blob: 0070f956662b1904bad762c7400f7d9b52257880 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
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import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.view.Surface;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
public class DeviceProfile {
private static final int DEFAULT_DOT_SIZE = 100;
private static final float ALL_APPS_TABLET_MAX_ROWS = 5.5f;
private static final float MIN_FOLDER_TEXT_SIZE_SP = 16f;
public static final PointF DEFAULT_SCALE = new PointF(1.0f, 1.0f);
public static final ViewScaleProvider DEFAULT_PROVIDER = itemInfo -> DEFAULT_SCALE;
public static final Consumer<DeviceProfile> DEFAULT_DIMENSION_PROVIDER = dp -> {};
// Ratio of empty space, qsb should take up to appear visually centered.
private final float mQsbCenterFactor;
public final InvariantDeviceProfile inv;
private final Info mInfo;
private final DisplayMetrics mMetrics;
// Device properties
public final boolean isTablet;
public final boolean isPhone;
public final boolean transposeLayoutWithOrientation;
public final boolean isMultiDisplay;
public final boolean isTwoPanels;
public final boolean isQsbInline;
// Device properties in current orientation
public final boolean isLandscape;
public final boolean isMultiWindowMode;
public final boolean isGestureMode;
public final int windowX;
public final int windowY;
public final int widthPx;
public final int heightPx;
public final int availableWidthPx;
public final int availableHeightPx;
public final int rotationHint;
public final float aspectRatio;
public final boolean isScalableGrid;
private final int mTypeIndex;
* The maximum amount of left/right workspace padding as a percentage of the screen width.
* To be clear, this means that up to 7% of the screen width can be used as left padding, and
* 7% of the screen width can be used as right padding.
private static final float MAX_HORIZONTAL_PADDING_PERCENT = 0.14f;
private static final float TALL_DEVICE_ASPECT_RATIO_THRESHOLD = 2.0f;
private static final float TALLER_DEVICE_ASPECT_RATIO_THRESHOLD = 2.15f;
private static final float TALL_DEVICE_EXTRA_SPACE_THRESHOLD_DP = 252;
private static final float TALL_DEVICE_MORE_EXTRA_SPACE_THRESHOLD_DP = 268;
// Workspace
public final int desiredWorkspaceHorizontalMarginOriginalPx;
public int desiredWorkspaceHorizontalMarginPx;
public int gridVisualizationPaddingX;
public int gridVisualizationPaddingY;
public Point cellLayoutBorderSpaceOriginalPx;
public Point cellLayoutBorderSpacePx;
public Rect cellLayoutPaddingPx = new Rect();
public final int edgeMarginPx;
public final float workspaceContentScale;
public final int workspaceSpringLoadedMinNextPageVisiblePx;
private final int extraSpace;
private int maxEmptySpace;
public int workspaceTopPadding;
public int workspaceBottomPadding;
// Workspace page indicator
public final int workspacePageIndicatorHeight;
private final int mWorkspacePageIndicatorOverlapWorkspace;
// Workspace icons
public float iconScale;
public int iconSizePx;
public int iconTextSizePx;
public int iconDrawablePaddingPx;
public int iconDrawablePaddingOriginalPx;
public float cellScaleToFit;
public int cellWidthPx;
public int cellHeightPx;
public int workspaceCellPaddingXPx;
public int cellYPaddingPx;
// Folder
public float folderLabelTextScale;
public int folderLabelTextSizePx;
public int folderFooterHeightPx;
public int folderIconSizePx;
public int folderIconOffsetYPx;
// Folder content
public int folderCellLayoutBorderSpacePx;
public int folderContentPaddingLeftRight;
public int folderContentPaddingTop;
// Folder cell
public int folderCellWidthPx;
public int folderCellHeightPx;
// Folder child
public int folderChildIconSizePx;
public int folderChildTextSizePx;
public int folderChildDrawablePaddingPx;
// Hotseat
public int numShownHotseatIcons;
public int hotseatCellHeightPx;
public final boolean areNavButtonsInline;
// In portrait: size = height, in landscape: size = width
public int hotseatBarSizePx;
public int hotseatBarBottomSpacePx;
public int hotseatBarEndOffset;
public int hotseatQsbSpace;
public int springLoadedHotseatBarTopMarginPx;
// Start is the side next to the nav bar, end is the side next to the workspace
public final int hotseatBarSidePaddingStartPx;
public final int hotseatBarSidePaddingEndPx;
public int hotseatQsbWidth; // only used when isQsbInline
public final int hotseatQsbHeight;
public final int hotseatQsbVisualHeight;
private final int hotseatQsbShadowHeight;
public int hotseatBorderSpace;
private int minHotseatIconSpacePx;
private int minHotseatQsbWidthPx;
private final int maxHotseatIconSpacePx;
private int inlineNavButtonsEndSpacing;
// Bottom sheets
public int bottomSheetTopPadding;
public int bottomSheetOpenDuration;
public int bottomSheetCloseDuration;
public float bottomSheetWorkspaceScale;
public float bottomSheetDepth;
// All apps
public Point allAppsBorderSpacePx;
public int allAppsShiftRange;
public int allAppsTopPadding;
public int allAppsOpenDuration;
public int allAppsCloseDuration;
public int allAppsCellHeightPx;
public int allAppsCellWidthPx;
public int allAppsIconSizePx;
public int allAppsIconDrawablePaddingPx;
public int allAppsLeftRightPadding;
public int allAppsLeftRightMargin;
public final int numShownAllAppsColumns;
public float allAppsIconTextSizePx;
// Overview
public int overviewTaskMarginPx;
public int overviewTaskIconSizePx;
public int overviewTaskIconDrawableSizePx;
public int overviewTaskIconDrawableSizeGridPx;
public int overviewTaskThumbnailTopMarginPx;
public final int overviewActionsHeight;
public final int overviewActionsTopMarginPx;
public final int overviewActionsButtonSpacing;
public int overviewPageSpacing;
public int overviewRowSpacing;
public int overviewGridSideMargin;
// Split staging
public int splitPlaceholderInset;
// Widgets
private final ViewScaleProvider mViewScaleProvider;
// Drop Target
public int dropTargetBarSizePx;
public int dropTargetBarTopMarginPx;
public int dropTargetBarBottomMarginPx;
public int dropTargetDragPaddingPx;
public int dropTargetTextSizePx;
public int dropTargetHorizontalPaddingPx;
public int dropTargetVerticalPaddingPx;
public int dropTargetGapPx;
public int dropTargetButtonWorkspaceEdgeGapPx;
// Insets
private final Rect mInsets = new Rect();
public final Rect workspacePadding = new Rect();
// When true, nav bar is on the left side of the screen.
private boolean mIsSeascape;
// Notification dots
public final DotRenderer mDotRendererWorkSpace;
public final DotRenderer mDotRendererAllApps;
// Taskbar
public boolean isTaskbarPresent;
// Whether Taskbar will inset the bottom of apps by taskbarSize.
public boolean isTaskbarPresentInApps;
public int taskbarSize;
public int transientTaskbarSize;
public int stashedTaskbarSize;
public int transientTaskbarMargin;
// DragController
public int flingToDeleteThresholdVelocity;
/** TODO: Once we fully migrate to staged split, remove "isMultiWindowMode" */
DeviceProfile(Context context, InvariantDeviceProfile inv, Info info, WindowBounds windowBounds,
SparseArray<DotRenderer> dotRendererCache, boolean isMultiWindowMode,
boolean transposeLayoutWithOrientation, boolean isMultiDisplay, boolean isGestureMode,
@NonNull final ViewScaleProvider viewScaleProvider,
@NonNull final Consumer<DeviceProfile> dimensionOverrideProvider) {
this.inv = inv;
this.isLandscape = windowBounds.isLandscape();
this.isMultiWindowMode = isMultiWindowMode;
this.transposeLayoutWithOrientation = transposeLayoutWithOrientation;
this.isMultiDisplay = isMultiDisplay;
this.isGestureMode = isGestureMode;
windowX = windowBounds.bounds.left;
windowY =;
this.rotationHint = windowBounds.rotationHint;
isScalableGrid = inv.isScalable && !isVerticalBarLayout() && !isMultiWindowMode;
// Determine device posture.
mInfo = info;
isTablet = info.isTablet(windowBounds);
isPhone = !isTablet;
isTwoPanels = isTablet && isMultiDisplay;
isTaskbarPresent = isTablet && ApiWrapper.TASKBAR_DRAWN_IN_PROCESS;
// Some more constants.
