blob: 1e984a6f37b2e785f25fbe912b1613ce45e2cd32 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define LOG_TAG "ExecutionPlan"
#include "ExecutionPlan.h"
#include <ControlFlow.h>
#include <CpuExecutor.h>
#include <GraphDump.h>
#include <LegacyUtils.h>
#include <MetaModel.h>
#include <OperationsUtils.h>
#include <TokenHasher.h>
#include <Tracing.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <nnapi/IBurst.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "BurstBuilder.h"
#include "CompilationBuilder.h"
#include "ExecutionBuilder.h"
#include "ExecutionCallback.h"
#include "Manager.h"
#include "ModelBuilder.h"
#include "TypeManager.h"
namespace android {
namespace nn {
namespace {
// The index of the main model in SourceModels.
constexpr uint32_t kMainModelInSourceModels = 0;
constexpr uint32_t kNoPadding = 1;
static bool updateTokenFromMetaData(TokenHasher* token,
const std::vector<TokenValuePair>& metaData) {
// Combines the TokenValuePair and corresponding extension name.
std::vector<std::tuple<const char*, uint16_t, const uint8_t*, size_t>> metaDataWithExtension;
for (auto p : metaData) {
uint16_t prefix = static_cast<uint32_t>(p.token) >> kExtensionTypeBits;
uint16_t extensionEnum = static_cast<uint32_t>(p.token) & kTypeWithinExtensionMask;
const Extension* extension;
if (!TypeManager::get()->getExtensionInfo(prefix, &extension)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Prefix " << prefix << " could not be found";
return false;
metaDataWithExtension.push_back(std::make_tuple(extension->name.c_str(), extensionEnum,, p.value.size()));
// Sort with extension name and extension enum.
std::sort(metaDataWithExtension.begin(), metaDataWithExtension.end(),
[](const auto& a, const auto& b) {
if (int r = strcmp(std::get<0>(a), std::get<0>(b))) {
return r < 0;
} else {
return std::get<1>(a) < std::get<1>(b);
// Update the cache token with the sorted array.
for (auto [extensionName, extensionEnum, value, valueSize] : metaDataWithExtension) {
if (!token->updateFromString(extensionName) ||
!token->update(&extensionEnum, sizeof(uint16_t)) || !token->update(value, valueSize)) {
return false;
return true;
// Compiles the model on device.
// If compilation caching is available, depending on ExecutionPlan::mState, the token may only have
// been initialized by the user provided token (SIMPLE body), or is already re-hashed by the
// operation indices to be executed (COMPOUND body). The token will be re-hashed further by the
// device name, device version string, and the execution preference in this function.
int compile(const Device& device, const ModelBuilder& model, int executionPreference,
int compilationPriority, const OptionalTimePoint& deadline, const CacheInfo& cacheInfo,
TokenHasher* token, const std::vector<TokenValuePair>& metaData,
std::shared_ptr<RuntimePreparedModel>* preparedModel) {
CHECK(token != nullptr);
CHECK(preparedModel != nullptr);
*preparedModel = nullptr;
std::optional<CacheToken> cacheToken;
if (device.isCachingSupported() && token->ok() &&
token->updateFromString(device.getName().c_str()) &&
token->updateFromString(device.getVersionString().c_str()) &&
token->update(&executionPreference, sizeof(executionPreference)) &&
token->update(&compilationPriority, sizeof(compilationPriority)) &&
updateTokenFromMetaData(token, metaData) && token->finish()) {
cacheToken = CacheToken{};
const uint8_t* tokenPtr = token->getCacheToken();
std::copy(tokenPtr, tokenPtr + cacheToken->size(), cacheToken->begin());
const ModelFactory makeModel = [&model] { return model.makeModel(); };
const ExecutionPreference preference = static_cast<ExecutionPreference>(executionPreference);
const Priority priority = convertToCanonicalPriority(compilationPriority);
std::vector<ExtensionNameAndPrefix> extensionNameAndPrefix =
const auto [n, returnedPreparedModel] =
device.prepareModel(makeModel, preference, priority, deadline, cacheInfo, cacheToken,
metaData, extensionNameAndPrefix);
*preparedModel = returnedPreparedModel;
return n;
typedef std::function<void(uint32_t)> OperationReadyCallback;
int copyOperandExtraParams(ModelBuilder& model, uint32_t toOperandIndex,
const Operand& fromOperand) {
if (fromOperand.type == OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM_PER_CHANNEL &&
std::holds_alternative<Operand::SymmPerChannelQuantParams>(fromOperand.extraParams)) {
auto& fromChannelQuant =
ANeuralNetworksSymmPerChannelQuantParams toChannelQuant = {
.channelDim = fromChannelQuant.channelDim,
.scaleCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(fromChannelQuant.scales.size()),
.scales =,
return model.setOperandSymmPerChannelQuantParams(toOperandIndex, toChannelQuant);
} else if (isExtension(fromOperand.type) &&
std::holds_alternative<Operand::ExtensionParams>(fromOperand.extraParams)) {
auto extensionData = std::get<Operand::ExtensionParams>(fromOperand.extraParams);
return model.setOperandExtensionData(toOperandIndex,,
} else if (!std::holds_alternative<Operand::NoParams>(fromOperand.extraParams) ||
fromOperand.type == OperandType::TENSOR_QUANT8_SYMM_PER_CHANNEL) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Type " << fromOperand.type
<< " has an unexpected extraParams variant: " << fromOperand.extraParams.index();
} else {
// This class tracks whether we know the value of an operand as operations
// are processed.
class OperandTracker {
// Creates the tracker for this model. Figure out which operations can be
// executed right away and cb for each one of them.
OperandTracker(const ModelBuilder* model, OperationReadyCallback cb);
// Mark the specified operation as having been processed. The output
// of the operation now being known, this may make new operations to be
// able to run. Call cb for each one of them.
void markProcessed(uint32_t operationIndex, OperationReadyCallback cb);
const ModelBuilder* mModel;
std::multimap<uint32_t, uint32_t> mOperandToOperations;
std::vector<uint32_t> mUnknownInputCount; // For each operation
OperandTracker::OperandTracker(const ModelBuilder* model, OperationReadyCallback cb)
: mModel(model) {
const auto& operations = mModel->getOperations();
for (uint32_t operationIndex = 0; operationIndex < operations.size(); operationIndex++) {
const Operation& operation = operations[operationIndex];
uint32_t count = 0;
for (uint32_t operandIndex : operation.inputs) {
auto lifetime = mModel->getOperand(operandIndex).lifetime;
if (lifetime == Operand::LifeTime::TEMPORARY_VARIABLE ||
lifetime == Operand::LifeTime::SUBGRAPH_OUTPUT) {
mOperandToOperations.emplace(operandIndex, operationIndex);
if (count == 0) {
mUnknownInputCount[operationIndex] = count;
void OperandTracker::markProcessed(uint32_t operationIndex, OperationReadyCallback cb) {
// Mark all its outputs as known.
const Operation& operation = mModel->getOperations()[operationIndex];
for (uint32_t operandIndex : operation.outputs) {
auto range = mOperandToOperations.equal_range(operandIndex);
for (auto i = range.first; i != range.second; i++) {
uint32_t& count = mUnknownInputCount[i->second];
if (--count == 0) {
StaticTemporaryLocation addTemporary(uint32_t* totalSizeOfTemporaries, uint32_t size,
uint32_t alignment, uint32_t padding) {
// TODO: what about overflow?
*totalSizeOfTemporaries = roundUp(*totalSizeOfTemporaries, alignment);
const uint32_t offset = *totalSizeOfTemporaries;
size = roundUp(size, padding);
*totalSizeOfTemporaries += size;
return {.offset = offset, .paddedLength = size};
std::string toString(SourceOperandIndex sourceOperandIndex) {
return "(" + std::to_string(sourceOperandIndex.first) + ", " +
std::to_string(sourceOperandIndex.second) + ")";
// A helper class to analyze the step roles of all partition boundary operands.
// To use, call StepRoleAnalyzer::analyze and pass in a setup function that configures the analyzer
// with the following two methods:
// - addRole: Add a step role to a boundary operand
// - setUsedBy: Specify that the memory of the "source" operand may be directly used by the "dest"
// operand. All of the step roles of the "dest" operand are also possible step roles of the
// "source" operand. This is useful for interpreted control flow, e.g., the outer input operand
// of an interpreted IF operation may be directly used as all step roles of the corresponding
// input operand of the then and else models. Note that this relationship is directional --
// (A->B && B->C) implies A->C, but (A->C && B->C) does not imply A->B or B->A (A->B is a
// shorthand for setUsedBy(A, B)). The setup function must guarantee that the final graph
// produced by the used-by relationship is acyclic. This is true for the partitioner algorithm
// because there must be a root operand of each step role for the memory to be allocated on
// behalf of.
class StepRoleAnalyzer {
static std::map<SourceOperandIndex, std::set<StepRole>> analyze(
const std::function<void(StepRoleAnalyzer&)>& setup) {
StepRoleAnalyzer analyzer;
return analyzer.finish();
void addRole(const ExecutionStep& step, uint32_t operandIndex, IOType type,
uint32_t stepIOIndex) {
SourceOperandIndex source = {step.getSourceModelIndex(), operandIndex};
mRoles[source].emplace(step.getIndex(), type, stepIOIndex);
void setUsedBy(const SourceOperandIndex& source, const SourceOperandIndex& dest) {
StepRoleAnalyzer() = default;
// Merges the step roles of the destination operands to the source operands
// and returns the final map.
std::map<SourceOperandIndex, std::set<StepRole>> finish() {
for (const auto& [source, _] : mUsedBy) {
return std::move(mRoles);
void finishHelper(SourceOperandIndex current) {
if (mProcessedOperands.count(current) > 0) return;
const auto it = mUsedBy.find(current);
if (it != mUsedBy.end()) {
auto& roles = mRoles[current];
// Merge the step roles of the destination operands.
for (const auto& dest : it->second) {
const auto& destRoles = mRoles[dest];
roles.insert(destRoles.begin(), destRoles.end());
// A map from the source operand to its step roles.
std::map<SourceOperandIndex, std::set<StepRole>> mRoles;
// A map from the source operand to a set of destination operands that may directly
// use the memory of the source operand.
std::map<SourceOperandIndex, std::set<SourceOperandIndex>> mUsedBy;
// Used in finish to track which operand has been processed.
std::set<SourceOperandIndex> mProcessedOperands;
} // namespace
void DynamicTemporaries::vlogDump(const char* context) const {
if (empty()) {
if (context) {
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "DynamicTemporaries: \"" << context << "\"";
for (const auto& temp : mSourceOperandToTemporary) {
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "DynamicTemporaries: sourceOperandIndex = " << toString(temp.first)
<< ", stepIndex = " << temp.second.stepIndex
<< ", offset = " << temp.second.offset
<< ", dimensions = " << toString(temp.second.dimensions)
<< ", paddedLength = " << temp.second.paddedLength
<< ", alignment = " << temp.second.alignment
<< ", padding = " << temp.second.padding;
void DynamicTemporaries::declare(SourceOperandIndex sourceOperandIndex, uint32_t stepIndex,
const Dimensions& initialDimensions, uint32_t initialLength,
uint32_t alignment, uint32_t padding) {
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "DynamicTemporaries::declare(sourceOperandIndex = "
<< toString(sourceOperandIndex) << ", stepIndex = " << stepIndex
<< ", initialDimensions = " << toString(initialDimensions)
<< ", initialLength = " << initialLength << ", alignment = " << alignment
<< ", padding = " << padding << ")";
CHECK_GT(initialLength, 0u);
const uint32_t paddedLength = roundUp(initialLength, padding);
auto [_, isNew] = mSourceOperandToTemporary.emplace(
sourceOperandIndex, InternalLocationAndShape{stepIndex, 0, initialDimensions,
paddedLength, alignment, padding});
bool DynamicTemporaries::redeclare(SourceOperandIndex sourceOperandIndex,
const Dimensions& newDimensions, uint32_t newLength) {
auto createAndLogResult = [sourceOperandIndex, &newDimensions, newLength](bool changedShape) {
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "DynamicTemporaries::redeclare(sourceOperandIndex = "
<< toString(sourceOperandIndex)
<< ", newDimensions = " << toString(newDimensions)
<< ", newLength = " << newLength << ") -> " << toString(changedShape);
return changedShape;
CHECK_GT(newLength, 0u);
InternalLocationAndShape& temp =;
const uint32_t paddedLength = roundUp(newLength, temp.padding);
if (temp.paddedLength == paddedLength && temp.dimensions == newDimensions) {
return createAndLogResult(false);
if (temp.paddedLength < paddedLength) {
// Otherwise allocation remains valid, even if it may be suboptimal
// (because it uses more space than needed). Use case: Don't force
// client to allocate again just because the client reported more
// accurate shape information.
temp.paddedLength = paddedLength;
temp.dimensions = newDimensions;
return createAndLogResult(true);
int DynamicTemporaries::allocate(uint32_t stepIndex) {
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "DynamicTemporaries::allocate(stepIndex = " << stepIndex << ")";
const auto sourceOperandIndexesI = mStepIndexToSourceOperandIndexes.find(stepIndex);
if (sourceOperandIndexesI == mStepIndexToSourceOperandIndexes.end()) {
// perform layout
uint32_t newSize = 0;
for (const auto& sourceOperandIndex : sourceOperandIndexesI->second) {
InternalLocationAndShape& temp =;
// temp.paddedLength is already padded in declare and redeclare.
