blob: 203c5cf2130c69e78bc6768ebe76f25cf3ff6377 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/file.h>
#include <android-base/parseint.h>
#include <android-base/scopeguard.h>
#include <android-base/stringprintf.h>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
#if defined(__ANDROID__)
#include <android-base/properties.h>
#include "CallChainJoiner.h"
#include "cmd_record_impl.h"
#include "command.h"
#include "environment.h"
#include "ETMRecorder.h"
#include "event_selection_set.h"
#include "event_type.h"
#include "IOEventLoop.h"
#include "JITDebugReader.h"
#include "OfflineUnwinder.h"
#include "ProbeEvents.h"
#include "read_apk.h"
#include "read_elf.h"
#include "read_symbol_map.h"
#include "record.h"
#include "record_file.h"
#include "thread_tree.h"
#include "tracing.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "workload.h"
using android::base::ParseUint;
using android::base::Realpath;
using namespace simpleperf;
static std::string default_measured_event_type = "cpu-cycles";
static std::unordered_map<std::string, uint64_t> branch_sampling_type_map = {
static std::unordered_map<std::string, int> clockid_map = {
{"realtime", CLOCK_REALTIME},
{"monotonic", CLOCK_MONOTONIC},
{"monotonic_raw", CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW},
{"boottime", CLOCK_BOOTTIME},
// The max size of records dumped by kernel is 65535, and dump stack size
// should be a multiply of 8, so MAX_DUMP_STACK_SIZE is 65528.
constexpr uint32_t MAX_DUMP_STACK_SIZE = 65528;
// The max allowed pages in mapped buffer is decided by rlimit(RLIMIT_MEMLOCK).
// Here 1024 is a desired value for pages in mapped buffer. If mapped
// successfully, the buffer size = 1024 * 4K (page size) = 4M.
constexpr size_t DESIRED_PAGES_IN_MAPPED_BUFFER = 1024;
// Cache size used by CallChainJoiner to cache call chains in memory.
constexpr size_t DEFAULT_CALL_CHAIN_JOINER_CACHE_SIZE = 8 * 1024 * 1024;
// Currently, the record buffer size in user-space is set to match the kernel buffer size on a
// 8 core system. For system-wide recording, it is 8K pages * 4K page_size * 8 cores = 256MB.
// For non system-wide recording, it is 1K pages * 4K page_size * 8 cores = 64MB.
static constexpr size_t kRecordBufferSize = 64 * 1024 * 1024;
static constexpr size_t kSystemWideRecordBufferSize = 256 * 1024 * 1024;
static constexpr size_t kDefaultAuxBufferSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024;
// On Pixel 3, it takes about 1ms to enable ETM, and 16-40ms to disable ETM and copy 4M ETM data.
// So make default period to 100ms.
static constexpr double kDefaultEtmDataFlushPeriodInSec = 0.1;
struct TimeStat {
uint64_t prepare_recording_time = 0;
uint64_t start_recording_time = 0;
uint64_t stop_recording_time = 0;
uint64_t finish_recording_time = 0;
uint64_t post_process_time = 0;
class RecordCommand : public Command {
: Command(
"record", "record sampling info in",
// clang-format off
"Usage: simpleperf record [options] [--] [command [command-args]]\n"
" Gather sampling information of running [command]. And -a/-p/-t option\n"
" can be used to change target of sampling information.\n"
" The default options are: -e cpu-cycles -f 4000 -o\n"
"Select monitored threads:\n"
"-a System-wide collection. Use with --exclude-perf to exclude samples for\n"
" simpleperf process.\n"
#if defined(__ANDROID__)
"--app package_name Profile the process of an Android application.\n"
" On non-rooted devices, the app must be debuggable,\n"
" because we use run-as to switch to the app's context.\n"
"-p pid1,pid2,... Record events on existing processes. Mutually exclusive\n"
" with -a.\n"
"-t tid1,tid2,... Record events on existing threads. Mutually exclusive with -a.\n"
"--exclude-perf Exclude samples for simpleperf process.\n"
"Select monitored event types:\n"
"-e event1[:modifier1],event2[:modifier2],...\n"
" Select a list of events to record. An event can be:\n"
" 1) an event name listed in `simpleperf list`;\n"
" 2) a raw PMU event in rN format. N is a hex number.\n"
" For example, r1b selects event number 0x1b.\n"
" 3) a kprobe event added by --kprobe option.\n"
" Modifiers can be added to define how the event should be\n"
" monitored. Possible modifiers are:\n"
" u - monitor user space events only\n"
" k - monitor kernel space events only\n"
"--group event1[:modifier],event2[:modifier2],...\n"
" Similar to -e option. But events specified in the same --group\n"
" option are monitored as a group, and scheduled in and out at the\n"
" same time.\n"
"--trace-offcpu Generate samples when threads are scheduled off cpu.\n"
" Similar to \"-c 1 -e sched:sched_switch\".\n"
"--kprobe kprobe_event1,kprobe_event2,...\n"
" Add kprobe events during recording. The kprobe_event format is in\n"
" Documentation/trace/kprobetrace.rst in the kernel. Examples:\n"
" 'p:myprobe do_sys_open $arg2:string' - add event kprobes:myprobe\n"
" 'r:myretprobe do_sys_open $retval:s64' - add event kprobes:myretprobe\n"
"Select monitoring options:\n"
"-f freq Set event sample frequency. It means recording at most [freq]\n"
" samples every second. For non-tracepoint events, the default\n"
" option is -f 4000. A -f/-c option affects all event types\n"
" following it until meeting another -f/-c option. For example,\n"
" for \"-f 1000 cpu-cycles -c 1 -e sched:sched_switch\", cpu-cycles\n"
" has sample freq 1000, sched:sched_switch event has sample period 1.\n"
"-c count Set event sample period. It means recording one sample when\n"
" [count] events happen. For tracepoint events, the default option\n"
" is -c 1.\n"
"--call-graph fp | dwarf[,<dump_stack_size>]\n"
" Enable call graph recording. Use frame pointer or dwarf debug\n"
" frame as the method to parse call graph in stack.\n"
" Default is dwarf,65528.\n"
"-g Same as '--call-graph dwarf'.\n"
"--clockid clock_id Generate timestamps of samples using selected clock.\n"
" Possible values are: realtime, monotonic,\n"
" monotonic_raw, boottime, perf. If supported, default\n"
" is monotonic, otherwise is perf.\n"
"--cpu cpu_item1,cpu_item2,...\n"
" Collect samples only on the selected cpus. cpu_item can be cpu\n"
" number like 1, or cpu range like 0-3.\n"
"--duration time_in_sec Monitor for time_in_sec seconds instead of running\n"
" [command]. Here time_in_sec may be any positive\n"
" floating point number.\n"
"-j branch_filter1,branch_filter2,...\n"
" Enable taken branch stack sampling. Each sample captures a series\n"
" of consecutive taken branches.\n"
" The following filters are defined:\n"
" any: any type of branch\n"
" any_call: any function call or system call\n"
" any_ret: any function return or system call return\n"
" ind_call: any indirect branch\n"
" u: only when the branch target is at the user level\n"
" k: only when the branch target is in the kernel\n"
" This option requires at least one branch type among any, any_call,\n"
" any_ret, ind_call.\n"
"-b Enable taken branch stack sampling. Same as '-j any'.\n"
"-m mmap_pages Set the size of the buffer used to receiving sample data from\n"
" the kernel. It should be a power of 2. If not set, the max\n"
" possible value <= 1024 will be used.\n"
"--aux-buffer-size <buffer_size> Set aux buffer size, only used in cs-etm event type.\n"
" Need to be power of 2 and page size aligned.\n"
" Used memory size is (buffer_size * (cpu_count + 1).\n"
" Default is 4M.\n"
"--no-inherit Don't record created child threads/processes.\n"
"--cpu-percent <percent> Set the max percent of cpu time used for recording.\n"
" percent is in range [1-100], default is 25.\n"
"--addr-filter filter_str1,filter_str2,...\n"
" Provide address filters for cs-etm instruction tracing.\n"
" filter_str accepts below formats:\n"
" 'filter <addr-range>' -- trace instructions in a range\n"
" 'start <addr>' -- start tracing when ip is <addr>\n"
" 'stop <addr>' -- stop tracing when ip is <addr>\n"
" <addr-range> accepts below formats:\n"
" <file_path> -- code sections in a binary file\n"
" <vaddr_start>-<vaddr_end>@<file_path> -- part of a binary file\n"
" <kernel_addr_start>-<kernel_addr_end> -- part of kernel space\n"
