blob: 2a2998c64e56a3b21fe58e1313ff23fc655d1ed5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#[cfg(any(test, fuzzing))]
mod dummy;
#[cfg(feature = "vaapi")]
mod vaapi;
use std::os::fd::AsFd;
use std::os::fd::BorrowedFd;
use crate::codec::vp8::parser::Frame;
use crate::codec::vp8::parser::Header;
use crate::codec::vp8::parser::MbLfAdjustments;
use crate::codec::vp8::parser::Parser;
use crate::codec::vp8::parser::Segmentation;
use crate::decoder::stateless::DecodeError;
use crate::decoder::stateless::DecodingState;
use crate::decoder::stateless::NewPictureResult;
use crate::decoder::stateless::PoolLayer;
use crate::decoder::stateless::StatelessBackendResult;
use crate::decoder::stateless::StatelessCodec;
use crate::decoder::stateless::StatelessDecoder;
use crate::decoder::stateless::StatelessDecoderBackend;
use crate::decoder::stateless::StatelessDecoderBackendPicture;
use crate::decoder::stateless::StatelessVideoDecoder;
use crate::decoder::stateless::TryFormat;
use crate::decoder::BlockingMode;
use crate::decoder::DecodedHandle;
use crate::decoder::DecoderEvent;
use crate::decoder::StreamInfo;
use crate::Resolution;
/// Stateless backend methods specific to VP8.
pub trait StatelessVp8DecoderBackend:
StatelessDecoderBackend + StatelessDecoderBackendPicture<Vp8>
/// Called when new stream parameters are found.
fn new_sequence(&mut self, header: &Header) -> StatelessBackendResult<()>;
/// Called when the decoder determines that a frame or field was found.
fn new_picture(&mut self, timestamp: u64) -> NewPictureResult<Self::Picture>;
/// Called when the decoder wants the backend to finish the decoding
/// operations for `picture`.
/// This call will assign the ownership of the BackendHandle to the Picture
/// and then assign the ownership of the Picture to the Handle.
fn submit_picture(
&mut self,
picture: Self::Picture,
hdr: &Header,
last_ref: &Option<Self::Handle>,
golden_ref: &Option<Self::Handle>,
alt_ref: &Option<Self::Handle>,
bitstream: &[u8],
segmentation: &Segmentation,
mb_lf_adjust: &MbLfAdjustments,
) -> StatelessBackendResult<Self::Handle>;
pub struct Vp8DecoderState<H: DecodedHandle> {
/// VP8 bitstream parser.
parser: Parser,
/// The picture used as the last reference picture.
last_picture: Option<H>,
/// The picture used as the golden reference picture.
golden_ref_picture: Option<H>,
/// The picture used as the alternate reference picture.
alt_ref_picture: Option<H>,
impl<H: DecodedHandle> Default for Vp8DecoderState<H> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
parser: Default::default(),
last_picture: Default::default(),
golden_ref_picture: Default::default(),
alt_ref_picture: Default::default(),
/// [`StatelessCodec`] structure to use in order to create a VP8 stateless decoder.
/// # Accepted input
/// A decoder using this codec processes exactly one encoded frame per call to
/// [`StatelessDecoder::decode`], and returns the number of bytes actually taken by the frame data.
/// If the frame was properly encapsulated in its container, the returned value should be equal to
/// the length of the submitted input.
pub struct Vp8;
impl StatelessCodec for Vp8 {
type FormatInfo = Header;
type DecoderState<H: DecodedHandle, P> = Vp8DecoderState<H>;
impl<H> Vp8DecoderState<H>
H: DecodedHandle + Clone,
/// Replace a reference frame with `handle`.
fn replace_reference(reference: &mut Option<H>, handle: &H) {
*reference = Some(handle.clone());
pub(crate) fn update_references(
&mut self,
header: &Header,
decoded_handle: &H,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
if header.key_frame {
Self::replace_reference(&mut self.last_picture, decoded_handle);
Self::replace_reference(&mut self.golden_ref_picture, decoded_handle);
Self::replace_reference(&mut self.alt_ref_picture, decoded_handle);
} else {
if header.refresh_alternate_frame {
Self::replace_reference(&mut self.alt_ref_picture, decoded_handle);
} else {
match header.copy_buffer_to_alternate {
0 => { /* do nothing */ }
1 => {
if let Some(last_picture) = &self.last_picture {
Self::replace_reference(&mut self.alt_ref_picture, last_picture);
2 => {
if let Some(golden_ref) = &self.golden_ref_picture {
Self::replace_reference(&mut self.alt_ref_picture, golden_ref);
other => anyhow::bail!("invalid copy_buffer_to_alternate value: {}", other),
if header.refresh_golden_frame {
Self::replace_reference(&mut self.golden_ref_picture, decoded_handle);
} else {
match header.copy_buffer_to_golden {
0 => { /* do nothing */ }
1 => {
if let Some(last_picture) = &self.last_picture {
Self::replace_reference(&mut self.golden_ref_picture, last_picture);
2 => {
if let Some(alt_ref) = &self.alt_ref_picture {
Self::replace_reference(&mut self.golden_ref_picture, alt_ref);
other => anyhow::bail!("invalid copy_buffer_to_golden value: {}", other),
if header.refresh_last {
Self::replace_reference(&mut self.last_picture, decoded_handle);
impl<B> StatelessDecoder<Vp8, B>
B: StatelessVp8DecoderBackend,
B::Handle: Clone,
/// Handle a single frame.
