blob: a58fa62ef966fdf3bcdccd8355564034b4791191 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.hardware.broadcastradio@2.0;
interface ITunerSession {
* Tune to a specified program.
* Automatically cancels pending scan, step or tune.
* If the method returns OK, tuneFailed or currentProgramInfoChanged
* callback must be called.
* @param program Program to tune to.
* @return result OK if successfully started tuning.
* NOT_SUPPORTED if the program selector doesn't contain any
* supported identifier.
* INVALID_ARGUMENTS if the program selector contains
* identifiers in invalid format (i.e. out of range).
tune(ProgramSelector program) generates (Result result);
* Tune to the next valid program.
* Automatically cancels pending scan, step or tune.
* If the method returns OK, tuneFailed or currentProgramInfoChanged
* callback must be called.
* The skipSubChannel parameter is used to skip digital radio subchannels:
* - HD Radio SPS;
* - DAB secondary service.
* As an implementation detail, the HAL has the option to perform an actual
* scan or select the next program from the list retrieved in the
* background, if one is not stale.
* @param directionUp True to change towards higher numeric values
* (frequency, channel number), false towards lower.
* @param skipSubChannel Don't tune to subchannels.
* @return result OK if the scan has successfully started.
scan(bool directionUp, bool skipSubChannel) generates (Result result);
* Tune to the adjacent channel, which may not be occupied by any program.
* Automatically cancels pending scan, step or tune.
* If the method returns OK, tuneFailed or currentProgramInfoChanged
* callback must be called.
* @param directionUp True to change towards higher numeric values
* (frequency, channel number), false towards lower.
* @return result OK successfully started tuning.
* NOT_SUPPORTED if tuning to an unoccupied channel is not
* supported (i.e. for satellite radio).
step(bool directionUp) generates (Result result);
* Cancel a scan, step or tune operation.
* If there is no such operation running, the call must be ignored.
* Applies a filter to the program list and starts sending program list
* updates over onProgramListUpdated callback.
* There may be only one updates stream active at the moment. Calling this
* method again must result in cancelling the previous update request.
* This call clears the program list on the client side, the HAL must send
* the whole list again.
* If the program list scanning hardware (i.e. background tuner) is
* unavailable at the moment, the call must succeed and start updates
* when it becomes available.
* @param filter Filter to apply on the fetched program list.
* @return result OK successfully started fetching list updates.
* NOT_SUPPORTED program list scanning is not supported
* by the hardware.
startProgramListUpdates(ProgramFilter filter) generates (Result result);
* Stops sending program list updates.
* Fetches the current setting of a given config flag.
* The success/failure result must be consistent with setConfigFlag.
* @param flag Flag to fetch.
* @return result OK successfully fetched the flag.
* INVALID_STATE if the flag is not applicable right now.
* NOT_SUPPORTED if the flag is not supported at all.
* @return value The current value of the flag, if result is OK.
getConfigFlag(ConfigFlag flag) generates (Result result, bool value);
* Sets the config flag.
* The success/failure result must be consistent with getConfigFlag.
* @param flag Flag to set.
* @param value The new value of a given flag.
* @return result OK successfully set the flag.
* INVALID_STATE if the flag is not applicable right now.
* NOT_SUPPORTED if the flag is not supported at all.
setConfigFlag(ConfigFlag flag, bool value) generates (Result result);
* Generic method for setting vendor-specific parameter values.
* The framework does not interpret the parameters, they are passed
* in an opaque manner between a vendor application and HAL.
* Framework does not make any assumptions on the keys or values, other than
* ones stated in VendorKeyValue documentation (a requirement of key
* prefixes).
* For each pair in the result vector, the key must be one of the keys
* contained in the input (possibly with wildcards expanded), and the value
* must be a vendor-specific result status (i.e. the string "OK" or an error
* code). The implementation may choose to return an empty vector, or only
* return a status for a subset of the provided inputs, at its discretion.
* Application and HAL must not use keys with unknown prefix. In particular,
* it must not place a key-value pair in results vector for unknown key from
* parameters vector - instead, an unknown key should simply be ignored.
* In other words, results vector may contain a subset of parameter keys
* (however, the framework doesn't enforce a strict subset - the only
* formal requirement is vendor domain prefix for keys).
* @param parameters Vendor-specific key-value pairs.
* @return results Operation completion status for parameters being set.
setParameters(vec<VendorKeyValue> parameters)
generates (vec<VendorKeyValue> results);
* Generic method for retrieving vendor-specific parameter values.
* The framework does not interpret the parameters, they are passed
* in an opaque manner between a vendor application and HAL.
* Framework does not cache set/get requests, so it's allowed for
* getParameter to return a different value than previous setParameter call.
* The syntax and semantics of keys are up to the vendor (as long as prefix
* rules are obeyed). For instance, vendors may include some form of
* wildcard support. In such case, result vector may be of different size
* than requested keys vector. However, wildcards are not recognized by
* framework and they are passed as-is to the HAL implementation.
* Unknown keys must be ignored and not placed into results vector.
* @param keys Parameter keys to fetch.
* @return parameters Vendor-specific key-value pairs.
getParameters(vec<string> keys) generates (vec<VendorKeyValue> parameters);
* Closes the session.
* The call must not fail and must only be issued once.
* After the close call is executed, no other calls to this interface
* are allowed.