context = getContext(context, info, isVerticalBarLayout() || (isTablet && isLandscape)
final Resources res = context.getResources();
mMetrics = res.getDisplayMetrics();
// Determine sizes.
widthPx = windowBounds.bounds.width();
heightPx = windowBounds.bounds.height();
availableWidthPx = windowBounds.availableSize.x;
availableHeightPx = windowBounds.availableSize.y;
aspectRatio = ((float) Math.max(widthPx, heightPx)) / Math.min(widthPx, heightPx);
boolean isTallDevice =, TALL_DEVICE_ASPECT_RATIO_THRESHOLD) >= 0;
mQsbCenterFactor = res.getFloat(R.dimen.qsb_center_factor);
if (isTwoPanels) {
if (isLandscape) {
} else {
} else {
if (isLandscape) {
} else {
if (isTaskbarPresent) {
transientTaskbarSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.transient_taskbar_size);
transientTaskbarMargin = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.transient_taskbar_margin);
if (DisplayController.isTransientTaskbar(context)) {
taskbarSize = transientTaskbarSize;
stashedTaskbarSize =
} else {
taskbarSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.taskbar_size);
stashedTaskbarSize = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.taskbar_stashed_size);
edgeMarginPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dynamic_grid_edge_margin);
workspaceContentScale = res.getFloat(R.dimen.workspace_content_scale);
desiredWorkspaceHorizontalMarginPx = getHorizontalMarginPx(inv, res);
desiredWorkspaceHorizontalMarginOriginalPx = desiredWorkspaceHorizontalMarginPx;
gridVisualizationPaddingX = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
gridVisualizationPaddingY = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
bottomSheetTopPadding = // statusbar height
+ res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.bottom_sheet_extra_top_padding)
+ (isTablet ? 0 : edgeMarginPx); // phones need edgeMarginPx additional padding
bottomSheetOpenDuration = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_bottomSheetOpenDuration);
bottomSheetCloseDuration = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_bottomSheetCloseDuration);
if (isTablet) {
bottomSheetWorkspaceScale = workspaceContentScale;
if (isMultiDisplay && !ENABLE_MULTI_DISPLAY_PARTIAL_DEPTH.get()) {
// TODO(b/259893832): Revert to use maxWallpaperScale to calculate bottomSheetDepth
// when screen recorder bug is fixed.
bottomSheetDepth = 1f;
} else {
// The goal is to set wallpaper to zoom at workspaceContentScale when in AllApps.
// When depth is 0, wallpaper zoom is set to maxWallpaperScale.
// When depth is 1, wallpaper zoom is set to 1.
// For depth to achieve zoom set to maxWallpaperScale * workspaceContentScale:
float maxWallpaperScale = res.getFloat(R.dimen.config_wallpaperMaxScale);
bottomSheetDepth = Utilities.mapToRange(maxWallpaperScale * workspaceContentScale,
maxWallpaperScale, 1f, 0f, 1f, LINEAR);
} else {
bottomSheetWorkspaceScale = 1f;
bottomSheetDepth = 0f;
folderLabelTextScale = res.getFloat(R.dimen.folder_label_text_scale);
if (inv.folderStyle != INVALID_RESOURCE_HANDLE) {
TypedArray folderStyle = context.obtainStyledAttributes(inv.folderStyle,
// These are re-set in #updateFolderCellSize if the grid is not scalable
folderCellHeightPx = folderStyle.getDimensionPixelSize(
R.styleable.FolderStyle_folderCellHeight, 0);
folderCellWidthPx = folderStyle.getDimensionPixelSize(
R.styleable.FolderStyle_folderCellWidth, 0);
folderContentPaddingTop = folderStyle.getDimensionPixelSize(
R.styleable.FolderStyle_folderTopPadding, 0);
folderCellLayoutBorderSpacePx = folderStyle.getDimensionPixelSize(
R.styleable.FolderStyle_folderBorderSpace, 0);
folderFooterHeightPx = folderStyle.getDimensionPixelSize(
R.styleable.FolderStyle_folderFooterHeight, 0);
} else {
folderCellLayoutBorderSpacePx = 0;
folderFooterHeightPx = 0;
folderContentPaddingTop = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.folder_top_padding_default);
cellLayoutBorderSpacePx = getCellLayoutBorderSpace(inv);
cellLayoutBorderSpaceOriginalPx = new Point(cellLayoutBorderSpacePx);
allAppsBorderSpacePx = new Point(
pxFromDp(inv.allAppsBorderSpaces[mTypeIndex].x, mMetrics),
pxFromDp(inv.allAppsBorderSpaces[mTypeIndex].y, mMetrics));
workspacePageIndicatorHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
mWorkspacePageIndicatorOverlapWorkspace =
TypedArray cellStyle;
if (inv.cellStyle != INVALID_RESOURCE_HANDLE) {
cellStyle = context.obtainStyledAttributes(inv.cellStyle,
} else {
cellStyle = context.obtainStyledAttributes(,
iconDrawablePaddingOriginalPx = cellStyle.getDimensionPixelSize(
R.styleable.CellStyle_iconDrawablePadding, 0);
dropTargetBarSizePx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dynamic_grid_drop_target_size);
dropTargetBarTopMarginPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.drop_target_top_margin);
dropTargetBarBottomMarginPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.drop_target_bottom_margin);
dropTargetDragPaddingPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.drop_target_drag_padding);
dropTargetTextSizePx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.drop_target_text_size);
dropTargetHorizontalPaddingPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
dropTargetVerticalPaddingPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
dropTargetGapPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.drop_target_button_gap);
dropTargetButtonWorkspaceEdgeGapPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
workspaceSpringLoadedMinNextPageVisiblePx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
workspaceCellPaddingXPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dynamic_grid_cell_padding_x);
hotseatQsbHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.qsb_widget_height);
hotseatQsbShadowHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.qsb_shadow_height);
hotseatQsbVisualHeight = hotseatQsbHeight - 2 * hotseatQsbShadowHeight;
// Whether QSB might be inline in appropriate orientation (e.g. landscape).
boolean canQsbInline = (isTwoPanels ? inv.inlineQsb[INDEX_TWO_PANEL_PORTRAIT]
: inv.inlineQsb[INDEX_DEFAULT] || inv.inlineQsb[INDEX_LANDSCAPE])
&& hotseatQsbHeight > 0;
isQsbInline = isScalableGrid && inv.inlineQsb[mTypeIndex] && canQsbInline;
areNavButtonsInline = isTaskbarPresent && !isGestureMode;
numShownHotseatIcons =
isTwoPanels ? inv.numDatabaseHotseatIcons : inv.numShownHotseatIcons;
numShownAllAppsColumns =
isTwoPanels ? inv.numDatabaseAllAppsColumns : inv.numAllAppsColumns;
int hotseatBarBottomSpace = pxFromDp(inv.hotseatBarBottomSpace[mTypeIndex], mMetrics);
int minQsbMargin = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.min_qsb_margin);
hotseatQsbSpace = pxFromDp(inv.hotseatQsbSpace[mTypeIndex], mMetrics);
// Have a little space between the inset and the QSB
if (mInsets.bottom + minQsbMargin > hotseatBarBottomSpace) {
int availableSpace = hotseatQsbSpace - (mInsets.bottom - hotseatBarBottomSpace);
// Only change the spaces if there is space
if (availableSpace > 0) {
// Make sure there is enough space between hotseat/QSB and QSB/navBar
if (availableSpace < minQsbMargin * 2) {
minQsbMargin = availableSpace / 2;
hotseatQsbSpace = minQsbMargin;
} else {
hotseatQsbSpace -= minQsbMargin;
hotseatBarBottomSpacePx = mInsets.bottom + minQsbMargin;
} else {
hotseatBarBottomSpacePx = hotseatBarBottomSpace;
springLoadedHotseatBarTopMarginPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
hotseatBarSidePaddingEndPx =
// Add a bit of space between nav bar and hotseat in vertical bar layout.
