blob: fcbc4d81ae6dcbc8cf04a2128e01503cc2c09b26 [file] [log] [blame]
#Conf file consists of contents of TLV Format for Regulation
##Following TLV formats for country code configuration.
##octet[0]:Number of countries (N)
## octet[1]: Tag Id of Country code(0x00)
## octet[2]: Country code Tag Id length
## octet[3-4]: Country code value (Example: RU,US,IN etc)
## octet[...]: Params supported list in the particular country in the TLV format
## Note:
## Enable UWB:
## Tag_Id: 0x01
## Length: 0x01
## Value: 1 - enable
## 0 - disable
## Channel 5 supported:
## Tag_Id: 0x02
## Length: 0x01
## Value: 1 - enable
## 0 - disable
## Channel 9 supported:
## Tag_Id: 0x03
## Length: 0x01
## Value: 1 - enable
## 0 - disable
## TX power:
## Tag_Id: 0x05
## Length: 0x02
## Value:
## octect[0-1] - RMS TX power
##Again another country code config list follows after tag Id 0 found, remaining byte
##position is same as described above
00, 02, 52, 55,
03, 01, 00,
05, 02, 81, 05,
00, 02, 55, 41,
01, 01, 00,
00, 02, 4b, 52,
02, 01, 00,
05, 02, 00, 00,
00, 02, 56, 4e,
01, 01, 00,
00, 02, 4a, 50,
02, 01, 00,
00, 02, 54, 57,
02, 01, 00,
00, 02, 4e, 50,
01, 01, 00,
00, 02, 55, 5a,
02, 01, 00,