| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| #ifndef HIDL_STRUCT_UTIL_H_ |
| #define HIDL_STRUCT_UTIL_H_ |
| |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include <android/hardware/wifi/1.0/IWifiChip.h> |
| #include <android/hardware/wifi/1.0/types.h> |
| #include <android/hardware/wifi/1.2/types.h> |
| #include <android/hardware/wifi/1.3/types.h> |
| #include <android/hardware/wifi/1.4/IWifiChipEventCallback.h> |
| #include <android/hardware/wifi/1.4/types.h> |
| #include <android/hardware/wifi/1.5/IWifiChip.h> |
| #include <android/hardware/wifi/1.5/types.h> |
| |
| #include "wifi_legacy_hal.h" |
| |
| /** |
| * This file contains a bunch of functions to convert structs from the legacy |
| * HAL to HIDL and vice versa. |
| * TODO(b/32093047): Add unit tests for these conversion methods in the VTS test |
| * suite. |
| */ |
| namespace android { |
| namespace hardware { |
| namespace wifi { |
| namespace V1_5 { |
| namespace implementation { |
| namespace hidl_struct_util { |
| using namespace android::hardware::wifi::V1_0; |
| |
| // Chip conversion methods. |
| bool convertLegacyFeaturesToHidlChipCapabilities( |
| uint64_t legacy_feature_set, uint32_t legacy_logger_feature_set, |
| uint32_t* hidl_caps); |
| bool convertLegacyDebugRingBufferStatusToHidl( |
| const legacy_hal::wifi_ring_buffer_status& legacy_status, |
| WifiDebugRingBufferStatus* hidl_status); |
| bool convertLegacyVectorOfDebugRingBufferStatusToHidl( |
| const std::vector<legacy_hal::wifi_ring_buffer_status>& legacy_status_vec, |
| std::vector<WifiDebugRingBufferStatus>* hidl_status_vec); |
| bool convertLegacyWakeReasonStatsToHidl( |
| const legacy_hal::WakeReasonStats& legacy_stats, |
| WifiDebugHostWakeReasonStats* hidl_stats); |
| legacy_hal::wifi_power_scenario convertHidlTxPowerScenarioToLegacy( |
| V1_1::IWifiChip::TxPowerScenario hidl_scenario); |
| legacy_hal::wifi_latency_mode convertHidlLatencyModeToLegacy( |
| V1_3::IWifiChip::LatencyMode hidl_latency_mode); |
| legacy_hal::wifi_power_scenario convertHidlTxPowerScenarioToLegacy_1_2( |
| V1_2::IWifiChip::TxPowerScenario hidl_scenario); |
| bool convertLegacyWifiMacInfosToHidl( |
| const std::vector<legacy_hal::WifiMacInfo>& legacy_mac_infos, |
| std::vector<V1_4::IWifiChipEventCallback::RadioModeInfo>* |
| hidl_radio_mode_infos); |
| legacy_hal::wifi_interface_type convertHidlIfaceTypeToLegacy( |
| IfaceType hidl_interface_type); |
| legacy_hal::wifi_multi_sta_use_case convertHidlMultiStaUseCaseToLegacy( |
| IWifiChip::MultiStaUseCase use_case); |
| bool convertHidlCoexUnsafeChannelToLegacy( |
| const IWifiChip::CoexUnsafeChannel& hidl_unsafe_channel, |
| legacy_hal::wifi_coex_unsafe_channel* legacy_unsafe_channel); |
| bool convertHidlVectorOfCoexUnsafeChannelToLegacy( |
| const std::vector<IWifiChip::CoexUnsafeChannel>& hidl_unsafe_channels, |
| std::vector<legacy_hal::wifi_coex_unsafe_channel>* legacy_unsafe_channels); |
| |
| // STA iface conversion methods. |
| bool convertLegacyFeaturesToHidlStaCapabilities( |
| uint64_t legacy_feature_set, uint32_t legacy_logger_feature_set, |
| uint32_t* hidl_caps); |
| bool convertLegacyApfCapabilitiesToHidl( |
| const legacy_hal::PacketFilterCapabilities& legacy_caps, |
| StaApfPacketFilterCapabilities* hidl_caps); |
| bool convertLegacyGscanCapabilitiesToHidl( |
| const legacy_hal::wifi_gscan_capabilities& legacy_caps, |
| StaBackgroundScanCapabilities* hidl_caps); |
