blob: 2a6cfd76527206d2df75e9b66185d6e1b38dbcf2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "MetaModel"
#include "MetaModel.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <numeric>
#include <set>
#include <sstream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "GraphDump.h"
#include "LegacyUtils.h"
#include "nnapi/TypeUtils.h"
#include "nnapi/Types.h"
#include "nnapi/Validation.h"
namespace android::nn {
namespace {
// Add an element to the end of the vector, set it to the specified value, and
// return a pair consisting of the index of the new element and a pointer to the
// new element.
template <class T>
std::pair<uint32_t, T*> extend(std::vector<T>* vec, const T& val) {
return {vec->size() - 1, &vec->back()};
// Add an element to the end of the vector and return a pair consisting of the
// index of the new element and a pointer to the new element.
template <class T>
std::pair<uint32_t, T*> extend(std::vector<T>* vec) {
return extend(vec, {});
bool invalid(const Model& model, Version version, bool strictSlicing) {
// A model must have at least one operation. However, it's possible that a
// slice has no operations (because no operations from the original model
// are compliant with the sliced model type). In this case, the sliced
// model would be invalid.
const bool looksEmpty = (model.main.operations.size() == 0);
if (strictSlicing) {
CHECK_EQ(looksEmpty, (model.main.operands.size() == 0));
if (looksEmpty) return true;
// A model must have at least one output. However, it's possible for a
// model to contain dead operations (i.e., outputs on which no model outputs
// are data dependent). A slice might contain only dead operations, and
// hence have no model outputs. In this case, the sliced model would be
// invalid.
if (model.main.outputIndexes.size() == 0) return true;
// We shouldn't have to check whether the model is valid. However, it could
// be invalid if there is an error in the slicing algorithm.
auto maybeVersion = validate(model);
if (!maybeVersion.has_value()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Sliced model fails validate(): " << maybeVersion.error();
return true;
if (!isCompliantVersion(maybeVersion.value(), version)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Sliced model fails validate(): insufficient version ("
<< maybeVersion.value() << " vs " << version << ")";
return true;
return false;
} // anonymous namespace
MetaModel::MetaModel(Model model, bool strictSlicing)
: mModel(std::move(model)),
mStrictSlicing(strictSlicing) {}
MetaModel::ReturnedSlice MetaModel::getSlice(Version version) const {
// All slices of versions of at least mModelMinimumSupportedVersion are identical, so do not
// create more than one such slice.
version.level = std::min(version.level, mModelMinimumSupportedVersion.level);
version.runtimeOnlyFeatures &= mModelMinimumSupportedVersion.runtimeOnlyFeatures;
auto& slice = mCachedSlices[version];
if (slice.mState == SliceState::UNINITIALIZED) {
slice = makeSlice(version);
if (slice.mState == SliceState::INVALID) {
return {};
return MetaModel::ReturnedSlice(std::make_pair(
slice.mModel, Mapper([&slice](uint32_t slicedOperationIndex) {
// Utility class for makeSlice().
// For each output operand of a noncompliant operation that is the input
// operand of at least one compliant operation, we will ensure that there is
// a sliced model input whose "type" is that of the output operand. This is
// a map from operand "type" (in the original model) to model input operand
// index (in the sliced model). We only use the subset of the fields that are
// relevant (OperandType, dimensions, scale, zeroPoint, extraParams), but
// exclude irrelevant fields from the map key (lifetime, location).
// We also use this map for model input operands of the original model that
// become input operands of the sliced model. This means that an original
// model input operand might be commoned with other original model input
// operands and/or with original model temporary operands.
class MetaModel::OrigOperandToSlicedInputOperandIndex {
// `slicedOperands` and `slicedInputIndexes` will be modified as part of
// OrigOperandToSlicedInputOperandIndex::getIndex. `slicedVersion`, `operandValuesSize`, and
// `poolSizes` are used as a check to ensure that the sliced operand is valid and compliant with
// the sliced version. `operandValuesSize` is the size of the operand values in the sliced model
// (which is the same as the original model). `poolSizes` is the size of the memories in the
// sliced model (which is the same as the original model).
