blob: 7eecbf8875c7ddecb50673e770ce6dea6c0c7541 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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// limitations under the License.
//! ATrace instrumentation methods from cutils.
use std::ffi::CString;
use cutils_trace_bindgen as trace_bind;
// Wrap tags into a mod to allow missing docs.
// We have to use the mod for this because Rust won't apply the attribute to the bitflags macro
// invocation.
pub use self::tags::*;
pub mod tags {
// Tag constants are not documented in libcutils, so we don't document them here.
use bitflags::bitflags;
use static_assertions::const_assert_eq;
bitflags! {
/// The trace tag is used to filter tracing in userland to avoid some of the runtime cost of
/// tracing when it is not desired.
/// Using `AtraceTag::Always` will result in the tracing always being enabled - this should
/// ONLY be done for debug code, as userland tracing has a performance cost even when the
/// trace is not being recorded. `AtraceTag::Never` will result in the tracing always being
/// disabled.
/// `AtraceTag::Hal` should be bitwise ORed with the relevant tags for tracing
/// within a hardware module. For example a camera hardware module would use
/// `AtraceTag::Camera | AtraceTag::Hal`.
/// Source of truth is `system/core/libcutils/include/cutils/trace.h`.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct AtraceTag: u64 {
const Never = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_NEVER as u64;
const Always = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_ALWAYS as u64;
const Graphics = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_GRAPHICS as u64;
const Input = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_INPUT as u64;
const View = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_VIEW as u64;
const Webview = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_WEBVIEW as u64;
const WindowManager = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_WINDOW_MANAGER as u64;
const ActivityManager = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER as u64;
const SyncManager = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_SYNC_MANAGER as u64;
const Audio = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_AUDIO as u64;
const Video = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_VIDEO as u64;
const Camera = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_CAMERA as u64;
const Hal = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_HAL as u64;
const App = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64;
const Resources = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_RESOURCES as u64;
const Dalvik = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_DALVIK as u64;
const Rs = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_RS as u64;
const Bionic = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_BIONIC as u64;
const Power = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_POWER as u64;
const PackageManager = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_PACKAGE_MANAGER as u64;
const SystemServer = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_SYSTEM_SERVER as u64;
const Database = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_DATABASE as u64;
const Network = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_NETWORK as u64;
const Adb = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_ADB as u64;
const Vibrator = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_VIBRATOR as u64;
const Aidl = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_AIDL as u64;
const Nnapi = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_NNAPI as u64;
const Rro = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_RRO as u64;
const Thermal = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_THERMAL as u64;
const Last = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_LAST as u64;
const NotReady = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_NOT_READY as u64;
const ValidMask = cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_VALID_MASK as u64;
// Assertion to keep tags in sync. If it fails, it means there are new tags added to
// cutils/trace.h. Add them to the tags above and update the assertion.
const_assert_eq!(AtraceTag::Thermal.bits(), cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_LAST as u64);
/// RAII guard to close an event with tag.
pub struct ScopedEvent {
tag: AtraceTag,
impl Drop for ScopedEvent {
fn drop(&mut self) {
/// Begins an event via `atrace_begin` and returns a guard that calls `atrace_end` when dropped.
pub fn begin_scoped_event(tag: AtraceTag, name: &str) -> ScopedEvent {
atrace_begin(tag, name);
ScopedEvent { tag }
/// Creates a scoped event with the current method name.
macro_rules! trace_method {
{$tag:expr} => {
let mut _atrace_trace_method_name: &'static str = "";
// Declares function f inside current function.
fn f() {}
fn type_name_of<T>(_: T) -> &'static str {
// type name of f is struct_or_crate_name::calling_function_name::f
let name = type_name_of(f);
// Remove the third to last character ("::f")
_atrace_trace_method_name = &name[ - 3];
let _atrace_trace_method_guard = atrace::begin_scoped_event($tag, _atrace_trace_method_name);
/// Set whether tracing is enabled for the current process. This is used to prevent tracing within
/// the Zygote process.
pub fn atrace_set_tracing_enabled(enabled: bool) {
// SAFETY: No pointers are transferred.
unsafe {
/// `atrace_init` readies the process for tracing by opening the trace_marker file.
