blob: a2088281a6bf8a290a4c42eef0c37c8f73bdb05e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <android-base/macros.h>
#include <nnapi/Types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "ControlFlow.h"
#include "LegacyUtils.h"
#include "OperationResolver.h"
#include "OperationsExecutionUtils.h"
namespace android {
namespace nn {
// Information we maintain about each operand during execution that
// may change during execution.
struct RunTimeOperandInfo {
// TODO Storing the type here is redundant, as it won't change during execution.
OperandType type;
// The type and dimensions of the operand. The dimensions can
// change at runtime. We include the type because it's useful
// to pass together with the dimension to the functions implementing
// the operators.
// A dimension being zero has different meanings for different operands at different stages:
// - Model inputs:
// * Specified in model: implies "dynamic", and must be fully-specified in request.
// * Specified in request: illegal.
// - Constant operands: illegal.
// - Model outputs and internal operands:
// * Before evaluation: implies unknown and to be deduced from execution.
// * After evaluation:
// - If isSufficient reports true: the tensor is zero-sized.
// - Otherwise: implies unknown.
std::vector<uint32_t> dimensions;
float scale;
int32_t zeroPoint;
// Where the operand's data is stored. Check the corresponding
// location information in the model to figure out if this points
// to memory we have allocated for an temporary operand.
uint8_t* buffer; // TODO(b/148273353): Change the type to void*.
// The length of the buffer.
uint32_t length;
// Whether this is a temporary variable, a model input, a constant, etc.
Operand::LifeTime lifetime;
// Keeps track of how many operations have yet to make use
// of this temporary variable. When the count is decremented to 0,
// we free the buffer. For non-temporary variables, this count is
// always 0.
uint32_t numberOfUsesLeft;
Operand::ExtraParams extraParams;
Shape shape() const {
return {
.type = type,
.dimensions = dimensions,
.scale = scale,
.offset = zeroPoint,
.extraParams = extraParams,
bool isSufficient() const {
if (isExtension(type)) {
// We don't know sizes of extension types.
return true;
return length >= nonExtensionOperandSizeOfData(type, dimensions);
// Used to keep a pointer to each of the memory pools.
// RunTimePoolInfo references a region of memory. Other RunTimePoolInfo objects
// may reference the same region of memory by either:
// (1) copying an existing RunTimePoolInfo object, or
// (2) creating multiple RunTimePoolInfo objects from the same memory resource
// (e.g., "createFromMemory" or "createFromExistingBuffer")
// If the underlying region of memory is mapped by "createFromMemory", the
// mapping will be sustained until it is no longer referenced by any
// RunTimePoolInfo objects.
class RunTimePoolInfo {
static std::optional<RunTimePoolInfo> createFromMemory(const SharedMemory& memory);
static RunTimePoolInfo createFromExistingBuffer(uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t size = 0);
uint8_t* getBuffer() const;
bool flush() const;
const SharedMemory& getMemory() const;
uint32_t getSize() const;
class RunTimePoolInfoImpl;
RunTimePoolInfo(const std::shared_ptr<const RunTimePoolInfoImpl>& impl);
std::shared_ptr<const RunTimePoolInfoImpl> mImpl;
bool setRunTimePoolInfosFromCanonicalMemories(std::vector<RunTimePoolInfo>* poolInfos,
const std::vector<SharedMemory>& pools);
bool setRunTimePoolInfosFromMemoryPools(std::vector<RunTimePoolInfo>* poolInfos,
const std::vector<Request::MemoryPool>& pools);
// This class is used to execute a model on the CPU.
class CpuExecutor {
// This constructor allows clients of CpuExecutor to provide custom CPU
// operation implementations. It is used by a sample driver to test
// extension support.
// Note that it is not possible to provide custom CPU implementations for
// non-OperationResolver operations (b/124041202).
// The operation resolver must outlive the executor.
explicit CpuExecutor(const IOperationResolver* operationResolver)
: mOperationResolver(operationResolver) {}
CpuExecutor() : CpuExecutor(BuiltinOperationResolver::get()) {}
// Executes the model. The results will be stored at the locations
// specified in the constructor.