hotseatBarSidePaddingStartPx = isVerticalBarLayout() ? workspacePageIndicatorHeight : 0;
updateHotseatSizes(pxFromDp(inv.iconSize[INDEX_DEFAULT], mMetrics));
if (areNavButtonsInline && !isPhone) {
inlineNavButtonsEndSpacing = res.getDimensionPixelSize(inv.inlineNavButtonsEndSpacing);
* 3 nav buttons +
* Spacing between nav buttons +
* Space at the end for contextual buttons
hotseatBarEndOffset = 3 * res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.taskbar_nav_buttons_size)
+ 2 * res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.taskbar_button_space_inbetween)
+ inlineNavButtonsEndSpacing;
} else {
inlineNavButtonsEndSpacing = 0;
hotseatBarEndOffset = 0;
overviewTaskMarginPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.overview_task_margin);
overviewTaskIconSizePx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.task_thumbnail_icon_size);
overviewTaskIconDrawableSizePx =
overviewTaskIconDrawableSizeGridPx =
overviewTaskThumbnailTopMarginPx = overviewTaskIconSizePx + overviewTaskMarginPx;
overviewActionsTopMarginPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.overview_actions_top_margin);
overviewPageSpacing = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.overview_page_spacing);
overviewActionsButtonSpacing = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
overviewActionsHeight = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.overview_actions_height);
overviewRowSpacing = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.overview_grid_row_spacing);
overviewGridSideMargin = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.overview_grid_side_margin);
splitPlaceholderInset = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.split_placeholder_inset);
// Calculate all of the remaining variables.
extraSpace = updateAvailableDimensions(res);
// Now that we have all of the variables calculated, we can tune certain sizes.
if (isScalableGrid && inv.devicePaddingId != INVALID_RESOURCE_HANDLE) {
// Paddings were created assuming no scaling, so we first unscale the extra space.
int unscaledExtraSpace = (int) (extraSpace / cellScaleToFit);
DevicePaddings devicePaddings = new DevicePaddings(context, inv.devicePaddingId);
DevicePadding padding = devicePaddings.getDevicePadding(unscaledExtraSpace);
maxEmptySpace = padding.getMaxEmptySpacePx();
int paddingWorkspaceTop = padding.getWorkspaceTopPadding(unscaledExtraSpace);
int paddingWorkspaceBottom = padding.getWorkspaceBottomPadding(unscaledExtraSpace);
int paddingHotseatBottom = padding.getHotseatBottomPadding(unscaledExtraSpace);
workspaceTopPadding = Math.round(paddingWorkspaceTop * cellScaleToFit);
workspaceBottomPadding = Math.round(paddingWorkspaceBottom * cellScaleToFit);
int cellLayoutPadding =
isTwoPanels ? cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.x / 2 : res.getDimensionPixelSize(
cellLayoutPaddingPx = new Rect(cellLayoutPadding, cellLayoutPadding, cellLayoutPadding,
minHotseatIconSpacePx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.min_hotseat_icon_space);
minHotseatQsbWidthPx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.min_hotseat_qsb_width);
maxHotseatIconSpacePx = areNavButtonsInline
? res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.max_hotseat_icon_space) : Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// Hotseat and QSB width depends on updated cellSize and workspace padding
// AllApps height calculation depends on updated cellSize
if (isTablet) {
int collapseHandleHeight =
int contentHeight = heightPx - collapseHandleHeight - hotseatQsbHeight;
int targetContentHeight = (int) (allAppsCellHeightPx * ALL_APPS_TABLET_MAX_ROWS);
allAppsTopPadding = Math.max(, contentHeight - targetContentHeight);
allAppsShiftRange = heightPx - allAppsTopPadding;
} else {
allAppsTopPadding = 0;
allAppsShiftRange =
allAppsOpenDuration = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_allAppsOpenDuration);
allAppsCloseDuration = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_allAppsCloseDuration);
flingToDeleteThresholdVelocity = res.getDimensionPixelSize(
mViewScaleProvider = viewScaleProvider;
// This is done last, after iconSizePx is calculated above.
mDotRendererWorkSpace = createDotRenderer(iconSizePx, dotRendererCache);
mDotRendererAllApps = createDotRenderer(allAppsIconSizePx, dotRendererCache);
private static DotRenderer createDotRenderer(
int size, @NonNull SparseArray<DotRenderer> cache) {
DotRenderer renderer = cache.get(size);
if (renderer == null) {
renderer = new DotRenderer(size, getShapePath(DEFAULT_DOT_SIZE), DEFAULT_DOT_SIZE);
cache.put(size, renderer);
return renderer;
* QSB width is always calculated because when in 3 button nav the width doesn't follow the
* width of the hotseat.
private int calculateQsbWidth(int hotseatBorderSpace) {
if (isQsbInline) {
int columns = getPanelCount() * inv.numColumns;
return getIconToIconWidthForColumns(columns)
- iconSizePx * numShownHotseatIcons
- hotseatBorderSpace * numShownHotseatIcons;
} else {
int columns = inv.hotseatColumnSpan[mTypeIndex];
return getIconToIconWidthForColumns(columns);
private int getIconToIconWidthForColumns(int columns) {
return columns * getCellSize().x
+ (columns - 1) * cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.x
- getCellHorizontalSpace();
private int getHorizontalMarginPx(InvariantDeviceProfile idp, Resources res) {
if (isVerticalBarLayout()) {
return 0;
return isScalableGrid
? pxFromDp(idp.horizontalMargin[mTypeIndex], mMetrics)
: res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dynamic_grid_left_right_margin);
/** Updates hotseatCellHeightPx and hotseatBarSizePx */
private void updateHotseatSizes(int hotseatIconSizePx) {
// Ensure there is enough space for folder icons, which have a slightly larger radius.
hotseatCellHeightPx = (int) Math.ceil(hotseatIconSizePx * ICON_OVERLAP_FACTOR);
if (isVerticalBarLayout()) {
hotseatBarSizePx = hotseatIconSizePx + hotseatBarSidePaddingStartPx
+ hotseatBarSidePaddingEndPx;
} else if (isQsbInline) {
hotseatBarSizePx = Math.max(hotseatIconSizePx, hotseatQsbVisualHeight)
+ hotseatBarBottomSpacePx;
} else {
hotseatBarSizePx = hotseatIconSizePx
+ hotseatQsbSpace
+ hotseatQsbVisualHeight
+ hotseatBarBottomSpacePx;
* Calculates the width of the hotseat, changing spaces between the icons and removing icons if
* necessary.
public void recalculateHotseatWidthAndBorderSpace() {
if (!isScalableGrid) return;
int columns = inv.hotseatColumnSpan[mTypeIndex];
float hotseatWidthPx = getIconToIconWidthForColumns(columns);
hotseatBorderSpace = calculateHotseatBorderSpace(hotseatWidthPx, /* numExtraBorder= */ 0);
hotseatQsbWidth = calculateQsbWidth(hotseatBorderSpace);
// Spaces should be correct when the nav buttons are not inline
if (!areNavButtonsInline) {
// The side space with inline buttons should be what is defined in InvariantDeviceProfile
int sideSpace = inlineNavButtonsEndSpacing;
int maxHotseatWidth = availableWidthPx - sideSpace - hotseatBarEndOffset;
int maxHotseatIconsWidth = maxHotseatWidth - (isQsbInline ? hotseatQsbWidth : 0);
hotseatBorderSpace = calculateHotseatBorderSpace(maxHotseatIconsWidth,
(isQsbInline ? 1 : 0) + /* border between nav buttons and first icon */ 1);
if (hotseatBorderSpace >= minHotseatIconSpacePx) {
// Border space can't be less than the minimum
hotseatBorderSpace = minHotseatIconSpacePx;
int requiredWidth = getHotseatRequiredWidth();
// If there is an inline qsb, change its size
if (isQsbInline) {
hotseatQsbWidth -= requiredWidth - maxHotseatWidth;
if (hotseatQsbWidth >= minHotseatQsbWidthPx) {
// QSB can't be less than the minimum
hotseatQsbWidth = minHotseatQsbWidthPx;
maxHotseatIconsWidth = maxHotseatWidth - (isQsbInline ? hotseatQsbWidth : 0);
// If it still doesn't fit, start removing icons
do {
hotseatBorderSpace = calculateHotseatBorderSpace(maxHotseatIconsWidth,
(isQsbInline ? 1 : 0) + /* border between nav buttons and first icon */ 1);
} while (hotseatBorderSpace < minHotseatIconSpacePx && numShownHotseatIcons > 1);
private Point getCellLayoutBorderSpace(InvariantDeviceProfile idp) {
return getCellLayoutBorderSpace(idp, 1f);
private Point getCellLayoutBorderSpace(InvariantDeviceProfile idp, float scale) {
if (!isScalableGrid) {
return new Point(0, 0);
int horizontalSpacePx = pxFromDp(idp.borderSpaces[mTypeIndex].x, mMetrics, scale);
int verticalSpacePx = pxFromDp(idp.borderSpaces[mTypeIndex].y, mMetrics, scale);
return new Point(horizontalSpacePx, verticalSpacePx);
public Info getDisplayInfo() {
return mInfo;
* We inset the widget padding added by the system and instead rely on the border spacing
* between cells to create reliable consistency between widgets
public boolean shouldInsetWidgets() {
Rect widgetPadding = inv.defaultWidgetPadding;
// Check all sides to ensure that the widget won't overlap into another cell, or into
// status bar.