CHECK(temp.paddedLength % temp.padding == 0);
temp.offset = addTemporary(&newSize, temp.paddedLength, temp.alignment, kNoPadding).offset;
// perform (re-)allocation
// TODO: Today we may shrink the allocation in order to avoid wasting memory. Is this important
// to conserve memory, or do we waste time reallocating?
const double kWaste = 0.2 /* arbitrary */; // Willing to waste space to avoid
// deallocation/reallocation overhead
auto& memory = mStepIndexToMemory[stepIndex];
const uint32_t oldSize = (memory ? memory->getSize() : 0);
if ((oldSize >= newSize) && (oldSize <= newSize * (1 + kWaste))) {
// Suitable allocation already exists; nothing to do
} else {
int n;
std::tie(n, memory) = MemoryAshmem::create(newSize);
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate dynamic temporaries of size " << newSize
<< " for step " << stepIndex;
return n;
bool DynamicTemporaries::allocated(uint32_t stepIndex) const {
return (mStepIndexToSourceOperandIndexes.find(stepIndex) ==
mStepIndexToSourceOperandIndexes.end()) ||
std::optional<DynamicTemporaries::LocationAndShape> DynamicTemporaries::lookup(
SourceOperandIndex sourceOperandIndex, bool mustBeAllocated) const {
if (auto it = mSourceOperandToTemporary.find(sourceOperandIndex);
it != mSourceOperandToTemporary.end()) {
const InternalLocationAndShape& temp = it->second;
const bool isAllocated = allocated(temp.stepIndex);
if (mustBeAllocated) {
CHECK(isAllocated) << "Source operand " << toString(sourceOperandIndex)
<< " must be allocated";
if (isAllocated) {
return LocationAndShape{, temp.offset,
&temp.dimensions, temp.paddedLength};
} else {
return LocationAndShape{nullptr, ~uint32_t(0), &temp.dimensions, temp.paddedLength};
return std::nullopt;
ExecutionStep::ExecutionStep(ExecutionPlan* plan, uint32_t stepIndex, uint32_t sourceModelIndex,
std::shared_ptr<Device> device)
: mPlan(plan),
mToken(plan->getCacheToken()) {}
// Adds an operand if it has not been added already.
// Sets the index in the step model for the corresponding operand.
int ExecutionStep::addOperand(uint32_t sourceOperandIndex, uint32_t* stepOperandIndex,
OperandKind kind) {
// Have we added this operand already?
auto i = mOperandMap.find(sourceOperandIndex);
if (i != mOperandMap.end()) {
CHECK(kind == INPUT);
*stepOperandIndex = i->second;
// First time we add this operand.
*stepOperandIndex = mStepModel.operandCount();
mOperandMap.emplace(sourceOperandIndex, *stepOperandIndex);
// Add the operand to the step model.
const ModelBuilder& sourceModel = *getSourceModel();
const Operand& operand = sourceModel.getOperand(sourceOperandIndex);
ANeuralNetworksOperandType type = {
.type = static_cast<int32_t>(operand.type),
.dimensionCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(operand.dimensions.size()),
.dimensions = operand.dimensions.size() > 0 ? : nullptr,
.scale = operand.scale,
.zeroPoint = operand.zeroPoint,
int n = mStepModel.addOperand(type);
LOG(ERROR) << "Previous error occurred when partitioning the graph";
return n;
n = copyOperandExtraParams(mStepModel, *stepOperandIndex, operand);
LOG(ERROR) << "Error when copying extra parameters to the operand";
return n;
// Sets its value.
switch (operand.lifetime) {
case Operand::LifeTime::CONSTANT_COPY: {
const uint8_t* data = sourceModel.getPointerToOperandValue(operand.location.offset);
n = mStepModel.setOperandValue(*stepOperandIndex, data, operand.location.length);
} break;
case Operand::LifeTime::CONSTANT_REFERENCE: {
const RuntimeMemory* memory = sourceModel.getMemories()[operand.location.poolIndex];
n = mStepModel.setOperandValueFromMemory(
*stepOperandIndex, memory, operand.location.offset, operand.location.length);
} break;
case Operand::LifeTime::NO_VALUE: {
n = mStepModel.setOperandValue(*stepOperandIndex, nullptr, 0);
} break;
case Operand::LifeTime::TEMPORARY_VARIABLE: { // handled similarly to SUBGRAPH_OUTPUT
if (kind == INPUT) {
// The first time we've seen this operand is as an
// input. That means it must be defined by a
// different partition, and is an input to this one.
mTempsAsStepModelInputs.emplace_back(sourceOperandIndex, *stepOperandIndex);
} else {
// The first time we've seen this operand is as an
// output. It may be an input to a different
// partition, so keep track of it.
mPlan->recordTemporaryDef(SourceOperandIndex(mSourceModelIndex, sourceOperandIndex),
} break;
case Operand::LifeTime::SUBGRAPH_INPUT: {
mModelInputs.emplace_back(sourceOperandIndex, *stepOperandIndex);
} break;
case Operand::LifeTime::SUBGRAPH_OUTPUT: { // handled similarly to TEMPORARY_VARIABLE
if (kind == INPUT) {
// The first time we've seen this operand is as an
// input. That means it must be defined by a
// different partition, and is an input to this one.
mOutputsAsStepModelInputs.emplace_back(sourceOperandIndex, *stepOperandIndex);
} else {
// The first time we've seen this operand is as an
// output.
mModelOutputs.emplace_back(sourceOperandIndex, *stepOperandIndex);
// It may be an input to a different partition, so keep track of
// it.
mPlan->recordOutputDef(SourceOperandIndex(mSourceModelIndex, sourceOperandIndex),
} break;
case Operand::LifeTime::SUBGRAPH: {
const ModelBuilder* model = sourceModel.getReferencedModel(operand);
n = mStepModel.setOperandValueFromModel(*stepOperandIndex, model);
} break;
case Operand::LifeTime::POINTER: {
const void* data = std::get<const void*>(operand.location.pointer);
n = mStepModel.setOperandValue(*stepOperandIndex, data, operand.location.length);
} break;
LOG(ERROR) << "Previous error occurred when partitioning the graph";
return n;
int ExecutionStep::addOperation(int operationIndex) {
const Operation& operation = getSourceModel()->getOperation(operationIndex);
if (mToken.ok()) {
mToken.update(&mSourceModelIndex, sizeof(mSourceModelIndex));
mToken.update(&operationIndex, sizeof(operationIndex));
// Convert the input and output operand indexes.
// We expect operations to be added in topological order. Therefore:
// - We may not have seen an input if it is a model input, a
// constant, or an operand written by a different partition.
// - We should not have seen any outputs.
auto addOperands = [this](const std::vector<uint32_t>& sourceModelOperands,
std::vector<uint32_t>* stepModelOperands, OperandKind kind) -> int {
const uint32_t operandCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(sourceModelOperands.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < operandCount; i++) {
NN_RETURN_IF_ERROR(addOperand(sourceModelOperands[i], &stepModelOperands->at(i), kind));
const uint32_t inputCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(operation.inputs.size());
const uint32_t outputCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(operation.outputs.size());
std::vector<uint32_t> inputs(inputCount);
std::vector<uint32_t> outputs(outputCount);
NN_RETURN_IF_ERROR(addOperands(operation.inputs, &inputs, INPUT));
NN_RETURN_IF_ERROR(addOperands(operation.outputs, &outputs, OUTPUT));
return mStepModel.addOperation(static_cast<uint32_t>(operation.type), inputCount,,
void ExecutionStep::mapInputsAndOutputs(
std::shared_ptr<StepExecutor> executor,
const std::vector<OutputShape>* mainModelOutputShapes, const RuntimeMemory* temporaryMemory,
const std::map<SourceOperandIndex, StaticTemporaryLocation>&
const DynamicTemporaries& dynamicTemporaries,
const std::map<SourceOperandIndex, uint32_t>& sourceOperandToInputIndex,
const std::map<SourceOperandIndex, uint32_t>& sourceOperandToOutputIndex,
const std::map<SourceOperandIndex, ConstantReferenceLocation>&
sourceOperandToConstantReference) const {
auto mapInput = [&](uint32_t stepModelOperandIndex, uint32_t stepInputIndex) {
SourceOperandIndex sourceOperandIndex(mSourceModelIndex, stepModelOperandIndex);
if (auto it = sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary.find(sourceOperandIndex);
it != sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary.end()) {
const auto& loc = it->second;
executor->setInputFromMemory(stepInputIndex, temporaryMemory, loc.offset,
} else if (auto loc = dynamicTemporaries.lookup(sourceOperandIndex); loc != std::nullopt) {
executor->setInputFromMemory(stepInputIndex, loc->memory, loc->offset,
loc->paddedLength, *loc->dimensions);
} else if (auto it = sourceOperandToInputIndex.find(sourceOperandIndex);
it != sourceOperandToInputIndex.end()) {
executor->mapInput(it->second, stepInputIndex);
} else if (auto it = sourceOperandToOutputIndex.find(sourceOperandIndex);
it != sourceOperandToOutputIndex.end()) {
executor->mapOutputToInput(it->second, stepInputIndex,
? &mainModelOutputShapes->at(it->second).dimensions
: nullptr);
} else if (auto it = sourceOperandToConstantReference.find(sourceOperandIndex);
it != sourceOperandToConstantReference.end()) {
// Constant partition boundary operand. This could be an IF branch
// model input or a WHILE variable initializer.
const auto& loc = it->second;
executor->setInputFromMemory(stepInputIndex, loc.memory, loc.offset, loc.length);
} else {
CHECK(false) << "Cannot map step input " << stepInputIndex << " from operand "
<< toString(sourceOperandIndex);
auto mapOutput = [&](uint32_t stepModelOperandIndex, uint32_t stepOutputIndex) {
SourceOperandIndex sourceOperandIndex(mSourceModelIndex, stepModelOperandIndex);
if (auto it = sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary.find(sourceOperandIndex);
it != sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary.end()) {
const auto& loc = it->second;
executor->setOutputFromMemory(stepOutputIndex, temporaryMemory, loc.offset,
} else if (auto loc = dynamicTemporaries.lookup(sourceOperandIndex); loc != std::nullopt) {
executor->setOutputFromMemory(stepOutputIndex, loc->memory, loc->offset,
loc->paddedLength, *loc->dimensions);
} else if (auto it = sourceOperandToOutputIndex.find(sourceOperandIndex);
it != sourceOperandToOutputIndex.end()) {
executor->mapOutput(it->second, stepOutputIndex);
} else {
CHECK(false) << "Cannot map step output " << stepOutputIndex << " from operand "
<< toString(sourceOperandIndex);
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = mStepModelInputs.size(); i < n; ++i) {
mapInput(mStepModelInputs[i].first, i);
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = mStepModelOutputs.size(); i < n; ++i) {
mapOutput(mStepModelOutputs[i].first, i);
void ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::findModelOutputsThatAreDownstreamInputs() {
auto declareModelOutputIsDownstreamInput =
[this](const SourceOperandIndex& sourceOperandIndex) {
const auto it = mOutputToDefiningExecutionStep.find(sourceOperandIndex);
CHECK(it != mOutputToDefiningExecutionStep.end());
uint32_t stepIndex = it->second;
CHECK_LT(stepIndex, mSteps.size());
<< "ExecutionStep(" << stepIndex
<< ")->declareModelOutputIsDownstreamInput("
<< toString(sourceOperandIndex) << ")";
CHECK(mSourceOperandToOutputIndex.find(sourceOperandIndex) !=
for (const auto& logicalStep : mSteps) {
if (const ExecutionStep* step = logicalStep->tryExecutionStep()) {
for (const auto& output : step->getOutputsAsStepModelInputs()) {
SourceOperandIndex sourceOperandIndex(step->getSourceModelIndex(), output.first);
void ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::findTempsAsStepModelOutputs() {
auto recordAsOutputIfTemporary = [this](const SourceOperandIndex& sourceOperandIndex) {
const auto it = mTemporaryToDefiningExecutionStep.find(sourceOperandIndex);
if (it == mTemporaryToDefiningExecutionStep.end()) {
// The operand is not a temporary or is not defined by an
// ExecutionStep (i.e. it's an output of an IF or a WHILE).
