blob: 2af174edd148ac0817f9323b1c9c2304f5e3a7a9 [file] [log] [blame]
/ OCB Version 3 Reference Code (Optimized C) Last modified 12-JUN-2013
/ Copyright (c) 2013 Ted Krovetz.
/ Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
/ purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
/ copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
/ Phillip Rogaway holds patents relevant to OCB. See the following for
/ his patent grant:
/ Special thanks to Keegan McAllister for suggesting several good improvements
/ Comments are welcome: Ted Krovetz <[email protected]> - Dedicated to Laurel K
/------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Usage notes */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* - When AE_PENDING is passed as the 'final' parameter of any function,
/ the length parameters must be a multiple of (BPI*16).
/ - When available, SSE or AltiVec registers are used to manipulate data.
/ So, when on machines with these facilities, all pointers passed to
/ any function should be 16-byte aligned.
/ - Plaintext and ciphertext pointers may be equal (ie, plaintext gets
/ encrypted in-place), but no other pair of pointers may be equal.
/ - This code assumes all x86 processors have SSE2 and SSSE3 instructions
/ when compiling under MSVC. If untrue, alter the #define.
/ - This code is tested for C99 and recent versions of GCC and MSVC. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* User configuration options */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Set the AES key length to use and length of authentication tag to produce.
/ Setting either to 0 requires the value be set at runtime via ae_init().
/ Some optimizations occur for each when set to a fixed value. */
#define OCB_KEY_LEN 16 /* 0, 16, 24 or 32. 0 means set in ae_init */
#define OCB_TAG_LEN 16 /* 0 to 16. 0 means set in ae_init */
/* This implementation has built-in support for multiple AES APIs. Set any
/ one of the following to non-zero to specify which to use. */
#define USE_OPENSSL_AES 1 /* */
#define USE_REFERENCE_AES 0 /* Internet search: rijndael-alg-fst.c */
#define USE_AES_NI 0 /* Uses compiler's intrinsics */
/* During encryption and decryption, various "L values" are required.
/ The L values can be precomputed during initialization (requiring extra
/ space in ae_ctx), generated as needed (slightly slowing encryption and
/ decryption), or some combination of the two. L_TABLE_SZ specifies how many
/ L values to precompute. L_TABLE_SZ must be at least 3. L_TABLE_SZ*16 bytes
/ are used for L values in ae_ctx. Plaintext and ciphertexts shorter than
/ 2^L_TABLE_SZ blocks need no L values calculated dynamically. */
#define L_TABLE_SZ 16
/* Set L_TABLE_SZ_IS_ENOUGH non-zero iff you know that all plaintexts
/ will be shorter than 2^(L_TABLE_SZ+4) bytes in length. This results
/ in better performance. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Includes and compiler specific definitions */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "ae.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Define standard sized integers */
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER < 1600)
typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t;
typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;
typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
typedef __int64 int64_t;
#include <stdint.h>
/* Compiler-specific intrinsics and fixes: bswap64, ntz */
#if _MSC_VER
#define inline __inline /* MSVC doesn't recognize "inline" in C */
#define restrict __restrict /* MSVC doesn't recognize "restrict" in C */
#define __SSE2__ (_M_IX86 || _M_AMD64 || _M_X64) /* Assume SSE2 */
#define __SSSE3__ (_M_IX86 || _M_AMD64 || _M_X64) /* Assume SSSE3 */
#include <intrin.h>
#pragma intrinsic(_byteswap_uint64, _BitScanForward, memcpy)
#define bswap64(x) _byteswap_uint64(x)
static inline unsigned ntz(unsigned x) {
_BitScanForward(&x, x);
return x;
#elif __GNUC__
#define inline __inline__ /* No "inline" in GCC ansi C mode */
#define restrict __restrict__ /* No "restrict" in GCC ansi C mode */
#define bswap64(x) __builtin_bswap64(x) /* Assuming GCC 4.3+ */
#define ntz(x) __builtin_ctz((unsigned)(x)) /* Assuming GCC 3.4+ */
#else /* Assume some C99 features: stdint.h, inline, restrict */
#define bswap32(x) \
((((x)&0xff000000u) >> 24) | (((x)&0x00ff0000u) >> 8) | (((x)&0x0000ff00u) << 8) | \
(((x)&0x000000ffu) << 24))
static inline uint64_t bswap64(uint64_t x) {
union {
uint64_t u64;
uint32_t u32[2];
} in, out;
in.u64 = x;
out.u32[0] = bswap32(in.u32[1]);
out.u32[1] = bswap32(in.u32[0]);
return out.u64;
#if (L_TABLE_SZ <= 9) && (L_TABLE_SZ_IS_ENOUGH) /* < 2^13 byte texts */
static inline unsigned ntz(unsigned x) {
static const unsigned char tz_table[] = {
0, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 6, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2,
3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 7, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 6, 2, 3, 2,
4, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 8, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2,
3, 2, 6, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 7, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2,
5, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 6, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 5, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2};
return tz_table[x / 4];
#else /* From */
static inline unsigned ntz(unsigned x) {
static const unsigned char tz_table[32] = {0, 1, 28, 2, 29, 14, 24, 3, 30, 22, 20,
15, 25, 17, 4, 8, 31, 27, 13, 23, 21, 19,
16, 7, 26, 12, 18, 6, 11, 5, 10, 9};
