blob: c715584a173000c5afdc61780ca75bf91c881a07 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <nnapi/IPreparedModel.h>
#include <nnapi/Validation.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "Callbacks.h"
#include "ControlFlow.h"
#include "CpuExecutor.h"
#include "HalInterfaces.h"
#include "Memory.h"
#include "ModelArgumentInfo.h"
#include "ModelBuilder.h"
#include "NeuralNetworks.h"
namespace android {
namespace nn {
class BurstBuilder;
class CompilationBuilder;
class Device;
class DynamicTemporaries;
class ExecutionBurstController;
class ExecutionPlan;
class ExecutionStep;
class ModelBuilder;
class RuntimeMemory;
class RuntimePreparedModel;
class StepExecutor;
class ExecutionBuilder {
friend class StepExecutor;
ExecutionBuilder(const CompilationBuilder* compilation);
int setInput(uint32_t index, const ANeuralNetworksOperandType* type, const void* buffer,
size_t length);
int setInputFromMemory(uint32_t index, const ANeuralNetworksOperandType* type,
const RuntimeMemory* memory, size_t offset, size_t length);
int setOutput(uint32_t index, const ANeuralNetworksOperandType* type, void* buffer,
size_t length);
int setOutputFromMemory(uint32_t index, const ANeuralNetworksOperandType* type,
const RuntimeMemory* memory, size_t offset, size_t length);
int setMeasureTiming(bool measure);
int getDuration(int32_t durationCode, uint64_t* duration) const;
int setTimeoutDuration(uint64_t duration);
std::optional<uint64_t> getTimeoutDuration() const;
int setLoopTimeout(uint64_t duration);
uint64_t getLoopTimeoutDuration() const { return mLoopTimeoutDuration; }
int computeFenced(const std::vector<int>& wait_for, uint64_t timeoutDurationAfterFence,
int* sync_fence);
int computeAsynchronously(sp<ExecutionCallback>* synchronizationCallback) {
CHECK(synchronizationCallback != nullptr);
return compute(synchronizationCallback);
int computeSynchronously() { return compute(nullptr); }
int burstCompute(BurstBuilder* burst) { return compute(nullptr, burst); }
// Initialize output dimensional information from ModelArgumentInfo.
std::vector<OutputShape> getInitialOutputShapes() const;
int getOutputOperandDimensions(uint32_t index, uint32_t* dimensions);
int getOutputOperandRank(uint32_t index, uint32_t* rank);
// Handshake with lower-level execution support
bool measureTiming() const { return mMeasureTiming; }
void reportTimingWithoutFencedExecutionCallback(Timing timing) {
mTimingWithoutFencedExecutionCallback = timing;
const CompilationBuilder* getCompilation() const { return mCompilation; }
const ModelBuilder* getModel() const { return mModel; }
const ModelBuilder* getSourceModel(uint32_t index) const;
const Operand& getSourceOperand(const std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>& sourceOperandIndex) const {
return getSourceModel(sourceOperandIndex.first)->getOperand(sourceOperandIndex.second);
ErrorStatus finishWithoutSyncFence(ErrorStatus error,
const std::vector<OutputShape>& outputShapes);
const ExecuteFencedInfoCallback& getExecuteFencedInfoCallback() {
return mFencedExecutionCallback;
bool inFlight() const { return mStarted && !isFinished(); }
const ModelArgumentInfo& getInputInfo(uint32_t index) const { return mInputs[index]; }
const ModelArgumentInfo& getOutputInfo(uint32_t index) const { return mOutputs[index]; }
std::optional<RunTimePoolInfo> getRunTimePoolInfo(uint32_t poolIndex) const {
return mMemories[poolIndex]->getRunTimePoolInfo();
// If a callback is provided, then this is asynchronous. If a callback is
// not provided (i.e., is nullptr), then this is synchronous.
// If burst is provided, then the burst path will be used. If a burst is not
// provided (i.e., is nullptr), then a synchronous execution will occur.
// Providing both synchronizationCallback and burstBuilder is an error.
int compute(sp<ExecutionCallback>* synchronizationCallback,
BurstBuilder* burstBuilder = nullptr);
const CompilationBuilder* mCompilation;
// Update output dimensional information from OutputShape to ModelArgumentInfo.
bool updateOutputShapes(ErrorStatus status, const std::vector<OutputShape>& outputShapes);
bool updateMemories();
bool hasSyncFence() const { return mSyncFenceFd > 0; }
const ModelBuilder* mModel;
const ExecutionPlan* mPlan;
// This is a DeviceManager::kPartitioning* value captured from
// CompilationBuilder when the ExecutionBuilder is constructed.
uint32_t mPartitioning;
// The information we'll send to the driver about the inputs and outputs.