// The latter case is handled by ExecutionPlan::makeController().
uint32_t stepIndex = it->second;
CHECK_LT(stepIndex, mSteps.size());
for (const auto& logicalStep : mSteps) {
if (const ExecutionStep* step = logicalStep->tryExecutionStep()) {
for (const auto& input : step->getTempsAsStepModelInputs()) {
SourceOperandIndex sourceOperandIndex(step->getSourceModelIndex(), input.first);
} else if (const IfStep* step = logicalStep->tryIfStep()) {
for (const SourceOperandIndex& sourceOperandIndex : step->outerInputOperands) {
} else if (const WhileStep* step = logicalStep->tryWhileStep()) {
for (const SourceOperandIndex& sourceOperandIndex : step->outerInputOperands) {
} else {
void ExecutionStep::declareModelOutputIsDownstreamInput(uint32_t mainModelOutputIndex) {
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ExecutionStep(" << mIndex << ")::declareModelOutputIsDownstreamInput("
<< mainModelOutputIndex << ")";
const auto it = std::find(mOutputIndexStepModelToMainModel.begin(),
mOutputIndexStepModelToMainModel.end(), mainModelOutputIndex);
CHECK(it != mOutputIndexStepModelToMainModel.end());
const uint32_t stepModelOutputIndex = it - mOutputIndexStepModelToMainModel.begin();
CHECK(stepModelOutputIndex < mModelOutputs.size());
void ExecutionStep::recordTempAsStepModelOutput(uint32_t stepOperandIndex) {
const auto it = mOperandMap.find(stepOperandIndex);
CHECK(it != mOperandMap.end());
mTempsAsStepModelOutputs.emplace(stepOperandIndex, it->second);
const ModelBuilder* ExecutionStep::getSourceModel() const {
return mPlan->getSourceModels().getModel(mSourceModelIndex);
void ExecutionStep::logStepModel() const {
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ExecutionStep::finishStepModel, step " << mIndex;
auto logRemapEntry = [](std::string& toLog, const std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t>& e) {
if (!toLog.empty()) {
toLog += ", ";
toLog += toString(e.first);
toLog += "->";
toLog += toString(e.second);
auto logRemapVector = [&logRemapEntry](const char* name, const RemapVectorType& map) {
std::string toLog;
for (const auto& e : map) {
logRemapEntry(toLog, e);
VLOG(COMPILATION) << name << ": " << toLog;
auto logRemapSet = [&logRemapEntry](const char* name, const StepModelOutputSetType& set) {
std::string toLog;
for (const auto& e : set) {
logRemapEntry(toLog, e);
VLOG(COMPILATION) << name << ": " << toLog;
logRemapVector("step model inputs", mStepModelInputs);
logRemapVector("step model outputs", mStepModelOutputs);
logRemapVector("model inputs", mModelInputs);
logRemapVector("model outputs", mModelOutputs);
logRemapVector("temps as step model inputs", mTempsAsStepModelInputs);
logRemapSet("temps as step model outputs", mTempsAsStepModelOutputs);
logRemapVector("outputs as step model inputs", mOutputsAsStepModelInputs);
static bool hasUnknownSize(const Operand& operand) {
if (operand.dimensions.empty()) {
return TypeManager::get()->isTensorType(operand.type);
for (const Dimension& dimension : operand.dimensions) {
if (dimension == 0) {
return true;
return false;
int ExecutionStep::finishStepModel(const ModelBuilder* mainModel, bool* hasOutputOfUnknownSize,
int32_t executionPreference, int32_t priority) {
CHECK(mDevice != nullptr);
for (const auto& stepModelOutput : mTempsAsStepModelOutputs) {
const Operand& operand = mStepModel.getOperand(stepModelOutput.second);
if (hasUnknownSize(operand)) {
*hasOutputOfUnknownSize = true;
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "StepModelOutput (operand#" << stepModelOutput.first
<< " of source graph) has unknown size: " << operand;
mStepModelInputs.insert(mStepModelInputs.end(), mModelInputs.begin(), mModelInputs.end());
mStepModelInputs.insert(mStepModelInputs.end(), mTempsAsStepModelInputs.begin(),
mStepModelInputs.insert(mStepModelInputs.end(), mOutputsAsStepModelInputs.begin(),
mStepModelOutputs.insert(mStepModelOutputs.end(), mModelOutputs.begin(), mModelOutputs.end());
mStepModelOutputs.insert(mStepModelOutputs.end(), mTempsAsStepModelOutputs.begin(),
// A step model with no inputs or no outputs is an invalid model. Note that we would like to
// attempt full CPU fallback if allowed, so we return OP_FAILED here rather than BAD_DATA from
// model validation.
if (hasNoInputsOrNoOutputs()) {
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ExecutionStep::finishStepModel: finishing step model with no inputs "
"or no outputs";
if (mSourceModelIndex == kMainModelInSourceModels) {
std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> mainModelOperandToInputIndex;
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = mainModel->inputCount(); i < n; ++i) {
mainModelOperandToInputIndex[mainModel->getInputOperandIndex(i)] = i;
std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> mainModelOperandToOutputIndex;
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = mainModel->outputCount(); i < n; ++i) {
mainModelOperandToOutputIndex[mainModel->getOutputOperandIndex(i)] = i;
// mInputIndexStepModelToMainModel is ordered by step model input index and relies on
// mModelInputs being the first inputs, as specified by mStepModelInputs.
std::transform(mModelInputs.begin(), mModelInputs.end(),
[&mainModelOperandToInputIndex](auto& e) {
uint32_t sourceOperandIndex = e.first;
return mainModelOperandToInputIndex[sourceOperandIndex];
// mOutputIndexStepModelToMainModel is ordered by step model output index and relies on
// mModelOutputs being the first outputs, as specified by mStepModelOutputs.
std::transform(mModelOutputs.begin(), mModelOutputs.end(),
[&mainModelOperandToOutputIndex](auto& e) {
uint32_t sourceOperandIndex = e.first;
return mainModelOperandToOutputIndex[sourceOperandIndex];
// mOutputsAsStepModelInputsIndexToMainModel is ordered by step model input index and relies
// on mOutputsAsStepModelInputs being the first outputs.
std::transform(mOutputsAsStepModelInputs.begin(), mOutputsAsStepModelInputs.end(),
[&mainModelOperandToOutputIndex](auto& e) {
uint32_t sourceOperandIndex = e.first;
return mainModelOperandToOutputIndex[sourceOperandIndex];
std::vector<uint32_t> inputs(mStepModelInputs.size());
std::vector<uint32_t> outputs(mStepModelOutputs.size());
std::transform(mStepModelInputs.begin(), mStepModelInputs.end(), inputs.begin(),
[](auto& e) { return e.second; });
std::transform(mStepModelOutputs.begin(), mStepModelOutputs.end(), outputs.begin(),
[](auto& e) { return e.second; });
// TODO: Move compilation elsewhere?
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ExecutionStep::finishStepModel, compilation on " << mDevice->getName();
return compile(*mDevice, mStepModel, executionPreference, priority, {}, *mPlan->getCacheInfo(),
&mToken, {}, &mPreparedStepModel);
void ExecutionStep::dump() const {
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "Step#" << mIndex << ": execute on " << mDevice->getName();
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const IfStep& step) {
return os << "Step#" << step.index << ": if " << toString(step.conditionOperandIndex)
<< " then=" << step.thenStepIndex << " else=" << step.elseStepIndex;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const WhileStep& step) {
return os << "Step#" << step.index << ": while cond=" << step.condStepIndex
<< " body=" << step.bodyStepIndex << " exit=" << step.exitStepIndex;
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const GotoStep& step) {
return os << "Step#" << step.index << ": goto " << step.gotoStepIndex;
void LogicalStep::dump() const {
if (const IfStep* step = tryIfStep()) {
} else if (const WhileStep* step = tryWhileStep()) {
} else if (const GotoStep* step = tryGotoStep()) {
} else {
int ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::finish(const SourceModels* sourceModels,
int32_t executionPreference, int32_t priority,
const OptionalTimePoint& deadline,
const std::vector<TokenValuePair>& metadata,
int simulateFailureResultCode) {
const ModelBuilder* mainModel = sourceModels->getModel(kMainModelInSourceModels);
auto containsUnknownSize = [sourceModels](const std::vector<SourceOperandIndex>& operands) {
for (const auto& sourceOperandIndex : operands) {
const ModelBuilder* sourceModel = sourceModels->getModel(sourceOperandIndex.first);
const Operand& operand = sourceModel->getOperand(sourceOperandIndex.second);
if (hasUnknownSize(operand)) {
return true;
return false;
for (const auto& logicalStep : mSteps) {
if (ExecutionStep* step = logicalStep->tryExecutionStep()) {
bool stepHasDynamicTemporaries = false;
int n = step->finishStepModel(mainModel, &stepHasDynamicTemporaries,
executionPreference, priority);
if (stepHasDynamicTemporaries) {
mHasDynamicTemporaries = true;
if (!isCompliantVersion(kHalVersionV1_2ToApi.canonical,
step->getDevice()->getFeatureLevel())) {
// Until HAL 1.2, an Operand with lifetime SUBGRAPH_OUTPUT
// must have fully specified dimensions either in the
// Operand or in the RequestArgument. In the case of a
// dynamic temporary, we won't be able to supply fully
// specified dimensions in either.
<< "ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::finish -- step#" << step->getIndex()
<< " defines dynamic temporaries but is scheduled on pre-1.2 device "
<< step->getDevice()->getName();
<< "ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::finish -- finishStepModel failed";
return n;
} else if (IfStep* step = logicalStep->tryIfStep()) {
// The partitioner does not support dynamic temporaries (b/132458982).
// step->conditionOperandIndex has a static shape. See b/158557728.
} else if (WhileStep* step = logicalStep->tryWhileStep()) {
// The partitioner does not support dynamic temporaries (b/132458982).
// step->condOutputOperand has a static shape. See b/158557728.
