| // Copyright 2023, The Android Open Source Project |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| //! Implementation of the NFCC. |
| |
| use crate::packets::{nci, rf}; |
| use anyhow::Result; |
| use core::time::Duration; |
| use futures::StreamExt; |
| use log::{debug, error, info, trace, warn}; |
| use pdl_runtime::Packet; |
| use std::convert::TryFrom; |
| use std::future::Future; |
| use std::pin::pin; |
| use std::time::Instant; |
| use tokio::sync::mpsc; |
| use tokio::time; |
| |
| const NCI_VERSION: nci::NciVersion = nci::NciVersion::Version20; |
| const MANUFACTURER_ID: u8 = 0x02; |
| [5, 3, 3, 19, 4, 25, 1, 7, 0, 0, 68, 100, 214, 0, 0, 90, 172, 0, 0, 0, 1, 44, 176, 153, 243, 0]; |
| |
| /// Read-only configuration parameters |
| const PB_ATTRIB_PARAM1: u8 = 0x00; |
| const LF_T3T_MAX: u8 = 16; |
| const LLCP_VERSION: u8 = 0x00; |
| |
| /// Writable configuration parameters with default |
| /// value defined by the NFCC. |
| const TOTAL_DURATION: u16 = 1000; |
| const PA_DEVICES_LIMIT: u8 = 255; |
| const PB_DEVICES_LIMIT: u8 = 255; |
| const PF_DEVICES_LIMIT: u8 = 255; |
| const PV_DEVICES_LIMIT: u8 = 255; |
| const LA_BIT_FRAME_SDD: u8 = 0x10; |
| const LA_PLATFORM_CONFIG: u8 = 0x0c; |
| const LA_SEL_INFO: u8 = 0x60; // Supports ISO-DEP and NFC-DEP. |
| const LB_SENSB_INFO: u8 = 0x1; // Supports ISO-DEP. |
| const LB_SFGI: u8 = 0; |
| const LB_FWI_ADC_FO: u8 = 0x00; |
| const LF_PROTOCOL_TYPE: u8 = 0x02; // Supports NFC-DEP. |
| const LI_A_RATS_TB1: u8 = 0x70; |
| const LI_A_RATS_TC1: u8 = 0x02; |
| |
| const MAX_LOGICAL_CONNECTIONS: u8 = 2; |
| const MAX_ROUTING_TABLE_SIZE: u16 = 512; |
| const MAX_DATA_PACKET_PAYLOAD_SIZE: u8 = 255; |
| const NUMBER_OF_CREDITS: u8 = 1; |
| const MAX_NFCV_RF_FRAME_SIZE: u16 = 512; |
| |
| /// Time in milliseconds that Casimir waits for poll responses after |
| /// sending a poll command. |
| const POLL_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT: u64 = 200; |
| |
| /// All configuration parameters of the NFCC. |
| /// The configuration is filled with default values from the specification |
| /// See [NCI] Table 46: Common Parameters for Discovery Configuration |
| /// for the format of each parameter and the default value. |
| #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] |
| #[allow(missing_docs)] |
| pub struct ConfigParameters { |
| total_duration: u16, |
| /// [NCI] Table 47: Values for CON_DISCOVERY_PARAM. |
| con_discovery_param: u8, |
| power_state: u8, |
| pa_bail_out: u8, |
| pa_devices_limit: u8, |
| pb_afi: u8, |
| pb_bail_out: u8, |
| pb_attrib_param1: u8, |
| /// [NCI] Table 26: Values for PB_SENSB_REQ_PARAM. |
| pb_sensb_req_param: u8, |
| pb_devices_limit: u8, |
| pf_bit_rate: u8, |
| pf_bail_out: u8, |
| pf_devices_limit: u8, |
| pi_b_h_info: Vec<u8>, |
| pi_bit_rate: u8, |
| pn_nfc_dep_psl: u8, |
| pn_atr_req_gen_bytes: Vec<u8>, |
| /// [NCI] Table 30: Values for PN_ATR_REQ_CONFIG. |
| pn_atr_req_config: u8, |
| pv_devices_limit: u8, |
| la_bit_frame_sdd: u8, |
| la_platform_config: u8, |
| /// [NCI] Table 34: LA_SEL_INFO Coding. |
| la_sel_info: u8, |
| la_nfcid1: Vec<u8>, |
| /// [NCI] Table 36: LB_SENSB_INFO Values. |
| lb_sensb_info: u8, |
| lb_nfcid0: [u8; 4], |
| lb_application_data: u32, |
| lb_sfgi: u8, |
| /// [NCI] Table 37: LB_FWI_ADC_FO Values. |
| lb_fwi_adc_fo: u8, |
| lb_bit_rate: u8, |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_1: [u8; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_2: [u8; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_3: [u8; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_4: [u8; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_5: [u8; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_6: [u8; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_7: [u8; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_8: [u8; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_9: [u8; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_10: [u8; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_11: [u8; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_12: [u8; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_13: [u8; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_14: [u8; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_15: [u8; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_16: [u8; 18], |
| lf_t3t_pmm_default: [u8; 8], |
| lf_t3t_max: u8, |
| lf_t3t_flags: u16, |
| lf_t3t_rd_allowed: u8, |
| /// [NCI] Table 39: Supported Protocols for Listen F. |
| lf_protocol_type: u8, |
| li_a_rats_tb1: u8, |
| li_a_hist_by: Vec<u8>, |
| li_b_h_info_resp: Vec<u8>, |
| li_a_bit_rate: u8, |
| li_a_rats_tc1: u8, |
| ln_wt: u8, |
| ln_atr_res_gen_bytes: Vec<u8>, |
| ln_atr_res_config: u8, |
| pacm_bit_rate: u8, |
| /// [NCI] Table 23: RF Field Information Configuration Parameter. |
| rf_field_info: u8, |
| rf_nfcee_action: u8, |
| nfcdep_op: u8, |
| /// [NCI] Table 115: LLCP Version Parameter. |
| llcp_version: u8, |
| /// [NCI] Table 65: Value Field for NFCC Configuration Control. |
| nfcc_config_control: u8, |
| } |
| |
| /// State of an NFCC logical connection with the DH. |
| #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] |
| #[allow(missing_docs)] |
| pub enum LogicalConnection { |
| RemoteNfcEndpoint { rf_discovery_id: u8, rf_protocol_type: nci::RfProtocolType }, |
| } |
| |
| /// State of the RF Discovery of an NFCC instance. |
| /// The state WaitForAllDiscoveries is not represented as it is implied |
| /// by the discovery routine. |
| #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] |
| #[allow(missing_docs)] |
| pub enum RfState { |
| Idle, |
| Discovery, |
| PollActive { |
| id: u16, |
| rf_interface: nci::RfInterfaceType, |
| rf_technology: rf::Technology, |
| rf_protocol: rf::Protocol, |
| }, |
| ListenSleep { |
| id: u16, |
| }, |
| ListenActive { |
| id: u16, |
| rf_interface: nci::RfInterfaceType, |
| rf_technology: rf::Technology, |
| rf_protocol: rf::Protocol, |
| }, |
| WaitForHostSelect, |
| WaitForSelectResponse { |
| id: u16, |
| rf_discovery_id: usize, |
| rf_interface: nci::RfInterfaceType, |
| rf_technology: rf::Technology, |
| rf_protocol: rf::Protocol, |
| }, |
| } |
| |
| /// State of the emulated eSE (ST) NFCEE. |
| #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] |
| #[allow(missing_docs)] |
| pub enum NfceeState { |
| Enabled, |
| Disabled, |
| } |
| |
| #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] |
| #[allow(missing_docs)] |
| pub enum RfMode { |
| Poll, |
| Listen, |
| } |
| |
| /// Poll responses received in the context of RF discovery in active |
| /// Listen mode. |
| #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] |
| pub struct RfPollResponse { |
| id: u16, |
| rf_protocol: rf::Protocol, |
| rf_technology: rf::Technology, |
| rf_technology_specific_parameters: Vec<u8>, |
| } |
| |
| /// State of an NFCC instance. |
| #[allow(missing_docs)] |
| pub struct State { |
| pub config_parameters: ConfigParameters, |
| pub logical_connections: [Option<LogicalConnection>; MAX_LOGICAL_CONNECTIONS as usize], |
| pub discover_configuration: Vec<nci::DiscoverConfiguration>, |
| pub discover_map: Vec<nci::MappingConfiguration>, |
| pub nfcee_state: NfceeState, |
| pub rf_state: RfState, |
| pub rf_poll_responses: Vec<RfPollResponse>, |
| pub rf_activation_parameters: Vec<u8>, |
| pub passive_observe_mode: nci::PassiveObserveMode, |
| pub start_time: std::time::Instant, |
| } |
| |
| /// State of an NFCC instance. |
| pub struct Controller<'a> { |
| id: u16, |
| nci_stream: nci::StreamRefMut<'a>, |
| nci_writer: nci::Writer, |
| rf_rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<rf::RfPacket>, |
| rf_tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<rf::RfPacket>, |
| state: State, |
| } |
| |
| impl ConfigParameters { |
| fn get(&self, id: nci::ConfigParameterId) -> Result<Vec<u8>> { |
| match id { |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::TotalDuration => Ok(self.total_duration.to_le_bytes().to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::ConDiscoveryParam => { |
| Ok(self.con_discovery_param.to_le_bytes().to_vec()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PowerState => Ok(vec![self.power_state]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PaBailOut => Ok(vec![self.pa_bail_out]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PaDevicesLimit => Ok(vec![self.pa_devices_limit]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PbAfi => Ok(vec![self.pb_afi]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PbBailOut => Ok(vec![self.pb_bail_out]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PbAttribParam1 => Ok(vec![self.pb_attrib_param1]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PbSensbReqParam => Ok(vec![self.pb_sensb_req_param]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PbDevicesLimit => Ok(vec![self.pb_devices_limit]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PfBitRate => Ok(vec![self.pf_bit_rate]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PfBailOut => Ok(vec![self.pf_bail_out]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PfDevicesLimit => Ok(vec![self.pf_devices_limit]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PiBHInfo => Ok(self.pi_b_h_info.clone()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PiBitRate => Ok(vec![self.pi_bit_rate]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PnNfcDepPsl => Ok(vec![self.pn_nfc_dep_psl]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PnAtrReqGenBytes => Ok(self.pn_atr_req_gen_bytes.clone()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PnAtrReqConfig => Ok(vec![self.pn_atr_req_config]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PvDevicesLimit => Ok(vec![self.pv_devices_limit]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LaBitFrameSdd => Ok(vec![self.la_bit_frame_sdd]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LaPlatformConfig => Ok(vec![self.la_platform_config]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LaSelInfo => Ok(vec![self.la_sel_info]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LaNfcid1 => Ok(self.la_nfcid1.clone()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LbSensbInfo => Ok(vec![self.lb_sensb_info]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LbNfcid0 => Ok(self.lb_nfcid0.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LbApplicationData => { |
