blob: e5615cdb6ae4d1832edc6beeaa537f10ef217d74 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2017, The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
#include <log/log_time.h>
#include <src/guardrail/stats_log_enums.pb.h>
#include <list>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "config/ConfigKey.h"
#include "logd/logevent_util.h"
namespace android {
namespace os {
namespace statsd {
struct InvalidConfigReason {
InvalidConfigReasonEnum reason;
std::optional<int64_t> metricId;
std::optional<int64_t> stateId;
std::optional<int64_t> alertId;
std::optional<int64_t> alarmId;
std::optional<int64_t> subscriptionId;
std::vector<int64_t> matcherIds;
std::vector<int64_t> conditionIds;
InvalidConfigReason(InvalidConfigReasonEnum reason) : reason(reason){};
InvalidConfigReason(InvalidConfigReasonEnum reason, int64_t metricId)
: reason(reason), metricId(metricId){};
bool operator==(const InvalidConfigReason& other) const {
return (this->reason == other.reason) && (this->metricId == other.metricId) &&
(this->stateId == other.stateId) && (this->alertId == other.alertId) &&
(this->alarmId == other.alarmId) && (this->subscriptionId == other.subscriptionId) &&
(this->matcherIds == other.matcherIds) && (this->conditionIds == other.conditionIds);
typedef struct {
int64_t insertError = 0;
int64_t tableCreationError = 0;
int64_t tableDeletionError = 0;
std::list<int64_t> flushLatencyNs;
int64_t categoryChangedCount = 0;
} RestrictedMetricStats;
struct DumpReportStats {
DumpReportStats(int32_t dumpReportSec, int32_t dumpReportSize, int32_t reportNumber)
: mDumpReportTimeSec(dumpReportSec),
mDumpReportNumber(reportNumber) {
int32_t mDumpReportTimeSec = 0;
int32_t mDumpReportSizeBytes = 0;
int32_t mDumpReportNumber = 0;
struct ConfigStats {
int32_t uid;
int64_t id;
int32_t creation_time_sec;
int32_t deletion_time_sec = 0;
int32_t reset_time_sec = 0;
int32_t metric_count;
int32_t condition_count;
int32_t matcher_count;
int32_t alert_count;
bool is_valid;
bool device_info_table_creation_failed = false;
int32_t db_corrupted_count = 0;
int32_t db_deletion_stat_failed = 0;
int32_t db_deletion_size_exceeded_limit = 0;
int32_t db_deletion_config_invalid = 0;
int32_t db_deletion_too_old = 0;
int32_t db_deletion_config_removed = 0;
int32_t db_deletion_config_updated = 0;
// Stores the number of ConfigMetadataProvider promotion failures
int32_t config_metadata_provider_promote_failure = 0;
// Stores reasons for why config is valid or not
std::optional<InvalidConfigReason> reason;
std::list<int32_t> broadcast_sent_time_sec;
// Times at which this config is activated.
std::list<int32_t> activation_time_sec;
// Times at which this config is deactivated.
std::list<int32_t> deactivation_time_sec;
std::list<int32_t> data_drop_time_sec;
// Number of bytes dropped at corresponding time.
std::list<int64_t> data_drop_bytes;
std::list<DumpReportStats> dump_report_stats;
// Stores how many times a matcher have been matched. The map size is capped by kMaxConfigCount.
std::map<const int64_t, int> matcher_stats;
// Stores the number of output tuple of condition trackers when it's bigger than
// kDimensionKeySizeSoftLimit. When you see the number is kDimensionKeySizeHardLimit +1,
// it means some data has been dropped. The map size is capped by kMaxConfigCount.
std::map<const int64_t, int> condition_stats;
// Stores the number of output tuple of metric producers when it's bigger than
// kDimensionKeySizeSoftLimit. When you see the number is kDimensionKeySizeHardLimit +1,
// it means some data has been dropped. The map size is capped by kMaxConfigCount.
std::map<const int64_t, int> metric_stats;
// Stores the max number of output tuple of dimensions in condition across dimensions in what
// when it's bigger than kDimensionKeySizeSoftLimit. When you see the number is
// kDimensionKeySizeHardLimit +1, it means some data has been dropped. The map size is capped by
// kMaxConfigCount.
std::map<const int64_t, int> metric_dimension_in_condition_stats;
// Stores the number of times an anomaly detection alert has been declared.
