blob: 16c4e757ced8f89794dd0185f4408e29ce55eb9a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#define STATSD_DEBUG false // STOPSHIP if true
#include "Log.h"
#include "config/ConfigManager.h"
#include "storage/StorageManager.h"
#include "guardrail/StatsdStats.h"
#include "stats_log_util.h"
#include "stats_util.h"
#include "stats_log_util.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
namespace android {
namespace os {
namespace statsd {
using std::pair;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using Status = ::ndk::ScopedAStatus;
#define STATS_SERVICE_DIR "/data/misc/stats-service"
using android::base::StringPrintf;
using std::unique_ptr;
ConfigManager::ConfigManager() {
ConfigManager::~ConfigManager() {
void ConfigManager::Startup() {
map<ConfigKey, StatsdConfig> configsFromDisk;
for (const auto& pair : configsFromDisk) {
UpdateConfig(pair.first, pair.second);
void ConfigManager::StartupForTest() {
// No-op function to avoid reading configs from disks for tests.
void ConfigManager::AddListener(const sp<ConfigListener>& listener) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
void ConfigManager::UpdateConfig(const ConfigKey& key, const StatsdConfig& config) {
vector<sp<ConfigListener>> broadcastList;
lock_guard <mutex> lock(mMutex);
const int numBytes = config.ByteSize();
vector<uint8_t> buffer(numBytes);
config.SerializeToArray(, numBytes);
auto uidIt = mConfigs.find(key.GetUid());
// GuardRail: Limit the number of configs per uid.
if (uidIt != mConfigs.end()) {
auto it = uidIt->second.find(key);
if (it == uidIt->second.end() &&
uidIt->second.size() >= StatsdStats::kMaxConfigCountPerUid) {
ALOGE("ConfigManager: uid %d has exceeded the config count limit", key.GetUid());
// Check if it's a duplicate config.
if (uidIt != mConfigs.end() && uidIt->second.find(key) != uidIt->second.end() &&
StorageManager::hasIdenticalConfig(key, buffer)) {
// This is a duplicate config.
ALOGI("ConfigManager This is a duplicate config %s", key.ToString().c_str());
// Update saved file on disk. We still update timestamp of file when
// there exists a duplicate configuration to avoid garbage collection.
update_saved_configs_locked(key, buffer, numBytes);
// Update saved file on disk.
update_saved_configs_locked(key, buffer, numBytes);
// Add to set.
broadcastList = mListeners;
const int64_t timestampNs = getElapsedRealtimeNs();
// Tell everyone
for (const sp<ConfigListener>& listener : broadcastList) {
listener->OnConfigUpdated(timestampNs, key, config);
void ConfigManager::SetConfigReceiver(const ConfigKey& key,
const shared_ptr<IPendingIntentRef>& pir) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
mConfigReceivers[key] = pir;
void ConfigManager::RemoveConfigReceiver(const ConfigKey& key) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
void ConfigManager::RemoveConfigReceiver(const ConfigKey& key,
const shared_ptr<IPendingIntentRef>& pir) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
auto it = mConfigReceivers.find(key);
if (it != mConfigReceivers.end() && it->second == pir) {
void ConfigManager::SetActiveConfigsChangedReceiver(const int uid,
const shared_ptr<IPendingIntentRef>& pir) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
mActiveConfigsChangedReceivers[uid] = pir;
void ConfigManager::RemoveActiveConfigsChangedReceiver(const int uid) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
void ConfigManager::RemoveActiveConfigsChangedReceiver(const int uid,
const shared_ptr<IPendingIntentRef>& pir) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
auto it = mActiveConfigsChangedReceivers.find(uid);
if (it != mActiveConfigsChangedReceivers.end() && it->second == pir) {
void ConfigManager::SetRestrictedMetricsChangedReceiver(const string& configPackage,
const int64_t configId,
const int32_t callingUid,
const shared_ptr<IPendingIntentRef>& pir) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
ConfigKeyWithPackage configKey(configPackage, configId);
mRestrictedMetricsChangedReceivers[configKey][callingUid] = pir;
void ConfigManager::RemoveRestrictedMetricsChangedReceiver(const string& configPackage,
const int64_t configId,
const int32_t callingUid) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
ConfigKeyWithPackage configKey(configPackage, configId);
const auto& it = mRestrictedMetricsChangedReceivers.find(configKey);
if (it != mRestrictedMetricsChangedReceivers.end()) {
if (it->second.empty()) {
void ConfigManager::RemoveRestrictedMetricsChangedReceiver(
const ConfigKeyWithPackage& key, const int32_t delegateUid,
const shared_ptr<IPendingIntentRef>& pir) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
const auto& it = mRestrictedMetricsChangedReceivers.find(key);
if (it != mRestrictedMetricsChangedReceivers.end()) {
const auto& pirIt = it->second.find(delegateUid);
if (pirIt != it->second.end() && pirIt->second == pir) {
if (it->second.empty()) {
void ConfigManager::SendRestrictedMetricsBroadcast(const set<string>& configPackages,
const int64_t configId,
const set<int32_t>& delegateUids,
const vector<int64_t>& metricIds) {
map<ConfigKeyWithPackage, map<int32_t, shared_ptr<IPendingIntentRef>>> intentsToSend;
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
// Invoke the pending intent for all matching configs, as long as the listening delegates
// match the allowed delegate uids specified by the config.