OrigOperandToSlicedInputOperandIndex(std::vector<Operand>* slicedOperands,
std::vector<uint32_t>* slicedInputIndexes,
Version slicedVersion, size_t operandValuesSize,
std::vector<size_t> poolSizes)
: mSlicedOperands(*slicedOperands),
kPoolSizes(std::move(poolSizes)) {}
// Given an operand from the original model, return the index of the
// corresponding model input operand from the sliced model. Creates a
// new operand in the sliced model if necessary.
uint32_t getIndex(Operand operand) {
CHECK(operand.lifetime == Operand::LifeTime::SUBGRAPH_INPUT ||
operand.lifetime == Operand::LifeTime::SUBGRAPH_OUTPUT ||
operand.lifetime == Operand::LifeTime::TEMPORARY_VARIABLE);
// Lookup
auto it = mMap.find(operand);
if (it != mMap.end()) {
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "OrigOperandToSlicedInputOperandIndex::getIndex looked for "
<< operand << " and found " << it->second << ": " << it->first;
return it->second;
// Create
operand.lifetime = Operand::LifeTime::SUBGRAPH_INPUT;
operand.location = {};
// Note that the sliced model does not contain any referenced subgraphs, so both `subgraphs`
// and `subgraphVersionCache` are empty.
const std::vector<Model::Subgraph> subgraphs;
auto subgraphVersionCache = createSubgraphVersionCache(subgraphs.size());
const auto minimumSupportedOperandVersion =
validateOperandAndAnythingItDependsOn(operand, kOperandValuesSize, kPoolSizes,
subgraphs, subgraphVersionCache.get())
CHECK(isCompliantVersion(minimumSupportedOperandVersion, kSlicedVersion));
uint32_t slicedOperandIndex = extend(&mSlicedOperands, operand).first;
mMap[operand] = slicedOperandIndex;
extend(&mSlicedInputIndexes, slicedOperandIndex);
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "OrigOperandToSlicedInputOperandIndex::getIndex created "
<< slicedOperandIndex << ": " << operand;
return slicedOperandIndex;
class Compare {
bool operator()(const Operand& a, const Operand& b) const {
if (a.type != b.type) {
return a.type < b.type;
if (a.dimensions != b.dimensions) {
return a.dimensions < b.dimensions;
if (a.scale != b.scale) {
return a.scale < b.scale;
if (a.zeroPoint != b.zeroPoint) {
return a.zeroPoint < b.zeroPoint;
return compare(a.extraParams, b.extraParams);
static bool compare(const Operand::SymmPerChannelQuantParams& a,
const Operand::SymmPerChannelQuantParams& b) {
if (a.scales != b.scales) {
return a.scales < b.scales;
return a.channelDim < b.channelDim;
static bool compare(const Operand::ExtraParams& a, const Operand::ExtraParams& b) {
if (a.index() != b.index()) {
return a.index() < b.index();
if (std::holds_alternative<Operand::SymmPerChannelQuantParams>(a)) {
return compare(std::get<Operand::SymmPerChannelQuantParams>(a),
if (std::holds_alternative<Operand::ExtensionParams>(a)) {
return std::get<Operand::ExtensionParams>(a) <
if (std::holds_alternative<Operand::NoParams>(a)) {
return false;
CHECK(false) << "Unexpected";
return false;
std::map<Operand, uint32_t, Compare> mMap;
std::vector<Operand>& mSlicedOperands;
std::vector<uint32_t>& mSlicedInputIndexes;
const Version kSlicedVersion;
const size_t kOperandValuesSize;
const std::vector<size_t> kPoolSizes;
void MetaModel::processOperations(
Slice* slice, std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t>* origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex,
OrigOperandToSlicedInputOperandIndex* origOperandToSlicedInputOperandIndex,
const std::set<uint32_t>& noncompliantOperations,
const std::set<uint32_t>& inputOperandIndexesOfCompliantOperations) const {
const auto& origOperands = mModel.main.operands;
const auto& origOperations = mModel.main.operations;
auto& slicedOperands = slice->mModel.main.operands;
auto& slicedOperations = slice->mModel.main.operations;
std::vector<uint32_t> origOperandNumberOfConsumers =
countNumberOfConsumers(origOperands.size(), origOperations).value();
for (uint32_t origOperationIndex = 0; origOperationIndex < origOperations.size();
++origOperationIndex) {
const Operation& origOperation = origOperations[origOperationIndex];
if (noncompliantOperations.count(origOperationIndex)) {
for (uint32_t output : origOperation.outputs) {
if (!inputOperandIndexesOfCompliantOperations.count(output)) {
const uint32_t slicedIndex =
(*origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex)[output] = slicedIndex;
<< "origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex noncompliant output processing created "
<< output << " -> " << slicedIndex << ": " << slicedOperands[slicedIndex];
} else {
Operation& slicedOperation = *extend(&slicedOperations).second;
CHECK_EQ(slice->mSlicedOperationIndexToOrigIndex.size(), slicedOperations.size());
slicedOperation.type = origOperation.type;
// Model is topologically sorted, so all operation inputs must be
// present in origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex, and no operation
// outputs may be.