// The map size is capped by kMaxConfigCount.
std::map<const int64_t, int> alert_stats;
// Stores the config ID for each sub-config used.
std::list<std::pair<const int64_t, const int32_t>> annotations;
// Maps metric ID of restricted metric to its stats.
std::map<int64_t, RestrictedMetricStats> restricted_metric_stats;
std::list<int64_t> total_flush_latency_ns;
// Stores the last 20 timestamps for computing sqlite db size.
std::list<int64_t> total_db_size_timestamps;
// Stores the last 20 sizes of the sqlite db.
std::list<int64_t> total_db_sizes;
struct UidMapStats {
int32_t changes = 0;
int32_t bytes_used = 0;
int32_t dropped_changes = 0;
int32_t deleted_apps = 0;
struct SubscriptionStats {
int32_t pushed_atom_count = 0;
int32_t pulled_atom_count = 0;
int32_t start_time_sec = 0;
int32_t end_time_sec = 0;
int32_t flush_count = 0;
// Keeps track of stats of statsd.
// Single instance shared across the process. All public methods are thread safe.
class StatsdStats {
static StatsdStats& getInstance();
const static int kDimensionKeySizeSoftLimit = 500;
static constexpr int kDimensionKeySizeHardLimit = 800;
static constexpr int kDimensionKeySizeHardLimitMin = 800;
static constexpr int kDimensionKeySizeHardLimitMax = 3000;
// Per atom dimension key size limit
static const std::map<int, std::pair<size_t, size_t>> kAtomDimensionKeySizeLimitMap;
const static int kMaxConfigCountPerUid = 20;
const static int kMaxAlertCountPerConfig = 200;
const static int kMaxConditionCountPerConfig = 500;
const static int kMaxMetricCountPerConfig = 3000;
const static int kMaxMatcherCountPerConfig = 3500;
// The max number of old config stats we keep.
const static int kMaxIceBoxSize = 20;
const static int kMaxLoggerErrors = 20;
const static int kMaxSystemServerRestarts = 20;
const static int kMaxTimestampCount = 20;
const static int kMaxLogSourceCount = 150;
const static int kMaxPullAtomPackages = 100;
const static int kMaxRestrictedMetricQueryCount = 20;
const static int kMaxRestrictedMetricFlushLatencyCount = 20;
const static int kMaxRestrictedConfigFlushLatencyCount = 20;
const static int kMaxRestrictedConfigDbSizeCount = 20;
// Max memory allowed for storing metrics per configuration. If this limit is exceeded, statsd
// drops the metrics data in memory.
static const size_t kDefaultMaxMetricsBytesPerConfig = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
// Hard limit for custom memory allowed for storing metrics per configuration.
static const size_t kHardMaxMetricsBytesPerConfig = 20 * 1024 * 1024;
// Max memory allowed for storing metrics per configuration before triggering a intent to fetch
// data.
static const size_t kHardMaxTriggerGetDataBytes = 10 * 1024 * 1024;
// Soft memory limit per configuration. Once this limit is exceeded, we begin notifying the
// data subscriber that it's time to call getData.
static const size_t kDefaultBytesPerConfigTriggerGetData = 192 * 1024;
// Soft memory limit per restricted configuration. Once this limit is exceeded,
// we begin flush in-memory restricted metrics to database.
static const size_t kBytesPerRestrictedConfigTriggerFlush = 25 * 1024;
// Cap the UID map's memory usage to this. This should be fairly high since the UID information
// is critical for understanding the metrics.
const static size_t kMaxBytesUsedUidMap = 50 * 1024;
// The number of deleted apps that are stored in the uid map.
const static int kMaxDeletedAppsInUidMap = 100;
/* Minimum period between two broadcasts in nanoseconds. */
static const int64_t kMinBroadcastPeriodNs = 60 * NS_PER_SEC;
/* Min period between two checks of byte size per config key in nanoseconds. */
static const int64_t kMinByteSizeCheckPeriodNs = 1 * 60 * NS_PER_SEC;
// Min period between two checks of byte size per config key in nanoseconds for V2 memory
// calculations.
static const int64_t kMinByteSizeV2CheckPeriodNs = 5 * 60 * NS_PER_SEC;
/* Min period between two checks of restricted metrics TTLs. */
static const int64_t kMinTtlCheckPeriodNs = 60 * 60 * NS_PER_SEC;
/* Min period between two flush operations of restricted metrics. */
static const int64_t kMinFlushRestrictedPeriodNs = 60 * 60 * NS_PER_SEC;
/* Min period between two db guardrail check operations of restricted metrics. */
static const int64_t kMinDbGuardrailEnforcementPeriodNs = 60 * 60 * NS_PER_SEC;
/* Minimum period between two activation broadcasts in nanoseconds. */
static const int64_t kMinActivationBroadcastPeriodNs = 10 * NS_PER_SEC;
// Maximum age (30 days) that files on disk can exist in seconds.
static const int kMaxAgeSecond = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30;
// Maximum age (2 days) that local history files on disk can exist in seconds.
static const int kMaxLocalHistoryAgeSecond = 60 * 60 * 24 * 2;
// Maximum number of files (1000) that can be in stats directory on disk.
static const int kMaxFileNumber = 1000;
// Maximum size of all files that can be written to stats directory on disk.