for (const string& configPackage : configPackages) {
ConfigKeyWithPackage key(configPackage, configId);
const auto& it = mRestrictedMetricsChangedReceivers.find(key);
if (it != mRestrictedMetricsChangedReceivers.end()) {
for (const auto& [delegateUid, pir] : it->second) {
if (delegateUids.find(delegateUid) != delegateUids.end()) {
intentsToSend[key][delegateUid] = pir;
// Invoke the pending intents without holding the lock.
for (const auto& [key, innerMap] : intentsToSend) {
for (const auto& [delegateUid, pir] : innerMap) {
Status status = pir->sendRestrictedMetricsChangedBroadcast(metricIds);
if (status.isOk()) {
VLOG("ConfigManager::SendRestrictedMetricsBroadcast succeeded");
if (status.getExceptionCode() == EX_TRANSACTION_FAILED &&
status.getStatus() == STATUS_DEAD_OBJECT) {
// Must also be called without the lock, since remove will acquire the lock.
RemoveRestrictedMetricsChangedReceiver(key, delegateUid, pir);
void ConfigManager::RemoveConfig(const ConfigKey& key) {
vector<sp<ConfigListener>> broadcastList;
lock_guard <mutex> lock(mMutex);
auto uid = key.GetUid();
auto uidIt = mConfigs.find(uid);
if (uidIt != mConfigs.end() && uidIt->second.find(key) != uidIt->second.end()) {
// Remove from map
broadcastList = mListeners;
// Remove from disk. There can still be a lingering file on disk so we check
// whether or not the config was on memory.
for (const sp<ConfigListener>& listener:broadcastList) {
void ConfigManager::remove_saved_configs(const ConfigKey& key) {
string suffix = StringPrintf("%d_%lld", key.GetUid(), (long long)key.GetId());
StorageManager::deleteSuffixedFiles(STATS_SERVICE_DIR, suffix.c_str());
// TODO(b/xxx): consider removing all receivers associated with this uid.
void ConfigManager::RemoveConfigs(int uid) {
vector<ConfigKey> removed;
vector<sp<ConfigListener>> broadcastList;
lock_guard <mutex> lock(mMutex);
auto uidIt = mConfigs.find(uid);
if (uidIt == mConfigs.end()) {
for (auto it = uidIt->second.begin(); it != uidIt->second.end(); ++it) {
// Remove from map
broadcastList = mListeners;
// Remove separately so if they do anything in the callback they can't mess up our iteration.
for (auto& key : removed) {
// Tell everyone
for (const sp<ConfigListener>& listener:broadcastList) {
void ConfigManager::RemoveAllConfigs() {
vector<ConfigKey> removed;
vector<sp<ConfigListener>> broadcastList;
lock_guard <mutex> lock(mMutex);
for (auto uidIt = mConfigs.begin(); uidIt != mConfigs.end();) {
for (auto it = uidIt->second.begin(); it != uidIt->second.end();) {
// Remove from map
it = uidIt->second.erase(it);
uidIt = mConfigs.erase(uidIt);
broadcastList = mListeners;
// Remove separately so if they do anything in the callback they can't mess up our iteration.
for (auto& key : removed) {
// Tell everyone
for (const sp<ConfigListener>& listener:broadcastList) {
vector<ConfigKey> ConfigManager::GetAllConfigKeys() const {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
vector<ConfigKey> ret;
for (auto uidIt = mConfigs.cbegin(); uidIt != mConfigs.cend(); ++uidIt) {
for (auto it = uidIt->second.cbegin(); it != uidIt->second.cend(); ++it) {
return ret;
const shared_ptr<IPendingIntentRef> ConfigManager::GetConfigReceiver(const ConfigKey& key) const {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
auto it = mConfigReceivers.find(key);
if (it == mConfigReceivers.end()) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return it->second;
const shared_ptr<IPendingIntentRef> ConfigManager::GetActiveConfigsChangedReceiver(const int uid)
const {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
auto it = mActiveConfigsChangedReceivers.find(uid);
if (it == mActiveConfigsChangedReceivers.end()) {
return nullptr;
} else {
return it->second;
void ConfigManager::Dump(FILE* out) {
lock_guard<mutex> lock(mMutex);
fprintf(out, "CONFIGURATIONS\n");
fprintf(out, " uid name\n");
for (auto uidIt = mConfigs.cbegin(); uidIt != mConfigs.cend(); ++uidIt) {
for (auto it = uidIt->second.cbegin(); it != uidIt->second.cend(); ++it) {
fprintf(out, " %6d %lld\n", it->GetUid(), (long long)it->GetId());
auto receiverIt = mConfigReceivers.find(*it);
if (receiverIt != mConfigReceivers.end()) {
fprintf(out, " -> received by PendingIntent as binder\n");
void ConfigManager::update_saved_configs_locked(const ConfigKey& key,
const vector<uint8_t>& buffer,
const int numBytes) {
// If there is a pre-existing config with same key we should first delete it.
// Then we save the latest config.
string file_name =
StringPrintf("%s/%ld_%d_%lld", STATS_SERVICE_DIR, time(nullptr),
key.GetUid(), (long long)key.GetId());
StorageManager::writeFile(file_name.c_str(), &buffer[0], numBytes);
} // namespace statsd
} // namespace os
} // namespace android