return workspaceTopPadding >
&& cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.x > widgetPadding.left
&& cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.y >
&& cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.x > widgetPadding.right
&& cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.y > widgetPadding.bottom;
public Builder toBuilder(Context context) {
WindowBounds bounds = new WindowBounds(
widthPx, heightPx, availableWidthPx, availableHeightPx, rotationHint);
bounds.bounds.offsetTo(windowX, windowY);
SparseArray<DotRenderer> dotRendererCache = new SparseArray<>();
dotRendererCache.put(iconSizePx, mDotRendererWorkSpace);
dotRendererCache.put(allAppsIconSizePx, mDotRendererAllApps);
return new Builder(context, inv, mInfo)
public DeviceProfile copy(Context context) {
return toBuilder(context).build();
* TODO: Move this to the builder as part of setMultiWindowMode
public DeviceProfile getMultiWindowProfile(Context context, WindowBounds windowBounds) {
DeviceProfile profile = toBuilder(context)
// We use these scales to measure and layout the widgets using their full invariant profile
// sizes and then draw them scaled and centered to fit in their multi-window mode cellspans.
float appWidgetScaleX = (float) profile.getCellSize().x / getCellSize().x;
float appWidgetScaleY = (float) profile.getCellSize().y / getCellSize().y;
if (appWidgetScaleX != 1 || appWidgetScaleY != 1) {
final PointF p = new PointF(appWidgetScaleX, appWidgetScaleY);
profile = profile.toBuilder(context)
.setViewScaleProvider(i -> p)
return profile;
* Checks if there is enough space for labels on the workspace.
* If there is not, labels on the Workspace are hidden.
* It is important to call this method after the All Apps variables have been set.
private void hideWorkspaceLabelsIfNotEnoughSpace() {
float iconTextHeight = Utilities.calculateTextHeight(iconTextSizePx);
float workspaceCellPaddingY = getCellSize().y - iconSizePx - iconDrawablePaddingPx
- iconTextHeight;
// We want enough space so that the text is closer to its corresponding icon.
if (workspaceCellPaddingY < iconTextHeight) {
iconTextSizePx = 0;
iconDrawablePaddingPx = 0;
cellHeightPx = (int) Math.ceil(iconSizePx * ICON_OVERLAP_FACTOR);
* Re-computes the all-apps cell size to be independent of workspace
public void autoResizeAllAppsCells() {
int textHeight = Utilities.calculateTextHeight(allAppsIconTextSizePx);
int topBottomPadding = textHeight;
allAppsCellHeightPx = allAppsIconSizePx + allAppsIconDrawablePaddingPx
+ textHeight + (topBottomPadding * 2);
private void updateAllAppsContainerWidth(Resources res) {
int cellLayoutHorizontalPadding =
(cellLayoutPaddingPx.left + cellLayoutPaddingPx.right) / 2;
if (isTablet) {
allAppsLeftRightPadding =
int usedWidth = (allAppsCellWidthPx * numShownAllAppsColumns)
+ (allAppsBorderSpacePx.x * (numShownAllAppsColumns - 1))
+ allAppsLeftRightPadding * 2;
allAppsLeftRightMargin = Math.max(1, (availableWidthPx - usedWidth) / 2);
} else {
allAppsLeftRightPadding =
desiredWorkspaceHorizontalMarginPx + cellLayoutHorizontalPadding;
* Returns the amount of extra (or unused) vertical space.
private int updateAvailableDimensions(Resources res) {
float invIconSizeDp = inv.iconSize[mTypeIndex];
float invIconTextSizeSp = inv.iconTextSize[mTypeIndex];
iconSizePx = Math.max(1, pxFromDp(invIconSizeDp, mMetrics));
iconTextSizePx = pxFromSp(invIconTextSizeSp, mMetrics);
updateIconSize(1f, res);
// Check to see if the icons fit within the available height.
float usedHeight = getCellLayoutHeightSpecification();
final int maxHeight = getCellLayoutHeight();
float extraHeight = Math.max(0, maxHeight - usedHeight);
float scaleY = maxHeight / usedHeight;
boolean shouldScale = scaleY < 1f;
float scaleX = 1f;
if (isScalableGrid) {
// We scale to fit the cellWidth and cellHeight in the available space.
// The benefit of scalable grids is that we can get consistent aspect ratios between
// devices.
float usedWidth =
getCellLayoutWidthSpecification() + (desiredWorkspaceHorizontalMarginPx * 2);
// We do not subtract padding here, as we also scale the workspace padding if needed.
scaleX = availableWidthPx / usedWidth;
shouldScale = true;
if (shouldScale) {
float scale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);
updateIconSize(scale, res);
extraHeight = Math.max(0, maxHeight - getCellLayoutHeightSpecification());
return Math.round(extraHeight);
private int getCellLayoutHeightSpecification() {
return (cellHeightPx * inv.numRows) + (cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.y * (inv.numRows - 1))
+ + cellLayoutPaddingPx.bottom;
private int getCellLayoutWidthSpecification() {
int numColumns = getPanelCount() * inv.numColumns;
return (cellWidthPx * numColumns) + (cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.x * (numColumns - 1))
+ cellLayoutPaddingPx.left + cellLayoutPaddingPx.right;
* Updating the iconSize affects many aspects of the launcher layout, such as: iconSizePx,
* iconTextSizePx, iconDrawablePaddingPx, cellWidth/Height, allApps* variants,
* hotseat sizes, workspaceSpringLoadedShrinkFactor, folderIconSizePx, and folderIconOffsetYPx.
public void updateIconSize(float scale, Resources res) {
// Icon scale should never exceed 1, otherwise pixellation may occur.
iconScale = Math.min(1f, scale);
cellScaleToFit = scale;
// Workspace
final boolean isVerticalLayout = isVerticalBarLayout();
iconDrawablePaddingPx = (int) (iconDrawablePaddingOriginalPx * iconScale);
cellLayoutBorderSpacePx = getCellLayoutBorderSpace(inv, scale);
if (isScalableGrid) {
cellWidthPx = pxFromDp(inv.minCellSize[mTypeIndex].x, mMetrics, scale);
cellHeightPx = pxFromDp(inv.minCellSize[mTypeIndex].y, mMetrics, scale);
if (cellWidthPx < iconSizePx) {
// If cellWidth no longer fit iconSize, reduce borderSpace to make cellWidth bigger.
int numColumns = getPanelCount() * inv.numColumns;
int numBorders = numColumns - 1;
int extraWidthRequired = (iconSizePx - cellWidthPx) * numColumns;
if (cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.x * numBorders >= extraWidthRequired) {
cellWidthPx = iconSizePx;
cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.x -= extraWidthRequired / numBorders;
} else {
// If it still doesn't fit, set borderSpace to 0 and distribute the space for
// cellWidth, and reduce iconSize.
cellWidthPx = (cellWidthPx * numColumns
+ cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.x * numBorders) / numColumns;
iconSizePx = Math.min(iconSizePx, cellWidthPx);
cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.x = 0;
int cellTextAndPaddingHeight =
iconDrawablePaddingPx + Utilities.calculateTextHeight(iconTextSizePx);
int cellContentHeight = iconSizePx + cellTextAndPaddingHeight;
if (cellHeightPx < cellContentHeight) {
// If cellHeight no longer fit iconSize, reduce borderSpace to make cellHeight
// bigger.
int numBorders = inv.numRows - 1;
int extraHeightRequired = (cellContentHeight - cellHeightPx) * inv.numRows;
if (cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.y * numBorders >= extraHeightRequired) {
cellHeightPx = cellContentHeight;
cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.y -= extraHeightRequired / numBorders;
} else {
// If it still doesn't fit, set borderSpace to 0 to recover space.
cellHeightPx = (cellHeightPx * inv.numRows
+ cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.y * numBorders) / inv.numRows;
cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.y = 0;
// Reduce iconDrawablePaddingPx to make cellContentHeight smaller.
