| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
| <!-- Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project |
| |
| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| --> |
| <!-- TODO: define a targetNamespace. Note that it will break retrocompatibility --> |
| <xs:schema version="2.0" |
| elementFormDefault="qualified" |
| attributeFormDefault="unqualified" |
| xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> |
| <!-- List the config versions supported by audio policy. --> |
| <xs:simpleType name="version"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="1.0"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:simpleType name="halVersion"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation xml:lang="en"> |
| Version of the interface the hal implements. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal"> |
| <!-- List of HAL versions supported by the framework. --> |
| <xs:enumeration value="2.0"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="3.0"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:element name="audioPolicyConfiguration"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="globalConfiguration" type="globalConfiguration"/> |
| <xs:element name="modules" type="modules" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
| <xs:element name="volumes" type="volumes" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| <xs:attribute name="version" type="version"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:key name="moduleNameKey"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="modules/module"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@name"/> |
| </xs:key> |
| <xs:unique name="volumeTargetUniqueness"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="volumes/volume"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@stream"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@deviceCategory"/> |
| </xs:unique> |
| <xs:key name="volumeCurveNameKey"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="volumes/reference"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@name"/> |
| </xs:key> |
| <xs:keyref name="volumeCurveRef" refer="volumeCurveNameKey"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="volumes/volume"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@ref"/> |
| </xs:keyref> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:complexType name="globalConfiguration"> |
| <xs:attribute name="speaker_drc_enabled" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <!-- Enum values of IDevicesFactory::Device |
| TODO: generate from hidl to avoid manual sync. --> |
| <xs:simpleType name="halName"> |
| <xs:union> |
| <xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="primary"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="a2dp"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="usb"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="r_submix"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="codec_offload"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="stub"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:simpleType> |
| <!-- Vendor eXtension names must be in the vx namespace. |
| Vendor are encouraged to namespace their module names. |
| Example for an hypothetical Google virtual reality HAL: |
| <module name="vx_google_vr" halVersion="3.0"> |
| --> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:pattern value="vx_[_a-zA-Z0-9]+"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| </xs:union> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:complexType name="modules"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation xml:lang="en"> |
| There should be one section per audio HW module present on the platform. |
| Each <module/> contains two mandatory tags: “halVersion” and “name”. |
| The module "name" is the same as in previous .conf file. |
| Each module must contain the following sections: |
| - <devicePorts/>: a list of device descriptors for all |
| input and output devices accessible via this module. |
| This contains both permanently attached devices and removable devices. |
| - <mixPorts/>: listing all output and input streams exposed by the audio HAL |
| - <routes/>: list of possible connections between input |
| and output devices or between stream and devices. |
| A <route/> is defined by a set of 3 attributes: |
| -"type": mux|mix means all sources are mutual exclusive (mux) or can be mixed (mix) |
| -"sink": the sink involved in this route |
| -"sources": all the sources than can be connected to the sink via this route |
| - <attachedDevices/>: permanently attached devices. |
| The attachedDevices section is a list of devices names. |
| Their names correspond to device names defined in "devicePorts" section. |
| - <defaultOutputDevice/> is the device to be used when no policy rule applies |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="module" maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="attachedDevices" type="attachedDevices" minOccurs="0"> |
| <xs:unique name="attachedDevicesUniqueness"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="item"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="."/> |
| </xs:unique> |
| </xs:element> |
| <xs:element name="defaultOutputDevice" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0"/> |
| <xs:element name="mixPorts" type="mixPorts" minOccurs="0"/> |
| <xs:element name="devicePorts" type="devicePorts" minOccurs="0"/> |
| <xs:element name="routes" type="routes" minOccurs="0"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| <xs:attribute name="name" type="halName" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="halVersion" type="halVersion" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:unique name="mixPortNameUniqueness"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="mixPorts/mixPort"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@name"/> |
| </xs:unique> |
| <xs:key name="devicePortNameKey"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="devicePorts/devicePort"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@tagName"/> |
| </xs:key> |
| <xs:unique name="devicePortUniqueness"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="devicePorts/devicePort"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@type"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@address"/> |
| </xs:unique> |
| <xs:keyref name="defaultOutputDeviceRef" refer="devicePortNameKey"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="defaultOutputDevice"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="."/> |
| </xs:keyref> |
| <xs:keyref name="attachedDeviceRef" refer="devicePortNameKey"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="attachedDevices/item"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="."/> |
| </xs:keyref> |
| <!-- The following 3 constraints try to make sure each sink port |
| is reference in one an only one route. --> |
| <xs:key name="routeSinkKey"> |
| <!-- predicate [@type='sink'] does not work in xsd 1.0 --> |
| <xs:selector xpath="devicePorts/devicePort|mixPorts/mixPort"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@tagName|@name"/> |
| </xs:key> |
| <xs:keyref name="routeSinkRef" refer="routeSinkKey"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="routes/route"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@sink"/> |
| </xs:keyref> |
| <xs:unique name="routeUniqueness"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="routes/route"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@sink"/> |
| </xs:unique> |
| </xs:element> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:complexType name="attachedDevices"> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="item" type="xs:token" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <!-- TODO: separate values by space for better xsd validations. --> |
| <xs:simpleType name="audioInOutFlags"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation xml:lang="en"> |
| "|" separated list of audio_output_flags_t or audio_input_flags_t. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:pattern value="|[_A-Z]+(\|[_A-Z]+)*"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:simpleType name="role"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="sink"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="source"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:complexType name="mixPorts"> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="mixPort" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="profile" type="profile" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