fn handle_frame(&mut self, frame: Frame, timestamp: u64) -> Result<(), DecodeError> {
let show_frame = frame.header.show_frame;
let picture = self.backend.new_picture(timestamp)?;
let decoded_handle = self.backend.submit_picture(
if self.blocking_mode == BlockingMode::Blocking {
// Do DPB management
.update_references(&frame.header, &decoded_handle)?;
if show_frame {
fn negotiation_possible(&self, frame: &Frame) -> bool {
let coded_resolution = self.coded_resolution;
let hdr = &frame.header;
let width = u32::from(hdr.width);
let height = u32::from(hdr.height);
width != coded_resolution.width || height != coded_resolution.height
impl<B> StatelessVideoDecoder for StatelessDecoder<Vp8, B>
B: StatelessVp8DecoderBackend + TryFormat<Vp8>,
B::Handle: Clone + 'static,
type Handle = B::Handle;
type FramePool = B::FramePool;
fn decode(&mut self, timestamp: u64, bitstream: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, DecodeError> {
let frame = self
.map_err(|err| DecodeError::ParseFrameError(err.to_string()))?;
if frame.header.key_frame {
if self.negotiation_possible(&frame) {
} else if matches!(self.decoding_state, DecodingState::Reset) {
// We can resume decoding since the decoding parameters have not changed.
self.decoding_state = DecodingState::Decoding;
match &mut self.decoding_state {
// Skip input until we get information from the stream.
DecodingState::AwaitingStreamInfo | DecodingState::Reset => Ok(bitstream.len()),
// Ask the client to confirm the format before we can process this.
DecodingState::AwaitingFormat(_) => Err(DecodeError::CheckEvents),
DecodingState::Decoding => {
let len = frame.header.frame_len();
self.handle_frame(frame, timestamp)?;
fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<(), DecodeError> {
// Note: all the submitted frames are already in the ready queue.
self.codec.last_picture = Default::default();
self.codec.golden_ref_picture = Default::default();
self.codec.alt_ref_picture = Default::default();
self.decoding_state = DecodingState::Reset;
fn next_event(&mut self) -> Option<DecoderEvent<B::Handle>> {
self.query_next_event(|decoder, hdr| {
decoder.coded_resolution = Resolution {
width: hdr.width as u32,
height: hdr.height as u32,
fn frame_pool(&mut self, layer: PoolLayer) -> Vec<&mut B::FramePool> {
fn stream_info(&self) -> Option<&StreamInfo> {
fn poll_fd(&self) -> BorrowedFd {
pub mod tests {
use crate::bitstream_utils::IvfIterator;
use crate::decoder::stateless::tests::test_decode_stream;
use crate::decoder::stateless::tests::TestStream;
use crate::decoder::stateless::vp8::Vp8;
use crate::decoder::stateless::StatelessDecoder;
use crate::decoder::BlockingMode;
use crate::utils::simple_playback_loop;
use crate::utils::simple_playback_loop_owned_frames;
use crate::DecodedFormat;
/// Run `test` using the dummy decoder, in both blocking and non-blocking modes.
fn test_decoder_dummy(test: &TestStream, blocking_mode: BlockingMode) {
let decoder = StatelessDecoder::<Vp8, _>::new_dummy(blocking_mode).unwrap();
|d, s, c| {
&mut simple_playback_loop_owned_frames,
/// Same as Chromium's test-25fps.vp8
pub const DECODE_TEST_25FPS: TestStream = TestStream {
stream: include_bytes!("../../codec/vp8/test_data/test-25fps.vp8"),
crcs: include_str!("../../codec/vp8/test_data/test-25fps.vp8.crc"),
fn test_25fps_block() {
test_decoder_dummy(&DECODE_TEST_25FPS, BlockingMode::Blocking);
fn test_25fps_nonblock() {
test_decoder_dummy(&DECODE_TEST_25FPS, BlockingMode::NonBlocking);