" <addr> accepts below formats:\n"
" <vaddr>@<file_path> -- virtual addr in a binary file\n"
" <kernel_addr> -- a kernel address\n"
" Examples:\n"
" 'filter 0x456-0x480@/system/lib/'\n"
" 'start 0x456@/system/lib/,stop 0x480@/system/lib/'\n"
"--tp-filter filter_string Set filter_string for the previous tracepoint event.\n"
" Format is in Documentation/trace/events.rst in the kernel.\n"
" An example: 'prev_comm != \"simpleperf\" && (prev_pid > 1)'.\n"
"Dwarf unwinding options:\n"
"--post-unwind=(yes|no) If `--call-graph dwarf` option is used, then the user's\n"
" stack will be recorded in and unwound while\n"
" recording by default. Use --post-unwind=yes to switch\n"
" to unwind after recording.\n"
"--no-unwind If `--call-graph dwarf` option is used, then the user's stack\n"
" will be unwound by default. Use this option to disable the\n"
" unwinding of the user's stack.\n"
"--no-callchain-joiner If `--call-graph dwarf` option is used, then by default\n"
" callchain joiner is used to break the 64k stack limit\n"
" and build more complete call graphs. However, the built\n"
" call graphs may not be correct in all cases.\n"
"--callchain-joiner-min-matching-nodes count\n"
" When callchain joiner is used, set the matched nodes needed to join\n"
" callchains. The count should be >= 1. By default it is 1.\n"
"--no-cut-samples Simpleperf uses a record buffer to cache records received from the kernel.\n"
" When the available space in the buffer reaches low level, it cuts part of\n"
" the stack data in samples. When the available space reaches critical level,\n"
" it drops all samples. This option makes simpleperf not cut samples when the\n"
" available space reaches low level.\n"
"Recording file options:\n"
"--no-dump-kernel-symbols Don't dump kernel symbols in By default\n"
" kernel symbols will be dumped when needed.\n"
"--no-dump-symbols Don't dump symbols in By default symbols are\n"
" dumped in, to support reporting in another\n"
" environment.\n"
"-o record_file_name Set record file name, default is\n"
"--size-limit SIZE[K|M|G] Stop recording after SIZE bytes of records.\n"
" Default is unlimited.\n"
"--symfs <dir> Look for files with symbols relative to this directory.\n"
" This option is used to provide files with symbol table and\n"
" debug information, which are used for unwinding and dumping symbols.\n"
"Other options:\n"
"--exit-with-parent Stop recording when the process starting\n"
" simpleperf dies.\n"
"--start_profiling_fd fd_no After starting profiling, write \"STARTED\" to\n"
" <fd_no>, then close <fd_no>.\n"
"--stdio-controls-profiling Use stdin/stdout to pause/resume profiling.\n"
#if defined(__ANDROID__)
"--in-app We are already running in the app's context.\n"
"--tracepoint-events file_name Read tracepoint events from [file_name] instead of tracefs.\n"
#if 0
// Below options are only used internally and shouldn't be visible to the public.
"--out-fd <fd> Write to a file descriptor.\n"
"--stop-signal-fd <fd> Stop recording when fd is readable.\n"
// clang-format on
mmap_page_range_(std::make_pair(1, DESIRED_PAGES_IN_MAPPED_BUFFER)),
last_record_timestamp_(0u) {
// If we run `adb shell simpleperf record xxx` and stop profiling by ctrl-c, adb closes
// sockets connecting simpleperf. After that, simpleperf will receive SIGPIPE when writing
// to stdout/stderr, which is a problem when we use '--app' option. So ignore SIGPIPE to
// finish properly.
bool Run(const std::vector<std::string>& args);
bool ParseOptions(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
std::vector<std::string>* non_option_args,
ProbeEvents* probe_events);
bool AdjustPerfEventLimit();
bool PrepareRecording(Workload* workload);
bool DoRecording(Workload* workload);
bool PostProcessRecording(const std::vector<std::string>& args);
bool TraceOffCpu();
bool SetEventSelectionFlags();
bool CreateAndInitRecordFile();
std::unique_ptr<RecordFileWriter> CreateRecordFile(
const std::string& filename);
bool DumpKernelSymbol();
bool DumpTracingData();
bool DumpKernelMaps();
bool DumpUserSpaceMaps();
bool DumpProcessMaps(pid_t pid, const std::unordered_set<pid_t>& tids);
bool DumpAuxTraceInfo();
bool ProcessRecord(Record* record);
bool ShouldOmitRecord(Record* record);
bool DumpMapsForRecord(Record* record);
bool SaveRecordForPostUnwinding(Record* record);
bool SaveRecordAfterUnwinding(Record* record);
bool SaveRecordWithoutUnwinding(Record* record);
bool ProcessJITDebugInfo(const std::vector<JITDebugInfo>& debug_info, bool sync_kernel_records);
bool ProcessControlCmd(IOEventLoop* loop);
void UpdateRecord(Record* record);
bool UnwindRecord(SampleRecord& r);
bool PostUnwindRecords();
bool JoinCallChains();
bool DumpAdditionalFeatures(const std::vector<std::string>& args);
bool DumpBuildIdFeature();
bool DumpFileFeature();
bool DumpMetaInfoFeature(bool kernel_symbols_available);
void CollectHitFileInfo(const SampleRecord& r);
std::unique_ptr<SampleSpeed> sample_speed_;
bool system_wide_collection_;
uint64_t branch_sampling_;
bool fp_callchain_sampling_;
bool dwarf_callchain_sampling_;
uint32_t dump_stack_size_in_dwarf_sampling_;
bool unwind_dwarf_callchain_;
bool post_unwind_;
std::unique_ptr<OfflineUnwinder> offline_unwinder_;
bool child_inherit_;
double duration_in_sec_;
bool can_dump_kernel_symbols_;
bool dump_symbols_;
std::string clockid_;
std::vector<int> cpus_;
EventSelectionSet event_selection_set_;
std::pair<size_t, size_t> mmap_page_range_;
size_t aux_buffer_size_ = kDefaultAuxBufferSize;
ThreadTree thread_tree_;
std::string record_filename_;
android::base::unique_fd out_fd_;
std::unique_ptr<RecordFileWriter> record_file_writer_;
android::base::unique_fd stop_signal_fd_;
uint64_t sample_record_count_;
uint64_t lost_record_count_;
android::base::unique_fd start_profiling_fd_;
bool stdio_controls_profiling_ = false;
std::string app_package_name_;
bool in_app_context_;
bool trace_offcpu_;
bool exclude_kernel_callchain_;
uint64_t size_limit_in_bytes_ = 0;
size_t cpu_time_max_percent_ = 25;
// For CallChainJoiner
bool allow_callchain_joiner_;
size_t callchain_joiner_min_matching_nodes_;
std::unique_ptr<CallChainJoiner> callchain_joiner_;
bool allow_cutting_samples_ = true;
std::unique_ptr<JITDebugReader> jit_debug_reader_;
uint64_t last_record_timestamp_; // used to insert Mmap2Records for JIT debug info
TimeStat time_stat_;
EventAttrWithId dumping_attr_id_;
// In system wide recording, record if we have dumped map info for a process.
std::unordered_set<pid_t> dumped_processes_;
bool exclude_perf_ = false;
bool RecordCommand::Run(const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
time_stat_.prepare_recording_time = GetSystemClock();
ScopedCurrentArch scoped_arch(GetMachineArch());
if (!CheckPerfEventLimit()) {
return false;
std::vector<std::string> workload_args;
ProbeEvents probe_events;
auto clear_probe_events_guard = android::base::make_scope_guard([this, &probe_events] {
if (!probe_events.IsEmpty()) {
// probe events can be deleted only when no perf event file is using them.
if (!ParseOptions(args, &workload_args, &probe_events)) {
return false;
if (!AdjustPerfEventLimit()) {
return false;
ScopedTempFiles scoped_temp_files(android::base::Dirname(record_filename_));
if (!app_package_name_.empty() && !in_app_context_) {
// Some users want to profile non debuggable apps on rooted devices. If we use run-as,
// it will be impossible when using --app. So don't switch to app's context when we are
// root.
if (!IsRoot()) {
return RunInAppContext(app_package_name_, "record", args, workload_args.size(),
record_filename_, true);
std::unique_ptr<Workload> workload;
if (!workload_args.empty()) {
workload = Workload::CreateWorkload(workload_args);
if (workload == nullptr) {
return false;
if (!PrepareRecording(workload.get())) {
return false;
time_stat_.start_recording_time = GetSystemClock();
if (!DoRecording(workload.get())) {
return false;
return PostProcessRecording(args);
bool RecordCommand::PrepareRecording(Workload* workload) {
// 1. Prepare in other modules.
