blob: 5a0e4a91bab4b2c0320a9653d9c3bb5df36d967a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import unittest
import sys
import os
from unittest import mock
from torq import create_parser, verify_args, get_command_type,\
TEST_FILE = "file.pbtxt"
SYMBOLS_PATH = "/folder/symbols"
class TorqUnitTest(unittest.TestCase):
def set_up_parser(self, command_string):
parser = create_parser()
sys.argv = command_string.split()
return parser
# TODO(b/285191111): Parameterize the test functions.
def test_create_parser_default_values(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser("")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.event, "custom")
self.assertEqual(args.profiler, "perfetto")
self.assertEqual(args.out_dir, DEFAULT_OUT_DIR)
self.assertEqual(args.runs, 1)
self.assertEqual(args.perfetto_config, "default")
self.assertEqual(args.dur_ms, DEFAULT_DUR_MS)
self.assertEqual(args.between_dur_ms, DEFAULT_DUR_MS)
def test_create_parser_valid_event_names(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -e custom")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.event, "custom")
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -e boot")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.event, "boot")
parser = self.set_up_parser(
" -e user-switch --to-user %s" % str(TEST_USER_ID))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.event, "user-switch")
parser = self.set_up_parser(
" -e app-startup --app %s" % TEST_PACKAGE)
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.event, "app-startup")
def test_create_parser_invalid_event_names(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -e fake-event")
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
@mock.patch.object(os.path, "exists", autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(os.path, "isdir", autospec=True)
def test_create_parser_valid_profiler_names(self, mock_isdir, mock_exists):
mock_isdir.return_value = True
mock_exists.return_value = True
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -p perfetto")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.profiler, "perfetto")
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -p simpleperf --symbols %s"
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.profiler, "simpleperf")
def test_create_parser_invalid_profiler_names(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -p fake-profiler")
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
@mock.patch.object(os.path, "isdir", autospec=True)
def test_verify_args_valid_out_dir_path(self, mock_is_dir):
mock_is_dir.return_value = True
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -o mock-directory")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.out_dir, "mock-directory")
@mock.patch.object(os.path, "isdir", autospec=True)
def test_verify_args_invalid_out_dir_paths(self, mock_is_dir):
mock_is_dir.return_value = False
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -o mock-file")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because"
" --out-dir is not a valid"
" directory path: mock-file."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, None)
def test_create_parser_valid_ui(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" --ui")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.ui, True)
parser = self.set_up_parser(" --no-ui")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.ui, False)
def test_verify_args_valid_dur_ms_values(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -d 100000")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.dur_ms, 100000)
def test_verify_args_ui_and_runs_valid_dependency(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -r 2 --no-ui")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
def test_verify_args_ui_and_runs_invalid_dependency(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -r 2 --ui")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because --ui cannot be"
" passed if --runs is set to a value"
" greater than 1."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Set torq -r 2 --no-ui to perform 2"
" runs."))
def test_verify_args_ui_bool_true_and_runs_default_dependencies(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser("")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.ui, True)
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -r 1")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.ui, True)
# UI is false by default when multiple runs are specified.
def test_verify_args_ui_bool_false_and_runs_default_dependency(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -r 2")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.ui, False)
def test_verify_args_invalid_dur_ms_values(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -d -200")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because"
" --dur-ms cannot be set to a value"
" smaller than 3000."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Set --dur-ms 3000 to capture a"
" trace for 3 seconds."))
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -d 0")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because"
" --dur-ms cannot be set to a value"
" smaller than 3000."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Set --dur-ms 3000 to capture a"
" trace for 3 seconds."))
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -d 20")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because"
" --dur-ms cannot be set to a value"
" smaller than 3000."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Set --dur-ms 3000 to capture a"
" trace for 3 seconds."))
def test_verify_args_valid_between_dur_ms_values(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -r 2 --between-dur-ms 10000")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.between_dur_ms, 10000)
def test_verify_args_invalid_between_dur_ms_values(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -r 2 --between-dur-ms -200")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because"
" --between-dur-ms cannot be set to"
" a smaller value than 3000."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Set --between-dur-ms 3000 to wait"
" 3 seconds between each run."))
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -r 2 --between-dur-ms 0")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because"
" --between-dur-ms cannot be set to a"
" smaller value than 3000."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Set --between-dur-ms 3000 to wait"
" 3 seconds between each run."))
