blob: e9c22b15ac73ccfee297a77808cda93b98a8a4e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "EventMessageQueueWrapper.h"
#include "ISensorsWrapper.h"
#include "android/hardware/sensors/1.0/ISensors.h"
#include "android/hardware/sensors/1.0/types.h"
#include "android/hardware/sensors/2.0/ISensors.h"
#include "android/hardware/sensors/2.0/ISensorsCallback.h"
#include "android/hardware/sensors/2.1/ISensors.h"
#include "android/hardware/sensors/2.1/ISensorsCallback.h"
#include "android/hardware/sensors/2.1/types.h"
#include <utils/LightRefBase.h>
#include <cassert>
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace sensors {
namespace V2_1 {
namespace implementation {
using ::android::hardware::MessageQueue;
using ::android::hardware::MQDescriptorSync;
using ::android::hardware::Return;
using ::android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::ISensors;
using ::android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::OperationMode;
using ::android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::RateLevel;
using ::android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::Result;
using ::android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::SharedMemInfo;
using ::android::hardware::sensors::V2_1::Event;
using ::android::hardware::sensors::V2_1::ISensorsCallback;
// TODO: Look into providing this as a param if it needs to be a different value
// than the framework.
static constexpr size_t MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_EVENT_COUNT = 256;
* The ISensorsWrapper interface includes all function from supported Sensors HAL versions. This
* allows for the SensorDevice to use the ISensorsWrapper interface to interact with the Sensors
* HAL regardless of the current version of the Sensors HAL that is loaded. Each concrete
* instantiation of ISensorsWrapper must correspond to a specific Sensors HAL version. This design
* is beneficial because only the functions that change between Sensors HAL versions must be newly
* implemented, any previously implemented function that does not change may remain the same.
* Functions that exist across all versions of the Sensors HAL should be implemented as pure
* virtual functions which forces the concrete instantiations to implement the functions.
* Functions that do not exist across all versions of the Sensors HAL should include a default
* implementation that generates an error if called. The default implementation should never
* be called and must be overridden by Sensors HAL versions that support the function.
class ISensorsWrapperBase : public VirtualLightRefBase {
virtual bool supportsPolling() const = 0;
virtual bool supportsMessageQueues() const = 0;
virtual void linkToDeath(android::sp<android::hardware::hidl_death_recipient> deathRecipient,
uint64_t cookie) = 0;
virtual Return<void> getSensorsList(
::android::hardware::sensors::V2_1::ISensors::getSensorsList_2_1_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
virtual Return<Result> setOperationMode(OperationMode mode) = 0;
virtual Return<Result> activate(int32_t sensorHandle, bool enabled) = 0;
virtual Return<Result> batch(int32_t sensorHandle, int64_t samplingPeriodNs,
int64_t maxReportLatencyNs) = 0;
virtual Return<Result> flush(int32_t sensorHandle) = 0;
virtual Return<Result> injectSensorData(const Event& event) = 0;
virtual Return<void> registerDirectChannel(const SharedMemInfo& mem,
ISensors::registerDirectChannel_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
virtual Return<Result> unregisterDirectChannel(int32_t channelHandle) = 0;
virtual Return<void> configDirectReport(int32_t sensorHandle, int32_t channelHandle,
RateLevel rate,
ISensors::configDirectReport_cb _hidl_cb) = 0;
virtual Return<void> poll(int32_t /* maxCount */, ISensors::poll_cb /* _hidl_cb */) {
// Enforce this method is never invoked as it should be overridden if it's meant to be used.
return Return<void>();
virtual EventMessageQueueWrapperBase* getEventQueue() { return nullptr; }
virtual Return<Result> initialize(const MQDescriptorSync<uint32_t>& /* wakeLockDesc */,
const ::android::sp<ISensorsCallback>& /* callback */) {
// Enforce this method is never invoked as it should be overridden if it's meant to be used.