} else {
if (simulateFailureResultCode != ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR) {
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ExecutionPlan::CompoundeBody::finish: simulating failure, ResultCode "
<< simulateFailureResultCode;
return simulateFailureResultCode;
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = mainModel->inputCount(); i < n; ++i) {
SourceOperandIndex index(kMainModelInSourceModels, mainModel->getInputOperandIndex(i));
mSourceOperandToInputIndex[index] = i;
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = mainModel->outputCount(); i < n; ++i) {
SourceOperandIndex index(kMainModelInSourceModels, mainModel->getOutputOperandIndex(i));
mSourceOperandToOutputIndex[index] = i;
mSuccessfulFinish = true;
LOG(INFO) << "ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::finish: compilation finished successfully";
void ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::findControlFlowBoundaryConstants(
const SourceModels* sourceModels) {
auto handleBoundaryConstants = [this,
sourceModels](const SourceOperandIndex& sourceOperandIndex) {
const ModelBuilder* sourceModel = sourceModels->getModel(sourceOperandIndex.first);
const Operand& operand = sourceModel->getOperand(sourceOperandIndex.second);
const DataLocation& location = operand.location;
if (operand.lifetime == Operand::LifeTime::CONSTANT_COPY) {
mSourceOperandToBoundaryConstantCopy[sourceOperandIndex] = {
.buffer = sourceModel->getPointerToOperandValue(location.offset),
.length = location.length,
} else if (operand.lifetime == Operand::LifeTime::POINTER) {
mSourceOperandToBoundaryConstantCopy[sourceOperandIndex] = {
.buffer = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(std::get<const void*>(location.pointer)),
.length = location.length,
} else if (operand.lifetime == Operand::LifeTime::CONSTANT_REFERENCE) {
mSourceOperandToBoundaryConstantReference[sourceOperandIndex] = {
.memory = sourceModel->getMemories()[location.poolIndex],
.offset = location.offset,
.length = location.length,
for (const auto& logicalStep : mSteps) {
if (const IfStep* step = logicalStep->tryIfStep()) {
for (const auto& sourceOperandIndex : step->outerInputOperands) {
} else if (const WhileStep* step = logicalStep->tryWhileStep()) {
for (const auto& sourceOperandIndex : step->outerInputOperands) {
void ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::findMemoryStepRoles() {
mSourceOperandToStepRoles = StepRoleAnalyzer::analyze([this](StepRoleAnalyzer& analyzer) {
for (const auto& logicalStep : mSteps) {
if (const ExecutionStep* step = logicalStep->tryExecutionStep()) {
const auto& stepModelInputs = step->getStepModelInputs();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < stepModelInputs.size(); i++) {
const auto& [sourceIndex, stepIndex] = stepModelInputs[i];
analyzer.addRole(*step, sourceIndex, IOType::INPUT, i);
const auto& stepModelOutputs = step->getStepModelOutputs();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < stepModelOutputs.size(); i++) {
const auto& [sourceIndex, stepIndex] = stepModelOutputs[i];
analyzer.addRole(*step, sourceIndex, IOType::OUTPUT, i);
} else if (const IfStep* step = logicalStep->tryIfStep()) {
// See ExecutionPlan::nextCompound(const IfStep*, ...).
// For interpreted IF operation, the outer input memories may be directly used by
// the SUBGRAPH_INPUTs of the then and else model.
CHECK_EQ(step->thenBranchInputOperands.size(), step->outerInputOperands.size());
CHECK_EQ(step->elseBranchInputOperands.size(), step->outerInputOperands.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < step->outerInputOperands.size(); i++) {
// For interpreted IF operation, the outer output memories may be directly used by
// the SUBGRAPH_OUTPUTs of the then and else model.
CHECK_EQ(step->thenBranchOutputOperands.size(), step->outerOutputOperands.size());
CHECK_EQ(step->elseBranchOutputOperands.size(), step->outerOutputOperands.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < step->outerOutputOperands.size(); i++) {
} else if (const WhileStep* step = logicalStep->tryWhileStep()) {
// See ExecutionPlan::nextCompound(const WhileStep*, ...).
// For interpreted WHILE operation, the following memories are involved:
// a. the outer input memories to the WHILE operation
// b. the outer output memories to the WHILE operation
// c. the output memory of the condition model
// d. one set of output memories of the body model
// e. another set of output memories of the body model
// The memories are used in the following ways:
// - Condition model:
// * In the first iteration: inputs use (a); output uses (c)
// * In the following iterations: inputs use (d) or (e) for input-output and
// state-only operands, and (a) for input-only operands; output uses (c)
// - Body model:
// * In all iterations: inputs are the same as the condition model; outputs use
// (d) or (e)
// Therefore, we configure the analyzer with the following used-by relationships:
// - The outer input memories (a) may be directly used by the SUBGRAPH_INPUTs of
// the condition model for all inputs in the first iteration, as well as the
// input-only operands in the following iterations.
CHECK_EQ(step->condInputOperands.size(), step->outerInputOperands.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < step->outerInputOperands.size(); i++) {
analyzer.setUsedBy(step->outerInputOperands[i], step->condInputOperands[i]);
// - The output memories of the body model (d) and (e) may be directly used by the
// SUBGRAPH_INPUTs of the condition model for input-output and state-only operands
// after the first iteration.
CHECK_GE(step->condInputOperands.size(), step->bodyOutputOperands.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < step->bodyOutputOperands.size(); i++) {
analyzer.setUsedBy(step->bodyOutputOperands[i], step->condInputOperands[i]);
// - The SUBGRAPH_INPUTs of the condition model are directly used by the
// SUBGRAPH_INPUTs of the body model for all inputs in all iterations.
CHECK_EQ(step->bodyInputOperands.size(), step->condInputOperands.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < step->bodyInputOperands.size(); i++) {
analyzer.setUsedBy(step->condInputOperands[i], step->bodyInputOperands[i]);
} else if (logicalStep->isGoto()) {
// Nothing to do.
} else {
CHECK(false) << "Unexpected LogicalStep kind";
int ExecutionPlan::SimpleBody::finish(const SourceModels*, int32_t executionPreference,
int32_t priority, const OptionalTimePoint& deadline,
const std::vector<TokenValuePair>& metadata,
int simulateFailureResultCode) {
CHECK(mDevice != nullptr);
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ExecutionPlan::SimpleBody::finish, compilation";
int n = compile(*mDevice, *mModel, executionPreference, priority, deadline, *mCacheInfo,
&mToken, metadata, &mPreparedModel);
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ExecutionPlan::SimpleBody::finish: simulating failure, ResultCode "
<< simulateFailureResultCode;
n = simulateFailureResultCode;
mSuccessfulFinish = (n == ANEURALNETWORKS_NO_ERROR);
if (mSuccessfulFinish) {
LOG(INFO) << "ExecutionPlan::SimpleBody::finish: compilation finished successfully on "
<< mDevice->getName();
return n;
int ExecutionPlan::finish(int32_t executionPreference, int32_t priority,
const OptionalTimePoint& deadline,
const std::vector<TokenValuePair>& metadata,
int simulateFailureResultCode) {
CHECK(mBody != nullptr);
return mBody->finish(&getSourceModels(), executionPreference, priority, deadline, metadata,
const ExecutionPlan* plan, ExecutionBuilder* executionBuilder,
const BurstBuilder* burstBuilder, uint32_t totalSizeOfTemporaries,
std::map<SourceOperandIndex, StaticTemporaryLocation> sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary,
std::map<SourceOperandIndex, StaticTemporaryLocation> sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary2,
std::map<SourceOperandIndex, uint32_t> sourceOperandToInputIndex,
std::map<SourceOperandIndex, uint32_t> sourceOperandToOutputIndex,
const std::map<SourceOperandIndex, ConstantCopyLocation>& sourceOperandToConstantCopy,
std::map<SourceOperandIndex, ConstantReferenceLocation> sourceOperandToConstantReference,
DynamicTemporaries dynamicTemporaries)
: mPlan(plan),
mLastStepSyncFd(-1) {
if (totalSizeOfTemporaries == 0) {
int n;
std::tie(n, mTemporaries) = MemoryAshmem::create(totalSizeOfTemporaries);
LOG(ERROR) << "ExecutionPlan::Controller failed to allocate temporaries";
mNextStepIndex = kBadStepIndex;
for (const auto& [sourceOperandIndex, location] : sourceOperandToConstantCopy) {
memcpy(mTemporaries->getPointer() +
location.buffer, location.length);
// Attempt to create a burst object for each PreparedModel/Partition. If the
// burst controller object cannot be made, return a nullptr in its place to
// indicate the regular execution path should be used. This can occur either
// because PreparedModel was nullptr (cpu was best choice), or because the
// IPreparedModel was of insufficient version or failed to configure the burst.
std::vector<SharedBurst> ExecutionPlan::makeBursts() const {
switch (mState) {
// burst object for each partition in the compound case
case COMPOUND: {
std::vector<SharedBurst> bursts;
for (const auto& logicalStep : compound()->mSteps) {
if (!logicalStep->isExecution()) {
if (const auto preparedModel =
logicalStep->executionStep()->getPreparedStepModel()) {
const auto maybeBurst = preparedModel->configureExecutionBurst();
if (!maybeBurst.has_value()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "preparedModel->configureExecutionBurst() failed with "
<< maybeBurst.error().code << ": " << maybeBurst.error().message;
} else {
return bursts;
// single burst object for the simple case
case SIMPLE: {
std::vector<SharedBurst> burst;
auto simpleBody = simple();
if (const auto preparedModel = simpleBody->mPreparedModel) {
const auto maybeBurst = preparedModel->configureExecutionBurst();
if (!maybeBurst.has_value()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "preparedModel->configureExecutionBurst() failed with "
<< maybeBurst.error().code << ": " << maybeBurst.error().message;
} else {
return burst;
// no burst objects made
return {};
std::shared_ptr<ExecutionPlan::Controller> ExecutionPlan::makeController(
ExecutionBuilder* executionBuilder, const BurstBuilder* burstBuilder) const {
CHECK(mState != SIMPLE);
const auto* body = compound();
// Create the layout for a RuntimeMemory object big enough to hold
// - every partition boundary TEMPORARY operand that is not a dynamic temporary, and
// - buffers required by the control flow implementation.
// TODO: Rethink this approach for managing temporaries. Some
// alternatives:
// 1) Adopt a memory layout scheme analogous to stack allocation,
// where objects of non-overlapping lifetime can occupy the same
// storage. We would still have a single Memory object in this
// case.
// 2) Do something like what CpuExecutor does, and do allocations
// and deallocations on the fly (during execution) before first
// reference and after last reference, respectively. This would
// mean having one Memory object per TEMPORARY; or, in a more
// complicated implementation, one Memory object per set of
// temporaries that have the same lifetime. Note that the Android
// system limits the number of shared memory objects, which are
// what our Memory objects represent.
uint32_t totalSizeOfTemporaries = 0;
// This function has two modes of operation:
// 1. When lifetime is TEMPORARY_VARIABLE, we allocate memory for
// TEMPORARY_VARIABLE source operands that are not dynamic temporaries,
// skip TEMPORARY_VARIABLE source operands that are dynamic temporaries,
// skip SUBGRAPH_OUTPUT source operands, and panic if we see a source
// operand of another lifetime.
// 2. When lifetime is SUBGRAPH_OUTPUT, we allocate memory for
// SUBGRAPH_OUTPUT source operands and panic if we see a source operand
// of another lifetime.
auto mapTemporary = [body, executionBuilder, &totalSizeOfTemporaries](
const SourceOperandIndex& sourceOperandIndex,
std::map<SourceOperandIndex, StaticTemporaryLocation>*
Operand::LifeTime lifetime =
Operand::LifeTime::TEMPORARY_VARIABLE) {
CHECK(lifetime == Operand::LifeTime::TEMPORARY_VARIABLE ||
lifetime == Operand::LifeTime::SUBGRAPH_OUTPUT);
const Operand& sourceOperand = executionBuilder->getSourceOperand(sourceOperandIndex);
if (lifetime == Operand::LifeTime::TEMPORARY_VARIABLE &&
sourceOperand.lifetime == Operand::LifeTime::SUBGRAPH_OUTPUT) {
// See the caller for explanation.
CHECK_EQ(sourceOperand.lifetime, lifetime);
const uint32_t size = TypeManager::get()->getSizeOfData(sourceOperand);
if (size != 0u) {
const auto memoryPreference =
const auto loc = addTemporary(&totalSizeOfTemporaries, size, memoryPreference.alignment,
auto [_, isNew] = sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary->emplace(sourceOperandIndex, loc);
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "temp: operand " << toString(sourceOperandIndex)
<< " offset = " << loc.offset << " paddedLength = " << loc.paddedLength;
} else {
// Unknown size, hence dynamic temporary. The mapping will
// be established elsewhere (DynamicTemporaries::allocate()).
CHECK_EQ(lifetime, Operand::LifeTime::TEMPORARY_VARIABLE);
CHECK_EQ(sourceOperand.lifetime, Operand::LifeTime::TEMPORARY_VARIABLE);
std::map<SourceOperandIndex, StaticTemporaryLocation> sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary;
std::map<SourceOperandIndex, StaticTemporaryLocation> sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary2;
for (const auto& logicalStep : body->mSteps) {
if (const ExecutionStep* step = logicalStep->tryExecutionStep()) {
// Allocate memory for ExecutionStep temporary outputs that are
// inputs to other steps, as determined by
// ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::findTempsAsStepModelOutputs().
