| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| #pragma once |
| |
| #include <aidl/android/hardware/radio/sim/BnRadioSimIndication.h> |
| #include <aidl/android/hardware/radio/sim/BnRadioSimResponse.h> |
| #include <aidl/android/hardware/radio/sim/IRadioSim.h> |
| |
| #include "radio_aidl_hal_utils.h" |
| |
| using namespace aidl::android::hardware::radio::sim; |
| |
| class RadioSimTest; |
| |
| /* Callback class for radio SIM response */ |
| class RadioSimResponse : public BnRadioSimResponse { |
| protected: |
| RadioServiceTest& parent_sim; |
| |
| public: |
| RadioSimResponse(RadioServiceTest& parent_sim); |
| virtual ~RadioSimResponse() = default; |
| |
| RadioResponseInfo rspInfo; |
| CarrierRestrictions carrierRestrictionsResp; |
| SimLockMultiSimPolicy multiSimPolicyResp; |
| bool canToggleUiccApplicationsEnablement; |
| bool areUiccApplicationsEnabled; |
| PhonebookCapacity capacity; |
| int32_t updatedRecordIndex; |
| std::string imsi; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus acknowledgeRequest(int32_t serial) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus areUiccApplicationsEnabledResponse(const RadioResponseInfo& info, |
| bool enabled) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus changeIccPin2ForAppResponse(const RadioResponseInfo& info, |
| int32_t remainingRetries) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus changeIccPinForAppResponse(const RadioResponseInfo& info, |
| int32_t remainingRetries) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus enableUiccApplicationsResponse( |
| const RadioResponseInfo& info) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus getAllowedCarriersResponse( |
| const RadioResponseInfo& info, const CarrierRestrictions& carriers, |
| const SimLockMultiSimPolicy multiSimPolicy) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus getCdmaSubscriptionResponse( |
| const RadioResponseInfo& info, const std::string& mdn, const std::string& hSid, |
| const std::string& hNid, const std::string& min, const std::string& prl) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus getCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse( |
| const RadioResponseInfo& info, CdmaSubscriptionSource source) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus getFacilityLockForAppResponse(const RadioResponseInfo& info, |
| int32_t response) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus getIccCardStatusResponse(const RadioResponseInfo& info, |
| const CardStatus& cardStatus) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus getImsiForAppResponse(const RadioResponseInfo& info, |
| const std::string& imsi) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus getSimPhonebookCapacityResponse( |
| const RadioResponseInfo& info, const PhonebookCapacity& capacity) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus getSimPhonebookRecordsResponse( |
| const RadioResponseInfo& info) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus iccCloseLogicalChannelResponse( |
| const RadioResponseInfo& info) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus iccIoForAppResponse(const RadioResponseInfo& info, |
| const IccIoResult& iccIo) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus iccOpenLogicalChannelResponse( |
| const RadioResponseInfo& info, int32_t channelId, |
| const std::vector<uint8_t>& selectResponse) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus iccTransmitApduBasicChannelResponse( |
| const RadioResponseInfo& info, const IccIoResult& result) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus iccTransmitApduLogicalChannelResponse( |
| const RadioResponseInfo& info, const IccIoResult& result) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus reportStkServiceIsRunningResponse( |
| const RadioResponseInfo& info) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus requestIccSimAuthenticationResponse( |
| const RadioResponseInfo& info, const IccIoResult& result) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus sendEnvelopeResponse(const RadioResponseInfo& info, |
| const std::string& commandResponse) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus sendEnvelopeWithStatusResponse(const RadioResponseInfo& info, |
| const IccIoResult& iccIo) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus sendTerminalResponseToSimResponse( |
| const RadioResponseInfo& info) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus setAllowedCarriersResponse(const RadioResponseInfo& info) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus setCarrierInfoForImsiEncryptionResponse( |
| const RadioResponseInfo& info) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus setCdmaSubscriptionSourceResponse( |
| const RadioResponseInfo& info) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus setFacilityLockForAppResponse(const RadioResponseInfo& info, |
| int32_t retry) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus setSimCardPowerResponse(const RadioResponseInfo& info) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus setUiccSubscriptionResponse(const RadioResponseInfo& info) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus supplyIccPin2ForAppResponse(const RadioResponseInfo& info, |
| int32_t remainingRetries) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus supplyIccPinForAppResponse(const RadioResponseInfo& info, |
| int32_t remainingRetries) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus supplyIccPuk2ForAppResponse(const RadioResponseInfo& info, |
| int32_t remainingRetries) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus supplyIccPukForAppResponse(const RadioResponseInfo& info, |
| int32_t remainingRetries) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus supplySimDepersonalizationResponse( |
| const RadioResponseInfo& info, PersoSubstate persoType, |
| int32_t remainingRetries) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus updateSimPhonebookRecordsResponse( |
| const RadioResponseInfo& info, int32_t updatedRecordIndex) override; |
| }; |
| |
| /* Callback class for radio SIM indication */ |
| class RadioSimIndication : public BnRadioSimIndication { |
| protected: |
| RadioServiceTest& parent_sim; |
| |
| public: |
| RadioSimIndication(RadioServiceTest& parent_sim); |
| virtual ~RadioSimIndication() = default; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus carrierInfoForImsiEncryption(RadioIndicationType info) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus cdmaSubscriptionSourceChanged( |
| RadioIndicationType type, CdmaSubscriptionSource cdmaSource) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus simPhonebookChanged(RadioIndicationType type) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus simPhonebookRecordsReceived( |
| RadioIndicationType type, PbReceivedStatus status, |
| const std::vector<PhonebookRecordInfo>& records) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus simRefresh(RadioIndicationType type, |
| const SimRefreshResult& refreshResult) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus simStatusChanged(RadioIndicationType type) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus stkEventNotify(RadioIndicationType type, |
| const std::string& cmd) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus stkProactiveCommand(RadioIndicationType type, |
| const std::string& cmd) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus stkSessionEnd(RadioIndicationType type) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus subscriptionStatusChanged(RadioIndicationType type, |
| bool activate) override; |
| |
| virtual ndk::ScopedAStatus uiccApplicationsEnablementChanged(RadioIndicationType type, |
| bool enabled) override; |
| }; |
| |
| // The main test class for Radio AIDL SIM. |
| class RadioSimTest : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::string>, public RadioServiceTest { |
| public: |
| virtual void SetUp() override; |
| |
| /* Override updateSimCardStatus in RadioServiceTest to not call setResponseFunctions */ |
| void updateSimCardStatus(); |
| |
| /* radio SIM service handle in RadioServiceTest */ |
| /* radio SIM response handle */ |
| std::shared_ptr<RadioSimResponse> radioRsp_sim; |
| /* radio SIM indication handle */ |
| std::shared_ptr<RadioSimIndication> radioInd_sim; |
| }; |