blob: 90e1cd0e0eeeedd249ce5bdd85c3acfd0483913d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define STATSD_DEBUG false
#include "Log.h"
#include "StatsPullerManager.h"
#include <cutils/log.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include "../StatsService.h"
#include "../logd/LogEvent.h"
#include "../stats_log_util.h"
#include "../statscompanion_util.h"
#include "StatsCallbackPuller.h"
#include "TrainInfoPuller.h"
#include "statslog_statsd.h"
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::vector;
namespace android {
namespace os {
namespace statsd {
// Values smaller than this may require to update the alarm.
const int64_t NO_ALARM_UPDATE = INT64_MAX;
: kAllPullAtomInfo({
// TrainInfo.
{{.atomTag = util::TRAIN_INFO, .uid = AID_STATSD}, new TrainInfoPuller()},
mNextPullTimeNs(NO_ALARM_UPDATE) {
bool StatsPullerManager::Pull(int tagId, const ConfigKey& configKey, const int64_t eventTimeNs,
vector<shared_ptr<LogEvent>>* data) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _l(mLock);
return PullLocked(tagId, configKey, eventTimeNs, data);
bool StatsPullerManager::Pull(int tagId, const vector<int32_t>& uids, const int64_t eventTimeNs,
vector<std::shared_ptr<LogEvent>>* data) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _l(mLock);
return PullLocked(tagId, uids, eventTimeNs, data);
bool StatsPullerManager::PullLocked(int tagId, const ConfigKey& configKey,
const int64_t eventTimeNs, vector<shared_ptr<LogEvent>>* data) {
vector<int32_t> uids;
const auto& uidProviderIt = mPullUidProviders.find(configKey);
if (uidProviderIt == mPullUidProviders.end()) {
ALOGE("Error pulling tag %d. No pull uid provider for config key %s", tagId,
return false;
sp<PullUidProvider> pullUidProvider = uidProviderIt->second.promote();
if (pullUidProvider == nullptr) {
ALOGE("Error pulling tag %d, pull uid provider for config %s is gone.", tagId,
return false;
uids = pullUidProvider->getPullAtomUids(tagId);
return PullLocked(tagId, uids, eventTimeNs, data);
bool StatsPullerManager::PullLocked(int tagId, const vector<int32_t>& uids,
const int64_t eventTimeNs, vector<shared_ptr<LogEvent>>* data) {
VLOG("Initiating pulling %d", tagId);
for (int32_t uid : uids) {
PullerKey key = {.atomTag = tagId, .uid = uid};
auto pullerIt = kAllPullAtomInfo.find(key);
if (pullerIt != kAllPullAtomInfo.end()) {
PullErrorCode status = pullerIt->second->Pull(eventTimeNs, data);
VLOG("pulled %zu items", data->size());
if (status != PULL_SUCCESS) {
// If we received a dead object exception, it means the client process has died.
// We can remove the puller from the map.
if (status == PULL_DEAD_OBJECT) {
return status == PULL_SUCCESS;
ALOGW("StatsPullerManager: Unknown tagId %d", tagId);
return false; // Return early since we don't know what to pull.
bool StatsPullerManager::PullerForMatcherExists(int tagId) const {
// Pulled atoms might be registered after we parse the config, so just make sure the id is in
// an appropriate range.
return isVendorPulledAtom(tagId) || isPulledAtom(tagId);
void StatsPullerManager::updateAlarmLocked() {
if (mNextPullTimeNs == NO_ALARM_UPDATE) {
VLOG("No need to set alarms. Skipping");
// TODO(b/151045771): do not hold a lock while making a binder call
if (mStatsCompanionService != nullptr) {
mStatsCompanionService->setPullingAlarm(mNextPullTimeNs / 1000000);
} else {
VLOG("StatsCompanionService not available. Alarm not set.");
void StatsPullerManager::SetStatsCompanionService(
shared_ptr<IStatsCompanionService> statsCompanionService) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _l(mLock);
shared_ptr<IStatsCompanionService> tmpForLock = mStatsCompanionService;
mStatsCompanionService = statsCompanionService;
for (const auto& pulledAtom : kAllPullAtomInfo) {
if (mStatsCompanionService != nullptr) {
void StatsPullerManager::RegisterReceiver(int tagId, const ConfigKey& configKey,
wp<PullDataReceiver> receiver, int64_t nextPullTimeNs,
int64_t intervalNs) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _l(mLock);
auto& receivers = mReceivers[{.atomTag = tagId, .configKey = configKey}];
for (auto it = receivers.begin(); it != receivers.end(); it++) {
if (it->receiver == receiver) {
VLOG("Receiver already registered of %d", (int)receivers.size());
ReceiverInfo receiverInfo;
receiverInfo.receiver = receiver;
// Round it to the nearest minutes. This is the limit of alarm manager.
// In practice, we should always have larger buckets.
int64_t roundedIntervalNs = intervalNs / NS_PER_SEC / 60 * NS_PER_SEC * 60;
// Scheduled pulling should be at least 1 min apart.