static const int kMaxFileSize = 50 * 1024 * 1024;
// How long to try to clear puller cache from last time
static const long kPullerCacheClearIntervalSec = 1;
// Max time to do a pull.
static const int64_t kPullMaxDelayNs = 30 * NS_PER_SEC;
// Maximum number of pushed atoms statsd stats will track above kMaxPushedAtomId.
static const int kMaxNonPlatformPushedAtoms = 600;
// Maximum number of pushed atoms error statsd stats will track.
static const int kMaxPushedAtomErrorStatsSize = 100;
// Maximum number of socket loss stats to track.
static const int kMaxSocketLossStatsSize = 50;
// Maximum atom id value that we consider a platform pushed atom.
// This should be updated once highest pushed atom id in atoms.proto approaches this value.
static const int kMaxPushedAtomId = 1500;
// Atom id that is the start of the pulled atoms.
static const int kPullAtomStartTag = 10000;
// Atom id that is the start of vendor atoms.
static const int kVendorAtomStartTag = 100000;
// Vendor pulled atom start id.
static const int32_t kVendorPulledAtomStartTag = 150000;
// Beginning of range for timestamp truncation.
static const int32_t kTimestampTruncationStartTag = 300000;
// End of range for timestamp truncation.
static const int32_t kTimestampTruncationEndTag = 304999;
// Max accepted atom id.
static const int32_t kMaxAtomTag = 200000;
static const int64_t kInt64Max = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
static const int32_t kMaxLoggedBucketDropEvents = 10;
static const int32_t kNumBinsInSocketBatchReadHistogram = 30;
static const int32_t kLargeBatchReadThreshold = 1000;
static const int32_t kMaxLargeBatchReadSize = 20;
static const int32_t kMaxLargeBatchReadAtomThreshold = 50;
* Report a new config has been received and report the static stats about the config.
* The static stats include: the count of metrics, conditions, matchers, and alerts.
* If the config is not valid, this config stats will be put into icebox immediately.
void noteConfigReceived(const ConfigKey& key, int metricsCount, int conditionsCount,
int matchersCount, int alertCount,
const std::list<std::pair<const int64_t, const int32_t>>& annotations,
const std::optional<InvalidConfigReason>& reason);
* Report a config has been removed.
void noteConfigRemoved(const ConfigKey& key);
* Report a config has been reset when ttl expires.
void noteConfigReset(const ConfigKey& key);
* Report a broadcast has been sent to a config owner to collect the data.
void noteBroadcastSent(const ConfigKey& key);
* Report that a config has become activated or deactivated.
* This can be different from whether or not a broadcast is sent if the
* guardrail prevented the broadcast from being sent.
void noteActiveStatusChanged(const ConfigKey& key, bool activate);
* Report a config's metrics data has been dropped.
void noteDataDropped(const ConfigKey& key, const size_t totalBytes);
* Report metrics data report has been sent.
* The report may be requested via StatsManager API, or through adb cmd.
void noteMetricsReportSent(const ConfigKey& key, const size_t numBytes,
const int32_t reportNumber);
* Report failure in creating the device info metadata table for restricted configs.
void noteDeviceInfoTableCreationFailed(const ConfigKey& key);
* Report db corruption for restricted configs.
void noteDbCorrupted(const ConfigKey& key);
* Report db exceeded the size limit for restricted configs.
void noteDbSizeExceeded(const ConfigKey& key);
* Report db size check with stat for restricted configs failed.
void noteDbStatFailed(const ConfigKey& key);
* Report restricted config is invalid.
void noteDbConfigInvalid(const ConfigKey& key);
* Report db is too old for restricted configs.
void noteDbTooOld(const ConfigKey& key);
* Report db was deleted due to config removal.
void noteDbDeletionConfigRemoved(const ConfigKey& key);
* Report db was deleted due to config update.
void noteDbDeletionConfigUpdated(const ConfigKey& key);
* Reports that the promotion for ConfigMetadataProvider failed.
void noteConfigMetadataProviderPromotionFailed(const ConfigKey& key);
* Report the size of output tuple of a condition.
* Note: only report when the condition has an output dimension, and the tuple
* count > kDimensionKeySizeSoftLimit.
* [key]: The config key that this condition belongs to.
* [id]: The id of the condition.
* [size]: The output tuple size.
void noteConditionDimensionSize(const ConfigKey& key, int64_t id, int size);
* Report the size of output tuple of a metric.
* Note: only report when the metric has an output dimension, and the tuple
* count > kDimensionKeySizeSoftLimit.
* [key]: The config key that this metric belongs to.
* [id]: The id of the metric.
* [size]: The output tuple size.
void noteMetricDimensionSize(const ConfigKey& key, int64_t id, int size);
* Report the max size of output tuple of dimension in condition across dimensions in what.