// 2. Add default event type.
if (event_selection_set_.empty()) {
size_t group_id;
if (!event_selection_set_.AddEventType(default_measured_event_type, &group_id)) {
return false;
if (sample_speed_) {
event_selection_set_.SetSampleSpeed(group_id, *sample_speed_);
// 3. Process options before opening perf event files.
exclude_kernel_callchain_ = event_selection_set_.ExcludeKernel();
if (trace_offcpu_ && !TraceOffCpu()) {
return false;
if (!SetEventSelectionFlags()) {
return false;
if (unwind_dwarf_callchain_) {
offline_unwinder_ = OfflineUnwinder::Create(false);
if (unwind_dwarf_callchain_ && allow_callchain_joiner_) {
callchain_joiner_.reset(new CallChainJoiner(DEFAULT_CALL_CHAIN_JOINER_CACHE_SIZE,
// 4. Add monitored targets.
bool need_to_check_targets = false;
if (system_wide_collection_) {
} else if (!event_selection_set_.HasMonitoredTarget()) {
if (workload != nullptr) {
} else if (!app_package_name_.empty()) {
// If app process is not created, wait for it. This allows simpleperf starts before
// app process. In this way, we can have a better support of app start-up time profiling.
std::set<pid_t> pids = WaitForAppProcesses(app_package_name_);
need_to_check_targets = true;
} else {
<< "No threads to monitor. Try `simpleperf help record` for help";
return false;
} else {
need_to_check_targets = true;
// Profiling JITed/interpreted Java code is supported starting from Android P.
// Also support profiling art interpreter on host.
if (GetAndroidVersion() >= kAndroidVersionP || GetAndroidVersion() == 0) {
// JIT symfiles are stored in temporary files, and are deleted after recording. But if
// `-g --no-unwind` option is used, we want to keep symfiles to support unwinding in
// the debug-unwind cmd.
auto symfile_option = (dwarf_callchain_sampling_ && !unwind_dwarf_callchain_)
? JITDebugReader::SymFileOption::kKeepSymFiles
: JITDebugReader::SymFileOption::kDropSymFiles;
auto sync_option = (clockid_ == "monotonic") ? JITDebugReader::SyncOption::kSyncWithRecords
: JITDebugReader::SyncOption::kNoSync;
jit_debug_reader_.reset(new JITDebugReader(record_filename_, symfile_option, sync_option));
// To profile java code, need to dump maps containing vdex files, which are not executable.
// 5. Open perf event files and create mapped buffers.
if (!event_selection_set_.OpenEventFiles(cpus_)) {
return false;
size_t record_buffer_size = system_wide_collection_ ? kSystemWideRecordBufferSize
: kRecordBufferSize;
if (!event_selection_set_.MmapEventFiles(mmap_page_range_.first, mmap_page_range_.second,
aux_buffer_size_, record_buffer_size,
allow_cutting_samples_, exclude_perf_)) {
return false;
auto callback =
std::bind(&RecordCommand::ProcessRecord, this, std::placeholders::_1);
if (!event_selection_set_.PrepareToReadMmapEventData(callback)) {
return false;
// 6. Create
if (!CreateAndInitRecordFile()) {
return false;
// 7. Add read/signal/periodic Events.
if (need_to_check_targets && !event_selection_set_.StopWhenNoMoreTargets()) {
return false;
IOEventLoop* loop = event_selection_set_.GetIOEventLoop();
auto exit_loop_callback = [loop]() {
return loop->ExitLoop();
if (!loop->AddSignalEvents({SIGCHLD, SIGINT, SIGTERM}, exit_loop_callback)) {
return false;
// Only add an event for SIGHUP if we didn't inherit SIG_IGN (e.g. from nohup).
if (!SignalIsIgnored(SIGHUP)) {
if (!loop->AddSignalEvent(SIGHUP, exit_loop_callback)) {
return false;
if (stop_signal_fd_ != -1) {
if (!loop->AddReadEvent(stop_signal_fd_, exit_loop_callback)) {
return false;
if (duration_in_sec_ != 0) {
if (!loop->AddPeriodicEvent(SecondToTimeval(duration_in_sec_),
[loop]() { return loop->ExitLoop(); })) {
return false;
if (stdio_controls_profiling_) {
if (!loop->AddReadEvent(0, [this, loop]() { return ProcessControlCmd(loop); })) {
return false;
if (jit_debug_reader_) {
auto callback = [this](const std::vector<JITDebugInfo>& debug_info, bool sync_kernel_records) {
return ProcessJITDebugInfo(debug_info, sync_kernel_records);
if (!jit_debug_reader_->RegisterDebugInfoCallback(loop, callback)) {
return false;
if (!system_wide_collection_) {
std::set<pid_t> pids = event_selection_set_.GetMonitoredProcesses();
for (pid_t tid : event_selection_set_.GetMonitoredThreads()) {
pid_t pid;
if (GetProcessForThread(tid, &pid)) {
for (pid_t pid : pids) {
if (!jit_debug_reader_->MonitorProcess(pid)) {
return false;
if (!jit_debug_reader_->ReadAllProcesses()) {
return false;
if (event_selection_set_.HasAuxTrace()) {
// ETM data is dumped to kernel buffer only when there is no thread traced by ETM. It happens
// either when all monitored threads are scheduled off cpu, or when all etm perf events are
// disabled.
// If ETM data isn't dumped to kernel buffer in time, overflow parts will be dropped. This
// makes less than expected data, especially in system wide recording. So add a periodic event
// to flush etm data by temporarily disable all perf events.
auto etm_flush = [this]() {
return event_selection_set_.SetEnableEvents(false) &&
if (!loop->AddPeriodicEvent(SecondToTimeval(kDefaultEtmDataFlushPeriodInSec), etm_flush)) {
return false;
return true;
bool RecordCommand::DoRecording(Workload* workload) {
// Write records in mapped buffers of perf_event_files to output file while workload is running.
if (workload != nullptr && !workload->IsStarted() && !workload->Start()) {
return false;
if (start_profiling_fd_.get() != -1) {
if (!android::base::WriteStringToFd("STARTED", start_profiling_fd_)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "failed to write to start_profiling_fd_";
if (stdio_controls_profiling_) {
if (!event_selection_set_.GetIOEventLoop()->RunLoop()) {
return false;
time_stat_.stop_recording_time = GetSystemClock();
if (!event_selection_set_.FinishReadMmapEventData()) {
return false;
time_stat_.finish_recording_time = GetSystemClock();
return true;
static bool WriteRecordDataToOutFd(const std::string& in_filename, android::base::unique_fd out_fd) {
android::base::unique_fd in_fd(FileHelper::OpenReadOnly(in_filename));
if (in_fd == -1) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open " << in_filename;
return false;
char buf[8192];
while (true) {
ssize_t n = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(read(in_fd, buf, sizeof(buf)));
if (n < 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read " << in_filename;
return false;
if (n == 0) {
if (!android::base::WriteFully(out_fd, buf, n)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write to out_fd";
return false;
return true;
bool RecordCommand::PostProcessRecording(const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
// 1. Post unwind dwarf callchain.
if (unwind_dwarf_callchain_ && post_unwind_) {
if (!PostUnwindRecords()) {
return false;
// 2. Optionally join Callchains.
if (callchain_joiner_) {
// 3. Dump additional features, and close record file.
if (!DumpAdditionalFeatures(args)) {
return false;
if (!record_file_writer_->Close()) {
return false;
if (out_fd_ != -1 && !WriteRecordDataToOutFd(record_filename_, std::move(out_fd_))) {
return false;
time_stat_.post_process_time = GetSystemClock();
// 4. Show brief record result.