template <typename T>
class SensorsWrapperBase : public ISensorsWrapperBase {
SensorsWrapperBase(sp<T> sensors) : mSensors(sensors){};
void linkToDeath(android::sp<android::hardware::hidl_death_recipient> deathRecipient,
uint64_t cookie) override {
mSensors->linkToDeath(deathRecipient, cookie);
virtual Return<void> getSensorsList(
::android::hardware::sensors::V2_1::ISensors::getSensorsList_2_1_cb _hidl_cb) override {
return mSensors->getSensorsList(
[&](const auto& list) { _hidl_cb(convertToNewSensorInfos(list)); });
Return<Result> setOperationMode(OperationMode mode) override {
return mSensors->setOperationMode(mode);
Return<Result> activate(int32_t sensorHandle, bool enabled) override {
return mSensors->activate(sensorHandle, enabled);
Return<Result> batch(int32_t sensorHandle, int64_t samplingPeriodNs,
int64_t maxReportLatencyNs) override {
return mSensors->batch(sensorHandle, samplingPeriodNs, maxReportLatencyNs);
Return<Result> flush(int32_t sensorHandle) override { return mSensors->flush(sensorHandle); }
virtual Return<Result> injectSensorData(const Event& event) override {
return mSensors->injectSensorData(convertToOldEvent(event));
Return<void> registerDirectChannel(const SharedMemInfo& mem,
ISensors::registerDirectChannel_cb _hidl_cb) override {
return mSensors->registerDirectChannel(mem, _hidl_cb);
Return<Result> unregisterDirectChannel(int32_t channelHandle) override {
return mSensors->unregisterDirectChannel(channelHandle);
Return<void> configDirectReport(int32_t sensorHandle, int32_t channelHandle, RateLevel rate,
ISensors::configDirectReport_cb _hidl_cb) override {
return mSensors->configDirectReport(sensorHandle, channelHandle, rate, _hidl_cb);
sp<T> mSensors;
class ISensorsWrapperV1_0 : public SensorsWrapperBase<hardware::sensors::V1_0::ISensors> {
ISensorsWrapperV1_0(sp<hardware::sensors::V1_0::ISensors> sensors)
: SensorsWrapperBase(sensors){};
bool supportsPolling() const override { return true; }
bool supportsMessageQueues() const override { return false; }
Return<void> poll(int32_t maxCount,
hardware::sensors::V1_0::ISensors::poll_cb _hidl_cb) override {
return mSensors->poll(maxCount, _hidl_cb);
class ISensorsWrapperV2_0 : public SensorsWrapperBase<hardware::sensors::V2_0::ISensors> {
typedef MessageQueue<::android::hardware::sensors::V1_0::Event,
ISensorsWrapperV2_0(sp<hardware::sensors::V2_0::ISensors> sensors)
: SensorsWrapperBase(sensors) {
auto eventQueue = std::make_unique<EventMessageQueue>(MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_EVENT_COUNT,
true /* configureEventFlagWord */);
mEventQueue = std::make_unique<EventMessageQueueWrapperV1_0>(eventQueue);
bool supportsPolling() const override { return false; }
bool supportsMessageQueues() const override { return true; }
EventMessageQueueWrapperBase* getEventQueue() override { return mEventQueue.get(); }
Return<Result> initialize(const MQDescriptorSync<uint32_t>& wakeLockDesc,
const ::android::sp<ISensorsCallback>& callback) override {
return mSensors->initialize(*mEventQueue->getDesc(), wakeLockDesc, callback);
std::unique_ptr<EventMessageQueueWrapperV1_0> mEventQueue;
class ISensorsWrapperV2_1 : public SensorsWrapperBase<hardware::sensors::V2_1::ISensors> {
typedef MessageQueue<Event, ::android::hardware::kSynchronizedReadWrite> EventMessageQueueV2_1;
ISensorsWrapperV2_1(sp<hardware::sensors::V2_1::ISensors> sensors)
: SensorsWrapperBase(sensors) {
auto eventQueue = std::make_unique<EventMessageQueueV2_1>(
MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_EVENT_COUNT, true /* configureEventFlagWord */);
mEventQueue = std::make_unique<EventMessageQueueWrapperV2_1>(eventQueue);
bool supportsPolling() const override { return false; }
bool supportsMessageQueues() const override { return true; }
EventMessageQueueWrapperBase* getEventQueue() override { return mEventQueue.get(); }
Return<void> getSensorsList(
::android::hardware::sensors::V2_1::ISensors::getSensorsList_2_1_cb _hidl_cb) override {
return mSensors->getSensorsList_2_1(_hidl_cb);
Return<Result> injectSensorData(const Event& event) override {
return mSensors->injectSensorData_2_1(event);
Return<Result> initialize(const MQDescriptorSync<uint32_t>& wakeLockDesc,
const ::android::sp<ISensorsCallback>& callback) override {
return mSensors->initialize_2_1(*mEventQueue->getDesc(), wakeLockDesc, callback);
std::unique_ptr<EventMessageQueueWrapperV2_1> mEventQueue;
inline sp<ISensorsWrapperV2_0> wrapISensors(sp<V2_0::ISensors> sensors) {
return new ISensorsWrapperV2_0(sensors);
inline sp<ISensorsWrapperV2_1> wrapISensors(sp<V2_1::ISensors> sensors) {
return new ISensorsWrapperV2_1(sensors);
class NoOpSensorsCallback : public ISensorsCallback {
Return<void> onDynamicSensorsConnected(
const hidl_vec<V1_0::SensorInfo>& /* sensorInfos */) override {
return Return<void>();
Return<void> onDynamicSensorsDisconnected(
const hidl_vec<int32_t>& /* sensorHandles */) override {
return Return<void>();
Return<void> onDynamicSensorsConnected_2_1(
const hidl_vec<SensorInfo>& /* sensorInfos */) override {
return Return<void>();
} // namespace implementation
} // namespace V2_1
} // namespace sensors
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android