* Note: only report when the metric has an output dimension in condition, and the max tuple
* count > kDimensionKeySizeSoftLimit.
* [key]: The config key that this metric belongs to.
* [id]: The id of the metric.
* [size]: The output tuple size.
void noteMetricDimensionInConditionSize(const ConfigKey& key, int64_t id, int size);
* Report a matcher has been matched.
* [key]: The config key that this matcher belongs to.
* [id]: The id of the matcher.
void noteMatcherMatched(const ConfigKey& key, int64_t id);
* Report that an anomaly detection alert has been declared.
* [key]: The config key that this alert belongs to.
* [id]: The id of the alert.
void noteAnomalyDeclared(const ConfigKey& key, int64_t id);
* Report an atom event has been logged.
void noteAtomLogged(int atomId, int32_t timeSec, bool isSkipped);
* Report that statsd modified the anomaly alarm registered with StatsCompanionService.
void noteRegisteredAnomalyAlarmChanged();
* Report that statsd modified the periodic alarm registered with StatsCompanionService.
void noteRegisteredPeriodicAlarmChanged();
* Records the number of delta entries that are being dropped from the uid map.
void noteUidMapDropped(int deltas);
* Records that an app was deleted (from statsd's map).
void noteUidMapAppDeletionDropped();
* Updates the number of changes currently stored in the uid map.
void setUidMapChanges(int changes);
void setCurrentUidMapMemory(int bytes);
* Updates minimum interval between pulls for an pulled atom.
void updateMinPullIntervalSec(int pullAtomId, long intervalSec);
* Notes an atom is pulled.
void notePull(int pullAtomId);
* Notes an atom is served from puller cache.
void notePullFromCache(int pullAtomId);
* Notify data error for pulled atom.
void notePullDataError(int pullAtomId);
* Records time for actual pulling, not including those served from cache and not including
* statsd processing delays.
void notePullTime(int pullAtomId, int64_t pullTimeNs);
* Records pull delay for a pulled atom, including those served from cache and including statsd
* processing delays.
void notePullDelay(int pullAtomId, int64_t pullDelayNs);
* Records pull exceeds timeout for the puller.
void notePullTimeout(int pullAtomId, int64_t pullUptimeMillis, int64_t pullElapsedMillis);
* Records pull exceeds max delay for a metric.
void notePullExceedMaxDelay(int pullAtomId);
* Records when system server restarts.
void noteSystemServerRestart(int32_t timeSec);
* Records statsd skipped an event.
void noteLogLost(int32_t wallClockTimeSec, int32_t count, int32_t lastError,
int32_t lastAtomTag, int32_t uid, int32_t pid);
* Records that the pull of an atom has failed. Eg, if the client indicated the pull failed, if
* the pull timed out, or if the outgoing binder call failed.
* This count will only increment if the puller was actually invoked.
* It does not include a pull not occurring due to not finding the appropriate
* puller. These cases are covered in other counts.
void notePullFailed(int atomId);
* Records that the pull of an atom has failed due to not having a uid provider.
void notePullUidProviderNotFound(int atomId);
* Records that the pull of an atom has failed due not finding a puller registered by a
* trusted uid.
void notePullerNotFound(int atomId);
* Records that the pull has failed due to the outgoing binder call failing.
void notePullBinderCallFailed(int atomId);
* A pull with no data occurred
void noteEmptyData(int atomId);
* Records that a puller callback for the given atomId was registered or unregistered.
* @param registered True if the callback was registered, false if was unregistered.
void notePullerCallbackRegistrationChanged(int atomId, bool registered);
* Hard limit was reached in the cardinality of an atom
void noteHardDimensionLimitReached(int64_t metricId);
* A log event was too late, arrived in the wrong bucket and was skipped
void noteLateLogEventSkipped(int64_t metricId);
* Buckets were skipped as time elapsed without any data for them
void noteSkippedForwardBuckets(int64_t metricId);
* An unsupported value type was received
void noteBadValueType(int64_t metricId);
* Buckets were dropped due to reclaim memory.
void noteBucketDropped(int64_t metricId);
* A condition change was too late, arrived in the wrong bucket and was skipped
void noteConditionChangeInNextBucket(int64_t metricId);
* A bucket has been tagged as invalid.
void noteInvalidatedBucket(int64_t metricId);
* Tracks the total number of buckets (include skipped/invalid buckets).
void noteBucketCount(int64_t metricId);
* For pulls at bucket boundaries, it represents the misalignment between the real timestamp and
* the end of the bucket.
void noteBucketBoundaryDelayNs(int64_t metricId, int64_t timeDelayNs);
* Number of buckets with unknown condition.
void noteBucketUnknownCondition(int64_t metricId);
/* Reports one event id has been dropped due to queue overflow, and the oldest event timestamp
* in the queue */
void noteEventQueueOverflow(int64_t oldestEventTimestampNs, int32_t atomId, bool isSkipped);
/* Notes queue max size seen so far and associated timestamp */
void noteEventQueueSize(int32_t size, int64_t eventTimestampNs);
* Reports that the activation broadcast guardrail was hit for this uid. Namely, the broadcast
* should have been sent, but instead was skipped due to hitting the guardrail.
void noteActivationBroadcastGuardrailHit(const int uid);
* Reports that an atom is erroneous or cannot be parsed successfully by
* statsd. An atom tag of 0 indicates that the client did not supply the
* atom id within the encoding.