| Ok(self.lb_application_data.to_le_bytes().to_vec()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LbSfgi => Ok(vec![self.lb_sfgi]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LbFwiAdcFo => Ok(vec![self.lb_fwi_adc_fo]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LbBitRate => Ok(vec![self.lb_bit_rate]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers1 => Ok(self.lf_t3t_identifiers_1.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers2 => Ok(self.lf_t3t_identifiers_2.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers3 => Ok(self.lf_t3t_identifiers_3.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers4 => Ok(self.lf_t3t_identifiers_4.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers5 => Ok(self.lf_t3t_identifiers_5.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers6 => Ok(self.lf_t3t_identifiers_6.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers7 => Ok(self.lf_t3t_identifiers_7.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers8 => Ok(self.lf_t3t_identifiers_8.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers9 => Ok(self.lf_t3t_identifiers_9.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers10 => Ok(self.lf_t3t_identifiers_10.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers11 => Ok(self.lf_t3t_identifiers_11.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers12 => Ok(self.lf_t3t_identifiers_12.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers13 => Ok(self.lf_t3t_identifiers_13.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers14 => Ok(self.lf_t3t_identifiers_14.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers15 => Ok(self.lf_t3t_identifiers_15.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers16 => Ok(self.lf_t3t_identifiers_16.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tPmmDefault => Ok(self.lf_t3t_pmm_default.to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tMax => Ok(vec![self.lf_t3t_max]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tFlags => Ok(self.lf_t3t_flags.to_le_bytes().to_vec()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tRdAllowed => Ok(vec![self.lf_t3t_rd_allowed]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfProtocolType => Ok(vec![self.lf_protocol_type]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LiARatsTb1 => Ok(vec![self.li_a_rats_tb1]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LiAHistBy => Ok(self.li_a_hist_by.clone()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LiBHInfoResp => Ok(self.li_b_h_info_resp.clone()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LiABitRate => Ok(vec![self.li_a_bit_rate]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LiARatsTc1 => Ok(vec![self.li_a_rats_tc1]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LnWt => Ok(vec![self.ln_wt]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LnAtrResGenBytes => Ok(self.ln_atr_res_gen_bytes.clone()), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LnAtrResConfig => Ok(vec![self.ln_atr_res_config]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PacmBitRate => Ok(vec![self.pacm_bit_rate]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::RfFieldInfo => Ok(vec![self.rf_field_info]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::RfNfceeAction => Ok(vec![self.rf_nfcee_action]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::NfcdepOp => Ok(vec![self.nfcdep_op]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LlcpVersion => Ok(vec![self.llcp_version]), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::NfccConfigControl => Ok(vec![self.nfcc_config_control]), |
| _ => Err(anyhow::anyhow!("unknown config parameter ID")), |
| } |
| } |
| |
| fn set(&mut self, id: nci::ConfigParameterId, value: &[u8]) -> Result<()> { |
| match id { |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::TotalDuration => { |
| self.total_duration = u16::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::ConDiscoveryParam => { |
| self.con_discovery_param = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PowerState => { |
| self.power_state = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PaBailOut => { |
| self.pa_bail_out = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PaDevicesLimit => { |
| self.pa_devices_limit = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PbAfi => { |
| self.pb_afi = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PbBailOut => { |
| self.pb_bail_out = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PbAttribParam1 => { |
| self.pb_attrib_param1 = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PbSensbReqParam => { |
| self.pb_sensb_req_param = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PbDevicesLimit => { |
| self.pb_devices_limit = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PfBitRate => { |
| self.pf_bit_rate = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PfBailOut => { |
| self.pf_bail_out = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PfDevicesLimit => { |
| self.pf_devices_limit = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PiBHInfo => { |
| self.pi_b_h_info = value.to_vec(); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PiBitRate => { |
| self.pi_bit_rate = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PnNfcDepPsl => { |
| self.pn_nfc_dep_psl = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PnAtrReqGenBytes => { |
| self.pn_atr_req_gen_bytes = value.to_vec(); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PnAtrReqConfig => { |
| self.pn_atr_req_config = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PvDevicesLimit => { |
| self.pv_devices_limit = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LaBitFrameSdd => { |
| self.la_bit_frame_sdd = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LaPlatformConfig => { |
| self.la_platform_config = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LaSelInfo => { |
| self.la_sel_info = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LaNfcid1 => { |
| self.la_nfcid1 = value.to_vec(); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LbSensbInfo => { |
| self.lb_sensb_info = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LbNfcid0 => { |
| self.lb_nfcid0 = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LbApplicationData => { |
| self.lb_application_data = u32::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LbSfgi => { |
| self.lb_sfgi = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LbFwiAdcFo => { |
| self.lb_fwi_adc_fo = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LbBitRate => { |
| self.lb_bit_rate = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers1 => { |
| self.lf_t3t_identifiers_1 = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers2 => { |
| self.lf_t3t_identifiers_2 = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers3 => { |
| self.lf_t3t_identifiers_3 = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers4 => { |
| self.lf_t3t_identifiers_4 = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers5 => { |
| self.lf_t3t_identifiers_5 = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers6 => { |
| self.lf_t3t_identifiers_6 = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers7 => { |
| self.lf_t3t_identifiers_7 = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers8 => { |
| self.lf_t3t_identifiers_8 = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers9 => { |
| self.lf_t3t_identifiers_9 = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers10 => { |
| self.lf_t3t_identifiers_10 = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers11 => { |
| self.lf_t3t_identifiers_11 = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers12 => { |
| self.lf_t3t_identifiers_12 = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers13 => { |
| self.lf_t3t_identifiers_13 = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers14 => { |
| self.lf_t3t_identifiers_14 = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers15 => { |
| self.lf_t3t_identifiers_15 = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tIdentifiers16 => { |
| self.lf_t3t_identifiers_16 = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tPmmDefault => { |
| self.lf_t3t_pmm_default = value.try_into()?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tMax => Err(anyhow::anyhow!("read-only config parameter")), |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tFlags => { |
| self.lf_t3t_flags = u16::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfT3tRdAllowed => { |
| self.lf_t3t_rd_allowed = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LfProtocolType => { |
| self.lf_protocol_type = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LiARatsTb1 => { |
| self.li_a_rats_tb1 = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LiAHistBy => { |
| self.li_a_hist_by = value.to_vec(); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LiBHInfoResp => { |
| self.li_b_h_info_resp = value.to_vec(); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LiABitRate => { |
| self.li_a_bit_rate = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LiARatsTc1 => { |
| self.li_a_rats_tc1 = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LnWt => { |
| self.ln_wt = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LnAtrResGenBytes => { |
| self.ln_atr_res_gen_bytes = value.to_vec(); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LnAtrResConfig => { |
| self.ln_atr_res_config = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::PacmBitRate => { |
| self.pacm_bit_rate = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::RfFieldInfo => { |
| self.rf_field_info = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::RfNfceeAction => { |
