blob: 719ff3f2a77c6a1316cedd59a5833ff3ec9fd1ee [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define STATSD_DEBUG true // STOPSHIP if true
#include "Log.h"
#include "stats_util.h"
#include "StateTracker.h"
namespace android {
namespace os {
namespace statsd {
StateTracker::StateTracker(const int32_t atomId) : mField(atomId, 0) {
void StateTracker::onLogEvent(const LogEvent& event) {
const int64_t eventTimeNs = event.GetElapsedTimestampNs();
// Parse event for primary field values i.e. primary key.
HashableDimensionKey primaryKey;
filterPrimaryKey(event.getValues(), &primaryKey);
FieldValue newState;
if (!getStateFieldValueFromLogEvent(event, &newState)) {
ALOGE("StateTracker error extracting state from log event. Missing exclusive state field.");
clearStateForPrimaryKey(eventTimeNs, primaryKey);
if (newState.mValue.getType() != INT) {
ALOGE("StateTracker error extracting state from log event. Type: %d",
clearStateForPrimaryKey(eventTimeNs, primaryKey);
if (int resetState = event.getResetState(); resetState != -1) {
VLOG("StateTracker new reset state: %d", resetState);
const FieldValue resetStateFieldValue(mField, Value(resetState));
handleReset(eventTimeNs, resetStateFieldValue);
const bool nested = newState.mAnnotations.isNested();
StateValueInfo* stateValueInfo = &mStateMap[primaryKey];
updateStateForPrimaryKey(eventTimeNs, primaryKey, newState, nested, stateValueInfo);
void StateTracker::registerListener(wp<StateListener> listener) {
void StateTracker::unregisterListener(wp<StateListener> listener) {
bool StateTracker::getStateValue(const HashableDimensionKey& queryKey, FieldValue* output) const {
output->mField = mField;
if (const auto it = mStateMap.find(queryKey); it != mStateMap.end()) {
output->mValue = it->second.state;
return true;
// Set the state value to kStateUnknown if query key is not found in state map.
output->mValue = kStateUnknown;
VLOG("StateTracker did not find state value for query key %s", queryKey.toString().c_str());
return false;
void StateTracker::handleReset(const int64_t eventTimeNs, const FieldValue& newState) {
VLOG("StateTracker handle reset");
for (auto& [primaryKey, stateValueInfo] : mStateMap) {
updateStateForPrimaryKey(eventTimeNs, primaryKey, newState,
false /* nested; treat this state change as not nested */,
void StateTracker::clearStateForPrimaryKey(const int64_t eventTimeNs,
const HashableDimensionKey& primaryKey) {
VLOG("StateTracker clear state for primary key");
const std::unordered_map<HashableDimensionKey, StateValueInfo>::iterator it =
// If there is no entry for the primaryKey in mStateMap, then the state is already
// kStateUnknown.
const FieldValue state(mField, Value(kStateUnknown));
if (it != mStateMap.end()) {
updateStateForPrimaryKey(eventTimeNs, primaryKey, state,
false /* nested; treat this state change as not nested */,
void StateTracker::updateStateForPrimaryKey(const int64_t eventTimeNs,
const HashableDimensionKey& primaryKey,
const FieldValue& newState, const bool nested,
StateValueInfo* stateValueInfo) {
FieldValue oldState;
oldState.mField = mField;
const int32_t oldStateValue = stateValueInfo->state;
const int32_t newStateValue = newState.mValue.int_value;
if (kStateUnknown == newStateValue) {
// Update state map for non-nested counting case.
// Every state event triggers a state overwrite.
if (!nested) {
stateValueInfo->state = newStateValue;
stateValueInfo->count = 1;
// Notify listeners if state has changed.
if (oldStateValue != newStateValue) {
notifyListeners(eventTimeNs, primaryKey, oldState, newState);
// Update state map for nested counting case.
// Nested counting is only allowed for binary state events such as ON/OFF or
// ACQUIRE/RELEASE. For example, WakelockStateChanged might have the state
// events: ON, ON, OFF. The state will still be ON until we see the same
// number of OFF events as ON events.
// In atoms.proto, a state atom with nested counting enabled
// must only have 2 states. There is no enforcemnt here of this requirement.
// The atom must be logged correctly.
if (kStateUnknown == newStateValue) {
if (kStateUnknown != oldStateValue) {
notifyListeners(eventTimeNs, primaryKey, oldState, newState);
} else if (oldStateValue == kStateUnknown) {
stateValueInfo->state = newStateValue;
stateValueInfo->count = 1;
notifyListeners(eventTimeNs, primaryKey, oldState, newState);
} else if (oldStateValue == newStateValue) {
} else if (--stateValueInfo->count == 0) {
stateValueInfo->state = newStateValue;
stateValueInfo->count = 1;
notifyListeners(eventTimeNs, primaryKey, oldState, newState);
void StateTracker::notifyListeners(const int64_t eventTimeNs,
const HashableDimensionKey& primaryKey,
const FieldValue& oldState, const FieldValue& newState) {
for (auto l : mListeners) {
auto sl = l.promote();
if (sl != nullptr) {
sl->onStateChanged(eventTimeNs, mField.getTag(), primaryKey, oldState, newState);
bool getStateFieldValueFromLogEvent(const LogEvent& event, FieldValue* output) {
const int exclusiveStateFieldIndex = event.getExclusiveStateFieldIndex();
if (-1 == exclusiveStateFieldIndex) {
ALOGE("error extracting state from log event. Missing exclusive state field.");
return false;
*output = event.getValues()[exclusiveStateFieldIndex];
return true;
} // namespace statsd
} // namespace os
} // namespace android