSHIP_LOST;
// If we were waiting for a new frame, this is it!
if (mRequestedState == DisplayState::VISIBLE_ON_NEXT_FRAME) {
mRequestedState = DisplayState::VISIBLE;
// Validate we're in an expected state
if (mRequestedState != DisplayState::VISIBLE) {
// We shouldn't get frames back when we're not visible.
ALOGE ("Got an unexpected frame returned while not visible - ignoring.\n");
} else {
// This is where the buffer would be made visible.
// For now we simply validate it has the data we expect in it by reading it back
// Lock our display buffer for reading
uint32_t* pixels = nullptr;
GraphicBufferMapper &mapper = GraphicBufferMapper::get();
android::Rect(mBuffer.width, mBuffer.height),
(void **)&pixels);
// If we failed to lock the pixel buffer, we're about to crash, but log it first
if (!pixels) {
ALOGE("Display failed to gain access to image buffer for reading");
// Check the test pixels
bool frameLooksGood = true;
for (unsigned row = 0; row < mBuffer.height; row++) {
for (unsigned col = 0; col < mBuffer.width; col++) {
// Index into the row to check the pixel at this column.
// We expect 0xFF in the LSB channel, a vertical gradient in the
// second channel, a horitzontal gradient in the third channel, and
// 0xFF in the MSB.
// The exception is the very first 32 bits which is used for the
// time varying frame signature to avoid getting fooled by a static image.
uint32_t expectedPixel = 0xFF0000FF | // MSB and LSB
((row & 0xFF) << 8) | // vertical gradient
((col & 0xFF) << 16); // horizontal gradient
if ((row | col) == 0) {
// we'll check the "uniqueness" of the frame signature below
// Walk across this row (we'll step rows below)
uint32_t receivedPixel = pixels[col];
if (receivedPixel != expectedPixel) {
ALOGE("Pixel check mismatch in frame buffer");
frameLooksGood = false;
if (!frameLooksGood) {
// Point to the next row (NOTE: gralloc reports stride in units of pixels)
pixels = pixels + mBuffer.stride;
// Ensure we don't see the same buffer twice without it being rewritten
static uint32_t prevSignature = ~0;
uint32_t signature = pixels[0] & 0xFF;
if (prevSignature == signature) {
frameLooksGood = false;
ALOGE("Duplicate, likely stale frame buffer detected");
// Release our output buffer
if (!frameLooksGood) {
return EvsResult::OK;
Return<EvsResult> EvsDisplay::returnTargetBufferForDisplay(const BufferDesc_1_0& buffer) {
return returnTargetBufferForDisplayImpl(buffer.bufferId, buffer.memHandle);
Return<void> EvsDisplay::getDisplayInfo_1_1(getDisplayInfo_1_1_cb _info_cb) {
if (mDisplayProxy != nullptr) {
return mDisplayProxy->getDisplayInfo(mDisplayId, _info_cb);
} else {
HwDisplayConfig nullConfig;
HwDisplayState nullState;
_info_cb(nullConfig, nullState);
return Void();
} // namespace implementation
} // namespace V1_1
} // namespace evs
} // namespace automotive
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android