auto record_stat = event_selection_set_.GetRecordStat();
if (event_selection_set_.HasAuxTrace()) {
LOG(INFO) << "Aux data traced: " << record_stat.aux_data_size;
if (record_stat.lost_aux_data_size != 0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Aux data lost in user space: " << record_stat.lost_aux_data_size;
} else {
std::string cut_samples;
if (record_stat.cut_stack_samples > 0) {
cut_samples = android::base::StringPrintf(" (cut %zu)", record_stat.cut_stack_samples);
lost_record_count_ += record_stat.lost_samples + record_stat.lost_non_samples;
LOG(INFO) << "Samples recorded: " << sample_record_count_ << cut_samples
<< ". Samples lost: " << lost_record_count_ << ".";
LOG(DEBUG) << "In user space, dropped " << record_stat.lost_samples << " samples, "
<< record_stat.lost_non_samples << " non samples, cut stack of "
<< record_stat.cut_stack_samples << " samples.";
if (sample_record_count_ + lost_record_count_ != 0) {
double lost_percent =
static_cast<double>(lost_record_count_) / (lost_record_count_ + sample_record_count_);
constexpr double LOST_PERCENT_WARNING_BAR = 0.1;
if (lost_percent >= LOST_PERCENT_WARNING_BAR) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Lost " << (lost_percent * 100) << "% of samples, "
<< "consider increasing mmap_pages(-m), "
<< "or decreasing sample frequency(-f), "
<< "or increasing sample period(-c).";
if (callchain_joiner_) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Prepare recording time "
<< (time_stat_.start_recording_time - time_stat_.prepare_recording_time) / 1e6
<< " ms, recording time "
<< (time_stat_.stop_recording_time - time_stat_.start_recording_time) / 1e6
<< " ms, stop recording time "
<< (time_stat_.finish_recording_time - time_stat_.stop_recording_time) / 1e6
<< " ms, post process time "
<< (time_stat_.post_process_time - time_stat_.finish_recording_time) / 1e6 << " ms.";
return true;
bool RecordCommand::ParseOptions(const std::vector<std::string>& args,
std::vector<std::string>* non_option_args,
ProbeEvents* probe_events) {
OptionValueMap options;
std::vector<std::pair<OptionName, OptionValue>> ordered_options;
if (!PreprocessOptions(args, GetRecordCmdOptionFormats(), &options, &ordered_options,
non_option_args)) {
return false;
// Process options.
system_wide_collection_ = options.PullBoolValue("-a");
if (auto value = options.PullValue("--addr-filter"); value) {
auto filters = ParseAddrFilterOption(*value->str_value);
if (filters.empty()) {
return false;
if (auto value = options.PullValue("--app"); value) {
app_package_name_ = *value->str_value;
if (auto value = options.PullValue("--aux-buffer-size"); value) {
uint64_t v = value->uint_value;
if (v > std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() || !IsPowerOfTwo(v) || v % sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "invalid aux buffer size: " << v;
return false;
aux_buffer_size_ = static_cast<size_t>(v);
if (options.PullValue("-b")) {
branch_sampling_ = branch_sampling_type_map["any"];
if (!options.PullUintValue("--callchain-joiner-min-matching-nodes",
&callchain_joiner_min_matching_nodes_, 1)) {
return false;
if (auto value = options.PullValue("--clockid"); value) {
clockid_ = *value->str_value;
if (clockid_ != "perf") {
if (!IsSettingClockIdSupported()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Setting clockid is not supported by the kernel.";
return false;
if (clockid_map.find(clockid_) == clockid_map.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid clockid: " << clockid_;
return false;
if (auto value = options.PullValue("--cpu"); value) {
if (auto cpus = GetCpusFromString(*value->str_value); cpus) {
cpus_.assign(cpus->begin(), cpus->end());
} else {
return false;
if (!options.PullUintValue("--cpu-percent", &cpu_time_max_percent_, 1, 100)) {
return false;
if (!options.PullDoubleValue("--duration", &duration_in_sec_, 1e-9)) {
return false;
exclude_perf_ = options.PullBoolValue("--exclude-perf");
if (options.PullValue("--exit-with-parent")) {
prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, SIGHUP, 0, 0, 0);
in_app_context_ = options.PullBoolValue("--in-app");
for (const OptionValue& value : options.PullValues("-j")) {
std::vector<std::string> branch_sampling_types = android::base::Split(*value.str_value, ",");
for (auto& type : branch_sampling_types) {
auto it = branch_sampling_type_map.find(type);
if (it == branch_sampling_type_map.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "unrecognized branch sampling filter: " << type;
return false;
branch_sampling_ |= it->second;
for (const OptionValue& value : options.PullValues("--kprobe")) {
std::vector<std::string> cmds = android::base::Split(*value.str_value, ",");
for (const auto& cmd : cmds) {
if (!probe_events->AddKprobe(cmd)) {
return false;
if (auto value = options.PullValue("-m"); value) {
if (!IsPowerOfTwo(value->uint_value) ||
value->uint_value > std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid mmap_pages: '" << value->uint_value << "'";
return false;
mmap_page_range_.first = mmap_page_range_.second = value->uint_value;
allow_callchain_joiner_ = !options.PullBoolValue("--no-callchain-joiner");
allow_cutting_samples_ = !options.PullBoolValue("--no-cut-samples");
can_dump_kernel_symbols_ = !options.PullBoolValue("--no-dump-kernel-symbols");
dump_symbols_ = !options.PullBoolValue("--no-dump-symbols");
child_inherit_ = !options.PullBoolValue("--no-inherit");
unwind_dwarf_callchain_ = !options.PullBoolValue("--no-unwind");
if (auto value = options.PullValue("-o"); value) {
record_filename_ = *value->str_value;
if (auto value = options.PullValue("--out-fd"); value) {
for (const OptionValue& value : options.PullValues("-p")) {
if (auto pids = GetTidsFromString(*value.str_value, true); pids) {
} else {
return false;
// Use explicit if statements instead of logical operators to avoid short-circuit.
if (options.PullValue("--post-unwind")) {
post_unwind_ = true;
if (options.PullValue("--post-unwind=yes")) {
post_unwind_ = true;
if (options.PullValue("--post-unwind=no")) {
post_unwind_ = false;
if (!options.PullUintValue("--size-limit", &size_limit_in_bytes_, 1)) {
return false;
if (auto value = options.PullValue("--start_profiling_fd"); value) {
stdio_controls_profiling_ = options.PullBoolValue("--stdio-controls-profiling");
if (auto value = options.PullValue("--stop-signal-fd"); value) {
if (auto value = options.PullValue("--symfs"); value) {
if (!Dso::SetSymFsDir(*value->str_value)) {
return false;
for (const OptionValue& value : options.PullValues("-t")) {
if (auto tids = GetTidsFromString(*value.str_value, true); tids) {
} else {
return false;
trace_offcpu_ = options.PullBoolValue("--trace-offcpu");
if (auto value = options.PullValue("--tracepoint-events"); value) {
if (!EventTypeManager::Instance().ReadTracepointsFromFile(*value->str_value)) {
return false;
// Process ordered options.
