| little_endian_packets |
| |
| /// The specification of RF packets is based on the following specifications: |
| /// - [DIGITAL] Digital Protocol Technical Specification Version 2.3 |
| /// - [ACTIVITY] Activity Technical Specification Version 2.2 |
| /// - [NCI] NFC Controller Interface Technical Specification Version 2.2 |
| /// |
| /// [ACTIVITY] describes the state machines for compliant NFC devices in Poll |
| /// or Listen mode. [DIGITAL] provides the format for packet exchanged |
| /// during the device Discovery and Activation as defined in [ACTIVITY]. |
| |
| /// Technology used for this message. |
| /// The values are taken from [NCI] Table 130: RF Technologies. |
| enum Technology : 8 { |
| NFC_A = 0, |
| NFC_B = 1, |
| NFC_F = 2, |
| NFC_V = 3, |
| RAW = 0x7, |
| } |
| |
| /// Protocol used for data exchange. |
| /// The values are taken from [NCI] Table 133: RF Protocol. |
| /// The following table presents the compatible protocols |
| /// for the technology and platform being used. |
| /// |
| /// | Technology | Platform | Protocol | |
| /// +------------+----------+----------+ |
| /// | NFC-A | T2T | T2T | |
| /// | | T4AT | ISO-DEP | |
| /// | | - | NFC-DEP | |
| /// | NFC-B | T4BT | ISO-DEP | |
| /// | NFC-F | T3T | T3T | |
| /// | NFC-V | T5T | T5T | |
| enum Protocol : 8 { |
| T1T = 1, |
| T2T = 2, |
| T3T = 3, |
| ISO_DEP = 4, |
| NFC_DEP = 5, |
| T5T = 6, |
| NDEF = 7, |
| } |
| |
| /// Type of packets being sent. |
| /// These packet types abstract the frames specified in [DIGITAL] |
| /// for each technology and protocol. Packets are grouped by activity |
| /// as specified by [ACTIVITY]: |
| /// - DATA is used for the Data Exchange activity |
| /// - POLL_COMMAND, POLL_RESPONSE are used for the Technology Detection and |
| /// Collision Resolution activities |
| /// - SELECT_COMMAND, SELECT_RESPONSE are used for the Device Activation activity |
| /// - DEACTIVATE_NOTIFICATION is used for the Device Deactivation activity |
| enum RfPacketType : 8 { |
| DATA = 0, |
| FIELD_INFO = 6, |
| } |
| |
| /// The definition of packets does not aim to reproduce the exact protocol |
| /// frames from [DIGITAL] or the exact state machines from [ACTIVITY], |
| /// but summarizes the information for singular activities that will be visible |
| /// to the Device Host. |
| packet RfPacket { |
| sender: 16, |
| receiver: 16, |
| technology: Technology, |
| protocol : Protocol, |
| packet_type: RfPacketType, |
| // Power level from 0-12 with higher numbers representing stronger field strength. |
| // OxFF represents an unknown or invalid value. |
| power_level: 8, |
| _payload_, |
| } |
| |
| /// Command to probe for Listeners: |
| /// - ALL_REQ Command or SENS_REQ Command for NFC-A |
| /// - ALLB_REQ Command or SENSB_REQ Command for NFC-B |
| /// - SENSF_REQ Command for NFC-F |
| /// - INVENTORY_REQ Command for NFC-V |
| /// - ATR_REQ Command for NFC-ACM |
| packet PollCommand : RfPacket (packet_type = POLL_COMMAND) { |
| _payload_, |
| } |
| |
| /// Whether the RF field of the tag is currently on or off |
| /// as defined by RF_FIELD_INFO_NTF |
| enum FieldStatus : 8 { |
| FieldOff = 0, |
| FieldOn = 1, |
| } |
| |
| packet FieldInfo : RfPacket (packet_type = FIELD_INFO) { |
| field_status: FieldStatus, |
| } |
| |
| /// Poll response for an NFC-A Listener. |
| /// Combines information from the SENS_RES Response and the SEL_RES Response. |
| /// Cf [DIGITAL] 6.6.3 SENS_RES Response, [DIGITAL] 6.8.2 SEL_RES Response. |
| packet NfcAPollResponse : RfPacket (technology = NFC_A, packet_type = POLL_RESPONSE) { |
| // Cf [DIGITAL] Requirements 25: NFCID1 |
| // - **** _The NFCID1 can be dynamically generated by the NFC Forum |
| // Device. If it is dynamically generated by the NFC Forum |
| // Device, the length of the NFCID1 SHALL be limited to 4 bytes._ |
| // - **** _A dynamically generated NFCID1 SHALL be generated whenever |
| // the NFC Forum Device enters the IDLE State of the Listen Mode state |
| // machine (specified in [ACTIVITY]) from any of the following States: |
| // - **** _The nfcid1[0] for a single-size NFCID1 SHALL be coded as |
| // specified in Table 17._ |