/// Calling any trace function causes this to be run, so calling it is optional.
/// This can be explicitly run to avoid setup delay on first trace function.
pub fn atrace_init() {
// SAFETY: Call with no arguments.
unsafe {
/// Returns enabled tags as a bitmask.
/// The tag mask is converted into an `AtraceTag`, keeping flags that do not correspond to a tag.
pub fn atrace_get_enabled_tags() -> AtraceTag {
// SAFETY: Call with no arguments that returns a 64-bit int.
unsafe { AtraceTag::from_bits_retain(trace_bind::atrace_get_enabled_tags()) }
/// Test if a given tag is currently enabled.
/// It can be used as a guard condition around more expensive trace calculations.
pub fn atrace_is_tag_enabled(tag: AtraceTag) -> bool {
// SAFETY: No pointers are transferred.
unsafe { trace_bind::atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(tag.bits()) != 0 }
/// Trace the beginning of a context. `name` is used to identify the context.
/// This is often used to time function execution.
pub fn atrace_begin(tag: AtraceTag, name: &str) {
if !atrace_is_tag_enabled(tag) {
let name_cstr = CString::new(name.as_bytes()).expect("CString::new failed");
// SAFETY: The function does not accept the pointer ownership, only reads its contents.
// The passed string is guaranteed to be null-terminated by CString.
unsafe {
trace_bind::atrace_begin_wrap(tag.bits(), name_cstr.as_ptr());
/// Trace the end of a context.
/// This should match up (and occur after) a corresponding `atrace_begin`.
pub fn atrace_end(tag: AtraceTag) {
// SAFETY: No pointers are transferred.
unsafe {
/// Trace the beginning of an asynchronous event. Unlike `atrace_begin`/`atrace_end` contexts,
/// asynchronous events do not need to be nested.
/// The name describes the event, and the cookie provides a unique identifier for distinguishing
/// simultaneous events.
/// The name and cookie used to begin an event must be used to end it.
pub fn atrace_async_begin(tag: AtraceTag, name: &str, cookie: i32) {
if !atrace_is_tag_enabled(tag) {
let name_cstr = CString::new(name.as_bytes()).expect("CString::new failed");
// SAFETY: The function does not accept the pointer ownership, only reads its contents.
// The passed string is guaranteed to be null-terminated by CString.
unsafe {
trace_bind::atrace_async_begin_wrap(tag.bits(), name_cstr.as_ptr(), cookie);
/// Trace the end of an asynchronous event.
/// This should have a corresponding `atrace_async_begin`.
pub fn atrace_async_end(tag: AtraceTag, name: &str, cookie: i32) {
if !atrace_is_tag_enabled(tag) {
let name_cstr = CString::new(name.as_bytes()).expect("CString::new failed");
// SAFETY: The function does not accept the pointer ownership, only reads its contents.
// The passed string is guaranteed to be null-terminated by CString.
unsafe {
trace_bind::atrace_async_end_wrap(tag.bits(), name_cstr.as_ptr(), cookie);
/// Trace the beginning of an asynchronous event.
/// In addition to the name and a cookie as in `atrace_async_begin`/`atrace_async_end`, a track name
/// argument is provided, which is the name of the row where this async event should be recorded.
/// The track name and cookie used to begin an event must be used to end it.
/// The cookie here must be unique on the track_name level, not the name level.
pub fn atrace_async_for_track_begin(tag: AtraceTag, track_name: &str, name: &str, cookie: i32) {
if !atrace_is_tag_enabled(tag) {
let name_cstr = CString::new(name.as_bytes()).expect("CString::new failed");
let track_name_cstr = CString::new(track_name.as_bytes()).expect("CString::new failed");
// SAFETY: The function does not accept the pointer ownership, only reads its contents.
// The passed strings are guaranteed to be null-terminated by CString.
unsafe {
/// Trace the end of an asynchronous event.
