blob: d0559d711467a38d657fa62346dc4c34002f5c0f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.hardware.evs@1.0;
import types;
import IEvsCameraStream;
* Represents a single camera and is the primary interface for capturing images.
interface IEvsCamera {
* Returns the ID of this camera.
* Returns the string id of this camera. This must be the same value as reported in
* the camera_id field of the CameraDesc structure by EvsEnumerator::getCamerList().
getId() generates (string cameraId);
* Specifies the depth of the buffer chain the camera is asked to support.
* Up to this many frames may be held concurrently by the client of IEvsCamera.
* If this many frames have been delivered to the receiver without being returned
* by doneWithFrame, the stream must skip frames until a buffer is returned for reuse.
* It is legal for this call to come at any time, even while streams are already running,
* in which case buffers should be added or removed from the chain as appropriate.
* If no call is made to this entry point, the IEvsCamera must support at least one
* frame by default. More is acceptable.
* BUFFER_NOT_AVAILABLE is returned if the implementation cannot support the
* requested number of concurrent frames.
setMaxFramesInFlight(uint32_t bufferCount) generates (EvsResult result);
* Request delivery of EVS camera frames from this camera.
* The IEvsCameraStream must begin receiving periodic calls with new image
* frames until stopVideoStream() is called.
startVideoStream(IEvsCameraStream receiver) generates (EvsResult result);
* Return a frame that was delivered by to the IEvsCameraStream.
* When done consuming a frame delivered to the IEvsCameraStream
* interface, it must be returned to the IEvsCamera for reuse.
* A small, finite number of buffers are available (possibly as small
* as one), and if the supply is exhausted, no further frames may be
* delivered until a buffer is returned.
oneway doneWithFrame(BufferDesc buffer);
* Stop the delivery of EVS camera frames.
* Because delivery is asynchronous, frames may continue to arrive for
* some time after this call returns. Each must be returned until the
* closure of the stream is signaled to the IEvsCameraStream.
* This function cannot fail and is simply ignored if the stream isn't running.
* Request driver specific information from the HAL implementation.
* The values allowed for opaqueIdentifier are driver specific,
* but no value passed in may crash the driver. The driver should
* return 0 for any unrecognized opaqueIdentifier.
getExtendedInfo(uint32_t opaqueIdentifier) generates (int32_t value);
* Send a driver specific value to the HAL implementation.
* This extension is provided to facilitate car specific
* extensions, but no HAL implementation may require this call
* in order to function in a default state.
* INVALID_ARG is returned if the opaqueValue is not meaningful to
* the driver implementation.
setExtendedInfo(uint32_t opaqueIdentifier, int32_t opaqueValue) generates (EvsResult result);