* For pushed atoms only, this call should be preceded by a call to
* noteAtomLogged.
void noteAtomError(int atomTag, bool pull = false);
/** Report query of restricted metric succeed **/
void noteQueryRestrictedMetricSucceed(const int64_t configId, const string& configPackage,
const std::optional<int32_t> configUid,
const int32_t callingUid, int64_t queryLatencyNs);
/** Report query of restricted metric failed **/
void noteQueryRestrictedMetricFailed(const int64_t configId, const string& configPackage,
const std::optional<int32_t> configUid,
const int32_t callingUid, const InvalidQueryReason reason);
/** Report query of restricted metric failed along with an error string **/
void noteQueryRestrictedMetricFailed(const int64_t configId, const string& configPackage,
const std::optional<int32_t> configUid,
const int32_t callingUid, const InvalidQueryReason reason,
const string& error);
// Reports that a restricted metric fails to be inserted to database.
void noteRestrictedMetricInsertError(const ConfigKey& configKey, int64_t metricId);
// Reports that a restricted metric fails to create table in database.
void noteRestrictedMetricTableCreationError(const ConfigKey& configKey, int64_t metricId);
// Reports that a restricted metric fails to delete table in database.
void noteRestrictedMetricTableDeletionError(const ConfigKey& configKey, int64_t metricId);
// Reports the time it takes for a restricted metric to flush the data to the database.
void noteRestrictedMetricFlushLatency(const ConfigKey& configKey, int64_t metricId,
const int64_t flushLatencyNs);
// Reports that a restricted metric had a category change.
void noteRestrictedMetricCategoryChanged(const ConfigKey& configKey, int64_t metricId);
// Reports the time is takes to flush a restricted config to the database.
void noteRestrictedConfigFlushLatency(const ConfigKey& configKey,
const int64_t totalFlushLatencyNs);
// Reports the size of the internal sqlite db.
void noteRestrictedConfigDbSize(const ConfigKey& configKey, int64_t elapsedTimeNs,
const int64_t dbSize);
* Records libstatssocket was not able to write into socket.
void noteAtomSocketLoss(const SocketLossInfo& lossInfo);
* Report a new subscription has started and report the static stats about the subscription
* config.
* The static stats include: the count of pushed atoms and pulled atoms.
void noteSubscriptionStarted(int subId, int32_t pushedAtomCount, int32_t pulledAtomCount);
* Report an existing subscription has ended.
void noteSubscriptionEnded(int subId);
* Report an existing subscription was flushed.
void noteSubscriptionFlushed(int subId);
* Report an atom was pulled for a subscription.
void noteSubscriptionAtomPulled(int atomId);
* Report subscriber pull thread wakeup.
void noteSubscriptionPullThreadWakeup();
void noteBatchSocketRead(int32_t size, int64_t lastReadTimeNs, int64_t currReadTimeNs,
int64_t minAtomReadTimeNs, int64_t maxAtomReadTimeNs,
const std::unordered_map<int32_t, int32_t>& atomCounts);
* Reset the historical stats. Including all stats in icebox, and the tracked stats about
* metrics, matchers, and atoms. The active configs will be kept and StatsdStats will continue
* to collect stats after reset() has been called.
void reset();
* Output the stats in protobuf binary format to [buffer].
* [reset]: whether to clear the historical stats after the call.
void dumpStats(std::vector<uint8_t>* buffer, bool reset);
* Output statsd stats in human readable format to [out] file descriptor.
void dumpStats(int outFd) const;
* Returns true if dimension guardrail has been hit since boot for given metric.
bool hasHitDimensionGuardrail(int64_t metricId) const;
* Return soft and hard atom key dimension size limits as an std::pair.
static std::pair<size_t, size_t> getAtomDimensionKeySizeLimits(int atomId,
size_t defaultHardLimit);
inline static int clampDimensionKeySizeLimit(int dimLimit) {
return std::clamp(dimLimit, kDimensionKeySizeHardLimitMin, kDimensionKeySizeHardLimitMax);
* Return the unique identifier for the statsd stats report. This id is
* reset on boot.