// We don't allocate memory for step model output operands with
// source operand lifetime SUBGRAPH_OUTPUT because they will be
// - managed by the client (main model outputs),
// - assigned a location of another operand (when this step model
// output is a branch model output of an IF; see
// ExecutionPlan::nextCompound(const IfStep*, ...)), or
// - allocated by a WHILE (when this step model output
// is a condition or body model output of a WHILE; see the
// step->bodyOutputOperands and step->condOutputOperand handling
// below).
for (const auto& output : step->getTempsAsStepModelOutputs()) {
mapTemporary(SourceOperandIndex(step->getSourceModelIndex(), output.first),
} else if (const IfStep* step = logicalStep->tryIfStep()) {
// Allocate memory for all temporary outputs of an IfStep because
// they are going to be written to by a branch model. We don't
// perform unused output operand optimisation for referenced models.
// We don't allocate memory for branch output operands because they
// use the same location as the corresponding outer output operands,
// as established in ExecutionPlan::nextCompound(const IfStep*, ...)
// We don't allocate memory for outer output operands with source
// operand lifetime SUBGRAPH_OUTPUT because they will be
// - managed by the client (main model outputs),
// - assigned a location of another operand (when this IF outer
// output is a branch model output of another IF; see
// ExecutionPlan::nextCompound(const IfStep*, ...)), or
// - allocated by a WHILE (when this IF outer output
// is a condition or body model output of a WHILE; see the
// step->bodyOutputOperands and step->condOutputOperand handling
// below).
for (const auto& sourceOperandIndex : step->outerOutputOperands) {
mapTemporary(sourceOperandIndex, &sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary);
} else if (const WhileStep* step = logicalStep->tryWhileStep()) {
// Allocate memory for all temporary outputs of an WhileStep because
// they are going to be written to by the WHILE loop.
// We don't allocate memory for outer output operands with source
// operand lifetime SUBGRAPH_OUTPUT because they will be
// - managed by the client (main model outputs),
// - assigned a location of another operand (when this WHILE outer
// output is a branch model output of an IF; see
// ExecutionPlan::nextCompound(const IfStep*, ...)), or
// - allocated by another WHILE (when this WHILE outer output
// is a condition or body model output of another WHILE; see the
// step->bodyOutputOperands and step->condOutputOperand handling
// below).
for (const auto& sourceOperandIndex : step->outerOutputOperands) {
mapTemporary(sourceOperandIndex, &sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary);
// Allocate memory for body model outputs. Note that we could use
// the outer output operand memory instead but we currently don't do
// so (b/148206073).
for (const auto& sourceOperandIndex : step->bodyOutputOperands) {
mapTemporary(sourceOperandIndex, &sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary,
// Allocate another set of temporaries for double buffering.
mapTemporary(sourceOperandIndex, &sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary2,
// Allocate memory for condition model output.
// TODO: Share one condition output memory region between all loops.
mapTemporary(step->condOutputOperand, &sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary,
} else {
// Allocate temporary memory for boundary CONSTANT_COPY operands.
for (const auto& [sourceOperandIndex, location] : body->mSourceOperandToBoundaryConstantCopy) {
const auto memoryPreference = body->getMemoryPreferenceOfSourceOperand(sourceOperandIndex);
const auto loc = addTemporary(&totalSizeOfTemporaries, location.length,
memoryPreference.alignment, memoryPreference.padding);
sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary.emplace(sourceOperandIndex, loc);
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "temp (boundary constant): operand " << toString(sourceOperandIndex)
<< " offset = " << loc.offset << " paddedLength = " << loc.paddedLength;
// Collect dynamic temporaries.
// TODO(b/157236079): Move some or all of this work to compilation time?
DynamicTemporaries dynamicTemporaries;
const TypeManager* typeManager = TypeManager::get();
forEachDynamicTemporary([body, typeManager, &dynamicTemporaries](
SourceOperandIndex sourceOperandIndex,
const Operand& sourceOperand, uint32_t definingStepIndex) {
const auto memoryPreference = body->getMemoryPreferenceOfSourceOperand(sourceOperandIndex);
// TODO: For now we guess an initial size equal to element
// size, which is overly conservative.
const uint32_t size = typeManager->getSizeOfData(sourceOperand.type, {1});
dynamicTemporaries.declare(sourceOperandIndex, definingStepIndex, sourceOperand.dimensions,
size, memoryPreference.alignment, memoryPreference.padding);
dynamicTemporaries.vlogDump("finished declarations");
return std::shared_ptr<Controller>(new Controller(
this, executionBuilder, burstBuilder, totalSizeOfTemporaries,
std::move(sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary2), body->mSourceOperandToInputIndex,
body->mSourceOperandToOutputIndex, body->mSourceOperandToBoundaryConstantCopy,
body->mSourceOperandToBoundaryConstantReference, std::move(dynamicTemporaries)));
// TODO: Find a better way to provide this functionality.
int ExecutionPlan::fallback(std::shared_ptr<Controller> controller,
std::shared_ptr<StepExecutor>* executor, SharedBurst* burstController,
const std::vector<OutputShape>* mainModelOutputShapes) const {
*executor = nullptr;
if (burstController != nullptr) {
*burstController = nullptr;
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "ExecutionPlan::fallback(" << SHOW_IF_DEBUG(controller << ", " << executor)
<< "): mFallbackNextStepIndex = " << controller->mFallbackNextStepIndex;
if (controller->mFallbackNextStepIndex == Controller::kBadStepIndex) {
// We haven't called next().
if (controller->mNextStepIndex == Controller::kBadStepIndex) {
// The last call to next() did not produce an executor.
controller->mNextStepIndex = controller->mFallbackNextStepIndex;
return next(controller, executor, burstController, mainModelOutputShapes);
ExecutionPlan::Buffer::Buffer(void* pointer, uint32_t size)
: mInfo(RunTimePoolInfo::createFromExistingBuffer(static_cast<uint8_t*>(pointer), size)),
mOffset(0) {}
ExecutionPlan::Buffer::Buffer(RunTimePoolInfo info, uint32_t offset)
: mInfo(std::move(info)), mOffset(offset) {}
void* ExecutionPlan::Buffer::getPointer() const {
return mInfo.getBuffer() + mOffset;
uint32_t ExecutionPlan::Buffer::getSize() const {
return mInfo.getSize() - mOffset;
void ExecutionPlan::Buffer::flush() const {
std::optional<ExecutionPlan::Buffer> ExecutionPlan::getBufferFromModelArgumentInfo(
const ModelArgumentInfo& info, const ExecutionBuilder* executionBuilder) const {
switch (info.state()) {
case ModelArgumentInfo::POINTER: {
return Buffer(info.buffer(), info.length());
} break;
case ModelArgumentInfo::MEMORY: {
if (std::optional<RunTimePoolInfo> poolInfo =
executionBuilder->getRunTimePoolInfo(info.locationAndLength().poolIndex)) {
return Buffer(*poolInfo, info.locationAndLength().offset);
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to map operand memory pool";
return std::nullopt;
} break;
case ModelArgumentInfo::HAS_NO_VALUE: {
LOG(ERROR) << "Attempting to read an operand that has no value";
return std::nullopt;
} break;
default: {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected operand memory state: " << static_cast<int>(info.state());
return std::nullopt;
} break;
std::optional<ExecutionPlan::Buffer> ExecutionPlan::getBuffer(
std::shared_ptr<Controller> controller, SourceOperandIndex operandIndex) const {
const auto& sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary =
const auto& sourceOperandToInputIndex = controller->mSourceOperandToInputIndex;
const auto& sourceOperandToOutputIndex = controller->mSourceOperandToOutputIndex;
const auto& sourceOperandToConstantReference = controller->mSourceOperandToConstantReference;
if (auto it = sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary.find(operandIndex);
it != sourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary.end()) {
const uint32_t offset = it->second.offset;
const std::unique_ptr<MemoryAshmem>& memory = controller->mTemporaries;
return Buffer(memory->getPointer() + offset, memory->getSize() - offset);
} else if (auto it = sourceOperandToInputIndex.find(operandIndex);
it != sourceOperandToInputIndex.end()) {
const ModelArgumentInfo& info = controller->mExecutionBuilder->getInputInfo(it->second);
return getBufferFromModelArgumentInfo(info, controller->mExecutionBuilder);
} else if (auto it = sourceOperandToOutputIndex.find(operandIndex);
it != sourceOperandToOutputIndex.end()) {
const ModelArgumentInfo& info = controller->mExecutionBuilder->getOutputInfo(it->second);
return getBufferFromModelArgumentInfo(info, controller->mExecutionBuilder);
} else if (auto it = sourceOperandToConstantReference.find(operandIndex);
it != sourceOperandToConstantReference.end()) {
const ConstantReferenceLocation& location = it->second;
const std::optional<RunTimePoolInfo> info = location.memory->getRunTimePoolInfo();
if (info == std::nullopt) {
return std::nullopt;
return Buffer(info->getBuffer() + location.offset, location.length);
return std::nullopt;
int ExecutionPlan::readConditionValue(std::shared_ptr<Controller> controller,
SourceOperandIndex operandIndex, bool* value) const {
std::optional<ExecutionPlan::Buffer> buffer = getBuffer(controller, operandIndex);
if (buffer == std::nullopt) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to read operand " << toString(operandIndex);
CHECK_GE(buffer->getSize(), sizeof(bool8));
bool8 value8 = *static_cast<bool8*>(buffer->getPointer());
*value = static_cast<bool>(value8);
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "readConditionValue: " << *value;
int ExecutionPlan::next(std::shared_ptr<Controller> controller,
std::shared_ptr<StepExecutor>* executor, SharedBurst* burstController,
const std::vector<OutputShape>* mainModelOutputShapes,
int syncFdOfLastStep) const {
controller->mLastStepSyncFd = syncFdOfLastStep;
*executor = nullptr;
if (burstController != nullptr) {
*burstController = nullptr;
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "ExecutionPlan::next(" << SHOW_IF_DEBUG(controller << ", " << executor)
<< "): mNextStepIndex = " << controller->mNextStepIndex;
if (controller->mNextStepIndex == Controller::kBadStepIndex) {
return nextCompound(controller, executor, burstController, mainModelOutputShapes);
int ExecutionPlan::nextCompound(std::shared_ptr<Controller> controller,
std::shared_ptr<StepExecutor>* executor,
SharedBurst* burstController,
const std::vector<OutputShape>* mainModelOutputShapes) const {
if (controller->mNextStepIndex == Controller::kBadStepIndex) {
auto compoundBody = compound();
if (controller->mNextStepIndex == compoundBody->mSteps.size()) {
controller->mNextStepIndex = Controller::kBadStepIndex; // end
const auto& logicalStep = compoundBody->mSteps[controller->mNextStepIndex];
if (const IfStep* step = logicalStep->tryIfStep()) {
return nextCompound(step, controller, executor, burstController, mainModelOutputShapes);
} else if (const WhileStep* step = logicalStep->tryWhileStep()) {
return nextCompound(step, controller, executor, burstController, mainModelOutputShapes);
} else if (const GotoStep* step = logicalStep->tryGotoStep()) {
return nextCompound(step, controller, executor, burstController, mainModelOutputShapes);
} else if (const ExecutionStep* step = logicalStep->tryExecutionStep()) {
return nextCompound(step, controller, executor, burstController, mainModelOutputShapes);
} else {
CHECK(false) << "Unknown step variant";
int ExecutionPlan::nextCompound(const ExecutionStep* step, std::shared_ptr<Controller> controller,
std::shared_ptr<StepExecutor>* executor,
SharedBurst* burstController,
const std::vector<OutputShape>* mainModelOutputShapes) const {
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "next: Step#" << controller->mNextStepIndex << ": execute on "
<< step->getDevice()->getName();
controller->mDynamicTemporaries.vlogDump("finished allocating for a step");
*executor = std::make_shared<StepExecutor>(controller->mExecutionBuilder, step->getStepModel(),
step->getDevice(), step->getPreparedStepModel(),
/*reusable=*/false, step,
*executor, mainModelOutputShapes, controller->mTemporaries.get(),
controller->mSourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary, controller->mDynamicTemporaries,
controller->mSourceOperandToInputIndex, controller->mSourceOperandToOutputIndex,
if (burstController != nullptr && controller->mBurstBuilder != nullptr) {
*burstController = controller->mBurstBuilder->getControllerAt(controller->mNextStepIndex);
controller->mFallbackNextStepIndex = controller->mNextStepIndex;
// The first argument is the "source" operand, the second operand is the "destination".
