blob: d593f8075605f772e81ac5f1e9164a05c88a3557 [file] [log] [blame]
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.LocaleList;
import android.util.Log;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import java.util.Locale;
public class AlphabeticIndexCompat {
// TODO(b/336947811): Set to false after root causing is done.
private static final boolean DEBUG = true;
private static final String TAG = "AlphabeticIndexCompat";
private static final String MID_DOT = "\u2219";
private final String mDefaultMiscLabel;
private final AlphabeticIndex.ImmutableIndex mBaseIndex;
public AlphabeticIndexCompat(Context context) {
public AlphabeticIndexCompat(LocaleList locales) {
int localeCount = locales.size();
Locale primaryLocale = localeCount == 0 ? Locale.ENGLISH : locales.get(0);
AlphabeticIndex indexBuilder = new AlphabeticIndex(primaryLocale);
for (int i = 1; i < localeCount; i++) {
mBaseIndex = indexBuilder.buildImmutableIndex();
if (primaryLocale.getLanguage().equals(Locale.JAPANESE.getLanguage())) {
// Japanese character 他 ("misc")
mDefaultMiscLabel = "\u4ed6";
// TODO(winsonc, omakoto): We need to handle Japanese sections better,
// especially the kanji
} else {
// Dot
mDefaultMiscLabel = MID_DOT;
* Computes the section name for an given string {@param s}.
public String computeSectionName(@NonNull CharSequence cs) {
String s = Utilities.trim(cs);
String sectionName = mBaseIndex.getBucket(mBaseIndex.getBucketIndex(s)).getLabel();
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d(TAG, "computeSectionName: cs: " + cs + " sectionName: " + sectionName);
if (Utilities.trim(sectionName).isEmpty() && s.length() > 0) {
int c = s.codePointAt(0);
boolean startsWithDigit = Character.isDigit(c);
if (startsWithDigit) {
// Digit section
return "#";
} else {
boolean startsWithLetter = Character.isLetter(c);
if (startsWithLetter) {
return mDefaultMiscLabel;
} else {
// In languages where these differ, this ensures that we differentiate
// between the misc section in the native language and a misc section
// for everything else.
return MID_DOT;
return sectionName;