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -r 2 --between-dur-ms 20")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because"
" --between-dur-ms cannot be set to a"
" smaller value than 3000."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Set --between-dur-ms 3000 to wait"
" 3 seconds between each run."))
def test_verify_args_valid_runs_values(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -r 4")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.runs, 4)
def test_verify_args_invalid_runs_values(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -r -2")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because --runs"
" cannot be set to a value smaller"
" than 1."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, None)
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -r 0")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because --runs"
" cannot be set to a value smaller"
" than 1."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, None)
@mock.patch.object(os.path, "isfile", autospec=True)
def test_verify_args_valid_perfetto_config_path(self, mock_is_file):
mock_is_file.return_value = True
parser = self.set_up_parser(" --perfetto-config mock-file")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.perfetto_config, "mock-file")
parser = self.set_up_parser(" --perfetto-config default")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.perfetto_config, "default")
parser = self.set_up_parser(" --perfetto-config lightweight")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.perfetto_config, "lightweight")
parser = self.set_up_parser(" --perfetto-config memory")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.perfetto_config, "memory")
@mock.patch.object(os.path, "isfile", autospec=True)
def test_verify_args_invalid_perfetto_config_path(self, mock_is_file):
mock_is_file.return_value = False
parser = self.set_up_parser(" --perfetto-config unexisting-file")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because"
" --perfetto-config is not a"
" valid file path: unexisting-file"))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Predefined perfetto configs can be"
" used:\n"
"\t torq --perfetto-config default\n"
"\t torq --perfetto-config"
" lightweight\n"
"\t torq --perfetto-config memory\n"
"\t A filepath with a config can also"
" be used:\n"
"\t torq --perfetto-config"
" <config-filepath>"))
parser = self.set_up_parser(" --perfetto-config mock-directory")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because"
" --perfetto-config is not a"
" valid file path: mock-directory"))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Predefined perfetto configs can be"
" used:\n"
"\t torq --perfetto-config default\n"
"\t torq --perfetto-config"
" lightweight\n"
"\t torq --perfetto-config memory\n"
"\t A filepath with a config can also"
" be used:\n"
"\t torq --perfetto-config"
" <config-filepath>"))
def test_verify_args_from_user_and_event_valid_dependency(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser((" -e user-switch --from-user 0"
" --to-user %s") % str(TEST_USER_ID))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
def test_verify_args_from_user_and_event_invalid_dependency(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" --from-user %s" % str(TEST_USER_ID))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because --from-user"
" is passed, but --event is not set to"
" user-switch."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Set --event user-switch --from-user %s"
" to perform a user-switch from user"
" %s." % (str(TEST_USER_ID),
def test_verify_args_to_user_and_event_valid_dependency(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(
" -e user-switch --to-user %s" % str(TEST_USER_ID))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
def test_verify_args_to_user_not_passed_and_event_invalid_dependency(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -e user-switch")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because --to-user is"
" not passed."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Set --event user-switch --to-user"
" <user-id> to perform a user-switch."))
def test_verify_args_to_user_and_user_switch_not_set_invalid_dependency(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" --to-user %s" % str(TEST_USER_ID))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because --to-user"
" is passed, but --event is not set to"
" user-switch."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Set --event user-switch --to-user %s"
" to perform a user-switch to user"
" %s." % (str(TEST_USER_ID),
def test_verify_args_app_and_event_valid_dependency(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -e app-startup -a %s" % TEST_PACKAGE)
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
def test_verify_args_app_not_passed_and_event_invalid_dependency(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -e app-startup")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
"Command is invalid because --app is not passed.")
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Set --event app-startup --app "
"<package> to perform an app-startup."))
def test_verify_args_app_and_app_startup_not_set_invalid_dependency(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -a %s" % TEST_PACKAGE)
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because --app is"
" passed and --event is not set to"
" app-startup."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("To profile an app startup run:"
" torq --event app-startup --app"
" <package-name>"))
@mock.patch.object(os.path, "exists", autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(os.path, "isdir", autospec=True)
def test_verify_args_profiler_and_simpleperf_event_valid_dependencies(self,
mock_isdir, mock_exists):
mock_isdir.return_value = True
mock_exists.return_value = True
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -p simpleperf --symbols %s"
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(len(args.simpleperf_event), 1)
self.assertEqual(args.simpleperf_event[0], "cpu-cycles")
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -p simpleperf -s cpu-cycles "
"--symbols %s" % SYMBOLS_PATH)
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(len(args.simpleperf_event), 1)
self.assertEqual(args.simpleperf_event[0], "cpu-cycles")
def test_verify_args_profiler_and_simpleperf_event_invalid_dependencies(
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -s cpu-cycles")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because"
" --simpleperf-event cannot be passed if"
" --profiler is not set to simpleperf."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("To capture the simpleperf event run:"
" torq --profiler simpleperf"
" --simpleperf-event cpu-cycles"))
def test_profiler_and_perfetto_config_valid_dependency(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser((" -p perfetto --perfetto-config"
" lightweight"))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
def test_verify_args_profiler_and_perfetto_config_invalid_dependency(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -p simpleperf --perfetto-config"
" lightweight")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because"
" --perfetto-config cannot be passed if"
" --profiler is not set to perfetto."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Set --profiler perfetto to choose a"
" perfetto-config to use."))