return tz_table[((uint32_t)((x & -x) * 0x077CB531u)) >> 27];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Define blocks and operations -- Patch if incorrect on your compiler. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <xmmintrin.h> /* SSE instructions and _mm_malloc */
#include <emmintrin.h> /* SSE2 instructions */
typedef __m128i block;
#define xor_block(x, y) _mm_xor_si128(x, y)
#define zero_block() _mm_setzero_si128()
#define unequal_blocks(x, y) (_mm_movemask_epi8(_mm_cmpeq_epi8(x, y)) != 0xffff)
#if __SSSE3__ || USE_AES_NI
#include <tmmintrin.h> /* SSSE3 instructions */
#define swap_if_le(b) \
_mm_shuffle_epi8(b, _mm_set_epi8(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15))
static inline block swap_if_le(block b) {
block a = _mm_shuffle_epi32(b, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 1, 2, 3));
a = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(a, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1));
a = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(a, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 3, 0, 1));
return _mm_xor_si128(_mm_srli_epi16(a, 8), _mm_slli_epi16(a, 8));
static inline block gen_offset(uint64_t KtopStr[3], unsigned bot) {
block hi = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)(KtopStr + 0)); /* hi = B A */
block lo = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(KtopStr + 1)); /* lo = C B */
__m128i lshift = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(bot);
__m128i rshift = _mm_cvtsi32_si128(64 - bot);
lo = _mm_xor_si128(_mm_sll_epi64(hi, lshift), _mm_srl_epi64(lo, rshift));
#if __SSSE3__ || USE_AES_NI
return _mm_shuffle_epi8(lo, _mm_set_epi8(8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7));
return swap_if_le(_mm_shuffle_epi32(lo, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 3, 2)));
static inline block double_block(block bl) {
const __m128i mask = _mm_set_epi32(135, 1, 1, 1);
__m128i tmp = _mm_srai_epi32(bl, 31);
tmp = _mm_and_si128(tmp, mask);
tmp = _mm_shuffle_epi32(tmp, _MM_SHUFFLE(2, 1, 0, 3));
bl = _mm_slli_epi32(bl, 1);
return _mm_xor_si128(bl, tmp);
#elif __ALTIVEC__
#include <altivec.h>
typedef vector unsigned block;
#define xor_block(x, y) vec_xor(x, y)
#define zero_block() vec_splat_u32(0)
#define unequal_blocks(x, y) vec_any_ne(x, y)
#define swap_if_le(b) (b)
#if __PPC64__
block gen_offset(uint64_t KtopStr[3], unsigned bot) {
union {
uint64_t u64[2];
block bl;
} rval;
rval.u64[0] = (KtopStr[0] << bot) | (KtopStr[1] >> (64 - bot));
rval.u64[1] = (KtopStr[1] << bot) | (KtopStr[2] >> (64 - bot));
/* Special handling: Shifts are mod 32, and no 64-bit types */
block gen_offset(uint64_t KtopStr[3], unsigned bot) {
const vector unsigned k32 = {32, 32, 32, 32};
vector unsigned hi = *(vector unsigned*)(KtopStr + 0);
vector unsigned lo = *(vector unsigned*)(KtopStr + 2);
vector unsigned bot_vec;
if (bot < 32) {
lo = vec_sld(hi, lo, 4);
} else {
vector unsigned t = vec_sld(hi, lo, 4);
lo = vec_sld(hi, lo, 8);
hi = t;
bot = bot - 32;
if (bot == 0)
return hi;
*(unsigned*)&bot_vec = bot;
vector unsigned lshift = vec_splat(bot_vec, 0);
vector unsigned rshift = vec_sub(k32, lshift);
hi = vec_sl(hi, lshift);
lo = vec_sr(lo, rshift);
return vec_xor(hi, lo);
static inline block double_block(block b) {
const vector unsigned char mask = {135, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
const vector unsigned char perm = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 0};
const vector unsigned char shift7 = vec_splat_u8(7);
const vector unsigned char shift1 = vec_splat_u8(1);
vector unsigned char c = (vector unsigned char)b;
vector unsigned char t = vec_sra(c, shift7);
t = vec_and(t, mask);
t = vec_perm(t, t, perm);
c = vec_sl(c, shift1);
return (block)vec_xor(c, t);
#elif __ARM_NEON__
#include <arm_neon.h>
typedef int8x16_t block; /* Yay! Endian-neutral reads! */
#define xor_block(x, y) veorq_s8(x, y)
#define zero_block() vdupq_n_s8(0)
static inline int unequal_blocks(block a, block b) {
int64x2_t t = veorq_s64((int64x2_t)a, (int64x2_t)b);
return (vgetq_lane_s64(t, 0) | vgetq_lane_s64(t, 1)) != 0;
#define swap_if_le(b) (b) /* Using endian-neutral int8x16_t */
/* KtopStr is reg correct by 64 bits, return mem correct */
block gen_offset(uint64_t KtopStr[3], unsigned bot) {
const union {
unsigned x;
unsigned char endian;
} little = {1};
const int64x2_t k64 = {-64, -64};
uint64x2_t hi = *(uint64x2_t*)(KtopStr + 0); /* hi = A B */
uint64x2_t lo = *(uint64x2_t*)(KtopStr + 1); /* hi = B C */
int64x2_t ls = vdupq_n_s64(bot);
int64x2_t rs = vqaddq_s64(k64, ls);
block rval = (block)veorq_u64(vshlq_u64(hi, ls), vshlq_u64(lo, rs));
if (little.endian)
rval = vrev64q_s8(rval);
return rval;
static inline block double_block(block b) {
const block mask = {135, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
block tmp = vshrq_n_s8(b, 7);
tmp = vandq_s8(tmp, mask);
tmp = vextq_s8(tmp, tmp, 1); /* Rotate high byte to end */
b = vshlq_n_s8(b, 1);
return veorq_s8(tmp, b);
typedef struct { uint64_t l, r; } block;
static inline block xor_block(block x, block y) {
x.l ^= y.l;
x.r ^= y.r;
return x;
static inline block zero_block(void) {
const block t = {0, 0};
return t;
#define unequal_blocks(x, y) ((((x).l ^ (y).l) | ((x).r ^ (y).r)) != 0)
static inline block swap_if_le(block b) {
const union {
unsigned x;
unsigned char endian;
} little = {1};
if (little.endian) {
block r;
r.l = bswap64(b.l);
r.r = bswap64(b.r);
return r;
} else
return b;
/* KtopStr is reg correct by 64 bits, return mem correct */
block gen_offset(uint64_t KtopStr[3], unsigned bot) {
block rval;
if (bot != 0) {
rval.l = (KtopStr[0] << bot) | (KtopStr[1] >> (64 - bot));
rval.r = (KtopStr[1] << bot) | (KtopStr[2] >> (64 - bot));
} else {
rval.l = KtopStr[0];