void ExecutionPlan::Controller::setInput(const SourceOperandIndex& outerOperand,
const SourceOperandIndex& innerOperand) {
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "mapping input " << toString(innerOperand) << " from "
<< toString(outerOperand);
CHECK_LE(mSourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary.count(innerOperand) +
mSourceOperandToInputIndex.count(innerOperand) +
mSourceOperandToOutputIndex.count(innerOperand) +
if (auto it = mSourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary.find(outerOperand);
it != mSourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary.end()) {
mSourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary.emplace(innerOperand, it->second);
} else if (auto it = mSourceOperandToInputIndex.find(outerOperand);
it != mSourceOperandToInputIndex.end()) {
mSourceOperandToInputIndex.emplace(innerOperand, it->second);
} else if (auto it = mSourceOperandToOutputIndex.find(outerOperand);
it != mSourceOperandToOutputIndex.end()) {
mSourceOperandToOutputIndex.emplace(innerOperand, it->second);
} else if (auto it = mSourceOperandToConstantReference.find(outerOperand);
it != mSourceOperandToConstantReference.end()) {
mSourceOperandToConstantReference.emplace(innerOperand, it->second);
} else {
CHECK(false) << "Cannot set step model input operand " << toString(innerOperand)
<< " from operand " << toString(outerOperand);
// The first argument is the "source" operand, the second operand is the "destination".
void ExecutionPlan::Controller::setOutput(const SourceOperandIndex& outerOperand,
const SourceOperandIndex& innerOperand) {
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "mapping output " << toString(innerOperand) << " from "
<< toString(outerOperand);
CHECK_LE(mSourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary.count(innerOperand) +
if (auto it = mSourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary.find(outerOperand);
it != mSourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary.end()) {
mSourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary.emplace(innerOperand, it->second);
} else if (auto it = mSourceOperandToOutputIndex.find(outerOperand);
it != mSourceOperandToOutputIndex.end()) {
mSourceOperandToOutputIndex.emplace(innerOperand, it->second);
} else {
CHECK(false) << "Cannot set step model output operand " << toString(innerOperand)
<< " from operand " << toString(outerOperand);
int ExecutionPlan::Controller::waitForLastStepSyncFence() const {
if (mLastStepSyncFd == -1) {
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "wait for mLastStepSyncFd " << mLastStepSyncFd;
auto r = syncWait(mLastStepSyncFd, -1);
if (r != FenceState::SIGNALED) {
LOG(ERROR) << "syncWait failed, fd: " << mLastStepSyncFd;
return n;
// Invocations of Controller::setInput/setOutput in this function must match with invocations of
// StepRoleAnalyzer::setUsedBy in the IfStep branch in
// ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::findMemoryStepRoles.
int ExecutionPlan::nextCompound(const IfStep* step, std::shared_ptr<Controller> controller,
std::shared_ptr<StepExecutor>* executor,
SharedBurst* burstController,
const std::vector<OutputShape>* mainModelOutputShapes) const {
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "next: " << *step;
// If the last step has a sync fence, wait for it to signal before reading the condition value.
// This is safe because the steps are serialized when doing fenced compute.
bool condValue;
NN_RETURN_IF_ERROR(readConditionValue(controller, step->conditionOperandIndex, &condValue));
controller->mNextStepIndex = condValue ? step->thenStepIndex : step->elseStepIndex;
const std::vector<SourceOperandIndex>& branchInputOperands =
condValue ? step->thenBranchInputOperands : step->elseBranchInputOperands;
const std::vector<SourceOperandIndex>& branchOutputOperands =
condValue ? step->thenBranchOutputOperands : step->elseBranchOutputOperands;
CHECK_EQ(branchInputOperands.size(), step->outerInputOperands.size());
CHECK_EQ(branchOutputOperands.size(), step->outerOutputOperands.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = step->outerInputOperands.size(); i < n; ++i) {
// We have to do this assignment just before executing this step to
// accommodate cases when the IF resides within a WHILE condition or
// body model and for some j the i-th input of the IF branch model is
// - an input of the WHILE condition model (whileStep->condInputOperands[j]),
// - an input of the WHILE body model (whileStep->bodyInputOperands[j]), or
// - an output of the WHILE body model (whileStep->bodyOutputOperands[j]).
// In such cases, the WhileStep modifies the location of
// step->outerInputOperands[i] to implement double buffering.
controller->setInput(step->outerInputOperands[i], branchInputOperands[i]);
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = step->outerOutputOperands.size(); i < n; ++i) {
// We have to do this assignment just before executing this step to
// accommodate the case when the IF resides within a WHILE body
// model and the i-th output of the IF branch model is an
// output of the WHILE body model (whileStep->bodyOutputOperands[j] for
// some j). In that case, the WhileStep modifies the location of
// step->outerOutputOperands[i] to implement double buffering.
controller->setOutput(step->outerOutputOperands[i], branchOutputOperands[i]);
return nextCompound(controller, executor, burstController, mainModelOutputShapes);
// Invocations of Controller::setInput in this function must match with invocations of
// StepRoleAnalyzer::setUsedBy in the WhileStep branch in
// ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::findMemoryStepRoles.
int ExecutionPlan::nextCompound(const WhileStep* step, std::shared_ptr<Controller> controller,
std::shared_ptr<StepExecutor>* executor,
SharedBurst* burstController,
const std::vector<OutputShape>* mainModelOutputShapes) const {
WhileState& state = controller->mWhileState[controller->mNextStepIndex];
if (state.stage == WhileState::EVALUATE_CONDITION) {
state.iteration = state.iteration == WhileState::kOutsideLoop ? 0 : state.iteration + 1;
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "next: " << *step << ": iteration " << state.iteration
<< ": evaluating condition";
controller->mNextStepIndex = step->condStepIndex;
if (state.iteration == 0) {
state.startTime = Clock::now();
// iteration = 0 cond inputs = outer inputs
// iteration = 1 cond inputs = body outputs
// iteration = 2 cond inputs = body outputs
// iteration = 3 cond inputs = ...
uint32_t loopBodyOutputCount = step->bodyOutputOperands.size();
CHECK_EQ(step->condInputOperands.size(), step->outerInputOperands.size());
CHECK_GE(step->condInputOperands.size(), loopBodyOutputCount);
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = step->condInputOperands.size(); i < n; ++i) {
bool operandIsInputOnly = i >= loopBodyOutputCount;
controller->setInput((state.iteration == 0 || operandIsInputOnly)
? step->outerInputOperands[i]
: step->bodyOutputOperands[i],
state.stage = WhileState::EVALUATE_BODY;
return nextCompound(controller, executor, burstController, mainModelOutputShapes);
CHECK(state.stage == WhileState::EVALUATE_BODY);
std::chrono::nanoseconds timeoutDuration(
auto duration = Clock::now() - state.startTime;
if (duration > timeoutDuration) {
LOG(ERROR) << "WHILE loop timed out after "
<< std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(duration).count()
<< " ms";
// If the last step has a sync fence, wait for it to signal before reading the condition value.
// This is safe because the steps are serialized when doing fenced compute.
bool condValue;
NN_RETURN_IF_ERROR(readConditionValue(controller, step->condOutputOperand, &condValue));
if (condValue) {
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "next: " << *step << ": iteration " << state.iteration
<< ": evaluating body";
controller->mNextStepIndex = step->bodyStepIndex;
// iteration = 0 body inputs = cond inputs = outer inputs body outputs = tmp1
// iteration = 1 body inputs = cond inputs = tmp1 body outputs = tmp2
// iteration = 2 body inputs = cond inputs = tmp2 body outputs = tmp1
// iteration = 3 body inputs = cond inputs = ... body outputs = ...
CHECK_GE(step->bodyInputOperands.size(), step->bodyOutputOperands.size());
CHECK_EQ(step->bodyInputOperands.size(), step->outerInputOperands.size());
CHECK_EQ(step->bodyInputOperands.size(), step->condInputOperands.size());
CHECK_GE(step->bodyOutputOperands.size(), step->outerOutputOperands.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = step->bodyInputOperands.size(); i < n; ++i) {
controller->setInput(step->condInputOperands[i], step->bodyInputOperands[i]);
if (state.iteration != 0) {
for (const SourceOperandIndex& outputOperand : step->bodyOutputOperands) {
CHECK_EQ(controller->mSourceOperandToInputIndex.count(outputOperand), 0u);
CHECK_EQ(controller->mSourceOperandToOutputIndex.count(outputOperand), 0u);
CHECK_EQ(controller->mSourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary.count(outputOperand), 1u);
CHECK_EQ(controller->mSourceOperandToLocationOfTemporary2.count(outputOperand), 1u);
} else {
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "next: " << *step << ": iteration " << state.iteration
<< ": exiting loop";
controller->mNextStepIndex = step->exitStepIndex;
// Copy body outputs to outer outputs.
// TODO: Use outer outputs instead of tmp2 to avoid copying?
CHECK_LE(step->outerOutputOperands.size(), step->bodyOutputOperands.size());
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = step->outerOutputOperands.size(); i < n; ++i) {
// condInputOperands[i] points to a body output operand from the
// last iteration if we've executed at least one iteration and to a
// WHILE operation input operand otherwise.
const SourceOperandIndex& innerOperand = step->condInputOperands[i];
const SourceOperandIndex& outerOperand = step->outerOutputOperands[i];
std::optional<Buffer> outerBuffer = getBuffer(controller, outerOperand);
if (outerBuffer == std::nullopt) {
// This should never happen.
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to get outerBuffer for operand " << toString(outerOperand);
const Operand& sourceOperand =
const uint32_t size = TypeManager::get()->getSizeOfData(sourceOperand);
CHECK_NE(size, 0u);
std::optional<Buffer> innerBuffer = getBuffer(controller, innerOperand);
if (innerBuffer == std::nullopt) {
// This should never happen.
