blob: b98eee6e32b5c0f28929af536ac354c1ea21b52c [file] [log] [blame]
package: ""
container: "system_ext"
flag {
name: "enable_private_space"
namespace: "launcher_search"
description: "Enables all Launcher features associated with private space."
bug: "306187906"
flag {
name: "private_space_animation"
namespace: "launcher_search"
description: "This flag enables the animation of the Private Space container"
bug: "299294792"
flag {
name: "private_space_sys_apps_separation"
namespace: "launcher_search"
description: "This flag enables showing system apps separate in Private Space container."
bug: "308054233"
flag {
name: "private_space_app_installer_button"
namespace: "launcher_search"
description: "This flag enables addition of App Installer button in Private Space container."
bug: "308064949"
flag {
name: "private_space_restrict_accessibility_drag"
namespace: "launcher_search"
description: "This flag disables accessibility drag for Private Space Apps."
bug: "289223923"
flag {
name: "private_space_restrict_item_drag"
namespace: "launcher_search"
description: "This flag disables drag and drop for Private Space Items."
bug: "289223923"
flag {
name: "private_space_add_floating_mask_view"
namespace: "launcher_search"
description: "This flag enables the floating mask view as part of the Private Space animation. "
bug: "339850589"
metadata {