| self.rf_nfcee_action = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::NfcdepOp => { |
| self.nfcdep_op = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::LlcpVersion => { |
| self.llcp_version = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::NfccConfigControl => { |
| self.nfcc_config_control = u8::from_le_bytes(value.try_into()?); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| _ => Err(anyhow::anyhow!("unknown config parameter ID")), |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl Default for ConfigParameters { |
| fn default() -> Self { |
| ConfigParameters { |
| total_duration: TOTAL_DURATION, |
| con_discovery_param: 0x01, |
| power_state: 0x02, |
| pa_bail_out: 0x00, |
| pa_devices_limit: PA_DEVICES_LIMIT, |
| pb_afi: 0x00, |
| pb_bail_out: 0x00, |
| pb_attrib_param1: PB_ATTRIB_PARAM1, |
| pb_sensb_req_param: 0x00, |
| pb_devices_limit: PB_DEVICES_LIMIT, |
| pf_bit_rate: 0x01, |
| pf_bail_out: 0x00, |
| pf_devices_limit: PF_DEVICES_LIMIT, |
| pi_b_h_info: vec![], |
| pi_bit_rate: 0x00, |
| pn_nfc_dep_psl: 0x00, |
| pn_atr_req_gen_bytes: vec![], |
| pn_atr_req_config: 0x30, |
| pv_devices_limit: PV_DEVICES_LIMIT, |
| la_bit_frame_sdd: LA_BIT_FRAME_SDD, |
| la_platform_config: LA_PLATFORM_CONFIG, |
| la_sel_info: LA_SEL_INFO, |
| la_nfcid1: vec![0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], |
| lb_sensb_info: LB_SENSB_INFO, |
| lb_nfcid0: [0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], |
| lb_application_data: 0x00000000, |
| lb_sfgi: LB_SFGI, |
| lb_fwi_adc_fo: LB_FWI_ADC_FO, |
| lb_bit_rate: 0x00, |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_1: [0; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_2: [0; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_3: [0; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_4: [0; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_5: [0; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_6: [0; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_7: [0; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_8: [0; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_9: [0; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_10: [0; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_11: [0; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_12: [0; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_13: [0; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_14: [0; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_15: [0; 18], |
| lf_t3t_identifiers_16: [0; 18], |
| lf_t3t_pmm_default: [0xff; 8], |
| lf_t3t_max: LF_T3T_MAX, |
| lf_t3t_flags: 0x0000, |
| lf_t3t_rd_allowed: 0x00, |
| lf_protocol_type: LF_PROTOCOL_TYPE, |
| li_a_rats_tb1: LI_A_RATS_TB1, |
| li_a_hist_by: vec![], |
| li_b_h_info_resp: vec![], |
| li_a_bit_rate: 0x00, |
| li_a_rats_tc1: LI_A_RATS_TC1, |
| ln_wt: 10, |
| ln_atr_res_gen_bytes: vec![], |
| ln_atr_res_config: 0x30, |
| pacm_bit_rate: 0x01, |
| rf_field_info: 0x00, |
| rf_nfcee_action: 0x01, |
| // [NCI] Table 101: NFC-DEP Operation Parameter. |
| nfcdep_op: 0x1f, |
| llcp_version: LLCP_VERSION, |
| nfcc_config_control: 0x00, |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl State { |
| /// Craft the NFCID1 used by this instance in NFC-A poll responses. |
| /// Returns a dynamically generated NFCID1 (4 byte long and starts with 08h). |
| fn nfcid1(&self) -> Vec<u8> { |
| if self.config_parameters.la_nfcid1.len() == 4 |
| && self.config_parameters.la_nfcid1[0] == 0x08 |
| { |
| vec![0x08, 186, 7, 99] // TODO(hchataing) pseudo random |
| } else { |
| self.config_parameters.la_nfcid1.clone() |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Select the interface to be preferably used for the selected protocol. |
| fn select_interface( |
| &self, |
| mode: RfMode, |
| rf_protocol: nci::RfProtocolType, |
| ) -> nci::RfInterfaceType { |
| for config in self.discover_map.iter() { |
| match (mode, config.mode.poll_mode, config.mode.listen_mode) { |
| _ if config.rf_protocol != rf_protocol => (), |
| (RfMode::Poll, nci::FeatureFlag::Enabled, _) |
| | (RfMode::Listen, _, nci::FeatureFlag::Enabled) => return config.rf_interface, |
| _ => (), |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // [NCI] 6.2 RF Interface Mapping Configuration |
| // |
| // The NFCC SHALL set the default mapping of RF Interface to RF Protocols / |
| // Modes to the following values: |
| // |
| // • If the NFCC supports the ISO-DEP RF interface, the NFCC SHALL map the |
| // ISO-DEP RF Protocol to the ISO-DEP RF Interface for Poll Mode and |
| // Listen Mode. |
| // • If the NFCC supports the NFC-DEP RF interface, the NFCC SHALL map the |
| // NFC-DEP RF Protocol to the NFC-DEP RF Interface for Poll Mode and |
| // Listen Mode. |
| // • If the NFCC supports the NDEF RF interface, the NFCC SHALL map the |
| // NDEF RF Protocol to the NDEF RF Interface for Poll Mode. |
| // • Otherwise, the NFCC SHALL map to the Frame RF Interface by default |
| match rf_protocol { |
| nci::RfProtocolType::IsoDep => nci::RfInterfaceType::IsoDep, |
| nci::RfProtocolType::NfcDep => nci::RfInterfaceType::NfcDep, |
| nci::RfProtocolType::Ndef if mode == RfMode::Poll => nci::RfInterfaceType::Ndef, |
| _ => nci::RfInterfaceType::Frame, |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Insert a poll response into the discovery list. |
| /// The response is not inserted if the device was already discovered |
| /// with the same parameters. |
| fn add_poll_response(&mut self, poll_response: RfPollResponse) { |
| if !self.rf_poll_responses.contains(&poll_response) { |
| self.rf_poll_responses.push(poll_response); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| impl<'a> Controller<'a> { |
| /// Create a new NFCC instance with default configuration. |
| pub fn new( |
| id: u16, |
| nci_stream: nci::StreamRefMut<'a>, |
| nci_writer: nci::Writer, |
| rf_rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<rf::RfPacket>, |
| rf_tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<rf::RfPacket>, |
| ) -> Controller<'a> { |
| Controller { |
| id, |
| nci_stream, |
| nci_writer, |
| rf_rx, |
| rf_tx, |
| state: State { |
| config_parameters: Default::default(), |
| logical_connections: [None; MAX_LOGICAL_CONNECTIONS as usize], |
| discover_map: vec![], |
| discover_configuration: vec![], |
| nfcee_state: NfceeState::Disabled, |
| rf_state: RfState::Idle, |
| rf_poll_responses: vec![], |
| rf_activation_parameters: vec![], |
| passive_observe_mode: nci::PassiveObserveMode::Disable, |
| start_time: Instant::now(), |
| }, |
| } |
| } |
| |
| async fn send_control(&mut self, packet: impl Into<nci::ControlPacket>) -> Result<()> { |
| self.nci_writer.write(&packet.into().encode_to_vec()?).await |
| } |
| |
| async fn send_data(&mut self, packet: impl Into<nci::DataPacket>) -> Result<()> { |
| self.nci_writer.write(&packet.into().encode_to_vec()?).await |
| } |
| |
| async fn send_rf(&self, packet: impl Into<rf::RfPacket>) -> Result<()> { |
| self.rf_tx.send(packet.into())?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn core_reset(&mut self, cmd: nci::CoreResetCommand) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] CORE_RESET_CMD", self.id); |
| info!(" ResetType: {:?}", cmd.get_reset_type()); |
| |
| match cmd.get_reset_type() { |
| nci::ResetType::KeepConfig => (), |
| nci::ResetType::ResetConfig => self.state.config_parameters = Default::default(), |
| } |
| |
| self.state.logical_connections[i as usize] = None; |
| } |
| |
| self.state.discover_map.clear(); |
| self.state.discover_configuration.clear(); |
| self.state.rf_state = RfState::Idle; |
| self.state.rf_poll_responses.clear(); |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::CoreResetResponseBuilder { status: nci::Status::Ok }).await?; |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::CoreResetNotificationBuilder { |
| trigger: nci::ResetTrigger::ResetCommand, |
| config_status: match cmd.get_reset_type() { |
| nci::ResetType::KeepConfig => nci::ConfigStatus::ConfigKept, |
| nci::ResetType::ResetConfig => nci::ConfigStatus::ConfigReset, |
| }, |
| nci_version: NCI_VERSION, |
| manufacturer_id: MANUFACTURER_ID, |
| manufacturer_specific_information: MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_INFORMATION.to_vec(), |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn core_init(&mut self, _cmd: nci::CoreInitCommand) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] CORE_INIT_CMD", self.id); |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::CoreInitResponseBuilder { |
| status: nci::Status::Ok, |
| nfcc_features: nci::NfccFeatures { |
| discovery_frequency_configuration: nci::FeatureFlag::Disabled, |
| discovery_configuration_mode: nci::DiscoveryConfigurationMode::DhOnly, |
| hci_network_support: nci::FeatureFlag::Enabled, |
| active_communication_mode: nci::FeatureFlag::Enabled, |
| technology_based_routing: nci::FeatureFlag::Enabled, |
| protocol_based_routing: nci::FeatureFlag::Enabled, |
| aid_based_routing: nci::FeatureFlag::Enabled, |
| system_code_based_routing: nci::FeatureFlag::Enabled, |
| apdu_pattern_based_routing: nci::FeatureFlag::Enabled, |
| forced_nfcee_routing: nci::FeatureFlag::Enabled, |
| battery_off_state: nci::FeatureFlag::Disabled, |
| switched_off_state: nci::FeatureFlag::Enabled, |
| switched_on_substates: nci::FeatureFlag::Enabled, |
| rf_configuration_in_switched_off_state: nci::FeatureFlag::Disabled, |
| proprietary_capabilities: 0, |
| }, |
| max_logical_connections: MAX_LOGICAL_CONNECTIONS, |
| max_routing_table_size: MAX_ROUTING_TABLE_SIZE, |
| max_control_packet_payload_size: MAX_CONTROL_PACKET_PAYLOAD_SIZE, |
| max_data_packet_payload_size: MAX_DATA_PACKET_PAYLOAD_SIZE, |
| number_of_credits: NUMBER_OF_CREDITS, |
| max_nfcv_rf_frame_size: MAX_NFCV_RF_FRAME_SIZE, |
| supported_rf_interfaces: vec![ |
| nci::RfInterface { interface: nci::RfInterfaceType::Frame, extensions: vec![] }, |
| nci::RfInterface { interface: nci::RfInterfaceType::IsoDep, extensions: vec![] }, |
| nci::RfInterface { interface: nci::RfInterfaceType::NfcDep, extensions: vec![] }, |