/// This should correspond to a previous `atrace_async_for_track_begin`.
pub fn atrace_async_for_track_end(tag: AtraceTag, track_name: &str, cookie: i32) {
if !atrace_is_tag_enabled(tag) {
let track_name_cstr = CString::new(track_name.as_bytes()).expect("CString::new failed");
// SAFETY: The function does not accept the pointer ownership, only reads its contents.
// The passed string is guaranteed to be null-terminated by CString.
unsafe {
trace_bind::atrace_async_for_track_end_wrap(tag.bits(), track_name_cstr.as_ptr(), cookie);
/// Trace an instantaneous context. `name` is used to identify the context.
/// An "instant" is an event with no defined duration. Visually is displayed like a single marker
/// in the timeline (rather than a span, in the case of begin/end events).
/// By default, instant events are added into a dedicated track that has the same name of the event.
/// Use `atrace_instant_for_track` to put different instant events into the same timeline track/row.
pub fn atrace_instant(tag: AtraceTag, name: &str) {
if !atrace_is_tag_enabled(tag) {
let name_cstr = CString::new(name.as_bytes()).expect("CString::new failed");
// SAFETY: The function does not accept the pointer ownership, only reads its contents.
// The passed string is guaranteed to be null-terminated by CString.
unsafe {
trace_bind::atrace_instant_wrap(tag.bits(), name_cstr.as_ptr());
/// Trace an instantaneous context. `name` is used to identify the context. `track_name` is the name
/// of the row where the event should be recorded.
/// An "instant" is an event with no defined duration. Visually is displayed like a single marker
/// in the timeline (rather than a span, in the case of begin/end events).
pub fn atrace_instant_for_track(tag: AtraceTag, track_name: &str, name: &str) {
if !atrace_is_tag_enabled(tag) {
let name_cstr = CString::new(name.as_bytes()).expect("CString::new failed");
let track_name_cstr = CString::new(track_name.as_bytes()).expect("CString::new failed");
// SAFETY: The function does not accept the pointer ownership, only reads its contents.
// The passed string is guaranteed to be null-terminated by CString.
unsafe {
/// Traces an integer counter value. `name` is used to identify the counter.
/// This can be used to track how a value changes over time.
pub fn atrace_int(tag: AtraceTag, name: &str, value: i32) {
if !atrace_is_tag_enabled(tag) {
let name_cstr = CString::new(name.as_bytes()).expect("CString::new failed");
// SAFETY: The function does not accept the pointer ownership, only reads its contents.
// The passed string is guaranteed to be null-terminated by CString.
unsafe {
trace_bind::atrace_int_wrap(tag.bits(), name_cstr.as_ptr(), value);
/// Traces a 64-bit integer counter value. `name` is used to identify the counter.
/// This can be used to track how a value changes over time.
pub fn atrace_int64(tag: AtraceTag, name: &str, value: i64) {
if !atrace_is_tag_enabled(tag) {
let name_cstr = CString::new(name.as_bytes()).expect("CString::new failed");
// SAFETY: The function does not accept the pointer ownership, only reads its contents.
// The passed string is guaranteed to be null-terminated by CString.
unsafe {
trace_bind::atrace_int64_wrap(tag.bits(), name_cstr.as_ptr(), value);
use self::tests::mock_atrace as trace_bind;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::os::raw::c_char;
/// Utilities to mock ATrace bindings.
/// Normally, for behavior-driven testing we focus on the outcomes of the functions rather than
/// calls into bindings. However, since the purpose of the library is to forward data into
/// the underlying implementation (which we assume to be correct), that's what we test.
pub mod mock_atrace {
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::os::raw::c_char;
/// Contains logic to check binding calls.
/// Implement this trait in the test with mocking logic and checks in implemented functions.
