blob: a4738728f3f53e476da7748a421e9e0b867577ac [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.hardware.evs@1.0;
import types;
* Represents a single camera and is the primary interface for capturing images.
interface IEvsDisplay {
* Returns basic information about the EVS display provided by the system.
* See the description of the DisplayDesc structure below for details.
getDisplayInfo() generates (DisplayDesc info);
* Clients may set the display state to express their desired state.
* The HAL implementation must gracefully accept a request for any state while in
* any other state, although the response may be to defer or ignore the request. The display
* is defined to start in the NOT_VISIBLE state upon initialization. The client is
* then expected to request the VISIBLE_ON_NEXT_FRAME state, and then begin providing
* video. When the display is no longer required, the client is expected to request
* the NOT_VISIBLE state after passing the last video frame.
* Returns INVALID_ARG if the requested state is not a recognized value.
setDisplayState(DisplayState state) generates (EvsResult result);
* This call requests the current state of the display
* The HAL implementation should report the actual current state, which might
* transiently differ from the most recently requested state. Note, however, that
* the logic responsible for changing display states should generally live above
* the device layer, making it undesirable for the HAL implementation to spontaneously
* change display states.
getDisplayState() generates (DisplayState state);
* This call returns a handle to a frame buffer associated with the display.
* The returned buffer may be locked and written to by software and/or GL. This buffer
* must be returned via a call to returnTargetBufferForDisplay() even if the
* display is no longer visible.
getTargetBuffer() generates (handle bufferHandle);
* This call tells the display that the buffer is ready for display.
* The buffer is no longer valid for use by the client after this call.
* There is no maximum time the caller may hold onto the buffer before making this
* call. The buffer may be returned at any time and in any DisplayState, but all
* buffers are expected to be returned before the IEvsDisplay interface is destroyed.
returnTargetBufferForDisplay(handle bufferHandle) generates (EvsResult result);