| <xs:element name="gains" type="gains" minOccurs="0"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:token" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="role" type="role" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="flags" type="audioInOutFlags"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:unique name="mixPortProfileUniqueness"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="profile"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="format"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="samplingRate"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="channelMasks"/> |
| </xs:unique> |
| <xs:unique name="mixPortGainUniqueness"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="gains/gain"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@name"/> |
| </xs:unique> |
| </xs:element> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <!-- Enum values of audio_device_t in audio.h |
| TODO: generate from hidl to avoid manual sync. |
| TODO: separate source and sink in the xml for better xsd validations. --> |
| <xs:simpleType name="audioDevice"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE"/> |
| |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_EARPIECE"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER_SAFE"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADSET"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_WIRED_HEADPHONE"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO_HEADSET"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_SCO_CARKIT"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_SCO"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP_HEADPHONES"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BLUETOOTH_A2DP_SPEAKER"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_AUX_DIGITAL"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_HDMI"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ANLG_DOCK_HEADSET"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_DGTL_DOCK_HEADSET"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_USB_ACCESSORY"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_USB_DEVICE"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_USB"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_REMOTE_SUBMIX"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_TELEPHONY_TX"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_LINE"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_HDMI_ARC"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPDIF"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_FM"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_AUX_LINE"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_IP"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BUS"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_PROXY"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_USB_HEADSET"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_DEFAULT"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_STUB"/> |
| |
| <!-- Due to the xml format, IN types can not be a separated from OUT types --> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_COMMUNICATION"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_AMBIENT"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUILTIN_MIC"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BLUETOOTH_SCO_HEADSET"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_ALL_SCO"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_WIRED_HEADSET"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_AUX_DIGITAL"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_HDMI"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_TELEPHONY_RX"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_VOICE_CALL"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BACK_MIC"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_REMOTE_SUBMIX"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_ANLG_DOCK_HEADSET"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_DGTL_DOCK_HEADSET"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_USB_ACCESSORY"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_USB_DEVICE"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_ALL_USB"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_FM_TUNER"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_TV_TUNER"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_LINE"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_SPDIF"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BLUETOOTH_A2DP"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_LOOPBACK"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_IP"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUS"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_PROXY"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_USB_HEADSET"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_DEFAULT"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_STUB"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <!-- Enum values of audio_format_t in audio.h |
| TODO: generate from hidl to avoid manual sync. --> |
| <xs:simpleType name="audioFormat"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT" /> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_8_BIT"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_32_BIT"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_8_24_BIT"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_FLOAT"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_24_BIT_PACKED"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_MP3"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AMR_NB"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AMR_WB"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_MAIN"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_LC"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_SSR"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_LTP"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_HE_V1"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_SCALABLE"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_ERLC"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_LD"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_HE_V2"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_ELD"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_ADTS_MAIN"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_ADTS_LC"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_ADTS_SSR"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_ADTS_LTP"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_ADTS_HE_V1"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_ADTS_SCALABLE"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_ADTS_ERLC"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_ADTS_LD"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_ADTS_HE_V2"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_ADTS_ELD"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_VORBIS"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_HE_AAC_V1"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_HE_AAC_V2"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_OPUS"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AC3"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_E_AC3"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_DTS"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_DTS_HD"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_IEC61937"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_DOLBY_TRUEHD"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_EVRC"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_EVRCB"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_EVRCWB"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_EVRCNW"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_ADIF"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_WMA"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_WMA_PRO"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AMR_WB_PLUS"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_MP2"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_QCELP"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_DSD"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_FLAC"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_ALAC"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_APE"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AAC_ADTS"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_SBC"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_APTX"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_APTX_HD"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_AC4"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_FORMAT_LDAC"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <!-- TODO: Change to a space separated list to xsd enforce correctness. --> |