/// Default implementations panic.
pub trait ATraceMocker {
fn atrace_set_tracing_enabled(&mut self, _enabled: bool) {
panic!("Unexpected call");
fn atrace_init(&mut self) {
panic!("Unexpected call");
fn atrace_get_enabled_tags(&mut self) -> u64 {
panic!("Unexpected call");
fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
panic!("Unexpected call");
fn atrace_begin_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64, _name: *const c_char) {
panic!("Unexpected call");
fn atrace_end_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) {
panic!("Unexpected call");
fn atrace_async_begin_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64, _name: *const c_char, _cookie: i32) {
panic!("Unexpected call");
fn atrace_async_end_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64, _name: *const c_char, _cookie: i32) {
panic!("Unexpected call");
fn atrace_async_for_track_begin_wrap(
&mut self,
_tag: u64,
_track_name: *const c_char,
_name: *const c_char,
_cookie: i32,
) {
panic!("Unexpected call");
fn atrace_async_for_track_end_wrap(
&mut self,
_tag: u64,
_track_name: *const c_char,
_cookie: i32,
) {
panic!("Unexpected call");
fn atrace_instant_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64, _name: *const c_char) {
panic!("Unexpected call");
fn atrace_instant_for_track_wrap(
&mut self,
_tag: u64,
_track_name: *const c_char,
_name: *const c_char,
) {
panic!("Unexpected call");
fn atrace_int_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64, _name: *const c_char, _value: i32) {
panic!("Unexpected call");
fn atrace_int64_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64, _name: *const c_char, _value: i64) {
panic!("Unexpected call");
/// This method should contain checks to be performed at the end of the test.
fn finish(&self) {}
struct DefaultMocker;
impl ATraceMocker for DefaultMocker {}
// Global mock object is thread-local, so that the tests can run safely in parallel.
thread_local!(static MOCKER: RefCell<Box<dyn ATraceMocker>> = RefCell::new(Box::new(DefaultMocker{})));
/// Sets the global mock object.
fn set_mocker(mocker: Box<dyn ATraceMocker>) {
MOCKER.with(|m| *m.borrow_mut() = mocker)
/// Calls the passed method `f` with a mutable reference to the global mock object.
/// Example:
/// ```
/// with_mocker(|mocker| mocker.atrace_begin_wrap(tag, name))
/// ```
fn with_mocker<F, R>(f: F) -> R
F: FnOnce(&mut dyn ATraceMocker) -> R,
MOCKER.with(|m| f(m.borrow_mut().as_mut()))
/// Finish the test and perform final checks in the mocker.
/// Calls `finish()` on the global mocker.
/// Needs to be called manually at the end of each test that uses mocks.
/// May panic, so it can not be called in `drop()` methods,
/// since it may result in double panic.
pub fn mocker_finish() {
with_mocker(|m| m.finish())
/// RAII guard that resets the mock to the default implementation.
pub struct MockerGuard;
impl Drop for MockerGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
set_mocker(Box::new(DefaultMocker {}));
/// Sets the mock object for the duration of the scope.
/// Returns a RAII guard that resets the mock back to default on destruction.
pub fn set_scoped_mocker<T: ATraceMocker + 'static>(m: T) -> MockerGuard {
MockerGuard {}
// Wrapped functions that forward calls into mocker.
// The functions are marked as unsafe to match the binding interface, won't compile otherwise.
// The mocker methods themselves are not marked as unsafe.
pub unsafe fn atrace_set_tracing_enabled(enabled: bool) {
with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_set_tracing_enabled(enabled))
pub unsafe fn atrace_init() {
with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_init())
pub unsafe fn atrace_get_enabled_tags() -> u64 {
with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_get_enabled_tags())
pub unsafe fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(tag: u64) -> u64 {
with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(tag))
pub unsafe fn atrace_begin_wrap(tag: u64, name: *const c_char) {
with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_begin_wrap(tag, name))
pub unsafe fn atrace_end_wrap(tag: u64) {
with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_end_wrap(tag))
pub unsafe fn atrace_async_begin_wrap(tag: u64, name: *const c_char, cookie: i32) {
with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_async_begin_wrap(tag, name, cookie))
pub unsafe fn atrace_async_end_wrap(tag: u64, name: *const c_char, cookie: i32) {
with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_async_end_wrap(tag, name, cookie))
pub unsafe fn atrace_async_for_track_begin_wrap(
tag: u64,
track_name: *const c_char,
name: *const c_char,
cookie: i32,
) {
with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_async_for_track_begin_wrap(tag, track_name, name, cookie))
pub unsafe fn atrace_async_for_track_end_wrap(
tag: u64,
track_name: *const c_char,