rval.r = KtopStr[1];
return swap_if_le(rval);
#if __GNUC__ && __arm__
static inline block double_block(block b) {
__asm__("adds %1,%1,%1\n\t"
"adcs %H1,%H1,%H1\n\t"
"adcs %0,%0,%0\n\t"
"adcs %H0,%H0,%H0\n\t"
"it cs\n\t"
"eorcs %1,%1,#135"
: "+r"(b.l), "+r"(b.r)
: "cc");
return b;
static inline block double_block(block b) {
uint64_t t = (uint64_t)((int64_t)b.l >> 63);
b.l = (b.l + b.l) ^ (b.r >> 63);
b.r = (b.r + b.r) ^ (t & 135);
return b;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* AES - Code uses OpenSSL API. Other implementations get mapped to it. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <openssl/aes.h> /* */
/* How to ECB encrypt an array of blocks, in place */
static inline void AES_ecb_encrypt_blks(block* blks, unsigned nblks, AES_KEY* key) {
while (nblks) {
AES_encrypt((unsigned char*)(blks + nblks), (unsigned char*)(blks + nblks), key);
static inline void AES_ecb_decrypt_blks(block* blks, unsigned nblks, AES_KEY* key) {
while (nblks) {
AES_decrypt((unsigned char*)(blks + nblks), (unsigned char*)(blks + nblks), key);
#define BPI 4 /* Number of blocks in buffer per ECB call */
#include "rijndael-alg-fst.h" /* Barreto's Public-Domain Code */
#if (OCB_KEY_LEN == 0)
typedef struct {
uint32_t rd_key[60];
int rounds;
#define ROUNDS(ctx) ((ctx)->rounds)
#define AES_set_encrypt_key(x, y, z) \
do { \
rijndaelKeySetupEnc((z)->rd_key, x, y); \
(z)->rounds = y / 32 + 6; \
} while (0)
#define AES_set_decrypt_key(x, y, z) \
do { \
rijndaelKeySetupDec((z)->rd_key, x, y); \
(z)->rounds = y / 32 + 6; \
} while (0)
typedef struct { uint32_t rd_key[OCB_KEY_LEN + 28]; } AES_KEY;
#define ROUNDS(ctx) (6 + OCB_KEY_LEN / 4)
#define AES_set_encrypt_key(x, y, z) rijndaelKeySetupEnc((z)->rd_key, x, y)
#define AES_set_decrypt_key(x, y, z) rijndaelKeySetupDec((z)->rd_key, x, y)
#define AES_encrypt(x, y, z) rijndaelEncrypt((z)->rd_key, ROUNDS(z), x, y)
#define AES_decrypt(x, y, z) rijndaelDecrypt((z)->rd_key, ROUNDS(z), x, y)
static void AES_ecb_encrypt_blks(block* blks, unsigned nblks, AES_KEY* key) {
while (nblks) {
AES_encrypt((unsigned char*)(blks + nblks), (unsigned char*)(blks + nblks), key);
void AES_ecb_decrypt_blks(block* blks, unsigned nblks, AES_KEY* key) {
while (nblks) {
AES_decrypt((unsigned char*)(blks + nblks), (unsigned char*)(blks + nblks), key);
#define BPI 4 /* Number of blocks in buffer per ECB call */
#elif USE_AES_NI
#include <wmmintrin.h>
#if (OCB_KEY_LEN == 0)
typedef struct {
__m128i rd_key[15];
int rounds;
#define ROUNDS(ctx) ((ctx)->rounds)
typedef struct { __m128i rd_key[7 + OCB_KEY_LEN / 4]; } AES_KEY;
#define ROUNDS(ctx) (6 + OCB_KEY_LEN / 4)
#define EXPAND_ASSIST(v1, v2, v3, v4, shuff_const, aes_const) \
v2 = _mm_aeskeygenassist_si128(v4, aes_const); \
v3 = _mm_castps_si128(_mm_shuffle_ps(_mm_castsi128_ps(v3), _mm_castsi128_ps(v1), 16)); \
v1 = _mm_xor_si128(v1, v3); \
v3 = _mm_castps_si128(_mm_shuffle_ps(_mm_castsi128_ps(v3), _mm_castsi128_ps(v1), 140)); \
v1 = _mm_xor_si128(v1, v3); \
v2 = _mm_shuffle_epi32(v2, shuff_const); \
v1 = _mm_xor_si128(v1, v2)
#define EXPAND192_STEP(idx, aes_const) \
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x3, 85, aes_const); \
x3 = _mm_xor_si128(x3, _mm_slli_si128(x3, 4)); \
x3 = _mm_xor_si128(x3, _mm_shuffle_epi32(x0, 255)); \
kp[idx] = _mm_castps_si128(_mm_shuffle_ps(_mm_castsi128_ps(tmp), _mm_castsi128_ps(x0), 68)); \
kp[idx + 1] = \
_mm_castps_si128(_mm_shuffle_ps(_mm_castsi128_ps(x0), _mm_castsi128_ps(x3), 78)); \
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x3, 85, (aes_const * 2)); \
x3 = _mm_xor_si128(x3, _mm_slli_si128(x3, 4)); \
x3 = _mm_xor_si128(x3, _mm_shuffle_epi32(x0, 255)); \
kp[idx + 2] = x0; \
tmp = x3
static void AES_128_Key_Expansion(const unsigned char* userkey, void* key) {
__m128i x0, x1, x2;
__m128i* kp = (__m128i*)key;
kp[0] = x0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)userkey);
x2 = _mm_setzero_si128();
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 1);
kp[1] = x0;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 2);
kp[2] = x0;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 4);
kp[3] = x0;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 8);
kp[4] = x0;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 16);
kp[5] = x0;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 32);
kp[6] = x0;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 64);
kp[7] = x0;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 128);
kp[8] = x0;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 27);
kp[9] = x0;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x0, 255, 54);
kp[10] = x0;
static void AES_192_Key_Expansion(const unsigned char* userkey, void* key) {
__m128i x0, x1, x2, x3, tmp, *kp = (__m128i*)key;
kp[0] = x0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)userkey);
tmp = x3 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(userkey + 16));
x2 = _mm_setzero_si128();
EXPAND192_STEP(1, 1);
EXPAND192_STEP(4, 4);
EXPAND192_STEP(7, 16);
EXPAND192_STEP(10, 64);
static void AES_256_Key_Expansion(const unsigned char* userkey, void* key) {
__m128i x0, x1, x2, x3, *kp = (__m128i*)key;
kp[0] = x0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)userkey);
kp[1] = x3 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i*)(userkey + 16));
x2 = _mm_setzero_si128();
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x3, 255, 1);
kp[2] = x0;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x3, x1, x2, x0, 170, 1);
kp[3] = x3;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x3, 255, 2);
kp[4] = x0;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x3, x1, x2, x0, 170, 2);
kp[5] = x3;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x3, 255, 4);
