blob: 3a9af46bf509b28b777bea113fac5437893f4f23 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.hardware.sensors@2.0;
import @1.0::Event;
import @1.0::OperationMode;
import @1.0::RateLevel;
import @1.0::Result;
import @1.0::SensorInfo;
import @1.0::SharedMemInfo;
import @2.0::ISensorsCallback;
interface ISensors {
* Enumerate all available (static) sensors.
* The SensorInfo for each sensor returned by getSensorsList must be stable
* from the initial call to getSensorsList after a device boot until the
* entire system restarts. The SensorInfo for each sensor must not change
* between subsequent calls to getSensorsList, even across restarts of the
* HAL and its dependencies (for example, the sensor handle for a given
* sensor must not change across HAL restarts).
getSensorsList() generates (vec<SensorInfo> list);
* Place the module in a specific mode. The following modes are defined
* SENSOR_HAL_NORMAL_MODE - Normal operation. Default state of the module.
* Data is injected for the supported sensors by the sensor service in
* this mode.
* @return OK on success
* BAD_VALUE if requested mode is not supported
* PERMISSION_DENIED if operation is not allowed
setOperationMode(OperationMode mode) generates (Result result);
* Activate/de-activate one sensor.
* After sensor de-activation, existing sensor events that have not
* been written to the event queue must be abandoned immediately so that
* subsequent activations do not get stale sensor events (events
* that are generated prior to the latter activation).
* @param sensorHandle is the handle of the sensor to change.
* @param enabled set to true to enable, or false to disable the sensor.
* @return result OK on success, BAD_VALUE if sensorHandle is invalid.
activate(int32_t sensorHandle, bool enabled) generates (Result result);
* Initialize the Sensors HAL's Fast Message Queues (FMQ) and callback.
* The Fast Message Queues (FMQ) that are used to send data between the
* framework and the HAL. The callback is used by the HAL to notify the
* framework of asynchronous events, such as a dynamic sensor connection.
* The Event FMQ is used to transport sensor events from the HAL to the
* framework. The Event FMQ is created using the eventQueueDescriptor.
* Data may only be written to the Event FMQ. Data must not be read from
* the Event FMQ since the framework is the only reader. Upon receiving
* sensor events, the HAL writes the sensor events to the Event FMQ.
* Once the HAL is finished writing sensor events to the Event FMQ, the HAL
* must notify the framework that sensor events are available to be read and
* processed. This is accomplished by either:
* 1) Calling the Event FMQ’s EventFlag::wake() function with
* 2) Setting the write notification in the Event FMQ’s writeBlocking()
* function to EventQueueFlagBits::READ_AND_PROCESS.
* If the Event FMQ’s writeBlocking() function is used, the read
* notification must be set to EventQueueFlagBits::EVENTS_READ in order to
* be notified and unblocked when the framework has successfully read events
* from the Event FMQ.
* The Wake Lock FMQ is used by the framework to notify the HAL when it is
* safe to release its wake_lock. When the framework receives WAKE_UP events
* from the Event FMQ and the framework has acquired a wake_lock, the
* framework must write the number of WAKE_UP events processed to the Wake
* Lock FMQ. When the HAL reads the data from the Wake Lock FMQ, the HAL
* decrements its current count of unprocessed WAKE_UP events and releases
* its wake_lock if the current count of unprocessed WAKE_UP events is
* zero.
* The framework must use the WakeLockQueueFlagBits::DATA_WRITTEN value to
* notify the HAL that data has been written to the Wake Lock FMQ and must
* be read by HAL.
* The ISensorsCallback is used by the HAL to notify the framework of
* asynchronous events, such as a dynamic sensor connection.
* The name of any wake_lock acquired by the Sensors HAL for WAKE_UP events
* must begin with "SensorsHAL_WAKEUP".
* If WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT_SECONDS has elapsed since the most recent WAKE_UP
* event was written to the Event FMQ without receiving a message on the
* Wake Lock FMQ, then any held wake_lock for WAKE_UP events must be
* released.
* If either the Event FMQ or the Wake Lock FMQ is already initialized when
* initialize is invoked, then both existing FMQs must be discarded and the
* new descriptors must be used to create new FMQs within the HAL. The
* number of outstanding WAKE_UP events should also be reset to zero, and
* any outstanding wake_locks held as a result of WAKE_UP events should be
* released.
* All active sensor requests and direct channels must be closed and
* properly cleaned up when initialize is called in order to ensure that the
* HAL and framework's state is consistent (e.g. after a runtime restart).
* initialize must be thread safe and prevent concurrent calls
* to initialize from simultaneously modifying state.
* @param eventQueueDescriptor Fast Message Queue descriptor that is used to
* create the Event FMQ which is where sensor events are written. The
* descriptor is obtained from the framework's FMQ that is used to read
* sensor events.