cookie: i32,
) {
with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_async_for_track_end_wrap(tag, track_name, cookie))
pub unsafe fn atrace_instant_wrap(tag: u64, name: *const c_char) {
with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_instant_wrap(tag, name))
pub unsafe fn atrace_instant_for_track_wrap(
tag: u64,
track_name: *const c_char,
name: *const c_char,
) {
with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_instant_for_track_wrap(tag, track_name, name))
pub unsafe fn atrace_int_wrap(tag: u64, name: *const c_char, value: i32) {
with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_int_wrap(tag, name, value))
pub unsafe fn atrace_int64_wrap(tag: u64, name: *const c_char, value: i64) {
with_mocker(|m| m.atrace_int64_wrap(tag, name, value))
fn forwards_set_tracing_enabled() {
struct CallCheck {
set_tracing_enabled_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_set_tracing_enabled(&mut self, enabled: bool) {
self.set_tracing_enabled_count += 1;
assert!(self.set_tracing_enabled_count < 2);
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.set_tracing_enabled_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
fn forwards_atrace_init() {
struct CallCheck {
init_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_init(&mut self) {
self.init_count += 1;
assert!(self.init_count < 2);
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.init_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
fn forwards_atrace_get_enabled_tags() {
struct CallCheck {
get_enabled_tags_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_get_enabled_tags(&mut self) -> u64 {
self.get_enabled_tags_count += 1;
assert!(self.get_enabled_tags_count < 2);
(cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_HAL | cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_GRAPHICS)
as u64
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.get_enabled_tags_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
let res = atrace_get_enabled_tags();
assert_eq!(res, AtraceTag::Hal | AtraceTag::Graphics);
fn forwards_trace_begin() {
struct CallCheck {
begin_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
fn atrace_begin_wrap(&mut self, tag: u64, name: *const c_char) {
self.begin_count += 1;
assert!(self.begin_count < 2);
assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
// SAFETY: If the code under test is correct, the pointer is guaranteed to satisfy
// the requirements of `CStr::from_ptr`. If the code is not correct, this section is
// unsafe and will hopefully fail the test.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(CStr::from_ptr(name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"), "Test Name");
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.begin_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
atrace_begin(AtraceTag::App, "Test Name");
fn trace_begin_not_called_with_disabled_tag() {
struct CallCheck {
is_tag_enabled_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
self.is_tag_enabled_count += 1;
assert!(self.is_tag_enabled_count < 2);
fn atrace_begin_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64, _name: *const c_char) {
panic!("Begin should not be called with disabled tag.")
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.is_tag_enabled_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
atrace_begin(AtraceTag::App, "Ignore me");
fn forwards_trace_end() {
struct CallCheck {
end_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_end_wrap(&mut self, tag: u64) {
self.end_count += 1;
assert!(self.end_count < 2);
assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.end_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
fn can_combine_tags() {
struct CallCheck {
begin_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
fn atrace_begin_wrap(&mut self, tag: u64, _name: *const c_char) {
self.begin_count += 1;
assert!(self.begin_count < 2);
(cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_HAL | cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_CAMERA)
as u64
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.begin_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
atrace_begin(AtraceTag::Hal | AtraceTag::Camera, "foo");
fn forwards_is_tag_enabled() {
struct CallCheck {
is_tag_enabled_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, tag: u64) -> u64 {
self.is_tag_enabled_count += 1;
assert!(self.is_tag_enabled_count < 2);
assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_ADB as u64);
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.is_tag_enabled_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
let res = atrace_is_tag_enabled(AtraceTag::Adb);
fn forwards_async_begin() {
struct CallCheck {
async_begin_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
fn atrace_async_begin_wrap(&mut self, tag: u64, name: *const c_char, cookie: i32) {
self.async_begin_count += 1;
