blob: 3c57f15ee97e783bfc5c30f393b9b1da42a1e65b [file] [log] [blame]
Change log for Android SDK Tools.
Revision 7:
- Support for Ant rules provided by the Tools components (override the one in
the platform component)
- Headless SDK update. See 'android -h update sdk' for more info.
- Support for extension targets in Ant build to perform tasks between the
normal tasks: -pre-build, -pre-compile, -post-compile.
- Fixed location control in DDMS to work in any locale not using '.' as a
decimal point.
Revision 6 (05/2010)
- Support for library project to share code/resources among projects
- Updated Ant rules and custom tasks
- New "android create lib-project", "android update lib-project" actions.
- New parameter for "android update project"
Revision 5 (03/2010):
- AVD/SDK Manager:
- Fixed SSL download for the standalone version of the SDK Updater.
- Fixed issue with 64bit JVM on windows.
- Add support for samples components.
- improved support for dependency between components.
- AVDs now sorted by API level.
- Prevent deletion of running AVDs.
- Settings are now automatically saved, no need to click Apply.
- Emulator now requires sd card to be 9MB and above.
- Fixed layoutopt.bat to correctly execute on Windows.