* @param wakeLockDescriptor Fast Message Queue descriptor that is used to
* create the Wake Lock FMQ which is where wake_lock events are read
* from. The descriptor is obtained from the framework's FMQ that is
* used to write wake_lock events.
* @param sensorsCallback sensors callback that receives asynchronous data
* from the Sensors HAL.
* @return result OK on success; BAD_VALUE if descriptor is invalid (such
* as null)
@callflow(next = {"getSensorsList"})
initialize(fmq_sync<Event> eventQueueDescriptor,
fmq_sync<uint32_t> wakeLockDescriptor,
ISensorsCallback sensorsCallback)
(Result result);
* Sets a sensor’s parameters, including sampling frequency and maximum
* report latency. This function can be called while the sensor is
* activated, in which case it must not cause any sensor measurements to
* be lost: transitioning from one sampling rate to the other cannot cause
* lost events, nor can transitioning from a high maximum report latency to
* a low maximum report latency.
* @param sensorHandle handle of sensor to be changed.
* @param samplingPeriodNs specifies sensor sample period in nanoseconds.
* @param maxReportLatencyNs allowed delay time before an event is sampled
* to time of report.
* @return result OK on success, BAD_VALUE if any parameters are invalid.
batch(int32_t sensorHandle,
int64_t samplingPeriodNs,
int64_t maxReportLatencyNs)
generates (
Result result);
* Trigger a flush of internal FIFO.
* Flush adds a FLUSH_COMPLETE metadata event to the end of the "batch mode"
* FIFO for the specified sensor and flushes the FIFO. If the FIFO is empty
* or if the sensor doesn't support batching (FIFO size zero), return
* SUCCESS and add a trivial FLUSH_COMPLETE event added to the event stream.
* This applies to all sensors other than one-shot sensors. If the sensor
* is a one-shot sensor, flush must return BAD_VALUE and not generate any
* flush complete metadata. If the sensor is not active at the time flush()
* is called, flush() return BAD_VALUE.
* @param sensorHandle handle of sensor to be flushed.
* @return result OK on success and BAD_VALUE if sensorHandle is invalid.
flush(int32_t sensorHandle) generates (Result result);
* Inject a single sensor event or push operation environment parameters to
* device.
* When device is in NORMAL mode, this function is called to push operation
* environment data to device. In this operation, Event is always of
* SensorType::AdditionalInfo type. See operation evironment parameters
* section in AdditionalInfoType.
* When device is in DATA_INJECTION mode, this function is also used for
* injecting sensor events.
* Regardless of OperationMode, injected SensorType::ADDITIONAL_INFO
* type events should not be routed back to the sensor event queue.
* @see AdditionalInfoType
* @see OperationMode
* @param event sensor event to be injected
* @return result OK on success; PERMISSION_DENIED if operation is not
* allowed; INVALID_OPERATION, if this functionality is unsupported;
* BAD_VALUE if sensor event cannot be injected.
injectSensorData(Event event) generates (Result result);
* Register direct report channel.
* Register a direct channel with supplied shared memory information. Upon
* return, the sensor hardware is responsible for resetting the memory
* content to initial value (depending on memory format settings).
* @param mem shared memory info data structure.
* @return result OK on success; BAD_VALUE if shared memory information is
* not consistent; NO_MEMORY if shared memory cannot be used by sensor
* system; INVALID_OPERATION if functionality is not supported.
* @return channelHandle a positive integer used for referencing registered
* direct channel (>0) in configureDirectReport and
* unregisterDirectChannel if result is OK, -1 otherwise.
registerDirectChannel(SharedMemInfo mem)
generates (Result result,
int32_t channelHandle);
* Unregister direct report channel.
* Unregister a direct channel previously registered using
* registerDirectChannel, and remove all active sensor report configured in
* still active sensor report configured in the direct channel.
* @param channelHandle handle of direct channel to be unregistered.
* @return result OK if direct report is supported; INVALID_OPERATION
* otherwise.
unregisterDirectChannel(int32_t channelHandle) generates (Result result);
* Configure direct sensor event report in direct channel.
* This function start, modify rate or stop direct report of a sensor in a
* certain direct channel.
* @param sensorHandle handle of sensor to be configured. When combined
* with STOP rate, sensorHandle can be -1 to denote all active sensors
* in the direct channel specified by channel Handle.
* @param channelHandle handle of direct channel to be configured.
* @param rate rate level, see RateLevel enum.
* @return result OK on success; BAD_VALUE if parameter is invalid (such as
* rate level is not supported by sensor, channelHandle does not exist,
* etc); INVALID_OPERATION if functionality is not supported.
* @return reportToken positive integer to identify multiple sensors of
* the same type in a single direct channel. Ignored if rate is STOP.
* See SharedMemFormat.
int32_t sensorHandle,
int32_t channelHandle,
RateLevel rate
) generates (
Result result,
int32_t reportToken);