assert!(self.async_begin_count < 2);
assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
// SAFETY: If the code under test is correct, the pointer is guaranteed to satisfy
// the requirements of `CStr::from_ptr`. If the code is not correct, this section is
// unsafe and will hopefully fail the test.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(CStr::from_ptr(name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"), "Test Name");
assert_eq!(cookie, 123);
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.async_begin_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
atrace_async_begin(AtraceTag::App, "Test Name", 123);
fn forwards_async_end() {
struct CallCheck {
async_end_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
fn atrace_async_end_wrap(&mut self, tag: u64, name: *const c_char, cookie: i32) {
self.async_end_count += 1;
assert!(self.async_end_count < 2);
assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
// SAFETY: If the code under test is correct, the pointer is guaranteed to satisfy
// the requirements of `CStr::from_ptr`. If the code is not correct, this section is
// unsafe and will hopefully fail the test.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(CStr::from_ptr(name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"), "Test Name");
assert_eq!(cookie, 123);
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.async_end_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
atrace_async_end(AtraceTag::App, "Test Name", 123);
fn forwards_async_for_track_begin() {
struct CallCheck {
async_for_track_begin_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
fn atrace_async_for_track_begin_wrap(
&mut self,
tag: u64,
track_name: *const c_char,
name: *const c_char,
cookie: i32,
) {
self.async_for_track_begin_count += 1;
assert!(self.async_for_track_begin_count < 2);
assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
// SAFETY: If the code under test is correct, the pointer is guaranteed to satisfy
// the requirements of `CStr::from_ptr`. If the code is not correct, this section is
// unsafe and will hopefully fail the test.
unsafe {
CStr::from_ptr(track_name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"),
assert_eq!(CStr::from_ptr(name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"), "Test Name");
assert_eq!(cookie, 123);
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.async_for_track_begin_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
atrace_async_for_track_begin(AtraceTag::App, "Track", "Test Name", 123);
fn forwards_async_for_track_end() {
struct CallCheck {
async_for_track_end_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
fn atrace_async_for_track_end_wrap(
&mut self,
tag: u64,
track_name: *const c_char,
cookie: i32,
) {
self.async_for_track_end_count += 1;
assert!(self.async_for_track_end_count < 2);
assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
// SAFETY: If the code under test is correct, the pointer is guaranteed to satisfy
// the requirements of `CStr::from_ptr`. If the code is not correct, this section is
// unsafe and will hopefully fail the test.
unsafe {
CStr::from_ptr(track_name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"),
assert_eq!(cookie, 123);
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.async_for_track_end_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
atrace_async_for_track_end(AtraceTag::App, "Track", 123);
fn forwards_trace_instant() {
struct CallCheck {
trace_instant_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
fn atrace_instant_wrap(&mut self, tag: u64, name: *const c_char) {
self.trace_instant_count += 1;
assert!(self.trace_instant_count < 2);
assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
// SAFETY: If the code under test is correct, the pointer is guaranteed to satisfy
// the requirements of `CStr::from_ptr`. If the code is not correct, this section is
// unsafe and will hopefully fail the test.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(CStr::from_ptr(name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"), "Test Name");
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.trace_instant_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
atrace_instant(AtraceTag::App, "Test Name");
fn forwards_trace_instant_for_track() {
struct CallCheck {
trace_instant_for_track_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
fn atrace_instant_for_track_wrap(
&mut self,
tag: u64,
track_name: *const c_char,
name: *const c_char,
) {
self.trace_instant_for_track_count += 1;
assert!(self.trace_instant_for_track_count < 2);
assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
// SAFETY: If the code under test is correct, the pointer is guaranteed to satisfy
// the requirements of `CStr::from_ptr`. If the code is not correct, this section is
// unsafe and will hopefully fail the test.