// The model must outlive the executor. We prevent it from being modified
// while this is executing.
int run(const Model& model, const Request& request,
const std::vector<RunTimePoolInfo>& modelPoolInfos,
const std::vector<RunTimePoolInfo>& requestPoolInfos);
const std::vector<OutputShape>& getOutputShapes() const {
CHECK(mFinished) << "getOutputShapes() called by an unfinished CpuExecutor.";
return mOutputShapes;
void setDeadline(const TimePoint& deadline) { mDeadline = deadline; }
void setLoopTimeout(uint64_t duration) { mLoopTimeoutDuration = duration; }
// Creates runtime info from what's in the model.
std::vector<RunTimeOperandInfo> initializeRunTimeInfo(const Model::Subgraph& subgraph);
// Adjusts the runtime info for the arguments passed to the model,
// modifying the buffer location, and possibly the dimensions.
void updateForArguments(const std::vector<uint32_t>& indexes,
const std::vector<Request::Argument>& arguments,
const std::vector<RunTimePoolInfo>& requestPoolInfos,
RunTimeOperandInfo* operands);
// Runs one subgraph.
int executeSubgraph(const Model::Subgraph& subgraph, RunTimeOperandInfo* operands);
// Runs one operation of the graph.
int executeOperation(const Operation& operation, RunTimeOperandInfo* operands);
int executeIfOperation(const Operation& operation, RunTimeOperandInfo* operands);
int executeWhileOperation(const Operation& operation, RunTimeOperandInfo* operands);
void setOutputShapes(const std::vector<uint32_t>& outputIndexes,
const std::vector<RunTimeOperandInfo>& operands);
// Compile-time operand value information used by initializeRunTimeInfo.
// The fields are only valid while run() is being executed.
const uint8_t* mModelOperandValues = nullptr;
const std::vector<RunTimePoolInfo>* mModelPoolInfos = nullptr;
const std::vector<Model::Subgraph>* mReferencedSubgraphs = nullptr;
// The output operand shapes returning to the runtime.
std::vector<OutputShape> mOutputShapes;
// Whether execution is finished and mOutputShapes is ready
bool mFinished = false;
// The deadline hint for the maximum amount of time the client expects the
// execution will take. If this deadline is exceeded, the CpuExecutor will
// abort the execution if there are remaining ops to execute.
OptionalTimePoint mDeadline;
// The maximum amount of time in nanoseconds that can be spent executing a
// WHILE loop.
uint64_t mLoopTimeoutDuration = operation_while::kTimeoutNsDefault;
[[maybe_unused]] const IOperationResolver* mOperationResolver;
// Class for setting reasonable OpenMP threading settings. (OpenMP is used by
// the Eigen matrix library.)
// Currently sets a low blocktime: the time OpenMP threads busy-wait for more
// work before going to sleep. See b/79159165,
// The default is 200ms, we set to 20ms here, see b/109645291. This keeps the
// cores enabled throughout inference computation without too much extra power
// consumption afterwards.
// The OpenMP settings are thread-local (applying only to worker threads formed
// from that thread), see and
// This class
// ensures that within the scope in which an object is instantiated we use the
// right settings (scopes may be nested), as long as no other library changes
// them. (Note that in current NNAPI usage only one instance is used in the
// CpuExecutor thread).
// TODO(mikie): consider also setting the number of threads used. Using as many
// threads as there are cores results in more variable performance: if we don't
// get all cores for our threads, the latency is doubled as we wait for one core
// to do twice the amount of work. Reality is complicated though as not all
// cores are the same. Decision to be based on benchmarking against a
// representative set of workloads and devices. I'm keeping the code here for
// reference.
// b/109953668, disable OpenMP
class ScopedOpenmpSettings {
int mBlocktimeInitial;
int mMaxThreadsInitial;
#endif // NNAPI_OPENMP
namespace {
template <typename T>
T getScalarData(const RunTimeOperandInfo& info) {
CHECK_GE(info.length, sizeof(T)) << "Cannot get scalar data: buffer too short";
T* data = reinterpret_cast<T*>(info.buffer);
return data[0];
template <typename T>
T getScalarDataWithDefault(const RunTimeOperandInfo& info, T defaultValue) {
if (info.length < sizeof(T)) {
return defaultValue;
return getScalarData<T>(info);
inline bool IsNullInput(const RunTimeOperandInfo* input) {
return input->lifetime == Operand::LifeTime::NO_VALUE;
inline int NumInputsWithValues(const Operation& operation, const RunTimeOperandInfo* operands) {
const std::vector<uint32_t>& inputs = operation.inputs;
return std::count_if(inputs.begin(), inputs.end(),
[&operands](uint32_t i) { return !IsNullInput(&operands[i]); });
inline int NumOutputs(const Operation& operation) {
return operation.outputs.size();
inline size_t NumDimensions(const RunTimeOperandInfo* operand) {
return operand->shape().dimensions.size();
inline uint32_t SizeOfDimension(const RunTimeOperandInfo* operand, int i) {
return operand->shape().dimensions[i];
inline RunTimeOperandInfo* GetInput(const Operation& operation, RunTimeOperandInfo* operands,
int index) {
return &operands[operation.inputs[index]];
inline RunTimeOperandInfo* GetOutput(const Operation& operation, RunTimeOperandInfo* operands,
int index) {
return &operands[operation.outputs[index]];
} // anonymous namespace
} // namespace nn
} // namespace android