inline int32_t getStatsdStatsId() const {
return mStatsdStatsId;
* Returns true if there is recorded event queue overflow
bool hasEventQueueOverflow() const;
typedef std::vector<std::pair<int32_t, int32_t>> QueueOverflowAtomsStats;
QueueOverflowAtomsStats getQueueOverflowAtomsStats() const;
* Returns true if there is recorded socket loss
bool hasSocketLoss() const;
typedef struct PullTimeoutMetadata {
int64_t pullTimeoutUptimeMillis;
int64_t pullTimeoutElapsedMillis;
PullTimeoutMetadata(int64_t uptimeMillis, int64_t elapsedMillis)
: pullTimeoutUptimeMillis(uptimeMillis),
pullTimeoutElapsedMillis(elapsedMillis) { /* do nothing */
} PullTimeoutMetadata;
typedef struct {
long totalPull = 0;
long totalPullFromCache = 0;
long minPullIntervalSec = LONG_MAX;
int64_t avgPullTimeNs = 0;
int64_t maxPullTimeNs = 0;
long numPullTime = 0;
int64_t avgPullDelayNs = 0;
int64_t maxPullDelayNs = 0;
long numPullDelay = 0;
long dataError = 0;
long pullTimeout = 0;
long pullExceedMaxDelay = 0;
long pullFailed = 0;
long pullUidProviderNotFound = 0;
long pullerNotFound = 0;
long emptyData = 0;
long registeredCount = 0;
long unregisteredCount = 0;
int32_t atomErrorCount = 0;
long binderCallFailCount = 0;
std::list<PullTimeoutMetadata> pullTimeoutMetadata;
int32_t subscriptionPullCount = 0;
} PulledAtomStats;
typedef struct {
long hardDimensionLimitReached = 0;
long lateLogEventSkipped = 0;
long skippedForwardBuckets = 0;
long badValueType = 0;
long conditionChangeInNextBucket = 0;
long invalidatedBucket = 0;
long bucketDropped = 0;
int64_t minBucketBoundaryDelayNs = 0;
int64_t maxBucketBoundaryDelayNs = 0;
long bucketUnknownCondition = 0;
long bucketCount = 0;
} AtomMetricStats;
mutable std::mutex mLock;
int32_t mStartTimeSec;
// Random id set using rand() during the initialization. Used to uniquely
// identify a session. This is more reliable than mStartTimeSec due to the
// unreliable nature of wall clock times.
const int32_t mStatsdStatsId;
// Track the number of dropped entries used by the uid map.
UidMapStats mUidMapStats;
// The stats about the configs that are still in use.
// The map size is capped by kMaxConfigCount.
std::map<const ConfigKey, std::shared_ptr<ConfigStats>> mConfigStats;
// Stores the stats for the configs that are no longer in use.
// The size of the vector is capped by kMaxIceBoxSize.
std::list<std::shared_ptr<ConfigStats>> mIceBox;
// Stores the number of times a pushed atom is logged and skipped (if skipped).
// The size of the vector is the largest pushed atom id in atoms.proto + 1. Atoms
// out of that range will be put in mNonPlatformPushedAtomStats.
// This is a vector, not a map because it will be accessed A LOT -- for each stats log.
struct PushedAtomStats {
int logCount = 0;
int skipCount = 0;
std::vector<PushedAtomStats> mPushedAtomStats;
// Stores the number of times a pushed atom is logged and skipped for atom ids above
// kMaxPushedAtomId. The max size of the map is kMaxNonPlatformPushedAtoms.
std::unordered_map<int, PushedAtomStats> mNonPlatformPushedAtomStats;
// Stores the number of times a pushed atom is dropped due to queue overflow event.
// We do not expect it will happen too often so the map is preferable vs pre-allocated vector
// The max size of the map is kMaxPushedAtomId + kMaxNonPlatformPushedAtoms.
std::unordered_map<int, int> mPushedAtomDropsStats;
// Maps PullAtomId to its stats. The size is capped by the puller atom counts.
std::map<int, PulledAtomStats> mPulledAtomStats;
// Stores the number of times a pushed atom was logged erroneously. The
// corresponding counts for pulled atoms are stored in PulledAtomStats.
// The max size of this map is kMaxPushedAtomErrorStatsSize.
std::map<int, int> mPushedAtomErrorStats;
// Stores the number of times a pushed atom was lost due to socket error.
// Represents counter per uid per tag per error with indication when the loss event was observed
// first & last time.
struct SocketLossStats {
SocketLossStats(int32_t uid, int64_t firstLossTsNanos, int64_t lastLossTsNanos)
: mUid(uid), mFirstLossTsNanos(firstLossTsNanos), mLastLossTsNanos(lastLossTsNanos) {
int32_t mUid;
int64_t mFirstLossTsNanos;
int64_t mLastLossTsNanos;
// atom loss count per error, atom id
struct AtomLossInfo {
AtomLossInfo(int32_t atomId, int32_t error, int32_t count)
: mAtomId(atomId), mError(error), mCount(count) {
int mAtomId;
int mError;
int mCount;
std::vector<AtomLossInfo> mLossCountPerErrorAtomId;
// The max size of this list is kMaxSocketLossStatsSize.
std::list<SocketLossStats> mSocketLossStats;
// Stores the number of times a pushed atom loss info was dropped from the stats
// on libstatssocket side due to guardrail hit.