kp[6] = x0;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x3, x1, x2, x0, 170, 4);
kp[7] = x3;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x3, 255, 8);
kp[8] = x0;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x3, x1, x2, x0, 170, 8);
kp[9] = x3;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x3, 255, 16);
kp[10] = x0;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x3, x1, x2, x0, 170, 16);
kp[11] = x3;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x3, 255, 32);
kp[12] = x0;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x3, x1, x2, x0, 170, 32);
kp[13] = x3;
EXPAND_ASSIST(x0, x1, x2, x3, 255, 64);
kp[14] = x0;
static int AES_set_encrypt_key(const unsigned char* userKey, const int bits, AES_KEY* key) {
if (bits == 128) {
AES_128_Key_Expansion(userKey, key);
} else if (bits == 192) {
AES_192_Key_Expansion(userKey, key);
} else if (bits == 256) {
AES_256_Key_Expansion(userKey, key);
#if (OCB_KEY_LEN == 0)
key->rounds = 6 + bits / 32;
return 0;
static void AES_set_decrypt_key_fast(AES_KEY* dkey, const AES_KEY* ekey) {
int j = 0;
int i = ROUNDS(ekey);
#if (OCB_KEY_LEN == 0)
dkey->rounds = i;
dkey->rd_key[i--] = ekey->rd_key[j++];
while (i)
dkey->rd_key[i--] = _mm_aesimc_si128(ekey->rd_key[j++]);
dkey->rd_key[i] = ekey->rd_key[j];
static int AES_set_decrypt_key(const unsigned char* userKey, const int bits, AES_KEY* key) {
AES_KEY temp_key;
AES_set_encrypt_key(userKey, bits, &temp_key);
AES_set_decrypt_key_fast(key, &temp_key);
return 0;
static inline void AES_encrypt(const unsigned char* in, unsigned char* out, const AES_KEY* key) {
int j, rnds = ROUNDS(key);
const __m128i* sched = ((__m128i*)(key->rd_key));
__m128i tmp = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)in);
tmp = _mm_xor_si128(tmp, sched[0]);
for (j = 1; j < rnds; j++)
tmp = _mm_aesenc_si128(tmp, sched[j]);
tmp = _mm_aesenclast_si128(tmp, sched[j]);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)out, tmp);
static inline void AES_decrypt(const unsigned char* in, unsigned char* out, const AES_KEY* key) {
int j, rnds = ROUNDS(key);
const __m128i* sched = ((__m128i*)(key->rd_key));
__m128i tmp = _mm_load_si128((__m128i*)in);
tmp = _mm_xor_si128(tmp, sched[0]);
for (j = 1; j < rnds; j++)
tmp = _mm_aesdec_si128(tmp, sched[j]);
tmp = _mm_aesdeclast_si128(tmp, sched[j]);
_mm_store_si128((__m128i*)out, tmp);
static inline void AES_ecb_encrypt_blks(block* blks, unsigned nblks, AES_KEY* key) {
unsigned i, j, rnds = ROUNDS(key);
const __m128i* sched = ((__m128i*)(key->rd_key));
for (i = 0; i < nblks; ++i)
blks[i] = _mm_xor_si128(blks[i], sched[0]);
for (j = 1; j < rnds; ++j)
for (i = 0; i < nblks; ++i)
blks[i] = _mm_aesenc_si128(blks[i], sched[j]);
for (i = 0; i < nblks; ++i)
blks[i] = _mm_aesenclast_si128(blks[i], sched[j]);
static inline void AES_ecb_decrypt_blks(block* blks, unsigned nblks, AES_KEY* key) {
unsigned i, j, rnds = ROUNDS(key);
const __m128i* sched = ((__m128i*)(key->rd_key));
for (i = 0; i < nblks; ++i)
blks[i] = _mm_xor_si128(blks[i], sched[0]);
for (j = 1; j < rnds; ++j)
for (i = 0; i < nblks; ++i)
blks[i] = _mm_aesdec_si128(blks[i], sched[j]);
for (i = 0; i < nblks; ++i)
blks[i] = _mm_aesdeclast_si128(blks[i], sched[j]);
#define BPI 8 /* Number of blocks in buffer per ECB call */
/* Set to 4 for Westmere, 8 for Sandy Bridge */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Define OCB context structure. */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/ Each item in the OCB context is stored either "memory correct" or
/ "register correct". On big-endian machines, this is identical. On
/ little-endian machines, one must choose whether the byte-string
/ is in the correct order when it resides in memory or in registers.
/ It must be register correct whenever it is to be manipulated
/ arithmetically, but must be memory correct whenever it interacts
/ with the plaintext or ciphertext.
/------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct _ae_ctx {
block offset; /* Memory correct */
block checksum; /* Memory correct */
block Lstar; /* Memory correct */
block Ldollar; /* Memory correct */
block L[L_TABLE_SZ]; /* Memory correct */
block ad_checksum; /* Memory correct */
block ad_offset; /* Memory correct */
block cached_Top; /* Memory correct */
uint64_t KtopStr[3]; /* Register correct, each item */
uint32_t ad_blocks_processed;
uint32_t blocks_processed;
AES_KEY decrypt_key;
AES_KEY encrypt_key;
#if (OCB_TAG_LEN == 0)
unsigned tag_len;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* L table lookup (or on-the-fly generation) */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define getL(_ctx, _tz) ((_ctx)->L[_tz])
static block getL(const ae_ctx* ctx, unsigned tz) {
if (tz < L_TABLE_SZ)
return ctx->L[tz];
else {
unsigned i;
/* Bring L[MAX] into registers, make it register correct */
block rval = swap_if_le(ctx->L[L_TABLE_SZ - 1]);
rval = double_block(rval);
for (i = L_TABLE_SZ; i < tz; i++)
rval = double_block(rval);
return swap_if_le(rval); /* To memory correct */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Public functions */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* 32-bit SSE2 and Altivec systems need to be forced to allocate memory
on 16-byte alignments. (I believe all major 64-bit systems do already.) */
ae_ctx* ae_allocate(void* misc) {
void* p;
(void)misc; /* misc unused in this implementation */
#if (__SSE2__ && !_M_X64 && !_M_AMD64 && !__amd64__)
p = _mm_malloc(sizeof(ae_ctx), 16);
#elif(__ALTIVEC__ && !__PPC64__)
if (posix_memalign(&p, 16, sizeof(ae_ctx)) != 0)
p = NULL;
p = malloc(sizeof(ae_ctx));
return (ae_ctx*)p;
void ae_free(ae_ctx* ctx) {