def test_verify_args_runs_and_between_dur_ms_valid_dependency(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -r 2 --between-dur-ms 5000")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
def test_verify_args_runs_and_between_dur_ms_invalid_dependency(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" --between-dur-ms 5000")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because"
" --between-dur-ms cannot be passed"
" if --runs is not a value greater"
" than 1."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, "Set --runs 2 to run 2 tests.")
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -r 1 --between-dur-ms 5000")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because"
" --between-dur-ms cannot be passed"
" if --runs is not a value greater"
" than 1."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, "Set --runs 2 to run 2 tests.")
def test_verify_args_profiler_and_ftrace_events_valid_dependencies(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser((" --excluded-ftrace-events"
" syscall-enter"))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.excluded_ftrace_events, ["syscall-enter"])
parser = self.set_up_parser((" -p perfetto --excluded-ftrace-events"
" syscall-enter"))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(args.excluded_ftrace_events, ["syscall-enter"])
self.assertEqual(error, None)
parser = self.set_up_parser((" -p perfetto --included-ftrace-events"
" syscall-enter"))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(args.included_ftrace_events, ["syscall-enter"])
self.assertEqual(error, None)
def test_verify_args_profiler_and_ftrace_events_invalid_dependencies(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser((" -p simpleperf"
" --excluded-ftrace-events syscall-enter"))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because"
" --excluded-ftrace-events cannot be"
" passed if --profiler is not set to"
" perfetto."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Set --profiler perfetto to exclude an"
" ftrace event from perfetto config."))
parser = self.set_up_parser((" -p simpleperf"
" --included-ftrace-events syscall-enter"))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because"
" --included-ftrace-events cannot be"
" passed if --profiler is not set to"
" perfetto."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Set --profiler perfetto to include"
" an ftrace event in perfetto config."))
def test_verify_args_multiple_valid_excluded_ftrace_events(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser((" --excluded-ftrace-events"
" power/cpu_idle --excluded-ftrace-events"
" ion/ion_stat"))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.excluded_ftrace_events, ["power/cpu_idle",
def test_verify_args_multiple_invalid_excluded_ftrace_events(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser((" --excluded-ftrace-events"
" power/cpu_idle --excluded-ftrace-events"
" power/cpu_idle"))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because duplicate"
" ftrace events cannot be"
" included in --excluded-ftrace-events."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("--excluded-ftrace-events should only"
" include one instance of an ftrace"
" event."))
def test_verify_args_multiple_valid_included_ftrace_events(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser((" --included-ftrace-events"
" power/cpu_idle --included-ftrace-events"
" ion/ion_stat"))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.included_ftrace_events, ["power/cpu_idle",
def test_verify_args_multiple_invalid_included_ftrace_events(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser((" --included-ftrace-events"
" power/cpu_idle --included-ftrace-events"
" power/cpu_idle"))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because duplicate"
" ftrace events cannot be"
" included in --included-ftrace-events."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("--included-ftrace-events should only"
" include one instance of an ftrace"
" event."))
def test_verify_args_invalid_overlap_ftrace_events(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser((" --excluded-ftrace-events"
" ion/ion_stat --excluded-ftrace-events"
" power/cpu_idle --excluded-ftrace-events"
" power/gpu_frequency --included-ftrace-events"
" ion/ion_stat --included-ftrace-events"
" power/cpu_idle --included-ftrace-events"
" ftrace/print"))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because ftrace"
" event(s): ion/ion_stat, power/cpu_idle"
" cannot be both included and excluded."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Only set --excluded-ftrace-events"
" ion/ion_stat if you want to"
" exclude ion/ion_stat from the"
" config or --included-ftrace-events"
" ion/ion_stat if you want to"
" include ion/ion_stat in the"
" config.\n\t"
" Only set --excluded-ftrace-events"
" power/cpu_idle if you want to"
" exclude power/cpu_idle from the"
" config or --included-ftrace-events"
" power/cpu_idle if you want to"
" include power/cpu_idle in the"
" config."))