| nci::RfInterface { |
| interface: nci::RfInterfaceType::NfceeDirect, |
| extensions: vec![], |
| }, |
| ], |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn core_set_config(&mut self, cmd: nci::CoreSetConfigCommand) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] CORE_SET_CONFIG_CMD", self.id); |
| |
| let mut invalid_parameters = vec![]; |
| for parameter in cmd.get_parameters().iter() { |
| info!(" Type: {:?}", parameter.id); |
| info!(" Value: {:?}", parameter.value); |
| match parameter.id { |
| nci::ConfigParameterId::Rfu(_) => invalid_parameters.push(parameter.id), |
| // TODO(henrichataing): |
| // [NCI] 5.2.1 State RFST_IDLE |
| // Unless otherwise specified, discovery related configuration |
| // defined in Sections 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 7.1 SHALL only be set |
| // while in IDLE state. |
| // |
| // Respond with Semantic Error as indicated by |
| // [NCI] 3.2.2 Exception Handling for Control Messages |
| // An unexpected Command SHALL NOT cause any action by the NFCC. |
| // Unless otherwise specified, the NFCC SHALL send a Response |
| // with a Status value of STATUS_SEMANTIC_ERROR and no |
| // additional fields. |
| _ => { |
| if self.state.config_parameters.set(parameter.id, ¶meter.value).is_err() { |
| invalid_parameters.push(parameter.id) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::CoreSetConfigResponseBuilder { |
| status: if invalid_parameters.is_empty() { |
| // A Status of STATUS_OK SHALL indicate that all configuration parameters |
| // have been set to these new values in the NFCC. |
| nci::Status::Ok |
| } else { |
| // If the DH tries to set a parameter that is not applicable for the NFCC, |
| // the NFCC SHALL respond with a CORE_SET_CONFIG_RSP with a Status field |
| // of STATUS_INVALID_PARAM and including one or more invalid Parameter ID(s). |
| // All other configuration parameters SHALL have been set to the new values |
| // in the NFCC. |
| warn!( |
| "[{}] rejecting unknown configuration parameter ids: {:?}", |
| self.id, invalid_parameters |
| ); |
| nci::Status::InvalidParam |
| }, |
| parameters: invalid_parameters, |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn core_get_config(&mut self, cmd: nci::CoreGetConfigCommand) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] CORE_GET_CONFIG_CMD", self.id); |
| |
| let mut valid_parameters = vec![]; |
| let mut invalid_parameters = vec![]; |
| for id in cmd.get_parameters() { |
| info!(" ID: {:?}", id); |
| match self.state.config_parameters.get(*id) { |
| Ok(value) => { |
| valid_parameters.push(nci::ConfigParameter { id: *id, value: value.to_vec() }) |
| } |
| Err(_) => invalid_parameters.push(nci::ConfigParameter { id: *id, value: vec![] }), |
| } |
| } |
| |
| self.send_control(if invalid_parameters.is_empty() { |
| // If the NFCC is able to respond with all requested parameters, the |
| // NFCC SHALL respond with the CORE_GET_CONFIG_RSP with a Status |
| // of STATUS_OK. |
| nci::CoreGetConfigResponseBuilder { |
| status: nci::Status::Ok, |
| parameters: valid_parameters, |
| } |
| } else { |
| // If the DH tries to retrieve any parameter(s) that are not available |
| // in the NFCC, the NFCC SHALL respond with a CORE_GET_CONFIG_RSP with |
| // a Status field of STATUS_INVALID_PARAM, containing each unavailable |
| // Parameter ID with a Parameter Len field of value zero. |
| nci::CoreGetConfigResponseBuilder { |
| status: nci::Status::InvalidParam, |
| parameters: invalid_parameters, |
| } |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn core_conn_create(&mut self, cmd: nci::CoreConnCreateCommand) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] CORE_CONN_CREATE_CMD", self.id); |
| |
| let result: std::result::Result<u8, nci::Status> = (|| { |
| // Retrieve an unused connection ID for the logical connection. |
| let conn_id = { |
| .find(|conn_id| self.state.logical_connections[*conn_id as usize].is_none()) |
| .ok_or(nci::Status::Rejected)? |
| }; |
| |
| // Check that the selected destination type is supported and validate |
| // the destination specific parameters. |
| let logical_connection = match cmd.get_destination_type() { |
| // If the value of Destination Type is that of a Remote NFC |
| // Endpoint (0x02), then only the Destination-specific Parameter |
| // with Type 0x00 or proprietary parameters (as defined in Table 16) |
| // SHALL be present. |
| nci::DestinationType::RemoteNfcEndpoint => { |
| let mut rf_discovery_id: Option<u8> = None; |
| let mut rf_protocol_type: Option<nci::RfProtocolType> = None; |
| |
| for parameter in cmd.get_parameters() { |
| match parameter.id { |
| nci::DestinationSpecificParameterId::RfDiscovery => { |
| rf_discovery_id = parameter.value.first().cloned(); |
| rf_protocol_type = parameter |
| .value |
| .get(1) |
| .and_then(|t| nci::RfProtocolType::try_from(*t).ok()); |
| } |
| _ => return Err(nci::Status::Rejected), |
| } |
| } |
| |
| LogicalConnection::RemoteNfcEndpoint { |
| rf_discovery_id: rf_discovery_id.ok_or(nci::Status::Rejected)?, |
| rf_protocol_type: rf_protocol_type.ok_or(nci::Status::Rejected)?, |
| } |
| } |
| nci::DestinationType::NfccLoopback | nci::DestinationType::Nfcee => { |
| return Err(nci::Status::Rejected) |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // The combination of Destination Type and Destination Specific |
| // Parameters SHALL uniquely identify a single destination for the |
| // Logical Connection. |
| if self |
| .state |
| .logical_connections |
| .iter() |
| .any(|c| c.as_ref() == Some(&logical_connection)) |
| { |
| return Err(nci::Status::Rejected); |
| } |
| |
| // Create the connection. |
| self.state.logical_connections[conn_id as usize] = Some(logical_connection); |
| |
| Ok(conn_id) |
| })(); |
| |
| self.send_control(match result { |
| Ok(conn_id) => nci::CoreConnCreateResponseBuilder { |
| status: nci::Status::Ok, |
| max_data_packet_payload_size: MAX_DATA_PACKET_PAYLOAD_SIZE, |
| initial_number_of_credits: 0xff, |
| conn_id: nci::ConnId::from_dynamic(conn_id), |
| }, |
| Err(status) => nci::CoreConnCreateResponseBuilder { |
| status, |
| max_data_packet_payload_size: 0, |
| initial_number_of_credits: 0xff, |
| conn_id: 0.try_into().unwrap(), |
| }, |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn core_conn_close(&mut self, cmd: nci::CoreConnCloseCommand) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] CORE_CONN_CLOSE_CMD", self.id); |
| |
| let conn_id = match cmd.get_conn_id() { |
| nci::ConnId::StaticRf | nci::ConnId::StaticHci => { |
| warn!("[{}] core_conn_close called with static conn_id", self.id); |
| self.send_control(nci::CoreConnCloseResponseBuilder { |
| status: nci::Status::Rejected, |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| return Ok(()); |
| } |
| nci::ConnId::Dynamic(id) => nci::ConnId::to_dynamic(id), |
| }; |
| |
| let status = if conn_id >= MAX_LOGICAL_CONNECTIONS |
| || self.state.logical_connections[conn_id as usize].is_none() |
| { |
| // If there is no connection associated to the Conn ID in the CORE_CONN_CLOSE_CMD, the |
| // NFCC SHALL reject the connection closure request by sending a CORE_CONN_CLOSE_RSP |
| // with a Status of STATUS_REJECTED. |
| nci::Status::Rejected |
| } else { |
| // When it receives a CORE_CONN_CLOSE_CMD for an existing connection, the NFCC SHALL |
| // accept the connection closure request by sending a CORE_CONN_CLOSE_RSP with a Status of |
| // STATUS_OK, and the Logical Connection is closed. |
| self.state.logical_connections[conn_id as usize] = None; |
| nci::Status::Ok |
| }; |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::CoreConnCloseResponseBuilder { status }).await?; |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn core_set_power_sub_state( |
| &mut self, |
| cmd: nci::CoreSetPowerSubStateCommand, |
| ) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] CORE_SET_POWER_SUB_STATE_CMD", self.id); |
| info!(" State: {:?}", cmd.get_power_state()); |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::CoreSetPowerSubStateResponseBuilder { status: nci::Status::Ok }) |
| .await?; |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn rf_discover_map(&mut self, cmd: nci::RfDiscoverMapCommand) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] RF_DISCOVER_MAP_CMD", self.id); |
| |
| self.state.discover_map.clone_from(cmd.get_mapping_configurations()); |
| self.send_control(nci::RfDiscoverMapResponseBuilder { status: nci::Status::Ok }).await?; |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn rf_set_listen_mode_routing( |
| &mut self, |
| _cmd: nci::RfSetListenModeRoutingCommand, |
| ) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] RF_SET_LISTEN_MODE_ROUTING_CMD", self.id); |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::RfSetListenModeRoutingResponseBuilder { status: nci::Status::Ok }) |
| .await?; |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn rf_get_listen_mode_routing( |
| &mut self, |
| _cmd: nci::RfGetListenModeRoutingCommand, |
| ) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] RF_GET_LISTEN_MODE_ROUTING_CMD", self.id); |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::RfGetListenModeRoutingResponseBuilder { |
| status: nci::Status::Ok, |
| more_to_follow: 0, |
| routing_entries: vec![], |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn rf_discover(&mut self, cmd: nci::RfDiscoverCommand) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] RF_DISCOVER_CMD", self.id); |
| for config in cmd.get_configurations() { |
| info!(" TechMode: {:?}", config.technology_and_mode); |
| } |
| |
| if self.state.rf_state != RfState::Idle { |
| warn!("[{}] rf_discover received in {:?} state", self.id, self.state.rf_state); |
| self.send_control(nci::RfDiscoverResponseBuilder { |
| status: nci::Status::SemanticError, |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| return Ok(()); |
| } |
| |
| self.state.discover_configuration.clone_from(cmd.get_configurations()); |
