blob: 33b83301425c7a4cadefdaf8d1edd6e1af6d5186 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.StringJoiner
import java.util.function.IntFunction
import java.util.function.LongFunction
object FlagDebugUtils {
/** Appends the [flagName] to [str] when the [flag] is set in [flags]. */
fun appendFlag(str: StringJoiner, flags: Int, flag: Int, flagName: String) {
if (flags and flag != 0) {
/** Appends the [flagName] to [str] when the [flag] is set in [flags]. */
fun appendFlag(str: StringJoiner, flags: Long, flag: Long, flagName: String) {
if (flags and flag != 0L) {
* Produces a human-readable representation of the [current] flags, followed by a diff from from
* [previous].
* The resulting string is intented for logging and debugging.
fun formatFlagChange(current: Int, previous: Int, flagSerializer: IntFunction<String>): String {
val result = StringJoiner(" ")
result.add("[" + flagSerializer.apply(current) + "]")
val changed = current xor previous
val added = current and changed
if (added != 0) {
result.add("+[" + flagSerializer.apply(added) + "]")
val removed = previous and changed
if (removed != 0) {
result.add("-[" + flagSerializer.apply(removed) + "]")
return result.toString()
* Produces a human-readable representation of the [current] flags, followed by a diff from from
* [previous].
* The resulting string is intented for logging and debugging.
fun formatFlagChange(
current: Long,
previous: Long,
flagSerializer: LongFunction<String>
): String {
val result = StringJoiner(" ")
result.add("[" + flagSerializer.apply(current) + "]")
val changed = current xor previous
val added = current and changed
if (added != 0L) {
result.add("+[" + flagSerializer.apply(added) + "]")
val removed = previous and changed
if (removed != 0L) {
result.add("-[" + flagSerializer.apply(removed) + "]")
return result.toString()