// Operation inputs
// - Fill in slicedOperation.inputs
origOperation.inputs.begin(), origOperation.inputs.end(),
[&origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex, &slicedOperands](uint32_t origOperandIndex) {
uint32_t slicedOperandIndex =
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex compliant input "
"processing created "
<< origOperandIndex << " -> " << slicedOperandIndex
<< ": " << slicedOperands[slicedOperandIndex];
return slicedOperandIndex;
// Operation outputs
// - Add new operands to slicedOperands
// - Update origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex
// - Fill in slicedOperation.outputs
// - Record as a model output, if necessary
const uint32_t firstOutputSlicedOperandIndex = slicedOperands.size();
slicedOperands.resize(firstOutputSlicedOperandIndex + origOperation.outputs.size());
for (uint32_t outputNum = 0; outputNum < slicedOperation.outputs.size(); ++outputNum) {
uint32_t origOperandIndex = origOperation.outputs[outputNum];
uint32_t slicedOperandIndex = firstOutputSlicedOperandIndex + outputNum;
auto& slicedOperand = slicedOperands[slicedOperandIndex];
const auto& origOperand = origOperands[origOperandIndex];
slicedOperand = origOperand;
CHECK_EQ(origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex->count(origOperandIndex), size_t(0));
(*origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex)[origOperandIndex] = slicedOperandIndex;
slicedOperation.outputs[outputNum] = slicedOperandIndex;
const auto subgraphOutputLifetime = Operand::LifeTime::SUBGRAPH_OUTPUT;
if (!inputOperandIndexesOfCompliantOperations.count(origOperandIndex) &&
origOperandNumberOfConsumers[origOperandIndex] != 0) {
// Was consumed only by noncompliant operations; convert to
// an output of the sliced model.
slicedOperand.lifetime = subgraphOutputLifetime;
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex compliant output created "
<< origOperandIndex << " -> " << slicedOperandIndex << ": "
<< slicedOperand;
if (slicedOperand.lifetime == subgraphOutputLifetime) {
extend(&slice->mModel.main.outputIndexes, slicedOperandIndex);
std::set<uint32_t> MetaModel::getNoncompliantOperations(Version version) const {
const auto [operandValuesSize, poolSizes] = getMemorySizes(mModel);
auto subgraphVersionCache = createSubgraphVersionCache(mModel.referenced.size());
std::set<uint32_t> noncompliantOperations;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mModel.main.operations.size(); ++i) {
const auto& operation = mModel.main.operations[i];
const auto minSupportedVersion =
operation, mModel.main.operands, operandValuesSize, poolSizes,
mModel.referenced, subgraphVersionCache.get())
if (!isCompliantVersion(minSupportedVersion, version)) {
return noncompliantOperations;
bool MetaModel::Comparison::operator()(Version lhs, Version rhs) const {
constexpr auto toTuple = [](const Version& v) {
return std::tie(v.level, v.runtimeOnlyFeatures);
// Lexicographical comparison of the fields. The bool is promoted to an integer for the
// comparison such that "false < true".
return toTuple(lhs) < toTuple(rhs);
MetaModel::Slice MetaModel::makeSlice(Version version) const {
Slice slice;
// Quickly return if the model is already compliant with `version`
if (isCompliantVersion(mModelMinimumSupportedVersion, version)) {
slice.mModel = mModel;
slice.mSlicedOperationIndexToOrigIndex =
slice.mSlicedOperationIndexToOrigIndex.end(), 0u);
slice.mState = SliceState::NORMAL;
return slice;
const auto& origOperands = mModel.main.operands;
const auto& origOperations = mModel.main.operations;
auto& slicedOperands = slice.mModel.main.operands;
// Indexes of elements of noncompliant origOperations
std::set<uint32_t> noncompliantOperations = getNoncompliantOperations(version);
// Check if any compliant operations require a subgraph.