| legacy_hal::wifi_band convertHidlWifiBandToLegacy(V1_0::WifiBand band); |
| bool convertHidlGscanParamsToLegacy( |
| const StaBackgroundScanParameters& hidl_scan_params, |
| legacy_hal::wifi_scan_cmd_params* legacy_scan_params); |
| // |has_ie_data| indicates whether or not the wifi_scan_result includes 802.11 |
| // Information Elements (IEs) |
| bool convertLegacyGscanResultToHidl( |
| const legacy_hal::wifi_scan_result& legacy_scan_result, bool has_ie_data, |
| StaScanResult* hidl_scan_result); |
| // |cached_results| is assumed to not include IEs. |
| bool convertLegacyVectorOfCachedGscanResultsToHidl( |
| const std::vector<legacy_hal::wifi_cached_scan_results>& |
| legacy_cached_scan_results, |
| std::vector<StaScanData>* hidl_scan_datas); |
| bool convertLegacyLinkLayerStatsToHidl( |
| const legacy_hal::LinkLayerStats& legacy_stats, |
| StaLinkLayerStats* hidl_stats); |
| bool convertLegacyRoamingCapabilitiesToHidl( |
| const legacy_hal::wifi_roaming_capabilities& legacy_caps, |
| StaRoamingCapabilities* hidl_caps); |
| bool convertHidlRoamingConfigToLegacy( |
| const StaRoamingConfig& hidl_config, |
| legacy_hal::wifi_roaming_config* legacy_config); |
| legacy_hal::fw_roaming_state_t convertHidlRoamingStateToLegacy( |
| StaRoamingState state); |
| bool convertLegacyVectorOfDebugTxPacketFateToHidl( |
| const std::vector<legacy_hal::wifi_tx_report>& legacy_fates, |
| std::vector<WifiDebugTxPacketFateReport>* hidl_fates); |
| bool convertLegacyVectorOfDebugRxPacketFateToHidl( |
| const std::vector<legacy_hal::wifi_rx_report>& legacy_fates, |
| std::vector<WifiDebugRxPacketFateReport>* hidl_fates); |
| |
| // NAN iface conversion methods. |
| void convertToWifiNanStatus(legacy_hal::NanStatusType type, const char* str, |
| size_t max_len, WifiNanStatus* wifiNanStatus); |
| bool convertHidlNanEnableRequestToLegacy( |
| const V1_4::NanEnableRequest& hidl_request, |
| legacy_hal::NanEnableRequest* legacy_request); |
| bool convertHidlNanConfigRequestToLegacy( |
| const V1_4::NanConfigRequest& hidl_request, |
| legacy_hal::NanConfigRequest* legacy_request); |
| bool convertHidlNanEnableRequest_1_4ToLegacy( |
| const V1_4::NanEnableRequest& hidl_request1, |
| const NanConfigRequestSupplemental& hidl_request2, |
| legacy_hal::NanEnableRequest* legacy_request); |
| bool convertHidlNanConfigRequest_1_4ToLegacy( |
| const V1_4::NanConfigRequest& hidl_request1, |
| const NanConfigRequestSupplemental& hidl_request2, |
| legacy_hal::NanConfigRequest* legacy_request); |
| bool convertHidlNanEnableRequest_1_5ToLegacy( |
| const V1_4::NanEnableRequest& hidl_request1, |
| const NanConfigRequestSupplemental& hidl_request2, |
| legacy_hal::NanEnableRequest* legacy_request); |
| bool convertHidlNanConfigRequest_1_5ToLegacy( |
| const V1_4::NanConfigRequest& hidl_request1, |
| const NanConfigRequestSupplemental& hidl_request2, |
| legacy_hal::NanConfigRequest* legacy_request); |
| bool convertHidlNanPublishRequestToLegacy( |
| const NanPublishRequest& hidl_request, |
| legacy_hal::NanPublishRequest* legacy_request); |
| bool convertHidlNanSubscribeRequestToLegacy( |
| const NanSubscribeRequest& hidl_request, |
| legacy_hal::NanSubscribeRequest* legacy_request); |
| bool convertHidlNanTransmitFollowupRequestToLegacy( |
| const NanTransmitFollowupRequest& hidl_request, |
| legacy_hal::NanTransmitFollowupRequest* legacy_request); |
| bool convertHidlNanDataPathInitiatorRequestToLegacy( |