// This can be lower in cts tests, in which case we round it to 1 min.
if (roundedIntervalNs < 60 * (int64_t)NS_PER_SEC) {
roundedIntervalNs = 60 * (int64_t)NS_PER_SEC;
receiverInfo.intervalNs = roundedIntervalNs;
receiverInfo.nextPullTimeNs = nextPullTimeNs;
// There is only one alarm for all pulled events. So only set it to the smallest denom.
if (nextPullTimeNs < mNextPullTimeNs) {
VLOG("Updating next pull time %lld", (long long)mNextPullTimeNs);
mNextPullTimeNs = nextPullTimeNs;
VLOG("Puller for tagId %d registered of %d", tagId, (int)receivers.size());
void StatsPullerManager::UnRegisterReceiver(int tagId, const ConfigKey& configKey,
wp<PullDataReceiver> receiver) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _l(mLock);
auto receiversIt = mReceivers.find({.atomTag = tagId, .configKey = configKey});
if (receiversIt == mReceivers.end()) {
VLOG("Unknown pull code or no receivers: %d", tagId);
std::list<ReceiverInfo>& receivers = receiversIt->second;
for (auto it = receivers.begin(); it != receivers.end(); it++) {
if (receiver == it->receiver) {
VLOG("Puller for tagId %d unregistered of %d", tagId, (int)receivers.size());
void StatsPullerManager::RegisterPullUidProvider(const ConfigKey& configKey,
wp<PullUidProvider> provider) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _l(mLock);
mPullUidProviders[configKey] = provider;
void StatsPullerManager::UnregisterPullUidProvider(const ConfigKey& configKey,
wp<PullUidProvider> provider) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _l(mLock);
const auto& it = mPullUidProviders.find(configKey);
if (it != mPullUidProviders.end() && it->second == provider) {
void StatsPullerManager::OnAlarmFired(int64_t elapsedTimeNs) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _l(mLock);
int64_t wallClockNs = getWallClockNs();
int64_t minNextPullTimeNs = NO_ALARM_UPDATE;
vector<pair<const ReceiverKey*, vector<ReceiverInfo*>>> needToPull;
for (auto& pair : mReceivers) {
vector<ReceiverInfo*> receivers;
if (pair.second.size() != 0) {
for (ReceiverInfo& receiverInfo : pair.second) {
if (receiverInfo.nextPullTimeNs <= elapsedTimeNs) {
} else {
if (receiverInfo.nextPullTimeNs < minNextPullTimeNs) {
minNextPullTimeNs = receiverInfo.nextPullTimeNs;
if (receivers.size() > 0) {
needToPull.push_back(make_pair(&pair.first, receivers));
for (const auto& pullInfo : needToPull) {
vector<shared_ptr<LogEvent>> data;
bool pullSuccess = PullLocked(pullInfo.first->atomTag, pullInfo.first->configKey,
elapsedTimeNs, &data);
if (!pullSuccess) {
VLOG("pull failed at %lld, will try again later", (long long)elapsedTimeNs);
// Convention is to mark pull atom timestamp at request time.
// If we pull at t0, puller starts at t1, finishes at t2, and send back
// at t3, we mark t0 as its timestamp, which should correspond to its
// triggering event, such as condition change at t0.
// Here the triggering event is alarm fired from AlarmManager.
// In ValueMetricProducer and GaugeMetricProducer we do same thing
// when pull on condition change, etc.
for (auto& event : data) {
for (const auto& receiverInfo : pullInfo.second) {
sp<PullDataReceiver> receiverPtr = receiverInfo->receiver.promote();
if (receiverPtr != nullptr) {
receiverPtr->onDataPulled(data, pullSuccess, elapsedTimeNs);
// We may have just come out of a coma, compute next pull time.
int numBucketsAhead =
(elapsedTimeNs - receiverInfo->nextPullTimeNs) / receiverInfo->intervalNs;
receiverInfo->nextPullTimeNs += (numBucketsAhead + 1) * receiverInfo->intervalNs;
if (receiverInfo->nextPullTimeNs < minNextPullTimeNs) {
minNextPullTimeNs = receiverInfo->nextPullTimeNs;
} else {
VLOG("receiver already gone.");
VLOG("mNextPullTimeNs: %lld updated to %lld", (long long)mNextPullTimeNs,
(long long)minNextPullTimeNs);
mNextPullTimeNs = minNextPullTimeNs;
int StatsPullerManager::ForceClearPullerCache() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _l(mLock);
int totalCleared = 0;
for (const auto& pulledAtom : kAllPullAtomInfo) {
totalCleared += pulledAtom.second->ForceClearCache();
return totalCleared;
int StatsPullerManager::ClearPullerCacheIfNecessary(int64_t timestampNs) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _l(mLock);
int totalCleared = 0;
for (const auto& pulledAtom : kAllPullAtomInfo) {
totalCleared += pulledAtom.second->ClearCacheIfNecessary(timestampNs);
return totalCleared;
void StatsPullerManager::RegisterPullAtomCallback(const int uid, const int32_t atomTag,
const int64_t coolDownNs, const int64_t timeoutNs,
const vector<int32_t>& additiveFields,
const shared_ptr<IPullAtomCallback>& callback) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _l(mLock);
VLOG("RegisterPullerCallback: adding puller for tag %d", atomTag);
if (callback == nullptr) {
ALOGW("SetPullAtomCallback called with null callback for atom %d.", atomTag);
int64_t actualCoolDownNs = coolDownNs < kMinCoolDownNs ? kMinCoolDownNs : coolDownNs;
int64_t actualTimeoutNs = timeoutNs > kMaxTimeoutNs ? kMaxTimeoutNs : timeoutNs;
sp<StatsCallbackPuller> puller = new StatsCallbackPuller(atomTag, callback, actualCoolDownNs,
actualTimeoutNs, additiveFields);
PullerKey key = {.atomTag = atomTag, .uid = uid};
auto it = kAllPullAtomInfo.find(key);
if (it != kAllPullAtomInfo.end()) {
kAllPullAtomInfo[key] = puller;
StatsdStats::getInstance().notePullerCallbackRegistrationChanged(atomTag, /*registered=*/true);
void StatsPullerManager::UnregisterPullAtomCallback(const int uid, const int32_t atomTag) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _l(mLock);
PullerKey key = {.atomTag = atomTag, .uid = uid};
if (kAllPullAtomInfo.find(key) != kAllPullAtomInfo.end()) {
} // namespace statsd
} // namespace os
} // namespace android