std::vector<size_t> wait_setting_speed_event_groups;
for (const auto& pair : ordered_options) {
const OptionName& name = pair.first;
const OptionValue& value = pair.second;
if (name == "-c" || name == "-f") {
if (value.uint_value < 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "invalid " << name << ": " << value.uint_value;
return false;
if (name == "-c") {
sample_speed_.reset(new SampleSpeed(0, value.uint_value));
} else {
if (value.uint_value >= INT_MAX) {
LOG(ERROR) << "sample freq can't be bigger than INT_MAX: " << value.uint_value;
return false;
sample_speed_.reset(new SampleSpeed(value.uint_value, 0));
for (auto groud_id : wait_setting_speed_event_groups) {
event_selection_set_.SetSampleSpeed(groud_id, *sample_speed_);
} else if (name == "--call-graph") {
std::vector<std::string> strs = android::base::Split(*value.str_value, ",");
if (strs[0] == "fp") {
fp_callchain_sampling_ = true;
dwarf_callchain_sampling_ = false;
} else if (strs[0] == "dwarf") {
fp_callchain_sampling_ = false;
dwarf_callchain_sampling_ = true;
if (strs.size() > 1) {
uint64_t size;
if (!ParseUint(strs[1], &size)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "invalid dump stack size in --call-graph option: " << strs[1];
return false;
if ((size & 7) != 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "dump stack size " << size << " is not 8-byte aligned.";
return false;
if (size >= MAX_DUMP_STACK_SIZE) {
LOG(ERROR) << "dump stack size " << size << " is bigger than max allowed size "
return false;
dump_stack_size_in_dwarf_sampling_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(size);
} else if (name == "-e") {
std::vector<std::string> event_types = android::base::Split(*value.str_value, ",");
for (auto& event_type : event_types) {
if (probe_events->IsProbeEvent(event_type)) {
if (!probe_events->CreateProbeEventIfNotExist(event_type)) {
return false;
size_t group_id;
if (!event_selection_set_.AddEventType(event_type, &group_id)) {
return false;
if (sample_speed_) {
event_selection_set_.SetSampleSpeed(group_id, *sample_speed_);
} else {
} else if (name == "-g") {
fp_callchain_sampling_ = false;
dwarf_callchain_sampling_ = true;
} else if (name == "--group") {
std::vector<std::string> event_types = android::base::Split(*value.str_value, ",");
for (const auto& event_type : event_types) {
if (probe_events->IsProbeEvent(event_type)) {
if (!probe_events->CreateProbeEventIfNotExist(event_type)) {
return false;
size_t group_id;
if (!event_selection_set_.AddEventGroup(event_types, &group_id)) {
return false;
if (sample_speed_) {
event_selection_set_.SetSampleSpeed(group_id, *sample_speed_);
} else {
} else if (name == "--tp-filter") {
if (!event_selection_set_.SetTracepointFilter(*value.str_value)) {
return false;
} else {
CHECK(false) << "unprocessed option: " << name;
if (!dwarf_callchain_sampling_) {
if (!unwind_dwarf_callchain_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--no-unwind is only used with `--call-graph dwarf` option.";
return false;
unwind_dwarf_callchain_ = false;
if (post_unwind_) {
if (!dwarf_callchain_sampling_ || !unwind_dwarf_callchain_) {
post_unwind_ = false;
if (fp_callchain_sampling_) {
if (GetBuildArch() == ARCH_ARM) {
LOG(WARNING) << "`--callgraph fp` option doesn't work well on arm architecture, "
<< "consider using `-g` option or profiling on aarch64 architecture.";
if (system_wide_collection_ && event_selection_set_.HasMonitoredTarget()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Record system wide and existing processes/threads can't be "
"used at the same time.";
return false;
if (system_wide_collection_ && !IsRoot()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "System wide profiling needs root privilege.";
return false;
if (dump_symbols_ && can_dump_kernel_symbols_) {
// No need to dump kernel symbols as we will dump all required symbols.
can_dump_kernel_symbols_ = false;
if (clockid_.empty()) {
clockid_ = IsSettingClockIdSupported() ? "monotonic" : "perf";
return true;
bool RecordCommand::AdjustPerfEventLimit() {
bool set_prop = false;
// 1. Adjust max_sample_rate.
uint64_t cur_max_freq;
if (GetMaxSampleFrequency(&cur_max_freq) && cur_max_freq < max_sample_freq_ &&
!SetMaxSampleFrequency(max_sample_freq_)) {
set_prop = true;
// 2. Adjust perf_cpu_time_max_percent.
size_t cur_percent;
if (GetCpuTimeMaxPercent(&cur_percent) && cur_percent != cpu_time_max_percent_ &&
!SetCpuTimeMaxPercent(cpu_time_max_percent_)) {
set_prop = true;
// 3. Adjust perf_event_mlock_kb.
long cpus = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF);
uint64_t mlock_kb = cpus * (mmap_page_range_.second + 1) * 4;
if (event_selection_set_.HasAuxTrace()) {
mlock_kb += cpus * aux_buffer_size_ / 1024;
uint64_t cur_mlock_kb;
if (GetPerfEventMlockKb(&cur_mlock_kb) && cur_mlock_kb < mlock_kb &&
!SetPerfEventMlockKb(mlock_kb)) {
set_prop = true;
if (GetAndroidVersion() >= kAndroidVersionP + 1 && set_prop && !in_app_context_) {
return SetPerfEventLimits(std::max(max_sample_freq_, cur_max_freq), cpu_time_max_percent_,
std::max(mlock_kb, cur_mlock_kb));
return true;
bool RecordCommand::TraceOffCpu() {
if (FindEventTypeByName("sched:sched_switch") == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Can't trace off cpu because sched:sched_switch event is not available";
return false;
for (auto& event_type : event_selection_set_.GetTracepointEvents()) {
if (event_type->name == "sched:sched_switch") {
LOG(ERROR) << "Trace offcpu can't be used together with sched:sched_switch event";
return false;
if (!IsDumpingRegsForTracepointEventsSupported()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Dumping regs for tracepoint events is not supported by the kernel";
return false;
// --trace-offcpu option only works with one of the selected event types.
std::set<std::string> accepted_events = {"cpu-cycles", "cpu-clock", "task-clock"};
std::vector<const EventType*> events = event_selection_set_.GetEvents();
if (events.size() != 1 || accepted_events.find(events[0]->name) == accepted_events.end()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--trace-offcpu option only works with one of events "
<< android::base::Join(accepted_events, ' ');
return false;
return event_selection_set_.AddEventType("sched:sched_switch");
bool RecordCommand::SetEventSelectionFlags() {
if (!event_selection_set_.SetBranchSampling(branch_sampling_)) {
return false;
if (fp_callchain_sampling_) {
} else if (dwarf_callchain_sampling_) {
if (!event_selection_set_.EnableDwarfCallChainSampling(
dump_stack_size_in_dwarf_sampling_)) {
return false;
if (clockid_ != "perf") {
return true;
bool RecordCommand::CreateAndInitRecordFile() {
record_file_writer_ = CreateRecordFile(record_filename_);
if (record_file_writer_ == nullptr) {
return false;
// Use first perf_event_attr and first event id to dump mmap and comm records.
dumping_attr_id_ = event_selection_set_.GetEventAttrWithId()[0];
return DumpKernelSymbol() && DumpTracingData() && DumpKernelMaps() && DumpUserSpaceMaps() &&
std::unique_ptr<RecordFileWriter> RecordCommand::CreateRecordFile(
const std::string& filename) {
std::unique_ptr<RecordFileWriter> writer =
if (writer == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
if (!writer->WriteAttrSection(event_selection_set_.GetEventAttrWithId())) {
return nullptr;
return writer;
bool RecordCommand::DumpKernelSymbol() {
if (can_dump_kernel_symbols_) {
std::string kallsyms;
if (event_selection_set_.NeedKernelSymbol() &&
CheckKernelSymbolAddresses()) {
if (!android::base::ReadFileToString("/proc/kallsyms", &kallsyms)) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "failed to read /proc/kallsyms";
return false;
KernelSymbolRecord r(kallsyms);
if (!ProcessRecord(&r)) {
return false;
return true;
bool RecordCommand::DumpTracingData() {
std::vector<const EventType*> tracepoint_event_types =
if (tracepoint_event_types.empty() || !CanRecordRawData() || in_app_context_) {
return true; // No need to dump tracing data, or can't do it.
std::vector<char> tracing_data;
if (!GetTracingData(tracepoint_event_types, &tracing_data)) {
return false;
TracingDataRecord record(tracing_data);
if (!ProcessRecord(&record)) {
return false;
return true;
bool RecordCommand::DumpKernelMaps() {
KernelMmap kernel_mmap;
std::vector<KernelMmap> module_mmaps;
GetKernelAndModuleMmaps(&kernel_mmap, &module_mmaps);
MmapRecord mmap_record(*dumping_attr_id_.attr, true, UINT_MAX, 0, kernel_mmap.start_addr,
kernel_mmap.len, 0, kernel_mmap.filepath, dumping_attr_id_.ids[0]);
if (!ProcessRecord(&mmap_record)) {
return false;
for (auto& module_mmap : module_mmaps) {
MmapRecord mmap_record(*dumping_attr_id_.attr, true, UINT_MAX, 0, module_mmap.start_addr,
module_mmap.len, 0, module_mmap.filepath, dumping_attr_id_.ids[0]);
if (!ProcessRecord(&mmap_record)) {
return false;
return true;
bool RecordCommand::DumpUserSpaceMaps() {
// For system_wide profiling:
// If no aux tracing, maps of a process is dumped when needed (first time a sample hits
// that process).
