blob: 4f0e150b321e91d56eebff7c1cf740bbc19d84af [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "neuralnetworks_hidl_hal_test"
#include "VtsHalNeuralnetworks.h"
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <hidl/ServiceManagement.h>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "1.0/Callbacks.h"
#include "1.0/Utils.h"
#include "GeneratedTestHarness.h"
#include "TestHarness.h"
namespace android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_3::vts::functional {
using HidlToken =
hidl_array<uint8_t, static_cast<uint32_t>(V1_2::Constant::BYTE_SIZE_OF_CACHE_TOKEN)>;
using V1_0::ErrorStatus;
using V1_0::Request;
using V1_1::ExecutionPreference;
using V1_2::IPreparedModel;
using V1_2::implementation::PreparedModelCallback;
// internal helper function
void createPreparedModel(const sp<IDevice>& device, const Model& model,
sp<IPreparedModel>* preparedModel) {
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, preparedModel);
*preparedModel = nullptr;
// see if service can handle model
bool fullySupportsModel = false;
const Return<void> supportedCall = device->getSupportedOperations_1_3(
model, [&fullySupportsModel](ErrorStatus status, const hidl_vec<bool>& supported) {
ASSERT_EQ(ErrorStatus::NONE, status);
ASSERT_NE(0ul, supported.size());
fullySupportsModel = std::all_of(supported.begin(), supported.end(),
[](bool valid) { return valid; });
// launch prepare model
const sp<PreparedModelCallback> preparedModelCallback = new PreparedModelCallback();
const Return<ErrorStatus> prepareLaunchStatus = device->prepareModel_1_3(
model, ExecutionPreference::FAST_SINGLE_ANSWER, hidl_vec<hidl_handle>(),
hidl_vec<hidl_handle>(), HidlToken(), preparedModelCallback);
ASSERT_EQ(ErrorStatus::NONE, static_cast<ErrorStatus>(prepareLaunchStatus));
// retrieve prepared model
const ErrorStatus prepareReturnStatus = preparedModelCallback->getStatus();
*preparedModel = getPreparedModel_1_2(preparedModelCallback);
// The getSupportedOperations_1_3 call returns a list of operations that are
// guaranteed not to fail if prepareModel_1_3 is called, and
// 'fullySupportsModel' is true i.f.f. the entire model is guaranteed.
// If a driver has any doubt that it can prepare an operation, it must
// return false. So here, if a driver isn't sure if it can support an
// operation, but reports that it successfully prepared the model, the test
// can continue.
if (!fullySupportsModel && prepareReturnStatus != ErrorStatus::NONE) {
ASSERT_EQ(nullptr, preparedModel->get());
LOG(INFO) << "NN VTS: Early termination of test because vendor service cannot prepare "
"model that it does not support.";
std::cout << "[ ] Early termination of test because vendor service cannot "
"prepare model that it does not support."
<< std::endl;
ASSERT_EQ(ErrorStatus::NONE, prepareReturnStatus);
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, preparedModel->get());
void NeuralnetworksHidlTest::SetUp() {
ASSERT_NE(kDevice, nullptr);
static NamedDevice makeNamedDevice(const std::string& name) {
return {name, IDevice::getService(name)};
static std::vector<NamedDevice> getNamedDevicesImpl() {
// Retrieves the name of all service instances that implement IDevice,
// including any Lazy HAL instances.
const std::vector<std::string> names = hardware::getAllHalInstanceNames(IDevice::descriptor);
// Get a handle to each device and pair it with its name.
std::vector<NamedDevice> namedDevices;
std::transform(names.begin(), names.end(), std::back_inserter(namedDevices), makeNamedDevice);
return namedDevices;
const std::vector<NamedDevice>& getNamedDevices() {
const static std::vector<NamedDevice> devices = getNamedDevicesImpl();
return devices;
std::string printNeuralnetworksHidlTest(
const testing::TestParamInfo<NeuralnetworksHidlTestParam>& info) {
return gtestCompliantName(getName(info.param));
// Forward declaration from ValidateModel.cpp
void validateModel(const sp<IDevice>& device, const Model& model);
// Forward declaration from ValidateRequest.cpp
void validateRequest(const sp<IPreparedModel>& preparedModel, const V1_0::Request& request);
// Forward declaration from ValidateRequest.cpp
void validateRequestFailure(const sp<IPreparedModel>& preparedModel, const V1_0::Request& request);
// Forward declaration from ValidateBurst.cpp
void validateBurst(const sp<IPreparedModel>& preparedModel, const V1_0::Request& request);
void validateEverything(const sp<IDevice>& device, const Model& model, const Request& request) {
validateModel(device, model);
// Create IPreparedModel.
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel;
createPreparedModel(device, model, &preparedModel);
if (preparedModel == nullptr) return;
validateRequest(preparedModel, request);
validateBurst(preparedModel, request);
void validateFailure(const sp<IDevice>& device, const Model& model, const Request& request) {
// TODO: Should this always succeed?
// What if the invalid input is part of the model (i.e., a parameter).
validateModel(device, model);
// Create IPreparedModel.
sp<IPreparedModel> preparedModel;
createPreparedModel(device, model, &preparedModel);
if (preparedModel == nullptr) return;
validateRequestFailure(preparedModel, request);
TEST_P(ValidationTest, Test) {
const Model model = createModel(kTestModel);
const Request request = createRequest(kTestModel);
if (kTestModel.expectFailure) {
validateFailure(kDevice, model, request);
} else {
validateEverything(kDevice, model, request);
INSTANTIATE_GENERATED_TEST(ValidationTest, [](const test_helper::TestModel&) { return true; });
sp<IPreparedModel> getPreparedModel_1_2(const sp<PreparedModelCallback>& callback) {
sp<V1_0::IPreparedModel> preparedModelV1_0 = callback->getPreparedModel();
return IPreparedModel::castFrom(preparedModelV1_0).withDefault(nullptr);
} // namespace android::hardware::neuralnetworks::V1_3::vts::functional