| self.state.rf_state = RfState::Discovery; |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::RfDiscoverResponseBuilder { status: nci::Status::Ok }).await?; |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn rf_discover_select(&mut self, cmd: nci::RfDiscoverSelectCommand) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] RF_DISCOVER_SELECT_CMD", self.id); |
| info!(" DiscoveryID: {:?}", cmd.get_rf_discovery_id()); |
| info!(" Protocol: {:?}", cmd.get_rf_protocol()); |
| info!(" Interface: {:?}", cmd.get_rf_interface()); |
| |
| if self.state.rf_state != RfState::WaitForHostSelect { |
| warn!("[{}] rf_discover_select received in {:?} state", self.id, self.state.rf_state); |
| self.send_control(nci::RfDiscoverSelectResponseBuilder { |
| status: nci::Status::SemanticError, |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| return Ok(()); |
| } |
| |
| let rf_discovery_id = match cmd.get_rf_discovery_id() { |
| nci::RfDiscoveryId::Rfu(_) => { |
| warn!("[{}] rf_discover_select with reserved rf_discovery_id", self.id); |
| self.send_control(nci::RfDiscoverSelectResponseBuilder { |
| status: nci::Status::Rejected, |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| return Ok(()); |
| } |
| nci::RfDiscoveryId::Id(id) => nci::RfDiscoveryId::to_index(id), |
| }; |
| |
| // If the RF Discovery ID, RF Protocol or RF Interface is not valid, |
| // the NFCC SHALL respond with RF_DISCOVER_SELECT_RSP with a Status of |
| if rf_discovery_id >= self.state.rf_poll_responses.len() { |
| warn!("[{}] rf_discover_select with invalid rf_discovery_id", self.id); |
| self.send_control(nci::RfDiscoverSelectResponseBuilder { |
| status: nci::Status::Rejected, |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| return Ok(()); |
| } |
| |
| if cmd.get_rf_protocol() != self.state.rf_poll_responses[rf_discovery_id].rf_protocol.into() |
| { |
| warn!("[{}] rf_discover_select with invalid rf_protocol", self.id); |
| self.send_control(nci::RfDiscoverSelectResponseBuilder { |
| status: nci::Status::Rejected, |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| return Ok(()); |
| } |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::RfDiscoverSelectResponseBuilder { status: nci::Status::Ok }).await?; |
| |
| // Send RF select command to the peer to activate the device. |
| // The command has varying parameters based on the activated protocol. |
| self.activate_poll_interface( |
| rf_discovery_id, |
| cmd.get_rf_protocol(), |
| cmd.get_rf_interface(), |
| ) |
| .await?; |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn rf_deactivate(&mut self, cmd: nci::RfDeactivateCommand) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] RF_DEACTIVATE_CMD", self.id); |
| info!(" Type: {:?}", cmd.get_deactivation_type()); |
| |
| use nci::DeactivationType::*; |
| |
| let (status, mut next_state) = match (self.state.rf_state, cmd.get_deactivation_type()) { |
| (RfState::Idle, _) => (nci::Status::SemanticError, RfState::Idle), |
| (RfState::Discovery, IdleMode) => (nci::Status::Ok, RfState::Idle), |
| (RfState::Discovery, _) => (nci::Status::SemanticError, RfState::Discovery), |
| (RfState::PollActive { .. }, IdleMode) => (nci::Status::Ok, RfState::Idle), |
| (RfState::PollActive { .. }, SleepMode | SleepAfMode) => { |
| (nci::Status::Ok, RfState::WaitForHostSelect) |
| } |
| (RfState::PollActive { .. }, Discovery) => (nci::Status::Ok, RfState::Discovery), |
| (RfState::ListenSleep { .. }, IdleMode) => (nci::Status::Ok, RfState::Idle), |
| (RfState::ListenSleep { .. }, _) => (nci::Status::SemanticError, self.state.rf_state), |
| (RfState::ListenActive { .. }, IdleMode) => (nci::Status::Ok, RfState::Idle), |
| (RfState::ListenActive { id, .. }, SleepMode | SleepAfMode) => { |
| (nci::Status::Ok, RfState::ListenSleep { id }) |
| } |
| (RfState::ListenActive { .. }, Discovery) => (nci::Status::Ok, RfState::Discovery), |
| (RfState::WaitForHostSelect, IdleMode) => (nci::Status::Ok, RfState::Idle), |
| (RfState::WaitForHostSelect, _) => { |
| (nci::Status::SemanticError, RfState::WaitForHostSelect) |
| } |
| (RfState::WaitForSelectResponse { .. }, IdleMode) => (nci::Status::Ok, RfState::Idle), |
| (RfState::WaitForSelectResponse { .. }, _) => { |
| (nci::Status::SemanticError, self.state.rf_state) |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| // Update the state now to prevent interface activation from |
| // completing if a remote device is being selected. |
| (next_state, self.state.rf_state) = (self.state.rf_state, next_state); |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::RfDeactivateResponseBuilder { status }).await?; |
| |
| // Deactivate the active RF interface if applicable |
| // (next_state is the previous state in this context). |
| match next_state { |
| RfState::PollActive { .. } | RfState::ListenActive { .. } => { |
| info!("[{}] RF_DEACTIVATE_NTF", self.id); |
| info!(" Type: {:?}", cmd.get_deactivation_type()); |
| info!(" Reason: DH_Request"); |
| self.field_info(rf::FieldStatus::FieldOff, 255).await?; |
| self.send_control(nci::RfDeactivateNotificationBuilder { |
| deactivation_type: cmd.get_deactivation_type(), |
| deactivation_reason: nci::DeactivationReason::DhRequest, |
| }) |
| .await? |
| } |
| _ => (), |
| } |
| |
| // Deselect the remote device if applicable. |
| match next_state { |
| RfState::PollActive { id, rf_protocol, rf_technology, .. } |
| | RfState::WaitForSelectResponse { id, rf_protocol, rf_technology, .. } => { |
| self.send_rf(rf::DeactivateNotificationBuilder { |
| receiver: id, |
| protocol: rf_protocol, |
| technology: rf_technology, |
| power_level: 255, |
| sender: self.id, |
| type_: cmd.get_deactivation_type().into(), |
| reason: rf::DeactivateReason::EndpointRequest, |
| }) |
| .await? |
| } |
| _ => (), |
| } |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn nfcee_discover(&mut self, _cmd: nci::NfceeDiscoverCommand) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] NFCEE_DISCOVER_CMD", self.id); |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::NfceeDiscoverResponseBuilder { |
| status: nci::Status::Ok, |
| number_of_nfcees: 1, |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::NfceeDiscoverNotificationBuilder { |
| nfcee_id: nci::NfceeId::hci_nfcee(0x86), |
| nfcee_status: nci::NfceeStatus::Disabled, |
| supported_nfcee_protocols: vec![], |
| nfcee_information: vec![nci::NfceeInformation { |
| r#type: nci::NfceeInformationType::HostId, |
| value: vec![0xc0], |
| }], |
| nfcee_supply_power: nci::NfceeSupplyPower::NfccHasNoControl, |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn nfcee_mode_set(&mut self, cmd: nci::NfceeModeSetCommand) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] NFCEE_MODE_SET_CMD", self.id); |
| info!(" NFCEE ID: {:?}", cmd.get_nfcee_id()); |
| info!(" NFCEE Mode: {:?}", cmd.get_nfcee_mode()); |
| |
| if cmd.get_nfcee_id() != nci::NfceeId::hci_nfcee(0x86) { |
| warn!("[{}] nfcee_mode_set with invalid nfcee_id", self.id); |
| self.send_control(nci::NfceeModeSetResponseBuilder { status: nci::Status::Ok }).await?; |
| return Ok(()); |
| } |
| |
| self.state.nfcee_state = match cmd.get_nfcee_mode() { |
| nci::NfceeMode::Enable => NfceeState::Enabled, |
| nci::NfceeMode::Disable => NfceeState::Disabled, |
| }; |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::NfceeModeSetResponseBuilder { status: nci::Status::Ok }).await?; |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::NfceeModeSetNotificationBuilder { status: nci::Status::Ok }).await?; |
| |
| if self.state.nfcee_state == NfceeState::Enabled { |
| // Android host stack expects this notification to know when the |
| // NFCEE completes start-up. The list of information entries is |
| // filled with defaults observed on real phones. |
| self.send_data(nci::DataPacketBuilder { |
| mt: nci::MessageType::Data, |
| conn_id: nci::ConnId::StaticHci, |
| cr: 0, |
| payload: Some(bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(&[0x81, 0x43, 0xc0, 0x01])), |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::RfNfceeDiscoveryReqNotificationBuilder { |
| information_entries: vec![ |
| nci::InformationEntry { |
| r#type: nci::InformationEntryType::AddDiscoveryRequest, |
| nfcee_id: nci::NfceeId::hci_nfcee(0x86), |
| rf_technology_and_mode: nci::RfTechnologyAndMode::NfcFPassiveListenMode, |
| rf_protocol: nci::RfProtocolType::T3t, |
| }, |
| nci::InformationEntry { |
| r#type: nci::InformationEntryType::AddDiscoveryRequest, |
| nfcee_id: nci::NfceeId::hci_nfcee(0x86), |
| rf_technology_and_mode: nci::RfTechnologyAndMode::NfcAPassiveListenMode, |
| rf_protocol: nci::RfProtocolType::IsoDep, |
| }, |
| nci::InformationEntry { |
| r#type: nci::InformationEntryType::AddDiscoveryRequest, |
| nfcee_id: nci::NfceeId::hci_nfcee(0x86), |
| rf_technology_and_mode: nci::RfTechnologyAndMode::NfcBPassiveListenMode, |
| rf_protocol: nci::RfProtocolType::IsoDep, |
| }, |
| ], |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| } |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn android_get_caps(&mut self, _cmd: nci::AndroidGetCapsCommand) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] ANDROID_GET_CAPS_CMD", self.id); |
| let cap_tlvs = vec![ |
| nci::CapTlv { t: nci::CapTlvType::PassiveObserverMode, v: vec![1] }, |
| nci::CapTlv { t: nci::CapTlvType::PollingFrameNotification, v: vec![1] }, |
| ]; |
| self.send_control(nci::AndroidGetCapsResponseBuilder { |
| status: nci::Status::Ok, |
| android_version: 0, |
| tlvs: cap_tlvs, |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn android_passive_observe_mode( |
| &mut self, |
| cmd: nci::AndroidPassiveObserveModeCommand, |
| ) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] ANDROID_PASSIVE_OBSERVE_MODE_CMD", self.id); |
| info!(" Mode: {:?}", cmd.get_passive_observe_mode()); |
| |
| self.state.passive_observe_mode = cmd.get_passive_observe_mode(); |
| self.send_control(nci::AndroidPassiveObserveModeResponseBuilder { |
| status: nci::Status::Ok, |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn android_query_passive_observe_mode( |
| &mut self, |
| _cmd: nci::AndroidQueryPassiveObserveModeCommand, |
| ) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] ANDROID_QUERY_PASSIVE_OBSERVE_MODE_CMD", self.id); |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::AndroidQueryPassiveObserveModeResponseBuilder { |
| status: nci::Status::Ok, |
| passive_observe_mode: self.state.passive_observe_mode, |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn receive_command(&mut self, packet: nci::ControlPacket) -> Result<()> { |
| use nci::AndroidPacketChild::*; |
| use nci::ControlPacketChild::*; |
| use nci::CorePacketChild::*; |
| use nci::NfceePacketChild::*; |
| use nci::ProprietaryPacketChild::*; |
| use nci::RfPacketChild::*; |
| |
| match packet.specialize() { |
| CorePacket(packet) => match packet.specialize() { |
| CoreResetCommand(cmd) => self.core_reset(cmd).await, |
| CoreInitCommand(cmd) => self.core_init(cmd).await, |
| CoreSetConfigCommand(cmd) => self.core_set_config(cmd).await, |
| CoreGetConfigCommand(cmd) => self.core_get_config(cmd).await, |
| CoreConnCreateCommand(cmd) => self.core_conn_create(cmd).await, |
| CoreConnCloseCommand(cmd) => self.core_conn_close(cmd).await, |
| CoreSetPowerSubStateCommand(cmd) => self.core_set_power_sub_state(cmd).await, |
| _ => unimplemented!("unsupported core oid {:?}", packet.get_oid()), |
| }, |
| RfPacket(packet) => match packet.specialize() { |
| RfDiscoverMapCommand(cmd) => self.rf_discover_map(cmd).await, |
| RfSetListenModeRoutingCommand(cmd) => self.rf_set_listen_mode_routing(cmd).await, |
| RfGetListenModeRoutingCommand(cmd) => self.rf_get_listen_mode_routing(cmd).await, |
| RfDiscoverCommand(cmd) => self.rf_discover(cmd).await, |
| RfDiscoverSelectCommand(cmd) => self.rf_discover_select(cmd).await, |
| RfDeactivateCommand(cmd) => self.rf_deactivate(cmd).await, |
| _ => unimplemented!("unsupported rf oid {:?}", packet.get_oid()), |
| }, |
| NfceePacket(packet) => match packet.specialize() { |
| NfceeDiscoverCommand(cmd) => self.nfcee_discover(cmd).await, |
| NfceeModeSetCommand(cmd) => self.nfcee_mode_set(cmd).await, |
| _ => unimplemented!("unsupported nfcee oid {:?}", packet.get_oid()), |
| }, |
| ProprietaryPacket(packet) => match packet.specialize() { |
| AndroidPacket(packet) => match packet.specialize() { |
| AndroidGetCapsCommand(cmd) => self.android_get_caps(cmd).await, |
| AndroidPassiveObserveModeCommand(cmd) => { |
| self.android_passive_observe_mode(cmd).await |
| } |
| AndroidQueryPassiveObserveModeCommand(cmd) => { |
| self.android_query_passive_observe_mode(cmd).await |
| } |
| _ => { |
| unimplemented!("unsupported android oid {:?}", packet.get_android_sub_oid()) |
| } |
| }, |
| _ => unimplemented!("unsupported proprietary oid {:?}", packet.get_oid()), |
| }, |
| _ => unimplemented!("unsupported gid {:?}", packet.get_gid()), |
| } |
| } |
| |
| async fn rf_conn_data(&mut self, packet: nci::DataPacket) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] received data on RF logical connection", self.id); |
| |
| // TODO(henrichataing) implement credit based control flow. |
| match self.state.rf_state { |
| RfState::PollActive { |
| id, |
| rf_technology, |
| rf_protocol: rf::Protocol::IsoDep, |
| rf_interface: nci::RfInterfaceType::IsoDep, |
| .. |
| } |
| | RfState::ListenActive { |
| id, |
| rf_technology, |
| rf_protocol: rf::Protocol::IsoDep, |
| rf_interface: nci::RfInterfaceType::IsoDep, |
| .. |
| } => { |
| self.send_rf(rf::DataBuilder { |
| receiver: id, |
| sender: self.id, |
| power_level: 255, |
| protocol: rf::Protocol::IsoDep, |
| technology: rf_technology, |
| data: packet.get_payload().into(), |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| // Resplenish the credit count for the RF Connection. |
| self.send_control( |
| nci::CoreConnCreditsNotificationBuilder { |
| connections: vec![nci::ConnectionCredits { |
| conn_id: nci::ConnId::StaticRf, |
| credits: 1, |
| }], |
| } |
| .build(), |
| ) |
| .await |
| } |
| RfState::PollActive { |
| rf_protocol: rf::Protocol::IsoDep, |
| rf_interface: nci::RfInterfaceType::Frame, |
| .. |
| } => { |
| println!("ISO-DEP frame data {:?}", packet.get_payload()); |
| match packet.get_payload() { |
| // RATS command |
| // TODO(henrichataing) Send back the response received from |
| // the peer in the RF packet. |
| [0xe0, _] => { |
| warn!("[{}] frame RATS command", self.id); |
| self.send_data(nci::DataPacketBuilder { |
| mt: nci::MessageType::Data, |
| conn_id: nci::ConnId::StaticRf, |
| cr: 0, |
| payload: Some(bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice( |
| &self.state.rf_activation_parameters, |
| )), |
| }) |
| .await? |
| } |
| // DESELECT command |
| // TODO(henrichataing) check if the command should be |
| // forwarded to the peer, and if it warrants a response |
| [0xc2] => warn!("[{}] unimplemented frame DESELECT command", self.id), |
| // SLP_REQ command |
| // No response is expected for this command. |
| // TODO(henrichataing) forward a deactivation request to |
| // the peer and deactivate the local interface. |
| [0x50, 0x00] => warn!("[{}] unimplemented frame SLP_REQ command", self.id), |
| _ => unimplemented!(), |
| }; |
| // Resplenish the credit count for the RF Connection. |
| self.send_control( |
| nci::CoreConnCreditsNotificationBuilder { |
| connections: vec![nci::ConnectionCredits { |
| conn_id: nci::ConnId::StaticRf, |
| credits: 1, |
| }], |
| } |
| .build(), |
| ) |
| .await |
| } |
| RfState::PollActive { rf_protocol, rf_interface, .. } |
| | RfState::ListenActive { rf_protocol, rf_interface, .. } => unimplemented!( |
| "unsupported combination of RF protocol {:?} and interface {:?}", |
| rf_protocol, |
| rf_interface |
| ), |
| _ => { |
| warn!( |
| "[{}] ignored RF data packet while not in active listen or poll mode", |
| self.id |
| ); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| async fn hci_conn_data(&mut self, packet: nci::DataPacket) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] received data on HCI logical connection", self.id); |
| |
| // TODO: parse and understand HCI Control Protocol (HCP) |
| // to accurately respond to the requests. For now it is sufficient |
| // to return hardcoded answers to identified requests. |
| let response = match packet.get_payload() { |
| // ANY_OPEN_PIPE() |
| [0x81, 0x03] => vec![0x81, 0x80], |
| // ANY_GET_PARAMETER(index=1) |
| [0x81, 0x02, 0x01] => vec![0x81, 0x80, 0xd7, 0xfe, 0x65, 0x66, 0xc7, 0xfe, 0x65, 0x66], |
| // ANY_GET_PARAMETER(index=4) |
| [0x81, 0x02, 0x04] => vec![0x81, 0x80, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x01], |
| [0x81, 0x01, 0x03, 0x02, 0xc0] |
| | [0x81, 0x01, 0x03, _, _, _] |
| | [0x81, 0x01, 0x01, _, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, _, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00] => vec![0x81, 0x80], |
| [0x81, 0x14, 0x02, 0x01] => vec![0x81, 0x80], |
| _ => { |
| error!("unimplemented HCI command : {:?}", packet.get_payload()); |
| unimplemented!() |
| } |
| }; |
| |
| self.send_data(nci::DataPacketBuilder { |
| mt: nci::MessageType::Data, |
| conn_id: nci::ConnId::StaticHci, |
| cr: 0, |
| payload: Some(bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(&response)), |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| |
| // Resplenish the credit count for the HCI Connection. |
| self.send_control( |
| nci::CoreConnCreditsNotificationBuilder { |
| connections: vec![nci::ConnectionCredits { |
| conn_id: nci::ConnId::StaticHci, |
| credits: 1, |
| }], |
| } |
| .build(), |
| ) |
| .await |
| } |
| |
| async fn dynamic_conn_data(&self, _conn_id: u8, _packet: nci::DataPacket) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] received data on dynamic logical connection", self.id); |
| todo!() |
| } |
| |
| async fn receive_data(&mut self, packet: nci::DataPacket) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] receive_data({})", self.id, u8::from(packet.get_conn_id())); |
| |
| match packet.get_conn_id() { |
| nci::ConnId::StaticRf => self.rf_conn_data(packet).await, |
| nci::ConnId::StaticHci => self.hci_conn_data(packet).await, |
| nci::ConnId::Dynamic(id) => self.dynamic_conn_data(*id, packet).await, |
| } |
| } |
| |
| async fn field_info(&mut self, field_status: rf::FieldStatus, power_level: u8) -> Result<()> { |
| if self.state.config_parameters.rf_field_info != 0 { |
| self.send_control(nci::RfFieldInfoNotificationBuilder { |
| rf_field_status: match field_status { |
| rf::FieldStatus::FieldOn => nci::RfFieldStatus::FieldDetected, |
| rf::FieldStatus::FieldOff => nci::RfFieldStatus::NoFieldDetected, |
| }, |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| } |
| self.send_control(nci::AndroidPollingLoopNotificationBuilder { |
| polling_frames: vec![nci::PollingFrame { |
| frame_type: nci::PollingFrameType::RemoteField, |
| flags: 0, |
| timestamp: (self.state.start_time.elapsed().as_micros() as u32).to_be_bytes(), |
| gain: power_level, |
| payload: vec![field_status.into()], |
| }], |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn poll_command(&mut self, cmd: rf::PollCommand) -> Result<()> { |
| trace!("[{}] poll_command()", self.id); |
| |
| if self.state.rf_state != RfState::Discovery { |
| return Ok(()); |
| } |
| let technology = cmd.get_technology(); |
| |
| // Android proprietary extension for polling frame notifications. |
| // The NFCC should send the NCI_ANDROID_POLLING_FRAME_NTF to the Host |
| // after each polling loop frame |
| // This notification is independent of whether Passive Observe Mode is |
| // active or not. When Passive Observe Mode is active, the NFCC |
| // should always send this notification before proceeding with the |
| // transaction. |
| self.send_control(nci::AndroidPollingLoopNotificationBuilder { |
| polling_frames: vec![nci::PollingFrame { |
| frame_type: match technology { |
| rf::Technology::NfcA => nci::PollingFrameType::Reqa, |
| rf::Technology::NfcB => nci::PollingFrameType::Reqb, |
| rf::Technology::NfcF => nci::PollingFrameType::Reqf, |
| rf::Technology::NfcV => nci::PollingFrameType::Reqv, |
| rf::Technology::Raw => nci::PollingFrameType::Unknown, |
| }, |
| flags: 0, |
| timestamp: (self.state.start_time.elapsed().as_micros() as u32).to_be_bytes(), |