int cellContentWithoutPadding = cellContentHeight - iconDrawablePaddingPx;
if (cellContentWithoutPadding <= cellHeightPx) {
iconDrawablePaddingPx = cellContentHeight - cellHeightPx;
} else {
// If it still doesn't fit, set iconDrawablePaddingPx to 0 to recover space,
// then proportional reduce iconSizePx and iconTextSizePx to fit.
iconDrawablePaddingPx = 0;
float ratio = cellHeightPx / (float) cellContentWithoutPadding;
iconSizePx = (int) (iconSizePx * ratio);
iconTextSizePx = (int) (iconTextSizePx * ratio);
cellTextAndPaddingHeight =
iconDrawablePaddingPx + Utilities.calculateTextHeight(iconTextSizePx);
cellContentHeight = iconSizePx + cellTextAndPaddingHeight;
cellYPaddingPx = Math.max(0, cellHeightPx - cellContentHeight) / 2;
desiredWorkspaceHorizontalMarginPx =
(int) (desiredWorkspaceHorizontalMarginOriginalPx * scale);
} else {
cellWidthPx = iconSizePx + iconDrawablePaddingPx;
cellHeightPx = (int) Math.ceil(iconSizePx * ICON_OVERLAP_FACTOR)
+ iconDrawablePaddingPx
+ Utilities.calculateTextHeight(iconTextSizePx);
int cellPaddingY = (getCellSize().y - cellHeightPx) / 2;
if (iconDrawablePaddingPx > cellPaddingY && !isVerticalLayout
&& !isMultiWindowMode) {
// Ensures that the label is closer to its corresponding icon. This is not an issue
// with vertical bar layout or multi-window mode since the issue is handled
// separately with their calls to {@link #adjustToHideWorkspaceLabels}.
cellHeightPx -= (iconDrawablePaddingPx - cellPaddingY);
iconDrawablePaddingPx = cellPaddingY;
// All apps
updateAllAppsIconSize(scale, res);
// Folder icon
folderIconSizePx = IconNormalizer.getNormalizedCircleSize(iconSizePx);
folderIconOffsetYPx = (iconSizePx - folderIconSizePx) / 2;
* This method calculates the space between the icons to achieve a certain width.
private int calculateHotseatBorderSpace(float hotseatWidthPx, int numExtraBorder) {
float hotseatIconsTotalPx = iconSizePx * numShownHotseatIcons;
int hotseatBorderSpace =
(int) (hotseatWidthPx - hotseatIconsTotalPx)
/ (numShownHotseatIcons - 1 + numExtraBorder);
return Math.min(hotseatBorderSpace, maxHotseatIconSpacePx);
* Updates the iconSize for allApps* variants.
private void updateAllAppsIconSize(float scale, Resources res) {
allAppsBorderSpacePx = new Point(
pxFromDp(inv.allAppsBorderSpaces[mTypeIndex].x, mMetrics, scale),
pxFromDp(inv.allAppsBorderSpaces[mTypeIndex].y, mMetrics, scale));
// AllApps cells don't have real space between cells,
// so we add the border space to the cell height
allAppsCellHeightPx = pxFromDp(inv.allAppsCellSize[mTypeIndex].y, mMetrics)
+ allAppsBorderSpacePx.y;
// but width is just the cell,
// the border is added in #updateAllAppsContainerWidth
if (isScalableGrid) {
allAppsIconSizePx = pxFromDp(inv.allAppsIconSize[mTypeIndex], mMetrics);
allAppsIconTextSizePx = pxFromSp(inv.allAppsIconTextSize[mTypeIndex], mMetrics);
allAppsIconDrawablePaddingPx = iconDrawablePaddingOriginalPx;
allAppsCellWidthPx = pxFromDp(inv.allAppsCellSize[mTypeIndex].x, mMetrics, scale);
if (allAppsCellWidthPx < allAppsIconSizePx) {
// If allAppsCellWidth no longer fit allAppsIconSize, reduce allAppsBorderSpace to
// make allAppsCellWidth bigger.
int numBorders = inv.numAllAppsColumns - 1;
int extraWidthRequired =
(allAppsIconSizePx - allAppsCellWidthPx) * inv.numAllAppsColumns;
if (allAppsBorderSpacePx.x * numBorders >= extraWidthRequired) {
allAppsCellWidthPx = allAppsIconSizePx;
allAppsBorderSpacePx.x -= extraWidthRequired / numBorders;
} else {
// If it still doesn't fit, set allAppsBorderSpace to 0 and distribute the space
// for allAppsCellWidth, and reduce allAppsIconSize.
allAppsCellWidthPx = (allAppsCellWidthPx * inv.numAllAppsColumns
+ allAppsBorderSpacePx.x * numBorders) / inv.numAllAppsColumns;
allAppsIconSizePx = Math.min(allAppsIconSizePx, allAppsCellWidthPx);
allAppsBorderSpacePx.x = 0;
int cellContentHeight = allAppsIconSizePx
+ Utilities.calculateTextHeight(allAppsIconTextSizePx) + allAppsBorderSpacePx.y;
if (allAppsCellHeightPx < cellContentHeight) {
// Increase allAppsCellHeight to fit its content.
allAppsCellHeightPx = cellContentHeight;
} else {
float invIconSizeDp = inv.allAppsIconSize[mTypeIndex];
float invIconTextSizeSp = inv.allAppsIconTextSize[mTypeIndex];
allAppsIconSizePx = Math.max(1, pxFromDp(invIconSizeDp, mMetrics, scale));
allAppsIconTextSizePx = (int) (pxFromSp(invIconTextSizeSp, mMetrics) * scale);
allAppsIconDrawablePaddingPx =
allAppsCellWidthPx = allAppsIconSizePx + (2 * allAppsIconDrawablePaddingPx);
if (isVerticalBarLayout()) {
private void updateAvailableFolderCellDimensions(Resources res) {
updateFolderCellSize(1f, res);
// Don't let the folder get too close to the edges of the screen.
int folderMargin = edgeMarginPx * 2;
Point totalWorkspacePadding = getTotalWorkspacePadding();
// Check if the icons fit within the available height.
float contentUsedHeight = folderCellHeightPx * inv.numFolderRows
+ ((inv.numFolderRows - 1) * folderCellLayoutBorderSpacePx);
int contentMaxHeight = availableHeightPx - totalWorkspacePadding.y - folderFooterHeightPx
- folderMargin - folderContentPaddingTop;
float scaleY = contentMaxHeight / contentUsedHeight;
// Check if the icons fit within the available width.
float contentUsedWidth = folderCellWidthPx * inv.numFolderColumns
+ ((inv.numFolderColumns - 1) * folderCellLayoutBorderSpacePx);
int contentMaxWidth = availableWidthPx - totalWorkspacePadding.x - folderMargin
- folderContentPaddingLeftRight * 2;
float scaleX = contentMaxWidth / contentUsedWidth;
float scale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);
if (scale < 1f) {
updateFolderCellSize(scale, res);
private void updateFolderCellSize(float scale, Resources res) {
float invIconSizeDp = inv.iconSize[mTypeIndex];
folderChildIconSizePx = Math.max(1, pxFromDp(invIconSizeDp, mMetrics, scale));
folderChildTextSizePx = pxFromSp(inv.iconTextSize[mTypeIndex], mMetrics, scale);
folderLabelTextSizePx = Math.max(pxFromSp(MIN_FOLDER_TEXT_SIZE_SP, mMetrics),
(int) (folderChildTextSizePx * folderLabelTextScale));
int textHeight = Utilities.calculateTextHeight(folderChildTextSizePx);
if (isScalableGrid) {
if (inv.folderStyle == INVALID_RESOURCE_HANDLE) {
folderCellWidthPx = pxFromDp(getCellSize().x, mMetrics, scale);
folderCellHeightPx = pxFromDp(getCellSize().y, mMetrics, scale);
folderContentPaddingLeftRight = folderCellLayoutBorderSpacePx;
} else {
int cellPaddingX = (int) (res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.folder_cell_x_padding)
* scale);
int cellPaddingY = (int) (res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.folder_cell_y_padding)
* scale);
folderCellWidthPx = folderChildIconSizePx + 2 * cellPaddingX;
folderCellHeightPx = folderChildIconSizePx + 2 * cellPaddingY + textHeight;
folderContentPaddingLeftRight =
folderFooterHeightPx =
folderChildDrawablePaddingPx = Math.max(0,
(folderCellHeightPx - folderChildIconSizePx - textHeight) / 3);
public void updateInsets(Rect insets) {
* The current device insets. This is generally same as the insets being dispatched to
* {@link Insettable} elements, but can differ if the element is using a different profile.