// If aux tracing, we don't know which maps will be needed, so dump all process maps.
if (system_wide_collection_ && !event_selection_set_.HasAuxTrace()) {
return true;
// Map from process id to a set of thread ids in that process.
std::unordered_map<pid_t, std::unordered_set<pid_t>> process_map;
if (system_wide_collection_) {
for (auto pid : GetAllProcesses()) {
process_map[pid] = std::unordered_set<pid_t>();
} else {
for (pid_t pid : event_selection_set_.GetMonitoredProcesses()) {
std::vector<pid_t> tids = GetThreadsInProcess(pid);
process_map[pid].insert(tids.begin(), tids.end());
for (pid_t tid : event_selection_set_.GetMonitoredThreads()) {
pid_t pid;
if (GetProcessForThread(tid, &pid)) {
// Dump each process.
for (auto& pair : process_map) {
if (!DumpProcessMaps(pair.first, pair.second)) {
return false;
return true;
bool RecordCommand::DumpProcessMaps(pid_t pid, const std::unordered_set<pid_t>& tids) {
// Dump mmap records.
std::vector<ThreadMmap> thread_mmaps;
if (!GetThreadMmapsInProcess(pid, &thread_mmaps)) {
// The process may exit before we get its info.
return true;
const perf_event_attr& attr = *dumping_attr_id_.attr;
uint64_t event_id = dumping_attr_id_.ids[0];
for (const auto& map : thread_mmaps) {
if (!(map.prot & PROT_EXEC) && !event_selection_set_.RecordNotExecutableMaps()) {
Mmap2Record record(attr, false, pid, pid, map.start_addr, map.len,
map.pgoff, map.prot,, event_id, last_record_timestamp_);
if (!ProcessRecord(&record)) {
return false;
// Dump process name.
std::string process_name = GetCompleteProcessName(pid);
if (!process_name.empty()) {
CommRecord record(attr, pid, pid, process_name, event_id, last_record_timestamp_);
if (!ProcessRecord(&record)) {
return false;
// Dump thread info.
for (const auto& tid : tids) {
std::string name;
if (tid != pid && GetThreadName(tid, &name)) {
// If a thread name matches the suffix of its process name, probably the thread name
// is stripped by TASK_COMM_LEN.
if (android::base::EndsWith(process_name, name)) {
name = process_name;
CommRecord comm_record(attr, pid, tid, name, event_id, last_record_timestamp_);
if (!ProcessRecord(&comm_record)) {
return false;
return true;
bool RecordCommand::ProcessRecord(Record* record) {
if (ShouldOmitRecord(record)) {
return true;
if (size_limit_in_bytes_ > 0u) {
if (size_limit_in_bytes_ < record_file_writer_->GetDataSectionSize()) {
return event_selection_set_.GetIOEventLoop()->ExitLoop();
if (jit_debug_reader_ && !jit_debug_reader_->UpdateRecord(record)) {
return false;
last_record_timestamp_ = std::max(last_record_timestamp_, record->Timestamp());
// In system wide recording, maps are dumped when they are needed by records.
if (system_wide_collection_ && !DumpMapsForRecord(record)) {
return false;
if (unwind_dwarf_callchain_) {
if (post_unwind_) {
return SaveRecordForPostUnwinding(record);
return SaveRecordAfterUnwinding(record);
return SaveRecordWithoutUnwinding(record);
bool RecordCommand::DumpAuxTraceInfo() {
if (event_selection_set_.HasAuxTrace()) {
AuxTraceInfoRecord auxtrace_info = ETMRecorder::GetInstance().CreateAuxTraceInfoRecord();
return ProcessRecord(&auxtrace_info);
return true;
template <typename MmapRecordType>
bool MapOnlyExistInMemory(MmapRecordType* record) {
return !record->InKernel() && MappedFileOnlyExistInMemory(record->filename);
bool RecordCommand::ShouldOmitRecord(Record* record) {
if (jit_debug_reader_) {
// To profile jitted Java code, we need PROT_JIT_SYMFILE_MAP maps not overlapped by maps for
// [anon:dalvik-jit-code-cache]. To profile interpreted Java code, we record maps that
// are not executable. Some non-exec maps (like those for stack, heap) provide misleading map
// entries for unwinding, as in http://b/77236599. So it is better to remove
// dalvik-jit-code-cache and other maps that only exist in memory.
switch (record->type()) {
return MapOnlyExistInMemory(static_cast<MmapRecord*>(record));
return MapOnlyExistInMemory(static_cast<Mmap2Record*>(record));
return false;
bool RecordCommand::DumpMapsForRecord(Record* record) {
if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE) {
pid_t pid = static_cast<SampleRecord*>(record)->;
if (dumped_processes_.find(pid) == dumped_processes_.end()) {
// Dump map info and all thread names for that process.
std::vector<pid_t> tids = GetThreadsInProcess(pid);
if (!tids.empty() &&
!DumpProcessMaps(pid, std::unordered_set<pid_t>(tids.begin(), tids.end()))) {
return false;
return true;
bool RecordCommand::SaveRecordForPostUnwinding(Record* record) {
if (!record_file_writer_->WriteRecord(*record)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "If there isn't enough space for storing profiling data, consider using "
<< "--no-post-unwind option.";
return false;
return true;
bool RecordCommand::SaveRecordAfterUnwinding(Record* record) {
if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE) {
auto& r = *static_cast<SampleRecord*>(record);
// AdjustCallChainGeneratedByKernel() should go before UnwindRecord(). Because we don't want
// to adjust callchains generated by dwarf unwinder.
if (!UnwindRecord(r)) {
return false;
// ExcludeKernelCallChain() should go after UnwindRecord() to notice the generated user call
// chain.
if (r.InKernel() && exclude_kernel_callchain_ && !r.ExcludeKernelCallChain()) {
// If current record contains no user callchain, skip it.
return true;
} else if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_LOST) {
lost_record_count_ += static_cast<LostRecord*>(record)->lost;
} else {
return record_file_writer_->WriteRecord(*record);
bool RecordCommand::SaveRecordWithoutUnwinding(Record* record) {
if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE) {
auto& r = *static_cast<SampleRecord*>(record);
if (fp_callchain_sampling_ || dwarf_callchain_sampling_) {
if (r.InKernel() && exclude_kernel_callchain_ && !r.ExcludeKernelCallChain()) {
// If current record contains no user callchain, skip it.
return true;
} else if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_LOST) {
lost_record_count_ += static_cast<LostRecord*>(record)->lost;
return record_file_writer_->WriteRecord(*record);
bool RecordCommand::ProcessJITDebugInfo(const std::vector<JITDebugInfo>& debug_info,
bool sync_kernel_records) {
EventAttrWithId attr_id = event_selection_set_.GetEventAttrWithId()[0];
for (auto& info : debug_info) {
if (info.type == JITDebugInfo::JIT_DEBUG_JIT_CODE) {
uint64_t timestamp = jit_debug_reader_->SyncWithRecords() ? info.timestamp
: last_record_timestamp_;
Mmap2Record record(*attr_id.attr, false,,, info.jit_code_addr,
info.jit_code_len, info.file_offset, map_flags::PROT_JIT_SYMFILE_MAP,
info.file_path, attr_id.ids[0], timestamp);
if (!ProcessRecord(&record)) {
return false;
} else {
if (info.extracted_dex_file_map) {
ThreadMmap& map = *info.extracted_dex_file_map;
uint64_t timestamp = jit_debug_reader_->SyncWithRecords() ? info.timestamp
: last_record_timestamp_;
Mmap2Record record(*attr_id.attr, false,,, map.start_addr, map.len,
map.pgoff, map.prot,, attr_id.ids[0], timestamp);
if (!ProcessRecord(&record)) {
return false;
thread_tree_.AddDexFileOffset(info.file_path, info.dex_file_offset);
// We want to let samples see the most recent JIT maps generated before them, but no JIT maps
// generated after them. So process existing samples each time generating new JIT maps. We prefer
// to process samples after processing JIT maps. Because some of the samples may hit the new JIT
// maps, and we want to report them properly.
if (sync_kernel_records && !event_selection_set_.SyncKernelBuffer()) {
return false;
return true;
bool RecordCommand::ProcessControlCmd(IOEventLoop* loop) {
char* line = nullptr;
size_t line_length = 0;
if (getline(&line, &line_length, stdin) == -1) {
// When the simpleperf Java API destroys the simpleperf process, it also closes the stdin pipe.