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to get innerBuffer for operand " << toString(innerOperand);
CHECK_LE(size, innerBuffer->getSize());
CHECK_LE(size, outerBuffer->getSize());
memcpy(outerBuffer->getPointer(), innerBuffer->getPointer(), size);
state.iteration = WhileState::kOutsideLoop;
state.stage = WhileState::EVALUATE_CONDITION;
return nextCompound(controller, executor, burstController, mainModelOutputShapes);
int ExecutionPlan::nextCompound(const GotoStep* step, std::shared_ptr<Controller> controller,
std::shared_ptr<StepExecutor>* executor,
SharedBurst* burstController,
const std::vector<OutputShape>* mainModelOutputShapes) const {
VLOG(EXECUTION) << "next: " << *step;
controller->mNextStepIndex = step->gotoStepIndex;
return nextCompound(controller, executor, burstController, mainModelOutputShapes);
std::shared_ptr<StepExecutor> ExecutionPlan::makeStepExecutor(
bool reusable, ExecutionBuilder* executionBuilder) const {
auto simpleBody = simple();
auto executor = std::make_shared<StepExecutor>(executionBuilder, simpleBody->mModel,
simpleBody->mDevice, simpleBody->mPreparedModel,
return executor;
void ExecutionPlan::becomeCompoundIfEmpty() {
CHECK(mState != SIMPLE);
if (mState == EMPTY) {
mBody = new CompoundBody(this);
mState = COMPOUND;
ExecutionStep* ExecutionPlan::createNewExecutionStep(uint32_t sourceModelIndex,
const std::shared_ptr<Device> device) {
auto step = std::make_shared<LogicalStep>(std::in_place_type<ExecutionStep>, this,
compound()->mSteps.size(), sourceModelIndex, device);
return step->executionStep();
IfStep* ExecutionPlan::createNewIfStep() {
auto step = std::make_shared<LogicalStep>(std::in_place_type<IfStep>);
step->ifStep()->index = compound()->mSteps.size();
return step->ifStep();
WhileStep* ExecutionPlan::createNewWhileStep() {
auto step = std::make_shared<LogicalStep>(std::in_place_type<WhileStep>);
step->whileStep()->index = compound()->mSteps.size();
return step->whileStep();
GotoStep* ExecutionPlan::createNewGotoStep() {
auto step = std::make_shared<LogicalStep>(std::in_place_type<GotoStep>);
step->gotoStep()->index = compound()->mSteps.size();
return step->gotoStep();
void ExecutionPlan::becomeSingleStep(const std::shared_ptr<Device> device,
const ModelBuilder* model) {
CHECK(mState == EMPTY);
mBody = new SimpleBody(device, model, mCacheInfo, mToken);
mState = SIMPLE;
void ExecutionPlan::recordOutputDef(SourceOperandIndex sourceOperandIndex, uint32_t stepIndex) {
auto [it, isNew] =
compound()->mOutputToDefiningExecutionStep.emplace(sourceOperandIndex, stepIndex);
CHECK(isNew) << "Step " << stepIndex << " redefines output operand "
<< toString(sourceOperandIndex) << " already defined by step " << it->second;
void ExecutionPlan::recordTemporaryDef(SourceOperandIndex sourceOperandIndex, uint32_t stepIndex) {
auto [it, isNew] =
compound()->mTemporaryToDefiningExecutionStep.emplace(sourceOperandIndex, stepIndex);
CHECK(isNew) << "Step " << stepIndex << " redefines temporary operand "
<< toString(sourceOperandIndex) << " already defined by step " << it->second;
void ExecutionPlan::dump() const {
if (mBody) {
} else {
void ExecutionPlan::reset() {
if (mBody) {
delete mBody;
mBody = nullptr;
mState = EMPTY;
bool ExecutionPlan::isSimpleCpu() const {
return isSimple() && simple()->mDevice == DeviceManager::getCpuDevice();
ExecutionPlan::Kind ExecutionPlan::forTest_getKind() const {
switch (mState) {
case EMPTY:
return Kind::EMPTY;
case SIMPLE:
return mBody->mSuccessfulFinish ? Kind::SIMPLE : Kind::ERROR;
return mBody->mSuccessfulFinish ? Kind::COMPOUND : Kind::ERROR;
LOG(FATAL) << "unexpected state";
return Kind::ERROR;
std::shared_ptr<const Device> ExecutionPlan::forTest_simpleGetDevice() const {
return simple()->mDevice;
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<LogicalStep>>& ExecutionPlan::forTest_compoundGetSteps() const {
return compound()->mSteps;
std::set<uint32_t> ExecutionPlan::forTest_flatGetDynamicTemporaries() const {
CHECK_EQ(getSourceModels().size(), size_t(1));
std::set<uint32_t> ret;
forEachDynamicTemporary([&ret](SourceOperandIndex dynTemp, const Operand&, uint32_t) {
return ret;
bool ExecutionPlan::hasDynamicTemporaries() const {
return mBody == nullptr ? false : mBody->hasDynamicTemporaries();
bool ExecutionPlan::forTest_hasStepModelWithNoInputsOrNoOutputs() const {
return mBody == nullptr ? false : mBody->hasStepModelWithNoInputsOrNoOutputs();
bool ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::hasStepModelWithNoInputsOrNoOutputs() const {
return std::any_of(mSteps.begin(), mSteps.end(), [](const auto& logicalStep) {
const ExecutionStep* step = logicalStep->tryExecutionStep();
return step != nullptr && step->hasNoInputsOrNoOutputs();
const uint8_t* ExecutionPlan::forTest_simpleGetCacheToken() const {
return simple()->mToken.getCacheToken();
void ExecutionPlan::SimpleBody::dump() const {
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "SIMPLE for " << mDevice->getName();
void ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::dump() const {
for (const auto& step : mSteps) {
SourceOperandIndex ExecutionPlan::getInputSourceOperand(uint32_t index) const {
const auto* mainModel = getSourceModels().getModel(kMainModelInSourceModels);
CHECK_LT(index, mainModel->inputCount());
const auto operandIndex = mainModel->getInputOperandIndex(index);
return {kMainModelInSourceModels, operandIndex};
SourceOperandIndex ExecutionPlan::getOutputSourceOperand(uint32_t index) const {
const auto* mainModel = getSourceModels().getModel(kMainModelInSourceModels);
CHECK_LT(index, mainModel->outputCount());
const auto operandIndex = mainModel->getOutputOperandIndex(index);
return {kMainModelInSourceModels, operandIndex};
void ExecutionPlan::SimpleBody::forEachStepRoleOfInput(uint32_t index,
const StepRoleCallback& callback) const {
callback(mPreparedModel.get(), IOType::INPUT, index);
void ExecutionPlan::SimpleBody::forEachStepRoleOfOutput(uint32_t index,
const StepRoleCallback& callback) const {
callback(mPreparedModel.get(), IOType::OUTPUT, index);
// Map an input role of the main model to the input/output roles in the step models.
void ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::forEachStepRoleOfInput(uint32_t index,
const StepRoleCallback& callback) const {
const auto sourceOperandIndex = mPlan->getInputSourceOperand(index);
forEachStepRoleOfSourceOperand(sourceOperandIndex, callback);
// Map an output role of the main model to the input/output roles in the step models.
void ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::forEachStepRoleOfOutput(uint32_t index,
const StepRoleCallback& callback) const {
const auto sourceOperandIndex = mPlan->getOutputSourceOperand(index);
forEachStepRoleOfSourceOperand(sourceOperandIndex, callback);
void ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::forEachStepRoleOfSourceOperand(
const SourceOperandIndex& index, const StepRoleCallback& callback) const {
const auto it = mSourceOperandToStepRoles.find(index);
if (it == mSourceOperandToStepRoles.end()) return;
for (const auto& [stepIndex, type, ioIndex] : it->second) {
CHECK_LT(stepIndex, mSteps.size());
const auto* step = mSteps[stepIndex]->executionStep();
callback(step->getPreparedStepModel().get(), type, ioIndex);
MemoryPreference ExecutionPlan::getMemoryPreference(IOType type, uint32_t index) const {
CHECK(mState == SIMPLE || mState == COMPOUND);
if (mState == SIMPLE) {
return simple()->mPreparedModel->getMemoryPreference();
} else {
const auto sourceOperandIndex = type == IOType::INPUT ? getInputSourceOperand(index)
: getOutputSourceOperand(index);
return compound()->getMemoryPreferenceOfSourceOperand(sourceOperandIndex);
MemoryPreference ExecutionPlan::CompoundBody::getMemoryPreferenceOfSourceOperand(
const SourceOperandIndex& index) const {
uint32_t alignment = kMinMemoryAlignment, padding = kMinMemoryPadding;
index, [&alignment, &padding](const auto* preparedModel, IOType, uint32_t) {
const auto preference = preparedModel->getMemoryPreference();
alignment = std::max(alignment, preference.alignment);
padding = std::max(padding, preference.padding);
return {alignment, padding};
void ExecutionPlan::forEachDynamicTemporary(
const std::function<void(SourceOperandIndex, const Operand&, uint32_t definingStepIndex)>&
fn) const {
if (mState != COMPOUND) {
for (const auto& logicalStep : compound()->mSteps) {
if (const ExecutionStep* step = logicalStep->tryExecutionStep()) {
const uint32_t stepIndex = step->getIndex();
const uint32_t sourceModelIndex = step->getSourceModelIndex();
for (const auto& entry : step->getTempsAsStepModelOutputs()) {
const auto sourceOperandIndex = SourceOperandIndex(sourceModelIndex, entry.first);
const auto& sourceOperand = getSourceOperand(sourceOperandIndex);
if (hasUnknownSize(sourceOperand)) {
fn(sourceOperandIndex, sourceOperand, stepIndex);
int ModelBuilder::partitionTheWork(const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Device>>& devices,
uint32_t preference, uint32_t priority,
const OptionalTimePoint& deadline, ExecutionPlan* plan,
const std::vector<TokenValuePair>& metaData,
int simulateFailureResultCode) const {
uint32_t sourceModelIndex = plan->getSourceModels().addModel(this);
NN_RETURN_IF_ERROR(partitionTheWorkInternal(sourceModelIndex, devices, preference, priority,
deadline, plan));
int n = plan->finish(preference, priority, deadline, metaData, simulateFailureResultCode);
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ModelBuilder::partitionTheWork: source model: ";
return n;
int ModelBuilder::partitionTheWorkInternal(uint32_t sourceModelIndex,
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Device>>& devices,
uint32_t preference, uint32_t priority,
const OptionalTimePoint& deadline,
ExecutionPlan* plan) const {
// This function uses a heuristic approach to partitioning the graph.
// It should be good enough for the first release.
SourceModels* sourceModels = &plan->getSourceModels();
const size_t deviceCount = devices.size();
const size_t operationCount = mOperations.size();
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ModelBuilder::partitionTheWork: "
<< "sourceModelIndex = " << sourceModelIndex << ", "
<< "deviceCount = " << deviceCount << ", "
<< "operationCount = " << operationCount;
// Figure out where each operation will best execute.
// The value of the vector is the index in the devices vector.
std::vector<int> bestDeviceForOperation(operationCount);
findBestDeviceForEachOperation(preference, devices, &bestDeviceForOperation));
// A special value produced by findBestDeviceForEachOperation meaning that
// this is a control flow operation scheduled for interpreted execution
// (see LogicalStep).
const int kControlFlowInterpreter = deviceCount;
// If one device will run all the operations, we don't need to split the
// work. This shortcut does not apply when recursively partitioning
// referenced models because our plan representation is flat.
if (sourceModelIndex == kMainModelInSourceModels &&
std::adjacent_find(bestDeviceForOperation.begin(), bestDeviceForOperation.end(),
std::not_equal_to<int>()) == bestDeviceForOperation.end()) {
const int bestDeviceIndex = bestDeviceForOperation[0];
// Bypass the partitioning process unless the only operation is a
// control flow operation scheduled for interpreted execution.
if (bestDeviceIndex != kControlFlowInterpreter) {
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ModelBuilder::partitionTheWork: only one best device: "
<< bestDeviceIndex << " = " << devices[bestDeviceIndex]->getName();
plan->becomeSingleStep(devices[bestDeviceIndex], this);
// No easy solution, we need to split the work.
// We keep track of the operations that are ready to run for each device.
// perDeviceQueue[deviceCount] is for interpreted execution of control flow
// (see LogicalStep).
std::vector<std::queue<uint32_t>> perDeviceQueue(deviceCount + 1);
// This helper function produces a device name.
auto deviceName = [&devices, kControlFlowInterpreter,
deviceCount](int deviceIndex) -> std::string {
if (deviceIndex == kControlFlowInterpreter) {
return "NNAPI";
} else if (deviceIndex < 0 || size_t(deviceIndex) >= deviceCount) {
return "{unknown}";
} else {
// This helper function enqueues the operation on the appropriate queue.
auto enqueueOnAppropriateDevice = [&](uint32_t operationIndex) {
int deviceIndex = bestDeviceForOperation[operationIndex];
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "enqueueOnAppropriateDevice " << operationIndex << " onto "
<< deviceIndex << " (" << deviceName(deviceIndex) << ")";
// This helper function finds a device that has operations ready to process.
// We start by looking at the control flow queue, and then look at the
// devices in reverse order (i.e., starting at the end of the devices
// vector). Earlier devices have a chance to prepare more of the inputs
// required by other devices. This function returns -1 if all queues are
// empty.
auto findNextDeviceToProcess = [&]() -> int {
for (int i = perDeviceQueue.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (!perDeviceQueue[i].empty()) {
return i;
return -1;
OperandTracker tracker(this, enqueueOnAppropriateDevice);
// For each iteration of this loop, we'll create either an execution step or
// an interpreted control flow construct (including nested execution steps
// and interpreted control flow constructs).
while (true) {
// Find the device we'll do this step for.
int deviceIndex = findNextDeviceToProcess();
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "findNextDeviceToProcess: " << deviceIndex << " ("
<< deviceName(deviceIndex) << ")";
if (deviceIndex < 0) {
// Assign as much as possible to this device.
auto& queue = perDeviceQueue[deviceIndex];
if (deviceIndex != kControlFlowInterpreter) {
ExecutionStep* step =
plan->createNewExecutionStep(sourceModelIndex, devices[deviceIndex]);
while (!queue.empty()) {
uint32_t operationIndex = queue.front();
int n = step->addOperation(operationIndex);
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to add operation " << operationIndex << " to step";
return n;
tracker.markProcessed(operationIndex, enqueueOnAppropriateDevice);
} else {
while (!queue.empty()) {
uint32_t operationIndex = queue.front();
const Operation& operation = getOperation(operationIndex);
if (operation.type == OperationType::IF) {
namespace op = operation_if;
const Operand& thenOperand =
const Operand& elseOperand =
const ModelBuilder* thenModel = getReferencedModel(thenOperand);
const ModelBuilder* elseModel = getReferencedModel(elseOperand);
uint32_t thenModelIndex = sourceModels->addModel(thenModel);
uint32_t elseModelIndex = sourceModels->addModel(elseModel);
// Emits the following:
// Index Step
// i if then=(i + 1) else=(j + 1)
// ... (then model steps)
// j goto k
// ... (else model steps)
// k (steps after the IF)
IfStep* ifStep = plan->createNewIfStep();
ifStep->conditionOperandIndex = SourceOperandIndex(
sourceModelIndex, operation.inputs[op::kCondBoolOperand]);
ifStep->thenStepIndex = plan->getNextStepIndex();
thenModelIndex, devices, preference, priority, deadline, plan));
GotoStep* afterThenBranch = plan->createNewGotoStep();
ifStep->elseStepIndex = plan->getNextStepIndex();
elseModelIndex, devices, preference, priority, deadline, plan));
afterThenBranch->gotoStepIndex = plan->getNextStepIndex();
// Outer model operands.
for (uint32_t i = op::kFirstInput, n = operation.inputs.size(); i < n; ++i) {
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = operation.outputs.size(); i < n; ++i) {
// Then model operands.