public Rect getInsets() {
return mInsets;
public Point getCellSize() {
return getCellSize(null);
public Point getCellSize(Point result) {
if (result == null) {
result = new Point();
int shortcutAndWidgetContainerWidth =
getCellLayoutWidth() - (cellLayoutPaddingPx.left + cellLayoutPaddingPx.right);
result.x = calculateCellWidth(shortcutAndWidgetContainerWidth, cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.x,
int shortcutAndWidgetContainerHeight =
getCellLayoutHeight() - ( + cellLayoutPaddingPx.bottom);
result.y = calculateCellHeight(shortcutAndWidgetContainerHeight, cellLayoutBorderSpacePx.y,
return result;
* Returns the left and right space on the cell, which is the cell width - icon size
public int getCellHorizontalSpace() {
return getCellSize().x - iconSizePx;
* Gets the number of panels within the workspace.
public int getPanelCount() {
return isTwoPanels ? 2 : 1;
* Gets the space in px from the bottom of last item in the vertical-bar hotseat to the
* bottom of the screen.
private int getVerticalHotseatLastItemBottomOffset(Context context) {
Rect hotseatBarPadding = getHotseatLayoutPadding(context);
int cellHeight = calculateCellHeight(
heightPx - - hotseatBarPadding.bottom, hotseatBorderSpace,
int extraIconEndSpacing = (cellHeight - iconSizePx) / 2;
return extraIconEndSpacing + hotseatBarPadding.bottom;
* Gets the scaled top of the workspace in px for the spring-loaded edit state.
public float getCellLayoutSpringLoadShrunkTop() {
return + dropTargetBarTopMarginPx + dropTargetBarSizePx
+ dropTargetBarBottomMarginPx;
* Gets the scaled bottom of the workspace in px for the spring-loaded edit state.
public float getCellLayoutSpringLoadShrunkBottom(Context context) {
int topOfHotseat = hotseatBarSizePx + springLoadedHotseatBarTopMarginPx;
return heightPx - (isVerticalBarLayout()
? getVerticalHotseatLastItemBottomOffset(context) : topOfHotseat);
* Gets the scale of the workspace for the spring-loaded edit state.
public float getWorkspaceSpringLoadScale(Context context) {
float scale =
(getCellLayoutSpringLoadShrunkBottom(context) - getCellLayoutSpringLoadShrunkTop())
/ getCellLayoutHeight();
scale = Math.min(scale, 1f);
// Reduce scale if next pages would not be visible after scaling the workspace.
int workspaceWidth = availableWidthPx;
float scaledWorkspaceWidth = workspaceWidth * scale;
float maxAvailableWidth = workspaceWidth - (2 * workspaceSpringLoadedMinNextPageVisiblePx);
if (scaledWorkspaceWidth > maxAvailableWidth) {
scale *= maxAvailableWidth / scaledWorkspaceWidth;
return scale;
* Gets the width of a single Cell Layout, aka a single panel within a Workspace.
* <p>This is the width of a Workspace, less its horizontal padding. Note that two-panel
* layouts have two Cell Layouts per workspace.
public int getCellLayoutWidth() {
return (availableWidthPx - getTotalWorkspacePadding().x) / getPanelCount();
* Gets the height of a single Cell Layout, aka a single panel within a Workspace.
* <p>This is the height of a Workspace, less its vertical padding.
public int getCellLayoutHeight() {
return availableHeightPx - getTotalWorkspacePadding().y;
public Point getTotalWorkspacePadding() {
return new Point(workspacePadding.left + workspacePadding.right, + workspacePadding.bottom);
* Updates {@link #workspacePadding} as a result of any internal value change to reflect the
* new workspace padding
private void updateWorkspacePadding() {
Rect padding = workspacePadding;
if (isVerticalBarLayout()) { = 0;
padding.bottom = edgeMarginPx;
if (isSeascape()) {
padding.left = hotseatBarSizePx;
padding.right = hotseatBarSidePaddingStartPx;
} else {
padding.left = hotseatBarSidePaddingStartPx;
padding.right = hotseatBarSizePx;
} else {
// Pad the bottom of the workspace with hotseat bar
// and leave a bit of space in case a widget go all the way down
int paddingBottom = hotseatBarSizePx + workspaceBottomPadding
+ workspacePageIndicatorHeight - mWorkspacePageIndicatorOverlapWorkspace
- mInsets.bottom;
int paddingTop = workspaceTopPadding + (isScalableGrid ? 0 : edgeMarginPx);
int paddingSide = desiredWorkspaceHorizontalMarginPx;
padding.set(paddingSide, paddingTop, paddingSide, paddingBottom);
insetPadding(workspacePadding, cellLayoutPaddingPx);
private void insetPadding(Rect paddings, Rect insets) {
insets.left = Math.min(insets.left, paddings.left);
paddings.left -= insets.left; = Math.min(,; -=;
insets.right = Math.min(insets.right, paddings.right);
paddings.right -= insets.right;
insets.bottom = Math.min(insets.bottom, paddings.bottom);
paddings.bottom -= insets.bottom;
* Returns the padding for hotseat view
public Rect getHotseatLayoutPadding(Context context) {
Rect hotseatBarPadding = new Rect();
if (isVerticalBarLayout()) {
// The hotseat icons will be placed in the middle of the hotseat cells.
// Changing the hotseatCellHeightPx is not affecting hotseat icon positions
// in vertical bar layout.
// Workspace icons are moved up by a small factor. The variable diffOverlapFactor
// is set to account for that difference.
float diffOverlapFactor = iconSizePx * (ICON_OVERLAP_FACTOR - 1) / 2;
int paddingTop = Math.max((int) ( +
- diffOverlapFactor), 0);
int paddingBottom = Math.max((int) (mInsets.bottom + cellLayoutPaddingPx.bottom
+ diffOverlapFactor), 0);
if (isSeascape()) {
hotseatBarPadding.set(mInsets.left + hotseatBarSidePaddingStartPx, paddingTop,
hotseatBarSidePaddingEndPx, paddingBottom);
} else {
hotseatBarPadding.set(hotseatBarSidePaddingEndPx, paddingTop,
mInsets.right + hotseatBarSidePaddingStartPx, paddingBottom);
} else if (isTaskbarPresent) {
// Center the QSB vertically with hotseat
int hotseatBarBottomPadding = getHotseatBarBottomPadding();
int hotseatBarTopPadding =
hotseatBarSizePx - hotseatBarBottomPadding - hotseatCellHeightPx;
int hotseatWidth = getHotseatRequiredWidth();
int leftSpacing = (availableWidthPx - hotseatWidth) / 2;
int rightSpacing = leftSpacing;
// Hotseat aligns to the left with nav buttons
if (hotseatBarEndOffset > 0) {
leftSpacing = inlineNavButtonsEndSpacing;
rightSpacing = availableWidthPx - hotseatWidth - leftSpacing + hotseatBorderSpace;
hotseatBarPadding.set(leftSpacing, hotseatBarTopPadding, rightSpacing,
boolean isRtl = Utilities.isRtl(context.getResources());
if (isRtl) {
hotseatBarPadding.right += getAdditionalQsbSpace();
} else {
hotseatBarPadding.left += getAdditionalQsbSpace();
} else if (isScalableGrid) {
int sideSpacing = (availableWidthPx - hotseatQsbWidth) / 2;
} else {
// We want the edges of the hotseat to line up with the edges of the workspace, but the
// icons in the hotseat are a different size, and so don't line up perfectly. To account
// for this, we pad the left and right of the hotseat with half of the difference of a
// workspace cell vs a hotseat cell.
float workspaceCellWidth = (float) widthPx / inv.numColumns;
float hotseatCellWidth = (float) widthPx / numShownHotseatIcons;
int hotseatAdjustment = Math.round((workspaceCellWidth - hotseatCellWidth) / 2);
hotseatAdjustment + workspacePadding.left + cellLayoutPaddingPx.left
+ mInsets.left,
hotseatAdjustment + workspacePadding.right + cellLayoutPaddingPx.right
+ mInsets.right,
return hotseatBarPadding;
private int getAdditionalQsbSpace() {
return isQsbInline ? hotseatQsbWidth + hotseatBorderSpace : 0;
* Calculate how much space the hotseat needs to be shown completely
private int getHotseatRequiredWidth() {
int additionalQsbSpace = getAdditionalQsbSpace();
return iconSizePx * numShownHotseatIcons
+ hotseatBorderSpace * (numShownHotseatIcons - (areNavButtonsInline ? 0 : 1))
+ additionalQsbSpace;
* Returns the number of pixels the QSB is translated from the bottom of the screen.