unsafe {
CStr::from_ptr(track_name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"),
assert_eq!(CStr::from_ptr(name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"), "Test Name");
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.trace_instant_for_track_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
atrace_instant_for_track(AtraceTag::App, "Track", "Test Name");
fn forwards_trace_int() {
struct CallCheck {
trace_int_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
fn atrace_int_wrap(&mut self, tag: u64, name: *const c_char, value: i32) {
self.trace_int_count += 1;
assert!(self.trace_int_count < 2);
assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
// SAFETY: If the code under test is correct, the pointer is guaranteed to satisfy
// the requirements of `CStr::from_ptr`. If the code is not correct, this section is
// unsafe and will hopefully fail the test.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(CStr::from_ptr(name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"), "Test Name");
assert_eq!(value, 32);
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.trace_int_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
atrace_int(AtraceTag::App, "Test Name", 32);
fn forwards_trace_int64() {
struct CallCheck {
trace_int64_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
fn atrace_int64_wrap(&mut self, tag: u64, name: *const c_char, value: i64) {
self.trace_int64_count += 1;
assert!(self.trace_int64_count < 2);
assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
// SAFETY: If the code under test is correct, the pointer is guaranteed to satisfy
// the requirements of `CStr::from_ptr`. If the code is not correct, this section is
// unsafe and will hopefully fail the test.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(CStr::from_ptr(name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"), "Test Name");
assert_eq!(value, 64);
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.trace_int64_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
atrace_int64(AtraceTag::App, "Test Name", 64);
fn scoped_event_starts_and_ends_in_order() {
struct CallCheck {
begin_count: u32,
end_count: u32,
instant_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
fn atrace_begin_wrap(&mut self, tag: u64, name: *const c_char) {
assert_eq!(self.end_count, 0);
assert_eq!(self.instant_count, 0);
self.begin_count += 1;
assert!(self.begin_count < 2);
assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
// SAFETY: If the code under test is correct, the pointer is guaranteed to satisfy
// the requirements of `CStr::from_ptr`. If the code is not correct, this section is
// unsafe and will hopefully fail the test.
unsafe {
CStr::from_ptr(name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"),
"Scoped Event"
fn atrace_instant_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64, _name: *const c_char) {
// We don't care about the contents of the event, we only use it to check begin/end ordering.
assert_eq!(self.begin_count, 1);
assert_eq!(self.end_count, 0);
self.instant_count += 1;
assert!(self.instant_count < 2);
fn atrace_end_wrap(&mut self, tag: u64) {
assert_eq!(self.begin_count, 1);
assert_eq!(self.instant_count, 1);
self.end_count += 1;
assert!(self.end_count < 2);
assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.begin_count, 1);
assert_eq!(self.end_count, 1);
assert_eq!(self.instant_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());
let _event_guard = begin_scoped_event(AtraceTag::App, "Scoped Event");
atrace_instant(AtraceTag::App, "Instant event called within scoped event");
// Need to have this alias to make the macro work, since it calls atrace::begin_scoped_event.
use crate as atrace;
fn traced_method_for_test() {
atrace_instant(AtraceTag::App, "Instant event called within method");
fn method_trace_starts_and_ends_in_order() {
struct CallCheck {
begin_count: u32,
end_count: u32,
instant_count: u32,
impl mock_atrace::ATraceMocker for CallCheck {
fn atrace_is_tag_enabled_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64) -> u64 {
fn atrace_begin_wrap(&mut self, tag: u64, name: *const c_char) {
assert_eq!(self.end_count, 0);
assert_eq!(self.instant_count, 0);
self.begin_count += 1;
assert!(self.begin_count < 2);
assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
// SAFETY: If the code under test is correct, the pointer is guaranteed to satisfy
// the requirements of `CStr::from_ptr`. If the code is not correct, this section is
// unsafe and will hopefully fail the test.
unsafe {
CStr::from_ptr(name).to_str().expect("to_str failed"),
fn atrace_instant_wrap(&mut self, _tag: u64, _name: *const c_char) {
// We don't care about the contents of the event, we only use it to check begin/end ordering.
assert_eq!(self.begin_count, 1);
assert_eq!(self.end_count, 0);
self.instant_count += 1;
assert!(self.instant_count < 2);
fn atrace_end_wrap(&mut self, tag: u64) {
assert_eq!(self.begin_count, 1);
assert_eq!(self.instant_count, 1);
self.end_count += 1;
assert!(self.end_count < 2);
assert_eq!(tag, cutils_trace_bindgen::ATRACE_TAG_APP as u64);
fn finish(&self) {
assert_eq!(self.begin_count, 1);
assert_eq!(self.end_count, 1);
assert_eq!(self.instant_count, 1);
let _guard = mock_atrace::set_scoped_mocker(CallCheck::default());