@mock.patch.object(os.path, "exists", autospec=True)
@mock.patch.object(os.path, "isdir", autospec=True)
def test_verify_args_multiple_valid_simpleperf_events(self, mock_isdir,
mock_isdir.return_value = True
mock_exists.return_value = True
parser = self.set_up_parser((" -p simpleperf -s cpu-cycles"
" -s instructions --symbols %s"
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.simpleperf_event, ["cpu-cycles", "instructions"])
def test_verify_args_multiple_invalid_simpleperf_events(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser((" -p simpleperf -s cpu-cycles"
" -s cpu-cycles"))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because redundant"
" calls to --simpleperf-event cannot"
" be made."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Only set --simpleperf-event cpu-cycles"
" once if you want to collect"
" cpu-cycles."))
def test_create_parser_invalid_perfetto_config_command(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" --perfetto-config")
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
def test_verify_args_invalid_mixing_of_profiler_and_config_subcommand(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -d 20000 config pull lightweight")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because profiler"
" command is followed by a config"
" command."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Remove the 'config' subcommand to"
" profile the device instead."))
def test_create_parser_invalid_mixing_of_profiler_and_config_subcommand(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" config pull lightweight -d 20000")
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
def test_get_command_type_profiler(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" -d 20000")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
command = get_command_type(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(command.get_type(), "profiler")
def test_create_parser_valid_config_show_values(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" config show default")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.config_name, "default")
parser = self.set_up_parser(" config show lightweight")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.config_name, "lightweight")
parser = self.set_up_parser(" config show memory")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.config_name, "memory")
def test_create_parser_invalid_config_show_values(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" config show fake-config")
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
def test_create_parser_valid_config_pull_values(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" config pull default")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.config_name, "default")
parser = self.set_up_parser(" config pull lightweight")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.config_name, "lightweight")
parser = self.set_up_parser(" config pull memory")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.config_name, "memory")
def test_create_parser_invalid_config_pull_values(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" config pull fake-config")
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
def test_verify_args_invalid_config_subcommands(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" config")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, ("Command is invalid because torq config"
" cannot be called without a"
" subcommand."))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, ("Use one of the following"
" subcommands:\n"
"\t torq config list\n"
"\t torq config show\n"
"\t torq config pull\n"))
def test_create_parser_invalid_config_subcommands(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" config get")
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
def test_verify_args_default_config_pull_filepath(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" config pull default")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.file_path, "./default.pbtxt")
parser = self.set_up_parser(" config pull lightweight")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.file_path, "./lightweight.pbtxt")
parser = self.set_up_parser(" config pull memory")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.file_path, "./memory.pbtxt")
@mock.patch.object(os.path, "isfile", autospec=True)
def test_verify_args_default_config_pull_invalid_filepath(self, mock_is_file):
mock_invalid_file_path = "mock-invalid-file-path"
mock_is_file.return_value = False
parser = self.set_up_parser((" config pull default %s"
% mock_invalid_file_path))
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, (
"Command is invalid because %s is not a valid filepath."
% mock_invalid_file_path))
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, (
"A default filepath can be used if you do not specify a file-path:\n\t"
" torq pull default to copy to ./default.pbtxt\n\t"
" torq pull lightweight to copy to ./lightweight.pbtxt\n\t "
"torq pull memory to copy to ./memory.pbtxt"))
def test_get_command_type_config_list(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" config list")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
command = get_command_type(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(command.get_type(), "config list")
def test_get_command_type_config_show(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" config show default")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
command = get_command_type(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(command.get_type(), "config show")
def test_get_command_type_config_pull(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" config pull default")
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
command = get_command_type(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(command.get_type(), "config pull")
@mock.patch.object(os.path, "exists", autospec=True)
def test_create_parser_valid_open_subcommand(self, mock_exists):
mock_exists.return_value = True
parser = self.set_up_parser(" open %s" % TEST_FILE)
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error, None)
self.assertEqual(args.file_path, TEST_FILE)
def test_create_parser_open_subcommand_no_file(self):
parser = self.set_up_parser(" open")
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
@mock.patch.object(os.path, "exists", autospec=True)
def test_create_parser_open_subcommand_invalid_file(self, mock_exists):
mock_exists.return_value = False
parser = self.set_up_parser(" open %s" % TEST_FILE)
args = parser.parse_args()
args, error = verify_args(args)
self.assertEqual(error.message, "Command is invalid because %s is an "
"invalid file path." % TEST_FILE)
self.assertEqual(error.suggestion, "Make sure your file exists.")
if __name__ == '__main__':