public int getQsbOffsetY() {
if (isQsbInline) {
return getHotseatBarBottomPadding() - ((hotseatQsbHeight - hotseatCellHeightPx) / 2);
} else if (isTaskbarPresent) { // QSB on top
return hotseatBarSizePx - hotseatQsbHeight + hotseatQsbShadowHeight;
} else {
return hotseatBarBottomSpacePx - hotseatQsbShadowHeight;
* Returns the number of pixels the hotseat is translated from the bottom of the screen.
private int getHotseatBarBottomPadding() {
if (isTaskbarPresent) { // QSB on top or inline
return hotseatBarBottomSpacePx - (Math.abs(hotseatCellHeightPx - iconSizePx) / 2);
} else {
return hotseatBarSizePx - hotseatCellHeightPx;
* Returns the number of pixels the taskbar is translated from the bottom of the screen.
public int getTaskbarOffsetY() {
int taskbarIconBottomSpace = (taskbarSize - iconSizePx) / 2;
int launcherIconBottomSpace =
Math.min((hotseatCellHeightPx - iconSizePx) / 2, gridVisualizationPaddingY);
return getHotseatBarBottomPadding() + launcherIconBottomSpace - taskbarIconBottomSpace;
* Returns the number of pixels required below OverviewActions excluding insets.
public int getOverviewActionsClaimedSpaceBelow() {
if (isTaskbarPresent) {
if (FeatureFlags.ENABLE_TASKBAR_IN_OVERVIEW.get()) {
return transientTaskbarSize + transientTaskbarMargin * 2;
return isGestureMode
? stashedTaskbarSize
// Align vertically to where nav buttons are.
: ((taskbarSize - overviewActionsHeight) / 2) + getTaskbarOffsetY();
return mInsets.bottom;
/** Gets the space that the overview actions will take, including bottom margin. */
public int getOverviewActionsClaimedSpace() {
int overviewActionsSpace = isTablet && FeatureFlags.ENABLE_GRID_ONLY_OVERVIEW.get()
? 0
: (overviewActionsTopMarginPx + overviewActionsHeight);
return overviewActionsSpace + getOverviewActionsClaimedSpaceBelow();
* Takes the View and return the scales of width and height depending on the DeviceProfile
* specifications
* @param itemInfo The tag of the widget view
* @return A PointF instance with the x set to be the scale of width, and y being the scale of
* height
public PointF getAppWidgetScale(@Nullable final ItemInfo itemInfo) {
return mViewScaleProvider.getScaleFromItemInfo(itemInfo);
* @return the bounds for which the open folders should be contained within
public Rect getAbsoluteOpenFolderBounds() {
if (isVerticalBarLayout()) {
// Folders should only appear right of the drop target bar and left of the hotseat
return new Rect(mInsets.left + dropTargetBarSizePx + edgeMarginPx,,
mInsets.left + availableWidthPx - hotseatBarSizePx - edgeMarginPx, + availableHeightPx);
} else {
// Folders should only appear below the drop target bar and above the hotseat
int hotseatTop = isTaskbarPresent ? taskbarSize : hotseatBarSizePx;
return new Rect(mInsets.left + edgeMarginPx, + dropTargetBarSizePx + edgeMarginPx,
mInsets.left + availableWidthPx - edgeMarginPx, + availableHeightPx - hotseatTop
- workspacePageIndicatorHeight - edgeMarginPx);
public static int calculateCellWidth(int width, int borderSpacing, int countX) {
return (width - ((countX - 1) * borderSpacing)) / countX;
public static int calculateCellHeight(int height, int borderSpacing, int countY) {
return (height - ((countY - 1) * borderSpacing)) / countY;
* When {@code true}, the device is in landscape mode and the hotseat is on the right column.
* When {@code false}, either device is in portrait mode or the device is in landscape mode and
* the hotseat is on the bottom row.
public boolean isVerticalBarLayout() {
return isLandscape && transposeLayoutWithOrientation;
* Updates orientation information and returns true if it has changed from the previous value.
public boolean updateIsSeascape(Context context) {
if (isVerticalBarLayout()) {
boolean isSeascape = DisplayController.INSTANCE.get(context)
.getInfo().rotation == Surface.ROTATION_270;
if (mIsSeascape != isSeascape) {
mIsSeascape = isSeascape;
// Hotseat changing sides requires updating workspace left/right paddings
return true;
return false;
public boolean isSeascape() {
return isVerticalBarLayout() && mIsSeascape;
public boolean shouldFadeAdjacentWorkspaceScreens() {
return isVerticalBarLayout();
public int getCellContentHeight(@ContainerType int containerType) {
switch (containerType) {
case CellLayout.WORKSPACE:
return cellHeightPx;
case CellLayout.FOLDER:
return folderCellHeightPx;
case CellLayout.HOTSEAT:
// The hotseat is the only container where the cell height is going to be
// different from the content within that cell.
return iconSizePx;
// ??
return 0;
private String pxToDpStr(String name, float value) {
return "\t" + name + ": " + value + "px (" + dpiFromPx(value, mMetrics.densityDpi) + "dp)";
private String dpPointFToString(String name, PointF value) {
return String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "\t%s: PointF(%.1f, %.1f)dp", name, value.x, value.y);
/** Dumps various DeviceProfile variables to the specified writer. */
public void dump(Context context, String prefix, PrintWriter writer) {
writer.println(prefix + "DeviceProfile:");
writer.println(prefix + "\t1 dp = " + mMetrics.density + " px");
writer.println(prefix + "\tisTablet:" + isTablet);
writer.println(prefix + "\tisPhone:" + isPhone);
writer.println(prefix + "\ttransposeLayoutWithOrientation:"
+ transposeLayoutWithOrientation);
writer.println(prefix + "\tisGestureMode:" + isGestureMode);
writer.println(prefix + "\tisLandscape:" + isLandscape);
writer.println(prefix + "\tisMultiWindowMode:" + isMultiWindowMode);
writer.println(prefix + "\tisTwoPanels:" + isTwoPanels);
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("windowX", windowX));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("windowY", windowY));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("widthPx", widthPx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("heightPx", heightPx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("availableWidthPx", availableWidthPx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("availableHeightPx", availableHeightPx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("mInsets.left", mInsets.left));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("",;
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("mInsets.right", mInsets.right));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("mInsets.bottom", mInsets.bottom));
writer.println(prefix + "\taspectRatio:" + aspectRatio);
writer.println(prefix + "\tisScalableGrid:" + isScalableGrid);
writer.println(prefix + "\tinv.numRows: " + inv.numRows);
writer.println(prefix + "\tinv.numColumns: " + inv.numColumns);
writer.println(prefix + "\tinv.numSearchContainerColumns: "
+ inv.numSearchContainerColumns);
writer.println(prefix + dpPointFToString("minCellSize", inv.minCellSize[mTypeIndex]));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("cellWidthPx", cellWidthPx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("cellHeightPx", cellHeightPx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("getCellSize().x", getCellSize().x));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("getCellSize().y", getCellSize().y));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("cellLayoutBorderSpacePx Horizontal",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("cellLayoutBorderSpacePx Vertical",
prefix + pxToDpStr("cellLayoutPaddingPx.left", cellLayoutPaddingPx.left));
prefix + pxToDpStr("",;
prefix + pxToDpStr("cellLayoutPaddingPx.right", cellLayoutPaddingPx.right));
prefix + pxToDpStr("cellLayoutPaddingPx.bottom", cellLayoutPaddingPx.bottom));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("iconSizePx", iconSizePx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("iconTextSizePx", iconTextSizePx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("iconDrawablePaddingPx", iconDrawablePaddingPx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("folderCellWidthPx", folderCellWidthPx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("folderCellHeightPx", folderCellHeightPx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("folderChildIconSizePx", folderChildIconSizePx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("folderChildTextSizePx", folderChildTextSizePx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("folderChildDrawablePaddingPx",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("folderCellLayoutBorderSpacePx",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("folderContentPaddingLeftRight",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("folderTopPadding", folderContentPaddingTop));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("folderFooterHeight", folderFooterHeightPx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("bottomSheetTopPadding", bottomSheetTopPadding));
writer.println(prefix + "\tbottomSheetOpenDuration: " + bottomSheetOpenDuration);
writer.println(prefix + "\tbottomSheetCloseDuration: " + bottomSheetCloseDuration);
writer.println(prefix + "\tbottomSheetWorkspaceScale: " + bottomSheetWorkspaceScale);
writer.println(prefix + "\tbottomSheetDepth: " + bottomSheetDepth);
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("allAppsShiftRange", allAppsShiftRange));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("allAppsTopPadding", allAppsTopPadding));
writer.println(prefix + "\tallAppsOpenDuration: " + allAppsOpenDuration);
writer.println(prefix + "\tallAppsCloseDuration: " + allAppsCloseDuration);