#if (__SSE2__ && !_M_X64 && !_M_AMD64 && !__amd64__)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ae_clear(ae_ctx* ctx) /* Zero ae_ctx and undo initialization */
memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(ae_ctx));
return AE_SUCCESS;
int ae_ctx_sizeof(void) {
return (int)sizeof(ae_ctx);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ae_init(ae_ctx* ctx, const void* key, int key_len, int nonce_len, int tag_len) {
unsigned i;
block tmp_blk;
if (nonce_len != 12)
/* Initialize encryption & decryption keys */
#if (OCB_KEY_LEN > 0)
key_len = OCB_KEY_LEN;
AES_set_encrypt_key((unsigned char*)key, key_len * 8, &ctx->encrypt_key);
AES_set_decrypt_key_fast(&ctx->decrypt_key, &ctx->encrypt_key);
AES_set_decrypt_key((unsigned char*)key, (int)(key_len * 8), &ctx->decrypt_key);
/* Zero things that need zeroing */
ctx->cached_Top = ctx->ad_checksum = zero_block();
ctx->ad_blocks_processed = 0;
/* Compute key-dependent values */
AES_encrypt((unsigned char*)&ctx->cached_Top, (unsigned char*)&ctx->Lstar, &ctx->encrypt_key);
tmp_blk = swap_if_le(ctx->Lstar);
tmp_blk = double_block(tmp_blk);
ctx->Ldollar = swap_if_le(tmp_blk);
tmp_blk = double_block(tmp_blk);
ctx->L[0] = swap_if_le(tmp_blk);
for (i = 1; i < L_TABLE_SZ; i++) {
tmp_blk = double_block(tmp_blk);
ctx->L[i] = swap_if_le(tmp_blk);
#if (OCB_TAG_LEN == 0)
ctx->tag_len = tag_len;
(void)tag_len; /* Suppress var not used error */
return AE_SUCCESS;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static block gen_offset_from_nonce(ae_ctx* ctx, const void* nonce) {
const union {
unsigned x;
unsigned char endian;
} little = {1};
union {
uint32_t u32[4];
uint8_t u8[16];
block bl;
} tmp;
unsigned idx;
uint32_t tagadd;
/* Replace cached nonce Top if needed */
#if (OCB_TAG_LEN > 0)
if (little.endian)
tmp.u32[0] = 0x01000000 + ((OCB_TAG_LEN * 8 % 128) << 1);
tmp.u32[0] = 0x00000001 + ((OCB_TAG_LEN * 8 % 128) << 25);
if (little.endian)
tmp.u32[0] = 0x01000000 + ((ctx->tag_len * 8 % 128) << 1);
tmp.u32[0] = 0x00000001 + ((ctx->tag_len * 8 % 128) << 25);
tmp.u32[1] = ((uint32_t*)nonce)[0];
tmp.u32[2] = ((uint32_t*)nonce)[1];
tmp.u32[3] = ((uint32_t*)nonce)[2];
idx = (unsigned)(tmp.u8[15] & 0x3f); /* Get low 6 bits of nonce */
tmp.u8[15] = tmp.u8[15] & 0xc0; /* Zero low 6 bits of nonce */
if (unequal_blocks(, ctx->cached_Top)) { /* Cached? */
ctx->cached_Top =; /* Update cache, KtopStr */
AES_encrypt(tmp.u8, (unsigned char*)&ctx->KtopStr, &ctx->encrypt_key);
if (little.endian) { /* Make Register Correct */
ctx->KtopStr[0] = bswap64(ctx->KtopStr[0]);
ctx->KtopStr[1] = bswap64(ctx->KtopStr[1]);
ctx->KtopStr[2] = ctx->KtopStr[0] ^ (ctx->KtopStr[0] << 8) ^ (ctx->KtopStr[1] >> 56);
return gen_offset(ctx->KtopStr, idx);
static void process_ad(ae_ctx* ctx, const void* ad, int ad_len, int final) {
union {
uint32_t u32[4];
uint8_t u8[16];
block bl;
} tmp;
block ad_offset, ad_checksum;
const block* adp = (block*)ad;
unsigned i, k, tz, remaining;
ad_offset = ctx->ad_offset;
ad_checksum = ctx->ad_checksum;
i = ad_len / (BPI * 16);
if (i) {
unsigned ad_block_num = ctx->ad_blocks_processed;
do {
block ta[BPI], oa[BPI];
ad_block_num += BPI;
tz = ntz(ad_block_num);
oa[0] = xor_block(ad_offset, ctx->L[0]);
ta[0] = xor_block(oa[0], adp[0]);
oa[1] = xor_block(oa[0], ctx->L[1]);
ta[1] = xor_block(oa[1], adp[1]);
oa[2] = xor_block(ad_offset, ctx->L[1]);
ta[2] = xor_block(oa[2], adp[2]);
#if BPI == 4
ad_offset = xor_block(oa[2], getL(ctx, tz));
ta[3] = xor_block(ad_offset, adp[3]);
#elif BPI == 8
oa[3] = xor_block(oa[2], ctx->L[2]);
ta[3] = xor_block(oa[3], adp[3]);
oa[4] = xor_block(oa[1], ctx->L[2]);
ta[4] = xor_block(oa[4], adp[4]);
oa[5] = xor_block(oa[0], ctx->L[2]);
ta[5] = xor_block(oa[5], adp[5]);
oa[6] = xor_block(ad_offset, ctx->L[2]);
ta[6] = xor_block(oa[6], adp[6]);
ad_offset = xor_block(oa[6], getL(ctx, tz));
ta[7] = xor_block(ad_offset, adp[7]);
AES_ecb_encrypt_blks(ta, BPI, &ctx->encrypt_key);
ad_checksum = xor_block(ad_checksum, ta[0]);
ad_checksum = xor_block(ad_checksum, ta[1]);
ad_checksum = xor_block(ad_checksum, ta[2]);
ad_checksum = xor_block(ad_checksum, ta[3]);
#if (BPI == 8)
ad_checksum = xor_block(ad_checksum, ta[4]);
ad_checksum = xor_block(ad_checksum, ta[5]);
ad_checksum = xor_block(ad_checksum, ta[6]);
ad_checksum = xor_block(ad_checksum, ta[7]);
adp += BPI;
} while (--i);
ctx->ad_blocks_processed = ad_block_num;
ctx->ad_offset = ad_offset;
ctx->ad_checksum = ad_checksum;
if (final) {
block ta[BPI];
/* Process remaining associated data, compute its tag contribution */
remaining = ((unsigned)ad_len) % (BPI * 16);
if (remaining) {
k = 0;
#if (BPI == 8)
if (remaining >= 64) { = xor_block(ad_offset, ctx->L[0]);
ta[0] = xor_block(, adp[0]); = xor_block(, ctx->L[1]);
ta[1] = xor_block(, adp[1]);
ad_offset = xor_block(ad_offset, ctx->L[1]);
ta[2] = xor_block(ad_offset, adp[2]);
ad_offset = xor_block(ad_offset, ctx->L[2]);
ta[3] = xor_block(ad_offset, adp[3]);
remaining -= 64;
k = 4;
if (remaining >= 32) {
ad_offset = xor_block(ad_offset, ctx->L[0]);
ta[k] = xor_block(ad_offset, adp[k]);
ad_offset = xor_block(ad_offset, getL(ctx, ntz(k + 2)));
ta[k + 1] = xor_block(ad_offset, adp[k + 1]);
remaining -= 32;
k += 2;
if (remaining >= 16) {
ad_offset = xor_block(ad_offset, ctx->L[0]);
ta[k] = xor_block(ad_offset, adp[k]);
remaining = remaining - 16;
if (remaining) {
ad_offset = xor_block(ad_offset, ctx->Lstar); = zero_block();
memcpy(tmp.u8, adp + k, remaining);
tmp.u8[remaining] = (unsigned char)0x80u;
ta[k] = xor_block(ad_offset,;
AES_ecb_encrypt_blks(ta, k, &ctx->encrypt_key);
switch (k) {
#if (BPI == 8)
case 8:
ad_checksum = xor_block(ad_checksum, ta[7]);
case 7:
ad_checksum = xor_block(ad_checksum, ta[6]);
case 6:
ad_checksum = xor_block(ad_checksum, ta[5]);
case 5:
ad_checksum = xor_block(ad_checksum, ta[4]);
case 4:
ad_checksum = xor_block(ad_checksum, ta[3]);
case 3:
ad_checksum = xor_block(ad_checksum, ta[2]);
case 2:
ad_checksum = xor_block(ad_checksum, ta[1]);
case 1:
ad_checksum = xor_block(ad_checksum, ta[0]);
ctx->ad_checksum = ad_checksum;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int ae_encrypt(ae_ctx* ctx, const void* nonce, const void* pt, int pt_len, const void* ad,
int ad_len, void* ct, void* tag, int final) {
union {
uint32_t u32[4];
uint8_t u8[16];
block bl;
} tmp;
block offset, checksum;
unsigned i, k;
block* ctp = (block*)ct;
const block* ptp = (block*)pt;
/* Non-null nonce means start of new message, init per-message values */
if (nonce) {
ctx->offset = gen_offset_from_nonce(ctx, nonce);
ctx->ad_offset = ctx->checksum = zero_block();
ctx->ad_blocks_processed = ctx->blocks_processed = 0;
if (ad_len >= 0)
ctx->ad_checksum = zero_block();
/* Process associated data */
if (ad_len > 0)
process_ad(ctx, ad, ad_len, final);
/* Encrypt plaintext data BPI blocks at a time */
offset = ctx->offset;
checksum = ctx->checksum;
i = pt_len / (BPI * 16);
if (i) {
block oa[BPI];
unsigned block_num = ctx->blocks_processed;
oa[BPI - 1] = offset;
do {
block ta[BPI];
block_num += BPI;
oa[0] = xor_block(oa[BPI - 1], ctx->L[0]);
ta[0] = xor_block(oa[0], ptp[0]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[0]);
oa[1] = xor_block(oa[0], ctx->L[1]);
ta[1] = xor_block(oa[1], ptp[1]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[1]);
oa[2] = xor_block(oa[1], ctx->L[0]);
ta[2] = xor_block(oa[2], ptp[2]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[2]);
#if BPI == 4
oa[3] = xor_block(oa[2], getL(ctx, ntz(block_num)));
ta[3] = xor_block(oa[3], ptp[3]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[3]);
#elif BPI == 8
oa[3] = xor_block(oa[2], ctx->L[2]);
ta[3] = xor_block(oa[3], ptp[3]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[3]);
oa[4] = xor_block(oa[1], ctx->L[2]);
ta[4] = xor_block(oa[4], ptp[4]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[4]);
oa[5] = xor_block(oa[0], ctx->L[2]);
ta[5] = xor_block(oa[5], ptp[5]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[5]);
oa[6] = xor_block(oa[7], ctx->L[2]);
ta[6] = xor_block(oa[6], ptp[6]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[6]);
oa[7] = xor_block(oa[6], getL(ctx, ntz(block_num)));
ta[7] = xor_block(oa[7], ptp[7]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[7]);
AES_ecb_encrypt_blks(ta, BPI, &ctx->encrypt_key);
ctp[0] = xor_block(ta[0], oa[0]);
ctp[1] = xor_block(ta[1], oa[1]);
ctp[2] = xor_block(ta[2], oa[2]);
ctp[3] = xor_block(ta[3], oa[3]);
#if (BPI == 8)
ctp[4] = xor_block(ta[4], oa[4]);
ctp[5] = xor_block(ta[5], oa[5]);
ctp[6] = xor_block(ta[6], oa[6]);
ctp[7] = xor_block(ta[7], oa[7]);
ptp += BPI;
ctp += BPI;
} while (--i);
ctx->offset = offset = oa[BPI - 1];
ctx->blocks_processed = block_num;
ctx->checksum = checksum;
if (final) {
block ta[BPI + 1], oa[BPI];
/* Process remaining plaintext and compute its tag contribution */
unsigned remaining = ((unsigned)pt_len) % (BPI * 16);
k = 0; /* How many blocks in ta[] need ECBing */
if (remaining) {
#if (BPI == 8)
if (remaining >= 64) {
oa[0] = xor_block(offset, ctx->L[0]);
ta[0] = xor_block(oa[0], ptp[0]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[0]);
oa[1] = xor_block(oa[0], ctx->L[1]);
ta[1] = xor_block(oa[1], ptp[1]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[1]);
oa[2] = xor_block(oa[1], ctx->L[0]);
ta[2] = xor_block(oa[2], ptp[2]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[2]);
offset = oa[3] = xor_block(oa[2], ctx->L[2]);
ta[3] = xor_block(offset, ptp[3]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[3]);
remaining -= 64;
k = 4;
if (remaining >= 32) {
oa[k] = xor_block(offset, ctx->L[0]);
ta[k] = xor_block(oa[k], ptp[k]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[k]);
offset = oa[k + 1] = xor_block(oa[k], ctx->L[1]);
ta[k + 1] = xor_block(offset, ptp[k + 1]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[k + 1]);
remaining -= 32;
k += 2;
if (remaining >= 16) {
offset = oa[k] = xor_block(offset, ctx->L[0]);
ta[k] = xor_block(offset, ptp[k]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[k]);
remaining -= 16;
if (remaining) { = zero_block();
memcpy(tmp.u8, ptp + k, remaining);
tmp.u8[remaining] = (unsigned char)0x80u;
checksum = xor_block(checksum,;
ta[k] = offset = xor_block(offset, ctx->Lstar);
offset = xor_block(offset, ctx->Ldollar); /* Part of tag gen */
ta[k] = xor_block(offset, checksum); /* Part of tag gen */
AES_ecb_encrypt_blks(ta, k + 1, &ctx->encrypt_key);
offset = xor_block(ta[k], ctx->ad_checksum); /* Part of tag gen */
if (remaining) {
--k; = xor_block(, ta[k]);
memcpy(ctp + k, tmp.u8, remaining);
switch (k) {
#if (BPI == 8)
case 7:
ctp[6] = xor_block(ta[6], oa[6]);
case 6:
ctp[5] = xor_block(ta[5], oa[5]);
case 5:
ctp[4] = xor_block(ta[4], oa[4]);
case 4:
ctp[3] = xor_block(ta[3], oa[3]);
case 3:
ctp[2] = xor_block(ta[2], oa[2]);
case 2:
ctp[1] = xor_block(ta[1], oa[1]);
case 1:
ctp[0] = xor_block(ta[0], oa[0]);
/* Tag is placed at the correct location
if (tag) {
#if (OCB_TAG_LEN == 16)
*(block*)tag = offset;
#elif(OCB_TAG_LEN > 0)
memcpy((char*)tag, &offset, OCB_TAG_LEN);
memcpy((char*)tag, &offset, ctx->tag_len);
} else {
#if (OCB_TAG_LEN > 0)
memcpy((char*)ct + pt_len, &offset, OCB_TAG_LEN);
pt_len += OCB_TAG_LEN;
memcpy((char*)ct + pt_len, &offset, ctx->tag_len);
pt_len += ctx->tag_len;
return (int)pt_len;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Compare two regions of memory, taking a constant amount of time for a
given buffer size -- under certain assumptions about the compiler
and machine, of course.