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = thenModel->inputCount(); i < n; ++i) {
thenModelIndex, thenModel->getInputOperandIndex(i));
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = thenModel->outputCount(); i < n; ++i) {
thenModelIndex, thenModel->getOutputOperandIndex(i));
// Else model operands.
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = elseModel->inputCount(); i < n; ++i) {
elseModelIndex, elseModel->getInputOperandIndex(i));
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = elseModel->outputCount(); i < n; ++i) {
elseModelIndex, elseModel->getOutputOperandIndex(i));
} else if (operation.type == OperationType::WHILE) {
namespace op = operation_while;
const Operand& condOperand =
const Operand& bodyOperand =
const ModelBuilder* condModel = getReferencedModel(condOperand);
const ModelBuilder* bodyModel = getReferencedModel(bodyOperand);
uint32_t condModelIndex = sourceModels->addModel(condModel);
uint32_t bodyModelIndex = sourceModels->addModel(bodyModel);
// Emits the following:
// Index Step
// i while cond=(i + 1) body=(j + 1) exit=(k + 1)
// ... (cond model steps)
// j goto i
// ... (body model steps)
// k goto i
// ... (steps after the WHILE)
// Note that WhileStep has WhileState associated with it.
WhileStep* whileStep = plan->createNewWhileStep();
whileStep->condStepIndex = plan->getNextStepIndex();
condModelIndex, devices, preference, priority, deadline, plan));
GotoStep* afterCond = plan->createNewGotoStep();
afterCond->gotoStepIndex = whileStep->index;
whileStep->bodyStepIndex = plan->getNextStepIndex();
bodyModelIndex, devices, preference, priority, deadline, plan));
GotoStep* afterBody = plan->createNewGotoStep();
afterBody->gotoStepIndex = whileStep->index;
whileStep->exitStepIndex = plan->getNextStepIndex();
// Outer model operands.
for (uint32_t i = op::kFirstInput, n = operation.inputs.size(); i < n; ++i) {
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = operation.outputs.size(); i < n; ++i) {
// Cond model operands.
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = condModel->inputCount(); i < n; ++i) {
condModelIndex, condModel->getInputOperandIndex(i));
whileStep->condOutputOperand =
SourceOperandIndex(condModelIndex, condModel->getOutputOperandIndex(0));
// Body model operands.
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = bodyModel->inputCount(); i < n; ++i) {
bodyModelIndex, bodyModel->getInputOperandIndex(i));
for (uint32_t i = 0, n = bodyModel->outputCount(); i < n; ++i) {
bodyModelIndex, bodyModel->getOutputOperandIndex(i));
} else {
CHECK(false) << operation.type << " is not a control flow operation";
tracker.markProcessed(operationIndex, enqueueOnAppropriateDevice);
float ModelBuilder::getPerformance(uint32_t preference,
const std::shared_ptr<Device> device) const {
// Note that we will call this method multiple times per compilation with
// the same arguments if there are nested control flow operations and we
// decide to execute the outer operation on the ExecutionPlan::next()
// interpreter.
// This is a potential compilation performance problem. To work around it,
// the performance value could be cached for the duration of a compilation.
float perf = 0;
const size_t operationCount = mOperations.size();
for (size_t operationIndex = 0; operationIndex < operationCount; operationIndex++) {
perf += getPerformance(preference, device, operationIndex);
return perf;
float ModelBuilder::getPerformance(uint32_t preference, const std::shared_ptr<Device> device,
uint32_t operationIndex) const {
auto applyPreference = [preference](const Capabilities::PerformanceInfo& perf) {
return preference == ANEURALNETWORKS_PREFER_LOW_POWER ? perf.powerUsage : perf.execTime;
const Operation& operation = getOperation(operationIndex);
if (operation.type == OperationType::IF) {
namespace op = operation_if;
const Operand& thenOperand = getOperand(operation.inputs[op::kThenModelOperand]);
const Operand& elseOperand = getOperand(operation.inputs[op::kElseModelOperand]);
const ModelBuilder* thenModel = getReferencedModel(thenOperand);
const ModelBuilder* elseModel = getReferencedModel(elseOperand);
return applyPreference(device->getIfPerformance()) +
0.5 * (thenModel->getPerformance(preference, device) +
elseModel->getPerformance(preference, device));
if (operation.type == OperationType::WHILE) {
namespace op = operation_while;
const Operand& condOperand = getOperand(operation.inputs[op::kCondModelOperand]);
const Operand& bodyOperand = getOperand(operation.inputs[op::kBodyModelOperand]);
const ModelBuilder* condModel = getReferencedModel(condOperand);
const ModelBuilder* bodyModel = getReferencedModel(bodyOperand);
return applyPreference(device->getWhilePerformance()) +
condModel->getPerformance(preference, device) +
bodyModel->getPerformance(preference, device);
// TODO This assumes that the type is dictated by the first operand. This is
// currently the case but is not a safe assumption to make in the long term.
const uint32_t operandIndex = operation.inputs[0];
const OperandType operandType = mOperands[operandIndex].type;
switch (operandType) {
case OperandType::FLOAT32:
if (mRelaxComputationFloat32toFloat16) {
return applyPreference(device->getRelaxedFloat32toFloat16PerformanceScalar());
case OperandType::TENSOR_FLOAT32:
if (mRelaxComputationFloat32toFloat16) {
return applyPreference(device->getRelaxedFloat32toFloat16PerformanceTensor());
return applyPreference(device->getPerformance(operandType));
bool ModelBuilder::isControlFlowOperationWithOperandOfUnknownSize(uint32_t operationIndex) const {
auto containsUnknownSize = [](const ModelBuilder* model,
const std::vector<uint32_t>& operandIndexes) {
for (uint32_t operandIndex : operandIndexes) {
if (hasUnknownSize(model->getOperand(operandIndex))) {
return true;
return false;
const Operation& operation = getOperation(operationIndex);
if (operation.type == OperationType::IF) {
namespace op = operation_if;
const Operand& thenOperand = getOperand(operation.inputs[op::kThenModelOperand]);
const Operand& elseOperand = getOperand(operation.inputs[op::kElseModelOperand]);
const ModelBuilder* thenModel = getReferencedModel(thenOperand);
const ModelBuilder* elseModel = getReferencedModel(elseOperand);
return containsUnknownSize(this, operation.inputs) ||
containsUnknownSize(this, operation.outputs) ||
containsUnknownSize(thenModel, thenModel->getInputOperandIndexes()) ||
containsUnknownSize(thenModel, thenModel->getOutputOperandIndexes()) ||
containsUnknownSize(elseModel, elseModel->getInputOperandIndexes()) ||
containsUnknownSize(elseModel, elseModel->getOutputOperandIndexes());
if (operation.type == OperationType::WHILE) {
namespace op = operation_while;
const Operand& condOperand = getOperand(operation.inputs[op::kCondModelOperand]);
const Operand& bodyOperand = getOperand(operation.inputs[op::kBodyModelOperand]);
const ModelBuilder* condModel = getReferencedModel(condOperand);
const ModelBuilder* bodyModel = getReferencedModel(bodyOperand);
return containsUnknownSize(this, operation.inputs) ||
containsUnknownSize(this, operation.outputs) ||
containsUnknownSize(condModel, condModel->getInputOperandIndexes()) ||
containsUnknownSize(condModel, condModel->getOutputOperandIndexes()) ||
containsUnknownSize(bodyModel, bodyModel->getInputOperandIndexes()) ||
containsUnknownSize(bodyModel, bodyModel->getOutputOperandIndexes());
// Not a control flow operation.
return false;
bool ModelBuilder::supportedByControlFlowInterpreter(uint32_t operationIndex) const {
const Operation& operation = getOperation(operationIndex);
return (operation.type == OperationType::IF || operation.type == OperationType::WHILE) &&
// The partitioner does not support dynamic temporaries (b/132458982).
namespace {
// This class determines whether a given device can execute a given operation
class CanDo {
CanDo() {}
void initialize(const MetaModel& metaModel, std::shared_ptr<Device> device) {
mSupportsOperationByIndex = device->getSupportedOperations(metaModel);
bool check(size_t operationIndex) const { return mSupportsOperationByIndex[operationIndex]; }
std::vector<bool> mSupportsOperationByIndex;
} // anonymous namespace
int ModelBuilder::findBestDeviceForEachOperation(
uint32_t preference, const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Device>>& devices,
std::vector<int>* bestDeviceForOperation) const {
const MetaModel metaModel(makeModel(), DeviceManager::get()->strictSlicing());
const size_t deviceCount = devices.size();
std::vector<CanDo> canDo(deviceCount);
for (size_t deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < deviceCount; deviceIndex++) {
canDo[deviceIndex].initialize(metaModel, devices[deviceIndex]);
// Figure out the best driver for each operation.
const size_t operationCount = mOperations.size();
for (size_t operationIndex = 0; operationIndex < operationCount; operationIndex++) {
const Operation& operation = getOperation(operationIndex);
// Find which device, including CPU fallback, gives the best performance for this operation.
int bestChoice = -1;
if (isControlFlowOperationWithOperandOfUnknownSize(operationIndex)) {
// Do not schedule control flow operations with unknown size to
// non-CPU devices because this is not supported by the 1.3 HAL.
// See http://b/159076604#comment5.
auto cpuDeviceIterator =
std::find(devices.begin(), devices.end(), DeviceManager::getCpuDevice());
if (cpuDeviceIterator != devices.end()) {
int cpuDeviceIndex = cpuDeviceIterator - devices.begin();
if (canDo[cpuDeviceIndex].check(operationIndex)) {
bestChoice = cpuDeviceIndex;
} else {
float bestPerfVal = 0.0; // Do not check bestPerfVal if bestChoice < 0.
for (size_t deviceIndex = 0; deviceIndex < deviceCount; deviceIndex++) {
const auto& device = devices[deviceIndex];
if (canDo[deviceIndex].check(operationIndex)) {
const float perfVal = getPerformance(preference, device, operationIndex);
const bool deviceIsPreferred = (device == DeviceManager::getCpuDevice());
if (bestChoice < 0 || perfVal < bestPerfVal ||
(perfVal == bestPerfVal && deviceIsPreferred)) {
bestChoice = deviceIndex;
bestPerfVal = perfVal;
} else {
// Somewhat noisy logging, but only place where the user of NNAPI can get
// feedback on why an operation was not run on a specific device.
// Logs O(operationCount * deviceCount) times, but typically deviceCount is
// very small.
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "Device " << device->getName() << " can't do operation "
<< operation.type << ":" << operationIndex;
if (bestChoice < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No driver can do operation " << operation.type;
} else if (devices[bestChoice] == DeviceManager::getCpuDevice() &&
supportedByControlFlowInterpreter(operationIndex)) {
// Run control flow on the ExecutionPlan::next() interpreter and try
// to delegate referenced models.
const int kControlFlowInterpreter = deviceCount;
(*bestDeviceForOperation)[operationIndex] = kControlFlowInterpreter;
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ModelBuilder::findBestDeviceForEachOperation(" << operation.type
<< ":" << operationIndex << ") = -1 (NNAPI)";
} else {
(*bestDeviceForOperation)[operationIndex] = bestChoice;
VLOG(COMPILATION) << "ModelBuilder::findBestDeviceForEachOperation(" << operation.type
<< ":" << operationIndex << ") = " << bestChoice << " ("
<< devices[bestChoice]->getName() << ")";
} // namespace nn
} // namespace android