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("allAppsIconSizePx", allAppsIconSizePx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("allAppsIconTextSizePx", allAppsIconTextSizePx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("allAppsIconDrawablePaddingPx",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("allAppsCellHeightPx", allAppsCellHeightPx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("allAppsCellWidthPx", allAppsCellWidthPx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("allAppsBorderSpacePxX", allAppsBorderSpacePx.x));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("allAppsBorderSpacePxY", allAppsBorderSpacePx.y));
writer.println(prefix + "\tnumShownAllAppsColumns: " + numShownAllAppsColumns);
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("allAppsLeftRightPadding", allAppsLeftRightPadding));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("allAppsLeftRightMargin", allAppsLeftRightMargin));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("hotseatBarSizePx", hotseatBarSizePx));
writer.println(prefix + "\tinv.hotseatColumnSpan: " + inv.hotseatColumnSpan[mTypeIndex]);
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("hotseatCellHeightPx", hotseatCellHeightPx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("hotseatBarBottomSpacePx", hotseatBarBottomSpacePx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("hotseatBarSidePaddingStartPx",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("hotseatBarSidePaddingEndPx",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("hotseatBarEndOffset", hotseatBarEndOffset));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("hotseatQsbSpace", hotseatQsbSpace));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("hotseatQsbHeight", hotseatQsbHeight));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("springLoadedHotseatBarTopMarginPx",
Rect hotseatLayoutPadding = getHotseatLayoutPadding(context);
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("getHotseatLayoutPadding(context).top",;
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("getHotseatLayoutPadding(context).bottom",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("getHotseatLayoutPadding(context).left",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("getHotseatLayoutPadding(context).right",
writer.println(prefix + "\tnumShownHotseatIcons: " + numShownHotseatIcons);
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("hotseatBorderSpace", hotseatBorderSpace));
writer.println(prefix + "\tisQsbInline: " + isQsbInline);
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("hotseatQsbWidth", hotseatQsbWidth));
writer.println(prefix + "\tisTaskbarPresent:" + isTaskbarPresent);
writer.println(prefix + "\tisTaskbarPresentInApps:" + isTaskbarPresentInApps);
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("taskbarSize", taskbarSize));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("desiredWorkspaceHorizontalMarginPx",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("workspacePadding.left", workspacePadding.left));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("",;
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("workspacePadding.right", workspacePadding.right));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("workspacePadding.bottom", workspacePadding.bottom));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("iconScale", iconScale));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("cellScaleToFit ", cellScaleToFit));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("extraSpace", extraSpace));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("unscaled extraSpace", extraSpace / iconScale));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("maxEmptySpace", maxEmptySpace));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("workspaceTopPadding", workspaceTopPadding));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("workspaceBottomPadding", workspaceBottomPadding));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("overviewTaskMarginPx", overviewTaskMarginPx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("overviewTaskIconSizePx", overviewTaskIconSizePx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("overviewTaskIconDrawableSizePx",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("overviewTaskIconDrawableSizeGridPx",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("overviewTaskThumbnailTopMarginPx",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("overviewActionsTopMarginPx",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("overviewActionsHeight",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("overviewActionsClaimedSpaceBelow",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("overviewActionsButtonSpacing",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("overviewPageSpacing", overviewPageSpacing));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("overviewRowSpacing", overviewRowSpacing));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("overviewGridSideMargin", overviewGridSideMargin));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("dropTargetBarTopMarginPx", dropTargetBarTopMarginPx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("dropTargetBarSizePx", dropTargetBarSizePx));
prefix + pxToDpStr("dropTargetBarBottomMarginPx", dropTargetBarBottomMarginPx));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("getCellLayoutSpringLoadShrunkTop()",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("getCellLayoutSpringLoadShrunkBottom()",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("workspaceSpringLoadedMinNextPageVisiblePx",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("getWorkspaceSpringLoadScale()",
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("getCellLayoutHeight()", getCellLayoutHeight()));
writer.println(prefix + pxToDpStr("getCellLayoutWidth()", getCellLayoutWidth()));
/** Returns a reduced representation of this DeviceProfile. */
public String toSmallString() {
return "isTablet:" + isTablet + ", "
+ "isMultiDisplay:" + isMultiDisplay + ", "
+ "widthPx:" + widthPx + ", "
+ "heightPx:" + heightPx + ", "
+ "insets:" + mInsets + ", "
+ "rotationHint:" + rotationHint;
private static Context getContext(Context c, Info info, int orientation, WindowBounds bounds) {
Configuration config = new Configuration(c.getResources().getConfiguration());
config.orientation = orientation;
config.densityDpi = info.getDensityDpi();
config.smallestScreenWidthDp = (int) info.smallestSizeDp(bounds);
return c.createConfigurationContext(config);
* Callback when a component changes the DeviceProfile associated with it, as a result of
* configuration change
public interface OnDeviceProfileChangeListener {
* Called when the device profile is reassigned. Note that for layout and measurements, it
* is sufficient to listen for inset changes. Use this callback when you need to perform
* a one time operation.
void onDeviceProfileChanged(DeviceProfile dp);
* Handler that deals with ItemInfo of the views for the DeviceProfile
public interface ViewScaleProvider {
* Get the scales from the view
* @param itemInfo The tag of the widget view
* @return PointF instance containing the scale information, or null if using the default
* app widget scale of this device profile.
PointF getScaleFromItemInfo(@Nullable ItemInfo itemInfo);
public static class Builder {
private Context mContext;
private InvariantDeviceProfile mInv;
private Info mInfo;
private WindowBounds mWindowBounds;
private boolean mIsMultiDisplay;
private boolean mIsMultiWindowMode = false;
private Boolean mTransposeLayoutWithOrientation;
private Boolean mIsGestureMode;
private ViewScaleProvider mViewScaleProvider = null;
private SparseArray<DotRenderer> mDotRendererCache;
private Consumer<DeviceProfile> mOverrideProvider;
public Builder(Context context, InvariantDeviceProfile inv, Info info) {
mContext = context;
mInv = inv;
mInfo = info;
public Builder setMultiWindowMode(boolean isMultiWindowMode) {
mIsMultiWindowMode = isMultiWindowMode;
return this;
public Builder setIsMultiDisplay(boolean isMultiDisplay) {
mIsMultiDisplay = isMultiDisplay;
return this;
public Builder setDotRendererCache(SparseArray<DotRenderer> dotRendererCache) {
mDotRendererCache = dotRendererCache;
return this;
public Builder setWindowBounds(WindowBounds bounds) {
mWindowBounds = bounds;
return this;
public Builder setTransposeLayoutWithOrientation(boolean transposeLayoutWithOrientation) {
mTransposeLayoutWithOrientation = transposeLayoutWithOrientation;
return this;
public Builder setGestureMode(boolean isGestureMode) {
mIsGestureMode = isGestureMode;
return this;
public Builder withDimensionsOverride(Consumer<DeviceProfile> overrideProvider) {
mOverrideProvider = overrideProvider;
return this;
* Set the viewScaleProvider for the builder
* @param viewScaleProvider The viewScaleProvider to be set for the
* DeviceProfile
* @return This builder
public Builder setViewScaleProvider(@Nullable ViewScaleProvider viewScaleProvider) {
mViewScaleProvider = viewScaleProvider;
return this;
public DeviceProfile build() {
if (mWindowBounds == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Window bounds not set");
if (mTransposeLayoutWithOrientation == null) {
mTransposeLayoutWithOrientation = !mInfo.isTablet(mWindowBounds);
if (mIsGestureMode == null) {
mIsGestureMode = mInfo.navigationMode.hasGestures;
if (mDotRendererCache == null) {
mDotRendererCache = new SparseArray<>();
if (mViewScaleProvider == null) {
mViewScaleProvider = DEFAULT_PROVIDER;
if (mOverrideProvider == null) {
return new DeviceProfile(mContext, mInv, mInfo, mWindowBounds, mDotRendererCache,
mIsMultiWindowMode, mTransposeLayoutWithOrientation, mIsMultiDisplay,
mIsGestureMode, mViewScaleProvider, mOverrideProvider);