Use this to avoid timing side-channel attacks.
Returns 0 for memory regions with equal contents; non-zero otherwise. */
static int constant_time_memcmp(const void* av, const void* bv, size_t n) {
const uint8_t* a = (const uint8_t*)av;
const uint8_t* b = (const uint8_t*)bv;
uint8_t result = 0;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
result |= *a ^ *b;
return (int)result;
int ae_decrypt(ae_ctx* ctx, const void* nonce, const void* ct, int ct_len, const void* ad,
int ad_len, void* pt, const void* tag, int final) {
union {
uint32_t u32[4];
uint8_t u8[16];
block bl;
} tmp;
block offset, checksum;
unsigned i, k;
block* ctp = (block*)ct;
block* ptp = (block*)pt;
/* Reduce ct_len tag bundled in ct */
if ((final) && (!tag))
#if (OCB_TAG_LEN > 0)
ct_len -= OCB_TAG_LEN;
ct_len -= ctx->tag_len;
/* Non-null nonce means start of new message, init per-message values */
if (nonce) {
ctx->offset = gen_offset_from_nonce(ctx, nonce);
ctx->ad_offset = ctx->checksum = zero_block();
ctx->ad_blocks_processed = ctx->blocks_processed = 0;
if (ad_len >= 0)
ctx->ad_checksum = zero_block();
/* Process associated data */
if (ad_len > 0)
process_ad(ctx, ad, ad_len, final);
/* Encrypt plaintext data BPI blocks at a time */
offset = ctx->offset;
checksum = ctx->checksum;
i = ct_len / (BPI * 16);
if (i) {
block oa[BPI];
unsigned block_num = ctx->blocks_processed;
oa[BPI - 1] = offset;
do {
block ta[BPI];
block_num += BPI;
oa[0] = xor_block(oa[BPI - 1], ctx->L[0]);
ta[0] = xor_block(oa[0], ctp[0]);
oa[1] = xor_block(oa[0], ctx->L[1]);
ta[1] = xor_block(oa[1], ctp[1]);
oa[2] = xor_block(oa[1], ctx->L[0]);
ta[2] = xor_block(oa[2], ctp[2]);
#if BPI == 4
oa[3] = xor_block(oa[2], getL(ctx, ntz(block_num)));
ta[3] = xor_block(oa[3], ctp[3]);
#elif BPI == 8
oa[3] = xor_block(oa[2], ctx->L[2]);
ta[3] = xor_block(oa[3], ctp[3]);
oa[4] = xor_block(oa[1], ctx->L[2]);
ta[4] = xor_block(oa[4], ctp[4]);
oa[5] = xor_block(oa[0], ctx->L[2]);
ta[5] = xor_block(oa[5], ctp[5]);
oa[6] = xor_block(oa[7], ctx->L[2]);
ta[6] = xor_block(oa[6], ctp[6]);
oa[7] = xor_block(oa[6], getL(ctx, ntz(block_num)));
ta[7] = xor_block(oa[7], ctp[7]);
AES_ecb_decrypt_blks(ta, BPI, &ctx->decrypt_key);
ptp[0] = xor_block(ta[0], oa[0]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[0]);
ptp[1] = xor_block(ta[1], oa[1]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[1]);
ptp[2] = xor_block(ta[2], oa[2]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[2]);
ptp[3] = xor_block(ta[3], oa[3]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[3]);
#if (BPI == 8)
ptp[4] = xor_block(ta[4], oa[4]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[4]);
ptp[5] = xor_block(ta[5], oa[5]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[5]);
ptp[6] = xor_block(ta[6], oa[6]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[6]);
ptp[7] = xor_block(ta[7], oa[7]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[7]);
ptp += BPI;
ctp += BPI;
} while (--i);
ctx->offset = offset = oa[BPI - 1];
ctx->blocks_processed = block_num;
ctx->checksum = checksum;
if (final) {
block ta[BPI + 1], oa[BPI];
/* Process remaining plaintext and compute its tag contribution */
unsigned remaining = ((unsigned)ct_len) % (BPI * 16);
k = 0; /* How many blocks in ta[] need ECBing */
if (remaining) {
#if (BPI == 8)
if (remaining >= 64) {
oa[0] = xor_block(offset, ctx->L[0]);
ta[0] = xor_block(oa[0], ctp[0]);
oa[1] = xor_block(oa[0], ctx->L[1]);
ta[1] = xor_block(oa[1], ctp[1]);
oa[2] = xor_block(oa[1], ctx->L[0]);
ta[2] = xor_block(oa[2], ctp[2]);
offset = oa[3] = xor_block(oa[2], ctx->L[2]);
ta[3] = xor_block(offset, ctp[3]);
remaining -= 64;
k = 4;
if (remaining >= 32) {
oa[k] = xor_block(offset, ctx->L[0]);
ta[k] = xor_block(oa[k], ctp[k]);
offset = oa[k + 1] = xor_block(oa[k], ctx->L[1]);
ta[k + 1] = xor_block(offset, ctp[k + 1]);
remaining -= 32;
k += 2;
if (remaining >= 16) {
offset = oa[k] = xor_block(offset, ctx->L[0]);
ta[k] = xor_block(offset, ctp[k]);
remaining -= 16;
if (remaining) {
block pad;
offset = xor_block(offset, ctx->Lstar);
AES_encrypt((unsigned char*)&offset, tmp.u8, &ctx->encrypt_key);
pad =;
memcpy(tmp.u8, ctp + k, remaining); = xor_block(, pad);
tmp.u8[remaining] = (unsigned char)0x80u;
memcpy(ptp + k, tmp.u8, remaining);
checksum = xor_block(checksum,;
AES_ecb_decrypt_blks(ta, k, &ctx->decrypt_key);
switch (k) {
#if (BPI == 8)
case 7:
ptp[6] = xor_block(ta[6], oa[6]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[6]);
case 6:
ptp[5] = xor_block(ta[5], oa[5]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[5]);
case 5:
ptp[4] = xor_block(ta[4], oa[4]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[4]);
case 4:
ptp[3] = xor_block(ta[3], oa[3]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[3]);
case 3:
ptp[2] = xor_block(ta[2], oa[2]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[2]);
case 2:
ptp[1] = xor_block(ta[1], oa[1]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[1]);
case 1:
ptp[0] = xor_block(ta[0], oa[0]);
checksum = xor_block(checksum, ptp[0]);
/* Calculate expected tag */
offset = xor_block(offset, ctx->Ldollar); = xor_block(offset, checksum);
AES_encrypt(tmp.u8, tmp.u8, &ctx->encrypt_key); = xor_block(, ctx->ad_checksum); /* Full tag */
/* Compare with proposed tag, change ct_len if invalid */
if ((OCB_TAG_LEN == 16) && tag) {
if (unequal_blocks(, *(block*)tag))
ct_len = AE_INVALID;
} else {
#if (OCB_TAG_LEN > 0)
int len = OCB_TAG_LEN;
int len = ctx->tag_len;
if (tag) {
if (constant_time_memcmp(tag, tmp.u8, len) != 0)
ct_len = AE_INVALID;
} else {
if (constant_time_memcmp((char*)ct + ct_len, tmp.u8, len) != 0)
ct_len = AE_INVALID;
return ct_len;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Simple test program */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#if 0
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#if __GNUC__
#define ALIGN(n) __attribute__((aligned(n)))
#elif _MSC_VER
#define ALIGN(n) __declspec(align(n))
#else /* Not GNU/Microsoft: delete alignment uses. */
#define ALIGN(n)
static void pbuf(void *p, unsigned len, const void *s)
unsigned i;
if (s)
printf("%s", (char *)s);
for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
printf("%02X", (unsigned)(((unsigned char *)p)[i]));
static void vectors(ae_ctx *ctx, int len)
ALIGN(16) char pt[128];
ALIGN(16) char ct[144];
ALIGN(16) char nonce[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11};
int i;
for (i=0; i < 128; i++) pt[i] = i;
i = ae_encrypt(ctx,nonce,pt,len,pt,len,ct,NULL,AE_FINALIZE);
printf("P=%d,A=%d: ",len,len); pbuf(ct, i, NULL);
i = ae_encrypt(ctx,nonce,pt,0,pt,len,ct,NULL,AE_FINALIZE);
printf("P=%d,A=%d: ",0,len); pbuf(ct, i, NULL);
i = ae_encrypt(ctx,nonce,pt,len,pt,0,ct,NULL,AE_FINALIZE);
printf("P=%d,A=%d: ",len,0); pbuf(ct, i, NULL);
void validate()
ALIGN(16) char pt[1024];
ALIGN(16) char ct[1024];
ALIGN(16) char tag[16];
ALIGN(16) char nonce[12] = {0,};
ALIGN(16) char key[32] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31};
ae_ctx ctx;
char *val_buf, *next;
int i, len;
val_buf = (char *)malloc(22400 + 16);
next = val_buf = (char *)(((size_t)val_buf + 16) & ~((size_t)15));
if (0) {
ae_init(&ctx, key, 16, 12, 16);
/* pbuf(&ctx, sizeof(ctx), "CTX: "); */
ae_init(&ctx, key, OCB_KEY_LEN, 12, OCB_TAG_LEN);
/* RFC Vector test */
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
int first = ((i/3)/(BPI*16))*(BPI*16);
int second = first;
int third = i - (first + second);
nonce[11] = i;
if (0) {
next = next+i+OCB_TAG_LEN;
next = next+i+OCB_TAG_LEN;
next = next+OCB_TAG_LEN;
} else {
next = next+i+OCB_TAG_LEN;
next = next+i+OCB_TAG_LEN;
next = next+OCB_TAG_LEN;
nonce[11] = 0;
/* Encrypt/Decrypt test */
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
int first = ((i/3)/(BPI*16))*(BPI*16);
int second = first;
int third = i - (first + second);
nonce[11] = i%128;
if (1) {
len = ae_encrypt(&ctx,nonce,val_buf,i,val_buf,i,ct,tag,AE_FINALIZE);
len = ae_encrypt(&ctx,nonce,val_buf,i,val_buf,-1,ct,tag,AE_FINALIZE);
len = ae_decrypt(&ctx,nonce,ct,len,val_buf,-1,pt,tag,AE_FINALIZE);
if (len == -1) { printf("Authentication error: %d\n", i); return; }
if (len != i) { printf("Length error: %d\n", i); return; }
if (memcmp(val_buf,pt,i)) { printf("Decrypt error: %d\n", i); return; }
} else {
len = ae_encrypt(&ctx,nonce,val_buf,i,val_buf,i,ct,NULL,AE_FINALIZE);
len = ae_decrypt(&ctx,NULL,ct+first+second,len-(first+second),val_buf+first+second,third,pt+first+second,NULL,AE_FINALIZE);
if (len == -1) { printf("Authentication error: %d\n", i); return; }
if (memcmp(val_buf,pt,i)) { printf("Decrypt error: %d\n", i); return; }
printf("Decrypt: PASS\n");
int main()
return 0;
char infoString[] = "OCB3 (AES-NI)";
char infoString[] = "OCB3 (Reference)";
char infoString[] = "OCB3 (OpenSSL)";