| // - **** _The Listener SHALL set nfcid1[0] of a single-size NFCID1 |
| // and nfcid1[3] of a double-size NFCID1 to a value not equal to 88h._ |
| _size_ (nfcid1) : 8, |
| nfcid1 : 8[], |
| // Cf [DIGITAL] Table 20: SEL_RES Response Format |
| // - `00b`: Configured for Type 2 Tag Platform |
| // - `01b`: Configured for Type 4A Tag Platform |
| // - `10b`: Configured for the NFC-DEP Protocol |
| // - `11b`: Configured for the NFC-DEP Protocol and Type 4A Tag Platform |
| int_protocol : 2, |
| _reserved_ : 6, |
| // Cf [DIGITAL] Table 10: Byte 1 of SENS_RES (Anticollision Information) |
| bit_frame_sdd: 8, |
| } |
| |
| /// Select command for an NFC-A Listener using ISO-DEP protocol (Type-4A Tag platform). |
| /// Contains information from the RATS Command. |
| /// Cf [DIGITAL] 14.6.1 RATS Command. |
| packet T4ATSelectCommand : RfPacket (technology = NFC_A, protocol = ISO_DEP, packet_type = SELECT_COMMAND) { |
| // Cf [DIGITAL] Table 55: RATS Parameter Byte (PARAM) Format |
| param : 8, |
| } |
| |
| /// Select response for an NFC-A Listener using ISO-DEP protocol (Type-4A Tag platform). |
| /// Contains information from the RATS Response. |
| /// Cf [DIGITAL] 14.6.2 RATS Response (Answer To Select). |
| packet T4ATSelectResponse : RfPacket (technology = NFC_A, protocol = ISO_DEP, packet_type = SELECT_RESPONSE) { |
| // Cf [DIGITAL] Table 58: RATS Response Format |
| // `rats_response` contains all the bytes from the RATS Response, starting |
| // from and including Byte 2. |
| _size_(rats_response) : 8, |
| rats_response : 8[], |
| } |
| |
| /// Select command for an NFC-A Listener using NFC-DEP protocol. |
| /// Contains information from the PSL_REQ Command. |
| /// Cf [DIGITAL] 17.7.1 PSL_REQ Command. |
| packet NfcDepSelectCommand : RfPacket (protocol = NFC_DEP, packet_type = SELECT_COMMAND) { |
| // Cf [DIGITAL] Table 95: FSL Format |
| lr : 2, |
| _reserved_ : 6, |
| } |
| |
| /// Select response for an NFC-A Listener using NFC-DEP protocol. |
| /// Contains information from the ATR_RES Response and PSL_RES Response. |
| /// Cf [DIGITAL] 17.6.3 ATR_RES Response, [DIGITAL] 17.7.2 PSL_RES Response. |
| packet NfcDepSelectResponse : RfPacket (protocol = NFC_DEP, packet_type = SELECT_RESPONSE) { |
| // Cf [DIGITAL] Table 87: ATR_RES Response Format |
| _size_(atr_response) : 8, |
| atr_response : 8[], |
| } |
| |
| /// Command to select and activate a polled Listener. |
| /// The Listener is uniquely identified by the `sender` identifier |
| /// of the PollResponse packet. |
| /// The protocol field selects the activated protocol. Valid protocols are |
| /// determined by the technology and supported protocols of the Listener. |
| /// |
| /// TODO: this command combines device selection and protocol activation. |
| /// When using the RF Frame interface the protocol activation is handled |
| /// by the DH. This interface will need to be changed to support DH protocol |
| /// activation. |
| packet SelectCommand : RfPacket (packet_type = SELECT_COMMAND) { |
| } |
| |
| /// Deactivation types. |
| /// The values are taken from [NCI] Table 80: Deactivation Types. |
| enum DeactivateType : 8 { |
| IDLE_MODE = 0x00, |
| SLEEP_MODE = 0x01, |
| SLEEP_AF_MODE = 0x02, |
| DISCOVERY = 0x03, |
| } |
| |
| /// Deactivation reason. |
| /// The values are taken from [NCI] Table 81: Deactivation Reasons. |
| enum DeactivateReason : 8 { |
| DH_REQUEST = 0, |
| RF_LINK_LOSS = 2, |
| NFC_B_BAD_AFI = 3, |
| } |
| |
| /// Command to deactivate a selected Listener: |
| /// - RLS_REQ Command or DSL_REQ Command for NFC-DEP |
| /// - DESELECT Command for ISO-DEP |
| /// - SLP_REQ Command for T2T |
| /// This command may also be sent spuriously by the emulator to notify |
| /// of a loss of link. |
| packet DeactivateNotification : RfPacket (packet_type = DEACTIVATE_NOTIFICATION) { |
| type_ : DeactivateType, |
| reason : DeactivateReason, |
| } |
| |
| /// Transmit data packets of the selected protocol. |
| /// Valid protocols are determined by the technology and supported |
| /// protocols of the Listener. |
| packet Data : RfPacket (packet_type = DATA) { |
| data : 8[], |
| } |