| gain: cmd.get_power_level(), |
| payload: cmd.get_payload().to_vec(), |
| }], |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| |
| // When the Passive Observe Mode is active, the NFCC shall not respond |
| // to any poll requests during the polling loop in Listen Mode, until |
| // explicitly authorized by the Host. |
| if self.state.passive_observe_mode == nci::PassiveObserveMode::Enable { |
| return Ok(()); |
| } |
| |
| if self.state.discover_configuration.iter().any(|config| { |
| matches!( |
| (config.technology_and_mode, technology), |
| (nci::RfTechnologyAndMode::NfcAPassiveListenMode, rf::Technology::NfcA) |
| | (nci::RfTechnologyAndMode::NfcBPassiveListenMode, rf::Technology::NfcB) |
| | (nci::RfTechnologyAndMode::NfcFPassiveListenMode, rf::Technology::NfcF) |
| ) |
| }) { |
| match technology { |
| rf::Technology::NfcA => { |
| self.send_rf(rf::NfcAPollResponseBuilder { |
| protocol: rf::Protocol::Undetermined, |
| receiver: cmd.get_sender(), |
| sender: self.id, |
| power_level: 255, |
| nfcid1: self.state.nfcid1(), |
| int_protocol: self.state.config_parameters.la_sel_info >> 5, |
| bit_frame_sdd: self.state.config_parameters.la_bit_frame_sdd, |
| }) |
| .await? |
| } |
| // TODO(b/346715736) implement support for NFC-B technology |
| rf::Technology::NfcB => (), |
| rf::Technology::NfcF => todo!(), |
| _ => (), |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn nfca_poll_response(&mut self, cmd: rf::NfcAPollResponse) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] nfca_poll_response()", self.id); |
| |
| if self.state.rf_state != RfState::Discovery { |
| return Ok(()); |
| } |
| |
| let int_protocol = cmd.get_int_protocol(); |
| let rf_protocols = match int_protocol { |
| 0b00 => [rf::Protocol::T2t].iter(), |
| 0b01 => [rf::Protocol::IsoDep].iter(), |
| 0b10 => [rf::Protocol::NfcDep].iter(), |
| 0b11 => [rf::Protocol::NfcDep, rf::Protocol::IsoDep].iter(), |
| _ => return Ok(()), |
| }; |
| let sens_res = match cmd.get_nfcid1().len() { |
| 4 => 0x00, |
| 7 => 0x40, |
| 10 => 0x80, |
| _ => panic!(), |
| } | cmd.get_bit_frame_sdd() as u16; |
| let sel_res = int_protocol << 5; |
| |
| for rf_protocol in rf_protocols { |
| self.state.add_poll_response(RfPollResponse { |
| id: cmd.get_sender(), |
| rf_protocol: *rf_protocol, |
| rf_technology: rf::Technology::NfcA, |
| rf_technology_specific_parameters: |
| nci::NfcAPollModeTechnologySpecificParametersBuilder { |
| sens_res, |
| nfcid1: cmd.get_nfcid1().clone(), |
| sel_res, |
| } |
| .build() |
| .encode_to_vec()?, |
| }) |
| } |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn t4at_select_command(&mut self, cmd: rf::T4ATSelectCommand) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] t4at_select_command()", self.id); |
| |
| match self.state.rf_state { |
| RfState::Discovery => (), |
| RfState::ListenSleep { id } if id == cmd.get_sender() => (), |
| _ => return Ok(()), |
| }; |
| |
| // TODO(henrichataing): validate that the protocol and technology are |
| // valid for the current discovery settings. |
| |
| // TODO(henrichataing): use listen mode routing table to decide which |
| // interface should be used for the activating device. |
| |
| self.state.rf_state = RfState::ListenActive { |
| id: cmd.get_sender(), |
| rf_technology: rf::Technology::NfcA, |
| rf_protocol: rf::Protocol::IsoDep, |
| rf_interface: nci::RfInterfaceType::IsoDep, |
| }; |
| |
| // [DIGITAL] 14.6.2 RATS Response (Answer To Select) |
| // Construct the response from the values passed in the configuration |
| // parameters. The TL byte is excluded from the response. |
| let mut rats_response = vec![ |
| 0x78, // TC(1), TB(1), TA(1) transmitted, FSCI=8 |
| 0x80, // TA(1) |
| self.state.config_parameters.li_a_rats_tb1, |
| self.state.config_parameters.li_a_rats_tc1, |
| ]; |
| |
| rats_response.extend_from_slice(&self.state.config_parameters.li_a_hist_by); |
| |
| self.send_rf(rf::T4ATSelectResponseBuilder { |
| receiver: cmd.get_sender(), |
| sender: self.id, |
| power_level: 255, |
| rats_response, |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| |
| info!("[{}] RF_INTF_ACTIVATED_NTF", self.id); |
| info!(" DiscoveryID: {:?}", nci::RfDiscoveryId::from_index(0)); |
| info!(" Interface: ISO-DEP"); |
| info!(" Protocol: ISO-DEP"); |
| info!(" ActivationTechnology: NFC_A_PASSIVE_LISTEN"); |
| info!(" RATS: {}", cmd.get_param()); |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::RfIntfActivatedNotificationBuilder { |
| rf_discovery_id: nci::RfDiscoveryId::from_index(0), |
| rf_interface: nci::RfInterfaceType::IsoDep, |
| rf_protocol: nci::RfProtocolType::IsoDep, |
| activation_rf_technology_and_mode: nci::RfTechnologyAndMode::NfcAPassiveListenMode, |
| max_data_packet_payload_size: MAX_DATA_PACKET_PAYLOAD_SIZE, |
| initial_number_of_credits: 1, |
| // No parameters are currently defined for NFC-A Listen Mode. |
| rf_technology_specific_parameters: vec![], |
| data_exchange_rf_technology_and_mode: nci::RfTechnologyAndMode::NfcAPassiveListenMode, |
| data_exchange_transmit_bit_rate: nci::BitRate::BitRate106KbitS, |
| data_exchange_receive_bit_rate: nci::BitRate::BitRate106KbitS, |
| activation_parameters: nci::NfcAIsoDepListenModeActivationParametersBuilder { |
| param: cmd.get_param(), |
| } |
| .build() |
| .encode_to_vec()?, |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn t4at_select_response(&mut self, cmd: rf::T4ATSelectResponse) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] t4at_select_response()", self.id); |
| |
| let (id, rf_discovery_id, rf_interface, rf_protocol) = match self.state.rf_state { |
| RfState::WaitForSelectResponse { |
| id, |
| rf_discovery_id, |
| rf_interface, |
| rf_protocol, |
| .. |
| } => (id, rf_discovery_id, rf_interface, rf_protocol), |
| _ => return Ok(()), |
| }; |
| |
| if cmd.get_sender() != id { |
| return Ok(()); |
| } |
| |
| self.state.rf_state = RfState::PollActive { |
| id, |
| rf_protocol: self.state.rf_poll_responses[rf_discovery_id].rf_protocol, |
| rf_technology: self.state.rf_poll_responses[rf_discovery_id].rf_technology, |
| rf_interface, |
| }; |
| |
| // Save the activation parameters for the RF frame interface |
| // implementation. Note: TL is not included in the RATS response |
| // and needs to be added manually to the activation parameters. |
| self.state.rf_activation_parameters = vec![cmd.get_rats_response().len() as u8]; |
| self.state.rf_activation_parameters.extend_from_slice(cmd.get_rats_response()); |
| |
| info!("[{}] RF_INTF_ACTIVATED_NTF", self.id); |
| info!(" DiscoveryID: {:?}", nci::RfDiscoveryId::from_index(rf_discovery_id)); |
| info!(" Interface: {:?}", rf_interface); |
| info!(" Protocol: {:?}", rf_protocol); |
| info!(" ActivationTechnology: NFC_A_PASSIVE_POLL"); |
| info!(" RATS: {:?}", cmd.get_rats_response()); |
| |
| self.send_control(nci::RfIntfActivatedNotificationBuilder { |
| rf_discovery_id: nci::RfDiscoveryId::from_index(rf_discovery_id), |
| rf_interface, |
| rf_protocol: rf_protocol.into(), |
| activation_rf_technology_and_mode: nci::RfTechnologyAndMode::NfcAPassivePollMode, |
| max_data_packet_payload_size: MAX_DATA_PACKET_PAYLOAD_SIZE, |
| initial_number_of_credits: 1, |
| rf_technology_specific_parameters: self.state.rf_poll_responses[rf_discovery_id] |
| .rf_technology_specific_parameters |
| .clone(), |
| data_exchange_rf_technology_and_mode: nci::RfTechnologyAndMode::NfcAPassivePollMode, |
| data_exchange_transmit_bit_rate: nci::BitRate::BitRate106KbitS, |
| data_exchange_receive_bit_rate: nci::BitRate::BitRate106KbitS, |
| // TODO(hchataing) the activation parameters should be empty |
| // when the RF frame interface is used, since the protocol |
| // activation is managed by the DH. |
| activation_parameters: nci::NfcAIsoDepPollModeActivationParametersBuilder { |
| rats_response: cmd.get_rats_response().clone(), |
| } |
| .build() |
| .encode_to_vec()?, |
| }) |
| .await?; |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn data_packet(&mut self, data: rf::Data) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] data_packet()", self.id); |
| |
| match (self.state.rf_state, data.get_protocol()) { |
| ( |
| RfState::PollActive { |
| id, rf_technology, rf_protocol: rf::Protocol::IsoDep, .. |
| }, |
| rf::Protocol::IsoDep, |
| ) |
| | ( |
| RfState::ListenActive { |
| id, rf_technology, rf_protocol: rf::Protocol::IsoDep, .. |
| }, |
| rf::Protocol::IsoDep, |
| ) if data.get_sender() == id && data.get_technology() == rf_technology => { |
| self.send_data(nci::DataPacketBuilder { |
| mt: nci::MessageType::Data, |
| conn_id: nci::ConnId::StaticRf, |
| cr: 1, // TODO(henrichataing): credit based control flow |
| payload: Some(bytes::Bytes::copy_from_slice(data.get_data())), |
| }) |
| .await |
| } |
| (RfState::PollActive { id, .. }, _) | (RfState::ListenActive { id, .. }, _) |
| if id != data.get_sender() => |
| { |
| warn!("[{}] ignored RF data packet sent from an un-selected device", self.id); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| (RfState::PollActive { .. }, _) | (RfState::ListenActive { .. }, _) => { |
| unimplemented!("unsupported combination of technology and protocol") |
| } |
| (_, _) => { |
| warn!("[{}] ignored RF data packet received in inactive state", self.id); |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| async fn deactivate_notification(&mut self, cmd: rf::DeactivateNotification) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] deactivate_notification()", self.id); |
| |
| use rf::DeactivateType::*; |
| |
| let mut next_state = match (self.state.rf_state, cmd.get_type_()) { |
| (RfState::PollActive { id, .. }, IdleMode) if id == cmd.get_sender() => RfState::Idle, |
| (RfState::PollActive { id, .. }, SleepMode | SleepAfMode) if id == cmd.get_sender() => { |
| RfState::WaitForHostSelect |
| } |
| (RfState::PollActive { id, .. }, Discovery) if id == cmd.get_sender() => { |
| RfState::Discovery |
| } |
| (RfState::ListenSleep { id, .. }, IdleMode) if id == cmd.get_sender() => RfState::Idle, |
| (RfState::ListenSleep { id, .. }, Discovery) if id == cmd.get_sender() => { |