// Note that we build this in two steps:
// 1. As the arguments are specified, set the corresponding mInputs or mOutputs element.
// If set from a pointer, don't set the location in the Request::Argument but store it
// instead in mInputBuffers or mOutputBuffers.
// 2. Once we have all the inputs and outputs, if needed, allocate shared memory for
// the m*Buffers entries. Copy the input values into the shared memory.
// We do this to avoid creating a lot of shared memory objects if we have a lot of
// parameters specified via pointers. We also avoid copying in the case where
// some of the nodes will interpreted on the CPU anyway.
std::vector<ModelArgumentInfo> mInputs;
std::vector<ModelArgumentInfo> mOutputs;
MemoryTracker mMemories;
// Do we ask the driver to measure timing?
bool mMeasureTiming = false;
// Timing reported from the driver. This field is only used if
// mFencedExecutionCallback is nullptr.
Timing mTimingWithoutFencedExecutionCallback = {};
// Amount of time to complete or abort the execution.
std::optional<uint64_t> mTimeoutDuration;
// Amount of time to complete or abort a loop.
uint64_t mLoopTimeoutDuration = operation_while::kTimeoutNsDefault;
// Properties cannot be set once the execution has started.
std::atomic_bool mStarted = false;
// Timing and output shapes can only be queried after the execution is
// finished. This field only becomes true if !hasSyncFence().
// See isFinished().
std::atomic_bool mFinishedWithoutSyncFence = false;
bool isFinished() const;
// With what error status has execution completed? This field only takes on
// a meaningful value if !hasSyncFence().
// See completedWith().
Completion mCompletionWithoutSyncFence = Completion::OTHER_ERROR;
// With what error status has execution completed? Must only be called if
// isFinished().
Completion completedWith() const;
// The sync fence fd that is created in the computeFenced call, if any.
// (Sometimes no sync fence fd will be created.)
int mSyncFenceFd = -1;
// The callback used to query execution related info in the case of fenced
// execution; otherwise, nullptr. If the execution plan has multiple steps,
// this is the callback associated with the last step. If the last step
// doesn't support fenced execution (e.g., the driver is too old), or if the
// launch of execution on the driver fails, then this callback will be
// nullptr.
ExecuteFencedInfoCallback mFencedExecutionCallback;
// class StepExecutor is used to execute a single "step" in a
// potentially multiple step execution process. The graph associated
// with that step is executed in its entirety on a single device (or
// on the CPU).
class StepExecutor {
// executionBuilder
// Describes the full (possibly multiple-"step") execution.
// model
// The model to be executed by the executor. Possibly a single
// "step" model of a multiple-"step" executionBuilder.
// driver, preparedModel
// The device on which to execute the "step", and the prepared
// model to execute on that device. (Both are nullptr in the
// case of CPU.)
// step
// Contains the output index mapping from the excerpted "step" model to
// main model if the execution has multiple "steps". Must be nullptr
// otherwise.
// (step == nullptr) == (dynamicTemporaries == nullptr)
// dynamicTemporaries
// If the execution has multiple "steps", describes the temporaries
// of source models that do not have fully specified types and are outputs
// of "step" models. Must be nullptr otherwise.
// (step == nullptr) == (dynamicTemporaries == nullptr)
StepExecutor(ExecutionBuilder* executionBuilder, const ModelBuilder* model,
std::shared_ptr<Device> device,
std::shared_ptr<RuntimePreparedModel> preparedModel,
const ExecutionStep* step = nullptr,
DynamicTemporaries* dynamicTemporaries = nullptr);
// Map inputs and outputs from ExecutionBuilder to StepExecutor,
// in the case where we have a single-"step" execution (i.e., the executor
// is executing the entire model from the ExecutionBuilder).
void mapInputsAndOutputsTrivially();
// Update output shapes with shapes returned from execution.
struct UpdateOutputShapes {
// These fields are meaningless unless updateOutputShapes() returns true
bool updatedDynamicTemporary; // did shape (dimensions, size) information change for at
// least one dynamic temporary?
bool mainOutputInsufficient; // is at least one main model output written by this execution
// marked !isSufficient?
bool zeroSizedInput; // is at least one output of this execution step a zero-sized tensor
// that needs to be read by some other step of the same execution?
bool updateOutputShapes(int executionResultCode, const std::vector<OutputShape>& from,
std::vector<OutputShape>* to, UpdateOutputShapes* update);
// Map inputs and outputs from ExecutionBuilder to StepExecutor,
// one at a time. Note that these are input/output indexes, not
// operand indexes.