// Represents counter per uid.
// The max size of this map is kMaxSocketLossStatsSize.
std::map<int32_t, int32_t> mSocketLossStatsOverflowCounters;
// Maps metric ID to its stats. The size is capped by the number of metrics.
std::map<int64_t, AtomMetricStats> mAtomMetricStats;
// Maps uids to times when the activation changed broadcast not sent due to hitting the
// guardrail. The size is capped by the number of configs, and up to 20 times per uid.
std::map<int, std::list<int32_t>> mActivationBroadcastGuardrailStats;
struct LogLossStats {
LogLossStats(int32_t sec, int32_t count, int32_t error, int32_t tag, int32_t uid,
int32_t pid)
: mWallClockSec(sec),
mPid(pid) {
int32_t mWallClockSec;
int32_t mCount;
// error code defined in linux/errno.h
int32_t mLastError;
int32_t mLastTag;
int32_t mUid;
int32_t mPid;
// Max of {(now - oldestEventTimestamp) when overflow happens}.
// This number is helpful to understand how SLOW statsd can be.
int64_t mMaxQueueHistoryNs = 0;
// Min of {(now - oldestEventTimestamp) when overflow happens}.
// This number is helpful to understand how FAST the events floods to statsd.
int64_t mMinQueueHistoryNs = kInt64Max;
// Total number of events that are lost due to queue overflow.
int32_t mOverflowCount = 0;
// Max number of events stored into the queue seen so far.
int32_t mEventQueueMaxSizeObserved = 0;
// Event timestamp for associated max size hit.
int64_t mEventQueueMaxSizeObservedElapsedNanos = 0;
// Timestamps when we detect log loss, and the number of logs lost.
std::list<LogLossStats> mLogLossStats;
std::list<int32_t> mSystemServerRestartSec;
std::vector<int64_t> mSocketBatchReadHistogram;
// Stores stats about large socket batch reads
struct LargeBatchSocketReadStats {
LargeBatchSocketReadStats(int32_t size, int64_t lastReadTimeNs, int64_t currReadTimeNs,
int64_t minAtomReadTimeNs, int64_t maxAtomReadTimeNs,
const std::unordered_map<int32_t, int32_t>& atomCounts)
: mSize(size),
mCommonAtomCounts(atomCounts) {
int32_t mSize;
// The elapsed time of the previous and current read times.
int64_t mLastReadTimeNs;
int64_t mCurrReadTimeNs;
// The min and max times of the LogEvents processed in the batch
int64_t mMinAtomReadTimeNs;
int64_t mMaxAtomReadTimeNs;
// Map of atom id to count for atoms logged more than kMaxLargeBatchReadAtomThreshold times.
std::unordered_map<int32_t, int32_t> mCommonAtomCounts;
// The max size of this list is kMaxSocketLossStatsSize.
std::list<LargeBatchSocketReadStats> mLargeBatchSocketReadStats;
struct RestrictedMetricQueryStats {
RestrictedMetricQueryStats(int32_t callingUid, int64_t configId,
const string& configPackage, std::optional<int32_t> configUid,
int64_t queryTimeNs,
std::optional<InvalidQueryReason> invalidQueryReason,
const string& error, std::optional<int64_t> queryLatencyNs)
: mCallingUid(callingUid),
mQueryLatencyNs(queryLatencyNs) {
mHasError = invalidQueryReason.has_value();
int32_t mCallingUid;
int64_t mConfigId;
string mConfigPackage;
std::optional<int32_t> mConfigUid;
int64_t mQueryWallTimeNs;
std::optional<InvalidQueryReason> mInvalidQueryReason;
bool mHasError;
string mError;
std::optional<int64_t> mQueryLatencyNs;
std::list<RestrictedMetricQueryStats> mRestrictedMetricQueryStats;
void noteQueryRestrictedMetricFailedLocked(const int64_t configId, const string& configPackage,
const std::optional<int32_t> configUid,
const int32_t callingUid,
const InvalidQueryReason reason,
const string& error);
int32_t mSubscriptionPullThreadWakeupCount = 0;
// Maps Subscription ID to the corresponding SubscriptionStats struct object.