bool someCompliantOperationHasASubgraphOperand = false;
if (!mModel.referenced.empty()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < mModel.main.operations.size(); ++i) {
const auto& operation = mModel.main.operations[i];
if (noncompliantOperations.count(i) > 0) {
const auto isSubgraph = [&origOperands](uint32_t opndIdx) {
return origOperands[opndIdx].lifetime == Operand::LifeTime::SUBGRAPH;
if (std::any_of(operation.inputs.begin(), operation.inputs.end(), isSubgraph)) {
someCompliantOperationHasASubgraphOperand = true;
// TODO(b/175418767): Currently, MetaModel is not equipped to slice referenced subgraphs. If the
// original model is not compliant with the specified version and contains referenced subgraphs
// needed by the slice, return an invalidated slice.
if (someCompliantOperationHasASubgraphOperand) {
slice.mState = SliceState::INVALID;
return slice;
// Map from an operand index in origOperands to the corresponding operand index in
// slicedOperands
std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex;
// Collect the operand indexes of every operand that is an input to a
// compliant operation. If the operand is a CONSTANT_*, POINTER, or a
// NO_VALUE, copy it to the sliced model and update
// origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex accordingly. Otherwise, we'll deal with
// the operand in the subsequent "Main loop", where we process operation
// outputs (intermediates and model outputs).
std::set<uint32_t> inputOperandIndexesOfCompliantOperations;
for (uint32_t origOperationIndex = 0; origOperationIndex < origOperations.size();
++origOperationIndex) {
if (noncompliantOperations.count(origOperationIndex)) {
for (uint32_t input : origOperations[origOperationIndex].inputs) {
if (inputOperandIndexesOfCompliantOperations.insert(input).second) {
const Operand& origOperand = origOperands[input];
switch (origOperand.lifetime) {
case Operand::LifeTime::CONSTANT_COPY:
case Operand::LifeTime::CONSTANT_REFERENCE:
case Operand::LifeTime::POINTER:
case Operand::LifeTime::NO_VALUE: {
const uint32_t slicedOperandIndex =
extend(&slicedOperands, origOperand).first;
origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex[input] = slicedOperandIndex;
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex initialization created "
<< input << " -> " << slicedOperandIndex << ": "
<< slicedOperands[slicedOperandIndex];
const auto [operandValuesSize, poolSizes] = getMemorySizes(mModel);
OrigOperandToSlicedInputOperandIndex origOperandToSlicedInputOperandIndex(
&slicedOperands, &slice.mModel.main.inputIndexes, version, operandValuesSize,
// An input of the original model is an input of the sliced model if and
// only if it is consumed by at least one compliant operation. Note that in
// the sliced model we share all model inputs of the same "type"; and that
// we may later add model inputs to the sliced model.
for (uint32_t origInputIndex : mModel.main.inputIndexes) {
if (inputOperandIndexesOfCompliantOperations.count(origInputIndex)) {
const uint32_t slicedIndex =
origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex[origInputIndex] = slicedIndex;
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex inputIndexes processing created "
<< origInputIndex << " -> " << slicedIndex << ": "
<< slicedOperands[slicedIndex];
// Main loop: Process each operation of the original model.
processOperations(&slice, &origOperandIndexToSlicedIndex, &origOperandToSlicedInputOperandIndex,
noncompliantOperations, inputOperandIndexesOfCompliantOperations);
// To keep things simple, we copy over these fields as-is. We could instead
// opt to regenerate them based on the operands present in the sliced model:
// This would be more complex and probably take more computation time, but
// it would reduce the size of the sliced model, and hence the time spent
// copying it around and potentially passing it across process boundaries.
slice.mModel.operandValues = mModel.operandValues;
slice.mModel.pools = mModel.pools;
std::ostringstream fromName;
fromName << "Slice: From canonical";
graphDump(fromName.str().c_str(), mModel);
std::ostringstream toName;
toName << "Slice: To " << version;
graphDump(toName.str().c_str(), slice.mModel);
slice.mState = invalid(slice.mModel, version, mStrictSlicing) ? SliceState::INVALID
: SliceState::NORMAL;
return slice;
} // namespace android::nn