| RfState::Discovery |
| } |
| (RfState::ListenActive { id, .. }, IdleMode) if id == cmd.get_sender() => RfState::Idle, |
| (RfState::ListenActive { id, .. }, SleepMode | SleepAfMode) |
| if id == cmd.get_sender() => |
| { |
| RfState::ListenSleep { id } |
| } |
| (RfState::ListenActive { id, .. }, Discovery) if id == cmd.get_sender() => { |
| RfState::Discovery |
| } |
| (_, _) => self.state.rf_state, |
| }; |
| |
| // Update the state now to prevent interface activation from |
| // completing if a remote device is being selected. |
| (next_state, self.state.rf_state) = (self.state.rf_state, next_state); |
| |
| // Deactivate the active RF interface if applicable. |
| if next_state != self.state.rf_state { |
| self.field_info(rf::FieldStatus::FieldOff, 255).await?; |
| self.send_control(nci::RfDeactivateNotificationBuilder { |
| deactivation_type: cmd.get_type_().into(), |
| deactivation_reason: cmd.get_reason().into(), |
| }) |
| .await? |
| } |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn receive_rf(&mut self, packet: rf::RfPacket) -> Result<()> { |
| use rf::RfPacketChild::*; |
| |
| match packet.specialize() { |
| PollCommand(cmd) => self.poll_command(cmd).await, |
| FieldInfo(cmd) => self.field_info(cmd.get_field_status(), cmd.get_power_level()).await, |
| NfcAPollResponse(cmd) => self.nfca_poll_response(cmd).await, |
| // [NCI] 5.2.2 State RFST_DISCOVERY |
| // If discovered by a Remote NFC Endpoint in Listen mode, once the |
| // Remote NFC Endpoint has established any underlying protocol(s) needed |
| // by the configured RF Interface, the NFCC SHALL send |
| // RF_INTF_ACTIVATED_NTF (Listen Mode) to the DH and the state is |
| // changed to RFST_LISTEN_ACTIVE. |
| T4ATSelectCommand(cmd) => self.t4at_select_command(cmd).await, |
| T4ATSelectResponse(cmd) => self.t4at_select_response(cmd).await, |
| SelectCommand(_) => unimplemented!(), |
| DeactivateNotification(cmd) => self.deactivate_notification(cmd).await, |
| Data(cmd) => self.data_packet(cmd).await, |
| _ => unimplemented!(), |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Activity for activating an RF interface for a discovered device. |
| /// |
| /// The method send a notification when the interface is successfully |
| /// activated, or when the device activation fails. |
| /// |
| /// * `rf_discovery_id` - index of the discovered device |
| /// * `rf_interface` - interface to activate |
| /// |
| /// The RF state is changed to WaitForSelectResponse when |
| /// the select command is successfully sent. |
| async fn activate_poll_interface( |
| &mut self, |
| rf_discovery_id: usize, |
| rf_protocol: nci::RfProtocolType, |
| rf_interface: nci::RfInterfaceType, |
| ) -> Result<()> { |
| info!("[{}] activate_poll_interface({:?})", self.id, rf_interface); |
| |
| let rf_technology = self.state.rf_poll_responses[rf_discovery_id].rf_technology; |
| match (rf_protocol, rf_technology) { |
| (nci::RfProtocolType::T2t, rf::Technology::NfcA) => { |
| self.send_rf(rf::SelectCommandBuilder { |
| sender: self.id, |
| receiver: self.state.rf_poll_responses[rf_discovery_id].id, |
| technology: rf::Technology::NfcA, |
| power_level: 255, |
| protocol: rf::Protocol::T2t, |
| }) |
| .await? |
| } |
| (nci::RfProtocolType::IsoDep, rf::Technology::NfcA) => { |
| self.send_rf(rf::T4ATSelectCommandBuilder { |
| sender: self.id, |
| receiver: self.state.rf_poll_responses[rf_discovery_id].id, |
| power_level: 255, |
| // [DIGITAL] The FSD supported by the |
| // Reader/Writer SHALL be FSD T4AT,MIN |
| // (set to 256 in Appendix B.6). |
| param: 0x80, |
| }) |
| .await? |
| } |
| (nci::RfProtocolType::NfcDep, rf::Technology::NfcA) => { |
| self.send_rf(rf::NfcDepSelectCommandBuilder { |
| sender: self.id, |
| receiver: self.state.rf_poll_responses[rf_discovery_id].id, |
| power_level: 255, |
| technology: rf::Technology::NfcA, |
| lr: 0, |
| }) |
| .await? |
| } |
| _ => todo!(), |
| } |
| |
| self.state.rf_state = RfState::WaitForSelectResponse { |
| id: self.state.rf_poll_responses[rf_discovery_id].id, |
| rf_discovery_id, |
| rf_interface, |
| rf_protocol: rf_protocol.into(), |
| rf_technology, |
| }; |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| async fn run_until<O>(&mut self, future: impl Future<Output = O>) -> Result<O> { |
| let mut future = pin!(future); |
| loop { |
| tokio::select! { |
| packet = self.nci_stream.next() => { |
| let packet = packet.ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("nci channel closed"))??; |
| let header = nci::PacketHeader::parse(&packet[0..3])?; |
| match header.get_mt() { |
| nci::MessageType::Data => { |
| self.receive_data(nci::DataPacket::parse(&packet)?).await? |
| } |
| nci::MessageType::Command => { |
| self.receive_command(nci::ControlPacket::parse(&packet)?).await? |
| } |
| mt => { |
| return Err(anyhow::anyhow!( |
| "unexpected message type {:?} in received NCI packet", |
| mt |
| )) |
| } |
| } |
| }, |
| rf_packet = self.rf_rx.recv() => { |
| self.receive_rf( |
| rf_packet.ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("rf_rx channel closed"))?, |
| ) |
| .await? |
| }, |
| output = &mut future => break Ok(output) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Timer handler method. This function is invoked at regular interval |
| /// on the NFCC instance and is used to drive internal timers. |
| async fn tick(&mut self) -> Result<()> { |
| if self.state.rf_state != RfState::Discovery { |
| return Ok(()); |
| } |
| |
| //info!("[{}] poll", self.id); |
| |
| // [NCI] 5.2.2 State RFST_DISCOVERY |
| // |
| // In this state the NFCC stays in Poll Mode and/or Listen Mode (based |
| // on the discovery configuration) until at least one Remote NFC |
| // Endpoint is detected or the RF Discovery Process is stopped by |
| // the DH. |
| // |
| // The following implements the Poll Mode Discovery, Listen Mode |
| // Discover is implicitly implemented in response to poll and |
| // select commands. |
| |
| // RF Discovery is ongoing and no peer device has been discovered |
| // so far. Send a RF poll command for all enabled technologies. |
| self.state.rf_poll_responses.clear(); |
| for configuration in self.state.discover_configuration.iter() { |
| self.send_rf(rf::PollCommandBuilder { |
| sender: self.id, |
| receiver: u16::MAX, |
| protocol: rf::Protocol::Undetermined, |
| technology: match configuration.technology_and_mode { |
| nci::RfTechnologyAndMode::NfcAPassivePollMode => rf::Technology::NfcA, |
| nci::RfTechnologyAndMode::NfcBPassivePollMode => rf::Technology::NfcB, |
| nci::RfTechnologyAndMode::NfcFPassivePollMode => rf::Technology::NfcF, |
| nci::RfTechnologyAndMode::NfcVPassivePollMode => rf::Technology::NfcV, |
| _ => continue, |
| }, |
| power_level: 255, |
| payload: Some(bytes::Bytes::new()), |
| }) |
| .await? |
| } |
| |
| // Wait for poll responses to return. |
| self.run_until(time::sleep(Duration::from_millis(POLL_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT))).await?; |
| |
| // Check if device was activated in Listen mode during |
| // the poll interval, or if the discovery got cancelled. |
| if self.state.rf_state != RfState::Discovery || self.state.rf_poll_responses.is_empty() { |
| return Ok(()); |
| } |
| |
| // While polling, if the NFCC discovers just one Remote NFC Endpoint |
| // that supports just one protocol, the NFCC SHALL try to automatically |
| // activate it. The NFCC SHALL first establish any underlying |
| // protocol(s) with the Remote NFC Endpoint that are needed by the |
| // configured RF Interface. On completion, the NFCC SHALL activate the |
| // RF Interface and send RF_INTF_ACTIVATED_NTF (Poll Mode) to the DH. |
| // At this point, the state is changed to RFST_POLL_ACTIVE. If the |
| // protocol activation is not successful, the NFCC SHALL send |
| // CORE_GENERIC_ERROR_NTF to the DH with status |
| // RFST_DISCOVERY state. |
| if self.state.rf_poll_responses.len() == 1 { |
| let rf_protocol = self.state.rf_poll_responses[0].rf_protocol.into(); |
| let rf_interface = self.state.select_interface(RfMode::Poll, rf_protocol); |
| return self.activate_poll_interface(0, rf_protocol, rf_interface).await; |
| } |
| |
| debug!("[{}] received {} poll response(s)", self.id, self.state.rf_poll_responses.len()); |
| |
| // While polling, if the NFCC discovers more than one Remote NFC |
| // Endpoint, or a Remote NFC Endpoint that supports more than one RF |
| // Protocol, it SHALL start sending RF_DISCOVER_NTF messages to the DH. |
| // At this point, the state is changed to RFST_W4_ALL_DISCOVERIES. |
| self.state.rf_state = RfState::WaitForHostSelect; |
| let last_index = self.state.rf_poll_responses.len() - 1; |
| for (index, response) in self.state.rf_poll_responses.clone().iter().enumerate() { |
| self.send_control(nci::RfDiscoverNotificationBuilder { |
| rf_discovery_id: nci::RfDiscoveryId::from_index(index), |
| rf_protocol: response.rf_protocol.into(), |
| rf_technology_and_mode: match response.rf_technology { |
| rf::Technology::NfcA => nci::RfTechnologyAndMode::NfcAPassivePollMode, |
| rf::Technology::NfcB => nci::RfTechnologyAndMode::NfcBPassivePollMode, |
| _ => todo!(), |
| }, |
| rf_technology_specific_parameters: response |
| .rf_technology_specific_parameters |
| .clone(), |
| notification_type: if index == last_index { |
| nci::DiscoverNotificationType::LastNotification |
| } else { |
| nci::DiscoverNotificationType::MoreNotifications |
| }, |
| }) |
| .await? |
| } |
| |
| Ok(()) |
| } |
| |
| /// Main NFCC instance routine. |
| pub async fn run( |
| id: u16, |
| nci_stream: nci::StreamRefMut<'a>, |
| nci_writer: nci::Writer, |
| rf_rx: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<rf::RfPacket>, |
| rf_tx: mpsc::UnboundedSender<rf::RfPacket>, |
| ) -> Result<()> { |
| // Local controller state. |
| let mut nfcc = Controller::new(id, nci_stream, nci_writer, rf_rx, rf_tx); |
| |
| // Timer for tick events. |
| let mut timer = time::interval(Duration::from_millis(1000)); |
| |
| loop { |
| nfcc.run_until(timer.tick()).await?; |
| nfcc.tick().await?; |
| } |
| } |
| } |