// Size of this map is capped by ShellSubscriber::kMaxSubscriptions.
std::map<int32_t, SubscriptionStats> mSubscriptionStats;
// Stores the number of times statsd modified the anomaly alarm registered with
// StatsCompanionService.
int mAnomalyAlarmRegisteredStats = 0;
// Stores the number of times statsd registers the periodic alarm changes
int mPeriodicAlarmRegisteredStats = 0;
void noteConfigResetInternalLocked(const ConfigKey& key);
void noteConfigRemovedInternalLocked(const ConfigKey& key);
void resetInternalLocked();
void noteAtomLoggedLocked(int atomId, bool isSkipped);
void noteAtomDroppedLocked(int atomId);
void noteDataDropped(const ConfigKey& key, const size_t totalBytes, int32_t timeSec);
void noteMetricsReportSent(const ConfigKey& key, const size_t numBytes, int32_t timeSec,
const int32_t reportNumber);
void noteBroadcastSent(const ConfigKey& key, int32_t timeSec);
void noteActiveStatusChanged(const ConfigKey& key, bool activate, int32_t timeSec);
void noteActivationBroadcastGuardrailHit(const int uid, int32_t timeSec);
void addToIceBoxLocked(std::shared_ptr<ConfigStats>& stats);
int getPushedAtomErrorsLocked(int atomId) const;
int getPushedAtomDropsLocked(int atomId) const;
bool hasRestrictedConfigErrors(const std::shared_ptr<ConfigStats>& configStats) const;
* Get a reference to AtomMetricStats for a metric. If none exists, create it. The reference
* will live as long as `this`.
StatsdStats::AtomMetricStats& getAtomMetricStats(int64_t metricId);
FRIEND_TEST(LogEventQueue_test, TestQueueMaxSize);
FRIEND_TEST(SocketParseMessageTest, TestProcessMessage);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsLogProcessorTest, InvalidConfigRemoved);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestActivationBroadcastGuardrailHit);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestAnomalyMonitor);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestAtomDroppedStats);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestAtomErrorStats);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestAtomLog);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestAtomLoggedAndDroppedAndSkippedStats);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestAtomLoggedAndDroppedStats);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestAtomMetricsStats);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestAtomSkippedStats);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestConfigMetadataProviderPromotionFailed);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestConfigRemove);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestHasHitDimensionGuardrail);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestInvalidConfigAdd);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestInvalidConfigMissingMetricId);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestInvalidConfigOnlyMetricId);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestNonPlatformAtomLog);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestPullAtomStats);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestQueueStats);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestRestrictedMetricsQueryStats);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestRestrictedMetricsStats);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestShardOffsetProvider);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestSocketLossStats);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestSocketLossStatsOverflowCounter);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestSubStats);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestSubscriptionAtomPulled);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestSubscriptionEnded);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestSubscriptionFlushed);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestSubscriptionPullThreadWakeup);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestSubscriptionStarted);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestSubscriptionStartedMaxActiveSubscriptions);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestSubscriptionStartedRemoveFinishedSubscription);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestSystemServerCrash);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestTimestampThreshold);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestValidConfigAdd);
FRIEND_TEST(StatsdStatsTest, TestSocketBatchReadStats);
InvalidConfigReason createInvalidConfigReasonWithMatcher(const InvalidConfigReasonEnum reason,
const int64_t matcherId);
InvalidConfigReason createInvalidConfigReasonWithMatcher(const InvalidConfigReasonEnum reason,
const int64_t metricId,
const int64_t matcherId);
InvalidConfigReason createInvalidConfigReasonWithPredicate(const InvalidConfigReasonEnum reason,
const int64_t conditionId);
InvalidConfigReason createInvalidConfigReasonWithPredicate(const InvalidConfigReasonEnum reason,
const int64_t metricId,
const int64_t conditionId);
InvalidConfigReason createInvalidConfigReasonWithState(const InvalidConfigReasonEnum reason,
const int64_t metricId,
const int64_t stateId);
InvalidConfigReason createInvalidConfigReasonWithAlert(const InvalidConfigReasonEnum reason,
const int64_t alertId);
InvalidConfigReason createInvalidConfigReasonWithAlert(const InvalidConfigReasonEnum reason,
const int64_t metricId,
const int64_t alertId);
InvalidConfigReason createInvalidConfigReasonWithAlarm(const InvalidConfigReasonEnum reason,
const int64_t alarmId);
InvalidConfigReason createInvalidConfigReasonWithSubscription(const InvalidConfigReasonEnum reason,
const int64_t subscriptionId);
InvalidConfigReason createInvalidConfigReasonWithSubscriptionAndAlarm(
const InvalidConfigReasonEnum reason, int64_t subscriptionId, int64_t alarmId);
InvalidConfigReason createInvalidConfigReasonWithSubscriptionAndAlert(
const InvalidConfigReasonEnum reason, int64_t subscriptionId, int64_t alertId);
} // namespace statsd
} // namespace os
} // namespace android