| [mypy] |
| check_untyped_defs = True |
| # TODO: Investigate fixing type signatures for mocks. |
| # disallow_any_decorated = True |
| # This flags a *lot* of things since things like json.load return Any. |
| # disallow_any_expr = True |
| disallow_any_generics = True |
| disallow_untyped_decorators = True |
| disallow_untyped_defs = True |
| follow_imports = silent |
| implicit_reexport = False |
| namespace_packages = True |
| no_implicit_optional = True |
| show_error_codes = True |
| strict_equality = True |
| warn_redundant_casts = True |
| warn_return_any = True |
| warn_unreachable = True |
| warn_unused_configs = True |
| warn_unused_ignores = True |
| # TODO: Add type information to the adb module so we can enable these. |
| # disallow_any_unimported = True |
| # disallow_subclassing_any = True |
| exclude=(?x)( |
| ^tests/| |
| ^build/tools/make_standalone_toolchain.py$| |
| ^checkbuild.py$| |
| ^ndk-gdb.py$| |
| ^ndk-stack.py$| |
| ^parse_elfnote.py$| |
| ^run_tests.py$| |
| ^scripts/update_dac.py$| |
| ^scripts/gen_release_table.py$| |
| ^scripts/create_windows_instance.py$) |
| |
| [mypy-adb] |
| ignore_missing_imports = True |