| const NanInitiateDataPathRequest& hidl_request, |
| legacy_hal::NanDataPathInitiatorRequest* legacy_request); |
| bool convertHidlNanDataPathIndicationResponseToLegacy( |
| const NanRespondToDataPathIndicationRequest& hidl_response, |
| legacy_hal::NanDataPathIndicationResponse* legacy_response); |
| bool convertLegacyNanResponseHeaderToHidl( |
| const legacy_hal::NanResponseMsg& legacy_response, |
| WifiNanStatus* wifiNanStatus); |
| bool convertLegacyNanCapabilitiesResponseToHidl( |
| const legacy_hal::NanCapabilities& legacy_response, |
| NanCapabilities* hidl_response); |
| bool convertLegacyNanMatchIndToHidl(const legacy_hal::NanMatchInd& legacy_ind, |
| NanMatchInd* hidl_ind); |
| bool convertLegacyNanFollowupIndToHidl( |
| const legacy_hal::NanFollowupInd& legacy_ind, |
| NanFollowupReceivedInd* hidl_ind); |
| bool convertLegacyNanDataPathRequestIndToHidl( |
| const legacy_hal::NanDataPathRequestInd& legacy_ind, |
| NanDataPathRequestInd* hidl_ind); |
| bool convertLegacyNanDataPathConfirmIndToHidl( |
| const legacy_hal::NanDataPathConfirmInd& legacy_ind, |
| V1_2::NanDataPathConfirmInd* hidl_ind); |
| bool convertLegacyNanDataPathScheduleUpdateIndToHidl( |
| const legacy_hal::NanDataPathScheduleUpdateInd& legacy_ind, |
| V1_2::NanDataPathScheduleUpdateInd* hidl_ind); |
| |
| // RTT controller conversion methods. |
| bool convertHidlVectorOfRttConfigToLegacy( |
| const std::vector<V1_4::RttConfig>& hidl_configs, |
| std::vector<legacy_hal::wifi_rtt_config>* legacy_configs); |
| bool convertHidlRttLciInformationToLegacy( |
| const RttLciInformation& hidl_info, |
| legacy_hal::wifi_lci_information* legacy_info); |
| bool convertHidlRttLcrInformationToLegacy( |
| const RttLcrInformation& hidl_info, |
| legacy_hal::wifi_lcr_information* legacy_info); |
| bool convertHidlRttResponderToLegacy( |
| const V1_4::RttResponder& hidl_responder, |
| legacy_hal::wifi_rtt_responder* legacy_responder); |
| bool convertHidlWifiChannelInfoToLegacy( |
| const WifiChannelInfo& hidl_info, |
| legacy_hal::wifi_channel_info* legacy_info); |
| bool convertLegacyRttResponderToHidl( |
| const legacy_hal::wifi_rtt_responder& legacy_responder, |
| V1_4::RttResponder* hidl_responder); |
| bool convertLegacyRttCapabilitiesToHidl( |
| const legacy_hal::wifi_rtt_capabilities& legacy_capabilities, |
| V1_4::RttCapabilities* hidl_capabilities); |
| bool convertLegacyVectorOfRttResultToHidl( |
| const std::vector<const legacy_hal::wifi_rtt_result*>& legacy_results, |
| std::vector<V1_4::RttResult>* hidl_results); |
| uint32_t convertHidlWifiBandToLegacyMacBand(V1_5::WifiBand band); |
| uint32_t convertHidlWifiIfaceModeToLegacy(uint32_t hidl_iface_mask); |
| uint32_t convertHidlUsableChannelFilterToLegacy(uint32_t hidl_filter_mask); |
| bool convertLegacyWifiUsableChannelsToHidl( |
| const std::vector<legacy_hal::wifi_usable_channel>& legacy_usable_channels, |
| std::vector<V1_5::WifiUsableChannel>* hidl_usable_channels); |
| bool convertLegacyPeerInfoStatsToHidl( |
| const legacy_hal::WifiPeerInfo& legacy_peer_info_stats, |
| StaPeerInfo* hidl_peer_info_stats); |
| bool convertLegacyWifiRateInfoToHidl(const legacy_hal::wifi_rate& legacy_rate, |
| V1_4::WifiRateInfo* hidl_rate); |
| } // namespace hidl_struct_util |
| } // namespace implementation |
| } // namespace V1_5 |
| } // namespace wifi |
| } // namespace hardware |
| } // namespace android |
| |
| #endif // HIDL_STRUCT_UTIL_H_ |