| <xs:simpleType name="samplingRates"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:pattern value="[0-9]+(,[0-9]+)*"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <!-- TODO: Change to a space separated list to xsd enforce correctness. --> |
| <xs:simpleType name="channelMask"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation xml:lang="en"> |
| Comma (",") separated list of channel flags |
| from audio_channel_mask_t. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:pattern value="[_A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*(,[_A-Z][_A-Z0-9]*)*"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:complexType name="profile"> |
| <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:token" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="format" type="audioFormat" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="samplingRates" type="samplingRates" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="channelMasks" type="channelMask" use="optional"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:simpleType name="gainMode"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_GAIN_MODE_JOINT"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_GAIN_MODE_CHANNELS"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_GAIN_MODE_RAMP"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:complexType name="gains"> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="gain" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:token" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="mode" type="gainMode" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="channel_mask" type="channelMask" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="minValueMB" type="xs:int" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="maxValueMB" type="xs:int" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="defaultValueMB" type="xs:int" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="stepValueMB" type="xs:int" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="minRampMs" type="xs:int" use="optional"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="maxRampMs" type="xs:int" use="optional"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:complexType name="devicePorts"> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="devicePort" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="profile" type="profile" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
| <xs:element name="gains" type="gains" minOccurs="0"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| <xs:attribute name="tagName" type="xs:token" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="type" type="audioDevice" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="role" type="role" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="address" type="xs:string" use="optional" default=""/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:unique name="devicePortProfileUniqueness"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="profile"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="format"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="samplingRate"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="channelMasks"/> |
| </xs:unique> |
| <xs:unique name="devicePortGainUniqueness"> |
| <xs:selector xpath="gains/gain"/> |
| <xs:field xpath="@name"/> |
| </xs:unique> |
| </xs:element> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:simpleType name="mixType"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="mix"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="mux"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:complexType name="routes"> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="route" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation xml:lang="en"> |
| List all available sources for a given sink. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:complexType> |
| <xs:attribute name="type" type="mixType" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="sink" type="xs:string" use="required"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="sources" type="xs:string" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:element> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:complexType name="volumes"> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="volume" type="volume" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
| <xs:element name="reference" type="reference" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"> |
| </xs:element> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <!-- TODO: Always require a ref for better xsd validations. |
| Currently a volume could have no points nor ref |
| as it can not be forbidden by xsd 1.0.--> |
| <xs:simpleType name="volumePoint"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation xml:lang="en"> |
| Comma separated pair of number. |
| The fist one is the framework level (between 0 and 100). |
| The second one is the volume to send to the HAL. |
| The framework will interpolate volumes not specified. |
| Their MUST be at least 2 points specified. |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:pattern value="([0-9]{1,2}|100),-?[0-9]+"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <!-- Enum values of audio_stream_type_t in audio-base.h |
| TODO: generate from hidl to avoid manual sync. --> |
| <xs:simpleType name="stream"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_STREAM_VOICE_CALL"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_STREAM_SYSTEM"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_STREAM_RING"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_STREAM_ALARM"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_STREAM_NOTIFICATION"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_STREAM_BLUETOOTH_SCO"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_STREAM_ENFORCED_AUDIBLE"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_STREAM_DTMF"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_STREAM_TTS"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_STREAM_ACCESSIBILITY"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_STREAM_REROUTING"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="AUDIO_STREAM_PATCH"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <!-- Enum values of device_category from Volume.h. |
| TODO: generate from hidl to avoid manual sync. --> |
| <xs:simpleType name="deviceCategory"> |
| <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> |
| <xs:enumeration value="DEVICE_CATEGORY_HEADSET"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="DEVICE_CATEGORY_EARPIECE"/> |
| <xs:enumeration value="DEVICE_CATEGORY_EXT_MEDIA"/> |
| </xs:restriction> |
| </xs:simpleType> |
| <xs:complexType name="volume"> |
| <xs:annotation> |
| <xs:documentation xml:lang="en"> |
| Volume section defines a volume curve for a given use case and device category. |
| It contains a list of points of this curve expressing the attenuation in Millibels |
| for a given volume index from 0 to 100. |
| <volume stream="AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC" deviceCategory="DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER"> |
| <point>0,-9600</point> |
| <point>100,0</point> |
| </volume> |
| |
| It may also reference a reference/@name to avoid duplicating curves. |
| <volume stream="AUDIO_STREAM_MUSIC" deviceCategory="DEVICE_CATEGORY_SPEAKER" |
| <reference name="DEFAULT_MEDIA_VOLUME_CURVE"> |
| <point>0,-9600</point> |
| <point>100,0</point> |
| </reference> |
| </xs:documentation> |
| </xs:annotation> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="point" type="volumePoint" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| <xs:attribute name="stream" type="stream"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="deviceCategory" type="deviceCategory"/> |
| <xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:token" use="optional"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| <xs:complexType name="reference"> |
| <xs:sequence> |
| <xs:element name="point" type="volumePoint" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded"/> |
| </xs:sequence> |
| <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:token" use="required"/> |
| </xs:complexType> |
| </xs:schema> |