// So we may see EOF of stdin.
return loop->ExitLoop();
std::string cmd = android::base::Trim(line);
LOG(DEBUG) << "process control cmd: " << cmd;
bool result = false;
if (cmd == "pause") {
result = event_selection_set_.SetEnableEvents(false);
} else if (cmd == "resume") {
result = event_selection_set_.SetEnableEvents(true);
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "unknown control cmd: " << cmd;
printf("%s\n", result ? "ok" : "error");
return result;
template <class RecordType>
void UpdateMmapRecordForEmbeddedPath(RecordType& r, bool has_prot, uint32_t prot) {
if (r.InKernel()) {
std::string filename = r.filename;
bool name_changed = false;
// Some vdex files in map files are marked with deleted flag, but they exist in the file system.
// It may be because a new file is used to replace the old one, but still worth to try.
if (android::base::EndsWith(filename, " (deleted)")) {
filename.resize(filename.size() - 10);
name_changed = true;
if (>pgoff != 0 && (!has_prot || (prot & PROT_EXEC))) {
// For the case of a shared library "" embedded
// inside an APK, we rewrite the original MMAP from
// ["path.apk" offset=X] to ["path.apk!/" offset=W]
// so as to make the library name explicit. This update is
// done here (as part of the record operation) as opposed to
// on the host during the report, since we want to report
// the correct library name even if the the APK in question
// is not present on the host. The new offset W is
// calculated to be with respect to the start of,
// not to the start of path.apk.
EmbeddedElf* ee = ApkInspector::FindElfInApkByOffset(filename,>pgoff);
if (ee != nullptr) {
// Compute new offset relative to start of elf in APK.
auto data = *;
data.pgoff -= ee->entry_offset();
r.SetDataAndFilename(data, GetUrlInApk(filename, ee->entry_name()));
std::string zip_path;
std::string entry_name;
if (ParseExtractedInMemoryPath(filename, &zip_path, &entry_name)) {
filename = GetUrlInApk(zip_path, entry_name);
name_changed = true;
if (name_changed) {
auto data = *;
r.SetDataAndFilename(data, filename);
void RecordCommand::UpdateRecord(Record* record) {
if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_MMAP) {
UpdateMmapRecordForEmbeddedPath(*static_cast<MmapRecord*>(record), false, 0);
} else if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_MMAP2) {
auto r = static_cast<Mmap2Record*>(record);
UpdateMmapRecordForEmbeddedPath(*r, true, r->data->prot);
} else if (record->type() == PERF_RECORD_COMM) {
auto r = static_cast<CommRecord*>(record);
if (r->data->pid == r->data->tid) {
std::string s = GetCompleteProcessName(r->data->pid);
if (!s.empty()) {
bool RecordCommand::UnwindRecord(SampleRecord& r) {
if ((r.sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_CALLCHAIN) &&
(r.sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_REGS_USER) &&
(r.regs_user_data.reg_mask != 0) &&
(r.sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_STACK_USER) &&
(r.GetValidStackSize() > 0)) {
ThreadEntry* thread =
thread_tree_.FindThreadOrNew(, r.tid_data.tid);
RegSet regs(r.regs_user_data.abi, r.regs_user_data.reg_mask, r.regs_user_data.regs);
std::vector<uint64_t> ips;
std::vector<uint64_t> sps;
if (!offline_unwinder_->UnwindCallChain(*thread, regs,,
r.GetValidStackSize(), &ips, &sps)) {
return false;
// The unwinding may fail if JIT debug info isn't the latest. In this case, read JIT debug info
// from the process and retry unwinding.
if (jit_debug_reader_ && !post_unwind_ &&
offline_unwinder_->IsCallChainBrokenForIncompleteJITDebugInfo()) {
if (!offline_unwinder_->UnwindCallChain(*thread, regs,,
r.GetValidStackSize(), &ips, &sps)) {
return false;
if (callchain_joiner_) {
return callchain_joiner_->AddCallChain(, r.tid_data.tid,
CallChainJoiner::ORIGINAL_OFFLINE, ips, sps);
return true;
bool RecordCommand::PostUnwindRecords() {
// 1. Move records from record_filename_ to a temporary file.
if (!record_file_writer_->Close()) {
return false;
std::unique_ptr<TemporaryFile> tmp_file = ScopedTempFiles::CreateTempFile();
if (!Workload::RunCmd({"mv", record_filename_, tmp_file->path})) {
return false;
std::unique_ptr<RecordFileReader> reader = RecordFileReader::CreateInstance(tmp_file->path);
if (!reader) {
return false;
// 2. Read records from the temporary file, and write unwound records back to record_filename_.
record_file_writer_ = CreateRecordFile(record_filename_);
if (!record_file_writer_) {
return false;
sample_record_count_ = 0;
lost_record_count_ = 0;
auto callback = [this](std::unique_ptr<Record> record) {
return SaveRecordAfterUnwinding(record.get());
return reader->ReadDataSection(callback);
bool RecordCommand::JoinCallChains() {
// 1. Prepare joined callchains.
if (!callchain_joiner_->JoinCallChains()) {
return false;
// 2. Move records from record_filename_ to a temporary file.
if (!record_file_writer_->Close()) {
return false;
std::unique_ptr<TemporaryFile> tmp_file = ScopedTempFiles::CreateTempFile();
if (!Workload::RunCmd({"mv", record_filename_, tmp_file->path})) {
return false;
// 3. Read records from the temporary file, and write record with joined call chains back
// to record_filename_.
std::unique_ptr<RecordFileReader> reader = RecordFileReader::CreateInstance(tmp_file->path);
record_file_writer_ = CreateRecordFile(record_filename_);
if (!reader || !record_file_writer_) {
return false;
auto record_callback = [&](std::unique_ptr<Record> r) {
if (r->type() != PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE) {
return record_file_writer_->WriteRecord(*r);
SampleRecord& sr = *static_cast<SampleRecord*>(r.get());
if (!sr.HasUserCallChain()) {
return record_file_writer_->WriteRecord(sr);
pid_t pid;
pid_t tid;
CallChainJoiner::ChainType type;
std::vector<uint64_t> ips;
std::vector<uint64_t> sps;
if (!callchain_joiner_->GetNextCallChain(pid, tid, type, ips, sps)) {
return false;
CHECK_EQ(type, CallChainJoiner::JOINED_OFFLINE);
CHECK_EQ(pid, static_cast<pid_t>(;
CHECK_EQ(tid, static_cast<pid_t>(sr.tid_data.tid));
return record_file_writer_->WriteRecord(sr);
return reader->ReadDataSection(record_callback);
namespace {
void LoadSymbolMapFile(int pid, const std::string& package, ThreadTree* thread_tree) {
// On Linux, symbol map files usually go to /tmp/perf-<pid>.map
// On Android, there is no directory where any process can create files.
// For now, use /data/local/tmp/perf-<pid>.map, which works for standalone programs,
// and /data/data/<package>/perf-<pid>.map, which works for apps.
auto path = package.empty()
? android::base::StringPrintf("/data/local/tmp/", pid)
: android::base::StringPrintf("/data/data/%s/", package.c_str(), pid);
auto symbols = ReadSymbolMapFromFile(path);
if (!symbols.empty()) {
thread_tree->AddSymbolsForProcess(pid, &symbols);
} // namespace
bool RecordCommand::DumpAdditionalFeatures(
const std::vector<std::string>& args) {
// Read data section of to collect hit file information.
bool kernel_symbols_available = false;
if (CheckKernelSymbolAddresses()) {
kernel_symbols_available = true;
std::unordered_set<int> loaded_symbol_maps;
std::vector<uint64_t> auxtrace_offset;
auto callback = [&](const Record* r) {
if (r->type() == PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE) {
auto sample = reinterpret_cast<const SampleRecord*>(r);
// Symbol map files are available after recording. Load one for the process.