// For mapOutputToInput(), outputDimensions may be nullptr if the input
// operand has fully specified dimensions.
void mapInput(uint32_t builderIndex, uint32_t executorIndex) {
mapInputOrOutput(mExecutionBuilder->mInputs[builderIndex], &mInputs[executorIndex]);
void mapOutput(uint32_t builderIndex, uint32_t executorIndex) {
mapInputOrOutput(mExecutionBuilder->mOutputs[builderIndex], &mOutputs[executorIndex]);
void mapOutputToInput(uint32_t builderIndex, uint32_t executorIndex,
const Dimensions* outputDimensions) {
mapInputOrOutput(mExecutionBuilder->mOutputs[builderIndex], &mInputs[executorIndex],
// If no length is provided, the input or output is assumed to have the length
// of the operand. dimensions must either have zero rank or must be
// consistent with and at least as well specified as operand dimensions
// (i.e., either rank must match, or operand rank must be zero; and for each
// individual dimension, either dimension must match, or operand dimension
// must be zero).
int setInputFromMemory(uint32_t inputIndex, const RuntimeMemory* memory, uint32_t offset,
const Dimensions& dimensions = {},
std::optional<uint32_t> length = std::nullopt) {
return setInputOrOutputFromMemory(mModel->getInputOperand(inputIndex), memory, offset,
dimensions, length, &;
int setOutputFromMemory(uint32_t outputIndex, const RuntimeMemory* memory, uint32_t offset,
const Dimensions& dimensions = {},
std::optional<uint32_t> length = std::nullopt) {
return setInputOrOutputFromMemory(mModel->getOutputOperand(outputIndex), memory, offset,
dimensions, length, &;
// Executes using the (driver, preparedModel) specified at construction time.
std::tuple<int, std::vector<OutputShape>, Timing> compute(
const OptionalTimePoint& deadline,
const std::shared_ptr<ExecutionBurstController>& burstController = nullptr);
// Re-compiles and executes using the CPU, regardless of the (driver,
// preparedModel) specified at construction time.
std::tuple<int, std::vector<OutputShape>, Timing> computeOnCpuFallback();
bool isCpu() const;
// Perform fenced execution and return error_code, sync_fence_fd and a
// callback.
std::tuple<int, int, ExecuteFencedInfoCallback> computeFenced(
const std::vector<int>& wait_for, uint64_t timeoutDurationAfterFence,
const OptionalTimePoint& deadline);
// Do the dynamic temporaries defined by this step have valid allocations?
// (true if there are no dynamic temporaries defined by this step.)
bool areDynamicTemporariesAllocated() const;
// builderDimensions may be nullptr if executorInputOrOutput has fully
// specified dimensions.
void mapInputOrOutput(const ModelArgumentInfo& builderInputOrOutput,
ModelArgumentInfo* executorInputOrOutput,
const Dimensions* builderDimensions = nullptr);
// If no length is provided, the input or output is assumed to have the length
// of the corresponding operand. dimensions must either have zero rank or
// must be consistent with and at least as well specified as operand
// dimensions (i.e., either rank must match, or operand rank must be zero;
// and for each individual dimension, either dimension must match, or
// operand dimension must be zero).
int setInputOrOutputFromMemory(const Operand& inputOrOutputOperand, const RuntimeMemory* memory,
uint32_t offset, const Dimensions& dimensions,
std::optional<uint32_t> length,
ModelArgumentInfo* inputOrOutputInfo);
std::tuple<int, std::vector<OutputShape>, Timing> computeWithMemories(
const OptionalTimePoint& deadline, const std::vector<const RuntimeMemory*>& memories,
const std::shared_ptr<ExecutionBurstController>& burstController = nullptr);
// describes the full (possibly multiple-"step") execution
ExecutionBuilder* mExecutionBuilder;
// describes the single execution step
const ExecutionStep* mExecutionStep;
// describes the dynamic temporaries
DynamicTemporaries* mDynamicTemporaries;
// model to be executed on the executor, in both original and
// compiled forms; and device on which to execute it
const ModelBuilder* mModel;
std::shared_ptr<Device> mDevice;
std::shared_ptr<RuntimePreparedModel> mPreparedModel;
// The information we'll send to the driver about the inputs and outputs.
// Note that we build this in two steps:
// 1. As the arguments are specified, set the corresponding mInputs or mOutputs element.
// If set from a pointer, don't set the location in the Request::Argument but store it
// instead in mInputBuffers or mOutputBuffers.
// 2. Once we have all the inputs and outputs, if needed, allocate shared memory for
// the m*Buffers entries. Copy the input values into the shared memory.
// We do this to avoid creating a lot of shared memory objects if we have a lot of
// parameters specified via pointers. We also avoid copying in the case where
// some of the nodes will interpreted on the CPU anyway.
std::vector<ModelArgumentInfo> mInputs;
std::vector<ModelArgumentInfo> mOutputs;
MemoryTracker mMemories;
std::string toString(StepExecutor::UpdateOutputShapes updateOutputShapes);
} // namespace nn
} // namespace android