if (loaded_symbol_maps.insert(sample-> {
LoadSymbolMapFile(sample->, app_package_name_, &thread_tree_);
} else if (r->type() == PERF_RECORD_AUXTRACE) {
auto auxtrace = static_cast<const AuxTraceRecord*>(r);
auxtrace_offset.emplace_back(auxtrace->location.file_offset - auxtrace->size());
if (!record_file_writer_->ReadDataSection(callback)) {
return false;
size_t feature_count = 6;
if (branch_sampling_) {
if (!auxtrace_offset.empty()) {
if (!record_file_writer_->BeginWriteFeatures(feature_count)) {
return false;
if (!DumpBuildIdFeature()) {
return false;
if (!DumpFileFeature()) {
return false;
utsname uname_buf;
if (TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(uname(&uname_buf)) != 0) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "uname() failed";
return false;
if (!record_file_writer_->WriteFeatureString(PerfFileFormat::FEAT_OSRELEASE,
uname_buf.release)) {
return false;
if (!record_file_writer_->WriteFeatureString(PerfFileFormat::FEAT_ARCH,
uname_buf.machine)) {
return false;
std::string exec_path = android::base::GetExecutablePath();
if (exec_path.empty()) exec_path = "simpleperf";
std::vector<std::string> cmdline;
cmdline.insert(cmdline.end(), args.begin(), args.end());
if (!record_file_writer_->WriteCmdlineFeature(cmdline)) {
return false;
if (branch_sampling_ != 0 &&
!record_file_writer_->WriteBranchStackFeature()) {
return false;
if (!DumpMetaInfoFeature(kernel_symbols_available)) {
return false;
if (!auxtrace_offset.empty() && !record_file_writer_->WriteAuxTraceFeature(auxtrace_offset)) {
return false;
if (!record_file_writer_->EndWriteFeatures()) {
return false;
return true;
bool RecordCommand::DumpBuildIdFeature() {
std::vector<BuildIdRecord> build_id_records;
BuildId build_id;
std::vector<Dso*> dso_v = thread_tree_.GetAllDsos();
for (Dso* dso : dso_v) {
// For aux tracing, we don't know which binaries are traced.
// So dump build ids for all binaries.
if (!dso->HasDumpId() && !event_selection_set_.HasAuxTrace()) {
if (dso->type() == DSO_KERNEL) {
if (!GetKernelBuildId(&build_id)) {
BuildIdRecord(true, UINT_MAX, build_id, dso->Path()));
} else if (dso->type() == DSO_KERNEL_MODULE) {
std::string path = dso->Path();
std::string module_name = basename(&path[0]);
if (android::base::EndsWith(module_name, ".ko")) {
module_name = module_name.substr(0, module_name.size() - 3);
if (!GetModuleBuildId(module_name, &build_id)) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "can't read build_id for module " << module_name;
build_id_records.push_back(BuildIdRecord(true, UINT_MAX, build_id, path));
} else if (dso->type() == DSO_ELF_FILE) {
if (dso->Path() == DEFAULT_EXECNAME_FOR_THREAD_MMAP || dso->IsForJavaMethod()) {
if (!GetBuildIdFromDsoPath(dso->Path(), &build_id)) {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Can't read build_id from file " << dso->Path();
BuildIdRecord(false, UINT_MAX, build_id, dso->Path()));
if (!record_file_writer_->WriteBuildIdFeature(build_id_records)) {
return false;
return true;
bool RecordCommand::DumpFileFeature() {
return record_file_writer_->WriteFileFeatures(thread_tree_.GetAllDsos());
bool RecordCommand::DumpMetaInfoFeature(bool kernel_symbols_available) {
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> info_map;
info_map["simpleperf_version"] = GetSimpleperfVersion();
info_map["system_wide_collection"] = system_wide_collection_ ? "true" : "false";
info_map["trace_offcpu"] = trace_offcpu_ ? "true" : "false";
// By storing event types information in, the readers of have the same
// understanding of event types, even if they are on another machine.
info_map["event_type_info"] = ScopedEventTypes::BuildString(event_selection_set_.GetEvents());
#if defined(__ANDROID__)
info_map["product_props"] = android::base::StringPrintf("%s:%s:%s",
android::base::GetProperty("ro.product.manufacturer", "").c_str(),
android::base::GetProperty("ro.product.model", "").c_str(),
android::base::GetProperty("", "").c_str());
info_map["android_version"] = android::base::GetProperty("", "");
if (!app_package_name_.empty()) {
info_map["app_package_name"] = app_package_name_;
info_map["clockid"] = clockid_;
info_map["timestamp"] = std::to_string(time(nullptr));
info_map["kernel_symbols_available"] = kernel_symbols_available ? "true" : "false";
if (dwarf_callchain_sampling_ && !unwind_dwarf_callchain_) {
return record_file_writer_->WriteMetaInfoFeature(info_map);
void RecordCommand::CollectHitFileInfo(const SampleRecord& r) {
const ThreadEntry* thread =
thread_tree_.FindThreadOrNew(, r.tid_data.tid);
const MapEntry* map =
thread_tree_.FindMap(thread, r.ip_data.ip, r.InKernel());
Dso* dso = map->dso;
const Symbol* symbol;
if (dump_symbols_) {
symbol = thread_tree_.FindSymbol(map, r.ip_data.ip, nullptr, &dso);
if (!symbol->HasDumpId()) {
if (!dso->HasDumpId() && dso->type() != DSO_UNKNOWN_FILE) {
if (r.sample_type & PERF_SAMPLE_CALLCHAIN) {
bool in_kernel = r.InKernel();
bool first_ip = true;
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < r.callchain_data.ip_nr; ++i) {
uint64_t ip = r.callchain_data.ips[i];
if (ip >= PERF_CONTEXT_MAX) {
switch (ip) {
in_kernel = true;
in_kernel = false;
LOG(DEBUG) << "Unexpected perf_context in callchain: " << std::hex
<< ip;
} else {
if (first_ip) {
first_ip = false;
// Remove duplication with sample ip.
if (ip == r.ip_data.ip) {
map = thread_tree_.FindMap(thread, ip, in_kernel);
dso = map->dso;
if (dump_symbols_) {
symbol = thread_tree_.FindSymbol(map, ip, nullptr, &dso);
if (!symbol->HasDumpId()) {
if (!dso->HasDumpId() && dso->type() != DSO_UNKNOWN_FILE) {
namespace simpleperf {
// To reduce function length, not all format errors are checked.
static bool ParseOneAddrFilter(const std::string& s, std::vector<AddrFilter>* filters) {
std::vector<std::string> args = android::base::Split(s, " -@");
std::unique_ptr<ElfFile> elf;
uint64_t addr1;
uint64_t addr2;
uint64_t off1;
uint64_t off2;
std::string path;
if (args[0] == "start" || args[0] == "stop") {
if (args.size() >= 2 && ParseUint(args[1], &addr1)) {
if (args.size() == 2) {
// start <kernel_addr> || stop <kernel_addr>
args[0] == "start" ? AddrFilter::KERNEL_START : AddrFilter::KERNEL_STOP, addr1, 0, "");
return true;
if (auto elf = ElfFile::Open(args[2]);
elf && elf->VaddrToOff(addr1, &off1) && Realpath(args[2], &path)) {
// start <vaddr>@<file_path> || stop <vaddr>@<file_path>
filters->emplace_back(args[0] == "start" ? AddrFilter::FILE_START : AddrFilter::FILE_STOP,
off1, 0, path);
return true;
} else if (args[0] == "filter") {
if (args.size() == 2) {
// filter <file_path>
if (auto elf = ElfFile::Open(args[1]); elf) {
for (const ElfSegment& seg : elf->GetProgramHeader()) {
if (seg.is_executable) {
filters->emplace_back(AddrFilter::FILE_RANGE, seg.file_offset, seg.file_size, args[1]);
return true;
} else if (args.size() >= 3 && ParseUint(args[1], &addr1) && ParseUint(args[2], &addr2) &&
addr1 < addr2) {
if (args.size() == 3) {
// filter <kernel_addr_start>-<kernel_addr_end>
filters->emplace_back(AddrFilter::KERNEL_RANGE, addr1, addr2 - addr1, "");
return true;
if (auto elf = ElfFile::Open(args[3]); elf && elf->VaddrToOff(addr1, &off1) &&
elf->VaddrToOff(addr2, &off2) &&
Realpath(args[3], &path)) {
// filter <vaddr_start>-<vaddr_end>@<file_path>
filters->emplace_back(AddrFilter::FILE_RANGE, off1, off2 - off1, path);
return true;
return false;
std::vector<AddrFilter> ParseAddrFilterOption(const std::string& s) {
std::vector<AddrFilter> filters;
for (const auto& str : android::base::Split(s, ",")) {
if (!ParseOneAddrFilter(str, &filters)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "failed to parse addr filter: " << str;
return {};
return filters;
void RegisterRecordCommand() {
[] { return std::unique_ptr<Command>(new RecordCommand()); });
} // namespace simpleperf